I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 794 791 Good response

Chapter 794 791. Good response

Lang Lang’s request is to finish writing the preface before November.

Anyway, the draft of his book has been finalized, and printing will begin after Xu Xin writes the preface. Then publish it in time for Christmas.

So don't rush for the moment... there's no point in rushing.

Xu Xin is not a liberal arts champion either.

Writing a preface to a world-class pianist's autobiography...he really had to think twice about it.

It rained until about 2 o'clock in the afternoon.

Starting around 2 o'clock, the rain stopped, and with a gust of wind blowing from nowhere, the whole sky cleared up.

The blue one is very clean.

"Dong dong dong."

After Su Meng heard the knock on the door, she got up and went to open the door. She saw Li Haiping at the door and said hello politely:

"Director Li."

"Yeah, Mengmeng."

Li Haiping nodded in greeting, and after walking into the room, he saw Xu Xin standing on the balcony of the room.

"Director Xu."

"Hey, Director Li."

Xu Xin responded, and Li Haiping walked to him and said:

"The rain has stopped. Do we have the same arrangements for today? Or should we temporarily change the scene between Zhang Songwen and Zhang Yi?"


Xu Xin said nothing.

Instead, he continued to look at the coastline ahead.

Needless to say, the location of the Hyatt Regency Hotel is enough to please travelers here, both in terms of scenery and supporting facilities such as mattresses and bedding.

At this moment, he looked at the still slightly black sea water and suddenly said to Li Haiping:

"Director Li, the sunshine is beautiful, what do you think?"


Li Haiping glanced in the direction of the sea.


The sky is clear blue, and the transparent blue extends to the end of the sky and the sea.

At the end, there is still a layer of billowing white clouds that have not yet completely left.

The sun shines on the clouds, and the somewhat dark sea water forms a... very unique landscape.

It is different from the blue water and transparent blue sky that the world thinks.

But it’s extremely pleasing to the eye.

So, he nodded:

"Well, the scenery here is really good."

Hearing this, Xu Xin did not answer, but glanced at the time on his watch.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"I think in about three hours, at five or six o'clock, if the clouds don't disperse and the sunset mixes with it... today's sunset will be particularly beautiful..."


Li Haiping couldn't guess what he wanted to say, so he could only listen quietly.

Xu Xin squinted his eyes for a while and then said:

"Director Li, told Shishi to get her ready. To shoot her nude scene today, the crew went directly to our construction site and quickly set up the scene. This weather... we can't miss it."


Although he temporarily changed the shooting plan, Li Haiping did not have any surprises.

In the crew, it must be what the director says.

So, after he responded, he took out his mobile phone and quickly dialed a number:

"Hey, the director said that the scene between Shishi and Wang Qianyuan will be filmed today. Let's go down and let everyone get ready. Let's go and set up the scene first."

"You have to be fast! The scene must be ready for shooting before 5 p.m.!"

"Hey, Shishi, get ready. We'll film your scene with Wang Qianyuan at around five o'clock."

"Yuan'er, please prepare..."

After issuing all the orders in an orderly manner, Li Haiping asked:

"Then now..."

"Let's go directly. I'll go to the scene to communicate with Director Li and see how to shoot."


Following the director's order, the entire crew began to get busy.

Soon, special cars for the crew drove out of the hotel and headed towards the filming location.

"Director Li, I want a symbolic meaning."

"For example?"

"A shadow, look, put something on top of this container that can create a shadow... such as a broken door, or some kind of construction waste. Igu Xia is always standing in the sun, and Yang Zidao is in the shadow. At the beginning, Yi Guxia took the initiative to go into the shadows and hug Yang Zidao, but was pushed into the sunshine by Yang Zidao.

The two began to say their lines and had a conflict. Yi Guxia takes off his clothes and Yang Zidao walks out of the shadows, but it's not that he walks into the light. We want to show a... burning feeling. Yang Zidao is like a vampire. He longs for the sun, but cannot exist in the sun. It would burn him to ashes... or so it would feel. "

"Isn't it a little too deliberate?"

"Hmm... That seems to be true. It's too straightforward, but it loses the subtle color..."

"How about a close-up? I can expose the lens slightly and shoot against the sunset, so that Yang Zidao's face looks dark in the light..."

"It seems possible... let's take two pictures and see which one is better. Use the props..."

Xu Xin and Li Pingdong were discussing the shooting for a while.

In a corner of the tent where the crew temporarily set up a container work area, Liu Zhishi was also putting on makeup.

In front of her, there were several sets of brand new bra stickers, including full covers, half packs, and tube tops. Even Bundy had some just in case.

When putting on makeup, her eyes would fall on these tube tops from time to time.

Every time I look over, the blush on the tips of my ears gets darker.

Then, to "dissipate heat," she would close her eyes again and wait for them to cool down.

