I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 797 794 Under the golden light

After Liu Zhishi filmed the last scene where she got into a taxi, it was completely finished.

After filming was completed, accompanied by the applause of the crew, she immediately ended her stay with the crew and left Xiamen directly for Hunan.

Her departure also proves that the crew is one step closer to the end.

But everyone did not stop because of her departure, and continued to walk at their own orderly pace.

On October 2, Yang Zidao, played by Wang Qianyuan, was completed.

No. 3, above the fishing raft.

Xu Xin looked at the picture on the monitor.

The first scene shows Chen Bijue continuing to greet people outside the fishing raft in that crazy tone:

"Hey... let's go... you guys... go, I'll look after the house... look after the house~"

As he finished speaking, he walked into the small bedroom belonging to himself and Tails.

The second scene is a close-up shot.

First there are three dishes on the table, three wine cups, and three pairs of red chopsticks.

In front of the table, a hand holding a pen left the table and closed the pen cap.

In the third scene, these hands put a letter into an envelope.

Then comes the fourth scene.

The picture is shaky.

Like ocean waves.

Among the slow shaking is a shot of a person wearing clothes.

There are no frontal close-ups in the whole process, only close-up shots of fingers tying shirt buttons, belts, stepping on leather shoes, etc.

After this series of actions, the fifth scene played.

In this play, Chen Bijue, who has always been shown to be crazy, is actually sitting at the table in a suit and leather shoes at this moment.

At this moment, he no longer has the crooked mouth, eyes, or small movements like a mentally retarded person.

nothing left.

Except for the sequelae of his eyelid being pierced that year, which caused one of his eyes to be bigger and the other to be smaller, the scene of him sitting so quietly exudes a kind of calmness and calmness.

The camera was still shaking slightly when it was showing him in close-up.

But the amplitude is getting slower and slower.

Finally, completely still.

And the completely still lens is like a signal.

Suddenly, Zhou Yiwei put his hand on the wine bottle.

He picked it up and filled the three wine glasses with wine, and then picked up one of the glasses.

After touching the two wine cups, he drank the wine in one gulp.

Quickly, he filled his second glass of wine.

But this time, he didn't clink glasses with any wine cups. Instead, the expression on his face twisted twice again, turning into that crooked mouth and squinting eyes again.

After doing this action twice in a row, he smiled.

That kind of smile is like saying: Ha~ thank you for your hard work.

With this extremely complicated smile, he seemed to be thanking himself for the years he spent pretending to be crazy and stupid.

Then, he raised his head and drank the drink in one gulp.


He breathed a sigh of relief.

Fill the third cup.

He got up.

Shot ends.

In the fifth scene, he kneels before the shrine in the corner of the fishing raft.

In the sixth scene, the wine cup appears in front of the incense burner.

In the seventh scene, he bowed to the ground, clasped his hands, and kowtowed to the shrine.

In the eighth scene, after he got up, he walked out of the room step by step, carrying a bag of fishing nets filled with bricks.

The camera was shot against the light. The door of Yu Pai's house was filled with bright light. As he approached the door, he turned into twisted shadow lines and finally disappeared.

In the ninth scene, he paddled a canoe to a sea level where there was a lot of fog for some reason.

The image remains motionless.

After he stopped the boat, he tilted his body to the right and fell into the mist-filled sea.

First it was the person, then the rope, and finally the bag full of bricks.

Act 10.

In the picture, the fog on the sea surface has cleared.

Only a lone canoe remained.

Because there were a lot of scenes to shoot, after he watched each scene and made sure there was nothing wrong, more than 20 minutes had passed.

After confirming that all the shots met his expectations, he nodded and smiled at Zhou Yiwei, whose hair was still a little wet next to him:

"OK, passed. Congratulations on finishing!"


Wei Zhouwei was stunned for a moment, then smiled.

"Crash la la la..."


The crew members gave their own applause as the director affirmed.

And like everyone else, he stood up, bowed, clasped his hands and thanked everyone in all directions.


"thank you all."

"Thank you everyone."

"Thank you all for your hard work..."

As he thanked him, Xu Xin lit a cigarette.


He exhaled a long stream of smoke.

Looking at the footage that continues to play in a loop on the monitor screen... this was Zhou Wei's choice.

In the original script, Chen Bijue's pretending to be crazy and acting stupid was finally explained.

Yong Nianbai tells others that he has been pretending to be crazy and acting stupid, just so that he can survive in the end. Because he is smart, his IQ is 160.

