I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 762 759 Don’t treat me as a human being

Chapter 762 759. Don’t treat me as a human being

Lang Lang showed mercy after all.

As the last note fell, he stood up to salute. Looking at the two people applauding in the audience, he silently took back his 39-meter long knife.

And as he, the most important guest, finished playing, the entire opening ceremony also came to an end.

The opening ceremony is simple.

Just make the closing ceremony more grand.

The entire city that never sleeps is brightly lit, announcing the opening of the first Silk Road Film Festival.

After a busy day, Xu Xin finally came to rest.

The guests dispersed.

When he was about to leave, Zhang Yimou found him:

"I left immediately and went back to work on the film's post-production."

"Hey, okay."

Xu Xin nodded, and after seeing that no one was paying attention to the two of them, he asked in a low voice:

"Is Zhang Weiping back?"


Zhang Yimou shook his head.

Then he sighed for no reason:


Xu Xin understood what he was sighing and whispered:

"Don't worry about this. Just let nature take its course. It's your own fault and you won't survive."


After saying a few words, Zhang Yimou left with Zhang Mo who waved goodbye to him.

And Xu Xin didn't stay any longer.

He had been out for a serious day today, and it was almost nine o'clock now, so it might be ten o'clock when he got home.

I have a flight to catch early tomorrow morning.

"Mengmeng, let's go."

He quickly got into the car, unbuttoned his shirt and urged.

"Okay, Brother Xu."

Su Meng put down her phone, started the car, and started looking around.

The people in this parking lot were all guests attending the opening ceremony. She had to be careful. If she encountered those license plates, she would have to give way.

Don't cause any trouble to Brother Xu.

As she followed the car out and looked around, she didn't forget to add:

"Brother Xu, I just received a lot of congratulatory WeChat messages to celebrate the opening of our film festival."


Xu Xin, who was leaning in the back row, responded.

"And then there's the message from Tang Wei, saying thank you."


Xu Xin, who had closed his eyes to rest his mind, subconsciously opened his eyes.

"Tang Wei?"


"Let me see."

Su Meng handed over her work phone.

After opening it, Xu Xin ignored the congratulatory messages waiting for a reply and clicked on the chat box with the note "Actor Tang Wei".

"Director Xu, I have received the invitation letter. Thank you for inviting me. Thank you."

Sent time was 2 minutes ago.

Xu Xin thought for a while and replied directly:

"You're welcome, I look forward to your arrival."

After this message, Tang Wei waited until the car drove out of the internal parking lot before replying:

"I'm looking forward to it."

"No, it should be said that I have been looking forward to it. Xiying Film Group is the film dream factory that I think best suits the characteristics of a filmmaker. It is an honor for me to participate in the closing ceremony of this film festival."


This flattery is almost too much to be photographed.


Xu Xin nodded slightly.

Can talk.

DAY1 of the "Silk Road Film Festival" came to a successful conclusion with the smooth opening ceremony.

In fact, there are still some shortcomings in the preparations for this film festival.

This is true in every aspect.

But everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as the general direction is good, these problems will be solved with the subsequent growth experience.

Before Xu Xin went to bed, he probably scanned the comments on Weibo.

Not bad, both are very high.

Whether it's the food, drink and entertainment in Xi'an, the cultural environment of the scenic spot, or the quality of the films shown... including "The Favorite", it has gained a lot of love from everyone.

Of course, there are also complaints.

For example, it is difficult to buy tickets...

There is nothing we can do about this.

Tickets are hard to buy not just here, but also for the three major European events every year.

Maybe in a sense, this is also a kind of hunger marketing... maybe.

In any case, a big stone fell to his heart, and he felt really at ease.

And Yang Mi finally helped him pack his suitcase.

A full 4.

There are three more at Yanjing.

There are a total of 7 large suitcases, all of which my husband will need for filming and daily life.

This time, she will not go with Xu Xin, but will stay in Xi'an for a while. Wait until the film festival is over and then return directly to Shenmu.

