I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 764 Chapter 761 Chase

Chapter 764 761. Chase


"Ah, sister Shishi, morning."

Before 7 o'clock, Zhang Jiao, who was standing at the door of the hotel waiting to get on the bus, turned around and saw Liu Zhishi, and quickly said hello.

"Good morning, have you eaten?"

Liu Zhishi, who was still wearing a mask on her face, asked with a smile on her face.

"After eating, I drank a cup of black coffee with some vegetable salad."

"Salad? What kind of sauce?"


"Yeah! Where are you bringing the vinegar sauce?"

Through the mask, Zhang Jiao could feel the light in Liu Zhishi's eyes.

Nodding quickly:

"I have it with me. It's low-fat and low-calorie. Sister, do you want it?"

"...Do you still have more?"

"More, I brought two bottles. Uh...but...there is no halal label..."

"It's okay. As long as it's a normal oil and vinegar sauce."

Liu Zhishi shook his head:

"I just bought two bottles online yesterday and mailed them here. I'll eat them with you in the next two days. When the ones I bought arrive, I will use mine. Xiaolei and I have just started to get along, and she needs to get used to mine. Eating habits.”

"Yeah, no problem."

Zhang Jiao nodded.

Liu Zhishi looked her up and down and asked:

"You're already so thin, do you still want to lose weight?"

Hearing this, Zhang Jiao looked around, and when she saw no one was around, she whispered:

"Sister, the corpse has heart disease. I asked the doctor, and the doctor said that pregnant women with heart disease are usually not too fat, because the fetus itself puts great pressure on the heart of the pregnant woman. Moreover, if I am too fat... …Brother Xu said that he would give me a close-up of the side, without clothes on, from here…”

She pointed behind her ribs.

"I have small breasts and I don't fit the image of a breastfeeding mother, so I have to lose weight and become skinny. When you look at me on the screen, you will feel that I am in poor health and sick. When the time comes, because Death from heart disease makes sense.”


Liu Zhishi was stunned.

Subconsciously, he took a look at the talent hidden under this girl's baggy T-shirt.

Indeed, Jiaojiao is not big.


"Xu Xin...want you to miss something?"


"I didn't let you miss anything. What does it have to do with whether your breasts are big or small?"

"It's contoured, Sister Shishi. Brother Xu took the photo from this angle..."

She pointed to her side and back again.

"Breastfeeding mothers will develop breasts. No matter how small they are, there will still be some, and they may even sag severely. But I am only so big, even if I don't miss any, the audience can see it through my profile on the screen... I am very big. Flat. So I think I have to lose weight, express every rib, and rely on this feeling that looks very sick at first glance to play this role well."


For a moment, Liu Zhishi didn't know what to say.



Jiaojiao plays a corpse in this drama, and there may only be two or three shots of this corpse.

A close-up of one alive, one dead, and a side shot.

Just these three.


Although she herself is also ready to work hard.

But looking at the girl in front of me who is so hungry just for two or three scenes, and still insists on losing weight, leaving that sick feeling to the audience...

There was only one thought left in her mind.

"You" Shuangwei people, one by one, do you all play games like this?

Who would have thought that early this morning, the crew didn't even turn on the camera, and she would be taught another lesson?

At this moment, she was speechless.

Because when Jiaojiao said this, her face was extremely serious and extremely ordinary.

So serious that no one can raise any doubts.

It's so normal, as if it's just a trivial thing.

She really didn't know what to say...

After much thought, I could only say:

"Then you have to eat quickly after filming, otherwise you will have health problems."

"Hehe, that's for sure~ I have already decided the recipe for myself. When Brother Xu's scene is finished, I will eat the same thing! Hehe~"


"What were you two talking about so early in the morning? You were chattering away and laughing so funny."

Xu Xin, wearing a baseball cap, appeared behind the two of them and said something.

"Yeah!...You scared me to death."

Liu Zhishi said speechlessly.

As he said this, he glanced at Xu Xin’s NY baseball cap and said:

"Don't wear hats all the time."


