I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 770 767 Gambling

(By the way, I forgot to write "Note 1" in Chapter 765. In fact, I made a mistake in that note. "33 Days" was released on June 2, with a 47-day screening period, and it should end in July. . But I quickly skipped my own design in July and started the Silk Road Film Festival directly. This led me to subconsciously think that 47 days would be until August 17th... but when I found out, it was too late. That’s why Remarks. The total box office set in the book "33 Days" is: 460 million. Please explain.)

"Then let me change my clothes and go over there?"

Di Wei looked at Yang Mi subconsciously.

She was actually quite confused.

Mr. Xing's scene... Director Xu won't let Sister Mi take part?

Recommended me instead?

She felt a little uncomfortable.

But Yang Mi doesn't care.

Forget about Master Xing, she won’t even pick up the King of Heaven when he comes.

Of course, this is a bit exaggerated, but her next movie has been confirmed, and she will definitely not consider anything else until the filming is completed.

"me and you togather."

At this time, Wang Sicong stood up.


Si Wei didn't think anything was wrong, but when Yang Mi didn't respond, she asked again:

"Sister Mi, shall I go then?"

"just go."

Yang Mi smiled and nodded:

"But come back as soon as possible, you still have to put on makeup."


Si Wei nodded and looked at her boyfriend:

"Shall I go change clothes first?"

"I'll accompany you."

Wang Sicong repeated it again.

What he got in return was a group of people's blank stares.

I heard your calculations from the Terracotta Warriors and Horses.

And this phone call completely interrupted the conversation about how to choose Gong Xinliang's clothes.

No need.

The words have been said.

If you think it's okay, then go ahead and wear it.

I won't argue with you.

To put it bluntly, we are no match tonight.

Don't tell me whether the clothes are suitable or not. Even if they are suitable, even if you are prettier than me and your clothes are better than mine, so what?

There is another big devil on the red carpet tonight.

Don't talk about you...sister, I may have to stay away from the edge in front of my aunt.

"A sneeze."

Suddenly, Liang Binning rubbed her nose.

Wang Dongying asked quickly:

"Sister, are you feeling unwell?"

"It's okay, get ready to put on your makeup."


Hearing this, Wang Dongying glanced at Liang Binning who was trying on the dress, quickly walked out of the room and went to find the makeup team.

After she left, Liang Binning took her mobile phone and came to the body-length mirror.

In the mirror, the dress style she chose this time was a fairy-like gentle single-breasted flowing chiffon skirt from a very niche brand REEM ACRA. There was no hint of nudity in either the front or back.

However, this pure white dress really made her look like a "mature" girl when paired with her.

Light, elegant, and elegant.

It is completely opposite to her previous style of luxurious dresses.

looks good?

The answer is yes.

Looking at herself like a girl in the mirror, she suddenly felt a little dazed.

After thinking for a while, I took out my phone and took a photo in the mirror.

There was a "click".

Then, without any modification, she edited a WeChat message and sent it to the pinned friend on her phone.

"Does it look good?"

Information is returned within seconds.

It's an expression.

/Thumbs up

Seeing this expression, Liang Binning couldn't help but smile.

At this time, the door was pushed open again.

Wang Dongying walked in.

Coincidentally, a voice message also came from her mobile phone.

After Liang Binning clicked on it, she put the phone to her ear.

After listening to the content, the smile on her face became even bigger, and she texted back:

"I'm thirty years old, I'm not as young as you say."

Soon, another voice message came.

She looked at the four or five makeup artists who came in. After listening, she continued to reply:

"Then when I go out with you, won't we become father and daughter?"

"Sister, would you like to wash your hair first?"

"Okay, let me change my clothes first."

Liang Binning walked into the bedroom of the suite. After changing her clothes, another voice message was sent.

She listened and walked out.

Then reply:

"Just trick me. I don't believe it. How old was I when I met you? When I look at you now, I think I was ugly."

After posting this, she immediately replied:

"But as long as you like it. Hehe, I'm going to put on makeup."

Then, she searched for expressions and found a picture of a shy cat to send.

