I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 756 753 The green mountain is still there, but the old friend has said goodbye.

Chapter 756 753. The green hills are still there, but the old friendship has ended

Xu Xin's words made Zhang Yimou subconsciously widen his eyes.

A "what are you talking about" look on his face.

But Xu Xin still looked as usual, and his tone remained gentle as he continued:

"I know Mr. Pan has difficulties, but...some things are not only related to the box office of the movie, but also many other things that are more important than the box office. I want to make friends with Mr. Pan, so I talked a few more "

As if the "I'm not negotiating with you" just now was some flashy empty talk, he gave Pan Guofeng another step.

As for this step, Pan Guofeng took it.

"Haha, what Director Xu said does make sense. Hmm...that's okay. Let me ask Mr. Zhang what he means?"

"Well, no problem. Then... Mr. Pan, after the film festival ends here tomorrow, I will go back to Yanjing overnight. I will stay in Yanjing all morning the day after tomorrow, and then go to get new movies in the afternoon. We will contact you then. ?”


Pan Guofeng was silent again.

After about two or three seconds, he responded:

"Okay, no problem, let's contact you the day after tomorrow."


The phone hangs up.

After Xu Xin took out his mobile phone, he found Yang Mi's number very familiarly. While dialing, he said directly as if he had guessed what Zhang Yimou wanted to ask:

"Cooperating with the investigation usually takes 7 days. After 7 days, the inspection agency will make a decision whether to approve the arrest.

But under normal circumstances, the investigation cannot be completed in 7 days. If there is a need to continue the investigation, this time may be extended to 30 days. There is a total of 37 days to complete the review.

Pan Guofeng cannot contact Zhang Weiping, so he will definitely contact Zhang Jing. Zhang Jing may not tell him the truth, but it is certain that Zhang Weiping cannot be found..."

"Hello? Brother, what's wrong?"

The phone was connected and Yang Mi's voice rang.

But Xu Xin did not respond, but continued to Zhang Yimou:

“At that time, as long as he is not stupid, he will understand that something must have happened.

If he doesn't have a keen sense of smell, I will pressure him and tell him that I have many friends, and he will either become my friend, or my friends will find him.

If his mind is sharp enough, he will discover that I knew about Zhang Weiping earlier than he did.

And if I have the confidence to let him make the decision, he will definitely realize that Zhang Weiping's matter cannot be solved simply.

I won’t mention whether Zhang Weiping will be my friend in the future, but if he doesn’t become my friend, then when the trees fall and the hozens scatter, he will run the risk of being tricked by me. He has never offended me, so he must change this matter. He will not do it unless he changes. "


Zhang Yimou said nothing.

Because the phone has been connected.

After explaining his motives to him, Xu Xin said to the phone:

"Sister, look at the news on the Internet and search for Ni Ni..."

"You're talking about the news about Zhao Yumo's sex scene, right?"

"you saw it?"

"Well, someone from the company just called me, and I just saw...that someone at your side is making changes?"

Yang Mi, who had just heard a rough idea, could easily guess what her husband was doing.

"Yes, let the people in the company take a look at how many media outlets are digging into this matter. Contact them and tell them that "Heart of the Sun" can provide filming photos and interviews after the filming is completed. Let them stop.

Then give them a spoiler of the original novel, explaining that the so-called "bed scene" is because John Miller puts makeup on dead people, and Thirteen Chai is always lying on the bed during the makeup... Anyway, let's clarify. Tell them that Director Zhang and I owe them a favor. "

"Okay, leave it to me. I'll let the company do the statistics... Is there any action from Director Zhang? Are there any efforts to cooperate with each other? I think the current public opinion is on Weibo..."


Xu Xin thought for a while, and suddenly his eyes lit up:

"Is it all on Weibo?"

"Well, there isn't much news in the news section of the portal. But there are quite a few comments on Weibo..."

"Okay, I understand, just wait for my news."

"Well, then I'll contact the media first."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin thought for a moment and turned to look at Zhang Yimou:

"Do you have any photos of the so-called "sex scene" between Bell and Ni Ni, or photos of him applying make-up to Thirteen Chai?"

"Yes, what are you going to do?"

"I suddenly thought of an idea... If you think it's okay, let's open a Weibo for the movie?"



Looking at the confused Zhang Yimou and Zhang Mo, Xu Xin's eyes became brighter.

However, he didn't explain much. Instead, he picked up his phone, opened Weibo, and started searching for "Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling".

It’s better not to search.

I found out after searching... Even if the reporter just released the news, but...

"Zhang Yimou has touched our bottom line!"

"Boycott "The Thirteen Beauties of Jinling"! We refuse to worship foreigners and favor foreigners!"

"Our most tragic moment is not for you to use to flatter foreigners!"...

