I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 763 760 Reading Meeting

Chapter 763 760. Reading meeting

The most important purpose of the reading meeting is to allow everyone to grasp the psychological journey of their characters.

They don't need to perform, they just need to sit around and speak according to the content in the script book, speak with emotion, and then Xu Xin will help them correct it.

To put it bluntly, it is to help them establish their own characters in their minds, in what situations, and with what kind of mentality they should use to perform.

It is a very important step before the crew starts work.

Just like a warm-up.

At the same time, because the scripts are all written language, it also takes a process to convert them into spoken language when filming. Polish these written languages ​​into spoken language, making them round and natural.

Very tedious.

But with these polishings, the actors will also have a more three-dimensional understanding of the image they interpret.

It is an important preliminary preparation work that is mutually beneficial.

It might not be possible to finish it in a day.

The arrival of Liu Zhishi announced that the time was approaching.

While the two were chatting and joking, Zhang Yi, who was a little nervous, also knocked on the unclosed door:


"Come on, come and sit."

Xu Xin greeted with a smile.

"Brother Yi, hello."

Liu Zhishi also said hello with a smile.

As soon as the greeting was finished, Liu Zhishi's phone rang.

After looking at the caller, she said:

"The director of Modutai calls for me, I'll take the call."


Xu Xin didn't take it seriously, and Liu Zhishi walked into the bedroom holding the phone.

"The style of your long hair is still not suitable. I'm going to use the style in the photo of you from the year before you enlisted in the army, with slanted bangs. What do you think?"

Xu Xin asked after taking out the photos of himself taken when he was young that Zhang Yi provided.

At the beginning of the story, the young version of Xin Xiaofeng’s appearance is different from his appearance after becoming a policeman. Perhaps because he was used to Zhang Yi's short hair, he always felt that wearing a wig for an unconventional hairstyle was awkward.

"Okay, no problem, I can do anything."

Zhang Yi's words highlight the word "well-behaved and cute".

Then he made a joke:

"Mainly because I'm older, it's really awkward to play a child. If I were five or six years younger, I might be able to act as my true self."

"It's still a matter of time. Your face makes it difficult for people to recognize that you have also been rebellious. So we need to put some effort into the costumes and props to make up for it."

"But I have also been rebellious. When I was a child, my father beat me often. He would go to dance halls, video parlors, and steal family money to play game consoles..."

What Zhang Yi said is basically something that every boy has done during adolescence, and there is nothing extraordinary about it.

Xu Xin did it too.


"Actually, it's still your own problem. Your face is a bit... too well-behaved. You can play a good father, a good son, and a good man, but only in this rebellious aspect, you naturally lack a bit of naturalness.

There is nothing we can do about this. Not all actors are versatile and look good in whatever role they play. Hmm... but fortunately there are not many scenes at the beginning. In addition, I plan to use black and white filters and hand-held close-ups to avoid leaving such an impression on the audience to the greatest extent.

Then after the black and white shots appear, first implant the impression of a "murderer" into it, and then when you appear next time, wearing a police uniform, bang! That sense of contrast came out..."

He said, Zhang Yi nodded.

Nodding and remembering.

Actors and directors also need a tacit understanding. What Director Xu says now can be used by him in the subsequent filming stages.

The two of them had just chatted for a few words when the bedroom door opened and Liu Zhishi walked out with her cell phone in hand.

high speed.

While returning to her seat, she took the initiative to explain:

"It's Director Ren from Modutai. He wants to invite me to participate in a dance show. I will be a judge and teacher."

Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"Yang Mi found it for you?"

"No, we all knew each other before. At that time, the Tang Dynasty also wanted me to do more variety shows. After all, there was a lot of money. In addition, I am from Beijing Dance University, so my qualifications to be a judge are reasonable."

"But... didn't you say that your talent is limited? Otherwise, you wouldn't have changed your career to an actor."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi glanced at Liu Zhishi, also curious.

Liu Zhishi was a little embarrassed:

"In front of Brother Yi, can you give me some face? Don't say it so truthfully, okay?! I have limited talent, but you have to understand, that's Beiwu. The limited talent I'm talking about is for those who Top-notch ones, the kind who can work as lead dancers in various dance troupes after graduation. Compared with ordinary students, my talent is not bad, okay?"

Before Xu Xin spoke, Zhang Yi showed a silly smile.

"Anyway, he is stronger than me. It's hard for me to lower my waist."

Liu Zhishi smiled and nodded, then said to Xu Xin:

"Actually, I feel quite guilty. Director Ren also knew about the incident between me and Tang Ren, and this time he specifically told me that he could increase my appearance fee... and it was a favor."

"It's not considered a favor. It's called providing help in times of need. It's a matter of friendship."

"Yeah...but I still refused, and then told him that I was filming your movie."