"I'll take the photo for you after I put on makeup."

At this time, a voice message happened to be sent.

After she put the phone close to her ear and listened again, the smile on her face became sweeter:

"It's good to be the same as Mimi. We are both beautiful~ Okay, I'm going to put on makeup and we'll talk later."

After sending it, I put away my phone.

She turned on the tap.

Look in the mirror at the cheek that still retains sweetness and smile.

Unconsciously, her eyes curved into crescent moons again.



Just be on the same level as Mimi.

As for everyone else…

Just be my green leaves.

"You come out later. It's hot outside. I'll turn on the air conditioner first, and then I'll call you when the temperature of the car cools down."

After hearing Wang Sicong's words, everyone in the room looked disgusted.


Looking at Lao Wang walking out, Lin Xingxin muttered to Lang Lang:

"No wonder my old aunt told my mother that her son is too old to stay in school. He is really too unbearable."

Lang Lang nodded with deep approval:

"Anyway, he makes me really sick."

"You know nothing, this is called considerate...Tingting, write it down, and remember to remind me to discipline you, Brother Xu."

Hearing Yang Mi's words, Jay Chou shook his head helplessly:

"Please, does that waste need to be saved?"

"Isn't trash also raised by Da Mi?"

After Lang Lang finished speaking, Lin Xingxin added:

"No, the most important thing is that there is no way to delete the account and practice again. Alas..."

Yang Mi also sighed:

"Sigh... Men are afraid of getting into the wrong profession, and women are afraid of marrying the wrong man. If I had known that Lao Wang was so considerate, what would happen to Brother Qi? You don't even need a sedan to carry me, I'll marry myself~ Tsk, tsk, tsk..."


Under the teasing of several people, Di Wei's face turned red.

"I...I'm going out too."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Amid laughter, Di Wei hurriedly walked out with a bit of embarrassment.

Xu Dafa, who was acting as a little transparent at the side, also said hello to everyone and followed them out.

As soon as Si Wei got into Wang Sicong's Bentley, she heard her boyfriend say:

"Didn't I ask you to wait for a while? It's so hot right now."

"I'm not that squeamish..."

Di Wei shook her head and still grabbed her boyfriend's hand on the stall.


Hearing this, Xu Dafa, who was sitting in the back, lowered his head silently.

Frankly speaking...

As someone who has experienced the history of "ex-girlfriend"...

Brother Qi and Brother Cong are much sweeter than when they were together with Brother Lin...

Seventh Brother is also much softer.

Soon, the Bentley backed out of the parking space.

Perhaps because he knew someone was waiting for his girlfriend, Wang Sicong stepped on the accelerator and started a little fiercely.

Si Wei quickly said:

"Slow down, slow down, in case there are children running around."


Wang Sicong slowed down.

Then he said:

"Shall I... help you contact some fashion designers or something? I will specially match your clothes for some occasions when you go out in the future..."

"No, I haven't reached that level yet."

Si Wei directly refused:

"I'll wait until I reach Sister Mi's level."


Wang Sicong opened his mouth, feeling a little aggrieved.

Seventh Brother is good everywhere.

Only money is very clear to me.

Normally it's okay to go out to eat or something like that, but once it comes to using your own money to do something for her, she will be very sensitive...

It was as if she was afraid that others would misunderstand that she was with him because of money.

But the problem is that he doesn't care.

Brother Qi wanted the moon in the sky, so he would ride on a rocket to get it for her.

Although I didn’t take the initiative to mention it, you and I are rushing to get married. We know what we are doing...

Are outside opinions so important?

But...the two of them have been in love for so long, because they have communicated about this kind of thing many times.

Seventh Brother is very stubborn and will do everything by himself, except this matter that doesn't make sense.


I sighed in my heart, and then changed the subject:

"What do you think of MIUMIU's outfit?"

"Isn't it what you taught me? Don't judge others after others."

"Just the two of us, chatting."


Xu Dafa in the back lowered his head silently.


I am not a human being I am not a human being I am not a human being.

