I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 761 758 Certificate of Voting

Chapter 761 758. Certificate of Voting

In the afternoon, Xu Xin rushed to the opening ceremony stage set up in the city that never sleeps.

The weather in Xi'an today is very good. Although it is very hot, there is no need to worry about rain. Moreover, the opening ceremony and the closing ceremony are different. The closing ceremony is full of stars, there is a red carpet, photos are taken, and fans sign autographs, so it is scheduled to be held in Qujiang. center. However, the opening ceremony had more ZZ elements, and only leaders came, so it was not that attractive to fans.

At least Yang Mi will not be attending today.

She wanted to come, but after many considerations, the people who came today were all leaders of the organizers of this film festival.

Xu Xin can come, but he must come.

But she can't.

Even as a couple, not for the time being.

And when he was busy until about three o'clock, he received a call from Qi Lei.

Brought... expected, but also somewhat unexpected news.

"Director Xue Xiaolu is not short of funds for this film, but he hopes to designate a studio to invest in it. And the heroine has already been found, and it's Tang Wei."

Hearing this, Xu Xin, who was chatting with a few tourists in charge of the tour and the city management leaders, stood up with a bottle of mineral water in the creaking nest.

"I'll go out and make a phone call."

He smiled and politely greeted several leaders and walked out of the temporary office.

In the corridor, volunteers from various government agencies, construction workers responsible for stage performances, etc. were very busy.

But when everyone saw him, they would nod politely, call "Director Xu", and then leave with Xu Xin nodding in return.

He remained silent. After leaving the temporary office area, he found a deserted corner and said:

"Did you ask our names directly?"


Qi Lei responded:

"I didn't go to talk, it was Guohui and the others who went to talk. The budget of her film is actually 30 million. She has already prepared 15 million, and all that is left is this There was a shortfall of 15 million. When Guohui and the others met, they immediately revealed all their wealth. There is no shortage of money, but what is missing is money from our factory. Tang Wei and her are good friends..."

"Just like Li Yu and Sister Bingbing?"

"Yeah. I even talked about you specifically and said that Tang Wei really likes your directing style and hopes to cooperate more in the future. He also particularly likes the culture and spirit that our factory treats movies... According to Guohui himself. , all we have to do is bring out the deed of betrayal and she sign it for Tang Wei."


While he was talking, Xu Xin kept holding a cigarette and thinking.

Finally came the sentence:

"Actually, when we were in Cannes, Lao Wang asked me about Tang Wei. My answer was that Li Yu took off her clothes and I could help her put them on, but I was too lazy to do it. Because there was no need."

"Then just ignore her. It's just a movie, so it won't put you in such trouble."

Seeing Xu Xin repeating his attitude when he met Tang Wei in Cannes, Qi Lei simply made a decision.

Do Xi Film Studio and Art Creation Center want Xue Xiaolu?

Definitely want to.

This is a director with a box office of over 100 million.

Although the market is beginning to enter a period of prosperity, it is not uncommon for movies to have a box office of over 100 million yuan... Every year, there are always a lot of movies with a box office of over 100 million yuan on the box office rankings of Chinese-language movies.

But... the actual situation is that in 2010, Chinese-language films + imported films were put together, and there were only 26 films with a box office of over 100 million.

And how many movies were released in theaters in 2010?

Answer: 289.

These 289 films are films that have been clearly released in major domestic theaters and have been scheduled.

It also includes some gift films. Even if no one watches them, they must be guaranteed to be released in theaters.

There are 289 films, including imported films, and only 26 films have a box office of over 100 million. Not even one tenth.

If we exclude animated films such as "Xi Yang Yang", "Toy Story", and various Hollywood blockbusters that have suddenly become popular in the past two years, there are only 16 Chinese-language films that have grossed over 100 million yuan.

This is data from 2010.

And what about 2009?

Part 242.

There are a total of 16 movies that have grossed over 100 million yuan.

There are 9 Chinese-language movies that have grossed over 100 million yuan.

It can be said that Chinese-language films are making progress every year.


But from a basic point of view, directors who can produce movies with a box office of over 100 million are still among the top group of people in the entire industry ecosystem.

The base number does not even exceed 5%, floating around 4%.

Xue Xiaolu is one of the 4%.

The best of the best.

This kind of director takes the initiative to come over with a project and put it in a harsh way... not a fool would accept it.

But the problem is...

Tang Wei...is this really necessary?

If Qi Lei had to choose, he would have no problem with it.

He stuffed himself into the actor troupe and told everyone that this person was guaranteed by Xiying Film Studio.

Let’s see what works come out in the future...

Put the meat into the pot first.

