I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 796 793 Red Poems

In late September, as Golden Week approached, various topics about holidays, travel, and traffic jams began to spread on the Internet.

The entertainment industry is quite calm.

Obviously last year, starting from this juncture of October, topics about the Venice Film Festival, "If You Are the One", "The Hawthorn Tree", etc. began to be discussed in the circle.

The Beijing Circle and the Northwest Circle seem to be at loggerheads.

But this year it suddenly calmed down.

No one on either side seems to have any intention of causing further trouble.

Quite strange.

It felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

Of course, it may also be because Xu Xin's movie has been released, and the results of several leaders in the Beijing circle this year have also been mediocre.

There is no such battle of sparks hitting the earth on both sides.

But no matter what, this kind of calmness makes many media feel... uninteresting.

Not "fun" at all.

But what should I do if there is no topic to argue about?


Dig it.

No matter what kind of gossipy news it is, as long as it has some clues, it should be released first.

Otherwise...who is willing to live on a basic salary every day?

Ever since, in the entertainment section, various websites and various news are like a gadfly sitting on a cow's butt.

Flying around, you can see it but you can't catch it.

No one knows whether it is true or false.

But inevitably, "The Grandmaster" was mentioned.

After all, for fans who like Wang Jiawei's movies, they have been looking forward to this drama for a long time.

And since 2009, there have been rumors about the film being launched, such as "sharpening a sword for ten years", which has continuously raised the expectations of fans.

At the same time, throughout last year, we could still see news from time to time that the crew was in Northeast or Guangdong.

I guess it's been a long time, so it's time for some news, right?

Ask about Yindu, ask about Xiying Studio, and ask about the movie studio.

After asking around, most of the information I got was distorted.

Maybe Tony Leung was injured while filming, or Zhang Zhen had to adjust his schedule.

Or maybe Wang Jiawei often locks himself in his room for ten days and a half without going out...

There is any news.

But there was one piece of news that no one refuted.

That's Yang Mi's role, which has been completed.

She was the first starring role to be completed by the crew.

Get in front of everyone.


The truth is, Yang Mi is not very popular now... It can't be said that. It should be said that among the four little girls, she was the most popular before. However, as there have been no new works in the past two years, she relies solely on "Wulin Gaiden" The supporting role is so unparalleled that it can't support her flow.

Although her market response is still very popular.

Although she participates in an event, she will always attract attention.


In the film and television industry, you have to come up with some more works, right?

Including pregnancy, you have played a supporting role in more than two years. Isn’t it a bit unjustifiable?

Gu Xiaomeng's killer gift film back then.

As a result, once I hooked up with Wang Jiawei, I felt like I was being hidden in the snow...

Don't know anything.

Say nothing.

Wang Jiawei's crew covered their mouths tightly...

Everyone just wanted to fire her, but they couldn't find a suitable one.

I dug around, but found nothing.

Then turn around and dig other things.


There is a new TV series on Hunan TV, and the premiere was pretty good.

"Bu Bu Jing Xin" premiered with a ratings of 1.15.

Starring Liu Zhishi.

Not bad, not bad. Being able to get this kind of ratings in the back-to-school season shows that the series is quite anticipated.

This news is not bad, there is some value to be mined.

Liu Zhishi's acting, Yang Mi's investment...well, we can hype up the lawsuit between Liu Zhishi and Tang Ren.

A TV series invested by Shuangwei... Yang Mi becomes her own boss and wants to enter the investment film business!

These two topics are okay.

There is a certain amount of hype value.

But the specific value is not much.

Although "Bu Bu Jing Xin" has a good reputation online, but... it is inevitable that Yang Ying's "Gong Lock Heart Jade" will be compared with this drama.

Fans on both sides had some conflicts.

But that's about it.

Judging from the ratings of "Bu Bu Jing Xin", it is not yet qualified to compete with "Gong Suo Xin Jade".

What's more, Yang Ying is also a Shuangwei person. Although she is now working in a studio, her sisterly friendship with Yang Mi is well known on the Internet.

Didn't you see that Yang Ying also posted on Weibo to celebrate the premiere of "Bu Bu Jing Xin"?

Whether it is Hunan or Shuangwei, it is unlikely that the two sides will have any heated conflict.

The value is also limited.

So here’s the question…what else can we speculate on?

Seeing that the National Day holiday is getting closer and closer, people in the entertainment industry who were worried that there was no news available and could only make idle speculation were scratching their heads. Suddenly, a piece of news was exposed out of nowhere.

"Yang Mi enters Hollywood and becomes the heroine of Hollywood science fiction blockbusters."

The news was revealed by a media outlet.

This is not an official announcement.

But after the news appeared, it immediately spread to the entire network like a virus.

Not to mention other people, Yang Mi's fans were stunned the first time they saw this news.