Xu Xin's heart sank when he saw the comments under the "sex scene" news published by the media on Weibo.

But he still handed the phone to Zhang Yimou.

Then he turned to Zhang Mo and said:

"Sister Mo, I'll give you an email. Now ask the people at Yanjing who are doing post-production work to find a photo of John Miller doing Zhao Yumo's makeup and send it to them. We only have a department that specializes in operating news... This matter needs to be done As soon as possible, without delay.”

"okay, I get it."

Zhang Mo nodded quickly, took the phone and started communicating.

Xu Xin turned to look at Zhang Yimou:

"It's just a photo. You've covered it up long enough. How about exposing it for everyone to see?"

After hearing this, Zhang Yimou stopped reading these comments, handed the phone to Xu Xin and asked:

"You just said you would open a Weibo account for the movie. Is this what you meant?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"That's right. We opened a Weibo for the movie, just like your movie. Zhang Weiping always likes to make documentaries and the like... In fact, it's all for publicity, but have you noticed? Nowadays, online media is the mainstream, especially Weibo The size of Weibo and Tencent Weibo cannot be ignored now.

We directly opened a Weibo account for "Thirteen Hairpins" and regularly posted some photos, behind-the-scenes, or what you look like at work...

I believe that someone must be interested in your appearance in the later stages of the film, just like our documentary "Zhang Yimou 2008". What everyone is interested in is what is usually out of reach. And this kind of publicity costs nothing...how about it? "

Zhang Yimou frowned.

After a moment, he said:

"But... Xiao Wei has always been responsible for publicity..."

"I was just wanting to talk to you about this."

Xu Xin's expression also became formal.

"Even now, do you still have illusions about him?"


The brows that had not yet been relaxed were frowned once again.

And Zhang Mo finally made the call:


While Zhang Mo was communicating with the crew, Xu Xin and Zhang Yimou did not speak.

Waiting until she finished communicating, she lowered her head and sent the email address Xu Xin gave her to the other party.

After sending it, she raised her head and glanced at Xu Xin.

Seeing that Xu Xin was also looking at him, he seemed to understand something and sat down next to Xu Xin holding his cell phone:


Zhang Yimou looked at her.

And Zhang Mo also showed an unprecedented formal expression:

"I really don't recommend that you continue to cooperate with him. This is my request. I believe this is also Aunt Ting's wish. Moreover, this is also what my mother and even Aunt Gong think in their hearts. You can't go on like this. ”

After Zhang Mo said this, he was ready for his father to reject him.

But surprisingly...

After she finished saying this, Zhang Yimou remained silent.

He lived in a suite, both inside and outside.

During dinner in the morning, he was watching TV, and Xu Xin came at that time.

The two of them chatted about movies while eating. They didn't go to the living room and started chatting in the bedroom.

But now that something like this happened, no one moved.

Under the window of the suite are two chairs for guests.

He just held the chair with his hands and sat down.

Outside the south-facing window, sunlight filtered in and shone on his back, causing slight exposure distortion.

It also made his face look a little darker.

This great director, who is famous both internationally and domestically, seems to be sitting in the darkness at this moment in the sun.

Not a word was spoken.

His brows were furrowed.

Seeing that Zhang Mo couldn't get a response from his father, he subconsciously looked at Xu Xin.

It means "you should open your mouth"

But Xu Xin said nothing, just sat next to her and lit another cigarette.

All things considered, there may not be many people who would dare to smoke in this director's bedroom.

He is obviously one of them.

A puff of smoke began to fill the air.

Xu Xin was also silent.

He knew that it was time for the old man to think and decide on his own.

Instead of relying on others to push the flames from behind.

So, he is waiting.

Wait for the inevitable result.

The old man is never vague about important matters, and movies are his bottom line.

Over the years, Zhang Weiping has repeatedly touched this bottom line.

Now, he actually does this kind of thing for money.

Regardless of whether he is caught today or not, based on Xu Xin's understanding of the old man, their fate should end here...

As a result, the only sound in the entire bedroom seemed to be his smoking.



Finished a cigarette.

He threw the cigarette butt into the ashtray filled with some water.

"Zila" sound.

Very shallow movement.

But it was like a notification sound that brought Zhang Yimou back to his senses.

Zhang Yimou, whose eyes regained focus, suddenly sighed:

"Xiaowei wasn't like this before."

He said this to the two of them.

After Xu Xin heard this, he nodded:

"Well, I know, you said it. But isn't that the way the world is? Sometimes the results of comparing hearts are always more bleak than the others."

Having said this, he paused.

He showed a dumb smile:

"Sometimes the murderous knife is hidden in the smile."


There was obviously something wrong with his emotions when he said this.

