I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 745 742 Complete Story

Chapter 745 742. Complete story

Being able to remember the order of shooting incorrectly proves that Xu Xin was really nervous.

But this kind of thing...

According to Xu Xin’s own experience:

"When I start to be shameless, there will be no shameless person in the world."

"Morpheus" is a very dedicated actor with profound acting skills. In other words, it is not a problem at all for him to play "Morpheus".

From getting in the car to reading the lines at your own pace.

Only then did Xu Xin realize that sunglasses helped him a lot.

With these glasses and the character of "Morpheus", others don't have to worry about whether his expression is accurate.

Just make sure the lines are correct.

Therefore, the filming of the other party's scene, from the narration, to the close-up of the car, to the lip-syncing of "Nessun Dorma", went very smoothly, and was completed in less than two hours.

And these two hours were enough for Xu Xin to adjust.

Isn't it just shameless?

Our buddies can too.

As the saying goes, sows take maternity leave as long as they are brave.

When he filmed it for the fifth time, he finally admitted on the monitor that he had performed poorly.

So, after taking three more shots.

Among the eight times, I picked out the best version.

After confirming with Reyes that he would use this version, he looked up and saw his wife yawning there.

He immediately walked over speechlessly:

"I behaved badly?"

"No, it's pretty good."

"Stop being like this, I even saw you yawning."


There was a hint of embarrassment on Yang Mi's face, and then she whispered:

"Actually... it's just a bit raw, and I feel like a new actor. But you are a director, and you are not pursuing acting skills. Just a simple advertisement, it must be fine. There are specialties in the art industry, and they are the bosses, so I After all, you are considered an entry-level person. You, a little newbie, are of course incomparable in front of us. Just pass the test~"

Hearing this, Xu Xin couldn't accept it.

If his acting skills were up to par, it would be a fantasy.

After all, he is not a professional actor. If he really contributed some explosive acting skills, then he would be considered a ghost.

What's more... what my wife said is really right.

In an advertisement, people are looking for cars, but why are they looking for your acting skills?

If there is an opportunity to show off one's acting skills, it would be better to save one or two seconds for a close-up of the car.

So he stopped being serious and nodded:

"That's right... let's go and take some close-ups."


I can't say that I have lowered my requirements, but it is true that the total planned advertisement is just over one minute. If it weren't for the filming of outdoor scenes, it might have been completed this afternoon.

All the shots to be shot in the studio were completed in one afternoon. At night when it was still dark, everyone gathered in a restaurant to eat.

Although it must be admitted that "Morpheus" is a very dedicated actor on the set, but in private he is actually a very talkative person.

He gave Xu Xin a strong sense of familiarity. Regardless of his speech or his tone, it made people feel that this person was a very talkative and cheerful character.

Everyone had a great time chatting.

Then the topic inevitably turned to "The Matrix".

However, Xu Xin did not analyze the meaning of the play in front of one of the starring actors.

No need.

Everyone only talked about the new iterations of CG technology from "The Matrix", and how much hardship he endured when filming the fight scene with Keanu Reeves.

His lively laughter was indispensable during this period.

When talking about "The Matrix", it's impossible not to talk about another starring role.

But there wasn’t much to talk about.

After all, it's like a girl asks you out and you think she likes you, but turns out she's interested in your buddy.

Talking about Morpheus from "The Matrix", no problem.

But it would be rude to catch Neo asking this and that.

So when chatting with him, Xu Xin only knew that he smoked, liked to ride motorcycles, and even gave "Morpheus" a motorcycle. And he is a person who has no desires or desires.

that is all.

After finishing the meal, it was getting dark.

Everyone rushed to Universal Studios in separate cars.

When Xu Xin arrived, Margot Robbie had already put on makeup and was waiting there wearing a red dress.

He didn't look very nervous, but his eyes were always fixed on Xu Xin.

She learned this morning that her role would be increased.

For an actor who came from Australia to work in Hollywood, advertising for the Volvo brand was an excellent opportunity.

The only uncertainty is whether the film will be broadcast in North America or elsewhere.

If she were from North America, then the opportunity she got to "additional drama" would definitely be what many people dream of.

And Xu Xin is also looking for her.

Xu Xin raised his eyebrows in surprise when he saw the girl with heavy makeup but not gaudy, but rather charming.

The girl put on makeup and obviously looked better than yesterday.

He led Ai Qing directly to the other party:

"Your role has been changed, have you seen it?"

"I saw it, director! Thank you for giving me this opportunity!"

"Well, you're welcome. Don't be nervous for a while, just behave well. Reyes, let's go, take her to walk through the position first."

Saying that, Xu Xin nodded slightly to the girl:

"let's go."

