I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 759 756 Sailing

Chapter 759 756.Sail

Yang Mi did not keep Gong Xinliang after all.

After returning hand in hand with my son, I saw that no one was in the living room, so I subconsciously looked towards the brightly lit backyard outside the sliding door.

I could vaguely hear my daughter's giggling voice.

Before anyone could walk over, Yangyang started running:

"Ball! Ball! Kick the ball!"

It turns out that three gentlemen are playing football with Nuannuan...

But Yang Mi was speechless.

When other people play football with their children, you pass it on to me, and I pass it on to you.

Well done to you three bastards!

The three of them stood in a triangle, and my daughter stood in the middle, watching the three of them kicking around, Nuan Nuan running after the ball happily like a fool!

You guys are running around!

She was speechless, but Yangyang couldn't wait any longer.

The tempered glass on the sliding door was slapped loudly:

"Ball! Ball!"

"Okay, okay, mom will open it for you."

After opening the sliding door, Yangyang rushed over with a smile.

What was originally one donkey turned into two.

"Where's MIUMIU?"

Xu Xin asked quickly while throwing his feet back.

"I borrowed the property's sightseeing car to take her to the guest house... Apple."

Guo Ping, who was watching Xu Xin and the others playing, stood up:

"Sister, what's wrong?"

"Go and take your sister MIUMIU's luggage to the guest house. Her makeup bag is still inside. Then you can also open a room there to sleep. Watch her and don't let her go. I have also given instructions to the manager at the front desk. .”


Guo Ping nodded and quickly entered the house.

Soon, there was an engine sound and she left.

After Yang Mi took a look at the happy faces of these five grown-ups, she didn't say much.

What to advise or not...

Sometimes, the more outsiders get involved in the affairs of a couple, the more chaotic they become.

So he turned around and went back to the house.

Not long after, he walked out carrying two large bottles of sour plum soup and several cups in one hand.

After placing the drink on the table next to him, he said:

"Be careful, don't let Nuannuan and Yangyang bump into each other again."


Xu Xin responded and continued walking.

Yang Mi went back to the house directly and came to the second floor.

After entering the guest bedroom, I changed the pillow cores, sheets, quilts, etc., and spread them neatly. After turning on the air conditioner, I closed the door directly.

The other bedroom follows suit.

After everything was sorted out, she heard the noise outside getting louder. She came to the end of the corridor and looked down...

have to.

How childish.

How old are you, and you are still trying to catch the chicken?

Good guy, Lao Wang is quite stupid, push him! If you push Xu Xin away, he won't be able to catch him!

Stupid prairie dog!

Just as he was thinking about it, the next second he suddenly saw his husband rushing towards the food, grabbing Yangyang down and pressing him down.

Her eyebrows immediately rose and she opened the glass window:

"Xu! If you dare to crush my son, I will kill you!"

"Hahaha, mom is here...hahahahaha..."

She was answered by the child's excited laughter.

She shook her head helplessly and walked directly to the master bedroom.

It's already early 10 o'clock.

Take a bath, it’s time to take care of your skin.

At around 11 o'clock, the two clay monkeys were carried back to the bedroom by their "white-faced" mother and never came out again.

After the child went to bed, the three gentlemen got into the study.

The cigar was lit and the tea started.

I planned to get drunk today, but because of the quarrel, I didn't drink much, and I was almost awake now.

Drinking tea, cigars and chatting.

As we chatted, we started talking about the guest list for this film festival.

"Lao Xu, which big names have you invited?"

After hearing Wang Sicong's words, Lang Lang, who was leaning on the recliner, said:

"You still have to ask? Mr. Xing must have it."

"That's true... But whether they come or not is another matter, right?... Lao Xu, is there any appearance fee?"

Xu Xin, who was handling the tea set, said without raising his head:

"If you can come by paying an appearance fee, then I will definitely pay it. It's public funds anyway, and public funds are used to chase stars, and no fool will not chase them."

"There's something wrong with your thinking, little comrade."

Wang Sicong had a look on his face that said, "You have such low awareness."


He rubbed his chin and said:

"Perhaps the first line of our knowledge, the group with box office appeal, won't have many people coming, right?"


Xu Xin nodded:

"As far as I know, the Four Heavenly Kings have also been invited, but...except for Aaron Kwok because of the movie, the other three people should not be invited. As for these domestic people...I can't say that no one will come, but it will definitely not reach that level. The star of the population is shining brightly.”

"Then you will start taking part in international projects starting next year. I am not bragging. I will find you whoever you want!"

Lang Lang's chest beat loudly.

Does Xu Xin believe it?



