I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 798 795 Berlin, Berlin!

Chapter 798 795. Berlin, Berlin!

"Old man and mother, catch him yelling and screaming."

"Oh, there's nothing I can do, just beat them to death."

"Who did it?"


"And after that?"

"After that... I wanted to leave, but couldn't. I happened to see that wooden square beside the wall..."

"Who could do it..."

"also me……"

Xu Xin sat in front of the monitor, looking at the scene recorded by Lin Li on DV, and scratched his scalp unconsciously.

My heart talks about grandma.

Is it really like he is a murderer?

This guy... his acting skills are really something.

Yes, Wang Yanhui plays the man who fell into the reservoir at the beginning of the script.

It was supposed to be a group of four who went to the villa. The real murderers are played by Xin Xiaofeng, Yang Zidao, Chen Bijue, and Wang Yanhui.

Xu Xin hid the murderer for a whole movie and put it at the end.

The reason is that when the audience takes Xin Xiaofeng's death as the "ending" and just breathes a sigh of relief, the plot will turn around again.


He didn't intend to insinuate anything, he just felt that... this movie was very suitable to explore a proposition.

How to define a bad person who has done a good thing?

How to define a good person who has done bad things?

And when good people have a bad side and bad people also have a good side, how should they be defined?

What if a bad person is wrongly accused of something he did?

Are the things good people do really perfect?

Where is the dividing line between good and bad?

All thoughts about "good" and "bad" were buried in this movie.

For your reference and discussion.


He considers himself lucky.

Fortunately, I found a group of actors who were very suitable.

No matter who it is, they have given themselves the most perfect answer in this drama.

Even if...it's just Wang Yanhui who came over to record a DV video.

I had never auditioned for a play before, so I just handed him the script.

After this big brother came over, the total time from sitting in front of the camera in the interrogation room to leaving did not exceed 3 minutes.

Using the dialect of Yunnan, in a few sentences, the image of a murderer who is extremely bad but very smart is vividly revealed...

Even if it's just a "guest appearance"...


He smashed and smashed his mouth.

Absolutely amazing.

Really looking forward to it.

He felt itchy all over his body.

There is an urge to finish filming quickly and then complete the post-production of the film.

This film...

He really couldn't wait.

I really want to bring it to the audience as soon as possible.


Whenever he felt this way, he could only endure it silently.

If we use the metaphor of cooking, the shots in these films can only be said to be ingredients.

The ingredients are prepared, and now it’s time to fry and fry.

As for what kind of "taste" experience this dish will bring to the audience.

Then...just wait and see.

Wang Yanhui's recording video allowed Duan Yihong to contribute an inner drama performance worthy of an actor.

But after reading it, Xu Xin felt less disturbed in his heart.

On the contrary, I feel that this kind of "perfection" is taken for granted.

He is Iguchun, a policeman with a sense of justice.

The performance should be so good.

But...he must also admit it.

In the collision between Wang Yanhui and him, even though the two of them had no direct rivalry scenes... but based on a DV video alone, Duan Yihong was still crushed in this scene.

It's not that he is inferior in skills.

Mainly...Wang Yanhui handled this scene better.

If Wang Yanhui's line is added to the plot, it may be difficult to say for the time being which of the two is better. But as far as this one scene is concerned, it is true that Duan Yihong is not as good as him.

But it tastes pretty good.

As the last dessert was served on the table, the feast finally came to a perfect ending.

On a sunny beach with blue water.

As the camera zooms out, the figures of Iguchun and Tails playing on the beach become farther and farther away.

Finally, as the camera moves, the picture is completely fixed on the endless sea.

"...OK, passed."

As Xu Xin's voice sounded on the intercom...

“It’s finished!!!!”

Someone shouted something loudly.

With this shout, the entire crew once again burst into cheers for the unknown number of times in the past few days.

Where is Xu Xin?

As usual, he sat back in his chair and lit a cigarette.


With half-closed eyes, he wiped the sweat from the bridge of his nose.

Another work...


"Good guy...it's turned dark."

West Film Studio.

Qi Lei looked at Xu Xin who walked in, and his first reaction was that he had become much darker.

