I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 755 752 Don’t get me wrong, I’m not discussing with you

Chapter 755 752. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not negotiating with you.




When Xu Xin saw this title, he had one thought: he was confused.

He was so confused that he didn't even have time to read the content. He immediately looked at the old man, trying to get an explanation from him.

Are you afraid that I will be angry and deliberately hide it from me?

Or...what's going on?

Our relationship shouldn’t be bad, right?

This is the first reaction.

But this reaction was immediately rejected by Xu Xin himself.

Absolutely not.

The old man can't do such a thing.

Thinking of this, he withdrew his gaze again and continued to read the content on the screenshot.

Because the characters are small, they must be enlarged.

"The producers of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" directed by Zhang Yimou announced the release of a large-scale commemorative book "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins - We Walked Together". The book contains a filming reflection of the female lead "Zhao Yumo", titled "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" "I did a "bed scene" with Bale", looking back on the process of filming a passionate scene with Hollywood star Christian Bale..."

This is the first paragraph of this manuscript.

Then comes the second paragraph:

"The reporter has seen the commemorative book launched this time in advance. It is beautifully produced and full of silhouettes of the crew during filming, behind-the-scenes photos, and actors' insights, etc. The most eye-catching one is undoubtedly [Zhao Yumo]'s The sentiments written by the actor Ni Ni himself. As a new actor, it is obviously an honor to play with the Hollywood superstar Christian Bale who won the Oscar for Best Supporting Actor."

Seeing this screenshot, Xu Xin glanced at Zhang Mo subconsciously.

And Zhang Mo also quickly said:

"Dad, I got the content about this paragraph. Take a look, it's too much!"

With that said, she took her phone back, and after finding this content, she didn't forget to send a copy to Xu Xin:

[The assistant director also told me that Bell and other crew members are very professional. They are used to such scenes and there is no need to feel embarrassed. As actors, they are just fulfilling their responsibilities as actors, which is a sign of professionalism.

After listening to what he said, I calmed down and thought about it. Indeed, I am 'Yu Mo'. I love this man deeply. I know that there is no possibility of my survival. I don't want to drag him down. I will do it tomorrow. You have to go to the 'battlefield' and be slaughtered by others.

But tonight, I am the purest 'Yu Mo', the most forbearing 'Yu Mo', the cutest 'Yu Mo', the most real 'Yu Mo'. I hope that before I separate from the man I love, Enjoy this brief encounter and want to treasure every minute and every second in your mind.

Thinking of this, my heart ached, and thinking that he wanted to keep me, I became even more desperate. I made up my mind that I was willing to give everything for this man who loved me deeply, even if it meant death! 】

After reading this paragraph, Xu Xin's first reaction was...

Do you want to write in such a disgusting way?

But immediately he raised his head and looked at Zhang Mo:

"The book has been released?...Who decided on the publicity plan?"

The words have not yet fallen:


Zhang Yimou got angry.

He threw the phone on the bed, picked up his phone and started dialing.

“It’s just nonsense!!”

Xu Xin keenly noticed that his fingers pressing the screen were trembling, so he quickly said:

"Don't give birth first..."

Before the word "qi" came out of his mouth, suddenly, Zhang Yimou's cell phone rang.

He was stunned.

But he didn't answer the call. Instead, he hung up the phone and started working on the screen.

"Calm down your anger..."

Xu Xin continued to persuade.

But Zhang Yimou didn't say anything. Instead, after a few clicks on his phone, he seemed to have found the phone number of the caller. Just as he was about to dial it, the phone started vibrating again.

But this time it didn't even ring, so he hung up again and raised the phone to his ear.

A few seconds later:

"Hey, Xiaofeng, where are you?"

"Hurry up and call Geling and tell her that this news is not true. It is hype. I will ask them to withdraw the news immediately! This book will not be published!"

Xu Xin knew that the person on the other end of the phone should be Zhou Xiaofeng, the old man's literary consultant.

It was she who recommended the book "Jinling" to the old man, and Yan Geling had been friends with her for many years.

Then I heard the old man say again:

"Didn't you see it?... I asked Momo to send you a WeChat message. Take a look and quickly convey my apology to Geling. I'll call the company now to ask them to withdraw it!"

Having said this, he paused and rarely cursed:

"This is fucking nonsense! There are so many things to say about the movie, why do the new scenes have to seize such a vulgar point to hype it up?

The grade is too low and it is simply a waste of our labor!

It's really shameful for a good child to be sold to a brothel and used to show off!

You immediately! We apologize to Liu Heng, Ge Ling, and our relevant creators one by one. They have spent so much effort, and now they will be sad to see us put our interest here. This is not propaganda, this is trouble!

