I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 771 Before the 768 Ceremony

"Xinzi, see you tonight."

"Hey, okay, idol."

When Zhou Xuchi left, there was a smile on his face.

After he left, Huang Renjie said directly:

"Director Xu, what about the investment in this movie? Do we have time to have a meeting together?"

"That's fine tonight. We can meet up at the dinner party tonight and talk about it then, how about that?"

"Okay, I'll take my leave now."

"Well, Mr. Huang, walk slowly."

After bidding farewell to Huang Renjie, he and Qi Lei went to Tian Shuanghe's office in tacit understanding.

When he entered, Tian Shuanghe was taking care of the pot of Clivia.

Holding a kettle in his hand, he saw the two people coming in and asked:

"How did you talk?"

Xu Xin recounted the general situation.

Not a single important point is missing.

After Tian Shuanghe listened, he nodded slightly:

"So that's it... ha."

He chuckled, looked at the two of them and said with a somewhat proud tone:

"It seems that there are still many like-minded people like us. Right?"

"That's right."

Qi Lei responded:

"At the dinner before the award ceremony tonight, we plan to ask Lao Xue to have a chat with him. After all, he doesn't know about it yet."

"Hmm...Xiao Xu, what do you think of this script?"

"It won't be as good as "Journey to the West", but as a commercial film, both in terms of appeal and market prospects... If nothing else is mentioned, just the two elements of "Zhou Xunchi and "Journey to the West"" are linked together. It will definitely not be bad. And the 200 million yuan divided among the three companies is actually not much..."

"Let's just leave from Cloud Atlas. It's a big move. It would be more appropriate to leave from Cloud Atlas."

Xu Xin was stunned.

But he immediately reacted, smiled and nodded:

"Well, good. In short, the prospects are very good. And... I think we should also move towards high investment little by little. The three companies will work together to share risks to support the bottom line. We also have to prove to everyone that we have the ability to make blockbusters. . In the future, my prediction is that there will be an endless stream of small productions in the film market, and big-investment films will indeed serve as a stabilizing force."

"Yeah...that makes sense."

After Tian Shuanghe thought for a while, he understood the origin of Xu Xin's point of view.

Expressing his agreement, he continued:

"Then you should deal with this matter tonight and implement it as soon as possible so that we can release the news and promote it. Guiding the market is a long-term task, and it does not mean that some large productions in a short period of time can play a leading role. We must What we do is to cooperate with the progress of the market and formulate industry standards for excellent movies through one movie after another.

It will be better if we take the lead and the market follows.

But let’s do this this year. Xiao Qi, you can make a note of it and come up with a proposal in the next few months. The heat is almost there. The factory has been very profitable in the past two years. We can't let others say that we just make money and don't do anything, right? That's not appropriate either. After the National Day, hand over this proposal to me. The 12th Five-Year Plan has just begun, and we still have to take the lead. "

"I understand, Mr. Tian."

Qi Lei nodded quickly and kept this in mind.

"Hmm... OK, let's get ready. Especially Xiao Xu, you are the face. You have to dress nice tonight~"

Hearing Tian Shuanghe's words, Xu Xin patted his belly:

"Look at my belly, I'm still showing off... Tonight is the place where female stars compete for beauty, so I'd better wait for the banquet with an empty stomach."


The dinner of the Silk Road Film Festival is divided into two events.

Before and after the ceremony.

There will be a cold meal before the ceremony and a hot meal after the ceremony.

The buffet starts at 5:30, and all guests are required to be present. The ceremony was held at the International Conference Center in Qujiang.

When guests arrive at the banquet venue in advance, they do not need to change their clothes.

Sit down and eat some snacks and fill your stomach with wine. Mainly used for collective distribution of vehicles.

Let’s eat first, starting at 5:30 and ending at 6:30.

After finishing, the room will be prepared in the annex of the conference center. Everyone can change clothes, touch up makeup, and then gather in the lobby around 7:20.

At 7:30, the red carpet begins, and there will be a special car to receive the guests.

The red carpet will last about half an hour to 40 minutes, and then the awards ceremony will start at about 8 o'clock, and it will be almost over at about early 9 o'clock.

There is no way, there are few awards, and there are not so many bells and whistles.

Xi'an is very familiar to Xu Xin.

After returning home, I found that there were many makeup artists at home. When I saw him coming back, under Yang Mi's words, she directly pushed him onto the chair.

There are so many people, so it’s definitely not convenient to talk about some things.

He remained silent.

Enduring the discomfort of having a layer of makeup on his face, he quickly put on makeup and came to Yang Mi who was starting to do the finishing work:

"By the way, what does your dress look like? Can I take a look?"

Through the makeup mirror, Yang Mi glanced at him.

That look means the same thing:

"Don't think I don't know what you, little brat, are planning."

