I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 765 762 Good rain knows the season

Chapter 765 762. Good rain knows the season

In fact, this world is quite strange sometimes.

A person's 100%...or 150% effort is just so-called "as it should be" in front of others.

This is the case with Liu Zhishi.

When Xu Xin shouted "OK, passed", she felt a sense of powerlessness all over her body.

It was obviously just a scene. At the beginning, she had to squat in front of the extravaganza sister who was robbed and "ask her for help", and then wait for Wang Qianyuan to pat her on the shoulder and say:

"Hey, you, get in the car with me!"

Then, she stood up, looked first at the direction of the close-up, then at the taxi, then walked around the front of the car and got into the car.

Her role is that simple.

But the problem is...

This is Xu Xin's movie.

In other words, this is Director Xu's movie.

Usually when everyone gets together, he is Xu Xin, Mimi's lover and close friend.

But... only those who have actually been in his crew and acted can understand the weight of the title "Director Xu".

Frankly speaking...

It's too heavy.

The whole crew was the only one who followed his lead and said exactly what he said.

Like the brain that controls a sophisticated machine.

Don't be careless at all.

And with this kind of precision operation, anyone...even Liu Zhishi felt that even Mimi herself would never treat her husband like usual during filming.

Can't tell what it feels like.




Maybe none, maybe both exist.

In short, in his plays, as an actor, you can feel his unique presence as a director at every moment.

With him here, everyone felt like they had taken a reassurance.

When he is here, everyone must bow their heads.

This is how she feels now.

She had obviously been told by him not to be nervous, but unconsciously, when she heard the word "pass", she still felt a feeling rising in her heart.

I just...accomplished his request under the guidance of a director with a box office of over 1 billion, and even the youngest member of the 1 billion box office club.

There was a play.

The moment he thought of this, Liu Zhishi shivered unconsciously.

Goosebumps appeared.

Just at this time:

"Shishi, your performance is good. The others are going to film the next chase scene."

"Copy that, Director Xu."

"Well, thanks to everyone's hard work, it's a good start."

Liu Zhishi ignored the next words.

All her thoughts at the moment were taken away by the words "well done".

It's like... when I was in school, the whole class couldn't answer a question, and I had to answer it myself.

Suddenly, her mood rose.

The excitement that can't wait to perform the next one completely surged up.


The next scene is similar to this.

For the events of the past few days, everyone must try their best to capture all the trivial connecting shots.

All the connecting shots taken together are estimated to last five or six minutes.

And for the whole morning's incident, they only filmed the most... 3 to 5 seconds of scenes.

There is a long way to go.


It doesn't matter!

She quietly clenched her fists.

Liu Zhishi, come on!

"How is Shishi's performance?"

"Hmm... it's better than expected, but it's also limited. In fact, Igika's character only has a few points, and other times it's very functional. As long as the actor's basic skills are not bad, he can basically control it... She is also Gave you a snitch?"


Yang Mi’s voice sounded cheerful:

"He said that he had never had such big goosebumps before, and he also said that he felt like he could fly into the sky at any time."

"Let her go down quickly."

Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

I thought that just one scene could arouse the child to this level, and when it really comes down to it, I might be able to create some kind of virtue in the child.

Isn't that crazy?

"Okay, is there anything else? If it's okay, I'll take the actors and continue the reading session."

"It's okay. It's just that it's very hot in Xiamen today. Don't work too hard. I'm going to play games then?"

"Go ahead, I'll send you a WeChat message when I'm done."

"Well, chirpy~"


Listening to this uncharacteristic kiss, Xu Xin subconsciously recalled last night...

"You dog..."


The great prophet Yang Mi once again predicted his prediction.

Hang up the phone.


Looking at the phone screen that returned to the address book interface, he muttered:

"Sooner or later I'll punish you severely!"

Then I opened WeChat and wrote in the group:

"Everyone in the reading group, you can come over."

In the next few days, Xu Xin's life was relatively monotonous.

Every day I just keep filming, filming, filming.

Time passes day by day.

Within the crew, everyone's relationship has changed from being relatively strangers to becoming a little bit more familiar.

Although frankly speaking, the story "Heart of the Burning Sun" is quite depressing. But there was not a lot of joy in the crew.

The main reason is that everyone is happy to play this kind of "hide and seek" game.

Just like being a thief, you first paralyze the enemy, then hit him with one blow, and then run away without leaving a trace.

For a few days, the crew was active in various shooting locations in Xiamen, but the trouble of being watched was quite small, which was quite interesting.

And a crew with a good atmosphere is a virtuous circle that gets twice the result with half the effort for the entire drama.

Time flies and it’s August 8th.

The crew has been filming for five days.

The connecting shot is conservatively estimated to last about 3 minutes.

Progress is rapid.

Of course, part of the reason is due to God's good intentions.

Xiamen is supposed to be rainy in August, but this year's climate seems to have been affected by someone called... something called El Niño. At least the crew hasn't seen a drop of rain in the past few days since they've been here.