I will immediately contact the media to withdraw the news and seek clarification from the media! Come on, let’s work separately! "

Xu Xin guessed that Zhou Xiaofeng was also confused and didn't understand why the old man was so angry.

But the old man hung up the phone without any explanation.

"Send this picture to Xiaofeng. Who is responsible for this publicity plan? Guofeng?"

The "Guofeng" he was talking about was Pan Guofeng, New Picture's vice president in charge of publicity.

But as a daughter, Zhang Mo's words are more direct:

"Do you think Lao Pan is the one who can make the final decision?"

"Jingle Bell……"

Zhang Yimou did not respond.

Because the call came in again.

There was obviously a hint of impatience on his face, but after seeing the call, he suddenly hesitated.

Then, in front of Xu Xin and Zhang Mo, he took a deep breath.


Then he signaled Xu Xin and Zhang Mo to be silent and answered the phone:

"Hey, Xiao Jing."

Xu Xin was stunned again.

Zhang Jing?

Zhang Weiping’s wife?

Zhang Weiping didn't dare to call himself and asked his wife to go into battle?

As soon as this idea came to mind, the next moment, Zhang Yimou turned on the hands-free speaker and heard Zhang Jing's somewhat panicked voice:

"One conspiracy! One conspiracy! What's going on! Lao Zhang was taken away just now! It's said to be a tax issue for the movie... What's going on!?"




Zhang Yimou was stunned when he heard Zhang Jing's unnatural movement.

Xu Xin's ears were unconsciously pulled by muscles and twitched.

But it quickly returned to calm.

Finally, there is Zhang Mo...

She was stunned at first...

As stunned as his father.


For some reason, her eyes quickly moved to Xu Xin, and she stared directly at Xu Xin with an expression of shock, confusion, confusion, and disbelief.

"...Huh? What...are you talking about?"

Amidst Zhang Mo's doubts, Zhang Yimou asked in confusion.

"Just now! A conspiracy! Someone came to the house and found us. They said they were national tax enforcement officers. After showing their work IDs, Weiping took us away! I couldn't stop you! What did you do? What's going on? Huh? What should I do about this...this matter!? "

Zhang Jing's voice was full of panic, and his words were very general and vague.

But as Zhang Yimou gradually came to his senses, the look on his face became more and more surprised:

"You said Xiaowei was taken away by someone? By...the tax man?"

"Yes, yes! What should we do? Yimou! What should we do now?! What is going on? Ah?"

Zhang Jing's side was already a bit arrogant.

But Zhang Mo still looked at Xu Xin with wide eyes.

Looking at Xu Xin's calm face.

Extremely peaceful.

He responded to her puzzled look in an extremely calm manner.


He just took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one and took a deep breath.



A puff of smoke spurted out.

His eyes were completely hidden in this layer of fog.


He sat on the bed.

He no longer had any interactions or responses with Zhang Mo.

Zhang Mo seemed to understand something and quickly shifted his gaze.

But she... seemed a little guilty.

At a loss.

It was obviously the room where her father lived, but she could only look left and right, and finally sat on the low table under the TV that was used to put the kettle, instant noodles, and drinks.

It was as if he had never known Xu Xin.

Want to cover up.

And in the atmosphere between the two of them, Zhang Jing asked:

"Yimou, you have a problem with the funding of your movie? What's going on? What should we do now? Why did Lao Zhang be taken away suddenly? What about you? Are you okay?"


Zhang Yimou was speechless again.

But after hearing this, Zhang Mo looked at Xu Xin again.

This time, Xu Xin finally gave her a response.

He shook his head slightly and exhaled a gentle puff of smoke.

As a result, Zhang Mo felt at ease.

And after she got settled, for no apparent reason, she had a... strange expression on her face.

I want to laugh, but I dare not.

But the eyes and eyebrows are full of joy...

Until she noticed Xu Xin's warning eyes.


He quickly stood up and walked to the bathroom.

Zhang Yimou didn't see the two people's little moves at all. He just said:

"Everything is normal here. I still have something to talk to him about...What's going on? Don't panic. Tell me in detail."

"Just...Lao Zhang was going to be interviewed by the media. Aren't you publishing a book in the past two days? He asked the media to warm up..."

Zhang Yimou's face turned cold again.

Lengqing Lengqing.

But he remained silent.

Zhang Jing continued:

"Just as he was about to leave, someone knocked on the door. I thought it was the property manager, so I opened the door. Then I found out that it was four people wearing shirts, who were brought here by the property manager. When they arrived, they showed their work IDs and said they were The National Tax Enforcement Officer asked if Lao Zhang was here. I originally wanted to say that Lao Zhang was not here...but he came down with his bag and was ready to go out..."


"After those people saw him, they went directly into the house, asked for Lao Zhang's basic information, and then took him away. They said that they asked him to cooperate with the investigation on some tax issues related to film and television..."

