I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 779 776 Actor’s Hollywood

Chapter 779 776. Actor’s Hollywood


After washing away all the fatigue, Xu Xin came out of the bathroom wet. After wiping himself clean, he casually put on some big pants, took a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator, and went to the desk in the outer room of the suite comfortably. One seat.

He thought the hotel chairs were uncomfortable. Su Meng just bought him an ergonomic chair yesterday.

Very comfortable.

He lay down on it and lit a cigarette comfortably, enjoying the rare peace after a busy day.

It's a pity that God did not fulfill his wish.

As soon as he lit the cigarette, his phone vibrated.

I picked it up and looked at it, and found that it was a WeChat message from Qi Lei.

The content is one sentence:

"I received the news that Feng Xiaogang is going to film Liu Zhenyun's novel "Reviewing the Past 1942"."

Xu Xin was a little puzzled:

"Let's shoot, what subject? War?"

He has not read this novel.

Qi Lei quickly replied:

"No, it's about the Great Escape from Henan in 1942."

"Oh~ Then let's shoot. What's the conflict with us?"

"That's not true. It's just that "Tangshan Earthquake" comes first. I think we have to pay close attention to this movie to prevent him from confronting us again."

This time, Xu Xin's brows furrowed.

It's not because Qi Lei "looks down" on himself in his words.

Not really.

But what he said was possible.

Although he still didn’t know what the movie was about, Xu Xin still took it to heart:

"Okay, I understand. It doesn't matter. Let's finish the filming of "Heart of the Burning Sun" first, and then hurry up and watch it in the post-production. It won't be in the way, and I won't be afraid of them if we get into a fight at the worst."

"As long as you know the news."


After the two of them finished chatting, Xu Xin looked at the time and found that it was almost 10 o'clock, so he was not in a hurry.

This juncture is when the wife puts the children to sleep.

He just sent a message:

"Is the child asleep?"

Yang Mi replied instantly:

"I'm coaxing you. I'll tell you later, I have something to ask you."

Seeing this, Xu Xin curled his lips disdainfully.

The heart says that you have a hammer.

I'm sure I'm not holding anything back.

Maybe the woman in the West Palace blew some wind and started making trouble again.



Tomorrow there will be two scenes with Liu Zhishi on Duoka.

Let you two know how disgusted I am, Mr. Xu!

He narrowed his eyes again in contentment.

After smoking a cigarette, I started to sort out the things I would need for tomorrow's work.

It wasn't until almost 10:30 that Yang Mi finally called.

"Hey, is the child asleep?"

"Yeah, fast asleep."

Yang Mi responded.

Then I heard Xu Xin say:

"Jiaojiao performed well today."


"The camera looks much better than before, and she is indeed very thin. As soon as she took off her clothes today, she was skin and bones. I think you should quickly arrange for a nutritionist for her to take care of her body. An actor is dedicated to his profession. , but it’s easy to lose yourself. You have to be careful~"



Xu Xin was stunned now.

Listening to his wife's obviously absent-minded movement, he asked speechlessly:

"What's wrong? Why are you out of shape today?"

After saying that, he remembered the message in WeChat just now and asked again:

"What happened?"

After Yang Mi was silent for a while, she said:

"I received an audition notice today."

"Take that...huh?"

Xu Xin, who suddenly felt something was wrong, was stunned:

"Audition notice?... Good guy, who is it? You are speaking so loudly?"

The daughter-in-law is considered "somewhat famous" after all.

As for an actress of her stature, as long as she wants to act, she will basically have no shortage of scripts. Even to put it bluntly, you have to beg me if you want to act with me.

Although the words don’t sound good, the truth is true.

It's okay if she takes the initiative to take a liking to the script. If a certain director wants her to play a certain role, it would be better to have a personal relationship with her and just make a phone call to see if she's interested. If there is no personal relationship, then it is a formulaic process. First, hand the script to her through company channels. If she is interested, then contact her. If she is not interested, then we will cooperate next time.

Nowadays, as far as China is concerned, only young actors will receive some audition notices, and it is the agency to which they belong that first submits the actor's resume to be picked up by the director.

But the problem is that the wife herself is the boss.

He was also curious...which director was this?

I admire his courage.

Then he heard his wife say:

“Hollywood’s Screen Actors Guild.”


have to.

That's okay.

Even though she is a member of the family in China, in Hollywood, she is really just an ordinary actor registered with the Screen Actors Guild.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Xin realized why his wife was so absent-minded.

So he asked:

"What script?"

"I don't know. I asked the company to check on the Internet today, but I didn't get any information. Then I asked Sister Mo to ask for help. She didn't ask me the reason. She just knew that it was a script produced by Legendary Pictures.

According to Sister Mo, this is a Hollywood tradition. The name of the script is "Sea of ​​Silence", but this name is basically a pseudonym.

Because leaks of scripts happen frequently, Hollywood companies are used to creating clever names to cover up the real names of their works. Unless a contract is signed, the actual script is never seen. "


Xu Xin subconsciously sat up straight.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Why does Legendary Pictures sound familiar to me?"

