I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 746 743 The warmth of a foreign land

Chapter 746 743. The warmth of a foreign land



Xu Xin looked at the terrible weather that happened at the drop of a hat in silence, and muttered:

"Isn't this rain poisonous? It's almost..."

Yang Mi on the side also sighed and said:

"Indeed, it's raining a lot."

"Well, pouring... pouring... pouring... Bah! It's raining so hard!"


Although the two are already legally married.

After hearing her husband's words, she unconsciously took a step back.

My heart tells me to stay away from fools.

If it rains, I won’t be able to take pictures.

Reyes quickly went to confirm when the rain would stop.

It would be best if we finish filming tonight, otherwise we will have to spend an extra day's wages tomorrow.

His job was a contract job, not a one-man job, so he definitely wanted to finish filming as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, soon, his staff walked up to him with a mobile phone:

"BOSS, this rain is not expected to stop until 3 o'clock in the morning."

Subtext: It's time to get off work.

Reyes had no choice but to go to Xu Xin to discuss it.

"Director, my people said the rain won't stop until 3 o'clock. I think that's all we can do today."


Xu Xin's original intention was to wait.

Wait about half an hour and watch again.

But after hearing this, he didn't force himself to stay.

Nod directly:

"Okay, let's call it a day. Let's continue tomorrow night~"

After Yang Mi heard her husband's words, her lips moved slightly, as if she wanted to say something.

But in the end he chose to remain silent.

Originally, during dinner in the evening, seeing how fast the progress was, the couple discussed taking Nuannuan and Yangyang for a fun trip tomorrow.

Universal Studios is not just a movie location, it’s an amusement park.

Whether it is a Disney theme or a Jurassic theme park, it is very suitable for a family to enjoy.

I also made an appointment with Sister Mo.

But...work is important.

The worst case scenario is delaying our departure for a day.

So, everyone started to call it a day.

Although Margot Robbie had been waiting all night, there was nothing she could do because the weather was not good at the moment.

We can only wait until tomorrow.

So, at the critical moment before ten o'clock in the evening, everyone went back home.

In the car, Yang Mi yawned and lay down directly on the back seat, with her pillow on Xu Xin's lap.

Xu Xin habitually began to pat gently and said:

"What time should we get up tomorrow? By the way, have you bought your Disney tickets?"

Yang Mi was stunned:

"Are you going out tomorrow?"

"Yes, haven't you already made an appointment with Sister Mo?"

"What about advertising?"

"The commercial is in the evening, so we can play during the day without any delay. We have already promised to the Dabao and the second child, so it's better not to miss the date."


Yang Mi couldn't help laughing, and rubbed her husband's leg like a cat:

"Go to sleep when you get back, get up early and set off."


A night of silence.

Early the next morning, when Liu Momo looked at a family of four coming out of the hotel hand in hand, she drove the car herself and waited for Xu Xin to get in the car, then she complained helplessly:

"To be honest, I really don't want to go out with you two... I'm not at home to rest, so why should I be a light bulb~"

"You are the guide, and we have never been to Disney."

Xu Xin replied cheerfully.

Liu Momo shook her head helplessly, and after Sun Ting and Su Meng got into the commercial car, they walked directly to Disney.

Because of the rain last night, the weather in Los Angeles today is relatively cooler than yesterday.

Quite suitable for traveling.

Along the way, Liu Momo, who was driving, conscientiously acted as a tour guide, introducing Xu Xin and Yang Mi to the city's customs and customs.

From Disney, to the Walk of Fame, to all kinds of interesting things about Hollywood.

Apparently, she knew a lot of gossip.

After chatting all the way, we finally arrived at the entrance of Disney at almost 9 o'clock.

Nuan Nuan was attracted by the cartoon castle-like gate.

Perhaps Xu Xin's attention is more comprehensive.

He saw many people queuing up to enter the park.

Disney opens at 9 o'clock.

Xu Xin felt that he had arrived early enough, but looking at the long queue of adults and children outside, it was obvious... that there were many people with the same mentality as him.

After getting off the bus, Liu Momo took everyone to buy tickets according to the instructions on the sign.

In fact, she has never been to Disneyland before, and today is also her first time.

And just when Xu Xin took her wallet and followed Liu Momo to queue up to buy tickets among the staff's guidance, suddenly, a very familiar voice appeared in Xu Xin's ears:


Xu Xin turned his head subconsciously, and then was stunned:




He and Margot Robbie, who was wearing overalls, stared at each other in confusion.

Liu Momo in front was also a little puzzled.

Look at the blonde girl in front of you.

I thought it was quite beautiful.

"Director, why are you here...ah? Are you here to play?"

