I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 776 773 Advertising Effect

Chapter 776 773. Advertising Effect

No matter which man returns home and finds a mermaid waiting for him, it is a very happy thing.

At least that's the case for Xu Xin.

"I'm home?"

The wife's greeting did not elicit a response from her husband.

Xu Xin's answer was more direct than words.

He hugged his wife who was even wearing high heels.

Suddenly, a scent came from my nose.

Not a perfume, but a shower gel scent.

In an instant, he understood...

There was even such a scene in my mind.

The beautiful woman, who looked like an exquisite mermaid in front of her, returned home early after the award ceremony. She first took care of her two children and put them to sleep. Then I took a shower, and after all the aura of fame and fortune faded away, I put on the clothes that my lover liked very much, patiently, and greeted my beloved with my most beautiful side.

Suddenly, his heart melted.

Unconsciously, he licked along his wife's neck like a cat.

Yang Mi half-closed her eyes, tilted her head and enjoyed it, and asked:

"How was your chat with Zhang Ziyi?"

"Well...I asked her a question."


"Well... metaphorically speaking, it's probably... survival or destruction."

After hearing this and understanding her husband's "meme", she responded:

"She chose to survive?"


Xu Xin, who seemed to want to melt his wife into his arms, said softly:

"She had no choice."


She had to admit that what she liked the most was the domineering scene shown by her husband inadvertently.

Unfortunately, given his personality, it is difficult for outsiders to see him like this.

What outsiders see is always the calmness and calmness after the dust has settled.

Then you have to take advantage of yourself.

"When will you leave tomorrow?"

"It's scheduled for the morning."

"Stay a little longer. Let's go after lunch and spend some time with me and the kids~"


Xu Xin responded, then picked her up from the waist.

"I love you~"

The affectionate confession received an extremely gentle response from the mermaid being held horizontally:

"Well, ten thousand years~"

Noon on the 11th.

With great reluctance, Xu Xin carried the box and left home with Liu Zhishi.

Before leaving, the two children cried.

It made his heart feel like a knife.

Looking at his uncomfortable look, Liu Zhishi comforted him all the way.

But Xu Xin also knew that there was nothing he could do about it.

You still have to do what you need to do, a group of people over there are waiting for you.

He just hopes that the filming process will go smoothly so that he can return home to be with his wife and children as soon as possible.

At around 3 p.m., he returned to Xiamen with the crew.

Then let everyone rest and adjust.

The next plan is still to finish shooting the transition shots first, and then use these shots to let everyone immerse themselves in their respective characters again, and then start shooting specific scenes.

While they rested, Xu Xin continued to optimize the script shots he had on hand.

In fact, regarding "Heart of the Burning Sun", he has no obsession with winning or not winning awards. But he believes that if you want to do something, you must do your best.

This busy schedule lasted until nearly 10 o'clock in the evening.

Just when I was about to go to bed, a phone call came in.

When he saw the caller, he answered directly:

"Hey, Sister Mo."

"Ha... um."

After a big yawn over there, Liu Momo said:

"I called her again..."


Xu Xin was stunned.

smiled and said:

"Did you get the message?"

"Well, I just got up and when I was squatting in the toilet, I saw Zhang Ziyi's picture of the movie queen. Although I thought it was nothing, I still made a call. I made an appointment to have a meal with her next time I return to China. So don't worry, no. If there’s any problem, I’m here.”

"Yes, sister, the great savior!"

"Ha~ You're here. Based on what I know about you, if you don't do this without assessing the risks, I won't believe it..."

Xu Xin was happy but said nothing.

Liu Momo yawned again:

"Ha~ Well. Okay, there's nothing else to do... I also asked Margot to go to the gym with me, so I won't talk to you anymore."

"Yo? You two have contacted each other?"

"Yes, we are quite compatible. By the way, when do you think Wang Sicong will come over?"

"Next month, I guess...what's wrong?"

"No, I'm thinking about asking him what the host said and let Margot try it."

"Then I'll talk to him."

"That's okay~ I'm hanging up~"


The phone hangs up.

Xu Xin thought for a while, found Wang Sicong's dialog box, and sent him a message:

"When you went to the United States, Sister Mo brought a beautiful woman to meet you. She is quite suitable to be the host of The Voice."

Wang Sicong did not reply.

I don't know what I'm doing.

Active or passive...

He didn't care. He packed up the information at hand. After sorting it all out, he looked at the time...

Go take a shower.

Early in the morning on August 12th.

The crew started the filming step by step and naturally entered the shooting state.

Without any distractions, all the actors got into the mood very quickly.

The crew worked quietly for a week, and on the 18th, they completed about 5 minutes of transition scenes that the crew needed to transition throughout the movie.

