I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 748 745 Backbone

Chapter 748 745. Backbone

"But... what I don't understand is... Di Wei... doesn't she like girls?"

In the study room, Jay Chou asked curiously.

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Well, she's bi."

"Wow, is it for both men and women?"

After receiving the affirmation from his friend, Jay Chou's eyes widened in surprise.

"So exciting?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin stopped drinking tea.

Look around.


Dani and Mengmeng went to buy food, and there was no mole at the moment.

Although the old saying goes, don’t talk about people after others...

But he had an idea in his heart, and if he didn't share it, he would always feel panicked.

So, he said:

"Want to hear something more exciting?"


Jay Chou, who had just picked up the tea cup, his eyes lit up and he leaned forward.

expressed strong interest.

"how to say?"

"I have a guess."


The teacup was already at his lips, and Jay Chou nodded to express his attentive listening.

As soon as I raised my head, I heard my friend say:

"Tell me... what if Brother Seven attacks Lao Wang but suffers the consequences..."


"Oh my God!"

Subconsciously tilting his head, he avoided the sip of tea.

He looked at his friend dumbfounded:

"Are you crazy?"


Jay Chou is not crazy...but the expression on his face is almost crazy.

Wiping his mouth, he said somewhat foolishly:

"Did you see it with your own eyes?"

"...I really want to see it with my own eyes. Then I will tell you. Am I just guessing?"

Xu Xin was also shocked.

My heart says, brother, what is your brain circuit?

But Jay Chou suddenly showed a disgusted expression.

Obviously, he should have a picture in his mind.

"Wow, that's so disgusting."

As soon as he finished speaking, he seemed to have thought of something again, and turned to Xu Xin and said:

"You shouldn't be interested in this matter, right?"

"What a coincidence, are you interested too?"

"Wow!! How could you say such horrible things!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

While joking, Jay Chou put down his tea cup.

Shaking his head unconsciously:

"He probably wouldn't do such a thing."

"I don't know if he does it or not, but I know... we can't ask. If we ask him, he won't tell..."


"Hey Hey……"

Wang Sicong, who was unaware of his glorious image and had been distorted beyond recognition in the hearts of the two bastards, sneezed hard.

When talking about his friend's relationship, Xu Xin subconsciously asked about him and Kun Ling.

"How are you two doing?"

"That's great. I had always said that I would bring her over to get acquainted with each other again...but the paparazzi photos have been really fierce in the past few months, and I don't want to put so much pressure on her. She is not yet a minor, so we decided to Hiding it for a while. It’s a pity. If it weren’t for your movie, I would have asked everyone to go to France to celebrate her coming-of-age ceremony in August..."

"Will I be a light bulb for you?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Don't do this. She's an adult. You might end up fighting with her. What can we do if we go there?"

"Hey! Can you stop talking like this! What does it mean to be under fire? Can you say it more romantically?"

Jay Chou couldn't laugh or cry.

Xu Xin spread his hands:

"That's true. Does Ms. Ye know about her?"

"I mentioned it, but her opinion is that the relationship is between the two of us, and she will bless her. But what she hopes more is that I won't get hurt again, and I won't hurt others."

"...Why do I feel like these words are aimed at you?"


Jay Chou was silent.

In fact, this is what Xu Xin said.

Others said he would not admit it or explain it.

But the person who said this is the person who is closest to his heart.

So, he didn't hide anything and nodded directly:

"Actually, she is living a good life. She usually watches some news and the like, and she is quite happy. Now...I have stopped looking at it. Although I still have fantasies occasionally, such as going back to the past, the day before returning to Daikanyama ...or maybe...but people always want to look forward..."

Seeing his friend make a straight forward gesture, Xu Xin nodded:

"Understood, just like me, no matter how much I love my wife, I can never forget my first love. It's not that you still have any feelings for her now, but this relationship is a huge regret in your heart."

"Yes, that's it. So, I understand what my mother advised me to do, and I also like Hannah very much. But I still feel regretful every time I think of Patty..."

"Take your time. After three to five years, everything will be basically OK. This is especially true if you have a child and have an additional responsibility as a father. Later you will find that she is indeed in your memory. She is getting more and more beautiful, and her appearance seems to stay in your memory forever, even your most cherished memory. But when the child calls for daddy and asks you to come and play with him, and you see your wife smiling at you next to you... you You will find that memories are just memories. Your wife’s love for you is the warmth you can see and touch..."


It was just small talk.

But Jay Chou was a little bit dumbfounded at the moment.

Xin said why did you start the class for me?

But... I can't refute it yet.

Because they are married and living a good life.

He had no choice but to shake his head.


