I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 783 780 Eight Sides

Chapter 783 780.Eight sides

At the entrance of the outpatient building of Xiamen Maternal and Child Health Hospital, three cargo vans occupied three ambulance parking spaces. There were about twenty or thirty people unloading the cargo one by one at the back door of the vehicle.

A banner was pulled up in front of the front of the car, which read:

"The crew of [Scorching Sun] expresses their sincere condolences to the patients at Xiamen Maternal and Child Health Hospital and wish everyone a speedy recovery."

"Director Xu, Dean Chen, look here...hey, okay..."

There was a click.

The photo of Xu Xin and Director Chen of the health center standing at the banner was captured in the camera.

After taking the photo, Xu Xin stretched out his hands again and held them together:

"Dean Chen, I have caused trouble to your hospital's work. We will finish the filming as soon as possible. Thank you again for your hospital's full cooperation."

Hearing this, Dean Chen smiled and nodded:

"On behalf of the doctors and patients in our hospital, I would like to thank our crew of "The Heart of the Sun" for their loving condolences. It's been a huge expense..."

"Where, where..."

Xu Xin quickly said politely.

Then he turned around and glanced at the three trucks, which were almost unloaded, and said:

"This is a gift for the patients. In the afternoon, we will also buy some gifts for the doctors. They are some fruits and foot bath buckets. The gifts are not expensive, but they are also our thoughts."

"Director Xu is too polite..."

In a friendly and peaceful atmosphere, the photo session ended.

Soon, the three vans left the hospital area, leaving behind a bunch of panting crew members.

In fact, Xu Xin also knew that he was a bit too polite.

He came to film here because the XM City agreed and asked the Maternal and Child Health Hospital to cooperate. This kind of condolences and expenses are simply unnecessary.

But...how to say this kind of thing.

Xu Xin felt that the ten thousand yuan was well spent.

Not for anything else, just for a good reputation.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

Although he thinks he is not a great director now, he has to start to cherish his feathers a little bit.

The director's feather is the reputation among the audience, or the masses.

Hundreds of thousands is nothing for a movie, but it can buy peace of mind.

In these three boxes, one contains milk, one contains bread, and one contains mineral water.

They are all used for distribution in the afternoon.

When a patient comes, he can just come and receive it without registering.

Just leave immediately after receiving it.

The remaining milk and bread are used to lovingly visit some hospital wards.

The reason for doing this is to tell everyone that I will be filming in the clinic in the afternoon. If you drink our water, please cooperate. If there is anything we can't take care of, please forgive me.

Reciprocity is a courtesy.

After the cargo was unloaded, Xu Xin said to Xue Yong:

"That's almost it. Let's start setting up the aircraft."


Xue Yong nodded and picked up the walkie-talkie:

"Start setting up the camera and prepare the actors."

Everyone in the entire crew started to be busy again like worker ants.

In the corner of the clinic, Xu Xin put on headphones and whispered into the microphone:

"Hey, all departments have received it, please answer."

"Photography received."

"Radio received..."

After a series of responses, Xu Xin said again into the earphone:

"I've finished emphasizing what needs to be emphasized. In one sentence, no one is allowed to interfere with patients' medical treatment in any form. Violators will be fired from the crew. Even if the patient or the patient's family accidentally enters the play, it cannot be stopped. All actors, listen up, The time has come to test your on-the-spot performance. After a while, there will be many patients and family members walking around you, and the camera will always be at a high position to capture your expressions. The rest is up to you...work harder, we will finish the filming as soon as possible and then move on Go to the ward for filming. Do you understand?"


After getting the response, Xu Xin sat next to the monitor, looked at the high-mounted seats and the number of outpatients who were not too many, and said directly:

"All departments should prepare."

This scene was filmed when Xin Xiaofeng, Yang Zidao and Yi Guchun/Xia brother and sister met in the hospital.

At this time, Tai Wei had been diagnosed with congenital heart disease. If he did not undergo surgery within a year, he might die.

Yang Zidao and Xin Xiaofeng came to treat Wei Wei as a hospital, and met Yi Guchun and Yi Guxia. Moreover, Yi Guchun happened to receive a case where someone jumped off a building, and he was also looking for Xin Xiaofeng.

The two groups of people met in the corridor of the hospital.

This scene may seem simple, but it is actually a very important turning point in the script.

Yi Guchun recognized Yang Zidao as the taxi driver he met who parked his car in the middle of the road when it rained heavily that day.

Yang Zidao also recognized Yi Guchun as the policeman that day.

As for Yi Guxia, after seeing Yang Zidao, her eyes were full of joy and intimacy.

Xin Xiaofeng is the one who is responsible for introducing the two sides and pulling the strings.

