I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 768 765 Conquer the Demon

Chapter 768 765. Conquer the Demon


Hearing this title, Xu Xin suddenly felt a little dazed.

For no reason, looking at Zhou Xuchi's face, he had a very strong feeling...

He seems a bit "older".

This kind of oldness doesn't mean how old his face is... The fact is that Mr. Xing's face does have an old look. Compared with the "Tang Bohu", "Zhou Xingxing", "Ling Lingqi" and other characters in his memory, that His primeval temperament is indeed gone.

Thinking of this for a moment, he was still a little sad.

But the main reason why I think he is old is because of that... temperament.

In Xu Xin's eyes, Master Xing seems to have completely moved away from the appearance of an "actor".

The sense of twilight emanating from the profession itself is clearer than the last hasty farewell.

For no reason, he felt...that his idol didn't like acting anymore.

As soon as this feeling emerged, it became extremely strong.

And what arose spontaneously along with this strong feeling was...sadness.

He really regards Xingye as his idol.

Because... this is the person who has made him link the two keywords "movie = happiness" since childhood.

At first, he watched comedies.

Movies are 20 cents a piece in the video room.

Among him, Xu Yang, and Xu Zhi, if anyone in the family is in a good mood and can give him fifty cents, good guy... then hurry up and call your friends.

We gathered five people together and walked down the mountain from the village. We had to walk a long dirt road to get to the video studio in Shenmu County.

I especially remember that there were two rooms inside the broken wooden door of the video hall at that time.

There is one room that children like them can enter, and one that children like them cannot enter even if they are beaten to death.

Xu Xin remembers very clearly that Xu Zhi once sneaked in while the door of another room with... now thinking about it, probably Teresa Teng's smiling poster was open, and he sneaked in.

I went in for about five or six minutes when I was discovered by the adults inside and kicked out.

When Xu Zhi came out, he was also confused.

When his friends, including himself, asked him what was inside, Xu Zhi said in a... very confused and unaware tone:

"Not at all. I didn't even understand the acting..."

A group of children listened with blank eyes.

Finally it was Xu Xin who put it forward:

"Why don't you ask the adults at home? See what it is?"


Xu Zhi was hung from the rafter by his father and whipped with a belt.

The next day my nose was bruised and my face was swollen.

The most important thing is that Xu Zhi is particularly aggrieved.

Because he had no idea why he was being beaten.

When I asked my father, he wouldn’t tell me.

Just whip him.

But since then, no one dared to enter the room with the windows sealed with Teresa Teng's posters.

Zhou Xuchi, who was in the other room, accompanied them through their childhood for a long time.

It started out as a comedy, but after watching "The Night of Return", several friends peed their pants while walking home at night.

But after that, he seemed to be more courageous. After hearing the zombie movie being played in the video hall, he no longer said to the boss, "We'll come over in a while." Instead, he discussed with the boss whether he could watch it for free, and they paid Money for the next game.

At that time, Stephen Chow's films were the most played in the video hall.

I especially remember that some of the CDs that were frequently requested, such as "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" and "The Gambler", were all out of stock. Every time a disc jammed, the boss would always come over, take a breath at the disc, rub his pilled sweater, and then put it back into the disc player...

He and his friends have watched every movie of Stephen Chow many times.

Even if I remember the plot clearly, I still laugh when I see something funny.

I didn’t understand that at that time, I didn’t understand that the comedy of Xingye’s movies often has a tragic core. I just think he is so funny and funny.

Even in order to learn special powers, you didn't know how many poker cards you had at home that you scrapped.

Master Xing has been with him for most of his childhood and is one of the most special beings in his heart.

But at this moment, seeing the actor's aging temperament in the other person... he was really sad.

Although the other party is still making new works after becoming a director.

But... there is no Zhou Xunchi in Zhou Xunchi's works, are they still his works?

He was a little naive and a little wishful thinking.

Zhou Xuchi also noticed the change in his eyes and asked curiously:

"What's wrong? Idol? Don't you recognize me?"


Xu Xin, who came back to his senses, quickly shook his head:

"No, no, no, idol, it's an honor to meet you."

He reached out his hand proactively.


Hold hands with each other.

