I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 775 772 Survival or destruction

Chapter 775 772. Survival or destruction

It's like a watershed, but also like an episode that is trying to hide itself.

After Zhang Ziyi won the first Best Actress Award, the tone of the entire film festival seemed to have not changed much.

The Best Actor award was won by Wang Baoqiang, who looked surprised.

When the other party gave an acceptance speech and thanked his wife for her support, Xu Xin always felt that something was not right. Subconsciously, she turned her head and glanced in the direction where he was sitting.

Not to mention, although his wife is not a beauty, she is quite delicate.

Xu Xin didn't know where the weird feeling in his head came from. He thought about it for a long time, and finally shook it out of his mind as Wang Baoqiang came off the stage with applause.

As for the best director, there was almost no doubt that it fell on Gu Changwei.

The best film went to "HELLO, Mr. Tree".

It can be said that at the first Silk Road Film Festival, the two films "HELLO, Mr. Tree" and "The Favorite" shared the world.

Is it reasonable?

In fact, everyone can accept this result.

Audiences and journalists who have participated in the film festival will find that after seeing the quality of the shortlisted films, they will find that these two films, including "Six Hundred Miles to Fuyang" in the Silk Road section, are ahead of other films. Leading position.

It can be said that it is well deserved.

The Silk Road Film Festival did not seek to cause any unexpected upsets, or reveal its preference for any type of film to the outside world.

All movies are treated equally.

Good is good, there is nothing to hide.

Movie fans can accept it, just like the view of a Weibo netizen:

"Except for the best screenplay, I guessed all the other main competition units correctly. For these awards, I can only say that they are well-deserved. And I was a little emotional. I originally thought that the Silk Road Film Festival was no different from other film festivals. But but Now it seems like they have chosen an audience jury to select films for the first time. These winners are not so much chosen by the jury as they are chosen by the people. They did not disappoint everyone and are looking forward to the second edition. .Congratulations to [the 1st Silk Road Film Festival] for its complete success."

Public opinions on the Internet are generally similar to the views of this netizen.

Nothing shocking.

It’s not like...it’s far-fetched to go out of your way to disgust others.

Just like the sentence in the oath read by Zhang Yimou as the chairman of the jury during the opening ceremony:

"The film festival strives to select films that people love and have artistic standards."

no sooner said than done.

And since it did it and didn't disappoint everyone, the audience's love is very simple.

If you didn't let us down, we won't let you down.

Like an unwritten agreement, after all the results were released, praise for the entire film festival has sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

But for the media, the success of the film festival is no longer important.

Sun Youcai sat in the press box and watched Zhang Yimou, Qi Lei, and Xu Xin, who were the representatives of the jury, take their seats one after another.

Although he and others were snapping up their cameras to take photos, he felt something for no reason...

My colleagues, including myself, felt a bit like sharks that smelled of blood.

It has nothing to do with us how clean the sea area created by your Xiying Studio is. We only know that when you were purifying this sea area, someone was injured and even bled.

Smelling the smell of blood, they gave chase.

It doesn’t matter what the festival is like.

People here only want to pursue one result, and that is...

How dare you?

Dare you award this award to Zhang Ziyi?

At this moment, 80% of the reporters present today are crowded in the jury press conference area.

The remaining 20%, mostly young reporters, were sent by their peers to interview the winners.

For example, Lin Dong was also sent there by Sun Youcai.

And set a goal.

"Ask Zhang Ziyi as many questions as possible. But don't be too sharp. No one can tell what her next plan will be. If you form a good relationship, you may be able to use it in the future."

As soon as Lin Dong left, he used his size to squeeze into the front row.

Watch the three people take their seats.

After the photos were taken, they waited eagerly for the staff of Xi Film Studio to turn on the microphones of these three people.

Soon, with the sound of "sizzling", the microphones in front of the three people were turned on at the same time.

"Journalists and media friends, please start asking questions."


All hands went up.

Seeing this, Xu Xin, who was sitting on the far left, unconsciously covered his mouth to cover up his unconscious laughter.

Qi Lei, who was sitting in the middle, glanced at him and slightly adjusted the microphone in front of him.

This represents him to answer the first question.

Then, after squinting his eyes, he clicked on one:

"First in the second row from the left, ladies first, please."

Although the first person to ask the question was a female reporter, the question was as sharp as a knife.

