I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 782 779 It’s your turn to fly

Chapter 782 779. It’s your turn to fly

"Okay, call it a day. You've worked hard."

After checking the footage again and making sure that all aspects met his expectations, Xu Xin said to everyone on the crew.

The director spoke, and the crew finally got a break after a busy day.

At this time, Li Haiping found Xu Xin:

"Director Xu, there will be strong winds tomorrow morning, and Nanma is almost here."

"Then take a rest for the morning and check the situation. Then we will report it to the group."


After making arrangements to check the weather tomorrow, Xu Xin took the warm towel from Su Meng's hand and wiped his face.

Much more comfortable.

I checked the time and found that it was almost 10 o'clock, so I walked out of the shooting scene and got in the car.

"Ding ding dong dong~"

He sent a video to Yang Mi.

The video was quickly connected. Xu Xin looked at her face on her back with the phone held high, and asked:



"How was the audition?"

"It's a monster movie, I guess...maybe Godzilla."

"Yo? That's really a blockbuster movie."

"Yeah, but this kind of blockbusters are basically made up of humans, so there is no in-depth audition footage. They just performed a scene and then let me leave. I plan to stay here for another three to five days, etc. How about returning the message?"

"Okay. Let's just treat it like a vacation... If you find it uncomfortable to stay in a hotel, buy a house. It depends on whether you buy a high-rise apartment or something like Beverly Hills. One or two hundred million is enough. Already..."

He seemed to be talking about one or two thousand yuan.

But in fact, he really has the confidence.

In the past few years, the two of them have basically made one or two billion in income each year from their own businesses alone. In addition, they don't have much expenses, so they have saved quite a lot of money.

If the money is not spent, isn’t it just like waste paper?

After hearing this, Yang Mi responded indifferently:

"Well, let's talk about it then. How are you today?"

"Still going well."

Speaking of his movie, Xu Xin’s face began to light up under the reading light in the car:

"The weather has been a great help to me. It's windy and rainy, and their chemical reactions are pretty good, so they shot very quickly. I've been working hard in the past few days, taking advantage of the time before and after Nan Madu landed and passed through the border. After I finished filming, the rest of the shots were simple. However, after all, typhoons are also natural disasters. Although I can't stop them, I still took advantage of them. I told Shishi today, and I said that when the typhoon passes, it will definitely happen. If it causes losses, I plan to donate three to five million in the name of the crew..."

Yang Mi held her own colorful juice cup and nodded while drinking:

"Well, I have to donate some. Just for peace of mind~"

"Where are Lao Wang and the others?"

"I don't know, maybe we're going to talk about something, right? The ratings for the premiere of "The Voice" have declined a bit this time. Some time ago, Wanda evaluated the report that this season of "The Voice" may be the last year of golden bonus. This is confirmed. . He has been contacting various copyright holders these days, very busy. As for being too specific, I didn’t ask... you can chat on WeChat. By the way, what are you going to do with Lao Xu’s movie? Do you want to leave the factory? inside?"

She was talking about Xu Haofeng's "Trace of the Japanese Pirates".

This film was shortlisted for the "Horizon Section" of this year's Venice Film Festival.

Lao Xu's shooting speed is quite fast. Not long after spring started at the beginning of this year, the entire movie was completed and moved into post-production.

Although the quality of the finished film is unknown with a cost of 4 million, it was at least shortlisted for the "Horizon Unit", which is considered excellent.

After Xu Xin thought for a while, he said:

"Just go against the wind. The factory is not involved, so there is no point in moving here."

"Okay. What about you and Xu Zhi and the others?"

"Tell me, I'm filming a movie and I don't want to be distracted."


The two picked up "Trace of the Japanese Pirates" and chatted for a while. Soon, Su Meng, who had finished cleaning up, also got in the car.

Xu Xin then said:

"Then I won't talk to you anymore. We'll talk about it when we get back."


"Take care of the children..."

Since he became a father, he and his wife have always been worried about the safety of their children when they were talking to each other.

I also gradually understand that no matter where I went when I was a child, the old man would always feel uneasy about confessing to himself after he found out...