In this scene of four people, everyone has a role that they need to play. No matter whether they are men or women, no matter who they are, they must express their psychological activities in less than a minute.

While expressing, except for Iguka, the other three people had to express two mental states at the same time.

It's quite difficult.

However, Xu Xin, who has seen the tacit understanding between these people, is not worried.

As long as there are no problems with the audience, that's fine.


All departments are ready.

The stage manager has also notified every room in this corridor.

The crew is getting ready to start filming.

Xu Xin wore headphones and sat in front of the monitor. The monitor screen showed Li Pingdong personally carrying the camera to take the shots.

His pace was steady, and there was almost no bump in the screen.

After filming the scene where the two sides met in the sky, the four people gathered together.

"Three, two, one...start."

Following Xu Xin's words, Li Pingdong's camera instantly focused on Duan Yihong and Liu Zhishi.

With the blurred backs of Zhang Yi and Wang Qianyuan, Duan Yihong helped Liu Zhishi, who was holding his stomach and looking in pain, to move forward.

It wasn't until he saw the two people in front of him that he stopped.

He stopped and Liu Zhishi gave him a painful look:

"Let's go, eh..."

As she said that, she saw Duan Yihong looking forward and subconsciously raised her head.

When he saw Wang Qianyuan, his originally painful expression became brighter in an instant.


From the pained look of holding her stomach, to her widened eyes, shouting, and unconsciously straightening up and running forward, her expression was almost all in one go.

Moreover, when he let go of Duan Yihong, he threw his arm back.

Looking at it, Xu Xin couldn't help but smile.

Good guy.

I really forget my relatives when I have a lover.

That little move of asking a man not to be a brother...it's so natural.

The chemistry between these two is really good.

They really look no different from siblings.

Not to mention that in private, Liu Zhishi also calls him "brother" and Duan Yihong calls him "sister".

The relationship is called a harmonious relationship.

Quickly arriving at Wang Qianyuan's side, she gently pushed his arm:

"Hey, old man, why are you here?"

At this time, two nurses came out pushing a patient lying on the bed.

After Duan Yihong heard the sound of the roller, he turned his head and took a look.

If this was taken normally, it would definitely be an emergency.

But the director had just explained the situation to the four of them, so he didn't panic.

The hospital bed was right behind him, but he walked forward step by step.

As he walked, he nodded to Xin Xiaofeng as a greeting.

It was at this moment that Liu Zhishi also turned his head and saw the hospital bed.

Xu Xin didn't ask too much about who should do what at what time, leaving everything to the actors themselves.

After Liu Zhishi saw the hospital bed heading this way, he took a step back and stretched out his hand:


When Duan Yihong saw this, he also stretched out his hand. She pulled him directly in front of Wang Qianyuan and Zhang Yi.

"This is the brother I'm telling you about~"

She said these words the moment she pulled Duan Yihong.

Duan Yihong's cooperation is also natural.

When he came to his sister, he naturally took Liu Zhishi aside.

At the same time, Wang Qianyuan also moved to the left.

Four people made room for the hospital bed.

However, in the picture on Li Pingdong's side, Wang Qianyuan's shoulder appeared, blocking the camera.

But in just an instant, Li Pingdong moved the camera to the left as well. The camera went over Wang Qianyuan's shoulder and once again captured Duan Yihong's front face and Liu Zhishi's side face.

When he holds the lens in his hand, he habitually adjusts the focus of the picture.

So this move only caused the screen to blur for a moment, and it was quickly adjusted back.

If you don't pay close attention, you won't notice it at all.

From the camera shots to the tacit understanding of the four people to let go of the hospital bed pushed away by the nurse and continue filming, both the actors and the photographers had a perfect tacit understanding.

Naturally, through his own positioning and photography techniques, it turned into an... extremely natural and real meeting shot.

Looking at it, Xu Xin put down the walkie-talkie that he originally picked up.



completely fine.

Keep shooting.

This scene mainly captures the scenes of Liu Zhishi and Duan Yihong.

Then I have to do it again according to the script and capture the shots of Zhang Yi and Wang Qianyuan.

So there was no pause at all.

From the time he was pulled by Liu Zhishi to when he took Liu Zhishi to escape, Duan Yihong's eyes had been staring at Wang Qianyuan.

There is really nothing wrong with his performance as Iguchun.

Those eyes are not sharp, but as long as you see them, you will have the illusion that they are looking at you.

From the initial stare to when he recognized "Brother", there was a slight floating head twist.

From "examination" to "examination after recognition".

The performance was so natural.

Accompanied by Liu Zhishi's joyful and intimate "This is the brother I told you, the brother who chases the robbers."