"It's not necessary. Let's do it bit by bit. The Silk Road Film Festival must first leave a fair, just and valuable impression on the domestic audience, and then expand to the international level bit by bit. You can't become fat by eating in one go."

"By the way..."

Wang Sicong asked with some curiosity:

"Is the list of movie kings, movie queens, etc. all out?"


"...who are they?"

"I won't tell you."


Wang Sicong was speechless for a while:

"Stop, brother, you're making me feel itchy."

"Then let Brother Seven scratch you."


Hearing this, Lang Lang burst into laughter and said:

"Seventh brother may not scratch him, but he can also use steel wire balls."

"What are you doing, scraping your scales?"


In a few words, the firepower was directly transferred to Wang Sicong.

But the eldest young master didn't care.

Come on, you can say whatever you want, how can I lose a piece of meat?

"Lao Xu, hurry up... stop making trouble, who is it?"

"I told you, I won't tell you for the time being. You are also a guest at the closing ceremony. You will find out when you go to the scene to see it? Now that I have said it, there will be no surprises. What's the point?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

"Don't, you're such an appetizer..."

"Oh, don't stop inking. Just wait. It's only nine days away... Well, it's past 12 o'clock now. Go to bed and listen to my buddy play music for you at the opening ceremony tomorrow night."

After looking at his watch, Lang Lang threw the cigar into the ashtray, stood up and yawned.


Wang Sicong was helpless.

Although I also think this is correct, but... I always feel itchy in my heart.

But Xu Xin didn't say anything, and there was nothing he could do.

Yes, go to sleep.

"Do you want the three of us to go see a movie tomorrow?"

After he asked, he immediately realized something was wrong and quickly added:

"There are four of us...oh no, there are five of us...or no, there are seven of us!"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Brother, have you forgotten why I called you here? Starting tomorrow, you will attend the venture capital meeting."

This Silk Road Film Festival is not just about the shortlisted films.

For some directors and screenwriters in the industry, what is more important is the 9-day venture capital fair.

Including Xiying, Yindu, and Shanghai Film, not to mention the three major companies, there are also some invited film and television company teams that will participate.

At that time, directors, screenwriters, and project managers will show off their projects and give speeches about the concepts of the works they want to shoot, or whether they want to start a film and television-related service company. And through your own statements, it is like attracting investment, attracting investors to inject capital.

Complete the need to raise funds.

To put it bluntly, the core selling point of the Silk Road Film Festival is the highly valuable awards for external audiences. But internally, it is this venture capital meeting.

It counts on how many investment companies it attracts every year and how many new looks the industry can produce in each session.

The Silk Road Film Festival wants to build a nationally recognized venture capital film platform that is full of gold, full of sincerity, and full of flowers.

This is the core point of the film festival.

It is also the greatest capital for it to survive completely as an independent individual in the world.

After hearing this, Wang Sicong shrugged indifferently:

"Didn't I bring you people from Wanda Film and Television Investment Company?"

"Then don't you have to participate? Stop talking nonsense and go to bed quickly. The venture capital meeting will start at 9 o'clock tomorrow."

After drinking the last cup of tea, Xu Xin waved his hand:


Back in the bedroom, Xu Xin moved very quietly. After taking a shower, he lay down on the bed.

As soon as he got off the bus, his wife, who was already fast asleep with her two children in her arms, hugged him.

She wrapped her arms around her husband's waist and put her legs on him.

"what time is it?"

"It's almost half past twelve."

"Well...go to sleep..."


Xu Xin responded.

Then I heard Yang Mi say again in a daze:

"You have to persuade Lao Lang tomorrow. There is a big gap between him and MIUMIU. MIUMIU has said many times along the way that he doesn't understand himself at all..."

"Uh... ok, got it."


Soon, my wife's breathing calmed down again.

Xu Xin just hugged her and began to have random thoughts in his mind.

While thinking about how to persuade him.

At the same time, he also thought that Gong Xinliang was indeed a little inconsiderate to Lao Lang.

I thought about it over and over, but couldn't think of a reason, and finally fell asleep slowly.

August 2nd.

The first Silk Road Film Festival officially opened.

The opening film is played by "The Favorite".

It is reasonable.

At 9 a.m., the Wanda Cinema upstairs of Xi'an Minleyuan Wanda Plaza was overcrowded.

However, unlike the movie that opened at 9 a.m. in July, where the movie "Transformers 3" was simply a money grab, the reason why the Wanda Cinema was so crowded this time was because of the Silk Road Film Festival. Come.

Early on, Wanda Cinema has completed the distribution arrangement.

A concierge belt is set up at the entrance to divert different guests.

Next to an enlarged version of the golden ribbon trophy of the Silk Road Film Festival, the words "Entrance to the Screening Unit of the First Silk Road Film Festival" are clearly written on it.