At this time, Tian Shuanghe spoke:

"Axing, little Xu Xu really likes you. You are not adulterated at all."

Zhou Xuchi smiled and nodded:

"Haha, we talked last time."

"Come on, come on, sit down and talk."

It seems that Zhou Xuchi and Tian Shuanghe have a good relationship. Although the reception was very formal, their words were not unfamiliar.

But thinking about it carefully, Xu Xin was relieved that "Westward Journey" was cooperating with the factory.

The person following behind was Huang Renjie, who served as a judge for the Silk Road unit together with Xu Xin and was also the head of the Yindu Distribution Department.

The other people are also familiar with each other, so they are not so unfamiliar.

After everyone sat down, reporters came over to take pictures.

Several people didn't pay attention to the photographer, but sat down and chatted.

"I saw Xin Zai's "33 Days" in Hong Kong, and the film was very good. The feeling of crowded cities, the coldness of big cities and the ups and downs of people at the bottom, gave me a feeling very much like Hong Kong in the past. It has a strong resonance~ How much is the box office now?”

"Already downloaded. The total box office of "Love Is Not Blind" is 461 million." (Note 1)

Xu Xin said with a smile.

Zhou Xuchi nodded:

"Remarkable achievement."

"Don't praise me. It's time to be proud."

"Haha, no, I'm serious..."

Xu Xin should have been very happy with this kind of praise, but after having the thought just now, he couldn't be happy at all.

For no reason, all I could think of was "please don't grow old again".

Ridiculous but true.

At this moment, Tian Shuanghe said to Xu Xin:

"Xiao Xu, when A Xing comes this time, he actually has a movie in hand that he wants to cooperate with us. The reason why I asked you to come is because I know that you like A Xing. Between idols and fans... How do you put it in your words? Come? This is called a two-way journey. On the other hand, as directors, you can also exchange ideas and see how the story goes."


Xu Xin was stunned.

I instantly understood what Mr. Tian meant.

The so-called two-way trip is actually nothing to say. Zhou Xunchi is indeed on the invitation list for this Silk Road Film Festival. I must be happy to be able to come.

The real meaning of Mr. Tian’s words lies behind.

The so-called communication is actually more like talking about whether this movie can be filmed.

As one of the decision-makers of the Art Creation Center, he has the right and vision to review scripts.

Therefore, it was perfect for him and Qi Lei to do this job.

Of course, this is what Tian Shuanghe means. But in fact, if Zhou Xingchi wants to make a movie, it is impossible for him to lack investment.

As for why we still found the factory...

Xu Xin couldn't guess the purpose either.

But he still nodded:

"Yes, I understand, Mr. Tian. Mr. Xing, what story do you want to film this time?"

Zhou Xingchi smiled slightly and picked up the information on the table:

"It's all here."

After rubbing his hands, Xu Xin discovered it.

This information turned out to be three parts combined.

After being separated, Tian Shuanghe got a share, Qi Lei got a share, and he got a share.

After holding it in his hand and feeling it, Xu Xin estimated that it only had seven or eight pages.

Then I saw the name clearly:

"Journey to the West"

"Journey to the West"?

He was stunned.

The first thing that came to mind was "Westward Journey".

So...a strong interest arose.

I opened the information directly.

The material is a script outline, which is to sort out the main story flow and tell clearly what the story of the script is.

Xu Xin didn't read it for the time being, but turned the page and found that the next page contained some very sloppy sketches.

A piece of paper is divided into three.

In the first part, just by looking at it, you can tell that it is about a group of four people who learn from Buddhist scriptures.

It's just that Tang Monk didn't ride a horse.

Just a simple bald image.

But... the second character is more interesting.

According to the Chinese people's understanding of Journey to the West, the order of the four groups of Buddhist monks must be "Tang Monk, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, and Monk Sha".

But the second person in this part of the picture is a short figure.

The shortest among the four.

A short man with a crown on his head and a string in his hand.

No need to ask, it must be the Golden Cudgel.

Sun Wukong is actually a dwarf?

Xu Xin's eyes widened in surprise.

Looking at Zhu Bajie again, I found that Zhu Bajie has no special logo. Apart from the weapon shape of a rake, the only thing that can be called a distinctive feature is the word "←greasy" next to the line drawing.