"Excuse me, regarding the winner of the Best Actress Award at this film festival, why did you choose Zhang Ziyi?"

Let’s get straight to the topic, which is also the issue that everyone is most concerned about.

Hearing this, Qi Lei was not surprised at all. He nodded slightly and said:

"The judging process of the jury is that after watching all the films, the principle of secret voting is used to vote for various awards. There are 9 judges, 9.5 votes, and after the results are produced under the voting, the results are sealed and stored in the factory for important information. In the safe, it was not opened and announced until today. When each result is generated, the list will be confirmed with nine judges. The nine judges are all artists with first-class art appreciation capabilities, film and television, literature, and art-related practitioners. .This is the result of the vote and I don’t think there is anything wrong with it.”

After speaking, he pushed the microphone forward, which meant that he had finished answering.

And the female reporter obviously wanted to ask the next question.

But Xu Xin didn't give her a chance.

After taking a look at the old man and deciding to let him be the finale, Xu Xin leaned forward and found the reporter who had already locked in:

"Reporter Sun, do you have any questions?"

Sun Youcai was stunned.

I was a little surprised that Director Xu still remembered me.

But he stood up immediately, glanced at the notebook in his hand, and after making sure that the recorder was turned on normally, he asked:

"Hello, Director Xu."

"Well, long time no see."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded.


Sun Youcai was speechless.

Brother, you are giving me face like this...how can I ask?


He hesitated for a moment, then asked:

"Director Xu, Zhang Ziyi has been silent for almost two years. What I want to ask is, after she is crowned the winner of the film festival this time, does it mean that Xiying Film Studio will launch a series of cooperation with her in the future?"

"If you are referring to any film cooperation plans, then my answer is that there are none at the moment."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"The support projects we have established are mainly for new directors, actors, and filmmakers. If actors like Zhang Ziyi, who has many international, domestic and foreign works, need to cooperate with others, then It's obviously a bit fanciful.

But this does not rule out that, as Reporter Sun said, will we have film cooperation in the future? I think no one can say for the time being.

It is up to the director to decide who is suitable for a movie role. Our tradition is to respect the director’s casting rights and only choose the most suitable people. In this regard, everyone is treated equally. So, if you ask me if I have any specific cooperation plans, my answer is no. "

He didn't mean what he said.

But again, the wording is clever.

Tell everyone "We have no plans to cooperate with her for the time being."

But he didn't say how long this "temporary" would last.

He has not said whether he will cooperate with her in the future.

A slick mess.

There was even an advertisement for Xiying Film Studio on the side.

After he finished answering, it was time for Zhang Yimou.

The topic still revolves around Zhang Ziyi.

Unfortunately, in this regard, Zhang Yimou's response is simpler.

He involved the Best Actor and Best Actress, and then imitated Qi Lei and repeated the selection mechanism, emphasizing that this selection was a fair and just result.

A round of talking on the wheel put this problem back.

After each of the three people answered a question, the staff member said:

"If you have any other questions, you can continue to ask. If not, then this press conference can end here."

Subtext: Ask about Zhang Ziyi again and end it early. If you ask others, you can still open it.

Ever since... the topic began to tilt towards the "Silk Road Film Festival".

For example, after the venture capital investment of more than 100 million yuan is completed, how can Xiying Studio ensure that the company that invests can accurately place the investment.

Another example is what is the future prospect of this model of imitating the three major European companies.

We even asked about "Golden Hill" and "Scorching Sun".

It lasted about 20 minutes, and at almost 10 o'clock, the press conference ended.

The three of them walked towards the dinner party together.

While walking, Qi Lei asked:

"Are you coming with me?"

This question is for Xu Xin.

Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"You and she should chat first. There are still some people outside. I'll show up before I leave."


Qi Lei nodded, and Xu Xin turned to Zhang Yimou and asked:

"and you?"

Zhang Yimou shook his head slightly:

"I'll show up and leave."

"Well, then I'll go with you."

So, when Xu Xin and Zhang Yimou appeared at the reception together, people immediately gathered around them.

Although this kind of cocktail party is already very late, what everyone pays attention to is developing enough communication in a limited time.

At least you have to give the other party an impression.

Even Xu Xin is not exempt from vulgarity.

Fall into social gatherings with people who are familiar, unfamiliar, or simply never heard of.

And just as he was holding a glass of wine and sending away two visiting investors, Tang Wei and Xue Xiaolu came over together.