The audience who had been waiting early had already made a full circle around the fourth floor of the mall from the theater entrance.

There were some cameras and reporters nearby.

Obviously, they are all here to cover this festival.

Wanda does give face.

The opening film of the film festival is the most special, as it is screened at the same time at the same time.

As for "The Favorite" as the opening film, at the juncture of 9 o'clock, Wanda Cinema opened 6 screening rooms in the Minyuan store alone for screening.

But looking at the queue now... it may not be enough.

Because there are still many people who have not booked tickets online and are queuing up to buy tickets at the ticket window.

The fare is the same this time, 20 yuan.

Very cheap.

No one plans to rely on the ticket money to make ends meet.

Wanda is already the main sponsor of the first and second Silk Road Film Festival.

You will definitely not be able to get back the sponsorship fees based on tickets.

What they value more is influence.

At this moment, the staff has begun to distribute movie viewing guides to the viewers in line.

"Hello, this is a movie viewing guide. Let's take a look at the release range of the film festival films. Please try to stagger your viewing time to avoid not being able to buy tickets when the seats are full."

"The movie viewing guide will be updated every day, and it will be updated with the latest film critic consultation and movie ratings. Please choose to watch it yourself."

“The bus routes to major attractions during the film festival are just at the back...”

"Please note that due to the special nature of Xiying Film Studio, group visits are required. Please register online in advance and do not go alone."

"If tourists encounter any problems, please contact our staff as soon as possible. There is a reporting hotline for the market supervision department on the back of the movie viewing guide, or you can call it directly."

"Please consciously maintain order in the theater..."

Volunteers followed the staff to distribute movie viewing guides and answered questions from tourists.

This time, both the city and the province issued a death order, requiring that "humanity comes first" and that no one can tarnish Xi'an's tourism image.

This is a dead order.

No one dares to be careless.

As tourists, some people look at this movie-watching guide, which can be said to be like a booklet, as well as the detailed places to visit, as well as various movie-related matters...

After reading it, everyone had some surprise in their eyes.

This information... is very comprehensive.

From movie viewing to recommendations for travel and accommodation, transportation route maps, opening and closing times of parks, exhibitions, and halls, etc., everything is available.

"This...is different from the Magic City International Film Festival we went to. The work is much more detailed than the work there."

"It's different, it's so comprehensive... Hey, let's go to Xiying Film Studio directly after watching the opening movie? I saw on Weibo yesterday that Yang Mi was shopping for groceries at the gate of the community. We might bump into her."

"Okay! Shall I sign up?"


The same scene is not only played out at Wanda Cinemas, but also at the Cultural Palace, Science and Technology Museum, and even some people who plan to visit scenic spots in advance and then attend the film festival all have such a booklet in hand.

But this time, even when tourists are welcomed to Muslim Street, which is considered the "most embarrassing" among outsiders, before entering the block to taste delicious food, they will be handed a movie viewing book by the staff in the pergola set up at the street entrance. (Play) guide and then go in.

Moreover, when entering, the speaker in the hand of the staff will endlessly repeat the words "Please look for the sincere merchant label".

Then tourists saw a banner with a large "Silk Road Film Festival Trophy" LOGO on the door of the store selling cold skin, steamed cakes, and even yogurt, steamed buns, and water basins:

[Integrity management, clearly marked prices, market supervision]

Below are the menu prices in the store.

Every store is different.

But there is the official seal of the Market Supervision Office in the lower right corner of the banner of every store.

The main thing is to tell everyone that you can eat and drink with confidence.

How many people are there?

Huge amount.

The price is also reasonable.

As for the taste...

The locals smile the most.

But I won’t say much.

Muslim Street itself is a business card of Xi’an.

People from outside come here because of its reputation, but if you have friends in Xi'an, if you call them, they will probably be taken to other places.

When you go out to play, the important thing is to experience.

The locals will never tell them that those restaurants with the so-called "Jinlun Set Meal" are not the restaurants where Jay Chou and Xu Xin come to eat.

But tourists can feel free to spend money inside without fear of being ripped off.


Why isn't it a kind of balance...

The whole of Xi'an seemed to be lively on August 2nd.

Whether it's a movie theater, a hotel, or a hotel attraction.

At this moment, the core of the entire Silk Road Film Festival is the International Conference Center in Qujiang.

Everyone, including Xu Xin, is here.

Xu Xin's arrival is an inspiration to those filmmakers who are waiting for a statement.

But, behind the motivation...

They looked at the crowd of people in the guest seats, but they felt more nervous.

Wanda Film and Television.

Sohu Pictures.


Tencent Video.


Yindu Film and Television Group.

