I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 750 747 Silk Road Linkage

Chapter 750 747. Silk Road Linkage

Throughout the first half of July, Xu Xin only felt one word: fast.

Really fast.

After Yanjing and the actors finalized the look, he didn't stay in Yanjing for long and went to Xiamen again.

After returning from Xiamen, the first version of the American commercial was completed.

Xu Xin followed for a few days and worked on the areas that needed to be modified.

The final version was finally determined on July 12th.

The 1 minute and 37 second advertisement will be launched in China together with the new XC90 in August.

And, there is something else in the middle.

That is, after seeing this advertisement, Volvo's branch in the United States also liked it very much. Although in their view, using two Asian faces as the "protagonist" is a bit dangerous, but for "Morpheus", this advertisement is still worth running.

They want to use it too.

But this has nothing to do with Xu Xin.

After the commercial is filmed, it's Volvo's business how people use it.

He is only responsible for taking pictures.

In short, he was very busy in the first ten days of July.

Busy with film preparations and all kinds of trivial matters.

After finally being finalized, July 15th was the deadline for all films in the "Silk Road Film Festival" to be submitted for review.

Xu Xin got a set of data.

Since the first Silk Road Film Festival began collecting works, more than 180 feature films of less than one hour have been sent by directors from all over the festival.

Seeing this data, Xu Xin only felt one thing...

That was when the stone in my heart finally fell to the ground.

He was really afraid that someone would keep his movie in their hands due to "censorship" or "different circles", or they would ignore Xi Film Studio at all.

But it turned out that my worries were unnecessary.

At least, the film festival has been recognized by some people.

But at the same time it’s a bit of a pity…

Among these works, only 20 works were shortlisted.

Quite cruel.

However, what is even more fortunate is that there are 20 of them.

On July 15, the shortlist was announced.

Double unit shortlisted films:

1《HELLO, Mr. Tree》

2 "Ogo"

3 "Seven Notes on a Floating Life"

4《Egg Fried Rice》

5 "Old Village"

6 "Urban Fairy Tale"

7 "Biluo Snow Mountain"

8 "White Flowers of Autumn"

9 "Turning the Mountain"

10 "Favorite"

11 "Six Hundred Miles to Fuyang"

12 "Camel Passenger"

13 "Sugar Band"

14 "Here, There"

15 "Single"

16 "Beautiful Sister"

17 "Love Heart Station"

18 "Women of the Yellow River"

19 "Faithful Brothers"

20 "One Person's Shadow Puppet Show"

There are 20 movies in total.

To be honest, in terms of the number of movies, it is pitifully small.

But these 20 films were indeed selected by 150 judges after watching them minute by minute and with the most votes.

At first glance, a film festival with only 20 shortlisted films seems to have a bit of black humor.

Don’t mention the far ones, let’s talk about the nearest ones.

"Yenjing University Student Film Festival" The shortlist of this year's film festival alone has 37 films.

For every award, there are countless works competing for it.

Fortunately for you, there are only 20 shortlisted films in the two categories...

It really couldn't be any smaller.

But... no one, including Xu Xin, thought it was anything.

The Silk Road Film Festival is not about dividing pork.

This is not the kind of film festival that is all-inclusive and gives you the best director, and then gives him the best director from the jury.

The number of awards in the main competition unit and the Silk Road unit is also very small.

1Best Video

2 Best Director

3 Best Actor/Actress

4 Best Screenplay

This is the main competition award.

Just 4 of them.

There is no fancy best editing, best soundtrack, best artistic style, etc...

This has nothing to do with the Silk Road Film Festival.

Put aside the "Best Film on the Jury" crystal cup specially prepared for the gift film.

There are only four mainstream awards.

It is completely in accordance with the standards of the three major European companies.

The same is true for the Silk Road unit.