During this repeated tugging, the makeup artist finished the makeup and said:

"Okay, that's it."

Liu Zhishi nodded slightly in response, opened her eyes and looked at herself in the mirror...

He closed his eyes again.

She didn't get up and didn't pay attention to the noise around her.

Just sitting on the chair, in this somewhat stuffy tent, quietly brewing...

After brewing for a while, she finally opened her eyes.

"Xiao Lei, look at the door for me."

Hearing this, Bi Xiaolei nodded and walked out.

Liu Zhishi took off her T-shirt and underwear.

Then, she just looked at herself quietly.

After a while, he muttered:

"It doesn't look good..."

I don’t know what her mood was based on when she said this.

But... indeed, there was a trace of distress on her face.

Then, his eyes fell on the different types of bras on the table.

In this regard, Xu Xin gave her a lot of autonomy.

According to him, "It reaches the bottom of your collarbone at most, and no further."

She must have believed it.

But the problem is... I suddenly feel so inferior.

What if the movie is released and a group of people look at me and mutter, "Why is she so small?"



what's on your mind! ! !

She quickly shook off this ridiculous thought, and finally... with a little caution, she chose the all-inclusive package.

The whole package looks bigger.

Well, it’s decided.

You are the one!

Xu Xin sat under the tent, wearing big sunglasses, and continued to look at the picture on the monitor.

The props team is adjusting the layout of the venue according to his requirements.

After working on it for nearly an hour, the time came to almost 5 o'clock, and it finally fully met Xu Xin's expectations.

At this moment, he was tapped on the shoulder.

Turning around, he saw it was Liu Zhishi.

"If you don't prepare yourself emotionally for this scene, why are you here?"

Xu Xin said while looking her over.

Although there is a beautiful virtue called don’t look at evildoers, but...

As a director, he still noticed something "wrong" with his actors.

No...you stole steamed buns from the canteen at noon?

In other words, he wore sunglasses and hid his eyes well. Otherwise, Liu Zhishi would definitely notice his strange gaze.

Liu Zhishi, who thought he was well disguised, shrugged:

"I'm ready, don't worry."


Xu Xin said no more.

But he ignored her and continued to think about the shooting for a while.

Until Wang Qianyuan also finished his makeup and walked out.

He didn't react at all. He showed his face in front of Xu Xin. After seeing that the director had nothing to say, he went to the tent next to him and prepared to go.


Everything is arranged.

As Xu Xin's "actors were in place," Liu Zhishi and Wang Qianyuan both came to the container.

What this scene is about is that after Yi Guxia learned from Yi Guchun that Yang Zidao and Xin Xiaofeng might be a "GAY" couple, she didn't believe it and took the initiative to invite Yang Zidao to the wilderness to find out whether he was GAY or not.

In the car, the scene where the two came together has been filmed.

In this scene, Yiguxia took off her shirt and asked Yang Zidao to want her, but Yang Zidao didn't.

The two had an argument and quarrel.

Xu Xin asked the actors to take their places, and Liu Zhishi unzipped her hoodie.

Because there is a chest patch on the chest, everyone will not be cleared of the scene.

Everyone was just there watching.

And watching Liu Zhishi walking into the sun wearing a pair of denim shorts, even though she knew that she was wearing a chest patch, her smooth back still made many people have daydreams.

The sunlight hit her back, which was as smooth and delicate as the softest clouds.

It was so golden that it confused many people.

This back...

It would be a pity not to pull out a cupping cup.

As she entered, Wang Qianyuan's expression became a little strange.

From the back, she appears to be wearing nothing.

But the problem is that I am facing the front.

From the front... those two chest stickers are so eye-catching.

Although the relationship between the two of them has become very close in this scene, there are some things he wants to say, but he still can't.

It looked awkward, but the director didn't speak, so he could only endure it.

He took a deep breath and tried to adjust.



Following Xu Xin's words, Wang Qianyuan subconsciously shouted out the lines:

"Xiaoxia, you...poof..."

He rarely laughed when he saw Liu Zhishi's perfectly full emotions. He couldn't hold back and burst into laughter.


Liu Zhishi was stunned.


Xu Xin didn't take it seriously, looked at Wang Qianyuan's apologetic gesture, and said:

"Do it again."


"Xiao Xia..."



He got stuck again.

The director's request for this scene was that Yang Zidao should "actively appreciate" his eyes, instead of sitting still like the gentleman Liu Xiahui.

But the problem is...


He looked at Xu Xin as if asking for help.


Looking at his helpless look, Xu Xin asked:

"What's wrong?"


Wang Qianyuan looked at Liu Zhishi and then at Xu Xin.

In the end, he did not express his inner thoughts, but shook his head:

"Sorry, give me a few minutes."

As he spoke, he lowered his head and began to try hard to get rid of some "distracting thoughts" that he shouldn't have.

