I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 799 796 America's Dream

Chapter 799 796. America’s Dream

"Dad, if Yang Mi is very busy, she may not be able to come back during the Spring Festival this year. Then I will come back by myself, burn incense and visit Mom's grave."

"Well, it's fine if you don't come back. Let your brother have the fever, and then you can talk to your mother about it and know what's going on. Mimi has to take care of her over there, and Nuannuan and Yangyang can't do without you."

"Let's see then..."


I had a meal with Xu Daqiang.

Although normally the visit to the grave should be done in the morning as much as possible, Xu Xin still set out with a bag of incense and candles as tribute.

When he left home, he didn't drive, so he just walked up the mountain along the village road with his pocket in hand.

I also met a few elders along the way.

After seeing Xu Xin, they were a little stunned.

Apparently not recognized.

But after Xu Xin greeted them, they all became enthusiastic.

There is no way, who makes Xu Xin the most promising child in his generation now.

The elders always ask the same questions.

When did you come back?

What are you going to do?

busy or not?

After a few words of greeting, and after looking at the incense and candle tribute in Xu Xin's pocket, no one stopped him.

But I still want to invite him to my house for dinner.

Of course, it's all polite.

Everyone knows that Sanjin is now a big director and a busy man. This is not the right time to visit his mother's grave. He must have something to say and be busy, so he doesn't specifically ask Xu Xin to go.

Soon, the asphalt road in Xujiawan came to an end.

He started walking further up the mountain along the dirt road.

After climbing over a ridge, he was sweating slightly. He looked at a tomb not far ahead and gasped.

After wiping the beads of sweat on his forehead, he figured it was time to start exercising again.

Not to mention running around all over the mountains and plains when I was a kid... Obviously I didn't feel much like walking this way two years ago. Why are you so weak today?

Subconsciously I pulled up my T-shirt and wiped some sweat, then looked down...

He suddenly realized that he seemed to have gained some weight.

Although it's not very obvious...but the outline of any muscles can no longer be seen on the belly, and it is replaced by a sheet of white.


"Mom, am I fat?"

Sitting in front of his mother's grave, he smiled a little naively.

At present, the fish and meat tributes have been placed and the wine glasses are filled.

Three yellow incense sticks burned slowly with green smoke.

Sitting in front of the monument, Xu Xin seemed to have suddenly returned to his childhood from a young man in his twenties.

He asked a somewhat innocent question.

"Dad didn't say it, but I was a little tired from climbing the mountain ridge just now... Only then did I realize that I seem to have gained a lot of weight recently."

No one responded.

Only the mountain breeze rustled.

Blow the heartstrings.

"Mom, I've finished shooting another movie. Ah, I think it's very beautiful! It's that kind of... heart-wrenchingly beautiful. When it's all finished, I'll be ready to send it to win an award. If I can win it I’ll bring the prize... and burn it for you. If you don’t get the prize... it means you didn’t shoot well, so I won’t show it to mom..."

The innocent words that an outsider would never say were spoken out by him without reservation at this moment.

"Mom, I think this movie was shot very well...very well...everyone worked so hard on this movie...it should win an award...right?"

"Oh yes, Mom, your daughter-in-law is also promising. Now she is a big star in Hollywood! I don't know how to get it. I went to the United States and got a heroine back. Ah~ The domestic news is noisy... …”

"That's why I came to see you today. Yang Mi, Nuannuan and Yangyang are both in the United States. She has taken care of her for several years. This time, it's time to take care of her. So that she can calm down and watch the movie. Finished filming. Hehe, from now on I will eat my mother-in-law’s soft rice, okay? Hehehe..."

He obviously didn't drink.

I didn’t even drink at lunch, I just ate three bowls of mutton noodles.

But at this moment, he seemed drunk.

I just feel that my spirit is in a very strange state of relaxation.

After getting tired of sitting, he simply lay down in front of the monument.

Putting his hands on the back of his head, he continued to talk to the mountain breeze about his experiences in the past few months in a particularly relaxed posture.

Said a lot.

Talking very verbosely.

Like drunkenness.

But he could explain everything very clearly, as if he was afraid Shanfeng wouldn't understand.

