I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 749 746 What’s in front of you, what’s behind you

Chapter 749 746. The road ahead, the body behind you

In the office, Xu Xin and Qi Lei were equally silent.

He waited until Qi Lei finished smoking and then said:

"Actually, there is no guarantee that Zhang Ziyi will win the award..."

He had just finished speaking, and when he saw Xu Xin's speechless eyes, he couldn't speak any more.


In the Thinking Film Festival, Zhang Ziyi really has no rivals.

The atmosphere became tense again.

Until... Xu Xin scratched his head and looked at Qi Lei:

"Brother Qi, what are you thinking?"

"I haven't seen the list of all the shortlisted works yet. To say the least, I don't have many ideas. But..."

Having said this, Qi Lei paused and shook his head slightly:

"Fairness is sometimes a steelyard. Once the scale is inaccurate, it is easy to lose heart. The Silk Road Film Festival is a very important part of our future. It has just been born. I don't want a newborn child to start from the root." It’s crooked. We want to be true to everything, but only movies..."

Qi Lei's words are actually very idealistic.

It doesn't even sound like someone who has just passed his forties.

But he especially has an appetite for Xu Xin.

Today's Xiying Studio is the face of Shaanxi Cultural Tourism and the backbone of the Northwest Circle.

It is responsible for rushing ahead and holding up a sky for all those who are attached to the northwest circle.

Not to mention anything else, in the past few years, companies related to the private film industry established in the northwest circle have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain. This alone can tell you what a prosperous place this is.

Although everyone knows that Beijing Circle will not let it grow.


From a side perspective, doesn’t it represent another emerging land of hope?

At least let me tell you that no matter what this circle will become in the future, there will always be a small group of people who will continue to make movies with their heart.

Thinking of this, Xu Xin said in a daze:

"Sooner or later, you will have to face a struggle..."

Qi Lei was stunned.

Just listen to Xu Xin continue to say:

"Maybe in the future, I will not only be Zhang Ziyi, but also face the siege of other awards... Sometimes living soberly may also be a sin."

Speaking of this, he looked at Qi Lei:

"Let nature take its course, okay?"

Qi Lei did not answer directly.

Instead, he pursed his lips.

Then he nodded:

"Okay, then let nature take its course."

Let nature take its course and eat on your own merits.

at the same time……

Give up illusions and prepare to withstand the struggles ahead.

"Are you in a bad mood?"

Xu Xin, who had just got into the car, was stunned and asked doubtfully:

"Can this be seen?"


Jay Chou nodded and pointed in the direction he came from:

"Your steps look heavy."

"Is it so obvious?"

Xu Xin was a little surprised, but he didn't hesitate. He closed the car door and asked:

"What are you going to eat?"

"Looking for a place to have barbecue and drink some wine in Shangfang?"

"Okay, then go home and get a bottle of wine first?"


After deciding on the itinerary, the commercial vehicle started walking towards Qujiang Garden.

In the car, under Jay Chou's questioning, Xu Xin did not hide anything and briefly talked about what happened in the afternoon.

Then he made a joke:

"If my brother can't survive in the mainland anymore, I'll go and join you."


Jay Chou chuckled:

"It's too exaggerated. Although I can understand what you mean...but life is definitely not smooth sailing. Think about it, even I have had my downturns..."

"For example?"

"For example... uh... for example, "Eight Dimensions" couldn't win the award..."


This time it was Xu Xin's turn to be speechless.


Throughout your career curve, if this can be considered a low point...it seems to be the only one.

Looking at his speechless look, Jay Chou was also a little embarrassed.

Although everyone is engaged in different careers.

But it is true that everything has gone smoothly for him since his debut.

In the music industry, it’s hard to put together backgrounds and the like.

It's different from the movies.

It's more realistic.

Popularity is the biggest factor in measuring the value of a singer. It may not be absolute, but it is definitely "one".

In terms of popularity, genre, lyrics, etc., he has always been the leader at the forefront.

Just like in the song "Red Imitation".

"Worship is a good thing and appreciation is a virtue. But if you walk behind me, I'm worried that others won't see you."

But other than that, he really had nothing to comfort Xu Xin.