1 Most watched film award in the Silk Road section

2【Starting Point】Most Watched New Actor Award

3【Silver Ribbon】Director Debut Award

4 Most Favorite Film Award

And an additional award: [Lifetime Achievement Award for Chinese Film Art Contribution]

In total, there are only these 9 awards in the entire Silk Road Film Festival.

Unlike other film festivals where there are often dozens or twenty awards, the golden trophy is held by a group of people and looks like a graduation ceremony photo. It is simply "shabby" and pitiful.

However, did you know that when these awards were proposed and discussed at the internal meeting of Xiying Film Studio, they were unanimously approved.


This is the most authentic film festival award in everyone’s mind.

Not dividing the pork.

Not the bells and whistles either.

That's no use.

A thousand hammers produce a hundred refinings!

What everyone wants is this kind of rare but almost cruel competition and award mechanism.

Only this mechanism can truly bring a good film festival to everyone.

Let me tell you: We are not dividing pork.

We really want to bring good movies to the audience.

Sure enough, when the shortlist was announced, there was an upsurge of discussion on the Internet.

Especially after the Silk Road Film Festival announced these awards.

Immediately some media made a surprised sound:

"Nine awards? The Silk Road Film Festival doesn't differentiate between pork?"

Regardless of pork, what do you rely on to attract traffic?

By misappropriating the award selection mechanism of Europe's three major film festivals, you are destined to be a film festival with too much food and too little food.

Why should we please those movie companies?

Without the support of the film company...

"Starts on August 2nd and ends on August 10th. For 8 days, Wanda Cinema invites you to enjoy the first Silk Road Film Festival in depth.

Oh, that's okay.


Just say...where there is Xu Xin, how could there not be Wanda...

This man kidnapped all the apples of Wanda’s boss.

While looking at the guide published by the Silk Road Film Festival...

All I can say is... what Xi'an did this time is really good.

First of all, there is the support of Wanda’s cinema chains, including the three Wanda cinemas in Xi’an, as well as the support of up to 11 public and private cinemas including the Cultural Palace.

On the evening of August 2nd, the star-studded opening ceremony of the "Silk Road Film Festival" in the Tang Dynasty never sleeps.

Xi Film Studio is open for tours.

Oh yo? Are there any free large-scale performances?

What! ?

Can tickets for the "Silk Road Film Festival" be linked with tickets for scenic spots such as the Terracotta Warriors and Horses and the Big Wild Goose Pagoda?


Also raffle tickets to Jay Chou's Xi'an concert?

Nani! ?

Can I also draw invitations to the live audience of "The Voice"?

Uh...what are DOTA game tickets?

ah! Are there any discounts on student tickets?


What does Shaanxi Cultural Tourism want to do?

Stewed rolls?

A film festival ticket is going to take us to Xi'an?

When all the discounts and benefits included in the "Silk Road Film Festival" ticket purchase guide come into view...

People who had not cared much about this film festival at first were also interested.

This... is a great benefit!

So many ticket discounts, as well as the tourist charm of Xi'an as a historical city...

Everything suddenly aroused everyone's interest.


Go to Xi'an to watch a movie, and you can also visit so many places with a pass...

It seems... not bad!

Besides, it's summer vacation again...

How about... go and have some fun?

Inadvertently, Shaanxi Cultural Tourism made a big move.

As for whether the ultimate move is effective...

Then leave it to time.

It all depends on human effort!

"I'm so tempted. It's so good~"

Looking at the news about the Silk Road Film Festival on her IPAD, Yang Mi couldn't help but say:

"I haven't been to the Terracotta Warriors and Horses yet. Why don't you go take a look?"

"No, there will definitely be a lot of people there those days."

“It looks like fun...there are so many discounts, and summer is the peak tourist season, so it feels like a great deal~”

Hearing this, Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"It's like you're short of money."

"Oh, this has nothing to do with money~ It looks so interesting~~~"

"...If you want to go, we can go now. Can you go?"

"Hehe, forget it. Go to your meeting quickly."

