I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 795 792 Give me a hand

Chapter 795 792. Give me a hand

"Watch a TV series with me? What are you watching?"

In the car, Xu Xin fiddled with the air outlet of the air conditioner.

Usually it was just him and Su Meng in the car, not the driver. Someone really came, and it was Li Haiping and the others. Suddenly, there were two more girls. I don’t know who sprayed the perfume, and there was a scent.

He was a little uncomfortable.

After directing the wind towards myself, I felt much more comfortable.

"...Brother, this is a TV series you invested in. Do you not care at all?"

"Isn't that cast by Yang Mi?"

"Yeah... aren't you two from the same family?"

"It seems there's nothing wrong with that~"

Xu Xin nodded and said smoothly:

"How much is the investment in this play?"

"Eight thousand to ten thousand."


"...Tsk, tsk, tsk."

Seeing his reaction, Liu Zhishi smacked her lips.

What a big dog.

Others have invested 45 million, and I am afraid they will be too worried to sleep at the critical moment when the TV series is launched.

That's good for him.

Forty-five million is the same as four thousand dollars.

"By the way, what time is it now over there, Mimi? I wanted to share the good news with her."


Xu Xin looked at the time and said:

"It's almost 3 o'clock in the morning. Forget it, she was tired today. She just won a leading role in a Hollywood blockbuster, so she went home and fell asleep."

"That's quite... hmm?"

Liu Zhishi, who nodded habitually, was suddenly startled.

"Wait a minute...what did you say?"

The blind man A Bing opened his eyes and stared.

Even the nostrils enlarged unconsciously.

Xu Xin shrugged:

"Hollywood, blockbusters, heroines."

"...She got it?"

Obviously, Liu Zhishi also knew what his friend was busy with these days.


"...Why didn't I know about such a big thing?!"


Xu Xin's eyes became strange.

I say you two are Ji Lao, are you still serious?

"What do you mean you don't know...haven't I told you now?"

"No...why do you know!"


Xu Xin spat at her:

"That's my wife! Why shouldn't I know! Otherwise? What if I got the news from you... Hey, let me tell you, blind A Bing, we are not done today! I have to press your head In the carriage!"


Perhaps because the whole thing was too sudden, Liu Zhishi simply ignored Xu Xin's somewhat insulting nickname for her.

Instead, he picked up the phone immediately.

If it were anyone else, Xu Xin would definitely not stretch his head.


In fact, he has always been curious about what the two of them talk about on WeChat every day.

So, he stretched his head and looked at her mobile phone.

I didn’t read the whole content, just half a screen and four sentences.

Yang Mi sent her this sentence:

"More extra supplies tomorrow. I can't afford to lose that person when he's young."




Liu Zhishi replied three sentences:

"Okay, haha."

"I'm going to run naked."




What did you say you two talked about every day?



At this time, Liu Zhishi also noticed Xu Xin looking over here, and turned the phone around without thinking:

"Go, go, see what you want!"

"...I want to see what you and my wife are talking about."

Xu Xin quickly explained.

who knows……

"If it were anyone else, I would show it to you."

? ? ? ?

No...how shady is the content of your chat?

After Liu Zhishi typed Yang Mi in a circle, she put down her phone and continued to stare at him with a burning gaze:

"Do you know the specific information about Mimi's film?"

"I'm not sure about the others, but it's said to be a mecha monster movie. If it involves special effects... I guess the investment will be big."

"Legendary Pictures' movies, they have produced so many science fiction movies, they are definitely not small!"


For no reason, Xu Xin had a sense of déjà vu as if the emperor was on a tour and the sisters from the East Palace and the West Palace were discussing imperial affairs in the harem.

Why is it so awkward?

And Liu Zhishi leaned back on his seat with eyes full of joy:

"That's great. Mimi will be an international star in the future! She's a Hollywood protagonist! And she's not the kind of person who shoots movies just to please the Chinese market..."

Xu Xinxin said that’s right, I can play the role of a big Hollywood star in the future.

But he didn't dare to say this to Liu Zhishi.

I am afraid that after this vicious woman from the West Palace reports, Your Majesty will put on your little shoes again...