"Yes, I, my wife, my friend Liu Momo, and my children, we plan to go inside to play."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, Liu Momo stretched out his hand:

"Hello, just call me Molly."

"Hello, Miss Jasmine..."

Margot Robbie was a little surprised. After shaking hands with Liu Momo, she immediately looked at the people queuing in front.

There are quite a lot of people buying tickets.

Seeing this, she thought for a while and said directly to Xu Xin:

"Director, leave it to me. How many tickets do you need? I'll help you."

When she said this, her voice lowered a lot.

Xu Xin immediately showed a knowing smile and handed over his wallet:

"Five adults and two children."

"No, no, no, please. Welcome to Disney~"

Margot Robbie is also one of the diversion staff. She is outside the fence, while Xu Xin and Liu Momo are inside the fence.

After she refused Xu Xin's wallet, Xu Xin didn't even have a chance to be polite to her, so the girl put down what she was doing and went straight to the ticket sales point.

"Hey, you..."

Xu Xin was also speechless.

But he and Liu Momo still stepped back together, planning to get the tickets later and then give the money to others.

As the two walked, Liu Momo asked:


“The Lady in Red from Advertising.”

"Oh? What a coincidence that we can meet here?"

Xu Xin also had a bit of surprise on his face:

"Who says it isn't?"

When the two of them retreated to Yang Mi who was standing under the shade of a tree, when they mentioned this, Yang Mi was also shocked:

"What a coincidence?"

"Yeah, it's such a coincidence that she also works at Disney."

Yang Mi said with some confusion:

"The salary here is very high? I looked at her resume. She was already the protagonist of a TV series in Australia. After coming here, she also acted in an American TV series about stewardesses, and played one of the leading roles in it... …Why come back here?”

After hearing this, Liu Momo was more understanding and said:

"Because she is just a "NOBODY" in Hollywood."

He shrugged his shoulders and showed his usual look:

"Hollywood is the holy land in the hearts of actors all over the world. Let alone TV stars, if you look at the national treasure-level actors from various countries, they are actually all unknowns when they come here.

Besides, this is Los Angeles, and prices are among the highest in the world. Rent, actor training, body management, etc. all cost a lot of money.

Also, the tax rate for actors is very high, about 41 to 45 percent. In other words, for ten thousand dollars, they have to pay tax of four thousand five hundred dollars. In addition to the brokerage company's commission, the money that falls into their hands is basically gone except for rent and training fees. If you don't work, it's hard to survive. "

"So high? If you don't pay taxes..."

Before Yang Mi finished speaking, Liu Momo was happy:

"In the United States, you can offend the police, the FBI, and even the CIA overseas. But if you offend the IRS... God can't protect you. So we often see a group of people in movies trying their best to protect you. To avoid taxes, but absolutely no one dares not to pay taxes.”

Speaking of this, she added:

"Not even drug lords dare."

"Tsk tsk..."

While a few people were chatting, Margot Robbie over there had already come out with a few tickets.

Seeing Xu Xin and the others waiting under the shade of a tree, they walked over quickly:

"Director, here it is."

After handing over the ticket, she took out another bill that was similar to a bill, but not an ordinary bill:

"Director, this is the form for the guided tour service. You can play around with it after you go in... Can you give me your phone number? I will clear the traffic in a while and I will go to you. This kind of guided tour service can allow holders to You can avoid the trouble of queuing under the guidance of the tour guide. At the same time, there are many items that children cannot play. I know very well and can guide you to play in a while. "

Hearing this, Xu Xin's eyes lit up.

So, he temporarily suppressed the idea of ​​giving the money to the other party and nodded:

"Okay, then we'll wait for you?"

Margot Robbie smiled and nodded:

"Well! I need about 15 minutes. Director, you can fill in the ticket number here first, and I will stamp it for you. Can we contact you by phone later?"

"Okay. The phone number...sister Mo, can I leave it for you?"

He and Yang Mi use Global Mobile when going abroad and do not have fixed mobile phone numbers here. Global Communications will automatically generate a temporary mobile phone number in the country they arrive in.

So it is obviously much more convenient to keep Liu Momo.


Liu Momo exchanged mobile phone numbers with her, and Yang Mi had already filled in the ticket code and handed it to Margot Robbie.

In fact, Yang Mi knew in her heart that this girl was a bit unnecessary.

This kind of guided tour ticket... or VIP pass really wants to be filled in, why not just fill it out when buying the ticket?

Why do you have to take it and fill it in?

The purpose is also easy to analyze.

On the one hand, it is a favor. She knew with her toes that this kind of ticket must be a service that can only be enjoyed by paying money.

On the other hand... maybe it was the intention of leaving contact information to build a closer personal relationship, right?

I glanced at the girl...

Yang Mixin said her goal was to get her husband's phone number.