The children also go back together.

Start preparing a new movie.

And in the next few months... I can't say for sure. Maybe, she will take advantage of the crew's vacation at some point to meet her husband in Yulin or EEDS, which is close to the Shenmu and has an airport, to relieve the pain of lovesickness.

But most of the time, she has to start making preparations.

Xu Xin also understood.

So, after I hugged her and turned off the lights, I didn't let go.

The old couple were like lovers who had just met, chatting and singing incomprehensible words in this dark room.

Finally, they both fell asleep exhausted.

So early the next morning, Yang Mi didn't even get up.

After kissing his son and daughter, he quietly embarked on his way back to Yanjing.

Very reluctant to part with it.

But work is work.

There are not so many perfect ways in the world that allow him to live up to the Tathagata and live up to you. He will not miss a cent of the work he is supposed to do, and hundreds of people are waiting for him.

Returning to Yanjing in the morning, he picked up the last three suitcases and some information he might need.

Another full travel bag.

Then directly transferred to Xiamen.

As for the meeting that Pan Guofeng had agreed to meet, it no longer existed when the other party added WeChat tacitly after understanding the situation.

Lao Pan really wanted to find out what was going on.

Why is it that the boss was still giving orders "yesterday" but suddenly couldn't be contacted "today"?

It's a pity that Xu Xin didn't even tell the person involved about this matter. It was destined that the other party would not be able to find a way to take revenge...

It was even more impossible to tell him.

But this "one-sided appointment" is gone.

Ni Ni has already modified the content of his so-called "sex scene".

The publisher also notified the revision.

Everything is proceeding in an orderly manner in a tacit understanding.

Just like the movie he is about to start.

At around 1:00 noon on the 3rd, a fully loaded commercial vehicle and a Volvo specially brought to pick up Xu Xin arrived at the hotel where the crew was staying.

Then he challenged Bak Kut Teh again.

Not to mention... maybe the Bak Kut Teh I had this time was not authentic?

I always felt that it tasted much better than what I had in the cafe last time.

After finishing the meal, the medium-sized conference room in the hotel was already full of people.

Including Chen Qigang's son Chen Yucheng, sub-directors and stage managers from various departments close to No. 60, large and small, are all waiting for the chief director to make plans.

After Xu Xin opened the door, everyone's eyes fell on him.

He took Li Haiping and Xue Yong directly to the front of the conference room.

"Good afternoon, everyone."

Looking at these familiar faces, he no longer felt any sense of social intimidation and said hello in a familiar manner:

"I was delayed for some things. I just arrived. Everyone is familiar with me, so I'll keep it short. After all, the actors are still waiting for me.

First, let’s talk about the shooting tasks these days.

On the 10th, I will take our actors back to Xi'an to attend the film festival's award ceremony. I will go back on the morning of the 10th and go back after the ceremony. Then rest for a day or two to adjust and enter the official shooting session.

In the past few days, our job is to promote some transition shots, such as the framing of Yang Zidao driving a taxi, or some close-ups of the weather, scenery, and venues.

The filming of this part was very trivial, and some even had to be shot once on a sunny day and once on a rainy day. In addition, "weather" is a very important part of the entire movie, so the shooting task this time will be relatively trivial, so everyone should be prepared in advance.

Especially the meteorological department, the burden on your shoulders is not light this time. Regardless of whether God is good or not, you must at least give everyone a reassurance..."

After finishing what he wanted to say step by step and methodically, Xu Xin spread his hands to indicate that he had finished speaking.

Li Haiping, who was standing next to him, directly picked up the workbook in his hand:

"Let me talk about the shooting plan. According to the weather team, it will be sunny tomorrow, and the opening ceremony will be held at 8 o'clock in the morning. It is expected to end at 9 o'clock.

After the opening ceremony, the props department began to work on the vision of the abandoned unfinished building scene.