"Bees, did Mimi go to Hollywood?"

"Who in the family understands? When I wake up, Mimi goes to act in Hollywood?"

"Heroine? Are you sure you are the heroine?"


In Tieba, Weibo, and fan groups, when this news began to appear, a big question mark rose over the heads of Yang Mi's fans who usually kept quiet.

So sudden?

There was no news at all before, how come she suddenly became a Hollywood heroine?


Or a sci-fi movie?

you sure?

The kind of... sci-fi blockbuster... heroine made with computer special effects technology?

Not to mention the people who saw this news, even Yang Mi's fans had this question. Just think how ridiculous this news was when it came out.

There is almost no doubt that Chinese people...or movie fans all over the world like Hollywood movies.

But...this does not mean that people in China are stupid.

Not to mention the era of Bruce Lee, which is too far away, let’s just say that starting from the era of Cheng Long and Jet Li, after gradually paying attention to the Chinese film market, Hollywood has begun to play this routine.

Choose a popular domestic star to play a role in your own movie.

The total playing time may be less than five minutes, but it can earn at least 10% more box office in China.

To put it bluntly, the essence of this matter is actually to use the self-improvement mentality of the Chinese people to hype the box office.

It’s not that it sounds ugly, that’s the essence.

Let me tell you, this film has your favorite Chinese stars.

Come and buy your tickets to see it.

At the beginning, everyone still bought into this kind of movie.

Even if the Chinese people have very few roles.

But at least... it can be considered as entering Hollywood.

Every year, Hollywood blockbusters feature foreign faces, but suddenly there is a face belonging to China.

It's so pleasing to the eye no matter what.

But that was the beginning.

As this kind of news gradually increased, everyone found more and more... people in Hollywood began to slowly become perfunctory.

They seem to be content with "as long as someone from China shows up".

Let you appear in our movie, use your fame to promote it, and then everyone can do whatever they need to do.

Just a tool man.

But the problem is, their attitude remains unchanged, but the movie fans in China want "more".

No longer content with just showing up.

They also hope that the Chinese people will play more roles in the whole movie, or play a decisive role. It is no longer a simple facial expression.

But the problem is that the demand is increasing day by day, but the product remains unchanged.

People from China are still people from China.

The superheroes of this world are still big Hollywood stars who save the world.

At most, they don’t make Chinese people into villains, that’s all.

As a result, the so-called "international stars" began to be mixed with water. Although no one resists it, its popularity is far less than it was back then.

But Yang Mi’s news seemed a little different.


The news broke that she is the heroine.

The heroine of a science fiction movie...


The first reaction of many people is:

"It's not the kind of movie that's disguised as science fiction, but is actually a shoddy movie, right?"

This is the first reaction of many people after confirming that they are not dazzled and that the word "heroine" is indeed on the news.

However, reporters responded much faster than netizens.

Shuangwei's phone rang one after another like raindrops.

But the response was the same:

"This is still unclear at the moment. If confirmed by the boss, we will release the news as soon as possible."

At first glance, this news seems to be Shuangwei’s. People don’t know whether this news is true or false.

But the astute reporters have successfully gotten what they want in this reply.

This thing... although I don't know if it is true.

But Yang Mi is really in the United States!


I am really in contact with the Hollywood crew!

Otherwise, Shuangwei people can just deny it directly. There is no need to give such vague answers.

All of a sudden, the news on the Internet started to become lively.

Are you going to continue to act as a tool?

Or... can Yang Mi really get a leading role?

If he is the protagonist, how much is the investment in this film? Is it a small production? A bad movie that sells dog meat over sheep's head? Or... really like Gong Li and Zhang Ziyi, playing leading roles in international blockbusters?


This news...isn’t it coming!

"I saw the news, Sister Hua."

Swiping the IPAD in her hand and looking at the discussion on Weibo, Yang Mi said:

"It seems that everyone's reaction is quite negative. They all think that even if I appear, I'm just a tool."

In the Bluetooth headset, Wang Jinghua’s voice was full of smiles:

"Haha, that's for sure. But this is exactly what we want. This routine is to start with gossip, and then leave it to the media area to make noise and speculate. In the whole thing, everyone is a participant. After everyone knows it, we will release the news step by step. Have you seen it? Most people don’t believe it.”


"At that time, these people who don't believe it will become the help for the early promotion of the film. Next, all you need to do is follow the steps. I will send out some of your photos during the Golden Week using # travel # related topics. .

Tell everyone that you are indeed in the United States. The topic of travel is a huge trend, and on the first day after the end of the Golden Week, be sure to publish the news that you have become a heroine.

The next step is to disclose the investment cost of the film "Pacific Rim" and the company Legendary Pictures, letting everyone know that the future of this film is bright. I'll arrange for more messages to be sent out at that time, okay? "

"Yeah, no problem."