"Hello, Director Xu."

Tang Wei greeted politely.

Xu Xin said hello with a smile on his face:

"Hey, hello. Welcome~"

After speaking to Tang Wei, he took the initiative to extend his hand.

But the target is Xue Xiaolu:

"Hello, Teacher Xue. Long time no see~"

"Hello, Director Xu."

Xue Xiaolu shook hands with him.

But after hearing this, Xu Xin quickly waved his hand:

"Just call me Xiao Xu."

It's actually quite embarrassing to say.

At the venture capital meeting, Xu Xin felt that this person looked familiar.

As a result, after asking around, I found out that this person was actually a professor from Beijing Film Academy.

Department of Literature.

Then came the most embarrassing part.

In the past few years of college, Xu Xin's course schedule has included elective courses from the literature department. But he couldn't remember who the teacher was.

In other words, he is not sure whether the other teacher has taught him.

If taught.

That is the teacher, sir.

Now when someone called Director Xu, he would definitely not dare to agree.

All I can say is... Beiying will succeed and Beiying will fail.

His status in the world is of no use when it comes to this kind of relationship involving teachers and students.

Respecting teachers and teaching is a traditional virtue of a person.

He didn't dare to mess around.

Didn't you see that he was polite to Zhang Songwen on the set?

Alumni of Beijing Film Academy account for half of the film and television industry... There was Zhang Songwen before, and now there is Teacher Xue. He once again determined that he wanted to take the Ph.D. exam.

Take the Ph.D. exam, stay in school, and teach.

No matter what happens in the future, it is only for others to call you teacher.

After hearing his words, Xue Xiaolu took the initiative to help him out:

"It's okay. After school, we can discuss things on different occasions. This is more appropriate. Tang Wei and I are good friends, so it will be embarrassing for her."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded and said with a smile:

"That's okay, it won't look awkward this way... Speaking of which, how are the preparations for Teacher Xue's movie going? When is it going to be released?"

"It'll be next year."

Xue Xiaolu explained his plan:

"This year I started to teach graduate students in the Department of Literature, and the first batch of students will come in September. Since the students have chosen me, I must lead them forward. So the plan is to take care of them for half a semester first, and wait until next year. Let’s start the production together with everyone. If nothing else happens, it should be started in March next year.”

"how about you?"

He looked at Tang Wei.

"I have just finished filming a movie called "Speed ​​Angel", and I plan to take some time off to recharge my batteries."

"That's good. You can pay attention to the filming trends of the Art Creation Center recently. As far as I know, there are still a few movies with pretty good stories. If you like any movie, just submit an audition application directly. But Remember to leave a schedule for Teacher Xue..."

The three of them stood aside and chatted for a while.

During the greetings, both Tang Wei and Xue Xiaolu found that there were many people "queuing up."

Obviously, there are many people who are paying attention to Director Xu's movements and want to communicate with him.

So the two of them prepared to retreat.

When greeting Xu Xin and leaving, Xu Xin suddenly reached out his hand.

This time, it was for Tang Wei:

"Welcome to join Xiying Studio."

Hearing this, Tang Wei glanced at him with a smile on his face:

"Thank you, Director Xu, it's my honor."

"Well, keep in touch in the future."

After waving goodbye to the two of them, someone came over quickly.

"Hello, Director Xu, I am..."

Reception at Vanity Fair, in progress.

All those who want to get to know Xu Xin, or chat with him, or take a photo with him, just like visiting a certain scenic spot, come one by one based on their seniority.

Just as the film festival reception was being held, these media had already sent back photos of the scene.

Report after report appeared on the Internet.

If the awarding of other film awards gives well-deserved recognition as netizens believe, then Zhang Ziyi's reputation as a best actress is really intriguing.

Where is the initiator of these manuscripts...

Dare not mention it.

It's just like the Splash Incident until now, no one dares to stand up and learn more about some people's backgrounds.

But it’s hard not to mention it.

Just like although no one dares to popularize science, there is already a name on Baidu Encyclopedia.

Therefore, in this very weird atmosphere, the media are exaggerating Zhang Ziyi's two-year silence.

I want to say it, but I dare not.

In the past two years, the power of river crab masters on the Internet has made many people see their power, and various communities are also deliberately controlling some speeches.

So what everyone said was very vague.

But one thing is consensus.

That's it...it seems like this matter isn't over yet.