Zhu Bajie is fat and greasy... which is normal.

Then there is the last person, a figure with long hair who also looks very thin.

have to.

Monk Sha.

This is the first picture on the second page.

The second picture in the middle is a simple line drawing of a woman.

Looking at the outline...it is exactly the same as the Zixia Fairy played by Zhu Yin.

However, there are some notes:

"↑Cheerful, sunny, carefree, masculine but also tender."

Then comes the third picture.

The third picture shows an unkempt figure.


"→Tang Monk Before Enlightenment."


After reading these three pictures, he turned back and found that they were characters.

1. Chen Xuanzang, Tang Sanzang in his youth, was an exorcist. He met Miss Duan when he conquered the water demon, but he never accepted Miss Duan's love. Finally, Miss Duan understood Buddhism after she died for him. Finally, they subdued the pig demon, the water demon and the king of demons, Sun Wukong, and the four of them embarked on the journey to the West to learn scriptures.

2. Miss Duan is agile, skilled in martial arts, innocent and cute. She fell in love with Chen Xuanzang when she conquered the water demon. She expressed her love to Chen Xuanzang many times, but was rejected. She secretly protected Chen Xuanzang, subdued demons and eliminated demons for Chen Xuanzang, and finally served Chen Xuanzang. And die.


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

The smell of Zixia Fairy from Miss Duan was already overflowing in his senses.

But he didn't say anything and continued to look down.

3. Sun Wukong, the monkey demon, was sealed at the foot of Wuzhi Mountain by Tathagata, waiting for Tang Sanzang to come to rescue him. However, he still remained demonic in front of Tang Sanzang. After tricking Tang Sanzang into sympathizing with him and releasing him, he became even more demonic and killed several demon hunters who came to subjugate him. Later, Tang Sanzang summoned Tathagata and completely surrendered him.


The Sun Wukong who defies common sense?

Seeing this, he understood that the protagonist of this film should not be the Great Sage, but Tang Sanzang.

Does it mean that Sun Wukong has Zixia, and Tang Sanzang has this "Miss Duan"?

It seems to work too.

Then I continued to scroll down and found an overview of the story given by the screenwriter.

Xu Xin didn't read the content for the time being, but started counting.

Zhou Xuchi, Guo Zijian, Huo Xin, Huang Yun, Feng Zhiqiang.

There are five screenwriters in total, giving five paragraphs of overviews of varying lengths.

It takes up two pages in total.

Then, at the back, there are some concept pictures of the film, such as the Buddha who is bigger than the earth, such as the concept pictures of various monsters, etc.

After seeing that there was nothing at the back, Xu Xin turned to the first page again and started reading the synopsis.

In fact, the outline of the entire story is relatively easy to summarize.

Before enlightenment, Tang Sanzang relied on a book called "Three Hundred Children's Songs" to exorcise demons under the guidance of his master. During an exorcism, he met Miss Duan, a truly capable exorcist.

The two came to Gao Laozhuang together and found that Zhu Bajie was a pig demon who eats people and roasts pigs. After fighting with the opponent, there was no fight. Finally, under the guidance of the master, he went to Wuzhishan to find the monkey demon to come out of the mountain and succumb to the demon.

There are also emotional lines between Miss Duan and Tang Sanzang interspersed in the middle.

Unexpectedly, the monkey demon did not change its viciousness after being suppressed for five hundred years. After being released, it beat Miss Duan to death. From the bitterness of this love, Tang Sanzang suddenly realized the truth that "all life is bitter" and transformed into Tang Sanzang. After subduing the monkey demon, he went to the West to worship Buddha and seek scriptures.

You see, the story is that simple.

But this is just an overview, an outline, and some things are definitely not as comprehensive as what the script gives.

So Xu Xin could only rely on his own imagination.

Chen Xuanzang's setting is a dull and simple-minded character.

Then...it is inevitable that Miss Duan will take the initiative in the relationship.

Taking the initiative, pursuing backwards... and a character with this kind of personality must have a good attribute, and finally can complete the sublimation after death.

The monkey demon is not the protagonist, but a supporting character.

This supporting character is a villain, so he must be evil...

Thinking of this, he frowned slightly...

Another great sage who overturned tradition.