Xu Xin took off his hat and took a look in confusion:


"Wearing a hat makes it easy to go bald, which can cause an imbalance in the scalp's oil secretion."

"Hey, our buddy just has a lot of hair, so don't be afraid."

As he spoke, he put his hat on again and said:

"You should wear sunscreen today. The weather forecast says it will be sunny and the sun will be very strong."

Just as he was talking, Li Haiping walked out of the side door of the hotel. After seeing Xu Xin, he said:

"Director Xu, I'll frame it for you."


Xu Xin took a yellow satin brocade bag and put it in his backpack.


Liu Zhishi was a little curious.

"Huang Pi, we will be offering sacrifices to the City God after the power-on ceremony..."

Zhang Jiao obviously knew the steps of this ritual and explained it to Liu Zhishi.

But he received a rebuttal from Xu Xin:

"It's not for the City God, it's for Mazu."


This time it was Zhang Jiao's turn to be stunned:

"But this isn't..."

"When in town, do as the Romans do."

Xu Xin smiled and waved his hands:

"It's true that Xi'an is the city god of the world, but on the coast, Mazu must be worshiped... Okay, you two wait for a while, today is just shooting some outdoor scenes, there is no mission. You can communicate with the actors to find out the status, I'm busy. ”

"Okay, Brother Xu."

Zhang Jiao responded, and after the two of them watched Xu Xin and Li Haiping leave, Liu Zhishi asked:

"Jiaojiao, is there anything special about the opening ceremony of our crew?"


After thinking for a while, Zhang Jiao shook her head:

"No, Sister Shishi, if I really want to be particular about it, maybe it's because Brother Xu habitually writes blessings with "Guaiguai" snacks. Everything else is as normal, burning incense and mounting it."

After saying that, she gave Liu Zhishi a strange look.

I always feel that Sister Shishi is worried about gains and losses.

Just like a newbie...

It turns out that the power-on ceremony is really simple.

Except for the "Guaiguai" ceremony, which was more tortuous, the other ceremonies were no different from those Liu Zhishi participated in.

Liu Zhishi's heart gradually settled in her stomach, and she became less uneasy.

In fact, she didn't know why she was uneasy.

She obviously passed the audition, and Xu Xin also said that her performance was fine.

And, logically speaking, she is also an "old man" who has appeared in ten works.

You shouldn't have this feeling of uneasiness.

The crew, for the actors, is like a temporary home. She should get used to it.

She didn't know why, but she seemed to feel... that she was no different from the newcomers.

Not even as good as a newcomer.

Everything is fresh.

And then there is another kind of timidity...the exam is coming soon, but I haven't reviewed yet.

For no reason, but very unconfident.

At this moment, after she handed over the obedient sign that said "I want to play Igisa well (obediently), come on!", she stood in the crowd and looked at Xu Xin, who was standing at the front of the crowd like the leader, and hesitated in her heart. Do you want to chat with Xu Xin in the car later...


She was tapped on the shoulder.

Turning head subconsciously...

It's Duan Yihong.

At this moment, Duan Yihong, who was also wearing a baseball cap, walked up to her and asked:

"Have the tributes been paid?"


Liu Zhishi, who was a bit unresponsive to the word "sister", "wandered" around for a long time before she figured out why people with whom she had no communication before would call her "sister".

He is Iguka.

He is Iguchun.

After understanding this, the smile on her face became much more natural:

"Well, I handed it in. Brother, what did you fill in?"

"And you?"

Duan Yihong asked rhetorically.

While asking, he also scratched his philtrum.

Xu Xin's request was that Yi Guchun was a bit informal on the surface, but extremely delicate on the inside, so he gave himself some beard.

Although it was only less than 9 o'clock, there was no cover on the beach, and the sun was strong. When they were sweating, everyone gathered on the Beard's side.

"I wrote that I will play the role of Igisa well."


Duan Yihong chuckled and said:

"I wrote that your sister-in-law will wait for me to come home."