Then let the bullets fly for a while.

"By the way, when will your new album be released?"

After lunch, on the way to the factory, Xu Xin suddenly remembered this matter and asked in confusion.

"Last year you said you were working on it, and then after I gave you a reminder, you also changed Kun Ling's "How Are You" MV... At that time, you said it was almost completed, but it's almost July. "Okay" "Voice" has also started recording, but you haven't released your album yet? When do you plan to release it?"


Hearing this, it was inevitable that a touch of embarrassment would appear on the face of the Asian King, who has always made one appearance every year.

"It's...it's not finished yet~"

His tone was not hesitant.

As soon as he stuttered, Xu Xin immediately noticed something was wrong.

Asked subconsciously:

"You wouldn't...you haven't done anything in the past six months, just playing, right?"

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Jay Chou immediately exploded like a cat whose tail was stepped on:

"I've been working very hard these past six months! I'm busy working on the new album every day! Now I want to break through myself! Try different styles! I also need to collect styles and find inspiration! I'm not just trying to catch something~"


Xu Xin didn't react at all, but Dani, who was driving in front, burst out laughing.

And if Dani didn't dismantle the situation, Xu Xin might not think much about it.

This sister smiles...

Xu Xin understood immediately:

"Damn it! You are indeed fishing!"


Jay Chou first glared at the female driver fiercely, and then said in a very exaggerated tone:

"Axin! Don't you still believe me! Music is my lover! How could I betray it!"

"What about your album?"

"...I'm doing it!"

"How far has it come?"


"Just tell me how many songs you have included."

"...It's all recorded, and we're in the post-production process...Okay, don't ask anymore! How could I be the kind of person you say who forgets music for the sake of love? When the recording of "The Voice" is completed, you will watch Here we are!...Hey, how are you doing with this season's commercial for "The Voice"?"


Xu Xin was speechless.

Are you thinking that this topic has changed a lot?

Besides... when Lao Wang announced the end of the advertising investment, we were talking about it through voice chat together.

Forgot so quickly?

However, in order to cooperate with him, Xu Xin still said:

"You are really a noble person who forgets things a lot. How can you forget such a huge number like 1.4 billion?"

Yes, that's right.

This year's "The Voice" only had 200 million more revenue than last year's 1.2 billion.

Of course, this is just a conversation between the two brothers.

If you put it outside...


A crappy variety show with a yearly advertising revenue of 1.4 billion?

Are you crazy?

Unfortunately, there are really only so many.

However, this year Xifeng Wine is no longer the title sponsor. It has become the Jiaduobao brand that continues to gain a foothold after breaking up with Wanglaoji and turning itself into an "authentic" Jiaduobao brand.

It is true that Xifeng Wine has had a boom in sales in the past two years, but the problem is that its output value is also limited.

Wine takes time.

In addition, "The Voice" is becoming more and more internationalized. If nothing else, this year Jiaduobao spent 500 million yuan to get the title advertisement.

Xifeng wine can’t beat it either.

The wine seller is really not as good as the water seller.

Moreover, it is not news within the industry that Teana and Wanda are interoperating.

After Wang Sicong took charge of Tianlai, he began to involve Wanda’s think tank for evaluation.

Given a...how to put it.

is an inevitable result.

The bonus of "The Voice" may be almost exhausted by the fourth season at most.

There are more and more chair-turning variety shows in China nowadays. Among other things, even CCTV has produced a similar variety show.

Moreover, "The Voice" has stimulated the domestic music variety show market for two consecutive years.

Everyone began to rack their brains to improve the quality of the program.

Xu Xin is willing to see this kind of thriving and healthy competition.

But for "The Voice", it means reduced income.

Of course, the words "reduced income" are also relative.

The think tank's judgment for the future is that as long as "The Voice" continues to maintain excellent program quality, based on the standard of one season per year, its advertising expenses will decrease year by year, and its ratings may also continue to decrease.

But in the end, both advertising revenue and ratings, including the impression in the minds of the audience, will remain at an average value that is much higher than that of other similar programs.

It is expected that the final result of "The Voice" will be a two-year cycle, with an average annual revenue decrease of 10 to 15%.

But the final revenue, including copyright fees from domestic platforms, will not be less than 300 million per year.

And this validity period is ten years.

Xu Xin can accept it, and Yang Mi can accept it.

So can wheels and langlang.

After all, they have made enough profits from "The Voice".

Everyone's wallets are already too full.

But Wang Sicong didn't see it that way.

He has already begun planning a transformation.

The direction of transformation is simple. He is targeting foreign copyrights.