Yang Mi agreed immediately.

When it comes to publicity, Sister Hua is definitely professional.


"Sister Hua, some of the follow-up activities that are not part of the movie promotion stalls, or are arranged by advertisers... you have to help me postpone them, or simply refuse them."


Listening to Wang Jinghua's shocked voice, Yang Mi raised her eyes and looked at the two children on the sofa who were being jumped and played with by Sun Ting.

"I don't want to be so busy."

"...Mimi, this is a good opportunity to raise your profile. You have to know that Zhang Ziyi has collapsed now, and everyone is vying for the position of the big flower..."

"I know."

Yang Mi interrupted her:

"Sister Hua, I have to think about Xu Xin. My movie starts in November, and I don't know how long it will take to shoot. He also has to work on his movie. It means... he sacrificed his time to support me. .

So my limit is the entire filming schedule. After the filming is over and the transition to post-production begins, he will definitely be busy with his own work... If I get busy, he will definitely extend the post-production time.

I do not like this……

I know this is a good opportunity, but I don’t want to reach the level of Sister Bingbing yet. That would be too much of a sacrifice for the family. And, to be more arrogant, this is just an experience for me. When I appear on the stage in the future, others will introduce me and I will change from a "star" to an "international star".

That's the difference...

But, Sister Hua, have you ever thought about it? Xu Xin's films have greater international influence than mine. For the sake of my own career, I influenced him to win glory for the country and for Chinese-language films to shine in the international arena... This must be punished. "


be honest.

Wang Jinghua is quite sour.


She wasn't surprised.

Ever since the two started working together, Mimi's "family first" concept... to be honest, it has really delayed her a lot.

I missed so many opportunities.

But, precisely because of this...

That’s Mimi.

Know what is most important and what is not.

What's more, what she said next is really right.

In terms of international influence, Xu Xin is indeed much greater than her.

Thinking of this, she sighed:

"Oh... ok, I understand."

But there is still some unwillingness to give up:

"How long will Xu Xin be busy with the movie?"

"I don't know. According to him, this movie is a movie where the actor and the director Jin Feng Yulu meet each other and win countless hearts. Although he didn't say it, I can sense that this may be a better movie than "Hawthorn". "Tree" also needs to be a movie that satisfies him. Although it is a bit blind to say this, I am really confident in him. What if... I mean what if... What if he is too busy because of his family? If the movie doesn’t reach its original height, then I’m not a sinner?”


"Oh, yes, and he also made an appointment with an Italian screenwriter for a movie. He already has the inspiration for the script, and it may be shot next year."

"...Don't you have a movie date with him?"

"Yeah, but that film was shot in autumn and winter. And according to him, the Italian film can be shot in ten days and a half at most. It is a small-scale group portrait similar to "This Man Came from Earth". I …”

At this point, she paused.

On the IPAD screen, she happened to see her husband’s Weibo.

Calculated using Chinese time, it was posted around 9 o'clock last night.

"After a busy day, let's eat quickly."

The photo is accompanied by a roasted eggplant, a tomato scrambled egg, and a braised pork lunch box.

Her eyes moved and she continued:

"I don't want him to have such a hard time. There must be someone behind him to support him~"

He doesn’t like to post on Weibo very much.

Or rather too lazy to post.

And to be able to post a Weibo that he didn't eat until after 9 o'clock...it means that the person there is either too busy and panicked, or it must be that he has been delayed for a long time in order to catch up with the progress of a certain shot.

A feeling of contentment after eating and drinking.

"...Okay, I understand. Then I will ask the team to re-plan the publicity process. How about it?"

"Well, thank you Sister Hua, I'm so willful..."


Wang Jinghua chuckled:

"It doesn't matter."

As someone who has been divorced, she knows all too well how difficult it is to balance family and career.

Especially when both of their careers are so good...

Therefore, although she didn't say it with her mouth, in her heart, she actually admired him.

This girl is sober in the world.

And it is precisely because of her sobriety that makes her current happy life particularly worthwhile.

She deserves it.

"Ha... um."

Friday, September 30th.

6:30 in the morning.

Liu Zhishi yawned lazily and walked out of the door.

When she arrived at the hotel restaurant, she looked at Xu Xin who was sitting at the dining table eating breakfast, then took a plate, picked up some food, and walked over with a glass of milk.



Xu Xin, who was nibbling the buns one bite at a time, responded, lowered his head and took a sip of the porridge.

"when are we leaving?"

"Let's wait until everyone is finished. Can we stay for a few more days~?"

After today, all her scenes will be completed.

The filming is completely finished.

After saying this, she also joked:

"What are you doing? Are you asking me to leave? What I signed was Shuangwei, not Yun Tu."


Xu Xin rolled his eyes and ignored her.