In the end, I could only squeeze Xu Xin's shoulder:

"Hey, okay, don't worry. Don't keep looking up...don't forget the path you've taken. Looking back, don't forget that you also relied on everyone's support along the way to get here. It's like Music is the same to me. Ms. Ye told me that as long as I treat music with my heart, the audience will never abandon me. The same goes for you. You just need to treat movies with a serious and responsible attitude. I believe that even if the whole world betrays you, But you still have an audience, right?"

Xu Xin was stunned...

I just felt that my friend's words were like a home run, hitting my heart directly.


This... makes so much sense.

Isn’t there an audience?

No...there are you too.

How do you say that line?

People can't just look at the road ahead and forget about the life behind them.


For a moment, like an enlightenment, he suddenly felt an indescribable sense of security on his back.


With everyone’s support.

Everyone lies, but not the audience.


Thinking of this, he felt relaxed all over.

Grinning, smiling.

Looking at his friend with a smile:

"Drink something free tonight?"


Jay Chou nodded.

White is white.

Buddy is with you.

"Then let's go directly. I won't drink Maotai today, but Xifeng. Dani, go directly to Fangshang."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

As a result, the topic of # Jay Chou and Xu Xin having barbecue in Xi'an Square # spread like wildfire on Weibo.

Countless photos taken by fans have appeared online.

In the photo, four people ordered four cold dishes, a barbecue, and four large basins of water for dipping.

There is also a bottle of 45-degree Xifeng on the corner of the table.

Fans joked: Jinlun package.

It soon became one of the incentives for some people to visit Xi'an during the summer.

And these incentives are like countless puzzle pieces that make up the cultural and tourism business card of "Shaanxi", bit by bit imprinted into the hearts of those who are interested.

This gathering with friends is destined to be short-lived.

Xu Xin stayed in Xi'an for just one day. One day later, he set off directly for Xiamen.

The crew led by Li Haiping and Xue Yong have already settled here.

Although the filming of the movie has not started yet, there is a lot of preliminary preparation work.

For example, some permits for location shooting, such as the use and leasing of hospitals, fishing rafts, etc., all need to be implemented in advance.

There are even some artificial scenery and temporary modifications required.

And I have to admit... Xiamen really gives Xu Xin this face.

When the filming application for "Heart of the Sun" was submitted to XM City, the people in the city really took it seriously. They first agreed to the permission, and then promised to cooperate in implementing the crew's requirements.

Frankly speaking, after hearing the news, Xu Xinxin said that she felt a bit like an old man.

Xu Xin stayed in Xiamen for a total of 3 days.

June is completely over.

July is a new beginning.

On July 1st, Xu Xin returned to Yanjing.

All the actors from the crew also gathered in the office of Xiying Studio.

Xu Xin's eyes lit up when he saw Liu Zhishi with short hair.

"Okay, okay, this is the hairstyle... But you have to be more well-behaved. Igashi has a girl-next-door image, and her short hair is also very traditional. It feels too loose when it is picked up like this, and needs to be adjusted. In addition... Are there any jeans that are tighter and can highlight the slenderness of her legs? As for shoes... aren't there high-heeled sneakers?"

Xu Xin kept communicating with the makeup artist and stylist about the feeling he wanted for Igu Xia.

Just kidding, this is my wife's second wife.

Is it okay if I don’t dress up beautifully?

After talking about Liu Zhishi's changes and recording them, Liu Zhishi took the initiative to step aside.

Xu Xin's eyes fell on Wang Qianyuan.

Suddenly he was stunned:

"What's going on with those two marks on your temples?"

Hearing this, several other starring actors who were waiting also looked over.

Wang Qianyuan smiled a little sheepishly:

"I haven't paid much attention to these sports cars these days. After running the car, I realized that for the sake of work and safety, the glass of the taxi is transparent and has no film. As soon as the sun shines, I wear sunglasses and they are screened out. It’s a mark. But I asked the makeup artist and it doesn’t matter. It won’t be visible after applying a layer of powder.”

Hearing this, Xu Xin had no reaction, but Duan Yihong and Zhang Yi on the side showed a hint of surprise.

Xu Xin looked him up and down, focusing on his pocket.

"I provided it myself. It's convenient for me to make money while doing work."

"The cup in your hand too?"

Xu Xin was talking about the ordinary water cup in his hand that was covered in tea stains and was obviously transparent, but at this moment it was exuding coffee color.

"Do you think it's appropriate to take this from my dad?"

"very suitable."

Xu Xin nodded sincerely.