As we chatted, we almost talked about our own affairs.

He yawned lazily.

"Ha~~~Hmm. I'm not sleepy, just tired."

As he spoke, he sat up straight again.

But the atmosphere became quiet.

Staring at the stone tablet, he thought for a while and said:

"Mom, I want to tell you something."

"Dad...met a woman."

"You take good care of...Dad."


"Mom, maybe it's because my son has become a father, so sometimes it's not easy for me to suddenly understand my father. Plus, this woman... can love people. When Li Hao came to pick me up at the airport today, I was still chatting with him. It’s really good.”

"But the old man is still at odds..."

"Actually, I discovered it a long time ago."

"Mom, your son is smart. Dad can't hide it even if he wants to."

"But I don't want to ask, and I don't want to say...that's it, it's good."

"I'm telling you, the main thing is that I hope you don't get angry either."

"Dad...I have been living alone for many years."

"Your daughter-in-law often says: I feel sorry for our dad. When it's cold or hot, there's always no one around to ask for help. At first, she even said she was crazy. She said that our dad has so many clothes in his wardrobe that he can't even count them. Qing. Yang Mi said that's silly, that's not the same thing. There is a woman in the house to take care of the house, and there is no woman at home, which are two different things. How are the men doing? Someone puts on clothes when it's cold, and someone fans them when it's hot. It’s called happiness…”

"I didn't understand it before, but now I understand."

"...Mom, she is not as good-looking as you."

"It's really not as good as that."

"But she is good to dad...is that okay?"

The mountain wind rustled.

It adds a coolness to this October afternoon in northern Shaanxi.

At some point, Xu Xin lit a cigarette.

Half of the three yellow incense sticks were burned away.

The incense head is flush.

Everything is stable.

Burned very well.

At some point, a figure appeared on the mountain ridge behind Xu Xin.

Xu Daqiang, who was also out of breath, saw a figure in a white T-shirt over his ancestral grave from a distance.

But he stopped going down.

After a few gasps, he knelt on a stone beside the dirt road.

Under the sunshine, the face of the northern Shaanxi man turned purple.

After living in a comfortable position for many years, it seems that only at this moment can he find the shadow of the honest and amiable person he once was.

He lit a cigarette and started smoking.

After smoking a cigarette, the cigarette butt was stamped into the soil.

He looked down at the plastic bag at his feet.

Inside are two bottles of foreign mineral water.

Liang Binning bought this, saying it was... glacier water from Scotland or England.

It's very expensive, a bottle costs several hundred yuan.

But it tastes sweet. It is said to be water melted by glaciers that have lasted tens of thousands of years. The annual output is limited. When people drink it, it puts less burden on the kidneys... Anyway, there are a lot of benefits.

The two of them bought several boxes when they went abroad.

But letting him drink it by himself was actually a bit reluctant.

If a woman wants to drink, then drink.

It’s not like I can’t afford to drink.

But... let him drink it by himself. In fact, the most he can drink is Kunlun Mountain in China.

Save the rest for entertaining guests when they arrive. She came back and drank with her.

The baby left in a hurry just now and didn't bring a bottle of water.

The sun is shining brightly as we travel over mountains and ridges, so we must come and see it.

These two bottles of water were freshly taken out of the refrigerator and were still cold. I don’t dare to let the sun shine on me now. If it doesn’t get cold, it won’t be so sweet anymore.

So, he quickly identified the direction of the shadow and placed the plastic bag in his own shadow.

Continue to sit on the stone and look at the baby over there.

He didn't know what the conversation was about.

But I just wanted to come and have a look.

I watched it for a while.

Watching the baby sit down first.

Then lie down.

Then sit up again.

Finally he got up, packed up the tributes, and walked back.

Seeing this, he also stood up.

The father and son are separated by a mountain ridge.

Xu Xin also saw him.

Even though they were far apart, how could his father admit his mistake?

So, he quickly waved his hand and walked up the mountain ridge.

Xu Daqiang looked at his waving movements and seemed to see that his son was in a good mood.

He breathed a sigh of relief for no reason.

But the hand holding the plastic bag was put behind his back.