"Even if you don't shoot my scenes, from my perspective, I don't want you to take them."


Liu Zhishi was a little surprised:


"Because you are an actor."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi also looked at Xu Xin.

Xu Xin spread his hands and said:

"The most basic quality of an actor is to separate the on-screen and off-screen aspects. You can see that the older generation of actors with superb acting skills, their private lives are absolutely invisible to outsiders unless they are good friends. This is the reason. The more you appear in non-film and television variety shows, interviews, and the like, the more the audience will get to know the real you. And when your image becomes more real in the minds of the public, the more they will think of you. The harder it is to create a sense of immersion in a work. Once an actor loses his or her sense of immersion in a play, this road will basically come to an end."



These words made the two of them suddenly become thoughtful.

A few seconds later, Zhang Yi asked:

"In other words...Director Xu, on your side..."


Seemingly guessing what he was going to ask, Xu Xin nodded:

"I basically won't consider this kind of actor. Unless it's his most realistic look and fits a certain character in my story, like Brother Qian'er.

In "The Wind", he acted in his true colors, but he was able to make Jin Shenghuo come alive. But other characters can't, and that's the difference.

But you will feel awkward no matter what Mr. Guo Degang performs, because the cross talk style he left to everyone is too strong. No matter what is performed, the audience will unconsciously embed it in the cross talk. This is the reason. "



After saying this, both Zhang Yi and Liu Zhishi nodded subconsciously.

Obviously, the two of them agreed with Xu Xin's point of view.

Keep it in mind silently.

At this time, the door knocked again.

Wang Qianyuan and Duan Yihong walked in together.

"Director Xu."

"Hey, you're here? Sit down."

After the two arrived, they almost kept pace with Zhang Songwen and Zhou Yiwei.

Before long, the entire suite was filled with all the major Sunshine cast members.

In addition to Zhao Liying, who is still filming in Hengdian and will not arrive for two days, even "corpse" Zhang Jiao also came to study.

"Then let's get started. I'll be the narrator. Let's go through the whole story first according to the direction of the story."

Xu Xin opened the script book.

Following his movements, all the actors subconsciously began to adjust their posture.

Xu Xin lit a cigarette and looked at the script in his hand to guide:

"A major murder occurred in Xilong. The parents, grandparents, and a girl of a family of five were killed.

On the day of the incident, Xin Xiaofeng, Yang Zidao, Chen Bijue, and a companion fled in a hurry.

Suddenly someone fell into the reservoir, but the three people had no intention of rescuing and continued to run away. Until they could no longer run, several people were panting heavily on the hillside. "

After finishing his words, Zhang Yi lowered his head and glanced at the script, and his breathing became rapid:


He gasped.

After Wang Qianyuan glanced at him, he also began to pant.

"Huh...huh...gudu...ha! Ha!"

Zhang Yi's breathing was rapid, and he was breathing heavily, swallowing saliva.

After hearing the gasps of the two people, Zhou Yiwei, who played Chen Bijue, thought for a while and began to breathe rapidly:

"Ugh... vomit... cough cough... vomit..."

All of a sudden, through this simple breathing sound, the physical conditions of the three people were marked.

Xin Xiaofeng's breathing was rapid but even.

Yang Zidao seemed to be out of breath and urgently needed more oxygen.

Chen Bijue's retching showed that he had reached his limit.

In terms of physical distribution, Xin Xiaofeng is in the best shape, followed by Yang Zidao and Chen Bijue is the worst.

The strange thing is that the three of them don't actually have much communication, but just in front of everyone, relying on their own understanding of the characters, they have reached a high degree of spiritual synchrony.

Xu Xin raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

Oh yo?

And Liu Zhishi was already full of surprise.

Her lines are coming later, so there’s no rush yet.

But at this moment, I felt the state of the three leading actors, and a sense of surprise quickly emerged in my heart... and then, goosebumps arose.

So...so great!

This kind of atmosphere...

I have never experienced an atmosphere called "focus" and "professional" in Tang Dynasty's ten films.

It was even stronger than the time when she read "The Wind" with Mimi.

These three people... are amazing! !

She subconsciously observed Zhang Songwen and Duan Yihong on the side.

I found that these two people looked indifferent.

Looking down at his script book, he didn't know whether he was waiting for his turn or brewing emotions.

Zhang Jiao on the side was as surprised as herself.

All of a sudden, Liu Zhishi felt that she had found a soulmate.

Their eyes met in mid-air.


Both of them lowered their heads silently.

No, we can’t expose the truth that our two huskies got into the wolf den.

It's so embarrassing.

But I have to admit...

As a practitioner. The so-called expert will know whether there is something or not as soon as he takes action.

Just the different breathing sounds of the three people were expressed in this reading meeting. As "newbies" Liu Zhishi and Zhang Jiao understood one thing...