Hearing this, Xu Xin touched his face, came to the grooming mirror, looked at it, and said with a smile:

"I don't feel anything, it seems like that."

"It must have turned dark. I film at the beach all year round, how could it not be dark?"

As usual, Qi Lei came to the coffee table to boil water and make tea for him.

At the same time, he took the cigarette from Xu Xin.

"I read online news that Mimi has confirmed the position of the heroine?"


After briefly talking about the movie called "Pacific Rim", Qi Lei had a look of emotion on his face:

"He will be a big Hollywood star in the future."

"Ha ha."

Xu Xin shook his head funnyly:

"It's still early days. Asians are definitely marginalized in Hollywood no matter what. For her, this movie is more like a novel experience rather than a long-term development. She knows it in her heart."

When he said this, Qi Lei definitely couldn't say anything about "that pair, that pair", so he just smiled and changed the subject:

"Then when are you leaving?"

"In the past two days... I have mainly been thinking about what to do in the later stage."

Qi Lei naturally knew what he was talking about.

He nodded slightly and said:

"This is indeed a problem. Everyone has studied it these days, mainly to see how you want to make the movie. If the editing and post-processing are done by the factory, then whoever you want will apply for a visa and follow you there. How about finishing the post-editing and production work?”

"In this case, do we need to build a new editing room?"

"Don't worry, the factory will pay for it."

Although this was said happily.

But after Xu Xin thought about it for a while, he still shook his head:

"It's not necessary. I asked Yang Mi about her movie shooting location. It may be Los Angeles + Toronto. The schedule is not fixed. It seems that she will go to places like Sydney, Xiangjiang, and Japan for filming. Let's I don’t know the director’s specific shooting plan. If I set up an editing room, it would be in Los Angeles and end up staying in Toronto all year round. That would be troublesome..."

"Then what do you mean..."

"I'll find a local post-production company in Los Angeles. This film will be done in the United States. It just happens that some parts that require special effects in the later stage, such as the high-altitude chase scene, etc., will also be completed there. Last time I shot it for Volvo Advertising, the communication with the team over there is quite pleasant. I go to them directly. The efficiency is pretty good and they are close, how about it?"

"That's okay too."

Qi Lei agreed happily:

"As long as it's convenient for you, you can come wherever you want... But, how long is the filming cycle for Mimi? Which film festival are you planning to submit your movie to?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin frowned.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"...let's exclude Venice first."

Qi Lei was stunned.

"I also recommended you to go to Venice."


"Best Picture. You've already won the Director award. Don't you say that this film is the Golden Wind and Jade Dew? Since you are so confident, then go to the Golden Lion Award and compete for it. If you can win the Best Picture , or if the Best Actor and Best Actress can also be admitted...then you may be the youngest Venice Grand Slam winner in the history of Chinese film..."

Although what he said was quite idealistic.

But the truth is indeed not rough.

He now has no shortage of personal honors as a director.

But if it can win the best picture, then the gold content will definitely take a big step forward.

But after Xu Xin heard this, he still shook his head:

"If possible, I would like to go to Berlin. If I have time!"


Qi Lei's brows wrinkled now.

"To Berlin?"


"What's the reason?"

"The reason is..."

After thinking for a while, Xu Xin said:

"Have you noticed this year's Berlin Film Festival. Which film is the best?"

Qi Lei answered directly without thinking:

"Nader and Simin: A Separation" by Iranian director Asghar Farhadi.

"Well, where are the best actors and actresses?"

"A few of the leading actors in this movie... uh..."

Suddenly, he seemed to understand something, and his eyes suddenly widened:

"you mean……"


Xu Xin suddenly sighed.

"Brother Qi, you really should come and see the scene. If you come to the scene, you will know why I want to go to Berlin. Do you know how strong the sparks are when these people collide together?... It is simply an explosion. ! The kind of big bang! We originally planned to start shooting this film in August and finish it in December. As a result... after a typhoon came, all the rainy weather scenes were filmed. There were almost no NGs, no laughs... …As long as these people are together, it’s like Mars hitting the earth. Bang bang bang!”

Exaggerated onomatopoeia came from his mouth.

Expressing his love for the actors in this movie.