In the afternoon, Yang Mi’s toes exuded the wonderful color of cherries in the sun.

Along with the flickering movements, the crystal texture flashes.

Like jelly.

Q bomb Q bomb.

Xu Xin silently withdrew his gaze, checked the time, and closed the laptop.

"I'm leaving?"

"Hmm... By the way, this is your first time as a representative going to the city for a meeting. Xu Chu, what program have you prepared?"

"Xiao Hui, to be honest, there is no program... Besides, the program is set by the leaders. I am a soldier and am only responsible for making suggestions."

After correcting his wife's words, he came to the sofa in the villa.

Yang Mi raised her head without even needing to speak.

With a "pop" sound and a kiss on her beloved concubine's mouth, Yang Mi asked with a smile:

"Then what are you going to say?"

"Let's talk about something practical. "Silk Road" in this event is an attraction and a gimmick. It is responsible for attracting people, but how to retain them, and make all travelers feel comfortable so that they will come back next year. This is the most important thing. Food, clothing, housing and transportation must be comprehensive."

As he spoke, he picked up the mobile phone and cigarette on the table.

Without him having to say anything, Yang Mi stood up and took the initiative to help him button the top button of his shirt.

"Come back early. Director Zhang and Teacher Motoyama will arrive in the evening, and everyone will have dinner together."

Starting tomorrow, it will be time for the jury to select the awards.

Both groups of judges will come one after another, and everyone will have a meal together.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Okay, I understand. Shall I leave then?"

"Go ahead."

She stood on tiptoes again, kissed her husband's cheek, and personally walked Xu Xin to the door.


Suddenly, Xu Xin paused.

He stood at the door and turned his head.


Yang Mi was a little confused:

"What's the matter?"

"Uh...what should I say?"

Xu Xin pointed to the glass wall at the entrance.

"Have you noticed that the decoration of our house... looks a bit like the NTR movie we watched last night."


Yang Mi was stunned.

I heard my husband continue:

"Teacher Bodo sent her husband away here, but the next second her ex-boyfriend opened the door and walked in..."

Hearing this, Yang Mi smiled half-heartedly:

"Speaking of which, Shishi said she would come over this afternoon~"

Xu Xin's eyes lit up:

"So exciting?"

"Get out of here, you!"

She was about to kick.

Xu Xin chuckled and quickly got out of the way.

"You must protect yourself like a jade for me! I'm leaving~"


Yang Mi rolled her eyes, then turned her head...

Su Meng, who looked like a little transparent person, was standing behind her.

There was an expression of ㄟ(▔, ▔)ㄏ on his face, and his face was calm and calm:

"Sister, I'm leaving too."

"Well, 7878~"

Yang Mi waved her hands indifferently.

Su Meng quickly put on her shoes, quickly opened the door and walked out.

Totally calm.

no way.

got used to.

In recent years, she has even developed a unique technique to reduce her sense of presence [Transparent Escape: The Art of Eliminating Five Senses].

Don't listen to what you shouldn't hear.

If you shouldn't look at it, don't look at it.

(乂`д)Ha! NINJA!

Xu Xin's words are not wrong at all.

Today is a small meeting.

The city hosted it, and the people who came were department leaders in all aspects of city management.

The custom of the Chinese dynasty is to swear oaths in a general meeting and implement them in small meetings.

This is also the main reason why many people feel that the words spoken at conferences in the news are empty.

The buns are stuffed, but never in the pleats.

The content of the meeting only focused on one thing, which was how to improve the city's reputation during the film festival and throughout the second half of the summer, as well as how to plan for the problems that may be faced and formulate plans.

Xu Xin came as a representative of Xiying Studio, but he was quite well prepared for this meeting.

The entire cultural and tourism industry attaches great importance to this film festival.