Liu Zhishi was stunned and speechless.

But Duan Yihong shrugged, showing a "you don't understand yet" look:

"I just got married."

"……haha, okay."

As he spoke, Liu Zhishi glanced at his baseball cap, took it off for him, and then loosened two buttons of the elastic buckle.

Looking at Duan Yihong who looked confused, she said:

"Brother, you are still young. Wearing a hat for a long time can easily cause uneven oil secretion in the scalp and lead to baldness."

“Where does the pseudoscience come from?”

"This is true science! If you don't believe it, just keep wearing it."


Duan Yihong thought for a while and simply took off his hat.

He doesn't want to go bald at a young age and wear a wig to act.

That would be very unnatural.

But I have to admit that with just these few words, as both parties moved forward intentionally, the strange feeling disappeared.

What replaced it was a tacit understanding that was weak but had already broken ground.

Like brother and sister.

At the start-up ceremony, Xu Xin's mood had already calmed down.

I can't help it, I've made a lot of movies and I'm used to it.

The red cloth of the camera was successfully unveiled, and with applause, the start-up ceremony of the entire "Heart of the Sun" crew was successfully completed.

Fortunately, there weren't many people there in the morning, only a few people watching in twos and threes.

After booting up, Xu Xin nodded to Li Haiping and walked towards the beach parking lot.

The rest of the people followed one after another, leaving behind a few stage workers to clean up.

Soon, the crew members headed to Xiamen’s old town.

To be honest, urban dramas, if they are not filmed in a film and television city, but choose to be filmed in a city, the constraints are no less than those of other films.

The most uncertain part is "people".

Until the crew is filming, there will definitely be spectators watching.

This has nothing to do with your scheduling ability or whether you have experience in big scenes. It depends on whether the audience can cooperate with you.

If you cooperate, then it's OK. At most, some onlookers can be recorded in the camera, which will cause a slight "drama".

However, generally the audience will not be too harsh.

After all, it is human nature to watch and gossip.

But if you don't cooperate, it will be really troublesome.

"Heart of the Burning Sun" has a lot of location scenes.

After all, the two protagonists are police officers and the other protagonist is a taxi driver, so there are really a lot of scenes in this aspect. As a police officer, the script must try its best to highlight the characters of Yi Guchun or Xin Xiaofeng through a series of large or small cases.

In fact, in order to add a touch of irony to the script, Xu Xin specifically emphasized the warm-heartedness of Xin Xiaofeng and Yang Zidao, who were both police officers and brothers in the past few years.

Either helping an old lady cross the road, driving a pregnant woman to the hospital, or catching gangsters without risking their lives.

He wants to give the audience a sense of déjà vu: "Although these two people have done something wrong, they have been working hard to make up for it in the past few years." Then induce a question in the audience's mind:

"Which is more important, one evil or a hundred good?"

There is definitely no standard answer to this question. Even after Xu Xin read the script, he couldn't help but think about what if, aside from the fact that Xin Xiaofeng, Yang Zidao, and Chen Bijue were "murderers", if he followed the life trajectory shown in the movie.

Will Xin Xiaofeng be a good policeman who hates evil as much as he hates evil?

Will Yang Zidao become an urban brother like a "model worker"?

Will there be two more good people in this society?

He threw this question to Yi Guchun, the audience, and himself.

After thinking about it myself, I found that it is full of contradictions, and this contradiction is really worth pondering.

So I simply added more fire to this script.

However, when he lit a fire, someone had to chop wood and someone dig out the ashes left in the stove pit.

This is what his crew of about a hundred people did this time.

The crew came to film, and the street department asked businesses and residents on both sides of the streets in the old city to cooperate.

In fact, it would be okay if I didn't mention it, maybe no one would join in the fun. At most, after hearing the movement of a taxi for a while, I felt that there was something wrong with the driver for driving so fast in the old city with narrow streets.

But the problem is that this can easily lead to danger.

If you are not careful, it may be a life-threatening accident.