As for the other supporting characters...it doesn't feel like there are too many clues.

Maybe the ductility is not particularly high.

The most important part of this play should be between Xuanzang, Miss Duan, and Monkey Demon.

Slowly closed the document.

He was lost in thought.

During this period, Zhou Xuchi never disturbed him in any way.

After Xu Xin had almost digested the story, he raised his head and asked:

"Master Xing, I have two doubts."

"Well, you say."

Zhou Xuchi nodded with interest.

"The first question is, is it similar to the Westward Journey? A tribute? Or...appropriation based on the script...Or let me ask another way, this is actually consistent with the core of "Journey to the West" in your mind, right?"

Following Xu Xin's question, Tian Shuanghe and Qi Lei also put down the information in their hands.

You can read the information slowly.

But you must listen carefully to the conversation between the two.

Faced with Xu Xin's question, Zhou Xuchi did not answer directly. Instead, he asked:

"Do you think it's similar to "Westward Journey"?"


Xu Xin was not stopped by his question, but after organizing his words, he said:

"First of all, this story feels very familiar to me. It's not that the plot is very similar, but it comes from the way of creation. I see the shadow of your past. Maybe my summary is not very accurate, but let me talk to you about my heart Have some knowledge about your works. Is that okay?"


Zhou Xuchi nodded and continued to listen.

"The very familiar creative method I am referring to is actually derived from your previous films. The core is the bottom character, and the familiar flavor seems to be that although these people are trying to undermine each other, they even treat each other... no matter their personality or character, There is a kind of irony in all. But similarly, these people who seem to be ironic to each other often stick together in the end and support each other. This method is familiar to you and familiar to all of us. And this story……"

He pointed to the information in his hand:

"The inability to love, the tricks of fate, and the heartache after loss are actually one of the elements of "Westward Journey". I think it is consistent in this aspect. So... although I only read the outline, I You can probably guess that the direction of the story should be..."

After thinking for a while, he gave the answer:

"Miss Duan probably fell in love with Chen Xuanzang because of some of the characteristics he showed. She started to pursue him, but because she had a carefree personality and would not pursue him, she did some very stupid things.

Chen Xuanzang probably didn't like this kind of stupidity, or maybe he didn't feel it. It made Ms. Duan sad... In the end, there should be some kind of intersection between the two. In other words, missed... This can stimulate the audience's empathy.

This was true in "Journey to the West", and it is true here as well. But because it's a pity in "Westward Journey", the audience should think that you will give them a perfect ending.

But here's the twist... or the "surprise". The end result remains the same, seemingly redemptive, but in reality, it does nothing.

Therefore, the core of this story is also unified with the emotional line of Westward Journey, and it is pessimistic... I said that, right? "

There was a hint of surprise in Zhou Xuchi's eyes.

When he was surprised, Xu Xin added:

"Or to put it more simply, I think what the two movies have in common is... the so-called "all life is suffering" in Buddhism.

Or it can be described as "the boundless sea of ​​suffering", "no relief", etc.

I don’t know if you are the main creator of this script, but... can I understand the idea of ​​​​the whole story as saying that because we are ordinary sentient beings, we live in a sea of ​​suffering and cannot escape?

The story itself could be higher, but... in the eyes of the creator, this kind of height is a forced elevation. We are all sentient beings and cannot be liberated no matter what, so being high is meaningless.

There is no need to turn back and put down the butcher's knife. From birth to death, just like the monkey monster, we can never escape the so-called greed, anger, ignorance, resentment and hatred, love and separation... The author can give such thoughts, but he does not Didn't do that.

Therefore, its core is still pessimistic. Even though Tang Sanzang seemed to be "detached" in the end, in fact, the girl he loved most had also become a part of the world that he couldn't love.

In other words, mortals will never achieve the great perfection of emptiness and nirvana. Is this what you mean? "




His words were met with silence from everyone present.

Everyone is thinking whether the truth in his words is reflected in this story.

Only Zhou Xuchi.

"Xin Zai...Hou Xi Lei."

He nodded with emotion.

After the story was completed, he actually showed it to a few good friends to read.

There are also some directors from Hong Kong circles among them.

Everyone's reaction was actually no different from Xu Xin's.