In other words, one thing that Liu Zhishi feels more sympathetic to is...

In this movie, among this group of such professional actors...if she doesn't put in 100%...or even 200% or 300%, she may really become the only shortcoming. Being used as a breakthrough point, there will be no scum left behind.

So, she gave up all the inappropriate thoughts and seriously began to devote herself to this film.

And Zhang Yi also began to lead the trend of this reading meeting:

"Huh...huh...I have to go back!"

"You want to go back? My mother, Ganlin! You want to go back!? All three of us have been destroyed by you!...Mother Ganlin...uh..."

At this point, Monday Wei paused.

Suddenly shook his head.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"You want to go back? I will fuck your mother! You want to go back!!? The three of us have been destroyed by you!! Fuck your mother! Fuck your mother! Fuck your mother!!"

After he said this line, Yang Zidao should have shouted "Stop fighting".

But Wang Qianyuan remained silent.

Instead, he raised his head and looked at Xu Xin.

Apparently, he understood why Monday Wei repeated two seemingly similar lines.

The difference lies in the dirty words "Gan Lin Niang" and "Fuck your mother".

He felt that "Gan Lin Niang" was wrong, so he changed it to "Fuck your mother".

He also specifically expressed that he wanted the director to make up his mind.

Xu Xin sat next to him, holding a cigarette, thinking for a while, and said:

"Mother Gan Lin seems to be not powerful enough. But we can't scold her any more harshly. We can change it to fuck your mother."


Zhou Yiwei nodded and picked up a pen to write and draw on this line.

Then the lines were repeated again.

At this time, Wang Qianyuan yelled naturally:

"stop fighting!!"


Zhou Wei's screams started immediately.

At this time, Xu Xin spoke again:

"Lao Zhou, wait a minute... here you are struggling together, and then Chen Bijue slips and is pierced through the eye. Xin Xiaofeng is in a state of despair. Zhang Yi, you have to structure it yourself. The words in the script book are not tense enough."

Zhang Yi thought for a while, glanced at Zhou Wei and said:

"Give me two or three seconds after you finish."


So Zhou Yiwei repeated the line "Fuck your mother" again, and at the same time slapped the coffee table in front of him with his hand:



After two consecutive pats, he stopped moving and continued to pant.

Then I heard Zhang Yi's distracted thoughts:

"I want to go back……"

"I have to go back..."

"I must go back..."

Following his words, not only Zhou Yiwei, but also everyone else understood that he was expressing his determination to go back with such fragmentary thoughts.

Zhou Yiwei's tone became angry again:

"Reply to you...ah!!!"

A scream sounded.

"OK, this part is fine."

With Xu Xin's approval, the two of them started writing and drawing in their notebooks at the same time.

Immediately afterwards, the reading meeting progressed in an orderly manner.

It was almost 10 o'clock in the evening, and the first day of the reading meeting, which was about half done, ended.

In fact, the progress is quite slow. The main reason is that everyone is working together to adjust the lines, tone, and specific performances in specific scenes according to the director's wishes.

Xu Xin estimated that according to this progress, he should be able to finish it all in the first two or three days.

Anyway, I can go through it three or five times before the official shooting on the 12th.

I believe that by then, as far as lines are concerned, there will definitely be no problem.

It ends on time at 10 o'clock.

Everyone said good night, said hello and left.

There will be a power-on ceremony tomorrow morning, which will be held at Baicheng Beach, so we need to rest early.

But before going to bed, he dialed his wife's phone number.

"Hey, is the child asleep?"

"Just went to bed. Are you finished over there?"

The two of them talked on the phone habitually:

"God is really giving you face."

"What's wrong?"

"You just left, and relatives came..."


The private anecdotes between husband and wife began to flow quietly in the emotional line. At this time, Xu Xin's cell phone buzzed.

He subconsciously turned on the speakerphone, switched the screen and took a look at who had sent the message.

This also caused some interruptions in his words, so Yang Mi asked:

"Someone messaged you?"

"Well, guess who it is?"

"You still need to guess? Shishi."


Xu Xin was really shocked now:

"Can you guess this?...You won't plant any virus program into my phone, right? Real-time monitoring?"


Yang Mi snorted slightly proudly:

"How many times has my heart been broken? It's the first time!"

"...What the hell?"

"There is only one truth! Don't underestimate Young Rock Milmoth's interpretation, Watson!"


Xu Xin was really speechless:

"No...then you are too outrageous. How did you guess it?"

"How new is it? The number you called me is your own mobile phone. I probably know all your friends on WeChat. I just finished attending the reading meeting. At this time after 10 o'clock, I must first exclude Lao Wang And Wheel. Lao Wang just said in the group that Seventh Brother wanted to see the sea, so he went with Seventh Brother. How long has it been since there was no news from Wheel? Are you happy and missing Shu? Old Wolf doesn't play games, so what message should I send you in the middle of the night? ...After thinking about it, maybe it’s Shishi? Besides, I can even guess why she’s looking for you.”