Speaking of this, Zhang Jing paused and suddenly said:

"Yimou, cooperate with the investigation... It's not... a particularly serious matter, right? If it were serious, they would have arrested him directly... I just asked him to cooperate with the investigation... It should be fine..."


Zhang Yimou hesitated for a moment and responded:

"Well, maybe...then what? Xiao Wei was taken away?"

"Yes, but we didn't break the law, and we weren't handcuffed or anything... it should be fine..."

"Did Xiaowei say anything before leaving?"

"I didn't say anything... Am I not allowed to contact him? Can I call him now?"

Zhang Yimou thought for a while and said:

"Don't wait for now. If it's just an investigation, it doesn't seem to be more than 12 hours or 24 hours at most... How about you wait..."

"...Huh?...Okay, then let me ask someone? Don't you have any news here?"

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou was completely speechless:

"What news can I have? Am I going to be taken away for investigation too!?"

"No, no, no...that's not what I meant...you are well-informed and scheming, so what do you think I should do now?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin stood up, took his phone and started typing.

After Zhang Yimou took a look, he said:

"Wait a minute, maybe he will come back in the afternoon. Don't worry about it yet. I have to deal with the "Thirteen Hairpins" issue here. Let's keep communicating on the phone."

"...Okay...Okay, then...I'll call you again in the afternoon. Yimou, you are the backbone now...I don't know much about the company's big and small things, so you have to worry more...you know so many people Leader, let’s see when the time comes…”

"Yeah. I understand, hang up now."

Soon, Zhang Jing hung up the phone.

At this time, Zhang Yimou heard Xu Xin say:

"She said she was cooperating with the investigation, not assisting in the investigation. This matter... is troublesome."

Zhang Yimou was stunned:

"You understand this?"

"Yeah. I've seen it before."

The answer Xu Xin gave was very vague.

"Assistance and cooperation are two different concepts. This matter... is not simple. Are you okay?"

"I'm definitely fine."

Zhang Yimou’s answer was firm:

"I dare to say that every one of my money has been taxed. This is everyone's obligation. Moreover, this is a serious matter that can lead to imprisonment! A big tree attracts wind. If someone wants to deal with me or punish me, this kind of Everything needs to be done with certainty! I won’t take this risk, and I can’t commit it. But what’s going on with him?”

"No one knows what the situation is until the investigation results come out... You'd better think about what to do about this book first."

Xu Xin's words instantly brought him back to reality.

And as if the prophecy came true, a phone call came in again.

This is from Zhou Xiaofeng.

"Hey, Yimou, I just finished communicating with Liu Huan."

Liu Huan is the person who handles the copyright of Yan Geling's books, and has been friends with Zhou Xiaofeng for many years.

"What did you say?"

"There are too many people here in Wangfujing. I can't go into too much detail. I can only express vaguely that you just learned about this situation and I'm sorry... He said..."

"say what?"

"It doesn't matter. I understand. No need to argue. We will only let our works speak for ourselves."

Zhang Yimou was stunned.

"Why do you let your work speak for itself? Didn't I tell you? Tell them that I will let people change it now..."

"...Can you change it?"


Zhou Xiaofeng rendered Zhang Yimou speechless with just one sentence.

This person Zhou Xiaofeng...how should I put it?

In fact, the most common perception of her by outsiders is that she is just "Zhang Yimou's literary consultant."

In fact, Xu Xin didn't know much about her.

However, when I occasionally heard the old man talking about the people around him, his impression of her was: "Childlike talk, straight eyebrows, staring eyes, and a speaking style that does not understand what is happening."

This is Zhang Yimou’s summary of Zhou Xiaofeng.

Not in a derogatory sense.

On the contrary, the old man has a bad relationship with you. When he is not familiar with you, he will chat with you in all kinds of roundabout ways. Moreover, he is very good at hiding his "confusion" with other people.

It was as if he met some strange directors and talked to him. As soon as the other party introduced himself, such as I am the director of the "XXX" movie, he would definitely nod and say:

"Not bad."

In fact, he may not have even heard the name of the movie, but on the surface, he will never embarrass anyone.

Even if he is a nobody.

But if you really get to know him, you will know that the old man is also quite "rough".

This "roughness" is not really rough, but a kind of carelessness.

He thinks about too many things and unconsciously ignores things that he subconsciously feels are unimportant.

Therefore, the more familiar the relationship, the more he likes the directness between two people.

Zhou Xiaofeng's words were truly offensive to others. But at this moment, Zhang Yimou could only prove that he was speechless.


Does the nominal art director of New Picture Film and Television Company really have the right to make changes?

Zhou Xiaofeng felt that he could not change, and Liu Huan also understood that he could not change.

As a result, only when everyone asked, he suddenly realized...

Apart from movies... I don't have much say in the company.