Therefore, the crew members must tell the truth truthfully and speak politely to others.

"Don't worry, we filmed it very quickly, just one or two chase scenes and it will be over soon"

"Star? There will be no stars. We are a small crew. It tells the story of a taxi driver."

"No, no, we don't have the right to block the streets. It won't affect your business."

"I just hope you can cooperate. Let's not rush to the road. If we want to walk, we can walk on the sidewalk."

"Hey, thank you, thank you."

The production staff and the people from the street office went door-to-door to inform them, and at the same time they had to guard all the main roads for fear that a child might accidentally escape.

After everything was almost done, the stage manager took the intercom and said:

"Director, director, we are almost ready."

"Okay, received."

At the second-floor window of a shop temporarily rented by the crew, Xu Xin put down the walkie-talkie and said to several people next to him:

"The rest is up to you. Work hard. Safety is the most important thing."

Hearing this, the three stunt drivers nodded:

"Understood, director."

This scene is about Yang Zidao in the old city encountering a gang of speedsters snatching bags and acting bravely.

It was also from this scene that the fate of Yi Guxia and Yang Zidao began.

The whole play is divided into several parts.

The first is the chase scene.

Two stunt riders rode motorcycles to act as speedsters, and the stunt rider behind them drove a taxi to chase.

Wang Qianyuan and Liu Zhishi will not appear in this scene.

There are too many people here and the streets are narrow, so it must be photographed by professionals. Even if Wang Qianyuan came forward, Xu Xin would not agree to it.

From the start of the vehicle, the taxi began to chase two speeding parties. They first chased on a small road, then changed to a road chase, and finally chased them all the way to the construction site. The two speedsters were desperate, got out of the car, took out a knife and attacked Yang Zidao, but were caught by the brave workers at the construction site.

This is the first part.

The second part is the scene in the car.

Yang Zidao's persistence and acceptance of death in this chase scene deeply attracted Igu Xia.

It is also the beginning of the emotional drama between the two.

It was shot separately.

But Liu Zhishi and Wang Qianyuan will also appear today.

The chase scene was shot directly.

However, Xu Xin also understood the difficulty in filming urban dramas, so he installed a layer of disguise for the entire crew.

This chase scene, the old street part alone, will be shot four to five times.

Moreover, the time span is very long.

Take pictures directly from morning to afternoon.

August in Xiamen is very hot.

Basically, after 1 o'clock, the number of pedestrians on the street will decrease sharply.

Only then will Liu Zhishi and Wang Qianyuan appear.

First, we use the taxi chase scenes in the morning to let everyone see that "we are a small crew and there are no stars." Then when the temperature rises at noon, the actors will directly appear on the stage and leave immediately after filming.

The only difficulty is that if the sunlight is too strong, it will be incompatible with the entire atmosphere of Xu Xinyao.

However, Li Pingdong's shooting techniques can perfectly solve this problem.

Although it sounds a little sneaky at first, this can minimize the "drama" of the surrounding onlookers standing in two rows on the road.

Soon, the three stunt drivers were ready, and the camera signals in the car were transmitted to the monitor screen. Everything showed normal.

Xu Xin picked up the walkie-talkie:

"That's enough, Brother Yong. Once you see that the situation is about the same down there, just call for start."

"Copy that, director."

Xue Yong responded.

Wearing sunglasses, he looked at the people on both sides of the street who were leaning on door frames, smoking, chatting with each other and watching the excitement, and he held up the walkie-talkie and said again:

"The security team, once again inform the public of the precautions, please cooperate with us."

After another two or three minutes, before the streets were cleared of obstacles, with Xue Yong's "start", motorcycles and taxis chased away.

It lasted only about ten seconds.

This scene is finished.

Then, the taxi used for filming stopped aside. Two stunt riders on motorcycles also got out of the car and sat next to them to rest.

The onlookers had questions on their foreheads.

This... is it over?

Just this little thing?

Have a minute?

Is it over?

And people who know something about the film and television industry are also wondering.

What about the director? Why didn't you see it?