It's unclear who is playing with whom.

Are you afraid that you will end up on the same level as Lao Wang in the future?

At this time, he heard a sigh:

"Oh...when can I catch up?"

Xu Xin glanced at her.


"Don't be anxious, don't compare, take it step by step and be yourself."

Liu Zhishi turned to look at him, quickly regained her composure, and nodded vigorously with her crescent-shaped eyes:


Xu Xin didn't survive the end of dinner.

Looking at Liu Zhishi's bandaged look on TV and her artificial acting skills, I really can't stand it...

In fact, honestly speaking, there is nothing wrong with her performance.


The TV series filmed by Lin Yufen have such a strong TVB flavor.

Five minutes after the first episode, he was persuaded to quit and switched to CCTV5.

Hey, Guangdong beats Yanjing.

Ouch, old horse...

Yanjing Shougang got Marbury this year, and this lineup looks really solid...

"...Brother, should we say it or not, are you a little disrespectful to me?"

Liu Zhishi looked helpless:

"I'm inviting you to dinner because I want you to watch "Step by Step" with me. Can you at least show some concern for the drama produced by your family?"

"Farewell, I really can't stand it."

Xu Xin touched the cigarette in his pocket, smacked it in his mouth:

"Actually, I could tell from the opening scene that there is still a big gap between your acting skills and yours now. Although you tried hard to show your emotions back then, you still relied more on your eyes. This is a matter of habit. Change it. No. But at least you now know how to use body language to cooperate... The biggest problem with your eyes is myopia. Once you have the surgery sometime and arrange it systematically later, there will be no problem. "

"That's what I planned too. Oh, by the way, I asked Mimi to help me ask people in the United States how this kind of surgery is..."

"Well, then I'm leaving?"

"Leaving now?"

"Now that you're full, what are you going to do if you don't leave? I'm going back to the house to smoke."

He took out his cigarette case and walked out while saying:

"These past few days have been the finishing touches to some of your fragments. Is this coming after you?"

"No, just follow everyone. I'll accompany you to the set to finish filming!"


Xu Xin nodded:


All the way back to the room, he comfortably lit a cigarette, and after smoking it, he continued to devote himself to his work.

"Brother Yong, please send me all the tapes we shot... and figure out the editing ideas."

After the filming is over, he will go to the United States to be with his wife.

Then work overtime.

In the entire "Heart of the Sun" crew, Xu Xin cleared the scene twice.

One time was Zhang Jiao's nude scene.

This time, it’s a kiss scene between Zhang Songwen and Zhang Yi.

In the movie, Haru Igani showed shock and absurdity when he discovered that the two were kissing... But in fact, before filming, the entire crew was very happy.

The same goes for Xu Xin.

Although the theme of the script is a suspense film...but looking at the two actors who looked like they would never get along with each other, he found it interesting.




He took out the gift he bought from the canteen before going out today.


Su Meng looked at the two bottles of Yida in her hand, her face full of question marks.

She had already guessed what Brother Xu asked her to do.


Why are you looking for me for such an immoral thing?


Xu Xin chuckled:

"Go, tell your brother Yi, you said the director said that you bought a grapefruit at the fruit shop two days ago, and he paid special attention to you and bought you the grapefruit flavor."

Su Meng: (▼ヘ▼ # )

Withstanding the pressure, Su Meng came to the actor's dressing area.

Zhang Yi is on the left.

Duan Yihong is in the middle.

Zhang Songwen is on the right.

"Brother Yi..."

Surrounded by two makeup artists, Zhang Yi looked over after hearing Su Meng's words:

"Mengmeng, what's wrong?"


Su Meng pursed her lips and took her hand out of her pocket:


After all, she didn't say what Xu Xin asked her to repeat.

So embarrassing.

And her arrival has attracted the attention of several other people.

When she saw the Yida chewing gum in her hand...


Duan Yihong burst into laughter.

He laughs and everyone around him laughs too.

Even other busy people looked over.

When they saw the chewing gum in Su Meng's hand, the entire crew fell silent...



Bursts of laughter burst out.

Zhang Yi also smiled, but his face was uglier than crying:


"You're welcome, what Brother Xu asked me to give you...has nothing to do with me."

