I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 780 777 Taking advantage of the trend and preparation

"Crash la la la..."

"Okay, passed, next game!"

In the rain, Xu Xin was wearing a raincoat. Following his words, Duan Yihong and Zhang Yi in the jeep quickly got out of the car and ran under the tent with the umbrella assistant who came to meet him.

The crew quickly started preparing for the next scene in the wind and rain.

Xu Xin sat in the tent, checked the picture on the monitor, and couldn't help humming a song:

"The heavy rain is still falling, are you afraid? You haven't found a home in so many years~"

He was in a good mood.

In other words, it's so good that it couldn't be better.

Because... the shooting went so smoothly.

At this time, Duan Yihong came over while wiping his head.

Without him saying anything, Xu Xin turned the monitor and handed over the headphones.

Duan Yihong smiled and nodded, took the headphones and put them on his head, and then started to watch the clip he had just performed.

This is his habit.

You have to check every play by yourself to see how it goes and whether there is anything "wrong" about it.

Even if the director thinks it’s okay.

But he still had to read it for himself before he could rest assured.

It's like having obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Xu Xin was used to it and didn't think it was anything.

If you simply hold others to high standards, then this kind of person will definitely be hated by others. But if you simply hold yourself to high standards, no matter which crew you put this kind of person on, as long as the director has good control, it will be a very happy experience.

This scene is the scene where Yi Guchun and Xin Xiaofeng rush to the gambling scene together.

"Car", in this movie, is given the attribute of seeking the truth by Xu Xin.

It was from the car that Yi Guchun became suspicious of Xin Xiaofeng, and all the investigations into the family extermination case, Yi Guchun's mental activities, and the exploration of some clues would also be completed in the car.

Xin Xiaofeng is always in the driver's seat, while Yi Guchun, who is sitting in the passenger seat, is like a policeman examining a prisoner. Through his own intuition and the description of his actions, demeanor, and expressions in the car, he explores the truth of the whole thing bit by bit.

"Heart of the Sun" is not a crime-solving film.

So in this regard, what Xu Xin chose to deal with was observation.

Or rather scrutinize.

From the inspection of Yi Guchun.

So until it was confirmed that Xin Xiaofeng was the murderer, Xin Xiaofeng was driving the car and Yi Guchun was sitting in the passenger seat.

But after locking in Xin Xiaofeng and deducing the circumstances of the case, the driver became Yi Guchun.

This transition just fits the rhythm of the film.

And now the two of them are filming this aspect.

Soon, Duan Yihong took off his headphones, glanced at the rain falling from the sky, and said:

"This Nanma seems to be quite powerful..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Yeah. It is said that there will be another three or four days? Maybe we will land in Fujian in early September. Let's hurry up. As long as you are in good condition, you should be able to shoot all the scenes in the rain these days."

This year's No. 11 typhoon Nanmadou has already formed in the Philippines.

It has also been raining in Xiamen since the 26th.

It’s already the 29th and it’s still falling.

For others, the weather is too uncomfortable.

Every household puts "rice" tape on the windows to prevent typhoons, and they are worried about water leakage in the house... But for the entire "Scorching Sun" crew, this is a God-given opportunity.

The rain was heavy and light, falling and stopping for a while.

It couldn't be more perfect.

And this was the reason why he was in a particularly good mood.

Not to mention "God's good will", the most important thing is that the leading actors are also in very, very good condition.

Whether it is people like Zhang Yi, Duan Yihong, Wang Qianyuan, and Zhou Yiwei.

Not to mention Xu Xin, everyone in the crew must admit that after spending this month together... these people are really awesome.

In their impression, the operation of the crew has never been stalled because of someone's poor condition.

At most, after one scene is shot, the director feels something is wrong and asks a few people to talk to him.

After telling them what feeling they want, they can shoot it up to two or three times to directly meet the director's requirements.

The chemistry is so good.

The collision of their respective roles, and everyone's grasp of the role, are all wonderful and perfect.

If the actors are good, the filming progress will be fast.

If the normal crew were left alone, maybe in this month, the crew would have completed half or even more than half of the filming progress.

But the reason why only at most 40% has been completed is that in this scene, the director often requires one scene, two shots in two weather conditions.

When the perspective is alone, it is raining.

When I was there with another person, it was sunny again.

One scene had to be filmed twice, so the progress was never very fast.

But since the formation of Nan Madu, the progress of the entire crew suddenly began to accelerate. All the scenes in the rain were shot smoothly.

If the crew wants light rain, it will rain.

If it rains, it rains.

Everyone in the crew said it was Mazu’s blessing.

Xu Xin also felt so.

And if this progress continues... he estimates that in another three to five days, he will be able to complete all the rain scenes he needs in the movie. As for the remaining shots, if they are shot normally, they may all be finished in October.

Even October is fast.