"Unlike the old-fashioned people in Cannes, Berlin does not have the so-called "one prize, one win" restriction. Their attitude is more tolerant, really... For example, my film was selected by the Silk Road. It is on the list of best actors. , Duan Yihong, Xin Xiaofeng, and Yang Zidao, I really can't give up on any of them.

So... I want to go to Berlin. On the one hand, it's because of these leading actors, and on the other hand... the issue of choosing between Best Picture and Best Director... I already won one in Venice. This time, I want to try it in Berlin. If I can get it, then next time, I will go to Cannes. "

When he said this, Xu Xin, who rarely really showed his inner emotions, couldn't help but have a look of yearning floating between his eyebrows.

"Currently...including the old man, no one has collected the three major directing honors, right? Neither the old man, Li Yu, nor Wang Jiawei, Hou Xiaoxian, etc. have it. I want to try."

A simple "I want to try" completely exposed his ambition.

In fact, what he said was not wrong.

In Chinese...or in other words, in the Asian film industry, there are quite a few film directors from China, Japan and South Korea who have made great achievements in the three major European countries.

But there is currently no director who can win honors from the three film festivals of Venice, Berlin and Cannes at the same time.

At present, the person most hopeful of winning this award is the old man and Korean director Kim Ki-duk.

As for the old man, he got the Silver Bear with "My Father and Mother". "Raise the Red Lantern" won the Silver Lion. As for Cannes, although the jury award is higher than the best director in terms of gold content, he did not win the best director with "Alive".

As for Kim Ki-duk... In 2004, he won the Best Director trophies at the Berlin and Venice Film Festivals with two films, "Empty Room" and "Samaritan Girls" respectively.

Best Director is indeed not the highest honor of the entire film festival.

But as far as directing is concerned, it is the highest honor.

Unfortunately, no one has yet won the Best Director award at Cannes.

Xu Xin wanted to give it a try...or rather, use it as a pursuit goal for personal honor and achievement.

But he is not very utilitarian. He only makes movies for personal honor.

Best Picture, he wanted to try it too.

Anyway, this kind of honor only happens once a year, and it belongs to the "three happy choices".

Whether it's Best Picture or Best Director, as a personal honor goal, he doesn't think there's anything wrong in pursuing it.

This time, Qi Lei finally felt his ambition.

On the one hand, it is an accident, but on the other hand, it is not unexpected.

Surprisingly, he was so confident in "Heart of the Burning Sun".

Of course, this confidence is not blind.

Just like the children raised by their parents. Perhaps in the eyes of others, this child is not good. But in the eyes of parents, their children are the best.

Since he is the "best", he definitely wants to strive for some honors.

Human nature.

What was not surprising was that...he finally found some of the "arrogance" that belongs to young people in Xu Xin.

The pride of a newborn calf that is not afraid of tigers.


The future generations are terrible.

While sighing, he began to follow Xu Xin's thoughts.

Golden Bear... seems to be fine.


He seemed to have thought of something, and quickly got up and returned to his desk. He rummaged in the drawer and got a piece of information.

"The Golden Bear Award is held in February every year. It starts around February 8th...and its submission time..."

Suddenly, Qi Lei's face darkened...

"What's wrong?"

Xu Xin asked in confusion.

"Starting on September 1st, the deadline is...January 5th."


Xu Xin was stunned and asked:

"Then what?"

"...Then what? It's only less than three months."

Qi Lei was speechless.

Today is October 10th.

If you plan everything, you only have less than 90 days.

Although at first glance, the time seems to be ample, in fact, it is simply not enough for a movie that has just been shot.

Not to mention anything else, rough cutting alone takes at least a week to 10 days.

After rough cutting revealed the story line, fine cutting began.

The fine cutting stage takes at least about a month.

Many people here may be wondering why fine cutting is so slow. But the reality is that it is so slow.

During this period, the director has to communicate and negotiate with the editor repeatedly.

What kind of pictures can you want and what kind of pictures can't you want?

From how many seconds to how many seconds the desired picture should be kept, how many frames should be removed in between, or what kind of editing technique should be used.

It’s not just about following the director’s ideas, but after doing it according to the director’s ideas, let the director see it for himself. If he feels that something is not suitable, he will change it again until he finally achieves the result that he is satisfied with.