After Su Meng finished speaking, she turned around and walked towards Zhang Songwen.


Zhang Songwen, who was still "laughing along", also turned stiff.

He thought nothing happened to him.


"Yo? Blueberry flavor?... Director Xu, what does this blueberry and grapefruit taste like?"

This comes from Wang Qianyuan, who is not too concerned about the excitement.

In an instant, the whole crew burst into laughter again.

Xu Xin laughed and pointed at Wang Qianyuan:

"Mengmeng, open the package, give him two pills, and let him mix them and taste them."

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"

The atmosphere of the entire crew suddenly became joyful.

But when filming started, in order to ensure that the actors' emotions were okay, Xu Xin cleared the scene.

Kicked everyone outside.


Still the same old routine.

The crew prepared for half an hour.

One minute of real filming.

A few stage managers were still smoking and chatting in the safe passage without even smoking half a cigarette. News came from over there:

"It's over. The director shouted to come over to celebrate the completion of the film for Teacher Zhang and left."




Several people were stunned.

Then he quickly bent down, stubbed out the cigarette butt with the soles of his feet, and walked towards the trash can holding the cigarette butt.

Director Xu stipulates that when shooting in public places, all regulations of the venue must be followed.

If you drop a cigarette butt and are caught, you will be fined.

Although the atmosphere was joyful before the shooting started, after the scene was cleared and the shooting was completed, Xu Xin did not talk too much about this aspect.

The passionate scene between two men was actually awkwardly shot by him.

But fortunately, the filming has been completed.

When Duan Yihong took care of that piece of surprise, the size was just right.

The tacit understanding between men.

There are some things that go without saying.

And Zhang Songwen's completion of this scene means that his entire role in "The Sun Burns Heart" is completely over.

The actor was finished filming. After Xu Xin checked it over and made sure there was nothing wrong, he gave Zhang Songwen a congratulatory applause as he walked over:

"Teacher Zhang, congratulations."

"Hey, thank you, Director Xu."

Zhang Songwen still had a blush of embarrassment on her face.

Quite inconsistent.

But considering that the two straight men just performed a kissing scene, it is understandable.

However, Xu Xin could still see that in his shame, he still retained a sense of reluctance and regret.

But he didn't say anything, but gestured to Su Meng.

Su Meng took out a bouquet of flowers from nowhere:

"Teacher Zhang, congratulations on finishing the project."

"Hua la la la la..."


Zhang Songwen held flowers in her hands and kept bowing and thanking everyone in all directions.

"Thank you, thank you everyone."

"Thank you everyone."

"Thank you for taking care of me."

"Thank you very much."

It wasn't until the applause disappeared that Xu Xin said:

"Teacher Zhang, just talk to Brother Yong and the others directly about the air tickets."

"Uh...well, okay."

Zhang Songwen nodded.

"Thank you for your hard work, Director Xu."

"it's okay no problem."

Xu Xin waved his hand modestly, then looked at the time and said:

"Okay, clean up the scene and let's film the next scene."

After speaking, he nodded to Zhang Songwen:

"Teacher Zhang, I'll be busy here. If you need dubbing later, we'll contact you then."

"...Okay, okay."

Zhang Songwen nodded and watched Xu Xin leave.

After everyone left, Xue Yong came over with a notebook:

"Teacher Zhang, please look at your identity information. If it is correct, tell me a time and I will book a ticket for you right away."

In fact, when it comes to status, Zhang Songwen is far inferior to Xue Yong.


Even if it was just one class, he was still the teacher who taught Director Xu.

Even though Director Xu slept soundly in that class.

Director Xu is polite, so he must be polite too.

After hearing Xue Yong's words, Zhang Songwen didn't dare to say what he had just said to Xu Xin:

"Director Xue, how about I wait with everyone until the filming is finished and then leave... help our crew or something. I can also pay for the room myself."

"That's inappropriate."

Unexpectedly, Xue Yong didn't show any "humanity" at all.

"Teacher Zhang, all the procedures for our crew follow the procedures stipulated by state-owned enterprises. It's not easy to make such an opening..."

