I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 800 797 Reception

"What are you thinking about?"

The windows are bright and clean, and the sun is shining brightly in the master bedroom.

Seeing her husband staring at the big bed without saying a word, Yang Mi asked curiously.


Hearing this, Xu Xin glanced at her.

After thinking for a while, he covered Nuannuan's ears:

"I was wondering how to play Hollywood stars tonight."



The corner of Yang Mi's mouth twitched when her daughter, whose ears were covered, looked at her with a bit of doubt...

But he didn't refute.

Don't say he wants to play like a big Hollywood star.

We haven’t seen each other for a few months. Doesn’t the big Hollywood star also want to play with him?

The eldest brother doesn’t talk about the second brother.

"By the way, where is your script? Give it to me to take a look at."

Hearing this, Yang Mi pointed outside the bedroom:

"It's in the study. The password is my birthday."


"You don't get much punch from Shishi, right?"


Seeing that his wife understood him, Xu Xin burst into laughter again.

After putting the daughter in his arms on the bed, without saying a word, he pulled his wife into his arms and kissed her heavily.


Think big.

The kind that can't stand it at all.

But fortunately, he knows how to carry people on his back.

He blocked his daughter's gaze with his back.

But Nuan Nuan is not easy to deal with either. She grabs her father's clothes and tries to climb up.

But Xu Xin ignored it.

Just hugging my wife.

"I miss you so much..."

Hearing this, Yang Mi turned slightly red, glanced down with blurred eyes, and said:

"I saw it."


"How about you knock out the ancestor behind you?"


have to.

Just bear with it.

Finally, the family of three walked out of the room with normal expressions.


What about Yangyang?

Dad just came in, and he wanted to fight with his sister for his embrace. He was whipped and kicked by his sister, and he cried. He felt aggrieved in Tingting's arms.

As children get older, their individual awareness of independence becomes stronger and stronger.

The siblings fight every day, cry every day, and make a lot of noise.

However, according to my early childhood education teacher, there is no need to interfere. It is through this kind of play that children gradually develop the consciousness of being an independent individual.

let's hit.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room on the first floor, which was much larger than his home and had a two-story ceiling, he held his son in his arms and opened the script in his hand.

"Pacific Rim".

Although they are all in English, some words are still unfamiliar to him.

But with Yang Mi here, there is no need to worry.

When Xu Xin saw the monster mecha setting at the beginning, he was a little confused:

"Two people control the mecha?"

"Yes, jointly controlled through brain waves."

"You mean you and the leading actor will come together later?... Are you two a couple?"

"That's right. It's a very old-fashioned story, from despising each other, to understanding and supporting each other, and finally saving the world together. The plot is relatively simple, and the characters don't need to be played very hard... But I I have never made a science fiction film that requires so many special effects, and I am worried that it will be more difficult for me to get into the scene if I am facing a green screen... I checked some behind-the-scenes of science fiction films on the Internet, and I feel so stupid..."

As she spoke, a trace of disgust appeared on her face:

"It feels super childish."

Xu Xin said without even raising his head:

"Don't come here. Weren't you also very excited when we were filming the Volvo commercial?"

"That's because there are big Hollywood stars..."

"Aren't you also a big star in Hollywood now?"


Yang Mixin said, "Baby, have you been to Paris or something?"

It's so sweet. Hey.

"We are already an old married couple, why are you talking so flirtatiously with me~"


Xu Xin laughed and continued to open the script.

But at this moment...



Seeing his son pointing at the letters in the script and reading them, Xu Xin was stunned.

He raised his head subconsciously.

"Did you hear that! Did you hear that!"

Yang Mi rolled her eyes with a strange expression:

"How fresh. Didn't you see those alphabet cards in the children's room?"


Xu Xin looked ecstatic, threw the script aside, and directly raised Yang Yang:

"Smash~!! You are so awesome! Hahahahaha... you are much better than dad! Let dad kiss you..."

Seeing her husband's joyful look, Yang Mi also laughed.

In fact, she was in a very good mood right now.

When he came back, it was as if the family had a backbone.

I feel like I am no longer alone in this foreign country.

I feel particularly safe.

At this moment, Yang Dalin walked in from the backyard with his granddaughter.

Yang Mi was stunned...

Oh yes.

My dad is still here.

18th, morning.

Xu Xin stood at the gate of his manor, staring at the truck in front of him with dumbfounded eyes, and said to Lang Lang next to him:

"Brother, I just mentioned that the piano at home is Liszt, and you got me a Steinway?"

"Why, aren't you happy?"

Lang Lang glanced at him. Although it was his first time here, he guided the truck to the manor with ease.

Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang, who heard the noise and walked out of the house, immediately rushed over to him shouting "Dad, Daddy" after seeing him.

Don't tell me yet...

No matter how precious Langlang's hands are, they are not at all vague when holding a child.

The two children were held in his arms, and after each gave them a big kiss, he said to Nuannuan:

"My godfather will play the piano for you later, okay?"

Nuannuan nodded vigorously and agreed.

But Yangyang lacked interest.

He really wasn't interested in the piano.

Even more proud of the piano legs.

At this time, Yang Mi walked out and looked at the Steinway logo on the truck. She was stunned for a moment, and then she came to her senses and asked silently:

"What should I do with my Liszt?"

"Let them just take it away and sell it to a second-hand store."


Yang Mi also shook her head helplessly.

After looking at each other with her husband, she turned around and walked back to the house with a "just do whatever you want" look.

Then there was a commotion at home.

The Liszt that the previous owner had left behind was replaced by a Steinway.

While waiting for the piano tuner to tune, Lang Lang, who followed the two of them around the house, nodded:

"This house is nice and well done."

"How many days will you stay?"

"Three to five days. A week later there is Carnegie's performance in New York. Are you going?"

"Let's talk about it...I'm preparing to work on a movie these days. If I'm not busy then I'll go. Is Los Angeles far from New York?"

"It's not far. You can take the No. 2 bus right at the end."

"Do you think I'm a fool?"


Amid laughter, Lang Lang leaned back on the sofa and stretched out his waist.

After taking the tea brought by the servant, Yang Mi asked:

"Where's MIUMIU?"

Lang Lang paused while drinking tea, and then said:

"It's over in Europe."

Then, he seemed not to want to talk more about this matter, and turned to Xu Xin and said:

"Do you want to help you find someone for your movie? I know a lot of people in Hollywood. Here in the United States, just tell me what you want to do, buddy!"

Xu Xin and his wife looked at each other.

Both of them noticed something was wrong.

However, he did not continue to ask, and followed his words and said:

"No, the person I worked with last time is pretty good. I plan to contact you in the next two days..."

Before she finished speaking, Yang Mi's phone rang.

After she answered the phone, she heard the voice inside and said directly to the two of them:

"Sister Mo and Margot are here."


Xu Xin nodded and the three people went out to greet him.

At this time, Yangyang, who originally had little interest in installing pianos, became energetic.

After seeing Margot, he went straight to his aunt.

She hugged her aunt's legs and didn't let go.

Xu Xing was about to say hello when he suddenly felt a pain in his waist.


He took a deep breath and turned to look at his wife who suddenly pinched him hard:

"What are you doing?"

"Your great boy!!!"

Yang Mi gritted her teeth.


The corner of Xu Xin's mouth twitched and he looked at Yangyang who kissed his aunt on the face several times after being picked up by Margot.

He sighed helplessly in his heart.


Your father is so good, but you haven’t learned any of it.

How come your grandpa is so good at this?

Liu Momo is naturally not an outsider.

But it was the first time for Margot and Lang Lang to meet.

She was a little confused at first.

I always felt that Xu and Yang's friends looked familiar... and I also felt like I had heard the name "LANGLANG" somewhere.

Until she saw the gold "LANGLANG" signature when the lid of the black Steinway grand piano being installed was lifted.

Steinway, LANGLANG, piano...

Only then did she realize something, and couldn't help but open her mouth wide and look at Lang Lang:

"OMG...you...could it be...uh..."

Seeing her pointing at the piano and looking at him in surprise, she said with a smile:

"Is it surprising?"

"No, no, no...ah! You...LANG...uh..."

Although Margot Robbie said "no", her stunned look of surprise still made everyone laugh.

At this time, Xu Xin, who was sitting next to Lang Lang, hooked his shoulder and said to Margot Robbie:

"Margot, let me introduce you. Lang Lang, a piano artist, a world-class treasure."

His previous introduction was "Margot, this is my friend Lang Lang."

But now after hearing Xu Xin's reintroduced words and looking at Lang Lang's extended hand, Margot was completely confused.

There is only one emotion left in a pair of big eyes.


It looks particularly interesting.

"Margot, have you brought your dress?"

"Take it, Yang."

"Well, one of the people who came tonight seems to be a very famous producer. In the afternoon, a makeup team will come to do our makeup and bring some clothes. You can try on a few more outfits then."

"Um, okay, thank you, Yang."

Margot, who was eating fruit while holding Yangyang in her arms, expressed her gratitude sincerely.

Sometimes, fate is really strange.

Obviously a few months ago, we were still strangers.

But a few months later, fate has made everyone become good friends.