But...girl, don’t underestimate me.

Sister Mo is a giant Buddha.

After all, we are just passers-by to Hollywood, but she is an investor.

But she doesn't point it out.

On the contrary, I quite like this smart little girl.

After exchanging phone numbers, Margot Robbie said again:

"Director, you can just go in with your tickets now. The first security check is to open the package for inspection. This is the rule of Disneyland. Especially after the 911 incident, the security check is very strict. Please don't mind. After entering, the second The Daomen is the personnel diversion area. You can play freely and wait for me to find you."

"Okay, thank you."

Xu Xin thanked her sincerely.

Although the weather is cool today, it's not a hardship to play outside.

But who would refuse such service?

Soon, after saying goodbye to Margot, everyone walked towards Disneyland.

Margot, who was smiling, watched Xu Xin and the others leave, and immediately returned to the ticket office window. After going in first to stamp the next stamp, when she walked out, she saw a few people chatting on the staff rest chairs behind the ticket area. staff member.

She walked over quickly and found a guy who looked a little fat:

"Rudy, how about picking up the shift for me for the day?"

Fat guy Rudy asked speechlessly:

"Why? You've only been at work for less than half an hour."

"Just because I helped you get Sophia's phone number last time! You owe me a favor!"

"But Sophia cheated..."

"I told you many times, you need to lose weight!"

Following Margot Robbie's words, several colleagues nearby also laughed:

"Haha, yes, Rudy, if you lose weight soon, you might be bigger."

"It shouldn't be difficult to satisfy Sophia."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"You fucking bastards!"

Fat guy Rudy's face turned red, but he still stood up and muttered:

"At least introduce me to one more friend, otherwise I will suffer a loss..."

"Of course, of course, hurry up!"

"Why are you so anxious?"

"Because the director of the commercial I'm going to act in tonight is already in the park, and I don't want him to wait too long! That's a Volvo commercial! If I can get one more second of footage in the commercial, I might be able to leave this place. Live in a big house in Beverly Hills!”

Margot Robbie's words were met with a nonchalant shrug from Rudy:

"Stop dreaming, Margot, you belong in Disney."

"F @ck Disney! Thanks, man, I'm leaving. I'll arrange a date for you as soon as possible~ Bye, gentleman."

She took the VIP pass and left quickly.

Like a trapped bird that can't wait to get out of this place.

Margot Robbie arrived much faster than Xu Xin expected.

But she didn't know that after the family entered the garden, both Yang Mi and Liu Momo praised her highly.

Everyone has little thoughts.

But there are not many people who can really use it in the right place.

This girl is obviously one of them.

As for Xu Xin...he doesn't have so many ideas.

What he wanted to say has already been said by his wife and Sister Mo. He is just a passerby to Hollywood, but for the sake of saving the children from suffering, he doesn't mind giving this girl some green lights.

She paid for the tickets, no problem.

But after the commercial shooting is completed, of course I will prepare a red envelope for her that may not be generous, but is enough to express my feelings.

Reciprocity is a courtesy.

As for whether friendship can be established...

It depends on fate.

After everyone gathered together, she didn't have any idea of ​​promoting herself, but took the initiative to take on the tour guide business.

Buzz Lightyear, Lightning McQueen, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh...

These classic Disney projects made Nuannuan and Yangyang feel like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden, leaving behind a series of extremely happy smiles.

When children are happy, parents are happy.

So, at noon, when Yangyang was enjoying the "gas station burger", he had already sat on Robbie's lap.


There is nothing left to say.

All I can say is that it is natural for boys to kiss their aunts.

Who makes Aunt Robbie beautiful?

During lunch, Xu Xin also got to know this girl well.

I know that she was born in the countryside of Australia. She is an authentic farm girl. She has four children in her family, an elder brother, an elder sister, and a younger brother.

She is the third oldest.

I have wanted to be an actor since I was a child.

In order to learn acting skills as an actor, I worked three jobs a day to save for tuition. He starred in a TV series and a movie in Australia, and then came to Hollywood dissatisfied with the status quo.

Just last year, she filmed an American TV series about stewardesses, but it was a pity that the ratings were not high and it was canceled...

Talked a lot.

It started as a career, but as we chatted, it turned into life.

Unconsciously, she said a lot of words... words that perhaps only those who have truly left their homeland can relate to.

The homesickness on his face and the "do it or die" mood, everything was seen by everyone.

At the same time, this girl's optimistic, cheerful, and smart image has been imprinted in everyone's hearts little by little.

Especially Yangyang, especially kiss her.

He often hugged her legs and never let go... Fortunately, Yang Mi was not so angry that she had a heart attack.

Little bastard, at this young age you are already so good at it!

Is it okay to pay it back in the future?

