I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 747 744 To my best friend Jay Chou

Chapter 747 744. To my best friend——Jay Chou

After playing all day, we worked overtime in the evening, which made the family of four exhausted.

It had been a long time since Xu Xin had experienced the muddiness of sleeping from 11pm to 11am the next day.

Good news, all spirits have been restored.

The bad news is that you still have to work after you wake up.

All CG post-production will be produced here in the United States. At that time, everyone will use remote meetings to confirm the production and editing level of the commercial film, as well as fine-tuning.

This also means that Xu Xin's mission in the United States is over.

Not bad, it took four days in total.

There was no delay in eating, drinking and having fun, and the work was completed.

But Xu Xin was in no hurry to leave.

Everything was over. It was finally a trip to the United States, especially to Los Angeles, the mecca for filmmakers. Naturally, he wanted to take a stroll.

So, everyone gathered together and spent a whole day visiting places including the Avenue of Stars, which are places where almost all tourists will come to check in.

Especially on the Avenue of Stars, Yang Mi looked at the handprints of those world celebrities and suddenly asked Xu Xin:

"elder brother."


"You said... will our fingerprints stay here in the future?"

"have no idea."

Xu Xin shook his head honestly and looked at Wu Yusen's name at his feet, with no sign of yearning on his face.

I just asked my wife a somewhat doubtful question:

"Do you yearn for Hollywood?"


Yang Mi thought for a while and said:

"It's very exciting, but... I also understand that Hollywood is the Hollywood of the world, but it is also the Hollywood of the United States.

I think people of our generation have a deep understanding of the United States. Personally, if I can stage a Hollywood masterpiece, I will regard it as a personal honor.

However, if I were asked to make a career like Cheng Long and Li Lianjie, then I wouldn't be interested.

This is not my country or my home. I prefer to regard my love for art as the firewood that supports my hometown, making its flames burn even more fiercely! "


Xu Xin's cheeks twitched unconsciously.

He showed a strange expression.

Seeing this, Yang Mi asked in confusion:

"What's the matter?"


"Then why are you looking so strange?"

"Because you said what I said, I have nothing more to say."

Hearing this, Yang Mi asked curiously:

"You think so too?"


Xu Xin nodded.

That's exactly what he thought.

However, it is not as exaggerated as my wife regards it as an honor.

To put it bluntly, if you invest 30 to 50 million U.S. dollars, gnash your teeth, stomp your feet, and bleed a little, even if you want to star in a movie, it's a matter of hands.


It just depends on whether he wants to come and play, that's all.

Not as an honor, but as an experience.

Once you’ve experienced it, that’s it.

But he didn't say it.

Because after saying this, his wife will definitely say that she is a prodigal in the tone of "Are you sick?"

So, he just smiled slightly, took her hand, and crossed Wu Yusen's brick.

"Let's go buy some ice cream."

June 22nd.

The whole family returned home tired from jet lag.

For Xu Xin, the trip to the United States could not be said to have learned much, but it could be regarded as unlocking a new experience in life.

At least I have seen the industrial capabilities of Hollywood.

The most painful part after returning home is actually helping the children cope with jet lag.

The two ancestors were still awake at 2 o'clock in the morning.

I fell asleep at 8am and slept until 3pm.

Xu Xin's past two days were painful.

Fortunately, Liu Momo once again played the role of savior.

On the evening of the 23rd, Liu Momo made an overseas phone call, with a bit of sleepiness and exhaustion in his tone.

"Hey, it's done."

Xu Xin, who was also suffering from jet lag, looked happy:

"What did you say?"

"Ha...well. I didn't say much. She was surprised that I called her. After all, I haven't called her in so many years since we met. We only meet and chat occasionally during holidays.

Then I talked about "The Favorite". What I mean is that Headwind is a company that you and I founded together. The story of "Favorite" has now been handed over to Xiying Film Studio. Headwind attaches great importance to the Silk Road Journey film festival and its cooperation with Xiying Film and Shanghai Film.