The sun is bright.

After a while, the baby climbed up the mountain and drank some water to cool down.

He just stood there, watching his baby climb up little by little.


Climbing halfway up the mountain, Xu Xin stood still.

He pinched his waist and looked up at the old man breathing heavily.

Xu Daqiang suddenly felt dumbfounded:

"Ah, I told you to exercise. Climb a mountain. Look at how tired you are. Hurry up, hurry up!"


Xu Xin took another breath and walked up with his hands on his knees.

In fact, he wasn't tired either.

Just panting.

The kind of panting that comes from not exercising for a long time.

When I climbed up the mountain, I saw my father taking out a bottle of mineral water from the plastic bag in his hand.


He walked forward and took it in three steps at a time.

Unscrew the bottle cap and you will see a bottle.

"Ah, drink slowly, your lungs are gone?"

Xu Daqiang couldn't laugh or cry.

After Xu Xin drank it thoroughly, he looked down at the package in surprise and asked:

"What brand is this?"

Saying that, smash your mouth.


"I don't know. My friend bought it... and likes to drink it. I still have a few boxes at home. Take some and bring them to Mimi and Wa."


Xu Xin nodded and walked back with his father.

"How much did you talk to your mother?"

"Hey, it's a secret! It's not a secret, it's a secret."


Xu Daqiang looked at him dumbfounded:


"Hey hey hey..."

Amid laughter, Xu Xin asked:

"Dad, how good is the coal price this year?"

"Well, this year is good. Tell me what it is...the supply and demand imbalance. The price has increased a lot this year. The price of coal is 380, almost 400. Clean coal is more expensive... Our mine is over there in Erlintu. It has also been put into production. Last month, several mines produced a combined output of 300,000 to 400,000 tons. In the past few months, there have been about 1,000,000 tons. It’s not bad..."

"One hundred million... three to four billion?"

"Not only that, but we also have the inventory for the first few months. It's almost seven to eight billion."

"Not much."

"That's okay. Your brother's company is also making money, so what? Are you short of money?"

"No, Yang Mi bought an apartment in Los Angeles two days ago and spent more than 100 million..."

"Ah, let's buy it. You can make money in a month or two. Mimi doesn't spend money randomly. Buy a house. Living at home is more comfortable than in a hotel."

"That's for sure..."

"Well, you are short of money. Can dad help you with some? Can I get you 500 million first?"

"No, I can't even spend more than 8,000 yuan a month's salary."

"Haha, you look like your mother in your thriftiness."

"Hey hey hey..."

"But don't be too frugal, you still have to spend what you need. My friend has a social event, and if someone gets married and has children, he should be generous with the gifts. If you are generous, you will lose face. If you have face, that's good. Do things well. Don’t make enemies~Don’t complain~"

"That's it...huh? Don't tell me, this water tastes sweet. Where did you buy it?"

"I have to go abroad. Don't worry about it. I'll get a batch for you then and you can find a place to put it at home."


During the chat, the shadows of the father and son gradually overlapped as the direction changed.

I stayed at home for a dozen or so days, less than a day.

Early in the morning on the 13th, he got into Li Hao's car again.

"Dad, here you go."

"Oh, let's go. Stay safe. America is in chaos. Be careful. Keep more money in your wallet. If you encounter a robbery, give money to others and don't fight with them. Those people all have guns..."

"Know it."

Under Xu Daqiang's instructions, Xu Xin waved his hand and closed the car door.

All the way back to EEDS from Xujiawan, he went straight to Yanjing.

After arriving in Yanjing, he met up with Su Meng who had packed his luggage, and then packed some things that Yang Mi asked him to bring.

On the 15th, he boarded a plane to Los Angeles.

After struggling for more than twenty hours, we finally arrived in the City of Angels at 9:30 a.m. Los Angeles time.

Stepping into the United States again, he felt calm and calm.

No longer needing to speak with the black guy at the check-in gate, he took Su Meng and arrived at the exit of the airport in a familiar way. Then he saw Cheng Hu waving towards him.

"Brother Tiger."

Xu Xin said hello with a smile and pushed the luggage cart over.