It takes about 40 minutes to drive from here to the abandoned unfinished building. You will definitely not be able to come back at noon. The logistics support team remember to communicate with the catering unit in time..."

When Li Haiping and Xue Yong cooperated with each other and began to assign work to other departments, Xu Xin sat nearby and listened.

If something was not expressed clearly, he would correct it.

The entire meeting lasted for nearly 20 minutes and then ended.

He didn't say anything to mobilize him.

No need, everyone is familiar with it.

Nodding lightly:

"Okay, if there's anything you don't understand, you can ask Director Li and Brother Yong. Let's break up the meeting."

After the meeting, he returned to his suite.

Su Meng has already packed the contents of these suitcases.

Sister Mi brings a lot of things, very comprehensive, and can be said to cover everything. So much so that the entire living room in the suite seemed a bit crowded.

But Su Meng followed Xu Xin's habit and kept the largest desk spotless.

For Xu Xin’s future work.

Soon, the event agreed with the actor came and Xu Xin went downstairs again.

He arrived at the conference room with ease. After opening the door, he immediately focused his eyes on Liu Zhishi's face.

no way.

She is really eye-catching with short hair.

"This look is fine."

Not stingy with her praise, Liu Zhishi showed her white teeth after nodding her head in approval.

But he didn't speak.

Because Xu Xin has arrived at the position reserved for him.

Looking around, he nodded:

"This is your first time working with me. Although we are all friends in private, my crew still has some rules that need to be made clear first.

First of all, my shooting habits are three. "

Looking at the actors who subconsciously sat upright, he raised three fingers:

"The first time, if I think you are wrong, I will tell you where your mistake is after calling stop.

The second time, if it’s still not right, I’ll tell you the characteristics I want you to express.

And if it’s not right the second time, on the third time, I’ll ask you to think calmly and go shoot other people’s scenes first. When you have figured it out, or if you have any ideas, you can come to me to communicate. Let's study it together.

All interpretations of the film and characters on the set are subject to me. Of course, I am not a tyrant on the set. I already have a clear direction in my mind about how to interpret each character in my film.

If you have any opinions about the characters, you can come to me in private. If you can convince me, or make me think your version is better, then I will adopt it. "

Although he tells the actors about his habits and the rules of the crew in every movie, this time, he made it particularly clear.

Mainly for Duan Yihong.

From the audition, the other party has already shown the characteristics and signs of having his own ideas.

This kind of person usually has a mysterious persistence in his role.

Therefore, some things should be said in advance so that the work can be carried out later.

Looking at Duan Yihong who nodded slightly, Xu Xin knew that he had listened to what he said.

Just listen to it. As long as you don't act like a brainless troll when the time comes, everyone's reasoning will still make sense.

Next, he talked about his plans for the next few days.

And the incident of the line reading meeting that started right after dinner in the evening.

It only took about twenty minutes to finish everything.

"Okay, that's all. If you have any questions, you can come to me in the room. You are an exception."

He smiled and pointed at Liu Zhishi.

"You have to bring your assistant."

Liu Zhishi rolled her eyes.

My heart says just be poor.

Sooner or later I'll let you lay the floor!

The actors' meeting is over and the afternoon's tasks are over.

Xu Xin didn't care about the condition of the actors. After returning to the room, he directly sorted out all the information he brought.

Then he called Xue Yong into the room and asked him to bring over some shooting permits for the venue for final confirmation.

After everything was confirmed, Xue Yong left.

He didn't go out either. He returned to the bedroom and lay down directly.

If it were normal, he might check Weibo and read reviews from film festivals and the like.

But not today.

He just lay on the bed and slowly let his thoughts go.

Compared with the soothing atmosphere of "Hawthorn Tree", "Fierce" sometimes needs to create a sense of urgency through the lens.

This is also a challenge for him.

From the time he came into contact with the book "Sunspot" to today, the draft and sub-shots of this script have been in his stomach for a long time. However, as a new challenge, he still did not dare to be careless or careless in the slightest.

