I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 774 771 The Only Way

Chapter 774 771. The only way

"Now we invite the presenters of the [Silver Ribbon] Director's Debut Award, Xu Xin and Yang Mi!"


"Hua la la la la..."

Listening to the cheers and applause from fans from all directions, the straight-backed Xu Xin took his wife on his arm and walked out from behind the stage step by step.

The spotlight is a little harsh.

Fortunately, he could see the way clearly.

Accompanying the two of them on the stage were two hostesses holding trays in their hands.

One person holds a tray with trophies and certificates, while the other holds a bouquet.

Came to stand in front of the microphone.

Xu Xin glanced at his wife and saw that she was ready, then he said into the microphone:

"Hello to all guests, viewers, in front of the TV, and on the Internet. I am Xu Xin, a director from Xiying Group Film Studio."

"I am Yang Mi, an actor from the Xiying Group Film Studio Actor Troupe."

"Hua la la la la..."

No interaction is required.

After the two introduced themselves, applause broke out.

The two of them politely bowed slightly in front of them to express their gratitude. Then, Xu Xin followed the contents of the note and said to Yang Mi:

"I am very happy to be the presenter to present the [Silver Ribbon] Directory Debut Award in the Silk Road section. At this moment, I would like to ask my wife, Ms. Yang Mi, how do you feel?"


Xu Xin heard an uncontrollable laughter.

He glanced out of the corner of his eye.

It's Wang Sicong who can't stand it.

In fact, he also felt that his award speech was quite retarded.

But there is no way, I still have to say it.

But Yang Mi is much simpler.

What kind of situations have you never experienced? Since his debut, he has had the attributes of a social cow, and has a strong heart developed to deal with various media reporters.

Compared with Xu Xin's "intelligence", she is much more natural:

"I feel very honored. The [Silver Ribbon] award, I believe, is a huge affirmation for any director who has just debuted. Here I would like to ask Director Xu..."

Xu Xin was stunned and subconsciously said:

"Director Xu?"


The audience burst into laughter.

Yang Mi showed a naughty look and quickly changed her words:

"I would like to ask my lover, Director Xu, what kind of hopes do you have for the [Silver Ribbon] award?"

Xu Xin glanced at her speechlessly, and then said into the microphone:

"For me, what a new director's work needs most is recognition from all sides. As a new director, I understand this feeling very well. Through my work, I have found like-minded partners and gained people who love my work. Movie fans, as well as being able to accept the suggestions for improvement of my works from seniors...everything has benefited me a lot. So, I want to say the same to the winners in the envelope, I hope my feelings can make you feel the same. . I also hope that you can continue your efforts and bring more and better works to the audience..."

As he spoke, he took out the envelope from his breast pocket.

As soon as the lights dimmed, clips from the three movies "Zhuanshan", "Six Hundred Miles to Fuyang" and "Here and There" appeared. When the trailers for the three movies were playing, Xu Xin had already opened the envelope, pulled out the list of winners, and placed it between Yang Mi and himself.

After the clip was played, the light hit the two people's faces again. Xu Xin said:

"The winner of the First Silk Road Film Festival and [Silver Ribbon] Director's Debut Award is..."

Yang Mi moved closer to the microphone and called out the name of the film and the director:

""Six Hundred Miles to Fuyang", directed by Deng Yongxing, congratulations."

Exciting music and applause sounded instantly.

On the big screen, the other two movie clips disappeared, replaced by movie posters and artistic photos of Tang Yongxing.

At the same time, two small screens around showed Deng Yongxing's somewhat surprised and surprised look when he stood up under the congratulations of Qin Hailu and other cast members.

"Director Deng, congratulations."

Xu Xin applauded and sent his blessings.

As the other party quickly walked onto the stage, Xu Xin held the bouquet and sent it up first.

"Thank you, Director Xu, thank you!"

Deng Yongxing took the flowers from Xu Xin with joy in his eyes, bent down and shook his hand.

Xu Xin nodded with a smile and gave up his position.