She is the second person on the crew to finish filming. After finishing filming the scene with Wang Qianyuan today, it is all over.

It was after the scene where Yang Zidao handed the bankbook for Taiwei's medical treatment to her before surrendering, the scene was completed with Iguka kneeling down and crying sadly.

And if nothing else happens, Wang Qianyuan may be finished in the next two days.

Finally, there are Zhang Yi and Duan Yihong.

As for her...

Can she be the same as Zhang Songwen?

Zhang Songwen herself showed him a way to go to Yun Tu.

Such a down-to-earth actor needs a broader platform. Cloud Atlas is his best choice.

But you, old man, are the empress of the West Palace.

The outcome between us is that we can either accompany His Majesty together, or I will give you a white silk ribbon and hang it on the coal hill in the backyard.

The difference is different~

Stay as many days as you want.

"As long as you can stay, I have no problem with it."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, she smiled and shrugged:

"That's so hypocritical. I'll get out of here after filming, okay?"


Xu Xin's answer was to drink all the porridge in his bowl.

The truth is, she really needs to "get out".

Go to Hunan TV to participate in the recording at the base camp.

As for the reason, it is the huge response caused by the TV series "Bu Bu Jing Xin" which only aired on 1.15.

This drama is a hit.

10 episodes have been played now.

The ratings have gone from 1.15 to 2.7.

You know, when the ratings of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" stabilized above 2.6, it started from episode 14.

And "Bu Bu Jing Xin" is 4 episodes earlier than "Palace".

In Internet parlance it is:

"At first, "Jingxin" I thought it was the same silly and sweet Mary Sue as "The Palace", but in fact, what attracted me most about this drama was not the relationship between the male and female protagonists, but the meticulousness of the plot and the handling of details. Controlled and well made.”

The positive reviews online, as the plot deepens, are as popular as "Palace", and even the quality of word-of-mouth may far exceed "Palace".

It seems to be a hot item this year.

Even if it weren't for the performance of Hunan TV's "The Temptation of Going Home" at the beginning of this year, which actually exceeded the magical number of 5% in ratings, then "Step by Step" might have been the hegemony this year. level TV series.

And you have to know...the biggest disadvantage of "Bu Bu Jing Xin" is also here.

It's not a summer release.

If it were a summer show, maybe its ratings could really compete with "The Temptation of Going Home".

As for whether it can achieve the same level as "Palace" in a non-summer environment, although it is still unknown whether it can surpass "Palace"'s final ratings of 3.15... But "Bu Bu Jing Xin", which is "innately deficient", can do it. In this way, its strength has been proved.

With a strong TV series, the fame gained by the actors is naturally huge.

Obviously, Liu Zhishi's previous lawsuit with Tang Dynasty was just a harmless gossip to the entertainment industry.

But in the past few days, the second trial, which was held in October, has gone from being ignored when "Bu Bu Jing Xin" was first aired to becoming a hot topic now.

Hunan TV once again proved its star-making ability.

One drama can catapult an actor who can only be described as slightly famous to the top.

What followed was an olive branch from all parties.

Without knowing where Liu Zhishi would go next, with the popularity of "Step", the big domestic agencies offered various generous offers to recruit her.

Li Minnian was so busy these days that she almost hit the back of her head with her feet.

But these had little impact on Liu Zhishi.

She is now just waiting for the second-instance verdict to terminate the contract and join Shuangwei.

As for the huge fame brought by "Bu Bu Jing Xin"...

After seeing how Yang Mi and Liu Yifei dealt with it, her mentality was able to remain calm and sincere amidst the joy.

Mimi said that actors and works complement each other.

She felt this was right.

Although "Bu Bu Jing Xin" has just started airing, it is already a thing of the past for her.

She is currently filming "Heart of the Burning Sun".

However, the eyes are already looking towards the future.


We should continue to promote what should be publicized.

She originally thought that after her part was completed, she would stay with everyone and wait until the entire drama was completed before leaving.

However, God did not grant what people wished for.

Qian Pengcheng was already very considerate, and when he heard that she was filming in Xu Xin's crew, in order not to affect her condition, he pushed the promotional activities to this point despite the already imminent pressure from Hunan TV.

But now that the project is about to be completed, she has to give back.

It's time to get busy with "Bu Bu Jing Xin".

After finishing her breakfast in a hurry, she wiped her lips, walked out of the restaurant, and got into the car heading to the set.

In the car, she looked at the bright sunshine outside the window with a little regret.


After filming in the morning, I had to leave for Hunan in the afternoon.


I really want to invite you all to have a meal together.

These past few months...

She really learned a lot from these brothers.

Thinking of this, she sighed unconsciously:


Let’s wait for the crew to finish filming.

No matter what, I have to rush back and have a closing banquet with everyone.

For nothing else.

Just to thank myself for learning how to be a real actor from these brothers.

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