Judging from the good chemistry between these people, it might be almost done before the Golden Week.

Compared to the three to five months of shooting that were originally planned due to the weather, this was incredibly fast.

This was the source of his good mood.

While the two were chatting, soon, the stage manager came over:

"Director Xu, have we packed our things?"

"Well, clean it up."

Xu Xin nodded and put out the cigarette.

Next game.

The next scene was a night scene, and Yi Guchun told his sister Igu Xia that Xin Xiaofeng was gay at the dinner table. Iguka laughed wildly at first, finding it funny.

But he immediately realized something was wrong and asked his brother who he heard from.

Yi Guchun told her what he saw with his own eyes.

Then there will be a scene where Igika is first ridiculous, then confused, and then immediately thinks of some possibility, his face changes, and finally he leaves the table directly.

Then the next day she found Yang Zidao, took off his clothes, and tested and found out that Yang Zidao was not GAY.

The two people's feelings finally began to collide.

Quite important.

For this reason, Liu Zhishi has been preparing for a day at the filming location rented by the crew.

Everyone is going over now.

After getting in the car, he looked at the sky.

I thought my wife should get up soon...

It's all night.

Yang Mi did get up.

The time difference between Los Angeles and China is 15 hours.

It was already time for dinner on Xu Xin's side, but it was only 4 o'clock in the morning on her side.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, she stretched out on the bed and then walked into the bathroom.

The sound of rushing water soon started.

After taking a shower, without makeup and her eyes still a little swollen, she put on a set of very loose training clothes and walked out of the room.

The children were sleeping with grandma and grandpa, so she didn't have to worry at all.

After walking out of the Hilton Hotel room, she went directly upstairs to the empty gym.

Ignoring the treadmills and other equipment, she went directly to the equipment-free area. After pulling out a yoga mat from the corner, she began to walk steadily and stood up.

Standing requires concentration, which is not difficult for her.

After all, she's been at it for a few years.

Soon, half an hour flew by.

She used to feel sore all over after standing for ten minutes. After half an hour of standing, she didn't even sweat a drop.

After finishing her stance, she started to have a small fight in Baguazhang.

It doesn't require speed, nor does it require quick and violent movements.

Just following the instructions required by the master, such as "empty chest, lift up the top and slump the waist, twist the steps, bend the knees and grasp the dungeon. Sink the shoulders, drop the elbows and extend the front palms, and look into the tiger's mouth with your eyes", etc., and started to move in a precise manner.

The movements are even a little slow, as if they are doing Tai Chi again.

But only she knew that when she recited the "Yunpan Song Jue" of Baguazhang silently in her heart, she could clearly feel the rhythm of every muscle in her body.

After finishing a small set of Baguazhang, she followed up with a set of Xingyiquan.

When the fight was over, there were two or three more customers in the gym who got up early to work out.

It's a pity that these people didn't see those two sets of boxing techniques.

Otherwise, when they see her vigorously performing punches accompanied by "Humph, Ha", these foreigners can still see what the real "CHINESE KONGFU" is.

Yang Mi doesn’t care either.

In other words, she was just concentrating on using racket work to fully awaken all the functions of her body. Then she took the initiative to stop exercising with sweat on the tip of her nose.

Instead, I started doing yoga on the yoga mat.

Yoga is good.

It has great advantages for maintaining body shape.

By the time yoga was finished, it was already early 6 o'clock.

There are more people in the gym.

Obviously, there are many people who need to get up in the morning and exercise to wake up their bodies.

Yang Mi had already walked out of the gym and went straight to the hotel restaurant.

Hilton's diet can only be described as okay for her.

The taste is average, but the variety is quite rich and very healthy.

Milk, corn kernels, oats, bacon…

After finishing breakfast, which was far more than an average woman could eat, she returned to the room carrying her sports water cup.

No makeup, no shower.

Instead, he started watching movies.

Legendary Pictures kept the news of this audition very tightly.

As an actress, she had no idea what role she was going to perform.

However, almost all the films released by Legendary Pictures can be summarized as "Hollywood blockbusters".

Whether it is science fiction or epic, it is not without trace.

They are good at making this kind of films.

Then watch this kind of movie yourself.

Use the films produced by Legendary Pictures to exaggerate your emotions.

This is actually a psychology, just like if a person encounters something good early in the morning, it can make her happy all day long. But something bad happened to her would make her look displeased with everyone all day long.

From morning to now, except for exercising and eating, she has not touched her mobile phone or listened to music.

The purpose is to keep your brain from being exposed to too complicated information from the outside world as much as possible.

When exposed to too much information, the brain cannot maintain that "clear" state.

And with less exposure to things and no need to think, she can stay more focused while watching a movie.

She didn't know exactly what film she was auditioning for, but thinking about it... it should be a science fiction film, right?