But at this moment...

"Teacher Zhou, I am Xu Xin."

At some point, Xu Xin stood up and came to Zhang Yimou's side.

Zhang Yimou was stunned.

But seeing Xu Xin trying to take his phone, he subconsciously let go.

"...Ah? Xiao Xu?"

Zhou Xiaofeng was also stunned.

Then I heard Xu Xin say:

"Well, Teacher Zhou, that's it. You don't have to worry about anything. Just tell Teacher Yan that they will correct it."


It could be heard that Zhou Xiaofeng was confused.

But Xu Xin said again:

"Don't worry. As long as the book is not published, it can definitely be corrected. Don't worry, go talk to Teacher Yan."


"You can just go ahead and say it. I'll hang up first."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Then he said to Zhang Yimou:

"Don't think about other things first, ask what happened to the original manuscript of this book about "sex scenes". Fortunately, the book has not been published yet, and it can be modified, and it is easy to modify, John Miller He is in the business of dead people and will not put makeup on people who are standing. There is no problem with Zhao Yumo lying on the bed and John Miller doing the makeup. The real problem is the passage of Ni Ni. Just delete it and rewrite it. , the problem is not big. Please call the new screen first to confirm."

Zhang Yimou also knew that Xu Xin's words made sense.

So he asked Zhang Mo:

"Who is in charge of publicity? Pan Guofeng?"

Zhang Mo nodded:

"Well, it's him."

After getting the response, Zhang Yimou directly dialed Pan Guofeng's phone number without saying anything.

Still on hands-free:

"Hello? Yimou."

"Guofeng, have you seen the news?"

Zhang Yimou asked directly.

Pan Guofeng remained silent.


Zhang Yimou thought the other party didn't hear, so he fed again.

Pan Guofeng said at this time:

"Yimou...this is what Weiping means..."

"Did he get my consent?"

Zhang Yimou became popular.

After Pan Guofeng was silent for a while, he said:

"There is nothing we can do about it, Yimou, there are some situations here that you don't know."

"I don't know what it means to have a situation!? Doesn't he know that this is wrong!? I have never filmed the sex scene between Zhao Yumo and John Miller. He is fooling consumers and will also cause some bad emotions. Isn’t he clear!? Change! Guofeng! It must be changed! I don’t agree!”

Zhang Yimou's words and tone were extremely fierce.

When he said this, his eyes looked like he wanted to eat someone.

"...Yimou, don't be impatient."

Pan Guofeng obviously heard that Zhang Yimou was really angry.

But the problem is...he is actually somewhat innocent.

After thinking about it, I could only say:

"Actually... it's like this. Wei Ping wanted to negotiate with the theaters to increase the share, and asked for the share to be increased from 37 to 47, but the theaters did not agree. The relationship between everyone was quite tense, so he came up with this stunt. He also I know you haven’t filmed it, and you haven’t watched the news. The word “sex scene” is in quotation marks... This is to increase the selling point..."

"This is nonsense! Such a serious subject matter, he is nonsense!!!"

When he heard that Zhang Weiping had done this kind of thing because he wanted to increase the cinema share and make more money, Zhang Yimou's eyes suddenly turned red:

"What does he think of national sentiment? Let him fool you like this!? If this continues, there will be big problems! Change! It must be changed! It must be clarified quickly!"

"...It's useless for you to tell me. I also raised objections, but this matter was decided by him himself..."


Zhang Yimou wants to continue talking.

But then Xu Xin took the call.

He was stunned.

"Hi, Mr. Pan, hello, I'm Xu Xin."

Pan Guofeng, who heard the voice on the other end of the phone, was also stunned.

Then his tone became much more polite:

"Ah, Director Xu, hello, hello."

"Hey, Mr. Pan, hello."

Xu Xin signaled the old man to be calm, and then continued on the phone:

"Mr. Pan, I can tell that you actually don't agree with this, right?"


Pan Guofeng was silent for a while and then said:

"Director Xu, I did object to this matter."

"Yes, I understand. Mr. Pan, when is this book going to be published?"

"...It's set for the middle of the month."

"That's it..."

Xu Xin's voice revealed a calmness and gentleness:

"I can understand that this is part of the movie's promotion, but it's really inappropriate to use the sex scene to hype up. So my suggestion is that Ni Ni rewrites this part and then gives it to the publisher to make changes. The direction is no longer so-called The "sex scene" is based on the character's mentality and activities, describing the emotional exchange between Zhao Yumo and John Miller. From this point on, everything from the title to the content needs to be changed."

"...Director Xu, I understand what you mean. This is indeed more appropriate, but..."

"Mr. Pan, don't get me wrong."

Xu Xin interrupted him:

"I'm not consulting with you."

His tone was still gentle.

But Pan Guofeng fell into silence again.

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