Then in Xu Xin's eyes, "Now that I know, let's skip those complicated procedures and get to the point directly", Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"You put on your clothes first and let me take a look. Gungun, don't delay my makeup!"

Maybe my dignity has been violated.

When Xu Xin saw that she was still cursing, he thought to himself, okay, then just wait.

Brothers, on the evening of August 10th, the cavalry company! Rush it to me! ! !

"By the way, has Sister Bingbing contacted you?"

While driving, Xu Xin suddenly remembered that he seemed to have left someone behind and asked.


Yang Mi, who was coaxing the two children in the back row, responded.

"I originally wanted to come to my house for dinner, but she seemed to have some kind of event there, and she only arrived at noon today. She didn't come over~ You can see it soon~"

Although the family went there tonight, Yang Mi had no intention of attending the dinner party ahead.

She has to take care of the kids.

Later, during the red carpet ceremony, Sun Ting and Su Meng will be allowed to watch for a while.

So now I am doing ideological construction for my two children.

Xu Xin nodded and briefly told what happened in the afternoon.

Yang Mi didn't sound very interested.

Especially after looking through the rearview mirror and seeing her husband's eyes constantly glancing at her face...

"What do you always see me doing?"

"Nonsense, you are so beautiful, who should I look at if I don't look at you?"

No matter how you say this, it is also a love story.

But when it came out of his mouth, it was like an iron horse.

As a result, Yang Mi simply refused to do this:

"Yo yo yo, forget it, old man. Don't think that I don't know what your plans are. I'm telling you, no way!"

"Are you willing to give up? I haven't been tired of it for a while in the afternoon. I may be gone for a few months."

"I just pretend that there is no one like you in the world. Hurry up and leave~ you are a pervert!"

"Hey hey hey..."

Xu Xin started to have fun.

And the vehicle arrived at the International Convention Center in this silly atmosphere.

When entering the internal parking lot, Xu Xin took a look at the red carpet that had been laid out and the staff who started to set up the seats, and said with emotion:

"I hope I can give you a satisfactory answer."

"Do not worry."

Yang Mi, who had been at loggerheads with her husband, nodded seriously:

"Most definitely!"

At 5:30, the guests who rushed over came to the restaurant one after another.

We found people we knew well and gathered at a table.

Those who don’t have many acquaintances can find their own place.

Duan Yihong and Wu Jing, who also chose black suits and dresses, walked into the restaurant together and looked around, trying to find where the crew was.

As a result, I heard a sound:


Wu Jing looked along the source of the sound.


"Hey, brother Qian'er."

While saying hello, he asked Duan Yihong:

"Will you sit with me?"

"No, no, the crew is there."

Duan Yihong pointed to Zhang Yi who was chatting with Wang Qianyuan:

"I'll sit over there. Director Xu has already agreed to your matter. I'll come back when he comes later."


Wu Jing nodded.

He was not familiar with the people on the set of "The Burning Sun", and it was awkward to sit there.

Simply, the two of them separated, and he ran towards Yu Xuan.

There are currently three people at Yu Xuan's table.

Today's banquet is a buffet. To put it bluntly, it is an occasion for everyone to get to know each other and chat in front of the red carpet.

Eating and drinking is not important.

As for Yu Xuan's table, apart from him, the remaining two people were Wang Zhiwen and Yu Entai from "Wulin Gaiden".

Wang Zhiwen and Wu Jing were not familiar with him. However, Yu Entai, him and Brother Qian'er are all friends and often drink together.

He smiled and walked over.

First, he nodded and said hello to Wang Zhiwen who was looking over:

"Teacher Wong."

"Hey, hello."

Wang Zhiwen smiled and nodded, and Yu Xuan handed over a plate:

"Go pick something to eat. The spring rolls taste good."

"No, I'm not hungry yet."

Wu Jing sat next to Yu Xuan.

Yu Xuan asked curiously:

"Aren't you filming? Why are you here?"

Upon hearing this, Wu Jing looked around and then whispered:

"I plan to join Xiying Film Studio. Didn't Lao Duan happen to join Director Xu's crew, so..."

He didn't finish speaking, but Yu Xuan already understood the meaning.

Moreover, he didn't say anything like "Why are you looking for Duan Yihong? Just look for me."

In fact, Wu Jing never talked about this matter when everyone got together. Yu Xuan didn't feel that there was any preference for one or the other, or that the relationship between everyone was not in place... It was not necessary.

He just nodded:

"You can come here, it's more practical here. It's better than anywhere else you go~"

Hearing this, Wu smiled and nodded:

"Well, I think so too. Come in first, and after we get acquainted with each other later, Brother Qian'er, when are you going to meet Director Xu for a drink? Remember to call me. I can't come to you this time, because I won't let you go. As a favor, Lao Duan happens to be on Director Xu's crew, so I can learn more about the situation."