Cheng Hu stepped forward to greet him, took the suitcase, opened the trunk of the Volvo and started loading the car.

Xu Xin glanced inside the car and asked:

"Can you drive?"

"Yes, I've already passed the driver's license test here."

"Is it easy to take the exam?"

"It's not bad. I spent a few more dollars and it went faster."

"Is that so, where is my sister-in-law?"

"She can't come. Xiaoya is in the third grade of junior high school this year. She has to take the exam and goes back to her hometown to study with her."

Xiaoya is Cheng Hu's daughter.

Xu Xin was stunned:

"Didn't I find a school for her? Just go directly. Why did my sister-in-law go back to study with her again?"

"We didn't tell her."

Cheng Hu said while moving his luggage:

"When a child reaches the rebellious stage, what he gets is too easy, and he doesn't cherish it. So I asked her mother to tell her a lie, saying that my career here was not very stable and I might lose my job at any time. It made her feel a little bit in crisis...anyway Just for one year, work hard and get good grades, then tell her about transferring your registered residence to Yanjing."


Xu Xin nodded dumbfounded.

Cheng Hu has basically never made any mistakes in the driver's position for so many years.

People are also down to earth.

However, he was not from Yanjing, so Xu Xin found some connections and changed his household registration.

When the time comes, when her daughter takes the exam, she will leave directly from Yanjing.

Xiaoya's studies are not bad, and she is basically in the top ten in the class.

Come to Yanjing for high school. After all, Yanjing can enjoy the best educational resources, and the household registration can also be in the same household registration as Cheng Hu. It will be very convenient to take exams and so on.

The road has been paved for him.

Originally it was all a matter of taking control of things, but who would have thought that the child would have to stay in his hometown county for another year.

Whatever, just wait.

It’s good to practice more and practice more.

Soon, after loading the luggage, Xu Xin got in the car.

"How many people are in the family now?"

"We hired six people. Two chefs, two servants, and two retired Marine bodyguards. All women."

"Isn't that inconvenient?"


Cheng Hu smiled and shook his head:

"It's okay, but... the cooking just doesn't suit the taste. They are obviously two Asian chefs, but the food they cook always tastes strange to me."

"Is the environment good?"

"Well, that's great..."

Along the way, Cheng Hu was like a tour guide, introducing Xu Xin's home to Xu Xin.

Although it feels strange to say this, it is really the case.

What Yang Mi bought this time was a manor in Beverly Hills that was only built in the 1990s.

The owner was a banker before, so the taste and design of the house are very good.

A large villa with 8 bedrooms and 12 bathrooms, not counting the yard, covers an area of ​​almost 1,200 square meters for the main house alone.

It is also equipped with an 8-bedroom maid's room.

The total area is close to 3000 square meters.

The total price is 160 million.

It's really expensive.

Big is really big.

Moreover, it can be considered as a dream come true for Xu Xin.

Although he and Kobe were not neighbors, they were a community.

Moreover, his family is bigger than Kobe's family.

Xu Xin didn't know if his wife did it on purpose, but it was true that this house was nearly 200 square feet larger than Kobe's house, which was almost 200 square feet.

As early as the day of the move, the president of the community's homeowners association sent someone an invitation.

In order to help the new neighbors integrate into the community owner family, a big party was held, and the location was chosen at the house Yang Mi bought. At that time, people from their community will be invited to come over, have a drink, chat, and let everyone get to know each other.

Yang Mi has agreed, and the president has also extended invitations to other neighbors.

The Kobe family is naturally among them and has agreed to attend.

Moreover, after agreeing to attend, Kobe and Vanessa's family proposed that since the NBA regular season would start at the end of October, if the reception was held late, Kobe might not be able to attend in time.

Yang Mi was waiting for Xu Xin to come over and make up her mind.

Every day you clamor to walk down the street in Los Angeles at 4 a.m. with Kobe.

Now I have an appointment for you.

Whether you can get on base or not depends on your strength, brother.

Xu Xin had a question mark on his forehead.

I always feel that there is something in what these ladies say.



He looked out the window at Los Angeles at the "fragrance of freedom."

My heart said: My journey to the United States has begun.

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