After all, Shishi's performance is very stable from beginning to end.

There's no reason for him to lose control here.

It will also have a bad reputation if word spreads about it.

So, after a few minutes of adjustment, he began to directly collide with Liu Zhishi's character after adjusting his emotions.

"Xiaoxia, don't do this."

"Let me go!"

"Xiao Xia!"

The two began to quarrel.

Yang Zidao wanted to put clothes on Yi Guxia, but Yi Guxia was as stubborn as a child.



Liu Zhishi positioned herself as a child in this scene.

Stubbornly wanting to realize his own argument through his own "shaping".

Her tone was very willful, and she didn't sound like a girl courting her, but more like a child who wanted to get a toy.

That childish persistence came over me.

When the performance started, Xu Xin's eyebrows raised slightly.

There was a hint of surprise.

Oh yo?

In his initial setting, he neglected to express it in this way.

Because in the conception, Iguka in this scene is like a moth fluttering into the flame regardless of love.

That's right.


Looking at Shishi's current performance, he found that this seemed more reasonable.

Behind the innocent and unreasonable appearance, he just wants to prove his inner right and wrong.

It has nothing to do with Yang Zidao.

I just want a result.

Surprisingly appropriate.

"OK, this one is fine."

He nodded:

"Next scene. Director Li, the camera angle of this scene is wider."

The first scene is Liu Zhishi's play.

But this time, it was Yang Zidao's turn.

While Xu Xin was talking, the two of them had already completed the exchange of positions.

The weather is getting better and better now.

In the sunset, the red light on the girl's face became more and more obvious.

Her delicate collarbones and skin exuded a pitiful beauty under this halo.


Soon, the actors were ready and filming continued.

Wang Qianyuan turned his back to Liu Zhishi.

After the director called start, Liu Zhishi took two steps forward, actively hugged the other person, and reached down with his hand.

In the monitor screen, it was obvious that Yang Zidao was just standing still, but Li Pingdong's camera started to shake.

This is Yang Zidao's heart.

A frightened, shaken, overwhelmed heart.

"you are not."

When Liu Zhishi put her arm on Wang Qianyuan's belt and felt the touch of the belt, she knew she had touched it "in place" and spoke directly into the other person's ear.

But as soon as she finished speaking, she was suddenly startled...

Then he took the initiative and said:

"Let's try this again. I have an idea. Brother, are your ears itchy?"

"...You're not going to bite my ear, are you?"

Wang Qianyuan quickly rubbed his ears.

"No, I'm going to say it directly into your ear, close to you, very ambiguous."

"I... try to endure it as much as possible."

So, the scene was reshot.

When Igu Xia, who was originally childish, spoke into Yang Zidao's ear, the charm that was born quickly spread across her face, completely washing away her childishness.

Where is Xu Xin...

Already silent.

To be honest, this was the crew that he felt was the most comfortable to shoot.

Both men and women.

The chemistry is so good.

Just like this scene.

There is no need for him to say that if the actors are given sufficient freedom, they can fill the role perfectly.


Then let everyone fly.

He also wants to see what kind of surprise they will bring to the audience when the whole drama is released!

If the actor is in good condition, the filming will be fast.

A scene between Yi Guxia and Yang Zidao, Xu Xin felt that it was the most perfect, both in terms of emotions and scenes.

And when it was all over, it was less than 6 o'clock.

The sunset in the sky is beautiful.

But there’s nothing left to take pictures of…

Xu Xin didn’t hesitate and waved his hand:

"knock off."

The crew began to get busy and finish work.

At this time, he took over the shooting plan and personally marked the clips of Igu Xia and Yang Zidao with an "X" to express that the filming had been completed and then looked through the follow-up plans.

Not bad, not much left.

At this time, Li Haiping came over again:

"Director Xu, do you plan to shoot Zhang Yi and Zhang Songwen tomorrow?"


Xu Xin first responded, then turned his head left and right to look around.

Soon I saw Zhang Songwen helping the crew pack things.

He wasn't surprised.

In other words, I'm used to it.

My teacher Zhang...how can I say this?

I should say he is more upright.

In Zhou Yiwei's words, because he suffered too much in his early years, he cherishes every opportunity to join the team.

In order to make the people in the crew give him a good impression, he was an actor when he was acting, and he was a very enthusiastic staff member when he was off the stage.

No matter what the job is, as long as he is not busy and can help, he will go.

The purpose is to leave an impression on everyone. Maybe when everyone meets again in the future, this good impression can be turned into some kind of opportunity for him to join the crew again.

In fact, this kind of thing is quite common.

It's what actors with no problem, no background, and no reputation do all the time.

Xu Xin didn't stop him.

Because sometimes, when the status gap is too large, any smile you give to the "lower class" may give them some unrealistic fantasies. And when the illusion is shattered, that feeling... hurts just thinking about it.