Judging from the movies they have released in recent years, they are all science fiction movies, and the most important thing is that in Hollywood, unless it is a specific theme, such as Qin Shihuang played by Jet Li in "The Mummy"...otherwise, they will find Asian actors to play Western roles. Epic or fantasy, no matter how you look at it, it's all nonsense.

So she felt that this so-called "Sea of ​​Silence" should be a science fiction film.

The movie she chose today is "Ninja Assassin" starring Korean star Rain last year.

To be honest, this movie is a street movie.

An investment of 40 million US dollars only brought in a box office of 60 million US dollars.

The compensation went to grandma’s house.

But it made RAIN become an "international superstar" among Koreans.

and "Asia's King."

It's like beating the whole world.


Korea~~~ country.

It's not surprising that anything happens.

As for why Yang Mi chose this street-breaking movie with a simple and crude plot, the reason is also very simple.

She doesn't care how her movies fare at the Hollywood box office.

Because...both Zhang Ziyi and RAIN seem to prove one thing. That is, Asians cannot support North American box office sales.

As an Asian, I am still unfamiliar.

It is simply a fantasy to want to become the so-called box office attraction...or the absolute protagonist.

People always need to be self-aware.

Even Cheng Long is not very successful in Hollywood, so who is she?

At this stage, she just wants to see what the style of Asian actors that Hollywood likes is like.

See it, understand it, get the audition role, and then think about other things.

I was bragging to my husband on the phone about becoming popular one year, winning an Oscar in two years, and being named on the Walk of Fame in three years. That was all a joke. The truth is, she regarded coming to Hollywood to act as an achievement...like playing a game.

Hollywood is Karazhan.

As a newbie, it was easy to find a team whose requirements for joining were not "start a group in Karazhan and graduate in Karazhan". She quickly completed the customs clearance achievement. After returning to China, our sisters' faces will be bright, right?

So, even if I think RAIN’s acting is awkward.

That black actress is so ugly...

But she still fast forwarded to finish reading.

She didn't remember the plot at all, but after watching it, she thought carefully about some of the movies she had seen in the past two or three days that had Asian faces in them.

After probably figuring out their standards for selecting Asian actors...

I glanced at the time and found that it was almost 8 o'clock.

An hour and a half before her audition, she walked out of the room again.

This time, she went to the gym.

After arriving at the gym, I got on the treadmill directly.

not much.

15 minutes.

After running for fifteen minutes at a pace of 12 kilometers an hour, she got off the treadmill panting.

At 8:30, the sound of water in the bathroom stopped.

At 8:50, after blow-drying her hair and putting on very light makeup, she walked out of the room wearing a pair of sunglasses, a T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers.

The time to get downstairs is 9 o'clock.

Sun Ting was already waiting in the hall. When she saw Yang Mi, she quickly walked over with her bag:



Yang Mi nodded, took off her sunglasses and asked:

"How am I doing?"

Sun Ting looked at her energetic face, which was obviously different from other people who had just gotten up in the morning, and said sincerely:

"It couldn't be more perfect."

Hearing this, Yang Mi smiled slightly.

He put on his sunglasses again, held the sports bottle in his hand, and walked out directly with Sun Ting.

Go out and turn left.

There is no need to ride in a vehicle at all, as the audition location "Terminix Pest Control" is right next to the Hilton.

It is a business office building.

The two sides are next to each other.

This is why she doesn't live in Beverly, but in the Hilton.

There is only one street between the two sides.

"Sister, do you want some coffee?"

Sun Ting asked as she looked at the coffee shop under the office building.

"No need. Give me the information."

Upon hearing this, Sun Ting quickly handed over the actor information in the bag.

Just listen to Yang Mi say:

"You still need to practice your English. If something happens to the company in the future and you need to go abroad, you won't be blinded."

"Yes, I know."

"I'll follow you up to see what's going on in a moment. If nothing happens, just go back to the hotel and bring Nuannuan and Yangyang. I can also come here by myself. The main thing is to watch the children and pay attention to safety. There are a lot of cars here... "


"...Well, this is it. Let's go up."

While the two were talking, they had already arrived at the office building and saw the signboard in the office building.

"Audition for "Sea of ​​Silence", 20th floor."

Yang Mi took Sun Ting and several office workers into the elevator.

After arriving on the 20th floor, following the guidance of the sign, the two turned a corner and saw a poster at the end of the corridor.

On the poster photo is an artistic photo of a middle-aged foreigner who looks a little fat and wears glasses.

Yang Mi had no impression of this person at all.

But I saw a line of text under the poster.

She blinked and subconsciously translated:

"Jile...Guillermo del Toro's personal studio...Tingting, find out who this Guillermo del Toro is."


Sun Ting quickly took out her mobile phone, took a photo of this line of text, and continued to follow Yang Mi inside.