Although the Silk Road Film Festival is backed by cultural tourism,...what they did is still considered extremely reckless in the eyes of many people.

Therefore, the comments on the Internet are quite lively.

It doesn’t matter if you understand, or you don’t understand.

Everyone is buzzing around this topic.

This also caused the old score of Pomo Gate to be revealed again.

The name "Zhang Ziyi" seems to have entered the eyes of many people again after a long time.

From this perspective...

That's a good thing.

Because for Zhang Ziyi's situation, being forgotten is the biggest obstacle.

At this moment, she was sitting in the reception box.

In the box that could accommodate more than ten people, there were only Qi Lei and herself.

When Xu Xin opened the door and walked in, both of them looked over.

Zhang Ziyi stood up subconsciously.

But the moment he stood up, he suddenly felt a little dazed.

I especially remember that when they were at the winery, he and Yang Mi had not yet held their wedding. In his eyes, the two of them are at best rising stars.

But now, the status is very different.

She couldn't control her instinct to get up.

The moment he saw the person coming, he stood up.

A bitterness spread quietly in his mouth.

Fortunately, Xu Xin acted very naturally:

"Teacher Zhang, I'm sorry for the long wait."

After he walked in, he closed the door.

After taking a look at the long-cooled dishes on the rotating plate and the clean plates in front of her and Qi Lei, she quickly said something:

"Sorry, sorry, I'm late."

At the same time, Qi Lei smiled and said:

"Brother Qi, if this meal is waiting for me, I won't be able to eat it safely."

Qi Lei laughed:

"Haha, Ziyi needs to stay in shape. My stomach is not feeling well tonight. I just drank a packet of medicine. I didn't move my chopsticks."

After the two gave each other a step, Xu Xin nodded with a smile, found a seat casually and said hello:

"Teacher Zhang, sit down, it's still early, let's talk."

There was no hint of control in his tone.

On the contrary, he was very indifferent.

"...Well, thank you, Director Xu."

Hearing this, Xu Xin quickly shook his head:

"It's okay, no need to be so polite."

After inviting her to sit down, Xu Xin glanced at the time.

It's past ten o'clock.

He actually didn't have much of an appetite for this meal.

It's a pity that it was wasted.

We can’t waste food like this in the future.

With this in mind, he chose to get straight to the point.

There is no way, there is still a lovely wife waiting at home.

I say there's no rush, but in fact it doesn't need to be a complicated process.

Awards can only be said to be a lifebuoy.

Zhang Ziyi finally caught it.

But if the Xiying Studio ship didn't pull the lifebuoy and rescue her on board, then at most she would be holding the lifebuoy on the sea and not sinking.

But when night falls, the hypothermia caused by the seawater and the sharks will still kill her at the bottom of the sea.

At this time, there is no difference between pushback and tai chi and being straightforward. Besides, judging from the fact that she didn't touch the food with a single chopstick, she had no intention of doing Tai Chi with anyone.

So, Xu Xin came up and directly released his ultimate move:

"Teacher Zhang's agency is WMA, an old and world-renowned agency, right?"

Zhang Ziyi was stunned.

Nodding subconsciously:


"When will the contract expire next year?"

Zhang Ziyi seemed to understand something, and a glimmer of light flashed in her eyes:

"Next June."

"Well...that's pretty good."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded, then his eyes fell on her and asked word by word:

"Then~ come to Yuntu. I think Yuntu is more suitable for Teacher Zhang's development, what do you think?"

His words were like a machete.

Although the words were gentle and gentle, the meaning behind them was not unreasonable at all, and he stabbed directly at the door of her heart...

Cracked up.

If WMA really wants to flatter you, you can go to Hollywood to develop in the next two years.

Facts have proved that without the domestic market, you will not be able to survive in Hollywood.

Whether it is true that you have offended Wendi Deng, as the external rumors say, or it is simply a mediocre response from the market...

It doesn't matter.

The life preserver is given to you.

Want to survive?

Sign this contract of sale.

Sign it and you will live.

Rude, unreasonable and unreasonable.

Xu Xin's straight to the point made Zhang Ziyi, who had been thinking about it all night, crush all the little ones in her heart to pieces.

Looking at this young and promising face, she thought of a famous saying for no reason.

"To be, or not to be. That is the question."

To be or not to be.

This is a problem. --"Hamlet" English-Shakespeare.

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