In this quiet environment, I adjusted myself little by little and entered a state of mindlessness.

Time flew by and came to night.

He spent several hours in a state of half-asleep, half-asleep and half-awake.

Su Meng served dinner.

After eating, he sat down at his desk again and started drawing line drawings.

Just now, there seemed to be a better way to deal with several scenes in his mind. He needed to draw them out and then make a comparison.

Soon, the time came to 7:30.

A knock on the door liberated him from his work state.


I opened the door in response and found it was Liu Zhishi.


Xu Xin rolled his eyes directly:

"Where's Xiaolei?"

"I went down to buy ice cream."

Liu Zhishi shrugged, looking relaxed.

Xiaolei's full name is Bi Xiaolei, an assistant assigned to her by her wife.

In terms of employment, Yang Mi has always believed in the creed of "single assistant, high salary".

Artists sometimes need a very private circle of friends. There are too many people working for pay, but it is impossible to advance and retreat together. Therefore, the company's artists all start as a single assistant.

The biggest reason why Bi Xiaolei can be Liu Zhishi's assistant is that the other person is also from the Hui ethnic group.

The two can take care of each other in terms of daily diet.

After he stepped aside and allowed Liu Zhishi to come in, Xu Xin didn't close the door.

It's almost time.

The reading meeting is about to begin, and it won't be troublesome enough for someone to open the door when the time comes.

He did not entertain Liu Zhishi.

Everyone is so familiar with each other, so there is no need.

He just came to the kettle and asked:


"No, I brought some. I asked Mimi, and she said she brought you some ingredients for sour plum soup. Where are they? Give me a few packets, and I'll make some when I get home."


Xu Xin looked around, showing a helpless expression:

"Not sure."

"Okay, pretend I didn't ask."

She sat on the sofa, put her thick script book and notes on her knees, and sighed helplessly:

"Mimi is really right..."

"What did she say about me again?"

"Tell me you're a useless snack."

"This bitch..."


The speechless cousin Liu Yifei could only push up the black-rimmed glasses on her face, thinking that she was in a good mood this time and would not make any snitches.


I'm afraid your baby is going to suffer.

After pouring her a glass of water, Xu Xin asked:

"By the way...Didn't Tang Ren appeal? Has the court session been held?"

"No, it's lined up. The court should be held in September."

"so slow?"

"No, it's only one to three months~"

Liu Zhishi nodded:

"But I'm not in a hurry. It's a done deal anyway. I don't understand what they are delaying."

As she said this, she seemed to really not care about this matter. She turned to look at Xu Xin and said:

"Hey, let me discuss something with you, okay?"


"Just... you must be strict with me, okay?"


Seeing Xu Xin's stunned look, Liu Zhishi glanced at the door again and then said:

"Putting aside the guest appearance, I'm... really nervous to act in your work. But I'm afraid that you may have concerns and think that we have a good relationship. If you have anything to say, even if you think I'm not doing a good job, I won't. It’s convenient. I...don’t want you to be like this. How about you just...be strict with me?"


After understanding what she meant, Xu Xin subconsciously said:

"In other words... don't treat you as a human being?"


Liu Zhishi's mouth twitched...

I wonder why your words are so awkward.


The meaning seems to be correct.

So, she simply nodded:

"That's right, don't treat me like a human being!"

Xu Xin was amused and joked:

"Then you yell twice?"


Liu Zhishi was stunned for a moment, then realized what his friend meant and was speechless for a moment:

"Xu, go to hell!!"


Xu Xin laughed wildly, closed the line drawing materials in his hand, and nodded to the shameful and angry blind sister:

"Don't worry, since I chose you, it means that your acting skills must be qualified. Don't be arrogant, but don't belittle yourself either. Just keep a normal heart. Use a normal heart and show off the wonderfulness that belongs to Igika. Then. …”


After Liu Zhishi asked tentatively, he saw the radiant confidence in Xu Xin's eyebrows:

"Leave the rest to me."

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