It just so happened that the weather in Xiamen was very bad on the 18th. It was said that there was a thunderstorm.

Just at night.

Seeing this, he quickly started asking the crew to arrange the shots to be shot tonight.

At the beginning of the movie, taxi driver Yang Zidao was robbed by a group of people and met Yi Guchun. In the end, he not only did not ask for help, but also took the initiative to exonerate the robbers.

The location was chosen on a road that was not yet open to traffic.

The shooting environment was the best choice for the entire film.

At around 3 o'clock in the afternoon, the entire crew set off directly there.

While Xu Xin was sitting in the car taking the time to rest and recharge his batteries, Qi Lei called.

After Xu Xin glanced at the caller, he answered the call casually:

"Hey, Brother Qi, tell me."

"busy or not?"

"I'm not busy. I'm transitioning. What's wrong?"

"The filming permit for Wang Quanan's "White Deer Plain" has been released."


Xu Xin, who closed his eyes to rest, subconsciously opened his eyes.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Just came down?"

"Well, after the film festival, he submitted the application. He completed the process today and it was approved."

"What's the budget?"

"He quoted 100 million, but the factory only gave him 10 million. He would find the rest of the investment himself."

Although this is all planned, it is not a surprise.

But after hearing this, Xu Xin still said:

"Did he say anything?"

"I didn't say anything."

"That's it...that's fine. God is going to rain, and the girl wants to get married. Let it go."

"Yeah. That's what I think... By the way, the opening time of the Venice Film Festival this year has been determined, which is August 31st. The ceremony will be on September 11th. They will go through the procedures to book a flight for you. When do you plan to Number passed?"

"Private jets will not be reimbursed."

Hearing this, Qi Lei's eyes looked strange:

"Have you taken someone for granted?"

"Haha~ Forget it then. Tell them I'll go there by private plane and be ready for ground pick-up. I'll go there on the 10th and come back on the 12th."

"Okay, then you can take the time to have your passport sent over."

"Okay. Is there anything else?"

"No, hang up."

Neither of them said much about Wang Quanan.

There is no need to say more.

For those whose hearts are not here, let them fly freely.

Although Xu Xin was responsible for this incident.

But if Wang Quanan doesn't want to leave, then no one can expel him.

It can only be said that both sides of this matter are "half push and half give". In this case, what else is there to say?

August 20th.


Today is not a very special day.

But it was the time when Volvo's 2012 XC90 was released.

The release of a new car naturally requires a series of publicity moves.

As early as the 15th, posters advertising Xu Xin driving the XC90 had appeared in Volvo 4S stores across the country.

Synchronization includes things like bus stops, rolling advertisements at airports, etc.

The XC90’s advertising slogan also appears in people’s field of vision along with these advertisements:

"Sit in luxury and see reality."

In the words of Yang Mi fans, that is:

"Not to mention, Xu Gou drives a Volvo, he really looks like a human."

This phrase accompanies these print ads and is widely circulated among the couple's fans.

For a moment, I couldn't tell what the composition of these people was.


It's Volvo.

I understand everything.

Apart from safety, they seem to have nothing else to buy.

For some people who want to buy a car or have been paying attention to car information, this 8-character slogan is nothing special.

Moreover, it was news a few years ago that Xu Gou and Yang Mi drove a Volvo.

After Yang Mi became pregnant, the couple changed cars.

It's understandable, people want to be safe.

It is also in line with the public’s perception of Volvo.

Therefore, although print advertising is used as a warm-up method, it has started several days in advance before the new car is released. But Volvo's data, in the words of industry insiders, is still "half-dead".

There is no way, safety and face are compared. Or the latter is more in line with the mentality of the Chinese people.

Volvo has also communicated with Baidu, Weibo and various car sales platforms in advance, and has been doing data monitoring in the past few days.

All we can say is that the data is very stable.

Among cars of the same level, it is better than the more niche Acura and Infiniti.

It barely ranks third among medium and large SUVs.

Until 12 noon on August 20th.

Star TV stations including CCTV3 and CCTV5 put this minute and 37-second advertisement in the gaps between various programs.

For many viewers, this is an extremely unforgettable memory.

Think about it, at noon some people were eating and watching... let's just say CCTV5. Everyone watched sports news while eating.

After the sports news ended, suddenly, the next second, the TV screen switched.

The original relaxing music atmosphere at the end of the news reel of "Didi la la la" has been transformed into a 16:9 picture with black borders.

Many people watching TV were stunned.

I wonder if this is CCTV5? Why did you start showing movies?

Even more amazing is CCTV6.

One second, there was the golden logo of the TV station, and the sound of commercial breaks sounded, but the next second, it suddenly turned into a fixed close-up of a building, which was really confusing.