Yang Mi held the trophy and certificate, also sent her blessings, and then awarded the trophy and certificate to him.

Deng Yongxing looked very excited. After receiving it, he directly raised the silver ribbon trophy high and smiled like a relieved child.

Standing in front of the microphone, his expression was clearly smiling, but he seemed ready to cry at any moment.

"thank you!"

He wanted to give an acceptance speech, but he just said two words and didn't seem to know how to speak.

He turned his head directly.

Only then did Xu Xin see that there were tears in his eyes.

"Hua la la la la..."

Applause broke out again.

Xu Xin also stepped forward and patted his shoulder to express comfort.

Deng Yongxing is also working hard to adjust.

When he looked back again, he sobbed, looked at the trophy in his hand, and said in Wanwan Mandarin with a choked and trembling voice:

"I... want to thank Teacher Qin Hailu. She really paid a lot for this drama..."

The live scene switched directly to Qin Hailu's face.

At this moment, there were some tears in her eyes.

"To be honest... I really... really never thought about winning an award. I have filmed many commercials, and many people said... Ah Xing, just be an advertising director, that's it. You can still make money, I can't make a movie. However, I am a director, and movies are my dream! For the script of "Fuyang", I... and everyone on our crew have paid a lot.

I am grateful to the Silk Road Film Festival for letting me know that there are still people watching films with this theme. Thanks to Teacher Qin Hailu, Sister Qin, Sister Li and all the actors for their hard work...I...huh..."

He was really excited, and when he said this, his voice became hoarse again.

So, the applause started again.

Deng Yongxing quickly sorted out his mood and said:

"I actually... have a lot to say. But... thank you to the organizer, thank you to the Silk Road Film Festival, and thank you to all the actors and staff of the crew for their hard work. Thank you!"

"Hua la la la la..."

Applause rang out again as he walked off the stage holding the trophy high.

But Xu Xin's expression was a little strange.


"The winner of the Silk Road Section's Most Watched Film Award is..."Six Hundred Miles to Fuyang", congratulations."

When Qi Lei read out the names of the winners, Deng Yongxing, who had just calmed down with a song and dance performance, was confused again...

But Xu Xin, who was sitting in the audience, burst out laughing.

There is a reason why the film "Six Hundred Miles to Fuyang" was favored by the jury.

First, of course, is Qin Hailu’s excellent performance.

Second, although Tang Yongxing is a new director, as the other party said, he is actually one of the very senior people in the advertising industry.

The story deserves recognition and the script can withstand scrutiny.

The lead actors have excellent acting skills.

The combination of these three elements is enough for it to stand out in the Silk Road section.

And really speaking, among the heroines, she is the only one who can compete with Zhang Ziyi this time.

But the only difference between Qin Hailu and Qin Hailu is the depth of the characters.

To put it bluntly, compared to Zhang Ziyi, her vertical depth is not enough.

Moreover, among the seven "eldest sisters" who returned home, except for Qin Hailu herself, the other six were all amateur actors.

This resulted in Qin Hailu not having enough sparks when he acted opposite them.

Sometimes an actor's performance will have an explosion-like effect when it collides with other actors.

But in this movie, the other six leading actors are all amateurs.

The tension she showed was not that strong.

As a new director, Deng Yongxing's sophisticated handling of the camera is due to his experience in advertising shooting. It is also the decisive factor for him to stand out among the many films in the Silk Road section.

During the 9-day film festival, this film also attracted a lot of attention.

From the audience's applause and cheers, we know that this work is well-deserved in their hearts.

But... Deng Yongxing was more embarrassed when he came on stage.

I was too emotional just now.

I don't know what to say at this moment.

Provoked bursts of laughter.

The Silk Road unit is over, and the next step is to award the Lifetime Achievement Award.

The factory gave this award to the old factory director Wu Tianzhuang.

The award guest this time is Zhang Yimou.

The old man's disciple.

The old man can be said to have been promoted by him.

The old factory director’s acceptance speech was also very interesting.