"I know, I mean I can leave the room by myself..."

"It's not necessary."

Xue Yong still shook his head:

"The crew always has enough people. You are an actor, so it's hard for you to help, right?"

After all he said, Zhang Songwen knew that he couldn't stay.

My heart is filled with regret.

He really enjoys his role in the crew and likes to exchange performance experiences with everyone.


He really felt that this might be a very important opportunity for him...



With a sigh in his heart, he nodded:

"Okay. Then... let me book a flight back to Yanjing tomorrow."


This time it was Xue Yong's turn to be stunned:

"Back to Yanjing? Aren't you going to the Magic City?"

"...What should I do in the magic city?"


Xue Yong blinked and said:

"Director Xu told me that you may need two air tickets, one from Xiamen to Shanghai, and one from Shanghai to Yanjing..."


Zhang Songwen also looked strangely at this moment.

My heart said, why should I go to the magic city?

I haven’t heard that the crew is going to Shanghai.

While he was thinking about it, suddenly, the cell phone in his pocket rang.

Seeing this, Xue Yong said:

"Then I'll ask Director Xu when I go back?"

"Okay, let's see if there are any changes in the director."

"Okay, I'll leave first."

After Zhang Songwen agreed, she politely watched Xue Yong leave before taking out the phone.

When he saw the caller, the politeness on his face disappeared and was replaced by a smile:

"What are you doing? Fat Orange is in trouble again?"

Fat Orange is a stray cat he raised.

The caller was his agent Zhao Yude.

Zhao Yude is his manager, roommate, confidant, and best friend.

But Zhao Yude said:

"No, someone just called me!"

Listening to the excitement in his voice, Zhang Songwen said in confusion:

"Then what?"

"Guess who it is!"


"He said his name was Xu Zhi."


Zhang Songwen was stunned and said:

"I don't know anyone named Xu Zhi."

"You don't know him, but I do! He is the general manager of Yuntu! He invited you to go to the Magic City and visit Yuntu! ... What did you talk about with Director Xu? He actually introduced you directly to Xu Zhina Already!?"


Zhang Songwen was a little confused:

"We didn't talk about anything...I just finished the filming here. Huh?"

Suddenly, he seemed to realize something and said:

"Going to the Magic City?"

"Yes! I was confused... Did Director Xu introduce it to you?"


Zhang Songwen opened her mouth, but for a moment she didn't know what to say.

He seemed to understand something, but it was more...confused.

"He said he was introduced by Director Xu?"

"No, he sent the invitation directly...but he and Director Xu were just friends. If Director Xu hadn't spoken, how could he have seen us "little people"?"


Zhang Songwen was really speechless now.

all of a sudden……

He felt that the world had become a little unreal.

"Director Xu, Zhang Songwen wants to come over."

Hearing Xue Yong's words, Xu Xin, who was filming Chen Bijue's scene on the fishing raft, waved his hand:

"We have to pick him up by boat. It's so far away...Has he booked a ticket?"

"It's decided, let's go to the Magic City first, and then go to Yanjing from the Magic City."

"Oh, that's fine. Just tell him to go ahead."


Xue Yong nodded and left quickly.

Soon, the entire crew entered filming mode.

It was calm today, and the filming of the fishing raft scene was progressing quite quickly.

After filming a scene, the phone in his pocket vibrated.

I took it out and saw that it was from Zhang Songwen.

"Director Xu, thank you. I will go back to the hotel to pack my luggage. I wish our crew a smooth completion."

Seeing this message, Xu Xin replied:

"You're welcome, Teacher Zhang. I wish you a bright future and great achievements."

After replying, he put the phone in his pocket.

There is no need to say a lot.

No matter what, he is his teacher after all.

If you can help, I must help.

What's more, after spending so many days together, I can indeed see his down-to-earth performance.


That's how it is sometimes.

One point is fate, two points is luck, and seven points is the support of noble people.

He dare not say that he is the noble person of the other party.

But... some people have enough of everything, but what they often lack is someone to push them.

After all, what may change their destiny for them may be just a casual word on the phone.

He cannot afford to be the other party's noble person.

But, since I bumped into him, let's give him a push.

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