And this is a relatively easy-to-edit film.

Perhaps Xu Xin added many editing techniques such as montage to this film to complement it.

The complexity of the techniques means that editing is bound to take more time.

One month is the ideal level.

And what about a month later?

Quite simply, it’s time to get to the production stage.

Do you need to adjust the color or filter of the captured picture?

Does the CG special effects technology production meet the director's requirements?

Is the director going to be so stupid as to put a snowflake on someone else's eyelashes when editing the film?

If all these can be passed as "legendary" without any adjustments, then it will begin to enter the dubbing and foley stage.

Schedule an appointment with the actors to dub and modify certain clips, and let the Foley artist simulate some required sound effects.

And it has to be synchronized with the soundtrack.

The soundtrack is not something you just find and piece together.

It requires inspiration from the scorer. At the same time, after this inspiration is put into the film, it must be sent to the director to see if it can meet the requirements...

Of course, to be fair, all this can be "fooled".

There is no need to strive for excellence, as long as it is passable on the whole, you can pass it directly.

But the question is...will Xu Xin agree?

Will he agree to mess up what he considers to be his most outstanding work so far by relying on this kind of "foolishness"?

Don't even think about it.

So, this movie...

"It's too late."

"...Who said I'm going to attend this year's class?"

Xu Xin couldn’t laugh or cry:

"What do you mean? Brother Qi, you didn't think I was going to this year's Berlin Film Festival, did you?"


Qi Lei was stunned again.

Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"I knew from the beginning that I wouldn't be able to make it in time. So I didn't even expect to attend this year. Don't mention anything else. Don't forget, Yang Mi is going to make a movie, so naturally I have to help her take care of the child. So many years...she has worked very hard. And this time when I went to the United States, I was so lucky to get the heroine of a large-scale production worth 200 million US dollars. I hope she can devote herself to it.

Her movie will start shooting in November...I guess it will take two or three months to shoot, right? It’s not sure whether we can come back for the New Year this year. Not to mention, even without her filming, this movie is not the kind that can be completed in two or three months of post-production work.

Therefore, my goal was set to 2013 from the beginning. Berlin Film Festival 2013! "


Qi Lei thought for a while and relaxed his shoulders:

"Huh... That's not bad. I really thought you were planning to spend more than two months making a movie to go to Berlin... I was shocked."

"Haha, not really. Just kidding, my mission for this year is over."

Leaning on the sofa, Xu Xin's tone was extremely relaxed:

"Oh, yes, I am in Italy and have saved a script with a few friends. We are still communicating and sending emails these days. If filming starts, it may be done in Italy. Don't worry that I won't be there next year. This work, we have been exchanging ideas on this work recently, and I think it is quite interesting. And filming... it should be very easy. Maybe next year I will bring a foreign film to our country."


Qi Lei was stunned.


Foreign Films?

October 12th.

After leaving a box of backup copies for the factory, Xu Xin took the original film tape of "Scorching Sun" and boarded the plane.

But not to the United States.

Went to EEDS instead.

At 10 a.m., he got into the Rolls Royce driven by Li Hao.

In October, the grasslands of Inner Mongolia no longer had the blue sea and sky.

In addition, Xu Xin has been numb to these scenery since he was a child, so there is no wave in his heart.

Just kept yawning.

"Didn't you sleep well last night?"

Li Hao handed over a cigarette and asked.


Xu Xin responded:

"All the people from the game team that Lao Wang created are here, and we played games with them for a while. I stayed up late~"

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, he said, thought for a while, and asked:

"Brother Hao, how are the old man and Sister Bingbing doing?"


The corners of Li Hao's mouth twitched...

"I'm still a little confused... Sanjin, when did you realize it?"

"Ha ha."

Xu Xin laughed and did not answer the question. He just said:

"Brother Hao."


"Woolen cloth!"

Pointing to his own eyes, Xu Xin said vividly:

"The Monkey King with fiery eyes and golden eyes!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Li Hao smiled happily and said while driving:

"To be honest...his uncle...is taken care of very well...Bingbing...can take care of people..."

"Ok, I know."