"'Superman Returns', '300', 'The Dark Knight', 'The Hangover'... Oh yes, 'Inception' is also theirs."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.



After Yang Mi agreed, Xu Xin finally understood why she was in this state.

Previously, when he and his wife were filming a Volvo commercial in the United States, they had discussed this topic at Universal Studios.

Xu Xin asked her if she aspired to Hollywood, and her answer was that she had no interest in going to Hollywood like Cheng Long and Jet Li. but……

"I think~ our generation has a plot against the United States. Personally, if I can stage a Hollywood masterpiece, I will regard it as a personal honor."

If I remember correctly, these were my wife's exact words.

It cannot be said that my wife has a Hollywood plot. What she said is more like... Let’s not talk about the Chinese film industry. It may be the voice of most actors outside of Hollywood.

In fact, in recent years, it is not uncommon for Asian actors to pursue their dreams in Hollywood.

But most of the roles that people get are of that kind... As soon as you look at it, you will know that this role is not important. The reason why people let you play is more to please the market behind you.

This is probably the case.

As for the actors who get these roles, people can always see some touting news.

Press releases such as "XX will star in a Hollywood blockbuster".

To put it bluntly, everyone benefits from each other.

On the one hand, the market is important, but on the other hand, as an individual actor, being able to star in a Hollywood blockbuster is a real "promotion".

So-called domestic movie stars, and international movie stars.

This is often the difference between a Hollywood movie like this.

There is nothing to say about this.

Hollywood is Hollywood.

That represents the highest level of cinema.

You can be disdainful in your heart, but you must acknowledge the status of this behemoth in the scope of world film history.

So, he continued to ask:

"When do you want to audition?"

"August 29th."

"Yo? It's only been a few days, hasn't it?"


"Well... let's go then. Are you worried that no one will take care of your child? Or..."

"I will definitely take the child with me. If I go, I will definitely take my parents with me. If I leave you alone, if these two ancestors get into trouble, you won't be able to work at all. I will go for an audition. In short, in a day or two, It may only last three to five days."

"Then go. Anyway, the visa has not expired."


Suddenly, he heard his wife say this.

"There's nothing to apologize for."

Xu Xin laughed:

"I understand what you mean. But...it's such a long time. "Heart of the Burning Sun" will be finished at the end of the year or the beginning of the year. I'm not interested in continuing like "33 Days of Love". So no matter what, I have to I will not start preparations until the post-production of "Heart of the Burning Sun" is almost completed and the schedule is set. This is on the one hand, and on the other hand... you may not be selected."

"...I thank you. When my husband hears that his wife is going to act in Hollywood, he will definitely cheer and encourage her. How about you, can you remove the valve core for me?"

"No, what I said is true. Anyway, you go and read it first~ If it's such a rubbish script..."

"Brother, I'm not sure whether I can see the script."

"I know, that's what I meant. I guess it's just a functional role, right?"

"Yeah. But I still want to give it a try. After all, for actors, Hollywood is still Hollywood. ...Oh, that's not right, maybe it's a leading role. Then after I filmed it, it became a global hit, and from then on, Hollywood film appointments Continuously, one billion a year, two years to win an Oscar, three years to have a star on the Walk of Fame..."

"Which one, Nuannuan or Yangyang, has been angry lately? His urine is yellow? Quick, wake you up."

"Fuck you~"

Yang Mi spat over there.


Xu Xin chuckled:

"Go when you have to. Didn't we agree to support each other in our careers? Just treat it as an experience. Anyway, in my case, I think Hollywood is just that."

"Then if someone invites you to direct in the future, what will you say?"

"Let's talk about the script. I'm interested in the story, so I'll direct it. Didn't we talk about it last time? As I said above, I treat it as an experience. After experiencing it once, I know what's going on, so I won't It’s rare. I guess you are at this stage now.”

"Tsk, husband, your remarks are quite scumbag."

"Hehe... Oh yes, isn't Lao Wang going to the United States too? You can go with him, and there will be someone to take care of you."

"We'll talk about it later... Then I'll really go?"

"Go. But I'm still worried about the child... How about you let my parents come to my place and you can go alone?"

"Don't say goodbye. I'm going for an audition, and you're making a movie. Your job must be more important than mine. Speaking of which... the child feels more at ease with me. If Lao Wang goes too, there's Sister Mo over there... Oh yes, and Margot, I’ll take them to Disneyland for a walk.”


After the two people settled the matter, they chatted for a while.

Yang Mi hung up the phone.

Tomorrow is the 22nd. I only have a few days left, so I need to make plans quickly.

After Xu Xin hung up the phone, he was almost busy with his work.

I went straight back to the bedroom to rest.

As for my wife’s Hollywood audition, she can go if she wants to.

There is still a difference between directors and actors.

Whether he is convinced or not, he has to admit it. For actors, Hollywood is like a "holy land".

You don’t have to stop there.

But as long as you go for a walk inside, others will look at you highly when you come back.

