I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 767 764 Idol, long time no see

Chapter 767 764. Idol, long time no see

This game should go smoothly for the five-person team.

It’s normal, just push the lineup quickly.

As long as the snowball can roll up the tower in the early stage, then with the support of the economy, Anti-Mage, one of the three Cs with the highest growth in the later stage, can lead everyone to victory.

So in less than twenty minutes, the game was over.

After it was over, Jay Chou and Kun Ling stood up at the same time:


He didn't need to say more.

Xu Xin had already stood up when he heard him calling her name.


This damn understanding.

"Formal introduction, this is my girlfriend Kun Ling."

Although somewhat unnecessary.

But...it was this superfluous appearance that showed the status of this girl in his heart.

When a good buddy introduces you to your girlfriend, it is a proof of attitude in itself.

It’s not a joke.

No joke.

But an official girlfriend.

It starts today and lasts until you break up.

With the words "my brother", our small circle will look up to you no matter when and where.

So, after Xu Xin heard what he said, he took the initiative to extend his hand again:

"Hannah, hello, I'm Xu Xin."

A hint of timidity flashed across Kun Ling's face.

Obviously, as a model...or someone in the entertainment industry, she is very aware of Director Xu's status.

And I, a little 18th-tier model... At this moment, I received the famous Director Xu's initiative to reach out and greet me...

Just kidding, being able to stand up straight and respond without weak legs is already a reflection of her strong psychological quality.

But the encouragement from her boyfriend still made her try to calm down.

Trying not to tremble so much, he held Xu Xin's hand:

"Hello, Director Xu, I am Kun Ling. Nice to meet you~"

Xu Xin nodded with a smile:


He let go of the other person's hand.

At this time...

"Hey, hello, Director Xu, I am Wang Sicong. This is my girlfriend Di Wei."

Before Xu Xin could put down his hand, Wang Sicong held it with both hands and shook him for a while.

That "kneeling and licking" look was a complete mess.

But after hearing this, Xu Xin said:

"Not your boyfriend?"


Lang Lang, who knew exactly what Lao Xu was talking about, couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

Then, under Wang Sicong's dumbfounded expression, Xu Xin took out his hand, put it on his pants and rubbed it, then turned to Si Wei and stretched out his hand and said:

"Hello, Seventh Brother, you must be Wang Sicong's boyfriend, right?"


Lang Lang really couldn't hold himself any longer now.

Si Wei was also speechless.

But after taking a look at her boyfriend, she grinned and pulled Wang Sicong into her arms:

"You must be the best friend Xu Xin that my stinky baby often mentions, right?"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

This time, Jay Chou couldn't hold it in any longer.

"Hey, it's me, hello, seventh brother."

"Well, hello, hello."


Amid laughter, Xu Xin finally walked towards Gong Xinliang:

"Hello, I am Xu Xin."


Gong Xinliang raised his head in confusion and looked at Xu Xin's outstretched hand, with a baffled look on his face.

After subconsciously holding it, he asked:

"What...what's wrong?"

"It's okay, we just want to formally meet you."

Xu Xin laughed, shook her hand, and said directly:

"Shall we go? Let's go eat."


A group of people walked straight outside.

While walking, Xu Xin asked him when he planned to announce the establishment of the IG team.

Lang Lang, who was walking at the end, deliberately took two steps slowly and said to his girlfriend:

"I told you, stop playing with your phone for a while!"

"Amanda, we are talking about the supply of goods. She has a time difference there and we are in a meeting..."

Gong Xinliang explained.


Lang Lang pursed his lips.


Walking all the way home, Nuannuan and Yangyang seemed to be very happy. They left the team and ran around in front playing with water guns.

There is no separation of people and vehicles in Qujiang Garden Villa Area.

However, because there are so few people living here, we rarely see cars on the road.

But not nothing.

Therefore, children must be vigilant when running alone on the road.

While Xu Xin was chatting with the guys, a car drove over from the opposite side.