But then Iguchun took the tail away, and he couldn't bear it when he couldn't see the tail, so he jumped into the sea and committed suicide in despair.

Xu Xin thinks there is nothing wrong with this part.

But Zhou Wei felt that the tension was not enough.

After the crew finished filming the normal Chen Bijue ending, he communicated with Xu Xin and gave a version of his own idea.

It gave Chen Bijue a more decent, slightly complicated ending, but with a longer lasting aftertaste.

Xu Xin readily agreed.

After all, these people have collided with too many wonderful sparks in this drama.

Since it is the "last dance", let Zhou Wei dance happily.

As for which section to use when editing later... he will control it based on the overall rhythm and tone of the film.


It must be admitted.

This scene was really enjoyable to shoot.

The fog that shrouded the area near the fishing raft finally dissipated.

He held his cigarette and thought with some emotion.

October 5th.

Golden Week is over.

On the Internet, news about whether Yang Mi will actually star in a Hollywood blockbuster has finally been confirmed.

"Exposed!" Shuangwei official announcement confirmed! Yang Mi stars in a Hollywood science fiction movie and plays the leading role! 》

This news was finally confirmed after a whole golden week of brewing starting in the morning.

Although during Golden Week, there were many posts on the Internet claiming to have seen Yang Mi in Los Angeles, it was difficult not to associate it with the news that she had appeared in Hollywood blockbusters before, letting everyone know that this person is equivalent to " One of the "Four Little Actresses" who has been silent for more than a year will soon make a big move.

This doesn't seem to be new news.

But when Shuangwei’s official WeChat account was officially confirmed, it still caused a stir on the Internet.

Many people have even sensed that all this may be a carefully guided publicity and promotion plan.

But unfortunately, this news, after inheriting her huge popularity that had been slightly shaken but still stable, was still like a bomb, exploding in the entire circle.

So many people's first reaction after hearing the news was not surprise.

After all, relevant news about this matter has existed on the Internet for many days.

Many people’s first reaction is:

"How many good things did she do in her last life?"

No, why?

Why are some people born with cows and horses?

And some people were born in Rome?

Although I still can’t find out what level of film production it is, but...

Others work so hard that the most they can do is appear in a Hollywood movie.

Good for you...

Why did you choose to play the leading role?

Did you agree that we would all be poor buddies for the rest of our lives?

Why are you driving a Chizi, smoking a Huazi, and having a girl in the passenger seat?

If Yang Mi’s influence in China is sixty percent due to her works and fourty percent to her husband... Hollywood is not run by your family, right?


You didn't even have a familiar face, so you went straight to play the heroine?

? ? ?

Yang Mi... what kind of life script is she holding in her hand?

"Director Xu, is this true? Mimi really went to Hollywood to play a leading role?"


Facing the curiosity of Li Haiping and Xue Yong, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"I did go."



Hearing this, the two looked at each other.

Xue Yong couldn't help but ask:

"I read online that...it's a science fiction movie?"


Naturally, there is nothing to hide from these two people.

So Xu Xin roughly told what he knew.

What kind of monster mecha movie, with an investment of about 200 million, directed by Guillermo Toro, one of Mexico's three great heroes...

After finishing speaking, he added:

"That's all I know. Don't forget to tell the outside world that Yang Mi has a publicity plan."

The two nodded subconsciously.

But there was still a hint of wonder in their eyes.

I want to say something, but I don’t know how to say it.

In fact, in their eyes, Yang Mi is a reclusive person.

Xu Xin is the one who usually deals with them, and Yang Mi can only be seen in some formal occasions that require her attendance. Or on TV or in works.

It's rare to see some gossip about her.

Basically no.

Although many people in the outside world are speculating about who talks better between her and Liang Binning in Xiying Studio or in the northwest circle... Or it may be a comparison between some new generation actresses. As she has become more and more popular in the past two years, Being low-key has made many people habitually pull her down from being "unattainable" in the past, and "touch her down" one by one...

But putting these things aside, as a person from Xiying Studio, do you know Yang Mi well?

It really doesn’t count.

It’s not that we don’t have a good relationship.


She is like an ancient wife.

She rarely chooses to show off when her husband is away from home.

Instead, he chose to control the family silently.

She is so low-key that even "people" like Xue Yong and Li Haiping don't believe the news exposed on the Internet.