And Di Wei thought for a while and said:

"I'm actually not as good at clothes as Sister Mi... But I also think what Sister Mi said is right. Her clothes are a bit too bulky... But if I said that, I would definitely say "You are not dressed appropriately", and that's it. It's so offending. Hey, I suddenly envy Sister Mi, she is so good at talking. Just... many words come out of her mouth, and you can feel that she is kind. And she also pays attention to it. To protect your emotions..."

"She and Lao Xu are from the same group."

Wang Sicong said casually:

"You have only known them for a short time, and you have not experienced many things. But you will gradually discover in the future that these two couples together have more than 1,600 minds~ But you are right, Dami and Lao Xu has the kind of character that even if I don't like you, I won't show it. But after you really get to know them, you can easily tell who they like and who they don't like."

"Then do you think Director Xu and Sister Mi like me..."

"If I don't like you, then what are we going to do now?"

Wang Sicong couldn’t laugh or cry:

"We've known MIUMIU for much longer than you. I've never seen Lao Xu take the initiative to offer MIUMIU a role. What's more, it's Stephen Chow's drama~"

When mentioning this, Di Wei became a little nervous again:

"I can't act badly for a while..."


This time, Wang Sicong answered decisively:

"As a director, Lao Xu has a very accurate eye for people. Since he recommends you, it means that you have at least the innate conditions to meet 80% of the needs of a character. Otherwise, he will not speak, so relax~"


Di Wei nodded, but there was still a bit of nervousness on her face.

Seeing this, Wang Sicong stopped talking and silently asked his girlfriend to adjust her condition.

Soon, the car arrived at Xiying Studio.

Just when Wang Sicong wanted to call and ask Xu Xin where to gather, he saw Su Meng standing at the door of the office building.

He drove directly over.

"You get off the car, I won't get off."

He pointed at a group of tourist groups not far away that looked like they had just visited the West Film Studio.


Si Wei nodded and got out of the car with Xu Dafa.

"Brother Seven."

"Mengmeng...what's going on?"


Su Meng was a little puzzled:


"Why did you call me here suddenly?"

"Brother Xu and Master Xing discussed a script, which seemed to be about Journey to the West. Brother Xu felt that you, Brother Qi, are very similar to a character like Zixia Fairy, so he recommended you to Master Xing."

Su Meng said while leading her inside.

But Si Wei was confused:

"Fairy Zixia!?... Big talk about Journey to the West!?"

"That's about it. Then Master Xing asked who it was, and Brother Xu said it was Huang Xiaoxian. Master Xing thought for a while and nodded. He said you were pretty good and had a good impression of you. Brother Qi, don't be nervous. It’s definitely no problem!”

"Uh... ok."

Di Wei pursed her somewhat white lips.

I just felt like I was about to start dreaming again.

She had just woken up from the dream of "33 Days After Love" becoming a hit...

I haven’t washed my face yet, and I haven’t brushed my teeth yet.

How come...

Allowing yourself to daydream again?

Is this how the film and television industry works?

Shouldn't we be diligent and move forward step by step?

How did you get here...

With somewhat frivolous steps, she arrived at the door of the reception room.

After Su Meng knocked on the door, she pushed the door open and Di Wei saw Zhou Xingchi wearing a baseball cap and gray hair.

His eyes met.

That bizarre dream began.

Xu Xin said that Bei Wei was very suitable.

Zhou Xuanchi, who has watched "33 Days of Love", thought about it and felt that Huang Xiaoxian's innate temperament is very good.

And after seeing the real person, looking at Di Wei's somewhat confused expression...

Zhou Xuchi nodded slightly.

Not to mention, it quite overlaps with the girl Duan in my heart who is a bit reckless but dares to love and hate.

The only pity is that...she is a bit too sharp compared to Zhu Yin.

Like a knife.

Slightly lacking in softness.

But at the same time, Zhou Xuchi also understood that Fairy Zixia was dead.

Miss Duan is still alive.