The car is not very fast either.

After all, it is precisely because there are fewer people in the villa area that the community environment requires the joint maintenance of all owners.

When I saw a child running, the car naturally slowed down.

But the first time she saw the child running, Di Wei still said:

"Hey~ there's a car! Come back quickly!"

As she said that, she quickly quickened her pace.

Even Xu Xin's reaction was slow for a moment before he followed up and quickly controlled Nuan Nuan.

One by one, she and Di Wei held the hands of Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang, walked to the sidewalk next to them, and then nodded politely to the slowing car.

After waiting for the other party to pass, Xu Xin glanced at Di Wei, smiled and let go:

"It's okay, let them run away."


Di Wei nodded and waited for the person behind her to say:

"I found that people who live in villas are different. There is no separation of people and cars in my own house. There was an accident where a car hit a child some time ago..."

"It's not that serious. It's more a matter of personal quality."

After a short interlude, everyone walked back to the villa.

After entering the door, Nuannuan shouted:



Hearing the noise, the siblings walked to the kitchen without even taking off their shoes.

At this time, Xu Xin had already seen Liu Yifei sitting on the sofa.

"Yo? Disabled person, are you here?"

Liu Yifei was speechless:

"If you can speak, speak more!"


Xu Xin smiled and shrugged, and asked:

"How was the shooting?"

"It's okay, just some ink stains... Huh? This is..."

Seeing these people in pairs, Liu Yifei didn't think anything was wrong at first.

Until I saw Jay Chou and Kun Ling.

"Here, let me introduce you to Kun Ling. Wheel's girlfriend...Hannah, this is Liu Yifei..."


Liu Yifei looked really confused.

She looked at Kun Ling blankly, and then at Jay Chou.

Finally, his eyes fell on Xu Xin.

The look in his eyes means the same thing:


Fortunately, Kun Ling is not shy, so she politely extended her hand:

"Sister Crystal, hello, I'm Hannah."

"Uh... um, hello, hello, just call me by my Chinese name. Hello, Kun Ling~"

"Okay, Sister Yifei."

"Hmm, hello~"

After everyone got to know each other, Liu Zhishi popped up from the kitchen:

"what's the situation?"

Then follow the same pattern...

Except that when Xu Xin introduced Liu Zhishi to Kun Ling a little insultingly, he added the prefix "This is Liu Yifei's cousin", which aroused the "angry eyes" of the fairy sister and the blind man A Bing...

On the contrary, Wang Sicong gloated and said:

"Old Xu, sooner or later you're going to get beaten for that mouth."

Xu Xin still shrugged, looking like he was in a bad mood.

In fact, there is a reason why he is so "bitchy".

After all, Kun Ling is a new member and urgently needs to get acquainted with everyone.

As the owner of the villa, who would do this if he didn't do it?

At this time, Yang Mi's voice finally came from the kitchen:

"You clear the table and get ready to eat."

As soon as he finished speaking, the doorbell rang.

Xu Xin glanced at the time, it was just past 11 o'clock.

It seems that the dish ordered by my wife has been delivered.

As soon as I opened the door, it was true.

"Hello, Director Xu, we are the delivery boys for the Dragon Fish Banquet..."

"Okay, please come in..."

The villa's restaurants are divided into different sizes.

The large one is a round table with automatic rotation and a separate dining room that can accommodate 12 to 16 people.

The smallest one is the dining table that opens to the Western-style kitchen.

Under normal circumstances, everyone's meals will be eaten at the dining table, including other people coming. And if there are many people, you have to go to the restaurant to eat.

When dinner was about to begin, Xu Xin's phone rang.

After seeing the caller, he answered the call:

"Hey, Brother Qi."

"have you eaten?"

"I was just planning to eat, want to take a bite?"

"Haha, I'll forget it. Are you coming to the factory this afternoon? I've prepared a little surprise for you."