She understood the nature of the matter and knew that she had also been used in this matter. The promise was quite pleasant, meaning he was an insignificant person and she didn't care. But..."


"After we finished talking, I called a friend and talked about this matter. Do you want to hear some gossip?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin asked subconsciously:

"Can you listen to this gossip...?"

"Well...can I explain it to you?"

"How to pass it on?"

"Just... there was one person who felt that another person was being too petty about something. After the incident happened, he personally called the other person and scolded the other person bloody. It's probably because you have to clear yourself up. s position.

What the other person did did made some people very dissatisfied, but because this person had a son, the merits and demerits were balanced. The future outcome may be that the child returns home and the person leaves on his own. And no high-profile actions are allowed..."


Xu Xin directly stopped the gossip that this sister shared with him.

No, I can't continue listening.


"You mean Zhang Ziyi is fine?"

"Yeah. Because this time, no one greeted her in advance. To put it bluntly, Zhang Ziyi's entry into the group does make you uncomfortable, but at the same time... I can't say it's offending, but this person understands that he is being used. But , she doesn’t plan to take care of it anymore. Just let Zhang Ziyi go to Yuntu."

"Okay, I understand."

"Are you still listening to the gossip?"

"If you don't listen, you won't listen, for fear of being silenced."

"Haha, it's not that exaggerated... Okay, I'll take a rest?"

"Hey, please rest, please rest. If nothing happens in the future, let's stop talking, sister..."

"Fuck you~hang up."


The phone hangs up.

Yang Mi, who had been eating fruit and listening to the phone, asked:

"Zhang Ziyi...is this a blessing in disguise?"

"It's hard to say. But... at least we're fine."

"Then give Brother Qi a call?"

"No, I'll go back to Xi'an tomorrow. The wheel happens to be there, so I'll talk about it then."


Yang Mi nodded, threw the apple core into the trash can, and wiped her hands:

"I'll pack your clothes for you."


Noon on the 24th.

Xu Xin got off the car at the door of the villa.

He also carried a cylinder specially used to hold paintings.

This is the painting he painted for Jay Chou.

After a year of creative work, the painting was finally completed.

He opened the door of the villa directly and entered the house. He heard the sound of a piano coming from the second floor of the villa.

Then there was the sound of slippers.

Da Nier's figure appeared at the top of the stairs.

"Brother Xu!"


Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Long time no see, Dani."

"Brother JAY, Brother Xu is here~"

The sound of the piano stopped, and soon, Jay Chou, who was wearing a vest and large pants, held on to the handrail of the stairs, smiled and waved his hand to Xu Xin:

"Hey, here we go~"

"...Brother, this seems to be my home, right?"

Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

"Hey, if you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. It turns out this is your home, but why do I have the key? It's strange."

Hearing this, Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

He handed him the cylinder in his hand:


Jay Chou had long noticed what was in his hand. After hearing these words, his eyes quickly lit up:


"Well, let's see if you like it."

There was no need for Xu Xin to continue talking. Jay Chou, who had already rushed down, directly took the cylinder, opened the protective cap, and pulled out all the paintings from the inside.

"So big, what size?"

"162X130. All I use are mineral pigments. The color alone costs nearly 40,000 yuan. Remember to reimburse me."

Jay Chou ignored him at all:

"Dani, come and help, Mengmeng, find something that can hold the corner down."

"Oh, alright."

Su Meng quickly took down a few handicrafts from the ancient display rack nearby.

And Jay Chou started to unfold it bit by bit.

When he saw his mother sitting sideways on the back of the sofa with a kind look on her face, his eyes lit up instantly.

The originally cautious unfolding movements also became rapid and violent.

When the 1.6-meter-long drawing was fully unfolded, his eyes began to shine.

First, point one.

Can't tell the genre.

Secondly, there is no way to define style at all.

The entire painting created by Xu Xin was based on that photo, without any intention of extension.

Whatever it looks like in the photo, it will look like in his painting.