Without him having to finish, Xu Xin nodded:

"You can see it. This year I see that the old man is wearing more and more fashionable clothes. All kinds of clothes... I feel like he is twenty years younger. Are the two of them quarreling?"

"I've never seen it before."

Now that some things have been revealed, Li Hao simply stopped hiding them.

"I've never met him once. Basically, we both talk on the phone every day. Sometimes when the weather gets cold, I will tell my uncle to wear more clothes. If he drinks, he will always ask him to go home early..."

"How often do you two meet?"

"...In the first half year, we were basically together."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

"So, the old man went on vacation with Sister Bingbing?"

"Yeah. Bing Bingdi has a soft temper. He knows how to take care of others. I see all of this. But... your dad doesn't want to tell you, and won't let you talk to Sanshui. I'm going to tell you this now... "

"Just pretend that you don't know, don't worry. I don't ask, and I don't make it clear. As for my attitude... When I found out last year, I told him. I also know that he is worried, ah, it doesn't matter. Brother Hao , to be honest, to outsiders, it looks like nothing more than family property and family business... But let me tell you here, our family's things... have been fully divided?"

Smiling and waving his hands:

"Our family will find a road in the future, on the other side. Money...can't be without it, but too much is not good. What's more...He and Sanshui are not trash, are they?"

"Yes, yes, yes wow."

"So... there are some things that the old man may not say to me, but Brother Hao, you are with him every day. You have to tell him for me. Don't worry... Sanshui doesn't dare to have an opinion. He dares If you have any objections, slap him!"


When Li Hao heard this, he even felt in a daze...why the positions of the two brothers had been reversed.

For no reason, I let out a sigh in my heart again...a sigh that I have sighed countless times.

Sanjin...has grown up.

The two chatted all the way.

At noon, we arrived home.

I didn’t see Sister Bingbing.

She went to prepare for the promotion of "The Legend of Zhen Huan" which was about to be released.

Xu Daqiang himself is the only one at home.

As soon as Xu Xin walked in, he smelled the aroma of boiling mutton soup.

No need to ask, it must be mutton noodles.

"I'm back."

Looking at the trendy father who was dressed in Givenchy and had a tiger head on his chest, Xu Xin laughed and said:

"Hahaha, ah, Dad, Givenchy?"

"Uh... Givenchy? Isn't that lipstick?"

Xu Daqiang was a little puzzled.

"No, this dress is beautiful and domineering... I like it, can I give it to you?"

Hearing this, Xu Daqiang rolled his eyes:

"Want to wear it? Let Mimi buy it for you."

"Hahahaha, are you still reluctant to let go? Hahahahahaha..."

Xu Xin smiled happily.

This made Xu Daqiang feel a little embarrassed and cursed angrily:

"Go, go, go and wash your hands! Eat!"


Looking at each other tacitly, Xu Xin went to wash her hands and eat.

As soon as he walked out of the bathroom, he saw the bag of tributes on the shelf at home.

Gold ingots, incense candles, pork head meat, fried fish, etc.

He opened the pocket and checked it carefully. After making sure that there was a lot of everything, he felt relieved.

After Xu Daqiang took in his son's movements, he said:

"Are you going in the afternoon?"

"Well, go by yourself and talk to mom. Dad, you won't follow me anymore."

Xu Daqiang was stunned...

"Aren't you going?"

"Ah, it's not a regular day. It will take a few months to go to the United States, so I will go by myself this time, okay?"

"Do you... understand the rules?"

Xu Daqiang asked still a little worried.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Don't worry, I understand. Just talk to mom~"


This time, Xu Daqiang did not refute.

He handed the chopsticks to his son:



Xu Xin took it, couldn't wait to pick up a mouthful of noodles and blew on it...

The moment the noodles were put into his mouth, he felt the familiar taste that he had known since childhood, and he gave a thumbs up with a smile.


Looking at his son's satisfied face, Xu Daqiang chuckled and picked up the wine glass.

He took a sip of wine, put a slice of hot mutton into a bowl for his son, and said:

"I've lost weight~"

"At the seaside, the wind blows and the sun shines every day..."

"Yeah, the soil and water there don't support people~"


The warm home-cooked meal between father and son began with casual conversation.

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