Apart from anything else, he was very satisfied with Wang Qianyuan's outfit and the temperament he exuded.


An actor should have this kind of energy.

What to play, what to experience.

After experiencing it, you will naturally know how to act.

With his own experience and the help of his stylist, Xu Xin was extremely satisfied with his outfit.

Can't fault it at all.

Then it was the turn of Zhang Yi and Duan Yihong, who were wearing police uniforms.

And seeing the two of them looking like that...Xu Xin was even more puzzled.

"You two...have you tanned?"

Zhang Yi smiled, showing his white teeth.

It's really white.

Because he's really tanned.

"Hey, I'm tanned. I found some of my former comrades and we went to the police station together... we can be considered volunteers. I applied and followed the police comrades for a few days to get to know how they usually work... They are very It was hard work, exposed to wind and sun, and I sweated a lot, so I did get a bit tanned.”

Xu Xin was stunned:

"You two also went to experience it?"


Duan Yihong, Zhang Yi, and Wang Qianyuan looked at each other and were all happy.

A sense of like-mindedness began to brew.

Xu Xin was also happy.

"good, very good!"

This is an actor!

"Then honestly capture the essence of the characters. You still have one month to prepare. In this month, adjust your condition to the best. In August, after the opening ceremony of the Silk Road Film Festival is held, , let’s officially start shooting!”

After saying that, under the nods of the leading actors, Xu Xin picked up the information at hand:

"Then let me share with you my thoughts on this movie. First of all, it will be very cumbersome to shoot this movie, because I may need to shoot one scene on a sunny day and another on a rainy day for the same scene... Let me give you a simple example. , take the scenes between Yi Guchun and Xin Xiaofeng to illustrate..."

As Xu Xin enumerated, these leading actors began to understand the director's ideas.

To be honest, although everyone knows that Xu Xin is powerful.

But...this is really the first time these people have collaborated with him.

What a powerful method, it lacks an intuitive concept.

But when they heard that Xu Xin analyzed the moods of Xin Xiaofeng and Yi Guchun, and how he wanted to use this movie to play a "puzzle game" with all the viewers according to the weather, the leading actors were all fascinated by Xu Xin's idea. Shocked.

What is this person... thinking about?

What do you think?

Use natural factors such as rain and weather to express the actor's heart?


The creativity is so wild.

The imagination was so wild that Zhang Yi couldn't help but ask:

“Will this affect the audience’s interpretation of the film?”

"Actually, no. I understand what you mean. You are afraid that my expression is too direct and does not give the audience enough room for imagination, right? Don't worry, it is interspersed. The rain will match the light and shadow. .Have you ever seen Van Gogh's "Night Under the Stars"? It's like what that painting expresses. The audience sees the night in Van Gogh's eyes and the stars in the sky. But they can never be sure. Painting is, what on earth was Van Gogh thinking..."

Xu Xin talked endlessly about his ideas:

"Rain here is not so much the weather as it is a symbol and a metaphor. In fact, each of us has a gap with a safe enough distance from others in our hearts. We are not willing to tell anyone about it. Dark side.

At this time, the rain became a cover.

And when we go to explore the truth, the rain seems to be blocking us. When you are sad, it is empathy that responds to the situation; when you are happy, it seems to be the shadow that brings disappointment..."




The whole room was dumbfounded.

Looking directly at the young director.

Listening to him, he was free and unconstrained, but he could also be said to enjoy the enjoyment of true knowledge and insights.

Frankly speaking, is it difficult?

Not really big.

Just find the right background, and the right rain.

It can be photographed directly.

But is it easy?

Not too small.

Just by listening to it, everyone knows that this thing might overshadow it.

If I can't contribute enough acting skills and let it be reduced to a supporting role, then...how beautiful the rain is, is like a mirror, reflecting how badly I am reflected.

No one doubts that Xu Xin can master this kind of unconstrained shooting creativity.

Because from this director's past works that can be called "unparalleled", he has already proven his ability.

And as Xu Xin told...

They understand.


The pressure is on my side.

Is it reduced to the background of "rain"?

Or will you use this rain to turn into a dragon when the storm hits?

The real challenge…

Coming soon!

I will go to Chengdu to attend the author meeting of Qidian during the four days of the 18th, 19th, 20th, and 21st. I will try my best to keep updating and strive to maintain 4,000 words per day.

Let me tell you in advance.

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