But on August 8, early in the morning, the meteorological team told Xu Xin that it would rain.

As soon as Xu Xin heard the news, he immediately began to prepare for the rainy day transition.

Today's scene is mainly about the scene where Yi Guchun noticed something was wrong with Xin Xiaofeng, drove alone to find his master, and the retired police officer went to investigate the massacre that year.

As a result...it didn't rain from morning until afternoon.

Although the people from the meteorological team said that the humidity in the air was rising little by little, Xu Xin had no choice but to wait until not a drop of rain fell.

Fortunately, in the filming plan, everyone knew that the director was going to make a fuss about "rain" this time, and the requirement was to use natural rainfall as much as possible without using fire trucks.

The water from fire trucks is too dense and regular, and is far less effective than natural raindrops.

These people are not newbies, and of course they understand that shooting under specific weather conditions is more of a "gamble" than waiting.

So even though it had been a whole day, no one was anxious.

They just check the equipment every once in a while, and the actors make sure to put on their makeup, ensuring that once the conditions are met, they will go straight to filming.

Several cars were parked in the parking space on the provincial highway in Xiamen and had been waiting all day.


Sitting on the footrest of the RV, Xu Xin lit a cigarette out of boredom.

He looked up at the weather.

Yin is really yin.

But...damn it, not even a drop of rain fell.


Even the smoke rings he blew out looked bored.

But at this moment, an "unknown guest" came over.

"Director Xu."

"Hey, Teacher Duan."

After turning around and realizing that the person approaching was Duan Yihong, he said hello and took out a cigarette from his pocket.

"What's wrong? Any ideas?"

He thought Duan Yihong was looking for him to talk about drama.

In the past few days, Duan Yihong had talked to him about the characters two or three times.

But it’s not what’s being filmed now, but what’s in the script that hasn’t been filmed yet.

There were several places in the script that he felt were discordant, such as the gambling scene.

The police rush in, a group of gamblers are frightened, and money is flying in the sky.

Because of his experience at the police station, when he saw the scene in the script where "Yi Guchun was the first to rush into the gambling house and point a gun at the person who opened the door", he found Xu Xin and said that this place was unreasonable.

"Director, gambling is a violation of public security. It is unreasonable for the police to come up and draw their guns directly, especially pointing at the suspect's head. And they will not go in one by one when catching gamblers, but will swarm them the moment they open the door. Rush in, quickly control all exits, prevent anyone from jumping out of the window and causing danger, etc., and then collect the gambling funds and escort the gamblers. It is not reasonable to directly draw a gun in this part of the script..."

Take a look.

Reasonable and well-founded.

After hearing this, Xu Xin also felt that it made sense, but in order to restore the scene as much as possible, he asked Xue Yong to go to the local police station to understand the situation with the police.

These police officers have also cooperated with the crew in maintaining public order in the past few days, including the use of police cars, which is within the scope of cooperation with the city's nod.

Very supportive of the crew.

After hearing Xue Yong's purpose, several police officers talked about the situation at the scene when they were arrested for gambling.

After reporting it to Xu Xin, Xu Xin, screenwriter Jiao Huajing, and Xu Yigua, who came over to meet with the crew, discussed it and changed it to a very realistic arrest operation.

And things like this happened two or three times in the past few days.

These are all loopholes in the script.

Yes, Xu Xin listened. And for some, Xu Xin broke it apart, crushed it into pieces, and told him how he planned to shoot it and how he wanted to express it. The person who listened would write down everything he said in a notebook, and then go back and think about it.

Without refuting, Xu Xin obviously convinced him.

Xu Xin is quite happy. After all, on the one hand, it makes the structure of the entire script design more rigorous, and on the other hand, it reflects the other party's serious and responsible attitude towards the role he interprets.

This is a real actor.

Even though it could be seen from the beginning, Xu Xin became more determined after spending the past few days with this impression.

Indeed it is.

Normally, Duan Yihong basically interacts with three people.

One is himself, one is Liu Zhishi, and the other is Zhang Yi.

He seemed to put his emotions into Yi Guchun anytime and anywhere. This kind of concentration was the first time that Xu Xin had seen him.

See such dedicated actors.

This person is not a drama tyrant.

More like a drama addict.

It's very weird, but it's the type that every director likes.

Therefore, Xu Xin subconsciously thought that something was wrong with him.

But after hearing this, Duan Yihong waved his hand:

"It's not about the movie."


Xu Xin was stunned.

This is really shocking.

Not about the movie?

You came to me...not for the movie?

Looking at his stunned expression, Duan Yihong nodded slightly to make sure Director Xu heard correctly, and then lit a cigarette for himself.

His lips are thick.

It looks quite serious when you sip it.

Then... just when Xu Xin was wondering what this old man was going to do, he said:

"Director Xu, on the day of the film festival... we all have to go, right?"


Xu Xin seemed to understand what he meant and smiled:

"It's okay. I also know Teacher Duan's situation. If you find it inconvenient, you can just wait for us here."