Hearing this, Xu Xin asked curiously:


"If I told you in advance, it wouldn't be a surprise. Just come over around 3 p.m."


Xu Xin thought for a while and asked:

"Can I drink at noon?"

"……drink wine?"

"It's okay. Okay, let's meet at three o'clock."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin covered his cup.

"Don't drink white wine, just drink some red wine. I have something to do in the afternoon."

"It's not much, just two taels per person."

"Farewell, Brother Qi came to see me just now. He has something to do in the afternoon."

Seeing this, Wang Sicong looked at the opened Maotai in his hand.


So, the white wine glass was removed and replaced with a red wine glass.

Everyone raised their glasses together:

"Lao Xu, the head of the family, you have to say a few words."

After hearing Lang Lang's words, Xu Xin, holding the cup, thought about it and said with a smile:

"Celebrate meeting, celebrate this time."

After saying just six words, he knocked his wine glass lightly on the table:



After signaling, everyone took a sip of wine.

Then he started to move his chopsticks.

Wang Sicong couldn't wait to pick up the seafood with chopsticks in front of him.

Gave it to Di Wei.

"No, I can just clip it myself."

Di Wei said.

"It's okay, just eat."

Wang Sicong said while picking up a chopstick for himself.

Then the rotating table turned to the right.

After tasting it, he nodded:

"Not to mention, if you cook the lobster too much, the meat may become stale in just one minute. The juice is not bad either."

After saying that, I saw the home-style fried pork with chili pepper in front of me.

He loves this dish.

So I picked up a pair of chopsticks.

But as soon as I took a bite, I suddenly felt something was wrong.

After tasting the product, he subconsciously looked at Yang Mi:

"You didn't do it?"

"No, the fumes from frying this stuff are too great. It's a red carpet tonight, so I have to keep my skin in good condition... Why are you holding your mouth so heavy?"

Yang Mi couldn't laugh or cry.

"Nonsense, can you be a professional?...Tsk, it doesn't taste good."

He was so disgusted that he stopped talking about it, and then looked at the braised pork that looked far less rosy and rich than the one in the hotel, but he could tell at a glance that it was home-cooked, and he took his chopsticks with a smile.

Well, sure enough.

He loves this dish.

"Old Wang can't do anything else, he's really tricky."

Lang Lang said.

Wang Sicong smiled proudly:

"Then look..."

Xu Xin said casually:

"You took it as a good word."

Although I know that he is being sarcastic, our eldest young master is not the same as him.

Instead he asked:

"By the way, where are we going on vacation this year?"

"Take me with you this year."

Lin Xinxin quickly signed up.

Although I don’t know where to go…

"I was always envious when I saw you guys playing in Miami last year. I'm going to go this year too."

"Brother! You still have movies!~"

Yang Mi quickly added.

Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"Movie? What movie?"

"There is a film from Hong Kong called "Chill", and he has a supporting role in it. It will be released in October~"

"...The movies in Xiangjiang are shot very quickly, and they can be finished in a month or two. Lao Xu, how long do you plan to shoot this movie?"

Xu Xin was still thinking about how Lin Xingxin could act in "Chill" with such a bad mouth.

After hearing this, he thought about it and said:

"It must be November or December. There are too many random weather conditions in my film, so the filming must be slow. By the way, where are we going this year?"

Di Wei said tentatively with some confusion:

"It can't be...what...the legendary...Lang Langri?"

Not to mention, everyone in this room, except her, seemed to be familiar with the legend of "LONGLONGDAY".

Obviously everyone knows privately about the fishing festival that these gentlemen have launched.


Lang Lang responded, and then said:

"Going to Russia? Didn't Dami always want to ride a bear?"


Unexpectedly, Yang Mi shook her head like a rattle:

"Brother, I was joking."

"Going to Switzerland? Skiing? Hannah loves it there."




The whole room was speechless.


Seeing everyone looking at him, Jay Chou asked in confusion:

"What to do?"


After Xu Xin finished speaking, he nodded loudly:

"Yeah, it's like that."