Then, he heard Xu Xin's words:

"Cai Wei's characteristic is that she is good at playing heroic characters. This is true for Miss Duan, who is strong yet soft. However, her makeup needs to be adjusted, but...at least for me, I think she is the current freshman. Among contemporary actors, there are few actors who can embody the heroism and cuteness of Zixia Fairy without causing others to feel disgusted..."

"Well, it's really good."

Zhou Xuchi nodded.

Then he looked at Di Wei:

"In September or October, I will start auditioning. Then I can come to Xiangjiang to try."

There is no need for Siwei to perform.

This is not the audition stage either.

He directly invited Di Wei to audition.

And Xu Xin also knew that he couldn't decide on the heroine as soon as he recommended her.

That's not realistic.

But having a preconceived impression is definitely better than not having one at all.

What's more, Brother Qi is really suitable for Miss Duan's type.

Full of heroic spirit, sunshine and cheerfulness.

Dare to love and hate.

It looks like it was designed based on her.

After hearing this, Di Wei was stunned for a moment and nodded quickly:

"Okay, Master Xing."

Hearing this title, Zhou Xuchi smiled and nodded.

Seeing this, Xu Xin said:

"Okay, it's okay. Brother Qi, I called you here just to show Master Xing. Go back and clean up quickly to prepare for the red carpet in the evening."

"Okay, then...I'm leaving first. Thank you for your hard work, leaders."

After saying hello to everyone, Di Wei left directly within two minutes.

After she left, Zhou Xunchi said directly:

"Is Xi Film Studio interested in this movie?"

After asking this question, Qi Lei glanced at Xu Xin.

Seeing that he didn't mean to say anything, he smiled and nodded:

"Definitely. From "Journey to the West" to now, we are very interested in every one of your movies. How do you plan to collaborate on this movie? Is it to invest together? Or..."

"My budget is about 150 to 180 million, but considering the scene construction and CG technology, the final product budget may be 200 million."

"Doesn't it count as Xuanfa?"

"Yes, not counting Xuanfa."

Hearing this number, Tian Shuanghe also glanced at Xu Xin.

Xu Xin knew that he had to express his stance.

"Money is certainly no problem. With the theme of Journey to the West and your name on it, no amount of investment is too much. But... Mr. Xing, we have to see the script. It's just a story outline, and we can't leverage 200 million in funds. The key to what kind of story this is and whether the script is completed is high.”

What he meant was simple.

Money, we have it.

We also have confidence in you.

But I can't tell you the truth, I can't see the script, I can't pay for it.

This has nothing to do with whether he is Xu Xin's own idol.

But as a member of Xiying Studio, he must be responsible for these investments.

Throughout history, the Hong Kong film industry has often engaged in such "scams" that relied on a piece of paper to leverage tens of millions of funds, but the script has not yet been released.

He didn't think Zhou Xuchi would lie to him.

But the necessary procedures must be followed.

Zhou Xuchi obviously understood what he meant and said with a smile:

"The script has been completed. I will send it to you once the investment can be approved."

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked at Huang Renjie:

"Mr. Huang, what do Yindu think about the investment?"

"We're all OK."

Seeing Huang Renjie say this, Xu Xin had an idea.

Qi Lei also naturally answered:

"Master Xing, where are you? Do you want to invest?"

"Forget investing. I'm not an investment company. Let's go the old traditional route and just take a share. But I want to sign a gambling agreement."

In Xu Xin's eyes, when Zhou Xuanchi said these words, the last actor's temperament was gone.

Instead, he looked like a businessman talking about business.

That's okay.

Very normal.

However, since we are talking about business, then...

He subconsciously looked at Tian Shuanghe.

Tian Shuanghe understood instantly.

"Oh...it's almost 4 o'clock. Axing, let's talk. Qi Lei and Xiao Xu can also make up their minds. I have a meeting over there."

"Hey, okay."

Everyone stood up to see each other off.

After Tian Shuanghe left, only people of the "same level" were left in the office.

But everyone knows that the negotiations have just begun.

Zhou Xingchi brought the script, and although no one from Shanghai Film Studio was here, both Yindu and Xiying agreed to cast it.