Not far away is the end of the sign.

It says: "Actors submit information and receive audition forms at the front desk."

Seeing this, Yang Mi took the information and pushed open the glass door. She looked at the two big girls at the front desk and said directly:

"Hello, I received an audition invitation to audition for the role of "Sea of ​​Silence"."

The receptionist was very polite. After checking Yang Mi's name, he handed her a number plate.

Yang Mi looked a little speechless.


In other words, she was the first to come and line up.

After receiving the number, the staff pointed inside:

"Just go and wait outside."

"Okay, thank you. Is it outside the door?"

"Yes, there are seats in the corridor where you turn right when you go out. Someone will call your number soon."


Yang Mi took Sun Ting out, turned right, and saw a row of benches on both sides of the corridor.

She was stunned for a moment, then suddenly laughed:


Sun Ting, who was checking information, subconsciously raised her head:



Yang Mi shook her head in a funny way and sat directly on the head position.

There was a dazed look in his eyes.

It's been...a long time.

Before she met her husband, she would do this almost every year under the arrangement of the company, sometimes even doing two sets in the morning and two in the afternoon.

Three or four runs a day.

But since she met her husband, her career has soared. This experience of sitting in the corridor waiting for auditions... has never happened again.

At this moment, I really have some memories and trance.

At this time, Sun Ting found the information and handed over the phone:

"Sister, he is quite famous."


Yang Mi looked at the movies shot by the director named Guillermo del Toro on her mobile phone.

She has watched the two movies "Blade 2" and "Hellboy".

The rest are not impressive.


"Pan's Labyrinth?"

When she saw the name of the movie, she was suddenly stunned.

After thinking about it, I took out my mobile phone and started searching.

Keywords: "The 60th Cannes International Film Festival" (Note 1)

After opening it, I scrolled down directly and found the shortlist on the encyclopedia.

In the main competition section, the name of this movie is clearly listed.

And it is the Palme d'Or in the main competition unit.

Unfortunately, it’s a nomination.

The best film of that year was Christian Mongi's "April, Three Weeks and Two Days."

The Camera d'Or went to "The Secret That Cannot Be Told".


So... are we all still acquaintances?

Yang Mi raised her eyebrows.

It's just a pity... She has no impression of this person at all.

Then, she scanned the encyclopedia information for the 60th Cannes Film Festival, and the dazed look in her eyes became more intense.



"You said...am I getting old?"


Sun Ting was speechless for a while.

I think you have a convulsion?

How old are you? He is considered to be 26 years old.

Where did the emotion come from?

But Yang Mi still looked sad:

"I always feel like... a lot of things have happened in these years. It was only four years ago that I went to Cannes to accept the award on behalf of your brother Xu. But now when I see an acquaintance... I have no impression at all. Tsk tsk... I'm old. ah."


Sun Ting was speechless.

I didn’t know what to say for a moment.

Just then, her phone rang.

Yang Mi took a look and said:

"Go back, Nuannuan is starting to make trouble."

"Uh... Okay, sister, tell me when you're done, and I'll pick you up?"

"No, I'll walk back by myself. Go ahead and take care of Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang."

"Mmm Good."

Sun Ting nodded and left directly.

After she left, Yang Mi stopped looking at her phone. Instead, she sat on the square stool that was not very comfortable and closed her eyes in deep thought.

Start maintaining your own inner purity.

Until I heard a sound of footsteps.

Turning around, I saw a very strange Asian girl walking over. Yang Mi looked at her, and she looked at Yang Mi.

Neither of them seemed to know each other.

In the end, Yang Mi nodded politely to her as a greeting.

After the girl responded, she sat directly away from her.

The arrival of this girl was like a beginning. One after another, Asian faces began to appear.

Yang Mi didn't care, she just sat on the chair and continued to relax with her eyes closed.

Until...she realized that someone had been looking at her.

Open your eyes and turn your head.

Then he met an equally unfamiliar face.

do not know.

never seen it.

When Yang Mi was thinking about it, she suddenly heard the other party say:

"Why don't you just let it go?"


Yang Mi was stunned.

The other party showed a surprised smile and said to her in English:

"Are you Yang Mi, director Xu Xin's wife?"

Yang Mi nodded subconsciously.

"you are?"

"First meeting, I am Kikuchi Rinko. Director Xu Xin and I met at the Venice Film Festival."


How to translate Kikuchi Rinko? Yang Mi doesn’t know yet.


Does this person know her husband?

And at this moment, the other party took the initiative to say:

"Nihuo~I'm~Kikuchi~Rinzi~nice to meet you~please~take your care~"


Yang Mi was really confused now.

(Note 1: "Pan's Labyrinth" is actually from the 59th edition, that is, 2006. I have made changes here. In addition, it is the first update today. I have backache and I just came back from a massage in the afternoon.)

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