It's not a photo.


For no reason, he recalled the conversation between his mother and him when he asked A Xin to draw.

“Of all the subjects in this world that can be defined as works of art, we need to maintain objectivity, distance, and authenticity to observe them.

Richter's greatness lies in the fact that while he accepted authenticity, he did not give up artistic composition in his paintings. Especially for his "photographic" paintings, the important thing is not the competitive relationship between the two.

Rather, he is seeking to get rid of the rigidity of traditional paintings and photographs, trying to integrate the two. It's like a fusion of classical music and modern music styles that complement each other. "

It can't be said to be instructive, but more like the memory he and his mother shared.

At this moment, after seeing this painting, he immediately felt... the whole painting came alive.

The mother in the portrait is moving.

When speaking, because she was a teacher, she always had the habit of using gestures to strengthen her words.

The mother in the painting still talks about her understanding of art in a gentle tone.

Her voice echoed in his mind.

And the self in the painting merges with the current self.

For a moment, I couldn't tell whether I was in the painting or outside the painting.

For a long time.

He didn't say a word.

But at some point, a bitterness filled my heart.

At first, he was happy.

He liked this painting very much.

really like.

This painting gave him the same feeling as watching "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" for the first time.

He was truly blown away when the Hogwarts mural came to life.

It's not about the awesome special effects, but... the empathy that comes with being an artist.

Just ask, if the portrait can really come to life, he really wants to know what the scene was like when Leonardo da Vinci painted the "Mona Lisa".

At this moment, this painting by his friend gave him the feeling that "my mother is living in the painting."

Although this feeling is a bit strange... because my mother has not left me.

But indeed, that's how he felt.

Joyful, amazing.

But maybe I like it too much, for no reason, a thought flashed in my mind.

Both mother and grandmother...are no longer young.

Although he knew it was unlucky to think so.


Gradually, this sadness filled my heart.

For a moment, he didn't know how to express this feeling.

And just then...

A hand was placed on his shoulder.

Xu Xin, who seemed to see something but seemed to see nothing at all, put her arm around his shoulder, looked at the painting and said:

"Actually, when I painted this painting, I more or less understood why paintings have become one of the most important treasures in the history of human art. Before cameras and cameras were invented, the moments they recorded were actually eternity. Every day A painting carries the eternal memory of the painter. It may be beautiful or sad... My ability is limited, but I still want to say that I hope you like it."


Jay Chou's heart trembled.

All the emotions turned into a deep feeling.


He just followed Xu Xin's position on his shoulders, rushed directly into his friend's arms, and gave him a big hug.

After patting Xu Xin's back hard twice, he suddenly asked:

"Have you named it yet?"

"No, it's better for you to do this kind of thing."


Jay Chou thought for a while, turned to Dani and said:

"Dani, bring me a pen."


Dani nodded and quickly rummaged through her bag to find a signature pen.

"Here, help me turn over gently..."

Following his instructions, one corner of the scroll was rolled up, and in order to prevent the painting from getting wrinkled, Jay Chou placed a book underneath.

Half squatting on the ground, he thought for a moment and wrote a line in the corner of the scroll:

"Art in Mother's Eyes" - Ms. Ye Huimei, being your son is my happiness.

After writing, his eyes sparkled.

He looked up at Xu Xin.

Needless to say, Xu Xin squatted next to him and took the signature pen.

After thinking about it, I wrote:

"Image artist: Xu Xin."

But it's not over yet.

After writing this line, he looked like he was thinking again.

Then start another line and write:

"To my dear friend, Jay Chou. It is my honor to create this painting for you and Ms. Ye Huimei. I wish Ms. Ye Huimei good health and a long life. May all my friends be safe and have everything they wish for."

After writing, he closed the pen cap and said with a smile:

"How about it? Okay?"

Jay Chou said nothing.

But after standing up, he opened his hands.


"Too much nonsense."

While talking, Jay Chou hugged him:

"Axin, thank you."


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