Nowadays, the foreign copyright promotion of "The Voice" is not very high.

On the one hand, Liu Momo is incapable of doing anything, and on the other hand, after each country has tasted the sweetness, they hope to buy it out in one go instead of paying huge copyright fees every year.

In terms of years, everyone is pulling.

Wang Sicong's next work goal has already been set on this.

At present, he has begun to form a team, a more professional overseas team, and has begun to build the brand of "The Voice" in various countries.

As for the result, just wait patiently.

The two of them were chatting about the changes in this season of "The Voice". In fact, Xu Xin basically didn't care much about the situation of the instructor or the students.

But that didn't stop Jay Chou from using it as a shield to cover up the dilemma that he was so busy falling in love every day, only to find out later that he was falling behind at work because he was so obsessed with love.

After chatting all the way to the factory, Xu Xin got off the car at the door of the office building:

"See you tonight?"

"See you tonight."

The two separated, Jay Chou went to record "The Voice", and Xu Xin became Qi Lei's tea guest.

In fact, the two brothers have almost talked about everything they should talk about.

Xu Xin came here just to finalize the matter of "Favorite".

However, Qi Lei's face looked a little sad.

Seeing this, Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"What's going on here?"


Qi Lei shook his head slightly, stood up, and picked up the phone:

"Secretary Li, please bring me some public judges' recommendation forms for the 25th and 26th."

Soon, Qi Lei's secretary walked in with a piece of information.

After seeing Xu Xin, he said hello politely:

"Director Xu."

"Hey, Secretary Li."

While talking, Xu Xin took the information.

After the other party exited, he directly opened the information and found that there was a form on it.

On the far left side of the table are the names of some movies.

"HELLO, Mr. Tree"


"Seven Notes on a Floating Life"

"Egg Fried Rice"

"Old Village"


Next to the names of these movies, there is an option.

【Do you recommend it? 】



Then there is another box.

【Main unit】

【Silk Road Unit】

Then there is a row of table boxes next to it:

[Reason for recommendation]: ____________________

And for each movie on these tables, someone has written their own reasons for recommendation or reasons for not recommending it.

This is the form filled out by 150 film selection judges.

They came to the West Film Studio to watch the movie, and then recorded their opinions and votes on whether to recommend it on this piece of paper.

Submit it, and finally select the films shortlisted for the main competition unit and the Silk Road unit.

After being shortlisted, it was the job of the two groups of judges, the old man and Xu Xin.

After flipping through it and looking at the dense writing on it, Xu Xin asked:

"What do you want me to see?"

"Look at the review of "The Favorite"."

Qi Lei lit a cigarette and said in a somewhat strange tone:

"Just watch "The Favorite"."


Xu Xin nodded, but his eyes fell on the judges column.

Then he was happy.

There are three options in the judges column.

Name (can be anonymous):

Nickname (required if the name is anonymous):

Membership number:

In this column, the judge did not fill in the name column, but the nickname column said:

Nickname: Long__Long

Apparently, this was reviewed by an anonymous VW reviewer.

In the "Favorite" column, he first filled in "Recommendation" and then selected "Main Competition Unit".

Then there are the reasons for recommendation: [1. Highly recommended, this movie is the most balanced movie I have seen between business and art so far. The disadvantage is that because of the balance, it is superficial and not outstanding. However, Zhang Ziyi contributed actress-level acting skills in this film! Above anyone else! 】


Xu Xin narrowed his eyes slightly and thought for a while.

Okay, this reviewer’s evaluation is very fair.

Indeed, whether the film is literary or commercial, that is the director’s business.

Actors only need to contribute their acting skills.

Not to mention the pace of the film, as far as the two leading actors are concerned, he felt that the performances of Aaron Kwok and Zhang Ziyi were enough to move people's hearts.

Even though his favorite scene is actually the scene with Wang Baoqiang.

But there is definitely nothing to say about Zhang Ziyi's play.

So, he skipped this reviewer's other comments and turned directly to the next one.

What a coincidence.

It was also a reviewer who did not want to be named.

Nickname: Refuse to gamble on drug addiction.

Someone, drag me out and chop your ID!

There is something wrong with this person!

You never say anything about yellow... Oh, my surname is Huang.

That's okay.

friendly forces.


Already finished cutting?


A rich burial~

Reason for recommendation: [Zhang Ziyi’s performance is extremely intense, but this is also related to the director’s technique. But I have to admit, this is the most impressive character in the movie I've read. She conquered me with her acting skills. 】

At this time, Xu Xin's brows frowned slightly.

He glanced up subconsciously.

Qi Lei motioned for him to continue reading...