"It's similar to "Westward Journey"."

"Very similar."

"Exactly the same."

That's how everyone reacted.


No one can guess the specific storyline he arranged just through an outline.

No one could understand in such a short period of time what kind of spiritual pessimistic core they had given to this script.


He made a sigh of relief.

But he did not directly answer Xu Xin's question.

Instead he asked:

"What is your second doubt?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin said directly without thinking:

"You... haven't finished telling your story?"


This time, Zhou Xuchi was really surprised.

Subconsciously asked:

"How did you get it?"

"Look at the performance."


Zhou Xuchi was stunned and said something ridiculous:

"You can see the performance just by reading the synopsis of the story?"

Xu Xinxin said that you are using bean buns as dry food.

So he nodded:

"Yes, because it is incomplete. Since Buddhism is used, it is bound to achieve perfection. But in this movie, whether it is Tang Monk, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, or Monk Sha, they all represent a kind of... For the time being, I still disagree. I’m not sure what kind of desire it is... or should I say, sin. But the light shows up, just like seeking scriptures in the West. The road is told to you, but you have to finish it. So this story gives me the feeling that it is not finished. You...want to make a sequel?"




Amid the absurdity of a group of people saying, "We're already talking about a sequel before the movie even starts shooting?", Zhou Xingchi smiled.

No sound was made.

But the smile was indeed brewing on his face.


Not ordinary.

No wonder it has achieved what it has now.

With this keen sense of smell, he surpasses many directors he has seen.

So, he simply nodded:

"Yes, this play is indeed not finished. I also have plans to make a sequel, but I don't have a story foundation yet. I have to take my time... Let's tell the story first. How do you feel?"

"to be honest?"

"Well, to be honest."

"It's okay, but I want to see it."


Zhou Xuchi was stunned.

I heard Xu Xin explain with a smile:

"This is your work. No matter how it is made, I'm looking forward to it. It would be better if you could star in it...but...I always feel that you are very tired of acting."


When Stephen Chow suddenly became surprised and silent, Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"But no matter what, I have 100% expectations for your work. But as far as the story itself is concerned...if you put aside your elements and put it in the art creation center, I would like this kind of love in the same way as Buddha I’ve never been very interested in stories that explain my point of view using principles or Taoist scriptures.

Because to me, religion is too self-explanatory and a bit overt. If the director doesn't handle it well, it can easily turn into a one-sided metaphysical catharsis. Therefore, the story itself, unless it is a very mature script,... I can only say that it is good in my opinion.

Of course, I am just expressing my opinion. My taste in film selection and audience still prefer a direction with clear logical thinking and clear expression of film philosophy. Buddhism is really not something I consider, so what I say are my own thoughts. "

"I see."

Zhou Xuchi nodded.

He naturally understood that no story could be accepted by everyone.

What's more, the explanations given were very clear.

Every director has his own philosophy.

He likes Buddhism, but the other party doesn't. This is a personal deviation, and it is also the foundation of every director.

Naturally, you won't reject the other party's words just because of this objection.

Quite the opposite.

Sometimes, letting people who "don't like" see it can actually see it more clearly.

It's like what the other person said just now gave me a lot of inspiration.

Not only did he not hate it, he actually liked it very much.


"What a pity, Xinzi, I still thought about us working together."


Xu Xin was suddenly startled.


Then, a speechless look quickly appeared on his face:

"Can you... can I change my story now?"

Seeing that Xu Xin understood what he meant, Zhou Xunchi finally laughed out loud this time:

"Ha~ What do you think?"

"...Sigh. I feel like I missed five million."

After hearing the answer clearly, Xu Xin shook his head helplessly.


"Master Xing, have you chosen the male and female protagonists now?"

"No, this project has not started yet. I am here just to talk about this matter with everyone."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded:

"Then... regarding Miss Duan, I can recommend someone to you."

"Who? Your lover?"

Zhou Xuchi looked curious.

But I heard Xu Xin say directly:

"She can't do it. For a heroine with this kind of personality, I have a more suitable candidate!"

As he spoke, he half-closed his eyes, and scenes from his fantasy appeared in his mind.

Nodding unconsciously:

"Well, don't say it yet, the more I think about it, the more appropriate it becomes."

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