Zhang Yimou also heard it.

He looked at him with a strange look.

But can't tell the difference.

Apparently, there were some things he didn't know.

But after Zhang Mo heard Xu Xin's words, his eyes moved.

But in the end it was also hidden.

At this time, Xu Xin, who had sorted out his emotions, looked at Zhang Yimou and said:

"How about making a good movie and giving your two brothers a decent farewell for the friendship they have shared for so many years?"

Zhang Mo subconsciously turned his head and shifted his gaze from looking at Xu Xin when he was speaking to his father.


She saw her father nodding slightly.

Nod slightly.

Close your eyes.

One last long sigh:


She was surprised, surprised...how Xu Xin guessed the decision her father had made before she did.

Also puzzled.

I don't understand why my father sighs like this.

Is it reluctance? Or……

But Xu Xin understood.

The old man is not reluctant to give up.

Instead, he said goodbye to his past years with a sigh.

In 1990, Gong Li took Zhang Yimou to a dinner party.

It was said to be a dinner party, but it was actually just a small gathering of four people.

At this end of the wine table were Gong Li and Zhang Yimou.

Opposite are Zhang Weiping and his wife.

At that time, Zhang Weiping was a successful real estate businessman, and Zhang Jing was a fan of Gong Li. The two established a good personal relationship through the bond of fans and idols, which in turn made Zhang Yimou and Zhang Weiping friends who had daily contact.

And this friendship lasted for 20 years.

How many more 20 years are there in life?

Twenty years of personal friendship and more than twenty years of heart-to-heart comparisons have turned into nothing.

What ordinary person would not sigh that time is wasted and things have changed?

Those past brotherhoods turned into calculations of interests.

What ordinary person doesn’t feel sad?


Money is of no use.

Just a pile of waste paper.

But it is this pile of waste paper that has buried so many old friends throughout the ages.

This was the case with predecessors.

The same goes for the second one.

"When we get older in the future, we will travel together and find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters to rest."

The green hills are still there.

The old friend has said goodbye.

"You can do your work normally in the later part of the movie. If you are short of money or something, don't worry. Sister Mo can just talk to me then. Just treat it like I borrowed it from you. You don't have to worry about Zhang Weiping's affairs. This kind of involving You can't control the bottom line of the law. Now I'm going back to discuss with Yang Mi how to handle "Thirteen Hairpins" on Weibo, so don't worry about it and leave it to me."


Hearing Xu Xin's words, Zhang Yimou nodded.

But the whole person's mood is actually not that good.

Seeing this, Xu Xin said no more, picked up the information on "The Heart of the Burning Sun" and walked out.

Seeing this, Zhang Mo said to Zhang Yimou:

"I'll send him off."

The two of them walked out of the room together.

During the few steps from the room to the elevator, neither of them spoke.

After leaving the guest house, Xu Xin found a place under the shade of a tree and lit a cigarette.

"Zhang Weiping was arrested..."

"Yes, I did it. I also handed in the Yin-Yang contract. It was handed in more than a month ago, and it happened to be about 40 days of investigation period."

Xu Xin nodded directly and admitted.

But Zhang Mo was uncharacteristically:

"You didn't do it, he discovered it himself."

This is quite self-evident.

But Xu Xin was happy.


A chuckle, then a nod:

"Well, that's right. He deserves it."

"Then the next step..."

"There is no next step."

Xu Xin gave her a somewhat thoughtful look.

Zhang Mo nodded first:

"I know."

Then he continued:

"I mean what do you think I'll do now that my dad is out of the new picture?"


Xu Xin thought for a moment and said:

"How about... go to Cloud Atlas?"

Then he continued:

"It's Cloud Atlas in name, but in reality the old man can do whatever he wants. He can continue to make films and movies, whatever he wants. It doesn't matter how much the box office is, whether he loses money or makes money, it just makes him happy. Over the years, It's very uncomfortable for him to be restricted... He's old at this age, so you can do whatever you want. I'll be responsible, it'll be fine."


Zhang Mo said nothing.

Just suddenly squatted down.


He sat directly on the curb under the shade of a tree.


He breathed a huge sigh of relief.

Xu Xin was speechless. After smoking a cigarette, he said:

"I'm leaving?"

"Okay, I'll go back and help my dad "consolidate" it."


Xu Xin waved his hand and walked directly in the direction of the car.

Just took five or six steps.

"Xu Xin!"


Xu Xin turned his head.

He saw Zhang Mo standing up again and bowing to him very seriously:



After being stunned for a moment, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:


He responded and waved to her.

This time, he didn't look back.

"I'm home?"

In Qujiang Garden, looking at Xu Xin who walked into the house, Yang Mi, who was holding a laptop, said hello.