"Although I am retired, I still refuse to accept old age. Although this Lifetime Achievement Award was awarded to me, I can only say that it will be kept here for now. When I am buried in the earth for a hundred years, I will burn it for you. That’s fine with me.”

After expressing his unique view of life and death in a humorous and playful way, he received applause and laughter from everyone.

At the end, he added:

"Also, I will also give some tips to the winners after the next one. This Lifetime Achievement Award does not mean that everyone can retire after winning the award~ The movies that should be made should still be made, and the progress that should be made must still be made. Like me, I plan to prepare my new movie before the end of this year. I hope to see you earlier... In short, the Lifetime Achievement Award is not an excuse for us to stop. As directors, we must swim against the current and contribute to Chinese-language films. We will continue to prosper and continue to exert our remaining heat. I hope this fine tradition passed down from generation to generation of filmmakers... will never end!"

"Hua la la la la..."

Amidst the applause, the disobedient little old man smiled and raised his certificate and trophy high, smiled and waved to the audience, and walked off the stage.

And then, the highlight comes.

The Lifetime Achievement Award is like halftime.

The old factory director stepped down, but Qi Lei did not leave.

Today is the closing ceremony of the film festival, and he also wants to report the results of this film festival to everyone.

Don't bother talking.

Putting aside some scenes, Qi Lei mainly brought a set of data.

“The greatest success we achieved at the first Silk Road Film Festival was in supporting new filmmakers. As of this morning, a total of 47 films had reached agreements with investors at the Silk Road Film Festival Venture Capital Meeting. Cooperation. The platform provides guarantee. With the cooperation of multiple investment companies, the total investment amount of this film festival venture capital meeting exceeded 136 million yuan."




When Qi Lei gave this data, the whole audience was silent.

Many people who were invited to participate had their eyes twitching subconsciously.

Apart from awards, what is the most important thing at a film festival? That's the platform.

What attracts filmmakers to participate?

Quite simply, a platform with bright development prospects and supporting filmmakers in all aspects.

The reason why the three major European companies are so well-known is that their awards can play a huge role in affirming actors or movies. Let these people flock to film festivals.

But actually?

Their real core competitiveness lies in investment platforms like the venture capital fair held by Xiying Studio this time.

They can attract film investors, importers, and film dealers from all over Europe and even the world to gather during the film festival to discuss cooperation with filmmakers who have brought films and scripts, thereby incubating more works.

And when the base of incubated movies is large enough, quantitative changes will naturally easily lead to qualitative changes.

Many film festivals also know this.

However, except for the Shanghai International Film Festival and the Yanjing International Film Festival, other film festivals in China lack such channels.

To put it bluntly, even if people from other film festivals want to create this model, they may not be qualified.

Because of "incorrect name".

Most of these film festivals are hosted by certain capital parties or companies such as certain magazines.

As far as commercial attributes are concerned, they do not have the effect of acting as a "guarantee".

Nothing binding.

This is also the main reason why platforms in this area have never been built.

Although before the launch of the "Silk Road Film Festival", everyone already knew that it was endorsed and supported by Shaanxi Cultural Tourism. But whether this platform can be built, everyone is waiting to see.

But when Qi Lei told this set of data...

Everyone understood one thing.

When a film festival, in its first edition, when its popularity and reputation are at their most immature, can actually attract so much investment funds...

Its weight...

It needs to be re-evaluated by everyone.

It would be an understatement to say that the potential is unlimited.

Thinking of this, many people looked at Qi Lei on the stage with strange eyes.

You...what is this?


Off the stage, Xu Xin looked at the slide-like trend charts on the screen and the list of transaction records...

Unconsciously, he squeezed his wife's hand.

Yang Mi also felt this intensity.

Very hard.

But she said nothing.

My husband is feeling very excited now.

She understands.

What she could do was to gently put her other hand on the back of his hand and rub it gently.

She tilted her head slightly and whispered to him softly:

"Thanks for your hard work."

Xu Xin was speechless.