Wang Sicong held the wine glass and sighed:

"More than just a resemblance? They're exactly the same!"

"...Hey, what do you want to say?"

"We said that you are exactly like the kind of love brain that once you fall in love, you forget even the big thing that you haven't released an album this year!"

When he said this, he said it to the other person.

So I didn't see Xu Xin's disgusted expression.

It's like you're not.

And Yang Mi thought for a while:

"Switzerland... that's fine too. There's so much snow in Switzerland in winter. Husband, haven't you always wanted a piece of Richard Mille? Let's buy one this time."

"Buy? No need. Isn't this ready-made?"

As he spoke, he grabbed Wang Sicong's arm and began to break his wrist.

"Eh? Damn... let go! This is so obvious!"

"Get out of here, it's mine!...I'll let you go if you scream loudly!"

"I don't want your screams to be nice!"


"Holy shit!"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

Seeing Xu Xin act like this, Wang Sicong was stunned.

Everyone in the room burst into laughter.

In the end, the piece of Richard Mille was worn by Xu Xin.

The eldest young master said in his heart, for the sake of his adoptive father, I will let you wear it for a few days.

Immediately afterwards...

"Father, I want it too!"

Lang Lang was the first to raise his hand.


Jay Chou is second.

Lin Xinxin looked at Wang Sicong with a confused look on his face:

"I'm about to shout, what about our relationship as relatives?... Why don't you be more conscious and take me with you?"

"Are you here to eat from a wealthy family?"


While talking and laughing, a group of women looked at the men who were so mean-spirited, with helpless expressions on their faces.

Yang Mi, on the other hand, looked unfazed.

Kun Ling didn’t mention it as soon as she arrived.

As for Seventh Brother or MIUMIU.

These people are also latecomers.

No one has experienced as much fun as she has when these four live dads come together to create a lot of fun.

The more you see it, the more you get used to it.

Make a fuss.

While you're young.

Isn't it good?

She raised her cup:

"Come on, stepfather, count me in."


Wang Sicong almost cried. Mom, why are you joining in the fun?

Isn't it okay to watch your sons making trouble?

Do you also take advantage of this?


On the side, Kun Ling, who arrived last, had a look of absurdity on his face.

Is this the great director Xu?

Is this the piano artist Mr. Lang Lang?

Is this Wanda's heir?


Learned a lot.


The smile on her face grew threefold.

She really likes this atmosphere.

And in the midst of all this fun, the time for Langlang Day this year has been decided.


"Who should treat this year?"

After hearing Lang Lang's words, Xu Xin scratched his head:

"Me? It's my turn, right?"

"No, I'll do it. Didn't Lao Wang lose to you for several years? I'm coming this year, and no one can compete with me."

"Can you repay me these few dollars of Richard Mille?"

"Hey~ foster father, how can you talk like this? What a motorcycle!"


Wang Sicong's lips moved...

Finally, he said something like resignation:

"Rely on the cup..."


We had a glass of red wine at noon, and after that, everyone sat around the living room and chatted.

We talked about all kinds of things, including everything.

It can also be regarded as a process of increasing understanding.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, Xu Xin saw that it was almost time and asked:

"Which of you wants to go back to the factory?"

Liu Yifei's eyes moved.

But after taking a look at Yang Mi, she still remained silent.

No one else said anything.

Seeing this, Xu Xin nodded:

"Then you guys chat, I'll go back to the factory. Mengmeng, let's go."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

Su Meng responded and left with him.

After leaving the door and walking all the way to Xiying Studio, Xu Xin was still thinking about what surprise Qi Lei was talking about.

With doubts, when he passed by the guest house, he found that... the guest house's parking space was occupied by cars both on and off the stage.

Apparently, many people came.

When we entered the factory all the way, we found that the tour signs in the factory dedicated to tourists had not yet been removed.

Since he started filming "Heart of the Sun", he has paid less attention to the reactions of tourists during the past few days of the Silk Road Film Festival.