Because... no one usually knows what she is busy with.

Are you taking care of the house and raising the kids?

Or are you improving yourself?

Or just relax and unwind?

Not sure at all.

She is so low-key that no gossip about her can be found except on TV or in the news.


Just when everyone seems to have "forgotten" this person, she always makes a big move.

Moreover, every big move is unique.

200 million...

Director Xu must be talking about US dollars.

1.3 billion big production?

So... what does it look like?

They really wanted to ask, but they didn't know how.

I don't know what to ask.

I just feel that... Yang Mi's usual "mystery" seems to have been explained at this moment.

Or catharsis.

While Director Xu was working hard, she was not idle either.

Both couples are making progress together...

And just like a game, each one is more tossing than the other, and each one has bigger moves than the last.

Looking at the expressions of the two of them, Xu Xin laughed:

"Haha, okay, Director Li, Brother Yong, stop being curious. No matter how specific the information is, I don't actually know it. I'll ask you when the movie is over when I go to the United States. Or wait. After a period of time, I estimate that she will reveal the news one after another. We will talk about it then."

He pointed at the scene.

It means we should make a movie first.

After all, this is Zhang Yi's last scene.

Hearing this, the two of them nodded in unison:



Today is the scene where Yi Guchun and Xin Xiaofeng, who has been arrested, collide in the interrogation room.

It was also Zhang Yi’s last scene.

Let’s work on movies first.

As for Mimi...

Nothing she came up with was surprising.

After all, his own strength is there.

Just wait and see what happens.

With her ability...or, in other words, Director Xu's striving for perfection, I think this movie will definitely not be a trick to fool people as speculated on the Internet.

It may not be "that good", but it certainly won't be bad.

Next, just give it time.


I don’t know since when, the effect of “light” has become a signature symbol in Xu Xin’s movies.

He always likes to use different lights to express different things.

The crew knew that he had very high requirements for light.

Fans know he loves using light.

Even many directors in the same field can tell at a glance what skill he has in the lights he uses.


I have to admit that in the hands of others, the same light may only be used to illuminate and disperse shadows. But in his hands, there is a talent... that makes it come alive.

Perhaps even Xu Xin himself didn't realize that he is particularly good at using light to tell stories.

Use light, and the shadows that accompany the light.

Just like now.

In the interrogation room set up by the crew, Yi Guchun stood under a burst of golden light.

He stands in the center of the picture.

And just behind him, there are 8 big characters:

"Fairness and justice, ensuring the rule of law."

In fact, the words here should be "lenity for those who confess, severity for those who resist".

But Xu Xin felt bad and changed it.

These eight characters, black characters on a white background, are clearly visible under the windows that cast endless golden light.

But there are some differences.

The angle Xu Xin chose was to shoot from above.

Yi Guchun's image is extremely tall.

But because he occupies a part of the space in the lens, the width of his neck covers four of the eight characters.

From the picture, of the eight words "Fairness, Justice, and Guaranteeing the Rule of Law," only "fairness" and "the rule of law" appear.

Justice and security were "hidden" by Yi Guchun's neck.

Xu Xin did it on purpose.

He wanted to leave the audience with some lingering thoughts through the hint of the background of the picture.

At this moment, in the picture, Iguchun, who is facing the camera, has "Fairness" on his right shoulder, and "Rule of Law" on his left shoulder.

Why is "justice" missing?

He wanted to leave the audience with something to think about.

Not that he was insinuating anything, but from this story alone, he wanted to use these four words to summarize Yi Guchun's mood at the moment.

As for how the audience interprets it later, that's up to everyone.

However, at this moment, everyone behind Xu Xin and looking at the scene had to admit...

Director Xu designed this scene...


A fair and law-abiding policeman is facing a former close comrade-in-arms, a murderer who has been hidden for many years... He is not so much judging Xin Xiaofeng as he is feeling regretful.

As a police officer, Yi Guchun carries justice and the rule of law on his shoulders.

But after taking off this police uniform, the complicated emotions in his heart... how bitter should they be?

This used six golden lighting lamps and under the golden light cast by the sun, his bitterness was like a shadow that had nowhere to escape, and was rejected by the indifferent Libra.

The law has no mercy.

Skynet is restored.

The golden light is soft but dazzling.

The face of the policeman standing in the sun became a little distorted and blurred...


Li Pingdong stood behind Xu Xin, looking at the picture taken by his apprentice Lin Li, and sighed secretly again.