What does it mean?

Movie breaks, commercials or a movie?

People watching various TV stations were puzzled and soon saw two familiar figures.

Xu Xin and Yang Mi appeared in the picture holding hands.

Immediately afterwards, a particularly familiar black guy, wearing a Matrix costume, turned around:

"Let me tell you why you are here..."

Xu Xin, Yang Mi, Morpheus from The Matrix...

And the unique film-like texture of the advertisement...

This moment left many people confused.

Then with the playing of the advertisement, the "red and blue" keys that everyone is familiar with, and Pavarotti's opera sounded from the mouth of Morpheus in the car...

At the end, there is a startling glance of the girl in red, and the black cat turns back and meows...

Finally, on the darkened screen, the slogan "Challenge your perception of luxury" below the Volvo logo...

When the more than one-minute commercial ended, I don't know how many people had a bunch of question marks on their heads.

What...what the hell?

car advertisement?

How come car advertising is related to The Matrix?

Xu Xin and Yang Mi film The Matrix?

A bunch of doubts rose in my mind.

And these doubts, along with the unique film style, are burned into everyone's hearts.

When advertising started at 12 o'clock, it was nothing.

But at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, Volvo's people received real-time monitoring data from major websites, as well as the XC90 traffic report from its official website, and they got a very strange set of data...

Within one hour, the number of visits to the official website of Volvo Tianchao District increased by 70% year-on-year.

Considering that Chinese people are not used to making reservations over the phone or going to the official website to learn about car purchases, but are more accustomed to learning about them on car selection websites such as Autohome, Volvo’s usual official website’s bleak browsing data is quite different. In comparison, this sudden increase of 70% is not incomprehensible.

But soon, the people on the website gave out the data again.

The number of viewers of the XC90 advertisement shot by Director Xu exceeded 10,000 within one hour (real data).

The replay rate is as high as 47.3%.

In other words, nearly half of the 100 people chose to watch the advertisements on the official website repeatedly.

This data only shows one thing, that is, the advertisement can stimulate the interest of viewers and make them willing to spend more time to stay in the advertisement interface.

At 2 p.m., a new round of data came back again.

The increase on the official website has exceeded 210%.

The replay rate has risen to 72%.

Moreover, more critical data was passed over by Baidu.

As of 12 noon on August 20, the Volvo XC90 Baidu Index was only 12,761.

But during the period from 12:00 to 14:00, the Baidu Index of XC90 exceeded 25,185 points.

A year-on-year increase of 109 percent.

In other words, after only two hours of advertising, the number of people searching for XC90 on the Baidu search engine more than doubled.

Moreover, the information index increased by as high as 312%.

The number of community topics that Baidu can detect is three times more than usual.

When this data was passed back, everyone in Geely Volvo's marketing department was delighted.

Although this data will be diluted as the base increases...

But you must know that this rate of increase is already terrifying!

And it's not over yet.

5:30 p.m.

The number of people who made an appointment to test drive the new XC90 vehicle at Volvo 4S stores across the country on the 21st was counted.

In the five days from the 15th to the 20th, only 4,768 people made reservations for test drives.

But in less than half a day, the number of people who have made reservations to test drive the vehicle tomorrow has exceeded 4,000. Reached an astonishing number of 4103.

To know……

This is Volvo, not the popular BBA.

Moreover, the XC90 has always lacked the necessary competitiveness in the medium and large SUV market.

But just one advertisement successfully doubled the number of people who made reservations for a test drive?

This is just one afternoon...

Good guy!

When everyone sees this data, they can already imagine the long queue in front of the XC90 test drive on the 21st.

Although these numbers are just test drives, not buyers.

But... that's amazing enough.

You know, last year, Volvo's global vehicle sales were only 373,000 vehicles.

Among the 373,000 vehicles, Tianchao District only contributed 30,000 total vehicle models.

It can be said that it is not even one tenth.

Last year, the total number of people who made appointments for test drives of various types of vehicles was less than 100,000.

From this aspect, Volvo’s user group profile is relatively clear.

Either don't come, as long as people come, the user conversion rate will be very high.

And now, Director Xu only used this advertisement, and in half a day, the number of reservations reached 4% of last year?

Did we invite the God of Wealth from somewhere?

Isn’t this number too outrageous?

And the truth is, it's not just people at Volvo who think it's outrageous.

Similarly, whether domestic or joint ventures, people from these car companies also receive data and information from Volvo from some channels.

For a moment, everyone was stunned.

An advertisement brought this effect?

Is it because of Xu Xin’s personal charm?

No way.

Although it must be admitted that he is a very powerful director...but his fans kept shouting from beginning to end.