He breathed a long sigh of relief.

It’s the turn of the main competition unit.

The best screenplay in the main competition unit was awarded to "HELLO, Mr. Tree" in a joint announcement by Zhao Benshan and Jiang Wenli.

Produced by Jia Zhangke, this film tells the story of a rural young man named "Shu" who gradually collapses and becomes abnormal amid family tragedy and real-life difficulties.

Very much to the taste of the jury.

Awarded to director Han Jie, who wrote and directed himself.

Is it worthy of the name?

Not bad actually.

During the 9-day film festival, the winner that had the highest voice and was widely predicted by the media was actually "Ogo".

First of all, the theme of "Ogo" is very endearing. It is a feature film about the real life of Macao's unique "native ethnic group". It is also a tribute film to celebrate the 10th anniversary of Macao's return to the motherland.

The media feels that this subject has inherent advantages.

As well as involving some things that can only be imagined but not expressed, the probability of it winning is still quite high.

But when they heard that the winner was "HELLO, Mr. Tree", many people thought... among the two awards of Best Picture or Best Director, one of them must go to "Ogo".

Also a little disappointed.

Didn't you say that you don't differentiate between pork...


Just as he was thinking about it, bursts of screams suddenly rang out from the scene.

Jay Chou is on stage.

A song "Blue and White Porcelain" and a song "Preface to Orchid Pavilion" were sung.

The main event is here.

"I would like to invite the presenters of the Best Actress Award in the main competition section, Gong Li and Gao Huang."

Gong Li, wearing a long black dress, and Gao Huang walked onto the stage step by step.

"Hello everyone, I am Gong Li..."

Gong Li and Gao Huang on the stage began the chat session before the award presentation.

At this juncture, Xu Xin glanced back seemingly casually.

He glanced at Zhang Ziyi who had a blank look and didn't know what he was thinking about.

Zhang Ziyi seemed to be aware of his gaze and looked over instinctively.

Then I saw Xu Xin's somewhat "friendly" eyes.

And that nod of greeting.

Zhang Ziyi was stunned.

Some people don't understand its meaning.

Immediately afterwards, the shortlisted films began to be announced.

The heroine Li Nian in "Ogo" is played by Wang Xiao.

Dong Jie plays the heroine Yang Zhihua in "Autumn White Flower".

Sun Haiying plays the heroine Yulian in "Yellow River Woman".

as well as……

The narration continued:

""The Favorite", Shang Qinqin is played by Zhang Ziyi."




The achievements of the film festival announced by Qi Lei just now made many people's eyes twitch.

Then at this moment, this jump began to attack everyone's eyebrows.

The scene was soon divided into four.

Among the four people in the picture, all of them are looking at the big screen.

Everyone's expressions were trying to remain calm.

Only Zhang Ziyi.

She is so calm.

I don't feel at all calm that has anything to do with me.


Gong Li looked at the names on the list and read them word by word:

""Favorite", Zhang Ziyi."




The whole place suddenly fell silent.

You know, under normal circumstances, after reading the list, no matter who the winner is, at least the guests should give their own polite applause.

That's right.

But after the person who presented the award was announced, everyone fell silent...

This situation is the first time throughout the entire film festival ceremony.

Gao Huang responded quickly.

After Gong Li finished reading, she took the lead in applauding and said:


Along with the applause from the leader on the stage, Xu Xin and others started to applaud in cooperation.

The applause rang out as if a fuse had been lit.

However, if someone lighting a fuse is an explosion, then Zhang Ziyi's applause is like...a small firecracker.

Not too enthusiastic.

Even in comparison, the audience's applause was much louder than that of these guests.

Everyone's expressions were inexplicable.

Doubt, confusion, doubt, absurdity...


How dare you?

Now, let’s have fun watching.

On the other hand, Zhang Ziyi's side.

She was also confused.

She did not stand up amid the applause.

Instead, he stared at himself on the big screen.

It seemed difficult to discern what was going on.

