I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 758 575 Brother’s words are insincere

Chapter 758 575. My brother doesn’t mean what he says

The quarrel was sudden.

Originally, a few minutes ago, everyone was enjoying themselves, but now suddenly, both of them became angry.

Lang Lang looked at Yang Yang's red forehead, and the fire in his heart kept rising.

Gong Xinliang didn't show any weakness. Whose child hasn't had a bump in the road yet?

Not serious.

While these two people were getting angry, Xu Xin, Yang Mi, and Wang Sicong began to persuade them.

Yangyang himself was emotionally unstable. He was fine in his mother's arms, but when the two of them quarreled, he became a little scared and started crying again.

Nuan Nuan, who was sitting in Lang Lang's arms, looked left and right with a blank look like "Who is it? What's going on?"

Later, he seemed to understand what was happening now. He stood up from Lang Lang's arms and covered Lang Lang's mouth with his small hand:

"Dad, dad..."

When she was covering her face for the first time, Lang Lang subconsciously avoided it and continued to quarrel with Gong Xinliang. But when Nuan Nuan covered his mouth for the second time, Lang Lang glanced at the little guy's innocent eyes and fell silent.

But he didn't say anything, but Gong Xinliang didn't stop:

"Why do you say that to me! Why do you wrongly accuse me!? Did I want Yang Yang to get hit! Cheng Li is asking me about overseas purchasing! This is my career! Why can't I return her favor?! Could I have predicted that Yangyang would bump into me! Why do you say that my friend is a cuckold? Your friend is noble!? Your friend is noble, right?"




As soon as these words came out, Yang Mi, Xu Xin, and Wang Sicong were speechless.



"Are you done yet?"

"Oh my God!"

Wang Sicong hugged Lang Lang's arm:

"Brother! Don't, don't, don't... calm down..."

Because Lang Lang's right hand was holding Nuan Nuan, and he was using his left hand to hammer the table. He quickly tied up Lang Lang's arms, put his fists in his arms and rubbed them with his hands.

I was afraid that my friend would suffer a broken bone.

That's a really big sin.

Lang Lang didn't struggle, but his eyes were as wide as a calf's.

Looking at his girlfriend, he gritted his teeth:

"Say it again! Say it again!!!"


Gong Xinliang remained silent.

His chest rose and fell violently twice, and then he suddenly grabbed the bag he had placed on the coffee table and walked out directly.

Xu Xin subconsciously stopped her:

"MIUMIU, please don't, calm down..."

But Gong Xinliang grabbed his arm and threw it to the side, then walked out.


Xu Xin quickly chased after him:

"What are you doing……"

"stand up!"

"Don't, it's getting dark today, just calm down...it's not a big deal..."

But this time Gong Xinliang still didn't speak. Instead, he changed direction and walked towards the suitcase placed by the wall.

"Old Wolf! Apologize quickly..."

Xu Xin shouted quickly in front of the door.

But Lang Lang didn't speak.

He just looked at it quietly with a cold face.

At this time, Yang Mi stood up.

"Okay, okay, MIUMIU, let's go out and buy a bottle of water... Yangyang, be good, mommy will take you to buy some delicious food..."

She walked to her husband and Gong Xinliang, first grabbed Gong Xinliang's arm, and Xu Xin quickly grabbed the suitcase in tacit agreement.

He hid the box behind himself, and then took the child from his wife's arms.

But Yangyang hugged her mother's neck tightly.

Obviously, he needs his mother more than his father now.


Yang Mi shook her head and pursed her lips at the shoe rack in the entrance.

Then he took Gong Xinliang's arm and led him to the door.

Xu Xin quickly followed up and found the Crocs shoes that the siblings used to tread water.

Hooked the child to his feet.

Yang Mi then opened the door, took Gong Xinliang, who didn't say a word, and left with the child in her arms.

Before leaving, she gave her husband a look.


The door is closed.

Everything is calm.


Xu Xin walked to the table and found that Lao Wang had let go of Lang Lang's arm.

So he asked:

"Is your hand okay?"


Lang Lang's face was still cold, he pursed his lips and after finishing speaking, he gestured to Xu Xin in the direction of the sofa:

"Give me the blowpipe."