Since Shaanxi began to vigorously promote and develop tourism resources, this can be regarded as the first set of combination punches after the Tang Dynasty never sleeps. It strives to be perfect in all aspects, whether it is an opponent or an opponent, it must be fresh in people's memory.

At the meeting, what Xu Xin proposed was also very specific.

He is not the framer of the program, but he has traveled all over the country for so many years. Some of the things he has encountered and some of the things he has thought about are mentioned here.

For example, the phenomenon of "robbing customers".

Normally a bowl of fried noodles costs 8 yuan, but during the peak tourist season the price may double.

Then there is the lack of information and deception of tourists.

Or the taxi refuses to take you and takes a detour.

And there are shady tour guides, or hotel prices are unreasonable, etc.

Facts have proved that it is not only Xu Xin who is mentioning it, but others are also mentioning it.

Everyone also understands the importance of this film festival, so there is absolutely no chance.

not to mention……

"Dear leaders, during this film festival, there will definitely be many pairs of eyes staring at us outside. Moreover, since the emergence of Weibo, I don’t know if you have noticed that media information has become faster and the expansion effect is quite obvious. Maybe an hour ago Something went wrong, and within an hour, it was already known to the whole country. Therefore, in terms of information processing speed, we must be fully prepared and respond quickly..."

Xu Xin pointed out a very critical issue.

Timeliness of information.

Big leaders value his opinions.

And as he told it, it was obvious that many people who had not realized this before understood what he meant.

Moreover, he expresses deep recognition and cautious attitude towards his sentence "Don't go out for ten days for good things, and spread all over the world for bad things."

Small meetings have this advantage.

Ask questions, discuss, and set solutions.

Throughout the afternoon, the discussion and the recording pen continued without stopping.

From the official release of guide price stamps, requiring merchants to paste them in conspicuous locations in stores, to the production and release of travel plans, bus routes, and taxi prices at different times, to a series of service training including hotels, including letters of commitment, and rapid response emergency teams, etc.

Yes, starting at 2 o'clock.

It didn’t disperse until close to 6 o’clock.

When the meeting ended, everyone in each department, including Xu Xin, had two or three pages filled with notebooks.

Finally, with the big leaders taking the lead and promising to resolutely win the battle to receive tourists, everyone left with a full load of tasks.

On the way out, Xu Xin had more friends on WeChat.

After getting in the car, he rubbed his temples.

Said to Su Meng:

"Have Director Zhang and the others arrived?"

"It's already here. At 5:45, my sister called and said that she had arranged for everyone to go to the restaurant first."

"Okay, let's go there."

Su Meng nodded vigorously, and while driving, she glanced at the tired Xu Xin sitting in the back, thought for a while, and asked:

"Brother Xu, is everything going well?"

"Well, it went well."

Xu Xin responded.

I'm sorry, today was supposed to be an update of 12,000. After all, I have to go to a meeting, so the updates in the next few days may be a bit slow.

But when I woke up this morning, the condition of my waist was not right.

I quickly went to the hospital for massage and acupuncture, but the discomfort still existed.

Then at noon, I simply went to the bone-setting Chinese medicine clinic recommended by my neighbor last time. People looked at it and said I had a twisted hip bone.

The cause is not sedentary but an injury to the knee while playing basketball when I was young. And told me that I have started to grow short legs and high shoulders.

I didn't believe it at first, but in the end I found out that it was true...my right leg was shorter than my left leg by about the thickness of my thumb, and my lumbar spine tilted forward severely.

Whether I stand or sit, it increases the strain on my right waist, which is why I feel so uncomfortable.

Normal people don't have back pain to the extent I do.

I did a set of bone-setting procedures.

To be honest... Chinese medicine is really amazing. The discomfort coming from the waist and eyes immediately became much better.

But it was already past 4 o'clock when we came out.

Moreover, the doctor requires you to lie down for 2 to 3 hours after each bone setting.

I've been busy all day today because of my waist, and I'm exhausted. That’s it for this chapter.

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