However, he was not without care.

When communicating the publicity plan with the factory, he mentioned it to the staff.

During the publicity period, Zhang Songwen's name was also added.

There is no need to please me, we are all brothers stirring the horse in the same pot.

I eat meat, so of course you have a bite.

No matter how bad it is, I will give you an extra handful of green onions when you drink the soup.

not to mention……

After watching "Flower", his impression of the other party became three points better.

Really good acting.

There is no need to say this.

With acting skills and a down-to-earth attitude, Yuntu needs people like this who have no background the most.

However, some things are not meant to be said at this stage.

It won’t be too late to mention it after the filming of the movie is completed.

When Zhang Songwen heard Xu Xin calling him, he put down what he was doing and walked over quickly:


"Hey, Teacher Zhang."

Xu Xin stood up, took the shooting plan, pointed it out to him and said:

"Tomorrow is your and Brother Yi's show..."

"Hey, I understand, director, don't worry, it'll be fine."

Zhang Songwen's tone still contained a hint of...it could be said that it was mixed with a bit of humble flattery.

In fact, because it was Wang Qianyuan and Liu Zhishi's play this afternoon, Duan Yihong and the others did not come.

On the one hand, she knew that this was a "naked scene" and was afraid that Shishi would be embarrassed when she came.

On the other hand, everyone's task tomorrow is also not light, and we must continue to prepare.

But Zhang Songwen came anyway, in a staff vehicle, like a stage manager, and helped with the preparations for a long time.

Xu Xin didn't say anything, just nodded:

"Well, what I mean is that you two don't have any mental burden, it's just a few shots. There's no need to put any pressure on yourself, just perform normally. Go back and prepare well. If you feel there are any ideas or expressions that need to be added, talk to them in advance I communicate. Don’t hide it~ What I want is chemical reaction.”

"All right."

Zhang Songwen nodded vigorously:

"I see."

"Well, let's go together. Don't stop cleaning up. Go back and find your condition~"

He stopped the other party from continuing to work.

Zhang Songwen was stunned again... and said quickly:

"It's okay, I think everyone is having a hard time..."

"You've worked hard too. You're an actor, and everyone just needs to do their job."

Xu Xin stopped him again, and then handed the shooting plan to Li Haiping:

"Director Li, we won't care about the rest. The actors will leave first."

"Okay, Director Xu."

After he agreed, Xu Xin pushed Zhang Songwen and forcibly pulled him away from the "labor" team.

Just go back and get ready.

Acting is more important than anything else.

"Dong dong dong."

In the business car, Xu Xin turned around and found Liu Zhishi tapping on the glass.

Xu Xin pressed the switch of the electric door. After the door opened, he asked in confusion:

"What kind of glass are you knocking on? Why don't you just come up and be done with it?"

"You are the director, how dare I~"

Liu Zhishi smiled and showed her silver teeth.

Then asked politely:

"Director, can I come with you?"

"No, get out."

Xu Xin said angrily.


She smiled and got into the car.

Then he waved outside:

"Xiao Lei, hurry up, get in the car, it's so hot outside."

Only then did Bi Xiaolei dare to sit in the passenger seat.

Xu Xin wordlessly took out two bottles of water from the car refrigerator, gave them both a bottle, and complained:

"Knowing that I am the director, you two still dare to get in the car... You are so arrogant."


Liu Zhishi smiled and closed the door.

Then he said:

"Are you okay tonight?"

"What for? Invite me to dinner?"



Xu Xin was stunned:

"Are you sick?...Tell me, what are you doing? After today's hurdle is over, there will be some finishing shots for your movie. It's almost finished, why are you doing such a stupid thing?"

"Hehe~ That's why I'm in a good mood."

Liu Zhishi smiled so hard that her eyes almost disappeared.

Then he said:

"However, there is another thing about eating with you."


"Guess what day it is today?"

"Your birthday?"

"Brother, I just treated you to dinner for your birthday, and you can even remember my birthday wrongly?"

"I remember correctly, August 25th."


Now it was Liu Zhishi's turn to be confused:

"Whose birthday is that?"

"It's yours."


Looking at her surprised look, Xu Laoer, who was so bad that his toes were bleeding, said something very heartbreaking:

"Miss Liu Yifei, why did you forget your own birthday?"


Liu Zhishi's eyes widened instantly.

After reacting, he was sarcastic to himself...



Looking at Xu Xin who took a deep breath and kept rubbing his arms, the blind sister, the cousin of the fairy sister, said with a smile:

"You are so courageous. Have you forgotten that Mimi and I have the same Baguazhang master!"


Xu Xinxin said, blind A Bing, just look for bad luck, thief Sun!

If I can give you a pass on the next few scenes, I hope that the second child’s surname is not Zhang!

At this time, Liu Zhishi said:

"Tonight is the premiere of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", I want you to watch it together."


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