Now that I think about it, it really echoes the old saying:

"When a son travels a thousand miles, his mother worries, but when his mother travels a thousand miles, his son doesn't worry."


August came to an end without any disturbance, and ended in Xu Xin's sweet dream.

September 1st.

The crew stopped working.

Nan Madu landed.

Although Xiamen is not the main landing place, as a northerner, he experienced for the first time what a real typhoon passes through.

can only say……

The wind is really strong, damn!

Blowing and whirring~

Fortunately, the wind only lasted for one day and began to decrease on the 2nd.

So, catching up with this, the crew restarted work and continued to shoot scenes on rainy days.

The director's goals are clear, the crew's work is detailed, and the actors are in good condition. Three chemical reactions gave rise to the extremely fast shooting speed of "Scorching Sun".

Coupled with some small "overtime work", finally, on the 5th, 90% of the crew's rainy day scenes were completed.

The remaining 10%...then we have to wait for the next rainy day.

On the night of the end of work on the 5th, in Xu Xin's room, he, Li Haiping, Xue Yong, and several people from the drama team sat together for a meeting.

It's actually almost 11 o'clock now, almost 12 o'clock.

But everyone just came back from work.

Moreover, the crew decided to take a break tomorrow. After all, the shooting intensity during this period has been quite high, and now that the typhoon day has ended, tomorrow will be a sunny day with more than 30 degrees, so it is time to take a rest.

While the crew was resting, as a director, he had to arrange follow-up work.

Let's just deal with it together today and let everyone have a good sleep.

"Next, we will immediately start filming the scene of the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, where the tail is examined physically. This scene cannot be delayed, otherwise during the Golden Week, there will be more people and it will be even more difficult to handle. So I plan to start filming first. What do you think of the scenes here?"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Xue Yong, who had just covered his mouth and yawned, nodded quickly:

"No problem. I have been to the hospital several times in the past few days and have communicated with their leaders. They were very willing to cooperate with the greetings from the city. I left two people to observe their flow of people during peak hours. The schedule has been given... But this involves a situation, that is, there are too many children there. Director Xu, the few scenes we are going to shoot are all in the outpatient department. Considering the complex environment of the shooting scene, I considered Should we discuss with the hospital leaders to clear half of the corridor and find some extras..."

"Absolutely not."

Before he finished speaking, Xu Xin shook his head firmly:

"This doesn't make sense. Everyone will definitely not come to the hospital if they have nothing to do. They definitely come to the hospital to see a doctor. First of all, we can't hinder others from seeing a doctor. Even filming must not disturb any doctors or patients as much as possible. This is unacceptable. discuss."

"I'm afraid there will be too many people watching...Mainly, Shishi will have to pat her tail in front of the hospital to check the results..."

"We will make adjustments on the spot depending on the situation. In short, our aim is to go to the hospital with a humble and apologetic attitude. This must be notified to everyone on the crew, even the temporary security personnel. , tell them that this is a death order. When a child is sick and his parents take him to see a doctor, he or she is in a bad mood. We must be more cautious in this regard and cannot conflict with anyone. This is a death order!"

Seeing that Xu Xin was serious about what he said, several people nodded in unison.

At this time, Xu Xin's phone suddenly rang.

He took a look at the caller and found out it was Yang Mi, so he hung up the WeChat voice call.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"We can prepare a batch of condolences. Then we can distribute them to the family members of these patients. What do you think? They are the kind of gifts for visiting patients, so as not to hit the smiling person. Send out the condolences and ask for your cooperation... It doesn’t cost much. But it can express our attitude..."

"This is okay, milk, bread, etc..."

"Yes, but the date of the milk must be chosen correctly. Brother Yong, you are responsible for this matter. The date and brand must be guaranteed."


Several people talked and talked about all the things that need to be paid attention to when going to the hospital for filming. It was already past 12 o'clock.

Everyone started to yawn.

Seeing this, Xu Xin said:

"That's it for today, the meeting is over. Everyone go back and have a good rest. When you wake up, you can put everything in place."

"Okay, Director Xu."

A group of people left his room one after another.

Xu Xin also breathed a sigh of relief, picked up the phone and called his wife back.