Compared with her indifferent expression just now, her expression at this moment means the same thing:

"Is it me? Me? Really me?"

At this time, Gu Changwei patted her arm.

Xu Xin heard a sound:

"Go on stage to receive the award!"

Then, he and Jiang Wenli both clapped and stood up.

As soon as he spoke, Zhang Ziyi's eyes became focused.

But most of them are still confused.

He stood up in confusion and looked around instinctively.

Then following the passage that Gu Changwei and Jiang Wenli made, she walked to the passage somewhat mechanically.

But looking at the smooth road ahead, she seemed a little unreal.

Standing still, not daring to move forward.

At this time, she heard a voice:

"Teacher Zhang, go up and receive the award."

Subconsciously he looked towards the source of the sound.

It's Xu Xin...

Xu Xin was looking at her and nodded in affirmation.

As if to say: This is not an illusion.


Suddenly, Zhang Ziyi's scalp became numb.

My mind was in a mess.

In fact, she was thinking the same thing as some of the people present.

What does this mean?

Why is this award given to me/her?

Is this a good thing or a bad thing?

I...what will be waiting for me next?

She was at a loss.

At this time, a voice sounded again:

"Ziyi, come up and receive the award."

Go in search of reputation.

It's Gong Li on the stage.

Miss Mou, urging Miss Mou to come over and receive her award.

He is graceful and has a steady look in his eyes.

Although Zhang Ziyi's mind was still in a mess, she also knew that this was a live broadcast and she couldn't delay it any longer.

So, she walked forward step by step with somewhat mechanical steps.

But the closer she got to the stage, the more confused her mind became.

Finally, when she took the stage, when the spotlight hit her face, for no reason, she felt like... she was "out of jail."

That beam of light is like the prisoners looking up at the sun in the sky after stepping out of the prison door.

So dazzling.

But...but there is a long-lost sense of freedom coming over me.

She takes one step at a time.

Step by step, he walked to Gong Li and Gao Huang.

When she took the bouquet from Gong Li's hand, she heard Gong Li whisper:

"If you have anything to say, wait until after the film festival is over to sober up."


Zhang Ziyi was stunned for a moment.

Glancing at Gong Li who had stepped aside, her messy thoughts seemed to clear up.

She subconsciously took the trophy and certificate from Gao Huang and stood in front of the microphone.

Then, she looked at the people in the audience...

Take a deep breath.


Forcing herself to calm down, she looked down at the gold ribbon trophy in her hand, and finally a smile appeared on her face:

"Thank you Silk Road Film Festival..."

At this point, there was a pause.

After participating in countless award ceremonies and receiving many awards on stage, my instinct began to awaken.

Even though she didn't draft it, she already knew what she was going to say.

"Thank you to the jury and all the fans for awarding this award to me. I think the award in my hand also represents your love for the movie "The Favorite"."

"Here, I would like to thank director Gu Changwei, who created the role of Shang Qinqin in the play."

"I would also like to thank Aaron Kwok, it feels really great to play opposite you."

"At the same time, I would also like to thank everyone involved in this film. I dare not accept this award alone, although I am grateful to the jury for their recognition of me. But I want to say that without your help, I would not be able to stand like this. on the stage. Thank you, thank you for your wonderful contribution to this movie. Thank you."

After speaking, she politely stepped back and bowed deeply.

Amid applause, he walked off the stage holding flowers and trophies with an extremely calm expression.

At first glance, the acceptance speech seems “unremarkable”.

Humble personal attitude.

The award for Best Actress seems to have been handed out.


Countless pairs of eyes were looking at her like this.

Watching her holding the trophy in her hand, she walked off the stage step by step and returned to her seat.

But my heart felt like a dump truck had been thrown into the calm lake.

They don't understand.

Can't figure it out.

Can't figure out a lot of things.

But there is one thing that everyone knows very well.

If there is any way out for Zhang Ziyi in the future...

Then, maybe the Xiying Studio, which dares to award her an award at this juncture, is her only way out.


How dare they?

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