What's more, people say that he has as many negative fans as there are fans who love his wife...

Although Yang Mi also starred in this advertisement, but to be honest...it would be okay if these two couples endorsed individual products. This is a car. The minimum price is tens of thousands, and the price can easily be hundreds of thousands or millions.

Why can this person generate so much publicity?

Although they don’t know how many people will have the purchasing power of XC90 if this kind of publicity continues...

But no one will use purchasing power to measure the effect of an advertisement or a celebrity.

Especially in the automotive field, it is even more meaningless.

What they compete for is popularity.

Just like Audi, its sales volume is clearly outperformed by Toyota, but in people's minds, the Toyota Crown will never be as good as the Audi A6.

Brand power is what they are fighting for.

The support of brand power is the most basic guarantee for them to have the same configuration, but sell more expensively and make higher profits than others.

And now a director's advertisement can bring such a huge increase in data to the automobile field that can almost be said to have solidified its class?

Either that, you're kidding.

The data is falsified.


Could this person named Xu be the reincarnation of some kind of God of Wealth?

"I understand. You told them that I am preparing for a role in a new movie and am not in Yanjing for the time being. I'm sorry that I can't accept the appointment..."

"Well, refuse it. Also, if they ask Brother Xu, tell them the truth. Tell them that Brother Xu and Volvo have a two-year endorsement contract and three advertisements."

"No need to say anything else."

"Okay, that's it."

Sun Ting hung up the phone again and walked through the lush green grass in August, all the way back to this luxurious manor that seemed to have been built not long ago.

This place is located in Yijinhuoluo Banner, and it is apparently a commercial tourist ecological farm.

But it is not actually open to the public.

Uncle Xu directly bought hundreds of acres of land and built a private estate.

There is grassland and a small stream. It can be said that it is surrounded by mountains and rivers, so beautiful.

Sister Bingbing came to visit, and she came here specially to stay with her.

few people.

Good scenery.

Even Sun Ting thought that when she got rich in the future, she would learn to build one in this place.

Renting land is not expensive anyway.

There are few people here and it’s very cheap.

Uncle Xu also told her that there are many real estate developers here in EEDS and housing prices will rise soon.

Although he felt that it would not last long, he had been investing in the past two years. Before the news came out, he bought a few houses at low prices. When the time came, he would resell them. The land alone would be very valuable.

Sun Ting thought it made sense and was discussing the matter with her fiancé these days.

I plan to buy three or five sets to try.


She took a breath of the particularly comfortable air full of fragrant grass, looked at Uncle Xu, Sister Bingbing, and Sister Mi chatting in the cooling pergola built outside the floor-to-ceiling window, then opened the door and walked out:


"Well, what did you say?"

Yang Mi asked.

"Someone from BYD wanted to ask you for an interview, but I asked someone from the company to refuse on the grounds of preparing for a role."


Yang Mi nodded, while Liang Binning said next to her:

"It's better not to consider domestically produced cars, let alone BYD. The brand is too low-end."

Hearing this, Yang Mi shrugged indifferently:

"I actually think BYD is okay. I quite like the small car style of the F0. But I really don't want to accept commercials now. I'll wait until this year. Dad, what do you think?"

Xu Daqiang, who was leaning on the recliner and looking at his two grandsons chasing dogs and sheep with a smile, waved his hands casually:

"How much money is it? If you don't want to accept it, don't accept it..."

As he spoke, he looked at the time.

"Well, it's almost six o'clock. Come on, let's go to the winery? The whole lamb should be roasted there."

"I won't go."

Unexpectedly, Yang Mi refused directly:

"Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang played crazy in the afternoon and didn't sleep. I just found a baby bathing place in the county. I took them to take a bath in the evening and went back to change clothes."

With that said, she stood up and said to Li Hao:

"Brother Hao, will you take us back to the county?"


Li Hao glanced at Xu Daqiang, smiled and nodded:


Neither of them mentioned what to do with Liang Bingning.

He didn't even think about how Xu Daqiang would take Liang Binning to a vineyard to eat roasted whole lamb, and how he would drive if he drank.

No questions asked.

The tacit understanding is a mess.

As for Xu Daqiang, he glanced at his daughter-in-law...

This was the first time she proposed to return to the county after staying in the manor for a few days.

After thinking about it, he didn't say anything.

Instead, Liang Binning stood up:

"I'm going to the bathroom."

So, Yang Mi went to catch two kids who were playing crazy and took them home.

Li Hao and Sun Ting both followed.

Liang Binning went to the bathroom.

Xu Daqiang was left leaning on the recliner, glanced at his daughter-in-law, and suddenly looked a little embarrassed.

Scratched his head.

"Ah... I'm so embarrassed."

he murmured.

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