"do not."

Xu Xin shook his head and said to his daughter:

"Nuan Nuan, be good, daddy, can you hold me for a while?"

Although Nuan Nuan was young, her intelligence was really inherited from Yang Mi. She nodded immediately and rubbed the mouth organ from Lang Lang's lap.

After Xu Xin picked her up, she was playing with the harmonica hose in her father's arms.

At this time, Wang Sicong sighed helplessly:

"Why are you so angry? There are so many people here, and you don't give me any face?... If you hadn't said it to her face, she wouldn't have been so angry... Why are you so angry? ?”

"What do you mean? Do you think I did something wrong?"

Looking at his dissatisfied friend, Wang Sicong shook his head:

"You must be at fault..."

"That's right, it's normal for children to bump into each other. Yangyang himself also loves to cry, so you won't get angry."

Xu Xin also quickly advised him.

But Lang Lang didn't respond.

He just picked up the wine glass, raised his head, drank a glass of wine, and sighed:

"Sigh... I basically didn't go back to China this year. In fact, she has been abroad with me all the time, and we even bought a house in London."



Xu Xin and Wang Sicong glanced at each other subconsciously.

No one said a word.

Just listen to Lang Lang continue to say:

"My dad has always disagreed with our affairs... After he found out that we were living together, he flew to London to block us. That day... I had a performance, but she didn't come... It's like this, she didn't know where to find it If you find a way, just...purchase on behalf of others, do you understand?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

But Wang Sicong was speechless:

"Is she going to do this? Stop it... It doesn't matter if you are an international student. Why is she doing this? These three people are in trouble..."

"It's not about money. It's like this. She plans to start some kind of cross-border trade to highlight fidelity. She said she wants to make something... a luxury supermarket or something..."

"Don't be ridiculous, doesn't she know that these brands have agents in China? They are all protected by the company..."

"Listen to me first."

Lang Lang shook his head slightly:

"We won't mention whether this business plan is profitable or not. There is a reason why she did this. It was the day I performed, and my dad came to London to see me and saw her. The two of them chatted... My dad has always disagreed with us. You all know this. But this time I didn’t actually say anything to ask her to break up with me. I just told her that I am an artist, and my family will be an artistic family in the future. It is a scholarly family, and the wife I am looking for must be worthy of her. You must have sex with me..."

Speaking of this, his face showed a bit of bitterness:

"Actually, I have never been interested in my dad's statement. He is imposing his will on me. What is love? Love means that I like her and she likes me. Right? When I came back from the performance, I saw my dad in , I knew something was wrong.

Of course, my dad didn’t say anything, and the three of us even had a meal together. When I asked her what my dad and she talked about in the evening, after she told me these things, I mean...she has a junior college degree, do you know? It’s not Tsinghua…”

"I know. When we first met, when Dami asked her about her situation, she said that she graduated from the Tsinghua MBA CEO training class. Dami's uncle is a professor at Tsinghua... She was very familiar with some things in Tsinghua. At that time Just know the situation of this CEO class..."



Lang Lang was shocked, while Xu Xin's face turned a little green.

You really deserve to die!

Want you to talk more?

But seeing his friend's eyes, Wang Sicong just shrugged:

"Brothers are together without knowing their origins. Besides, he was the one who brought it up today..."


Xu Xin was even more speechless.

Lang Lang sighed:

"Sigh...Then I don't have to explain to you. In short, what I told her was that I understood what my father meant, and I told her not to worry. To put it bluntly, my brother still has influence in Europe. Yes, don't worry about whether it's the University of Paris I or Davidson College in the United States...she can go to any of these liberal arts universities.

I just give her a call and she can go. I said you choose the one you like. I will go with you and we will settle there. I will accompany you to study in these prestigious universities. Even if you just get a diploma, my dad can still work there. ... He just loves face, and feels that since his son is a pianist, his daughter-in-law must be good enough. As long as she has a degree from a prestigious university, she will definitely be able to do a good job..."

Hearing this, Wang Sicong asked in confusion:

"What's the result? She won't go?"