He himself explained clearly to Yu Xuan why he didn't look for him.

Yu Xuan laughed.

"Then we will be together for some games in the future, but these few months will probably be difficult. His drama has just begun..."


Wu Jing responded and looked around.

No sign of Xu Xin was seen.

He really couldn't see it, because Xu Xin was in the private room of the restaurant, talking with Xue Haifeng, Huang Renjie and others about "Journey to the West".

Xue Haifeng was quite surprised when he heard that Zhou Xuanchi wanted to reach a long-term and stable cooperation with Xiying Film Studio.

But after Xu Xin recounted what happened, he understood the key point.

The key point is that on the surface Zhou Xingchi seems to be talking about money, but in fact what he wants has nothing to do with money.

Frankly speaking, he estimated that if it were him, he would definitely choose between 5% and 20%.

We don’t know whether the movie is good or not, so it would be unwise to directly transfer 15% of the profits.

But as Xu Xin analyzed a series of market prospects such as "Zhou Xunchi and Journey to the West", he also felt that the other party was doing a good job.

This film...

There is much to be done.

So, it was natural to get involved.

And when Yindu, Xiying, and Shanghai Film came together, it was just like Tian Shuanghe said, when the funds left, they would definitely leave through Cloud Atlas.

There’s no reason to play without a headwind.

Therefore, I finally chose Yuntu to invest in this matter.

As for the male and female protagonists, after Xue Haifeng heard that Xu Xin recommended Di Wei, he originally asked if he wanted to specify them.

Although Si Wei was not from Yuntu, since Director Xu recommended it, everyone was willing to sell him a favor.

But Xu Xin rejected it.

let it go.

And this chat lasted for an hour.

By the time all the things that needed to be discussed were settled, the entire buffet party had already ended and entered the preparation period.

Seeing this, Xu Xin didn't stay long and returned directly to the room.

As he passed by the door of the restaurant, he saw a familiar figure wearing a black suit and a crew cut from a distance.

Only when he walked in did he realize that it was Wu Jing.

As soon as his mind changed, he knew why the other party was here.

"Professor Wu."

He smiled and greeted him, and even took the initiative to extend his hand:

"Hello, hello, I didn't expect to meet you here."


Wu Jing turned his head first, and after seeing the person clearly, he quickly took two steps forward:

"Director Xu, hello, hello."


Seeing him shaking hands with both hands, Xu Xin quickly held the other hand, and then smiled:

"I'm going to finish talking to someone here. Why are you here? Didn't you go back to the room to prepare?"

"Uh...that's all I have, haha, there's no need to prepare."

Hearing this, Xu Xin looked at the suit Wu Jing was wearing.

Apparently, this was his outfit tonight.

Regardless of whether he is good or not, he does not follow the route of good looks.

But Xu Xin didn't want him to have the idea of ​​entering the factory "in a lowly manner".

So he laughed and said:

"It just happened. I have to go back and change clothes. Can we go together?"


Wu Jing quickly agreed.

The two of them walked out together.

"Have you signed up, Teacher Wu?"

"Uh... not yet. I've been busy these past few days, so I'm thinking of going tomorrow."

"That's it. I've finished greeting you, and the assessment is actually a few film and television clips, as well as questions about your understanding of actors. Tomorrow, Teacher Wu can go directly with his personal information. The atmosphere of the actor troupe in our factory is quite good. …”

Hearing him use the words "our factory", Wu Jing felt much more at ease.

The smile became more natural.

Nodding vigorously:

"Yeah, I know that."

"Well, and there are more opportunities for actors at the Art Creation Center. There is no such thing as personal relationships, everything depends on acting skills and the actor's suitability for the role..."

Like a conscientious introducer, Xu Xin introduced him to some of the advantages of the factory.

As for the shortcomings, he didn't even mention them.

Just kidding... This is a good time to impress employees. Who would expose their own shortcomings?

What's more, he is confident that these shortcomings will be improved bit by bit in the future.

The two chatted all the way, and Xu Xin basically talked the most and he listened the most.

It was only when we reached the door of Xu Xin's rest room that it was over.

"Okay, Teacher Wu, let's meet at the ceremony later. If we arrange it, Brother Qian'er will be here today. You can go with Teacher Duan or Brother Qian'er later, it's all the same. It doesn't matter~"

"Okay, thank you, Director Xu, for your hard work."

"Ha, what are you talking about? From now on, we will be a family, and one family will not speak the same language as the other."

Knocking on the door, he said to Wu Jing:

"Then let's see you later?"

"Well, see you later!"

Soon, the door opened and Xu Xin nodded to him and walked in.

When the door closed, Wu Jing took a deep breath.



From now on... I will have a backer.

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