In fact, this scene should have been shot by him.

But... ever since he heard Xu Xin describe the effect of this shooting, he had a hunch.

This scene will definitely shock many people after the movie is released.

Compared with this scene, the performances of Duan Yihong and Zhang Yi are "less important".

Therefore, he used frozen shoulder as an excuse to give this opportunity to his apprentice.

From the beginning to the present of filming this film, he knew that...as long as there were no problems with the post-editing, then...it was very likely that the honors he would receive would exceed those of Director Xu's previous films.

He is old.

Already full of honors.

It’s time to give this opportunity to the apprentice.

But even though this was the case, even though he had made enough psychological preparations, when he actually saw the scene conceived by Director Xu, he still couldn't help but feel emotional, aroused, and even regretful...

This scene……

It may well become a classic in film history.

It has been left in the memory of many people and will linger for years, even decades to come.

I can't even take charge personally...

It's a pity after all.

In this way, between worries about gains and losses, the filming of the film continued.

Both Duan Yihong and Zhang Yi showed their 150% strength when facing this most direct collision.

Strive to express this scene vividly.

Burn yourself to ashes.

Throughout the whole process, Xu Xin also maintained full concentration.

Lin Li's camera was adjusted bit by bit, switching back and forth through the perspectives of Yi Guchun and Xin Xiaofeng.

The actor's psychological activities, acting skills, light, shadow...

Everything turned into a storm in his mind at this moment.

And he is the only captain of that lonely boat in the wind and rain.

He took his own crew and sailed the ship to the promised land called "The End" in this stormy sea.


All performances on both sides are over.

Different camera positions, different angles.

Different lines, different actions...

Everything, after more than an hour of shooting, it was all over.

The entire crew fell into silence...

Duan Yihong and Zhang Yi didn't dare to move.

Zhang Yi could not move because he was handcuffed, but Duan Yihong also uncharacteristically did not come over to watch the clips of his performance.

He didn't dare to move either.


He was afraid that if he left his original position, he would lose the "best" angle bathed in golden light.

Not to mention that the crew will have to rearrange their arrangements at that time. If the perfect timing of sunshine is missed, it will be in trouble.

During this more than an hour, although there were many pauses and camera switches, he and Zhang Yi didn't get a single NG the whole time.

The two of them didn't even read any scripts during preparation.

All the lines in this scene were in their minds. After the filming starts, express it from your mouth, eyes, and face.

The emotions of both people are also included in this scene.

If the director can't agree, they have to continue filming.

Because the breath has not been released from my heart.

But if it moves... Once you leave the character and want to re-enter, you may have to wait until tomorrow.

Therefore, he did not dare to move.

All we could do was wait for Director Xu to slowly control the monitor, put on the headphones, and watch one scene after another.


Xu Xin took off his headphones.

Touched his pocket.

He took out a pack of Marlboros from his pocket.

This was originally a prop, but after getting tired of smoking Chinese cigarettes, he took a pack of these today.

American smoke.

The smell is strong.


But after he took it out of his pocket, lit one, and took a big drag.



A long line of smoke rose.

Xu Xin closed his eyes and was silent for a moment. After going through all the pictures in his mind, he nodded:

"Okay, passed."




The whole place fell silent.

Duan Yihong and Zhang Yi's shoulders collapsed instantly.

Especially Duan Yihong, who leaned on the interrogation table behind him and subconsciously turned his head.

"Gah~gah" twice.

His neck was already stiff.

And these two sounds were like turning on some kind of switch.

"Crash la la la..."


"Teacher Zhang, congratulations on finishing the project."

I don't know who shouted.

Zhang Yi subconsciously stood up to say thanks.



Looking at his embarrassed look as he remembered but forgot that he was being handcuffed, bursts of laughter rang out from the applause.

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Xu Xin was also happy.

Looking at his embarrassed look, he leaned on the chair while enjoying himself.

Finally... I finished filming the most important scene.

As he spoke, he turned to Su Meng and said:

"Call Teacher Wang Yanhui so that he can leave."

Zhang Yi finished filming, and only the scene where Yi Guchun discovered the real murderer was left.

There is still an interrogation scene to be shot.

He searched around for this role and finally decided to let Wang Yanhui do it.

It was mainly the other party's performance in "Glorious Fury" that left a deep memory in his mind.

I shot it in one go in two days...

"The scorching sun burns the heart", then the merits will be complete.

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