But after hearing Xu Xin's opinion that she was "tasteless"...he could naturally understand what was more important.

Although at first glance this sounds a bit "pretending to serve the public good for personal gain".

But who gives him the right to speak?

But as soon as he said these words, Xu Xin stopped him:

"Don't be impulsive yet."

After saying this, his brows wrinkled slightly again.

Xue Xiaolu is actually not a threat.

It's more like a favor.

Obviously, the relationship between Tang Wei and her is really extraordinary.

As for Tang Wei...

"Is she among the invited guests this time?"

"No, there is no social interaction, and the invitation letter cannot be sent."

"...Invite her."

"Is necessary?"

Qi Lei asked doubtfully:

"I actually don't like her approach. If you want to invest, just do it in an honest and aboveboard manner, and ask someone to plead for a 15 million project. What does she want?"

"She's out of options."

Seeing that Qi Lei was in a mood, Xu Xin took the initiative to enlighten him this time:

"Last time, she faced me directly, and I wasn't interested in her. Now if she wants to come, she won't be able to get through it if she doesn't have a reason. And... I thought about it, and it's actually difficult for her to play. The difficulty lies with the audience. The inherent impression of her is difficult because of her audience market...it’s really not easy to deal with.”

"Then what do you mean..."

"Even Zhang Ziyi came here, we don't want someone like her. Right? It has nothing to do with Xue Xiaolu's project. We can leave it to the big guys to decide whether to invest in this project. We can't make the decision on every movie, right? As for Tang Wei... his attitude is so low, if you want to come, then come."

In the end, Xu Xin made a decision.

"Be prepared with both hands. Put one hand on the cast and the other on Cloud Atlas. Her acting skills are still reliable, but the way of acting is a bit tricky. If she is given the right subject matter, she can perform 150%. But if the subject matter is not suitable, it will only be 70 or 80 at best. She obviously understands her own strengths and weaknesses, and looking at it, we are indeed the only way out."

"Putting a cloud map?"

"Well, let's release the cloud map. Yang Ying, her, Zhang Ziyi... ha~"

Xu Xin chuckled:

"Not to mention, these three people are quite bluffing. A new-generation celebrity, an older-generation international movie queen, and a literary goddess... There are no shortcomings in terms of actress resources."

"...Okay. Then I'll have someone send her an invitation letter and invite her to attend the award ceremony with Xue Xiaolu. Do you want to talk to her?"

"Farewell, come on. I'll talk to her, and I'll definitely make a promise. There's no need. Sister Bingbing is more suitable than me for the casting troupe."

"Then this Xue Xiaolu..."

"It depends on what she thinks."

"Okay. Let's just say, I'll let someone do it here. See you tonight?"

"Well, see you tonight."


The phone hangs up.

Looking at the cigarette butt that had burned out after just a few puffs, he lit another one for himself.

He raised his head and drank half of the bottle of mineral water contained in the creaking nest.

Then I started thinking about Tang Wei.

Actually, if you don’t think about it, it’s okay.

After thinking about it, I found that it would make sense if I "accepted" her. As long as she doesn't make those twists and turns in the future...

But when I turned around and thought about it, since she was from Xiying Studio, she wouldn't be able to take off her clothes if anyone wanted her to.

Even if Li Yu comes to find her again, this face...

I won’t give it to myself either.

Thinking of this, he took a puff of cigarette.

The smoke puffed out, and he let out a long sigh of relief and stood up again.



I'll accept your certificate of submission.

From now on, take my name on your back and continue to roam the ocean.

From today on, you are my beard-bearing territory!

Gu la la la la~


Traffic jams have begun in the Evernight City.

Because it is an open-air opening ceremony, tourists basically start to gather here at this point.

The traffic police had already pulled up the line early and began to maintain order.

Xu Xin got into Lang Lang's RV to escape.

Gong Xinliang still didn't show up in the RV, and he didn't ask if the two had reconciled. As soon as I lay down on the bed, I started yawning again and again.

The "haha" sound even disturbed Lang Lang who was warming up to play the piano.

"If you're sleepy, just take a nap, okay? Do you know how disturbing it is to yawn one after another here?"

"I can't sleep. What should I do if I go home at night?"

Xu Xin, whose eyes were full of tears, yawned again as he spoke.

I just had a work meal, plus being in an air-conditioned room on this hot day, and having a comfortable bed...the three elements for a nap are complete.

He could only continue to fight the Sandman.

Seeing this, Lang Lang felt a little helpless and thought to himself, do whatever you want.

Then I used the warm-up piano in the car and planned to continue to brew my emotions.

Don't look at him being carefree and carefree in front of his friends. In fact, in terms of performance, his requirements are even higher than Jay Chou.