Has this scene passed or not?

Why don't you say anything?

After taking the photo, he stood aside and acted like a normal person...

This crew...why are they so fooled?

Although these people were confused, it was rare for the crew to be so busy filming. So, although a small group of people found it boring and dispersed, more people continued to watch.

But after waiting for a while... I watched it for half an hour, but there was still no movement.

More and more people just left.

Then the stunt driver got on board again.


The roar of the engine for about ten seconds ended again.




The audience was speechless when they saw the car parked on the side of the road again and the entire street restored to traffic.

The facts proved that Xu Xin was right.

After it was determined that there was nothing exciting to watch, the onlookers dispersed faster than he imagined.

It's not even noon yet, and the crowd has almost dispersed.

Seeing this, Xu Xin thought for a while and asked someone to take a photo again.

Then he looked down from the second floor.

Sure enough, almost no one paid attention to it.

Seeing this, Xu Xin said directly to Li Haiping:

"Director Li, let them both prepare."


Li Haiping went out of the house directly and came to the bedroom over there.

Wang Qianyuan and Liu Zhishi, who had already put on their makeup, were waiting there early.

"The director asked you two to prepare."

"no problem."

Wang Qianyuan responded.

Liu Zhishi showed a slightly nervous expression.

He got up and walked out with Wang Qianyuan.

As soon as I arrived at the door, I found Xu Xin also walking out:

"Director Li, get those extras ready too. Especially the actor whose bag was snatched from the motorcycle must know how to hold back, otherwise his shoulder may be easily dislocated."


Li Haiping nodded and walked directly down.

Wang Qianyuan and Liu Zhishi want to follow.

"Shishi, wait a moment."

Xu Xin stopped Liu Zhishi.

After Li Haiping and Wang Qianyuan both went downstairs, he whispered to his friend who was swallowing his saliva:

"This scene is very simple. I came to find the camera. After a while, you wait for the extra girl to lie on the ground and then go over to help her. Wang Qianyuan will take the initiative to find you, pat your shoulder and ask you to get in the car.

The reason for this was that Yang Zidao didn't want to deal with the police. He needed someone to go to the police station to explain these things on his behalf. I picked you randomly from the crowd.

You just need to look surprised when he calls you to get in the car, and then quickly follow him to get in the car, it's that simple. Don't put too much pressure on me, your acting skills will definitely be fine.

Just treat it as an emergency. Don't think about showing any emotions, acting skills, eyes, body, etc. The more natural the better, it's very simple. "


Following Xu Xin's words, Liu Zhishi's eyes were a little nervous at first, then slowly blinked a few times and became dazed, and finally, she understood what he wanted.

He asked tentatively:

"Don't think about anything?"

"Yes, don't think about anything, just react naturally. Movies are not edited, and no one will pick out your expression frame by frame. So, just react the most natural way. The key rhythm of this scene is not you. , but at Lao Wang’s place.”


Liu Zhishi pursed her lips subconsciously.

All Xu Xin's explanations quickly passed through my mind.

After making sure that he remembered every item, he nodded vigorously:

"Well! Don't worry!...I won't let you down!"

"Ha! I also believe you won't let me down... Come on!"


Nodding vigorously, Liu Zhishi turned around and walked downstairs step by step.

Passing by the cigarette shop on the first floor, I came directly to the door and stood with Wang Qianyuan.

This scene belongs to him.

Just let him take the lead.

What I need is a natural reaction.


Hearing the noise, Wang Qianyuan turned to look at her:

"What's wrong?"


He was answered with a bright smile.

"Old man~ I leave everything to you! In a moment, you will lead me to the car very handsomely."


Wang Qianyuan was also happy.

"No problem. Look at you~"

Liu Zhishi did not respond to this.

I just raised my head and glanced at the sky over the old town of Xiamen.

"My true pursuit of my dream of becoming an actor... starts from here!"

She whispered in a voice that only she could hear clearly.

You guys...wait for me in front.

I'll chase you right away!

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