Soon, several people came to a suitable location selected by Xu Xin.

Pointing to the transparent tape at his feet, Xu Xin began to tell her how to get there.

Margot Robbie is not a rookie. As a professional actor, this kind of advertising content of walking in a straight line and then waiting for the camera to give a close-up is obviously not difficult.

What's really rare is that she needs to know how to show off her beauty.

And how Xu Xin should use her.

So, Xu Xin called Reyes and temporarily installed a slide camera.

Started test shooting on this road.

After taking three shots in a row and finally finding the right angle, Xu Xin was still thinking about how to adjust it. Suddenly, a crew member walked up to Reyes and whispered something.

Reyes frowned, looked at Xu Xin and said:

"Director, I think we need to speed up a bit. The weather forecast says it will rain tonight. We still have about 2 hours left."

Xu Xin was stunned.


"Okay, let's take pictures of the car first."

With that said, he turned to Margot Robbie, nodded, and quickly returned to the set.

Soon, all departments were ready.

"Morpheus" also stood in his position.

The camera focused on the couple at the hotel door.

But no one shouted start.

This is what Xu Xin requested.

He needs to go out in the most natural state.

Therefore, this scene uses a fixed camera position. In order to find this natural state, Xu Xin did not need anyone to tell her to start, but gave this right to his wife.



"Should we buy a house in Los Angeles?"


"I want Kobe to be my neighbor. I knock on his door at 4 o'clock every day and ask him to train with me."

"are you crazy."

Hearing this, Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

And just when this feeling of laughter and tears was revealed, Yang Mi directly took his hand and walked forward.

As he walked, he joked and said:

"Isn't that what you said? You are even better at basketball than Kobe."


Following his wife's lead, he ignored the camera as much as possible.

The two of them walked out of the hotel door with extremely natural and brisk steps. Then naturally, Yang Mi lowered her head and took out the car card from her handbag and handed it over.


After receiving this reminder, Xu Xin immediately stopped moving.

He didn't move, Yang Mi didn't move, and even "Morpheus" who had his back to the two of them didn't move.

Then two staff members quickly came over carrying cameras and fill lights.

Reyes's voice sounded again:

"Get ready~"

Hearing this, Yang Mi, who was wearing a black dress, took a step back.

Xu Xin stayed put, and Reyes personally carried a camera and fixed it next to Xu Xin.

The position was just right to photograph Yang Mi’s abdomen, arms, and handbags.

Looking at the screen, he raised three fingers:

"Three, two, one...GO!"

Following Reyes' words, Yang Mi took another step, took out her car card from her handbag, and handed it over.


Close-up shot completed.

Then, Yang Mi stopped moving.

The camera was removed, and one was set up behind Xu Xin and Yang Mi. With the distance between them, the composition of "Morpheus" could just be captured. With Reyes' words, the shooting continued.

"Three, two, one, GO."

As soon as Reyes finished speaking, "Morpheus" turned around.

"Let me tell you why you're here."

After saying the lines in the standard "Morpheus" tone, he stopped talking.

"OK, change the props."

Following Reyes' words, the first staff member came over and helped the frozen Morpheus to take off the pair of legless glasses from his face and replace them with another pair.

The styles are the same, but the only difference is that only the left eye has a black reflective lens, while the right eye is covered with green cloth.

After replacing the glasses, Xu Xin squatted down directly.

In the reflection of Morpheus's sunglasses, only Yang Mi's figure remained.

This is true in both lenses.

"OK, director, it's your turn."

Following Reyes' words, Xu Xin stood up, still maintaining the same posture as before, while Yang Mi squatted down.

"Morpheus"'s lens also turned into the shadow of Xu Xin alone.

The left lens is also covered with green cloth.

"OK, the director and Yang are preparing for a close-up."

As the three people stared at each other, two cameras were set up next to Morpheus.

"You'll look at him and then at me, you know?"

Hearing his wife's words, Xu Xin nodded:


"Well, look at me first, then turn to look at him, and then look at me."


This time it took a little longer to set up because it was a close-up position.

After the installation was completed, following Reyes' instructions, Xu Xin first looked at Murphys, then at his wife, and then turned to look at Murphys.

"...You rebelled!"

Yang Mi was speechless.

"Oh, yes...CUT this section."

Acting novice Xu Sanjin quickly waved his hand and started over.

This time, he looked at Yang Mi first, then turned to look at Morpheus, and then turned to look at Yang Mi.

After he finished, before Yang Mi started, he asked Ai Qing to call the stage manager, and put transparent tape on the toes of his feet.

This prevents you from checking the footage you shot later. If you make a mistake, you can find your original position and use it.

Next is a close-up of Yang Mi.