Let's watch it when the time comes.

Explain the situation to your partner.

If partners are interested, then go to Yuntu.

This is what Xu Xin meant when he asked Huang Renjie just now.

If the bank doesn't invest, then Xiying can bear it alone.

And if Shanghai Film Studio doesn't invest, then the producer will just become an independent film studio.

Qi Lei asked:

"How is Mr. Xing going to bet?"

Hearing this, Zhou Xuchi smiled and said:

"Either it's a pure share, 15% of the box office share, and I'll pay the tax myself. Or it's a bet on a box office of less than 500 million, and I share 10%. If the box office exceeds 500 million, I share 20%."

After he finished speaking, Huang Renjie and Qi Lei looked at Xu Xin at the same time.

Both of them looked a little strange.

Obviously, this pot belongs to Xu Xin.

Why did you say you were so anxious to "reject" just now?

If you were to direct, wouldn't it be easy to make over 500 million?

But Xu Xin laughed unconsciously.

No wonder people say that in addition to being a successful actor, Zhou Xingchi is also a businessman.

After working on it for a long time, this is why I read the script first.

Let you read the outline of the script first to see if you are interested... He estimates that if he is interested, then Master Xing may bring his own capital into the group and invest part of it.

He must have another plan.

In other words, before coming here, the other party had already prepared two different sets of response plans.


After all, they are people who fought hard from the old days of Xiangjiang.

It's really not simple.


"I think the 15% share is reasonable, provided that Master Xing personally directs it."

Xu Xin believed in Zhou Xingchi's quality requirements for movies.

As for the movies he directed, whether it's "Shaolin Football" or "Kung Fu" or "Yangtze River 7", the box office is there.

However, he was the protagonist in the previous films.

But this time, he doesn't plan to appear.

Maybe if you change investors, your biggest concern will be here.

If Stephen Chow's movies don't star in them, will they still be competitive?


In business, some things are like the tail of a fox.

No matter how you hide it, it will be exposed.

And the tail that Mr. Xing leaked was in the 5% share.

500 million box office.

This number is challenging for any director.

But judging from the 1.081 billion box office record of "Transformers 3" which just ended its release, the consumption power of the Chinese film market has been proven.

Although I have to admit that if Zhou Xingchi did not star in this movie, it would definitely "lose its luster" a lot.

But since he dares to offer no more than 500 million, as long as the percentage is 10%, the star's appetite will definitely not be small.

Moreover, as someone who has always paid attention to the Chinese film market, Xu Xin has also discovered that the box office of Chinese films is rising every year.

Obviously the other party has also judged this, or is betting the "future" on the new world.

Bet on the future trend of the Chinese film market.

That’s why we made an offer of “500 million” that seemed extremely tempting.

As for this movie, although Xu Xin only gave it a "good" rating in terms of storytelling, commercial films cannot be judged by the considerations of art films.

At least in his heart, the name Zhou Xuchi is worth 500 million.

This is the key point of the opponent's plot.

The tail is well hidden.

Don't hide it next time.


After hearing Xu Xin's words, Qi Lei and Huang Renjie frowned slightly.

But Zhou Xunchi looked at Xu Xin and his eyes lit up:

"Xinzi, are you so confident in me?"

The moment he heard these words, Xu Xin knew that the other party understood that he had "seen through" his plot.

So he smiled and nodded:

"Of course, you are Zhou Xuchi."


Zhou Xuchi laughed heartily.

He nodded vigorously and said something intriguing:

"No wonder...no wonder."

With a sigh, he said:

"Actually, I also looked for Hua Yi before I came here."



Seeing the incomprehensible looks in Qi Lei and Huang Renjie's eyes, Xu Xin was stunned for a moment.

Then he seemed to understand something and asked tentatively:

"They want to sign a bet with you, right?"


Zhou Xuchi nodded directly:

"That's right. To be honest, if you want to sign a bet today, maybe I will carefully consider which company to choose and make a longer-term plan... Xinzi, I am already old."