Nickname: Piaofengmuyu

No... Is your name difficult to write or something?

Can't you have a "My XX real-name viewing"?

With this intention of complaining, he saw the other party's evaluation.

Recommended words: [Very confused. Aaron Kwok impresses me, but I feel he is not as good as Wang Baoqiang in "Mr. Tree". But as for the heroine, all the actors together are not enough for Zhang Ziyi alone! 】


At this time, Xu Xin finally understood what Qi Lei meant.

Next he turned over it again.

The recommendations from people like "Lazy Man 962464", "Ci Su", and "A piano cannot only have white keys" are similar.

I have read more than ten articles.

Two of these people's views are almost identical.

The first is that Aaron Kwok cannot beat Wang Baoqiang.

The second is that Zhang Ziyi beats everyone...

Xu Xin knows...

Now comes the difficulty.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Is this "HELLO, Mr. Tree" good to watch?"

"It's fun, it's nice."

Qi Lei gave an evaluation.

"So, Aaron Kwok can't beat him?"

"What do you think? In terms of suitability for the role, Wang Baoqiang is way ahead of him. After all...his face playing a peasant may change people's impression, but the symbols of the Four Heavenly Kings are too strong. And his acting skills In terms of performance, Wang Baoqiang is no worse than him."

After speaking, he threw a cigarette to Xu Xin, and then said:

"But the real trouble is Zhang Ziyi... In our selection this time, there are no roles with particularly good acting skills. Zhang Ziyi... can be said to be a standout."


Qi Lei didn't finish his words.

But Xu Xin knew that this was the biggest trouble.

Qi Lei's next words are evidence of his understanding.

"So, do we have to bend our spine?"



Xu Xin thinks that his aesthetic taste is not bad.

He also noticed Zhang Ziyi's performance in the play.

I believe more in Qi Lei’s artistic aesthetic.

Since he said that Zhang Ziyi stands out in these films, it means... maybe there is really no one in these films who can compete with her.


What to do?

If you want to greet the people in the main competition unit in advance, why not choose Zhang Ziyi?

Then "Silk Road Film Festival" became a joke.

Why are you all going so hard to organize this film festival?

Don’t you just want to create a truly fair and just film award?

Even, for this purpose, considering that there will definitely be tribute films in the future, the film festival also has a series of "Jury Award for Best Film".

The trophy for the Silk Road Film Festival has been designed.

The image is a "Mobius Strip".

There are three colors.

The Silk Road unit is made of silver.

The main competition unit is made of gold.

And the "Jury Award for Best Film" series is Crystal.

However, the Jury Prize for Best Picture doesn’t happen every year.

It only appears when it's supposed to.

According to the officially submitted information, the "Jury" crystal trophy is the highest award at the Silk Road Film Festival in all senses, and its gold content far exceeds gold and silver.

However, if a film does not meet the "requirements", it will receive a bye.

Therefore, on the surface, the main competition unit is only the "second prize".

Look, are the requirements high?

But actually... I understand everything.

Think about it, even this kind of place has been considered by the Silk Road Film Festival in order to ensure the fairness and authority of the main competition unit, as well as the contribution of the Silk Road unit to emerging filmmakers, and to support them in their careers. The future will shine brightly for the Chinese film industry.

Really do everything down to the smallest detail.

I want to create a "three majors" that belong to China.


In the first session where everything is about a good start, you went over to join these judges who also accepted the invitation. As you finished explaining your ideas, you were moved by the sincerity in your words and wanted to continue to contribute to the film industry. explain……

"We were afraid of offending people, so we couldn't choose Zhang Ziyi even if she met the requirements."

Whether others can accept it or not is irrelevant.

Xu Xin himself couldn't pass this level.

Isn't this nonsense?

The backbone of the Silk Road must not be bent!

This is the backbone of filmmakers... and even the backbone of Xiying Film Studio!

After bending, Xu Xin was afraid that he didn't even recognize himself.

Such a Silk Road Film Festival will definitely break his mood completely.

It became a dispensable face-saving project and was swept into the trash heap of history. It became what people call the "Pheasant Award".

Xu Xin doesn't want this.

Because some things don’t start, then everyone can grit their teeth and persevere.

But once you get over it and relax, there is nothing left.


Although Sister Mo helped me "settle" it.

But for some things, it's one thing to acquiesce...it's another thing to actually give an award.

What? I don't want to deal with this person, but for your sake, I'll let her go.

In the end, you turned around and got her a movie queen?

What does it mean?

Stirring your nose and face?

Embarrass me?


Xu Xin, who understood the seriousness of the matter, frowned...

He muttered:

"Damn...this is really troublesome..."

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