And being an actor is precisely a profession that requires being "highly regarded" by others.

Very cruel.

But that's how realistic it is.

Her husband supported her and Yang Mi moved very quickly.

Early in the morning on the 22nd, after she talked to Xu Daqiang, she returned to Yanjing lightly.

Xu Daqiang was quite surprised that his daughter-in-law was going to film in Hollywood.

His views belong to the older generation.

When I heard that my daughter-in-law was going to star in a blockbuster movie in Hollywood, I thought it would be a chance to show off to domestic actors, and she seemed very happy.

However, after his daughter-in-law left, he felt a little regretful...

Originally, he was thinking that now that the peak coal season was coming, he planned to take his daughter-in-law to visit several mines at home, collect coal stamps, and learn more about the family business.

When I am a hundred years old and my two children take over the family business, they will not be blinded.

It seems we can only wait a little longer.

And Yang Mi's movements were indeed very fast.

The family’s visas have not expired, and they can go to the United States anytime they want.

On the contrary, Wang Sicong took the initiative to adjust his itinerary after hearing the news that Dami was going to the United States.

He wants to go in September.

But Lao Xu is not here, and Da Mi is going to the United States, so he must accompany her.

More care.

Moreover, as a godfather, he also conscientiously contacted the security company there in advance.

Bodyguards and nannies are all ready.

The only pity is that although the 29th is the audition time, Yang Mi has to go there in advance to overcome the jet lag and adapt to the environment.

In the end, everyone agreed to leave on the 25th.

Leave on the 25th and arrive there early in the morning on the 26th. Then use 6, 7, and 8 three days to adjust the state.

Going to audition on the 29th.

And then they won't be able to catch up with the opening of the third season of "The Voice."

The premiere time of the third season of "The Voice" was due to the fact that there were too many people participating in the audition this year, and Wang Sicong introduced Tencent Video as a live broadcast platform to broadcast the audition live, and the entire program cycle was lengthened. It has been postponed until its premiere on Saturday night, August 27th.

A full month later than before.

What's even more pity is...

Brother Seven can't go either.

A notification has been sent from Master Xing.

The first round of auditions begins on September 5th.


On the 26th, the US Customs, which was working overtime, finally waited for the private plane that entered the country in the early morning.

After passing customs, Wang Sicong walked outside the airport while still complaining:

"This is the evil capitalist society. As long as you have money, the customs can be on duty until the early morning."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes:

"Why are you so poor?"

But I also knew in my heart that Lao Wang was telling the truth.

If this kind of transnational plane flies domestically, there are actually very few early morning flights. Under normal circumstances, it's around 10pm, which is the limit.

If it's too late, you'll have to wait until the next day if you want to enter the country.

But this situation obviously does not exist here in the United States.

It really lives up to that sentence:

"As long as the money comes in, all the glass will be broken."

The convoy that came to pick us up this time was also waiting at the exit of the terminal early.

Still a Volvo guy.

Obviously, Xu Xin's wife enjoys the same status as him.

Also following were people sent by Liu Momo to take care of him.

The visitor called herself Lilian and was Liu Momo's secretary. On the one hand, I came here to take Yang Mi and Wang Sicong to the hotel, and on the other hand, I gave her Yang Mi's actor information.

These are what she will submit the day she goes to audition.

Sitting in the Volvo, the children all went to share a car with grandma and grandpa because they had official business.

In the car, apart from the driver, there were Lilian, the co-pilot, and she and Wang Sicong behind.

At this moment, she was looking at her newly updated actor resume.

From height and age, to talents, hobbies, works, and honors received.

Not to mention...

Although there are few movies, his resume covers everything from the Golden Horse and Golden Rooster to the various pheasant awards, charity dinners and other events he has participated in over the years.

It's quite bluffing.

At this moment, Wang Sicong suddenly said:


Yang Mi didn't care at first, until she heard Lao Wang say:

"Da Mi, look."

Hearing this, Yang Mi looked up and saw him pointing out the car window. She stretched her head over and glanced diagonally upward.

The silhouette of an SUV comes into view.

It's the photo of the XC90.

Under the car is a Volvo logo.

The vehicle is on the left side of the giant billboard, and on the right side is a photo of Margot in a red dress facing the XC90.

No husband, no myself.

"Do you think this is a prejudice against Americans?"

After hearing Wang Sicong's words, Yang Mi withdrew her gaze and shrugged indifferently:

"That's right, but it doesn't matter. Margot is also quite nice. Nuannuan and Yangyang like her very much. How about it, is she qualified to be the host of "The Voice"?"

Wang Sicong took another look and nodded slightly:

"Well, it's not bad. It's quite beautiful."

"She's more beautiful in person than in the photos. You'll know when you see her tomorrow."

After finishing his words, Wang Sicong chuckled lightly and then crossed himself on his chest.

Yang Mi was a little puzzled:

"When did you believe in God?"

"I don't believe it."

"Then what are you doing?"

"Express to God my loyalty to Seventh Brother."


Yang Mi was completely speechless.


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