There was a sense of aging in his tone:

"I can no longer play nonsensical roles. It will be very tiring and stressful, and that is not what I want. I am... very naughty now. But I also know how difficult I am, so, What I want to find is a platform that has a broader tolerance for films.”

It was obvious that he was just talking about business.

But with his words, the atmosphere quietly began to change.

He looked at Xu Xin and said seriously:

"Xinzi, a movie can't just be box office, right?"

“Of course, it should never be just the box office.”

Hearing Xu Xin's response, he nodded:

"That's right. Comedy, tragedy, urban drama, emotional drama, mythological drama... Hegel once said that art is an exhibition hall of national spiritual symbols and the most universal and profound teacher of mankind. Of course, our movies are also art . It is the constant exploration of so many filmmakers, just like... a hundred schools of thought in ancient times contended, using their thoughts and cognitions to collide and create treasures. Hey, Xinzi, do you know, they all said I am a master... It is actually a very sad thing to say that there will be no second Zhou Xunchi in the world."

It was as if Xu Xin was the only one in the whole room.

He naturally ignored Qi Lei and Huang Renjie, and looked at Xu Xin and said word by word:

"I hope to see more Stephen Chow and more filmmakers with the spirit of exploration. This is the main reason why I agreed to Xiying's invitation to attend this film festival. I have not attended these award ceremonies for a long time. Yes, do you know?"

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

“I and we are really happy that you’re here.”

"I'm also very happy, because at least... I see that there are still people who continue to do things called art. To be honest, not only is there a sequel to this movie, I also have many ideas, such as a remake of "The King of Comedy" , or a sequel to "Kung Fu"... I don't lack investors. But what I want to find is a kind of partner who has the same goals, do you understand what I mean?"

Speaking of this, he waved his hand:

"The film industry will never lack speculators. What it really lacks are people who know what they are doing. When I first saw you setting up a film festival, I was not interested. But I saw the establishment of your awards, including your selection. The mechanism... these are all to my liking. That’s why I came here. If you are doing the right thing and you are doing the right thing, then I will definitely support you.”

It seemed that everything just now was just a disguise.

The king of comedy with the baseball cap in front of him chose to take off his mask after Xu Xin made a decision as quickly as possible and made his inner thoughts known to the public.

"I have been paying attention to you since we met at the Golden Rooster. I saw your interview at a film festival. It probably means that directors only need to stick to their own ideas, and money and honor will follow. This sentence is very true. Actors need to be versatile and chameleons. But the director must have his own style and know what he is doing. Including this time you and Peter (Kevin Chan) met in Cannes, and he also found me after he came back. , chatted a lot about you. You are great~"

His speaking speed became faster, contrary to his previous taciturn demeanor.

This made Xu Xin blush a little.

However, he understood what the other party meant.

He understands his appeal and what people expect of him.

So what I hope to find is not investors that can be found everywhere.

But a broader platform.

There is no excessive commercial "force", nor is he treated as a so-called "cash cow" or anything like that.

Instead, let this person, who has reached the age of knowing his destiny after this year, continue to present his works to those who like him or accompany him in a stable environment.

It is by no means a commercialized over-grabbing, consumption and self-accumulation for a lifetime, similar to "audience popularity", a way of killing the goose to get the eggs.

Therefore, he needs a partner who is very smart and has cutting-edge vision.

This partner can be Huayi, Yindu, Xiying... or even anyone.

As long as someone has this vision and is not short-sighted for profit.

Thinking of this, Xu Xin didn't know for a moment whether his "tail" was leaking out on purpose, or if it was something else...


Thinking about it, in the other party's view, anyone who can sacrifice financial interests, bet on a filmmaker, follow his footsteps, and pursue ambitious goals together is the qualified platform.

That should be it, right?

Thinking of this, he smiled and said:

"So, we are qualified?"


Zhou Xuchi smiled and nodded:

"Yes, passed."

If someone else said this, it would be a sign of arrogance.

How can an actor test the state-owned film studio at the top of the pyramid?

Or investors with financial power?


He's qualified.

Because he is Zhou Xuchi.

A century of Zhou Xuchi.

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