After a ding-ding-dong-dong sound, he looked at his wife in front of the screen and said:

"Hey, I just finished my work."

"I know……"

Yang Mi seemed to be in a good mood and smiling.

Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"Yo? Are you in such a good mood?"

After speaking, he subconsciously asked:



Seeing that her husband seemed to have guessed it, she nodded vigorously and said with a smile:

"I just received a call and I passed!"

Xu Xin was stunned...

"Which round... passed? Was it selected directly or something?"

"No, it's the final audition spot! And I just got the specific news about the script!"

"Final audition?"

"Yes, there are still two rounds of re-examinations, but I don't need to go and wait until the final audition on the 20th!"

Her excitement was directly transmitted to Xu Xin through her tone and mobile phone screen:

"Guess what my role is!"

After saying that, Xu Xin didn’t need to guess, she said directly:

"She's the heroine!!! Ah!! The heroine of a Hollywood blockbuster!!!"


This time it was Xu Xin's turn to be speechless.

The first reaction was absurd.

But the second reaction is...

"It won't be the same movie as the one you mentioned two days ago... Ninja Master, right? The kind that was made just for the Asian market?"

"Well...I don't know about this. Anyway, they called me and told me about the movie. They told me that I had entered the final audition, and the role I auditioned for was the heroine of the movie. But The specific information about the heroine is not clear yet. And no audition clips have been revealed. It seems that we have to go to the scene and perform it on the spot... But, it is indeed the heroine! Yeah!!!"

Seeing her cheering look, Xu Xin asked subconsciously:

"How much does it cost to produce? Do you know?"

"do not know either……"


Xu Xinxin said there is something wrong with Hollywood, right?

Persecution paranoia?

Don't tell me this, don't tell me that.

Crazy? This is not it.

While thinking about it, Yang Mi said:

"Then what do you mean, should I go back to China during this period? Or should I continue to stay here? Anyway, there's still half a month left. How about I go back to China and take the kids with you for a few days... Oh, right, no, you're going to Italy soon. ”

When this was mentioned, Xu Xin, who was initially a little distracted, calmed down.

He sighed helplessly:

"Oh...then just stay over there. Do you have any more specific news? For example, when will the filming start?"

"No. I guess I won't say anything until the actors are finalized. After all, they didn't even give me a basic outline."

“…crazy Hollywood.”

He rolled his eyes angrily, but there was nothing he could do.

He could only say:

"Then are you still considering staying in a hotel? Or?"

"I'll live there first. If I can be selected, I will get the specific shooting plan. It depends on where the shooting is...but this kind of film will definitely be more in the studio. I will look at the houses in Los Angeles then. , what do you think?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end he just nodded and said:

"Okay, then you can make arrangements. I'll finish the movie as soon as possible. How about that?"

"Hey, okay~"

Looking at his wife's smiling face, Xu Xin knew that she must be very excited at the moment.

I originally wanted to chat with her for a while, but Yang Mi seemed to have realized the jet lag on her own and said:

"what is the time in your zone?"

"It's past 12 o'clock."

"Then you should rest quickly. Will we talk tomorrow?"

"Okay, take care of the kids."

"Well, good night, boo boo boo..."

Amidst the sound of kissing, the two hung up the video call.

After hanging up the phone, he walked into the bedroom and planned to take a shower and rest.

Hot water poured down from the top of my head.

He closed his eyes and his brain began to spin rapidly.

In fact, he just wanted to say it.

As long as the filming of my movie is fast, it may be finished in October. After the filming of the film is completed, the post-production work is also the bulk of the work.

If my wife can really be selected, she will definitely go to film.

When the time comes, the job of taking care of the baby will definitely fall on you.

But what should I do with my own movie?

However, this idea had just arisen before he was killed by him.

He knew how much Yang Mi had sacrificed in their relationship.

For her career, she really rarely lets herself worry about trivial matters at home. And now...she has a chance to get the leading role in a Hollywood movie.

This kind of thing has extraordinary significance to actors.

And you can't be too selfish.

This time, it was his turn to support his wife.

Never mind the quality of the movie.

In the past, it was you who supported me silently.

And this time...you want to fly.

Then go ahead and fly.

He thought in the warm water.

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