His expression moved with the girl's lines and with time.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Yi introduced:

"My brother...this is our leader~"

Wang Qianyuan, with his back to the camera, said hello:


At this time, Duan Yihong's eyes full of scrutiny quickly revealed a smile.

There was a smile on his face, but his eyes still showed no change in scrutiny.

He glanced at the other person's whole body and said:

"The injury healed so quickly?"


Wang Qianyuan's somewhat embarrassed voice sounded.

Liu Zhishi's face showed a hint of concern:

"Eh? That's right. How did you get better so quickly?"

When she was speaking, Wang Qianyuan's back in the camera turned his head clearly and looked at Liu Zhishi.

And with this turn of his head, the smile on Duan Yihong's face disappeared again.

Instead there is a...

It's not really doubtful, but it can be seen that he sensed something "off".

And this emotion just emerged, Liu Zhishi said:


She didn't get a response from Wang Qianyuan and continued to express doubts in her voice.

And...it also has a hint of coquettishness.

It was at this moment that the strangeness on Duan Yihong's face turned into a... like beating a mandarin duck with a stick.

Turning his head, he looked at Liu Zhishi with an unhappy expression:

"Hey! It doesn't hurt anymore, does it?"

In the picture, Liu Zhishi, who was smiling like a flower, immediately pouted, covered her stomach, and arched her waist again.

And Wang Qianyuan's dry laughter came from Xu Xin's headphones.

Like a mouse seeing a cat, Liu Zhishi quickly acted coquettishly and said:

"It hurts~~~"

I'm telling you, take a taxi back, do you hear me? "


The younger sister looked at her older brother with disbelief on her face.

It's like saying: "Are you still human?"

But Duan Yihong glanced at Wang Qianyuan again, then turned to Zhang Yi and said:

"You come with me, there's someone jumping off the building over there... You can take a taxi and go."

"Let...Adao deliver it."

After finishing speaking, Liu Zhishi's eyes immediately looked at Wang Qianyuan.

Xu Xin's goosebumps appeared.

He was 100% intuitively sure that Liu Zhishi's look was something he learned from his wife.

Because... they are exactly the same.

They are all the kind of eyes that can make you look hairy.

All of a sudden, the appearance of a young girl's pregnant woman was brought to life!

When she looked at Wang Qianyuan with a smile, Duan Yihong also looked at him, and a smile appeared on his face again.

"Then...thank you."

After thanking Wang Qianyuan and patting Wang Qianyuan on the shoulder, he then said to Xin Xiaofeng:

"Let's go."

The two of them turned around together and quickly walked out of the screen.

Liu Zhishi was left looking at Wang Qianyuan with burning eyes.

"OK, okay."

Xu Xin didn't hesitate and immediately announced that the scene was over.

"Next game."

The actor quickly returned to his original position.

Only this time, Li Pingdong's camera showed Wang Qianyuan and Zhang Yi's faces.

And the handling of these two people could not be more perfect.

When Yi Guchun recognized Yang Zidao.

Yang Zidao also recognized him.

His dry smile was not the shyness of his first love, but a way to hide his inner panic with a smile.

Xin Xiaofeng, played by Zhang Yi, is like a mouse meeting a cat.

He didn't know when he had a natural fear of Yi Guchun, but this fear had to be hidden by "nothing happened".

This scene is just a collision between four people.

But in fact, Xu Xin saw 8 faces.

The first face shows the pain of Liu Zhishi being tortured by stomachache, and the rebellion that comes with obeying his brother's advice.

The second face was when Liu Zhishi looked at the "old man" Yang Zidao, the love he tried hard to hide but couldn't hide.

The third face is Duan Yihong's intuition as a policeman. After noticing that Xin Xiaofeng had a problem, he began to doubt and examine Yang Zidao's doubts.

The fourth face is one of suspicion, but at the same time, it cannot alert the snake. It can only pretend to be calm, so as not to let my sister, Xin Xiaofeng, and Yang Zidao notice.

The fifth face was when Yang Zidao faced Yi Guchun and recognized him as the policeman who realized something was wrong with him when he was robbed that night. Trying to hide it when knowing that the other person has a keen insight.

The sixth face is that of a hungry person who dares not see the light but is extremely eager for it when facing Iguka, with the joy of a moth flying into a flame.

The seventh face is when Xin Xiaofeng sees Yi Guchun, the mouse has the same instinct to avoid and fear when it sees a cat.

The eighth face shows the worry that appeared in their eyes when they looked at Yang Zidao...

A scene is full of faces on the surface and emotions behind the scenes.

Each one demonstrates a strong individual complexity of the character.