Lang Lang's face became increasingly ugly:


In response, he poured himself another glass of wine:

"She said she was not meant to study. She said she wanted to start her own business... As you can see, she likes luxury goods. She said she wanted to enter the fashion field, and she happened to know a few rich people from somewhere. Second-generation international students, everyone talks about starting a business together...

Let’s not say whether it will be successful or not. What she means is to do something like this first... a large supermarket, cultivate a sense of fashion, and then create a personal fashion brand. She stopped being an actress... saying that my dad didn't like her being a star and showing up every day..."

Speaking of this, he paused...

Look up quickly:

"Hey, let's talk about it first. I'm just talking about the matter and it has nothing to do with you two..."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

Wang Sicong is more direct:

"You go on."

"Well... Anyway, this is her idea. It means to start running her own business. She feels that since I have such a wide network of contacts in Europe, it is quite advantageous to want to do something. Especially after researching those luxury goods. Family history and so on..."

"Then the question is what do you do yourself?"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Lang Lang nodded sharply:

"Yes! This is also the source of the conflict between us."

Then his eyes were full of bitterness:

"What should I do?... I told her that you have mistaken what my father meant. He does not want a wife who can make a lot of money. Then she refuted me, probably meaning what on earth do I want her to do? I don't want to. Let your son marry an actor and show his face every day. If you don’t want to find someone who can make money, what kind of person should you find..."

"...Is she really stupid or pretending to be stupid?"

Wang Sicong was speechless:

"Why does Uncle Lang like Da Mi so much? She can't figure it out? What does this have to do with being an actor? Look at Uncle Xu, he calls out to his daughter every day, and he is closer to Lao Xu than to him." Well...she doesn't want to think about why Uncle Lang and Uncle Xu like Dami so much?"

"The problem is that she can't compare with Dami!"

Lang Lang's eyes became increasingly helpless:

"I told her, I said what my dad cares about is not making money or how busy she is. She can run her career however she wants, but the premise is that she and I have to have a stable home first. You know why I am like this this time Are you angry? Because I have been in a bad mood for a while. What kind of day do I want to live?...Here."

He spread his hands and pointed at the dishes on the table:

"That's what I've been thinking about. Don't worry about Dami's career. Lao Xu's trashy virtues are here to show off."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

My heart says you are a piece of shit...

"I support her in pursuing her career, but the problem is...I am more successful than her now, right? As a couple, how can we complement each other? If there is yin, there is yang. This is the truth. But you know that I have had some problems in the past few months. Several times, after returning to London after a performance, as soon as I entered the house, there were a bunch of luxury boxes on the table and on the floor... Those boxes were so damn big! A palm-sized bag needs to be so big!"

Lang Lang gestured to a suitcase that was about the same size:

"Put it in such a big box. As soon as I entered the house, it was covered all over the floor! Let's not mention the money. If our brother can earn it, she can spend it as she pleases, and women have to suffer, right? ...You say she doesn't work hard? She works harder than anyone else, about the history and culture of luxury goods, how to distinguish authenticity from fakes, etc... She has written down several books with just notes. But the question is...who can ask What do I want?"

Maybe it's because of my emotions.

Or maybe it's because of the alcohol.

His face turned a little red:

"I'm quite tired from the performance. I can move my hands for hours, and then I have to catch a long flight home... I don't ask for anything else, just like today. Meat dragon, I like to eat. I also like these cucumber preserved eggs. I love eating it. The taste of this polenta is exactly like my mother’s…”

"...She learned it from Aunt Zhou."

Holding her daughter in her arms, Xu Xin said weakly.

The way my daughter-in-law cooks this corn porridge is indeed the Northeastern method. She went to Lao Lang's house to eat and learned it from his mother.

It's so authentic.

"That's right! Da Mi can learn it, why can't she learn it?"


Xu Xinxin said that my wife can learn because I like to drink...

But it’s definitely not easy to say.

Of course, it is not ruled out that Sister Mi feels sorry for her three grown-ups...

Lang Lang continued:

"What I want is as simple as that. No matter what business you run, I will support you. But the question is... can you support me? I want to have a hot meal when I get home. What the hell do I care about your luxuries?" History, how to distinguish true from false is not interesting!

But the problem is that I can’t even have a hot meal when I get home...