Compared to Xu Xin, she is much more professional.

The way he moved his hands and feet showed a look of "who is this guy?"

And he was still confused one second, and the next second, he said to the camera:

"We're just here to get our cars..."

After filming this scene, Morpheus's lenses were replaced again.

This time, both lenses were covered with green cloth.

This is done to make it easier to cut out the images in the later stage, so that it can give the appearance of "the left eye of the sunglasses is one picture, and the right eye is another picture" that Xu Xin saw in the movie.

To put it bluntly, the lens on the left will be Yang Mi, and the lens on the right will be Xu Xin.

Next, the camera moved to the other side of the road.

The Volvo driver also got in the car.

The lens of the XC90 in the initial stage is wrapped in a green box, and there is also a stop sign wrapped in green cloth at a fixed position in the middle of the road.

The height is very short.

But it is tailor-made for drivers.

When the driver is driving from far to near, when the stop sign is no longer in sight, just step on the brakes.

When the time comes to the post-production stage, Xu Xin will use frame extraction techniques to remove half or even two-thirds of the frames during the parking time to ensure that the vehicle finally looks abruptly stationary.

It gives people a contradictory sense of unreality.

Next, Morpheus began to say the lines:

"The world of luxury blocks your eyes and makes you blind to the facts."

After he finished speaking, he made a guiding gesture.

Following this movement, Xu Xin and Yang Mi turned their heads together.

An obsidian black XC90 instantly stepped on the brakes and stopped in front of the two of them.

"OK, director, take a look, it's very good."

Following Reyes' words, Xu Xin, who had finished shooting all his own shots, quickly walked to the monitor.

This is actually the case for film shooting and advertising shooting.

It's not a linear narrative.

Rather, it is the post-production splicing of fragmented shots one by one.

For example, in this scene, everyone was busy switching cameras and staying still. In fact, it was all for the overall effect of the final advertisement.

As for the overall advertisement clip, in Xu Xin's simulation, he and Yang Mi came out of the hotel door and asked the doorman to get the car.

Yang Mi handed over the car deposit card, and the strange man "Morpheus" suddenly turned around and said to the two of them:

"Let me tell you why you are here. The world of luxury blocks your eyes and makes you blind to the facts."

When he spoke, Xu Xin and Yang Mi would look puzzled, as if they were asking each other:

"Who is this person?"

Then, Yang Mi tried to communicate with him:

"We just want our car back."

Then, Morpheus will hand over two different keys with each hand.

One key has a blue label and one has a red label.

He said to the two of them:

"Choose the blue key and you can continue to enjoy the feasting. Choose the red key and you will discover a completely different world of luxury."

Xu Xin glanced at the other party's hand and finally chose the red key.

Morpheus motioned the two of them to look back, and a 2012 Volvo XC90 arrived with a burst of thunder.

After the two got in the car, Xu Xin, who was driving, put his hand on the center console and muttered to himself:

"Is this real?"

In the back row, Morpheus suddenly appeared and told him:

"Of course, that's the truth."

Then he motioned to the two of them to look around and said:

“It’s as luxurious as you’ll see.”

Then caress the leather seats:

“It’s luxury you touch.”

Finally, he took out the disc tuner from his pocket:

"And this is the luxury you hear."

Then blow the tuner.

He began to sing "Nessun Dorma" with full emotion.

And amid this loud and full singing, under the high-altitude shots, where the cars passed by, the lights disappeared like bubbles, and the surrounding cars were overturned in mid-air.

"Agent Smith" who was chatting and laughing in the restaurant seemed to have discovered something, and pressed his earphones to start receiving instructions.

Finally, in the climax of Nessun Dorma, the whole world is turned upside down.

Then the screen fell into darkness, and Volvo's logo and the XC90's advertising slogan "Subvert your perception of luxury" appeared on the screen.

Then the screen switched again.

Morpheus disappeared, and Xu Xin stretched his head and slowly moved to the right.

Suddenly, the vehicle came to a complete stop.

A black cat said "meow" at the Volvo in the middle of the road and crossed the road.

On the right side of the road, the girl in the red dress smiled charmingly at the camera, leaving behind a back that arouses imagination and is full of charm.

Advertisement ends.

This is his whole idea.

But in actual shooting, it requires multiple shots to be interspersed and relies on post-production editing to complete the process.

After checking the footage he took, Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Okay. Except for the audio that needs post-correction, everything else is up to standard."

Hearing his words, Yang Mi breathed a sigh of relief next to her.

Okay, the whole day of shooting today went pretty smoothly.

Now the scenes between the two of them are all finished.


Her eyes fell on Margot Robbie, who had been waiting for her since the beginning of filming.

Girl in the red dress, it's your turn.

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