"Bragging! I don't believe it! If you can guess the content, I'll give you shit!"

"Haha! Really?... I don't want you to eat shit, I still have to kiss you. I bet you... um... just be coquettish with me, so disgusting that you can get goosebumps. "

"You're really good at playing!"

"Bet or not?"

"It's a bet! Just guess."

"She should be asking you how she behaved during the reading meeting, right?"


Xu Xin was speechless for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, this speechlessness turned into a gradually pale face.

In the reflection of the screen, which was a bit white, there was a message from Liu Zhishi:

"Xu Xin."

"How did I behave just now?"

"My lines aren't particularly blunt, are they?"

"...I feel that the gap between me and everyone else is so obvious."

"Dry, no emotion at all."

"Tell me the truth, how did I perform? Let me be mentally prepared."

One message after another was sent.

There was obviously no reply to the message, but for some reason, Xu Xin's face turned pale green, as if he had seen some kind of devil.

"How's it going? Is my guess right? Little brother, don't be silent. Quick, Heizi, speak up!"



I said you little mushroom!

"You guessed wrong. It wasn't Liu Zhishi who sent it. It was Su Meng who asked me what I want to eat tomorrow morning."


There was silence on the other end of the phone.

Next second:

"Xu, don't be fooled! This is boring. Such a big man lied to me about a weak woman. Are you embarrassed?"

"I'm not lying to you, it was Su Meng who came up with it."

"Here, give me a screenshot. I want to see it now!"

"...Okay, hang up, I'll send you a message now."

"Stop doing this! You can send screenshots even when you are on the phone! ... You'd better take away the fingers that were used to collude with Mengmeng, or I'll chop you off!"


Xu Xin was even more sure.

This bitch must have installed some kind of monitor on herself!

How else would she know!

And after the little trick was discovered...

He had no other option but to accept his fate.

"Oh...that's outrageous! How could you have guessed it?"

"Want to know?"


"Then you act like a spoiled child with me first~ Be good, act like a spoiled child with big sister, and call me husband to listen."


"I'm willing to accept defeat and don't admit defeat!"


have to.

Then I'm willing to admit defeat.

Xu Xin cleared his throat:


Look left, look right...

Um. fine.

No one was around.

Looking at Liu Zhishi’s unlucky behavior on the screen...


"No, it doesn't taste right. If you say this... just say: Sister, the Lun family is your little sweetheart, Xu Xin. Xu Xin likes my sister the most ~ she protects the best sister Yang Mi in the world ~ chirp~ chirp "Whoosh~"

"I'm gonna throw up."

"Hurry up!"

"...If you dare to record, I will kill you alone when I get back! Do you hear me!?"

"Hey hey hey... okay... don't worry, I promise not to record."

Although he didn't know whether this bitch's promise would work, Xu Xin, who was willing to admit defeat, could only stand up, lift his buttocks, close his legs, and squeeze hard!

"Sister, the Lun family is your little sweetheart, Xu Xin. Xu Xin likes my sister the most~protecting the best sister Yang Mi in the world~tweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee."

"Goose goose goose goose...ah!! It's so disgusting! I'm getting goosebumps!"


Xu Xin, who even thought he was being too arrogant, quickly spat out and then asked:

"How on earth did you guess that?"

"Goose goose goose... It's very simple... When she came back, she told me that it was over. Then she was worried about her poor performance, so I told her to directly ask Xu Xin how your performance was. I felt good. That's why she asked you."


Xu Xin was stunned.

He opened his mouth subconsciously...

"What...what the hell? Did you let me?"

"Yes, I let you."

"You...you let me?...That means from the beginning...you knew she wanted to send me a message?"

"Yes, goose goose goose..."

Yang Mi was still laughing wildly over there.

It's like a miracle worker who doesn't know that his home is gone.


"Goose goose goose..."

"You bitch!!! You..."

The storm was brewing, and Xu Xing, who was about to stir up a storm, was about to speak.



She hung up the phone.

It doesn't matter if you hang up, call again.

"Hello, the phone you dialed has been turned off."


Without saying a word, Xu Xin switched to WeChat and started frantically sending voice messages to Yang Mi.

As a result, this guy seemed to have made up his mind and refused to reply.

Xu Xin slapped three people in the face, but no one answered.

All the "anger" in my heart was finally transformed into a 60-second and a 57-second voice message.


Yang Mi walked out of the bathroom with a mask on her face, humming a disgusting tune, picked up her phone and took a look.


After letting out a few exaggerated laughs again, she replied to her husband with a very classic expression:



Turn off the phone and go to sleep!


Someone is having a hard time tonight~!

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