And the kind of doubt and panic that this complexity brings to moviegoers.

It's absolutely perfect.

Xu Xin looked at it with emotion in his eyes.

The chemistry between these people... is truly amazing.

Originally, he was worried that these people would not be able to grasp their emotions well and might have to shoot several times.

Not to mention the on-site environment is so complicated.

But... it turns out that actors with rich acting experience only need clear direction from the director, and they can bring back rich results to reward themselves.

They performed really well.

He was so good that he even took it for granted to complete such a high-standard scene.

Tsk tsk...

With some emotion, he watched the two scenes again.

The more I watch, the more satisfied I become.

Even Liu Zhishi, who was most worried before filming started, expressed it so perfectly...


When the movie is released, those who have been criticizing Liu Zhishi's acting... are afraid they will be slapped in the face.

"The performance is good, but we still need to shoot a few more close-ups. Director Li, I want everyone to give a profile description..."

The performance was perfect.


Still keep improving!

The crew spent a whole day in the Maternal and Child Health Hospital, completing the scenes for four people in the morning and the scene in the ward in the afternoon.

Finally, we hurried under the sunset to complete the last scene of the script, which is the scene where Igichun helps Taichi check the bone age, and finally learns that Taitail is the child of the girl who was involved in the murder case.

At this moment, the crew is at the entrance of the examination center of Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

In the plot, when Iguchun found his sister standing at the door of the examination center with the test report in his hand, Iguka burst into tears after informing him of the results.

This is what's in the script.

Under Xu Xin's design, Liu Zhishi was standing at the door of the inspection center at this moment.

The setting sun in the sky just hit her face.

The soft sunset glow, paired with the girl's pure appearance, is as beautiful as a fairy.

It's already past 5 o'clock.

The testing center works normally from 9 to 5. If you need to send for testing, you have to go to the emergency department. That's why the crew got Xu Xin's permission to temporarily set up a cordon at the door to indicate that the crew wanted to use it for filming.

In an afternoon of scenes, the entire "Scorching Sun" crew didn't cause anyone any trouble.

All the audience should not be allowed in, or things like tampering with the scene were well digested by these experienced actors.

No problems occurred.

And now, it's the last one.

You can call it a day after shooting.

But there were a lot of people watching at this moment, whether they were cooking or walking, they all gathered around when they heard that a film crew was coming to film.

Xu Xin didn't chase them away, just asked the stage manager to ask everyone to keep quiet.

And with the afternoon bottle of water, milk, and bread, the audience also cooperated.

If you don't ask us to leave and let us watch together, then we can be quiet.

Quietly, he took out his cell phone and prepared to record the video.

When Li Haiping saw this, he asked Xu Xin if he wanted to stop him, but Xu Xin knew he couldn't stop him from doing this. What's more... posting these videos on Weibo is also a good publicity tool.

The premise is that Shishi can perform well...

For this reason, he specially came to Liu Zhishi:

"Is there anything you need to communicate with me or prepare for?"

Liu Zhishi was speechless and just made an "OK" gesture.

Obviously, she had been feeling emotional and didn't want to talk.

After Xu Xin saw her gesture, he stopped talking and nodded:

"Okay, I'll leave it to you, don't be nervous, come on!"

Liu Zhishi nodded slightly in response, then stood under the sunset, took a deep breath, and closed her eyes.


As the crew started filming, Liu Zhishi opened her eyes and looked inside the testing center.

No one cooperated with her in this scene.

She just needs to show the scene of breaking down and crying to the camera.

And in the first few seconds after the shooting started, she remained motionless.

Xu Xin didn’t rush him either.

Know she's brewing.

And about five or six seconds later, her performance made everyone watching dumbfounded.

One second ago, these onlookers were still sighing.

After all, Xin is a star, she looks so beautiful...

The next second, Liu Zhishi suddenly grinned at the camera, with a look of pain on her entire face.

Big tears fell from his eyes and began to fall.

Just...cryed out.

But it really shocked a lot of people.

This face... changes at will.

Just cry?

It was obviously fine a second ago.

Are you crying now?

Under the setting sun, her tears shone with crystal texture, falling down her face like meteor showers one by one.

When she learned that the tail's bone age was 7 years old, she collapsed.

Under the sunset.

That innocent and simple girl who dares to love and hate, dares to fight and fight, is persistent but also somewhat childlike...


Also grown up.

Just like the afterglow of the setting sun.

The sunset is infinitely beautiful, but it’s almost dusk.

The person she likes and loves is like the sunset.

In this last ray of light, it moves towards darkness.

Calm darkness.

"OK, passed."

In front of the monitor, Xu Xin nodded.

Eyes full of recognition.

Shishi, well done.

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