No way, I'm too busy at work.

However, he pays more or less attention to some comments every day.

Overall, tourists are very satisfied with Xi'an in August.

Especially on Weibo, you can often see Weibo messages about check-in food and attractions, and timely solutions to problems encountered.

Whether it’s human touch or inclusiveness, it can be said that Xi’an has been recognized by tourists from all over the country this August.

That'll do.

Scenic spots mainly rely on word-of-mouth fermentation.

Xi'an's historical heritage is by no means inferior to other provinces, and so is its food.

Without the ability to stand 1-foot-7 before walking and 2-foot-5 when walking, Xi'an would not be worthy of being called a carbon paradise.

Coupled with this humanized management and diverse attractions, the charm of the film festival is added.

This Silk Road Film Festival can be said to be very successful.

It's a good thing, a happy event.

The most important thing is that everyone maintains their original intention.

I believe that as long as this situation can be maintained, in two or three years, the heritage of Shaanxi, a cultural and historical province, will be seen by more and more people.

With all these thoughts in his mind, he came all the way to Qi Lei's office.

Knocked on the door.


Hearing the noise, Xu Xin opened the door and walked in, just in time to see Qi Lei looking like he was going out.

"Coming? Come on, follow me."

"……This is?"

Xu Xin, who was standing at the door, was puzzled for a while:

"What is this for?"

"Haha, just follow me."

Qi Lei still didn't say anything about the surprise, and pulled Xu Xin out.

Helpless, Xu Xin could only follow him, wanting to see what medicine was sold in the gourd.

Then, we went all the way to the reception room in the factory specially used to receive VIPs.

There are three such reception rooms in the factory.

This level is the highest.

Xu Xin was a little surprised.

"Who's coming?"

he asked.

He had also visited the reception room once, when the provincial leaders came to inspect the Silk Road Film Festival.

how to say……

The area, furnishings, and layout inside are similar to what you see on TV.

Very impressive.

Very formal too.

So grand?

Who are you going to receive?

After hearing this, Qi Lei smiled mysteriously and opened the door directly:

"You'll know in a moment... The people who come here are not outsiders, but old friends. But logically, it's okay to use the second-level reception room... The reason why we use the first-level reception room is because you like it."


Xu Xin became more and more confused.

He walked into the empty, but very clean and grand reception room.

"Where should I sit?"

"Just be next to me."

After hearing this, the two of them sat on the sofa next to them.

Xu Xin wanted to ask, but looking at Qi Lei like that, he probably wouldn't say anything if he asked.

Then we can only wait.

Didn't wait long.

After about three or five minutes, there was a burst of chatter outside.

Xu Xin glanced at Qi Lei.

After seeing him stand up, he also stood up.

Then, five or six people walked in, talking and laughing.

When he saw the two people at the front, Xu Xin suddenly realized.

Finally I know what the surprise is.

On the left is Tian Shuanghe.

On the right, there is a guy with a baseball cap and gray hair...

Zhou Xuchi!

"Master Xing, I am your idol."

"You are my fan."

This sentence that I once said quietly jumped into my mind.

At this time, Xu Xin keenly noticed what Zhou Xingchi was holding.

A piece of information...

He held it with his own hands.

What did you get?

Looks like that...it looks a bit like a script.

Just as he was thinking about it, Zhou Xuchi had already seen Xu Xin.

He smiled and said hello:

"Idol, long time no see~"


The child had viral herpes and stayed up all day, but the fever has gone away now. Sorry everyone, it’s really a lot to ask for leave this month. But...I don't know why this month is going like this. Starting from my waist, to business trips, stones, to my child’s illness...this month has indeed stretched my hips too much.

I don’t know what to say, the only thing I can do is pray that next month will go smoothly.

Hope so!

I hope that next month will go well, and I will return stable updates to everyone who supports me, encourages me and comforts me.

Give everyone a hug!

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