To put it simply, a piano melody is a combination of notes.

Why is it that someone is just a hobbyist and he is an artist?

According to his own words, he knows how to express emotions.

The mood of the song, the mood of the composer, the mood of the performer, and even what mood he is in today will all be concentrated in this section of melody.

Xu Xin naturally didn't understand.

People who play music are so heartbroken that ordinary people like them can't tell the difference.

But Lang Lang definitely has requirements for himself.

Tonight he has two songs, ten minutes. Play with a symphony orchestra. Although this kind of performance has been performed hundreds of times, he is still not sloppy at all.

Little by little, I accumulated the understanding of the music score in my heart.


"Jingle Bell……"

The loud ringing of the phone once again interrupted his thoughts.


The piano artist was speechless.

Who the hell doesn’t know that my favorite thing before a performance is to be by myself, to adjust my body and mind to a "transparent" state...

When others fart, they want to be silenced.

Good for you.

The ringing tone of your phone is so jarring.


Ignoring those two bullish eyes, Xu Xin answered the phone openly.

As if it wasn't enough, I turned on the speakerphone again, and then pressed the volume buttons frantically.

Wang Sicong's voice rang out:

"Lao Xu, where are you?"

"Help Lao Lang cultivate his emotions."

After Xu Xin said this, Lang Lang felt his hands itching.

It wasn't the numbness and itch of tenosynovitis, but the urge to beat up this bastard.

"Oh~ OK, wait for me, I'll go over and we can raise her together. I just have something to talk to you about."

"Come on, it's in his RV backstage."

"Okay, wait for me, I'll be there soon."

The two of them were talking as if there was no one around, and Lang Lang had a look of despair on his face.

It's over.

Serving a father is not enough.

How the hell could it be better for two living dads to get together?

Hey, what song should I play? ... As for the music score, no, I have to find it quickly.

It would be really embarrassing if you forget the score after a while.

"Can we discuss something?"


Xu Xin, who was leaning on the pillow with his legs crossed like an old man, snorted while looking at his phone.

Then the "ding dong ding dong" sound of Weibo refreshing sounded in the vacant room.


Lang Lang twitched the corner of his mouth and said:

"Can you two go away?"

"Okay, you tell him later, I don't care. If he gets out, I will get out immediately."

"What? Why do you want us to get out?... Please give way."

Wang Sicong, who had just found the RV and opened the door to get out of the car, heard the man who opened the door said "Get out of here". He was accustomed to it and didn't take it seriously. While asking, he squeezed past him and got into the RV.

Then he sat on the piano bench, opened the refrigerator door next to him, and took out a can of Coke.


"Tons, tons, tons, tons."

"Hiccup~~~~~~~Hey, I feel much better."

He belched out, and Lang Lang was almost stunned:

"Why the hell did you eat garlic!?"


Wang Sicong, who was swinging there with his legs crossed and carrying half a can of Coke, nodded:

"If you don't eat garlic when eating noodles, the flavor will be reduced by half. This is what Lao Xu taught me... Today I went to eat the Qishan Saucy Noodles that my stinky baby has always wanted to try. Oh, I am so excited! The fragrance is very good !”

Xu Xin, who was lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone, tilted his head:



"Okay, let's take Yang Mi to eat next time."

After receiving feedback from his friend and remembering the noodle shop that we visited but didn't enter last time, he subconsciously tilted his head.

It turned out that Wang Sicong threw a cigarette.

Xu Xin was stunned and looked at the green lighter:

"Your lighter...why does it look so familiar?"

"Ah? Is there any?"

Wang Sicong casually put the lighter into his pocket, held a cigarette in his mouth and naturally changed the topic:

"Korea called Tian Lai this afternoon... Why did you open the door? Isn't all the cold air gone?"

The first one was said to Xu Xin, the second one was said to Lang Lang who opened the RV door.

Faced with his words, Lang Lang's answer was even simpler:

"Wait, I'm going to buy a knife and kill you two bastards."

"Oh, remember to buy dish soap, I'm afraid your knife will be stained with garlic smell."

The eldest young master replied with a accustomed expression, and said to Xu Xin, who was still thinking about why the lighter looked so familiar:

"Five million, one year. If you buy it for four years at a time, it will be sixteen million."

Xu Xin tilted his head and asked:

""I'm a singer"?"


Wang Sicong nodded:

"I've been talking about this for a while... If you ask me, these Korean stick guys also have brain problems. I've already said that "The Voice" can exchange copyrights with them on an equal basis, if you don't want to... Do you think they are? ill?"