I must have learned it from your dad! Your dad was also a bus driver before he met mom and me!


In the future, I will find you a daughter-in-law like my mother, who is capable of literature and martial arts. Let’s see how she handles you in the future!

When everyone was taking photos in the afternoon, Margot Robbie's figure remained in Xu Xin's camera as expected.

Not to mention anything else, the speed of development of our personal relationship, with children as the link, has increased rapidly.

After playing all day, everyone finally came out of Disneyland around 4 o'clock in the evening.

So, naturally, Xu Xin invited her to have dinner.

He even waited for her to change clothes.

The place to eat was found by Liu Momo. It was the most expensive restaurant in Los Angeles called PROVIDENCE.

In other words, there are too many things to do when eating in Los Angeles.

Even if the weather is hot, Xu Xin must put on a casual suit jacket to meet the dress code.

But this restaurant doesn't have any dress requirements for women.

It’s also strange.

And Margot Robbie seemed flattered to be able to come to this restaurant to eat.

Because she knows how expensive this Michelin restaurant, which is very famous in Los Angeles, is.

The minimum consumption per person starts at 400 to 500 US dollars.

I was slightly embarrassed for a while.

I'm afraid that the dress I'm wearing doesn't fit me.

But Xu Xin didn't have so many ideas.

Please, isn’t it just four to five hundred per capita?

People who don’t know think I can’t afford it.


Something expensive, something good, something soft.

After all, I still have two children.

Not to mention, Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang were indeed hungry after running around for a day.

Seeing the two children eating so deliciously, Xu Xin felt that the meal was worth even four to five thousand per person.

Finally, after finishing the meal before 8 o'clock, the total cost for six adults and two children was more than 3,000 US dollars.

Counting tips, I gave him four thousand.

After patting their butts and leaving, the family, including Liu Momo, came directly to the set.

Compared with the unfamiliarity yesterday, today Xu Xin looked at Margot Robbie who was starting to put on makeup and started to communicate with the makeup artist.

By the end of the day, although he didn't have as terrifying a talent as the old man, he more or less knew how to express this girl's beauty.

At 9 o'clock, the stunning girl who made everyone's eyes light up after seeing it comes online.

Margot Robbie looked a little shy, looking at everyone who smiled and nodded at her, and stood directly under the camera.

And she didn't lie.

Her acting skills honed in two American TV series and one movie allowed her to interpret the role of "The Girl in the Red Dress" with almost no effort.

After three times, Xu Xin had selected the most beautiful scene.

When she saw herself looking back and smiling on the monitor, the girl covered her mouth in surprise.

Apparently, she was also amazed by herself.

At this point, the commercial officially ends.

"Margot, we are going back to China the day after tomorrow. Come on, you are very talented in acting. I believe you will shine here."

This is Xu Xin's blessing to her.

When they finally parted, Liu Momo called out to her:

"Margot, let me take you back."

"Ah? Molly...have the director and others left already?"

Liu Momo nodded:

"Yeah. Let's go."

Hearing this, a trace of disappointment flashed across Margot's face.

However, I quickly sorted out my emotions:

"Okay, can I bring my agent with me?"


Soon, after getting into Liu Momo's car, everyone chatted along the way, and the car quickly arrived at her rented apartment.

"Thank you, Molly..."

"You're welcome...wait."

Seeing that she was about to get out of the car, Liu Momo took out an envelope directly from the controller.

This is why Xu Xin entrusted her to help send the girl back.

"This is a gift from Goethe and Young."


Looking at the girl's doubtful eyes, Liu Momo smiled slightly:

"Take it. I will contact you next time if I have any projects that I am interested in."


Margot Robbie nodded, and after getting out of the car with her agent, Liu Momo blew the horn and drove away.

After waving goodbye, she waited for the car to disappear around the corner before opening the envelope.

A stack of dollar bills and a note came into view.

The face value of each US dollar bill is one hundred.

very thick.

At least about three thousand.

But for no reason, Margot felt a little sad.

Although at first...she went for the director.

But at the end of the day, she really liked this family.

The kind who want to be friends.

But this money...

With a bit of disappointment, she took out the note and unfolded it.

Above are four lines of text.

The first line is Chinese characters.

She doesn't know him.

The second line is in English:

"The above is the address of our home. We look forward to your coming to China as a guest."

Margot was stunned.

Then he looked at the third line:

"Aunt Robbie, come on, may your faith bring hope to every tomorrow."

the last line:

"--Your friend, XUXIN, YANGMI."


Margot Robbie was silent and pursed her lips.

There is no reason...

She felt as if she understood the implicit romantic beauty of the Orientals.

It's not like the straight-forward approach here in the United States.

But it made her feel a long-lost warmth in a foreign country.

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