"I'm talking about copywriting with the company's public relations officer. The copywriting hasn't come out yet, but the idea is already there, which is to show pictures of Zhao Yumo and John Miller, and then explain the meaning of the sex scene in double quotes, and announce that John Miller is in Characters from the original work and the movie.

The media is communicating, and they are actually more interested in "Jinling" than "Scorching Sun". I also asked people from the company to tell them that no matter how hard they dig up "Jinling", they can't find any information. Sell ​​me some face and end this matter, otherwise neither Director Zhang nor they will continue to cooperate in the future. They have no choice..."

As Yang Mi was talking, she saw that her husband didn't seem to be angry, so she stopped talking and asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Zhang Weiping was taken away to cooperate with the investigation."

"I know, you called me just now, and I guessed it after just half a sentence... Wouldn't that be great... But I still think it's a pity."

Hearing this, Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"What's a pity?"

"It's a pity that no one will know that you did this... It's even more pity that my husband did something... It can be said to be a great good thing that blocked the ant nest, but it is destined to be just a "non-existence" man of"……"

Before he finished speaking, the door of the elderly room on the first floor was opened.

"Whoa! Dad! Whoa! She hit me! Wow..."

Yangyang walked out crying.

As he walked, he pointed at Nuan Nuan who came out behind him and ran all the way to his old father's arms.

After Nuan Nuan walked out with the car she snatched from her younger brother in her hand, she looked at her father but was not afraid at all. She just stood in front of her mother:

"My brother is bad! He..."

As she spoke, she dropped the car to the ground.

That means "I hit my younger brother after he threw his car."

Yang Mi couldn't laugh or cry.

Children under 2 years old are at their most innocent.

She was so familiar with the daily routine of siblings.


Looking at the son who was crying in his father's arms and glaring at his sister, and the daughter next to him who looked like "I am justified and I have nothing to fear"...

She suddenly lost interest in talking.

Just give it up.

A safe family is better than anything else.

No matter what the credit is for hard work.

1:38 p.m.

The Weibo posts of Xu Xin, Yang Mi, Tong Dawei, Chen Qigang and others also forwarded a Weibo post titled [Movie - Jinling Thirteen Hairpins].

[Hello everyone, this is the official Weibo of the crew of the film "The Thirteen Beauties of Jinling" adapted from Yan Geling's novel of the same name and directed by Zhang Yimou. The film has now been completed and has moved to behind-the-scenes production. In this Weibo account, we are very happy to share with you what happened in front and behind the scenes of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins". I hope everyone will pay more attention to it. 】

The effect of this Weibo being forwarded by Yang Mi, an actress who ranks among the top ten Weibo fans, is obvious.

Not to mention that the others are not unknown people either.

And "Jinling" has been so closely guarded from the previous casting stage, everything is enough to arouse the audience's curiosity. Especially after the so-called "sex scene" incident happened in the morning.

The attention is particularly high.

Almost ten minutes after these actors retweeted it, the number of followers exceeded 10,000.

At 2 o'clock sharp, when a group of people left a message on the first Weibo post or asked what was going on in the sex scene, or expressed their welcome, a still from "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" was released.

In the high-definition version of the photo, John Miller, played by Bell, is sitting on a chair, holding brushes and other props that are familiar to girls, and is applying makeup to Ni Ni who is lying on a wooden bed and wearing a cheongsam. .

His expression was focused.

But Ni Ni had to close her eyes because she had to put on makeup.

But it was still vaguely possible to tell that it was a somewhat gloomy attic.

The lanterns, colorful furnishings, etc. in the photo make the whole photo full of charm.

Looks great!

The high-resolution photos were sent along with a Weibo post.

["Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" solemnly declares: The "sex scene" described in the online news propaganda is not true. In fact, Father John Miller's profession is "Encourer", and his professional habit requires him to put makeup on the "dead person" who is lying on the bed. It's not an extension of "sex scene". Director Zhang Yimou and the entire crew are serious and serious about such serious subjects. We will never use an exaggerated and eye-catching attitude to promote the movie, and we also kindly ask our friends in the media not to use "sex scenes" as gimmicks to attract people's attention. Although this story is fictional, it still has a serious attitude and brings a good story to the audience. Hereby clarify! 】


Xu Xin, Yang Mi and others reposted this Weibo post again.

At the same time, some media on Weibo and news on major portal websites also began to withdraw articles.

Xu Xin didn't count how many favors he had during this period.

Too lazy to count.

As long as this can be explained clearly.

While he was thinking about it, a friend request was sent to him on WeChat.

[Pan Guofeng] requests to add you as a friend. Do you agree?

Looking at this message, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, revealing a satisfied smile.

Twelve thousand returns to normal! I recommend a book written by a group of friends. Everyone, take a look

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