The implication is: you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.

"That's not true."

Duan Yihong waved his hand:

"I mean...do you remember the scene when Wu Jing and I saw you at the door during the audition that day?"


Following his words, Xu Xin suddenly remembered that there was indeed such a thing.

So he nodded:

"Yes, there is. You two are at the door. We came together. It's the second day of the wedding."

"Well...just now, Wu Jing asked me about the film festival, so I came over to ask you...I thought if there was an invitation, I would give him one."


Xu Xin agreed at first.

But there is still a little bit of doubt in my heart.

"Didn't the people in Yindu give him an invitation letter?"

Yindu was really awesome this time. It is said that it sent invitation letters to many Hong Kong stars. Such as Simon Yam, Tony Leung Ka Fai, and Donnie Yen.

Wu Jing is also from the Hong Kong circle, and has been the royal martial arts villain in Hong Kong in recent years.

It shouldn’t be difficult to get an invitation letter from the Silk Road, right?

He subconsciously thought that the other party wanted to walk on the red carpet and gain some popularity.

After all, no matter what the event is, the red carpet has been a battleground for military strategists since ancient times.

But Duan Yihong's next words confused him:

"He doesn't plan to go back to Xiangjiang."


Xu Xin was really confused now:

"Not going back?...Why? Didn't he develop quite well? I remember at the 2007 Golden Horse Awards, he was nominated for Best Supporting Actor."

"...Are you there too?"

"No, I wasn't there, but didn't I film "Secret" in 2007? At that time, many people said that "Secret" could be shortlisted for the Golden Horse, but it turned out not to be the case. I also read the list and had an impression."

"He was nominated for "The Best of Us". But after that, he basically didn't film many scenes in Xiangjiang. He returned to the mainland to develop... After all, Xiangjiang was a bit xenophobic, and his life was quite unsatisfactory."


Although Duan Yihong didn't go into details, Xu Xin more or less guessed the reason.

Indeed, the polarization of attitudes toward mainland actors in Xiangjiang is quite obvious.

Some well-known box office guarantees are begging you to let you come. But for some "strength workers", the usual rules continue.

Just like Zhou Xunchi was "Xingzi" before he became popular, but after he became popular, he was "Xingye".

In fact, it is not just Xiangjiang, but also the mainland.

There is no difference.

Maybe the only thing that makes a difference is...

Although it is a bit inappropriate, in mainland China, this is Wu Jing's home. But in Xiangjiang, he is just a passerby... maybe that's it.

And a red carpet ticket is nothing, you can come if you want.

While he was thinking about it, unexpectedly, a sentence came out of his ears:

"Director Xu, he actually wants to join the Western Film Actors Group."


Xu Xin was stunned.

Then... it suddenly became clear.

No wonder.

It would be an exaggeration to think that just a mere invitation could make the drama lover in front of me get out of her state...

But if it is for the future of a friend, then it makes sense.

As for whether Xiying will hire Wu Jing...

"Okay, he is also an old actor, so he will definitely be welcome in the factory... But does he have any bad habits?"

"No, no, absolutely not."

Duan Yihong shook his head like a rattle:

"We are good buddies, and I know exactly what he is like. Don't worry, there is definitely nothing wrong with him."

"Then we welcome him. Xiying actors are in short supply of this kind of backbone. It is our honor to have him come."

"Director Xu is too polite to do this."

"Haha~ I believe in Teacher Duan's character. Anyone who is worthy of being a lobbyist for Teacher Duan must be the kind of person with nothing wrong with him. The factory welcomes him. Then when he returns this time, let him and the factory It will be no problem if you submit the application, and then the Actors Club of the Art Creation Center will also register... By the way, has he signed a contract with the company?"

"No, after he left the agency in Xiangjiang, he entered the military area when he came back. There is a military-themed movie for him. It hasn't been finished yet."

"Oh, then I just happened to have a chat with him this time, so I might consider Cloud Atlas. Teacher Duan knows about Cloud Atlas, right?"


Duan Yihong's eyes flashed with joy.

To be honest, he didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

Not only can you join Xiying Studio, but you can also join Cloud Atlas...

Yuntu is a resource of three companies.

For Jing'er, it means a lot!

"I'll talk to him."

"Haha, okay. He is also welcome to become a member of the Xiying family. He is an old actor, so the assessment will definitely be no problem for him."

After receiving Xu Xin's reconfirmation, Duan Yihong couldn't help but show a hint of joy on his face:

"Then let me thank Director Xu on his behalf first."

"Hahaha, that's polite. It should be right~"

While talking, Xu Xin suddenly felt a chill on his arm.

Subconsciously he raised his head.

"Yo? It's raining!"

Upon hearing this, Duan Yihong directly put out the cigarette butt without saying a word:

"Then I'll go back and prepare."


Xu Xin responded, watching him leave quickly, and then looked up at the sky.

The heart says...

It's a good rain.

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