Forget about anything else, Lao Xu, when I first came in, it was Dami who helped me carry the suitcase. Dami is your wife, she is not my wife! But the question is, what is my wife doing? Other people’s wives know how to help me carry my suitcase, but my wife was picking at her cell phone, and I helped her carry her own suitcase... Do you think you’re angry? "



In the silence between the two of them, Lang Lang's face turned redder and redder:

"I said you should get a degree and give my dad some face. The couple has to live their own lives, just like people drinking water and knowing whether they are hot or cold! Didn't we both agree? From now on we will live together and learn from each other. Like Lao Xu, give birth to a son and a daughter, ignore all the disturbances from the outside world that are bullish and bullish, and live our own lives behind closed doors...

But look at now...

You said before that you could be like Da Mi and never hire a nanny at home, and just relied on the two of you to maintain everything at home. Later you said you were busy, okay, let's hire a servant to clean the house.

You said before that you could learn to cook Northeastern cuisine like Dami, and the things you cooked were all my favorites... What happened? Now you say that oil fumes will accelerate aging and you don’t want to cook. That's okay, then let's cook less...

But the question is, at least make sure you give me a hot bite when you get home, okay?

Eh! Nothing at all!

Even after I got home, when asked what to eat, I had to think about it. People say you can eat whatever you want, but as long as something doesn’t suit your appetite, that’s one sentence: don’t eat it!

I just want to know... what is the meaning of my cohabitation? I might as well stay in a hotel, where at least people will see me as an artist..."



At this time, Wang Sicong and Xu Xin frowned completely.

Tell the truth.

It was hard for Xu Xin to imagine the life the old wolf lived.

This sounded... a bit outrageous to him.

In my impression... it seems that I and my wife returned to Yanjing after they fell in love... At that time, Yang Mi was in Shijia Hutong during the day, and I drove her back at night.

From that moment on, he never worried about the trivial matters in life.

But now I listen to the old wolf...

My friend has obviously been in a bad mood recently.


What can I say?


Break up?


At this moment, Wang Sicong said:

"Have you two communicated?... Just these questions."

After hearing this, Lang Lang suddenly sneered:

"Tsk~ You don't think it makes sense, do you? Once you start communicating, it becomes settling accounts. What did she cook for breakfast today? She just wiped the display cabinet at home yesterday, or she bought your slippers? , she changed your toothbrush... It's like the whole cohabitation life is an addition, subtraction, multiplication and division table.

She kept talking about what she did, and then asked what did you do... What did I do? I go to shows every day to make money, what else can I do? I don’t make money, why don’t we go drink the northwest wind? Then, she will ask you: What do you mean? You dislike me for not making money, right? Do you think I spent your money?

Then she said that her career was so good when she was with me. It was me who said that I wanted to stay with her more, and I could also make money. I would support her in the future. She was forced to give up her career, and now she starts to dislike her again..."


Wang Sicong's face froze.

And Xu Xin's eyes also fell on him.

At this moment, Lao Wang should feel like he is looking in a mirror, right?

he thought.


The atmosphere fell into silence once again.

Are there any solutions to these problems?


However, this solution is not what a buddy should say.

The three gentlemen and the ignorant child looked at each other with wide eyes...

Finally, Xu Xin picked up the cup:

"Okay, calm down. Go back and have a good communication with MIUMIU. It's really not an option for you to continue like this. You need to communicate in time and make corrections in time."


A loud sigh:

"Sometimes, I really don't want to be with this person anymore. I'm really, really tired."


Wang Sicong's ears twitched.

In fact, he has always disagreed with his friend's relationship.

At this moment, if I follow my friend's wishes and say something to fan the flames... that would be a good time.


He glanced at his friend's somewhat melancholy eyes.

Lips move slightly...

In the end, he could only pick up the cup and say:

"Have a good chat, just like Lao Xu said... Small problems will turn into big problems if this continues. Communicate in time. You have just moved in together and are getting used to each other. Don't rush, take your time. You should also give her more tolerance... …”


Glasses clinking.

The three of them drank it all in one gulp.

Don't you mean it?

The answer is yes.


Brother, I don’t want you to get hurt, I just want you to have a good life.

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