Maritime Film and Television Group.

Xiying Group...

Honglin Film and Television Investment Company.

One company after another, company arrays, regions, and nameplates are placed on the table.

At a glance, there were at least a hundred people.

The stage opposite these more than 100 investors was empty, with only a very wide projection screen and a laptop in the corner.

There is a line of large characters on the right side of the screen:

"The First Silk Road Film Festival Venture Capital Meeting"

Next to this line of large characters, there is a huge poster, and the poster is an explanation of the venture capital meeting.

There are a lot of words, and you may not be able to read them clearly from a distance.

But it doesn't matter.

Long before these people who came to the venture capital meeting entered with their work ID cards, they already had a brochure in their hands.

[The First Silk Road Film Festival Venture Capital Fair—is a youth film project distribution center, film industry exchange and trading platform, including venture capital fairs (copyright transactions and talent transactions) and industrial screenings (completed films and projects in production Transaction) two important units.

It consists of [Film Market Open Week], [Public Statement], [One-on-one Negotiation], [Internal Movie Viewing], [Industry Premiere], [Workshop], [Market Forum], [Awards Ceremony], [Cocktail Reception] ], [Industry Cafe] and other links.

Build a platform for equal dialogue and healthy transactions between industrial companies and young creators in a creative manner, conduct active discussions on texts and transaction prospects, provide the industry with the most current youth film creative cluster, and jointly explore and expand the future of the film market possible. 】

This is the summary of the booklet.

After scrolling down, they will be told the specific process of participating in the venture capital meeting.

They have a 10-minute public presentation session for each project.

If the subject matter is of interest to investors, then these investors will submit an application to the staff for one-to-one negotiation.

Xiying Studio will arrange the time and meeting place for both parties to the project to have private one-on-one negotiations.

At the same time, the companies behind all the investors present today will also have an awards program.

Choose the bonus amount of 50,000 yuan for the filmmakers you want to reward.

After the contract is signed, Xi Film Studio will also act as an intermediary to ensure the accurate implementation of the film's funding links.

There is only one thing that these project sponsors who come to participate in the venture capital meeting have to do, carefully prepare the projects and PPTs at hand, and use 10 minutes to tell their ideas, stories, and scripts clearly to inspire these people. interest.

Everything seemed so formal.

It is no longer a director flattering investors, or holding a fake in his hand to swindle investors' money.

The prospects of all projects and investment relationships are all clearly stated.

With a fair and impartial approach and from the perspective of career implementation, we have hatched outstanding works one after another.

And there is only one reason for this.

Just like the sentence on the cover of the booklet:

"Give movie dreams a cradle."

Looking at this sentence, looking at the entire audience, a single investor, who can be called "food and clothing parents" to the director and screenwriter, is looking at the people in the front row, including Xu Xin and Qi Lei, who are waiting seriously. The solemn look of the first project person taking the stage...

All of a sudden, the feeling of a film festival is there!

This film festival…

It seems really different!

It’s a real film festival that does real things!

And most importantly, they have no nonsense.

At 9 o'clock, after the time started, the host went directly to the stage, took the microphone and said a simple hello, and then began to read out the presentation rules.

Including free use of computers, ten minutes per person, etc.

After finishing these rules, he said directly:

"Then, the first Silk Road Film Festival Venture Capital Meeting [Public Statement] session has officially begun. The first project fundraiser, please come on stage. Please!"

Less than three minutes before and after.

The host took the microphone and got off the stage.

Then, a short-haired lady with a work permit who looked to be in her thirties or forties came on stage, plugged in her USB flash drive, and pulled up the first picture of the slideshow.

Above are a few lines:

"Beautiful Destiny"


Estimated investment amount: 15 million

Project Phase: Financing

Goals for participating in venture capital meetings: to raise funds and find producers

Standing under the big screen, she bowed:

"Hello fellow investors of the Venture Capital Association, I am Xue Xiaolu, a director. My film masterpiece is "Ocean Paradise" co-starred by Mr. Jet Li and Mr. Wen Zhang."




Forget about the filmmakers waiting for their turn to make a statement.

The investors sitting in the audience also showed surprise.


Facing these surprised investors, Xue Xiaolu spoke calmly and calmly, pointing sideways at the screen behind him:

"The fundraising project I brought this time is called "Beautiful Destiny". The script has been completed and the fund preparation stage has begun.

First of all, its story tells the story of the love adventure between Wen Jiajia, a money-worshiping woman who came to Seattle alone to expect childbirth, and Frank, the driver of the confinement center..."

Following Xue Xiaolu’s narration, the first Silk Road Film Festival Venture Capital Meeting...

Set sail.

set sail.

Officially begin!

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