"The market in South Korea is not that big. It's normal for people to look down on it~ Let them use money to buy it when the time comes... How do you evaluate the program?"

"The internal evaluation is very suitable for us. The average ratings of "The King of Masked Singer" cannot exceed three, which shows that the competitiveness is still better than other selling points. I think this program is good, and I thought... 10 million is 10 million. , just take it, what do you think?"

"Take it."

Last time he recommended the Korean program "I Am a Singer" to the old queen, so he didn't worry about it.

He definitely doesn't know as much as Lao Wang at the moment.

When Wang Sicong saw that he also agreed, he took out his mobile phone.

Then after taking a look at the content on the phone, he said:

"Oh, yes, there is one more thing. Over in Korea, the SBS TV station now has a variety show called RUNNINGMAN. Have you heard of it?"

"Lin Gou recommended it to you? He and Liu Yifei both looked at it."

"It was reported to me by someone from the company that they were discussing the copyright of "I Am a Singer" with MBC in Korea. I don't know where the people from SBS heard the news. They are also looking for copyright cooperation, mainly because of the high operating costs and the added cost. The ratings for that show were a bit low, so they took the initiative to contact us. Not to mention, it was really inexpensive. I was a little tempted."

Hearing this, Xu Xin glanced at him and asked:

"Very cheap?"

"It's quite cheap. I asked the people at MBC... Although the words from the opponents are definitely not good, I think what they said makes sense. The ratings of the program were so low that it was already in the warning zone for being axed. If we don’t make some achievements, we may be cut off at any time.”

"Have you asked Lin Gou and Liu Yifei?"

"I didn't ask Liu Yifei, but Lin Gou said that he liked that program very much and thought it was quite novel. I watched one episode and I thought it was okay. The limitation of their program is that the scenes are too monotonous, and there is nothing in Korea. But if we move here, we have a vast land and abundant resources. You can go wherever you want. It is also a variety show that can connect with the tourism industry, regardless of whether it is Shaanxi or some of Wanda's cultural tourism industries. I think it is pretty good. Yes, plus it’s cheap, so I plan to buy it.”

"How much does it cost per year?"


Although he didn't know how this program called "RUNNING MAN" connected with tourism, and he didn't have a good impression of SBS as a TV station.

The leaked incident at the Olympics that year is still fresh in my mind.

But Xu Xin heard what his friend meant.

This program should be a creative process that can be used to promote things like Wanda Hotels and scenic spots developed by Wanda.

In this case, he will not interfere with his friend's choice.

After all, he is in charge of Tianlai now.


The copyright fee of 1.5 million is really ridiculously cheap compared to the 5 million copyright of "I Am a Singer".

"Okay, if you want to buy it, just buy it."

Xu Xin nodded:

"Teana's variety show really needs some diversity possibilities."


Seeing that he agreed, Wang Sicong responded, then took his mobile phone and continued to communicate with people in the company.

When everything was said and done, he suddenly felt something was wrong...

"Where's the old wolf?... Damn it, you're not really going to buy a kitchen knife, are you?"

Before he finished speaking, the door of the RV was opened.

Lang Lang walked in with a plastic bag in his hand.


"What did you buy?...Why are they all little puddings?"

Looking at a few ice cream sticks in the plastic bag, Wang Sicong was speechless:

"I'd be happy to eat four rings, or chocolate chips."

"Eat it or not."

Lang Lang rolled his eyes, took out a small pudding and put it in his mouth. Then he stuck his butt to the side and pushed Wang Sicong off the stool:

"You two, get out of here. Are you planning to perform for a while? Go away, go away."

"It's okay if you tell Lao Wang to get out. What have I done? You want me to get out?"

"Nonsense, I'm upset just looking at you. Get your popsicles and get out of here!"

Xu Xin, who felt so innocent, was kicked out inexplicably.

Wang Sicong, on the other hand, was holding ice cream in his mouth with an indifferent look on his face:

"Where are we going?"


Listening to the sound of the piano playing again inside, Xu Xin opened his mouth, and then...


He gave the car door a kick.

Then he started running forward without looking back.

"What a fool!...Hahahahaha."

Wang Sicong, who was a little slow to react, ran away with him laughing and joking, holding a plastic bag in his hand and a little pudding in his mouth.

Until Lang Lang's angry voice came from behind:

"I'll fucking kill you both!"

It’s just one update today, I’m very, very sorry.

I stayed in the hospital for a day. The stone was about 5mm and it happened to be stuck in the ND. I really couldn't stand up straight or sit down. It hurts too much, and then it’s not broken into stone, so I can only drain it by myself...

I feel so uncomfortable!


Extremely uncomfortable! ! ! ! ! !

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