And the reason why she came here today was because of Yang's invitation. Invite her to a welcome meeting for community owners of her new home.

This is Beverly Hills...

Those who can live here are celebrities from all walks of life.

Anyone who can come to this kind of reception will greatly improve their network, let alone an actor like her who is only "a little famous".

Yes, she has improved in just these few months.

From the original Hollywood NOBODY, he has become a "little actor" with more than 20,000 followers on Twitter.

And it was Xu and Yang who brought about this change.

The Volvo XC90 advertisement has been well received in North America.

It cannot be said that there are no such advertisements linked to movies, but... in Xu's hands, it has become a promotional method... more like an unforgettable short film than an advertisement.

Whether to buy or not, don’t mention it.

At least, people liked the ad.

After the advertisement is released, the person who benefits the most is himself.

Because of the keywords "The Matrix" and "Lady in Red" on Twitter, I have gained a lot of attention.

He is no longer the unknown NOBODY.

There are even more opportunities for auditions.

She even appeared in a Maybelline lipstick advertisement last month as a beauty model.

Overnight, her life underwent a...substantial change.

But he helped his friends without asking for anything in return.

It made her quite embarrassed.

But after getting in touch with everyone more, she realized...it wasn't that people didn't ask for anything in return.

It’s that I simply can’t “repay” others.

She knew that Xu was the best director in Venice, and that Yang was a very famous actor in China... What did they need from a young actor in return?

Therefore, she could only keep this kindness in her heart.

Thinking about how to repay her in the future... As a result, Yang called her to attend a cocktail party in Beverly Hills today.

Also brought a world-class pianist...

But unfortunately, there is no so-called "charity" or good intentions in these two people.

It doesn’t matter your status, once you become a friend, you are a friend...


While I was thinking about it, suddenly, a piano sound sounded like flowing water from a clear spring.

She turned her head subconsciously.

The world-class pianist, already holding NUNU (nuannuan), sat in front of the tuned piano and started playing.

She listened quietly and subconsciously.

Frankly speaking...

Can't understand.

Don't even know what he's playing...

But I always feel that the music he plays is different from the piano music I play in some movies or videos.

But what exactly is different, I can’t describe.

At this time, the bored Yangyang yawned in her arms.

After getting off my aunt, I walked to the toy castle in the corner of the living room and played with myself.

After Yangyang left, Margot leaned on the sofa in a more relaxed posture and enjoyed the performance of the world's top pianist.

Only then did she realize that he had been playing a melody.

After playing for a while, it stopped.

Rousheng said something to NUNU.

NUNU ignorantly pressed a few times on the piano keys with her young hands.

Although the rhythm is wrong,... it is indeed the melody that the other party played just now.

"Haha, Lao Xu, listen."


Sitting in front of the dining table, Xu Xin, who was exchanging emails one by one with Philippe who was far away in Italy, raised his head for the script, which was temporarily named "Dinner Story".

Lang Lang played a melody again.

After stopping, Xu Xin saw his daughter immaturely following her godfather's rhythm and copying the melody.

Although it is very monotonous...but the melody is exactly the same.

"Yo? Okay, what can you play?"

"Beethoven, small variations on a Swiss song theme. Hey, seriously, you should find a tutor for our daughter. Listen to it...she can hear the variations I use..."

Xu Xin couldn't understand what Lang Lang said.

But he still nodded:

"I'm thinking about waiting until she's a little older... OK, do you have anyone? Introduce me to someone."

"How about moving to New York? I'll ask my teacher to find a teacher who is suitable for Nuan Nuan Enlightenment."

"Mr. Gary Grafman?"



Xu Xin scratched his head:

"I can't live in New York permanently. No matter how nice this place is, it's not home."


Lang Lang scratched his head and said:

"Then let's go back to China and find a suitable one for her. Our daughter has such a musical sense, it would be a waste if she doesn't practice."


Xu Xin responded and suddenly pointed at Yangyang, who he was playing with in the castle:

"Do you want to try Yangyang again..."


Lang Lang glanced at his son and said:

"What do you think……"


Looking at the big baby who had started to build a house with sponge foam squares, Xu Xin sighed helplessly:

"That's all."

He could see it too.

My son has no interest in piano.

One of his hobbies is painting.

Find a beautiful sister to hold your thigh and count it as one.

Suddenly, his expression changed:

"Old Wolf..."


"Do you think Yangyang will fall in love with that painter just like Luan Lu does in the future?"

Lang Lang was a little puzzled:


"The one who likes to draw nudes..."


"Yes, that's him."

The more he thought about it, the more something was wrong. Xu Xin suddenly panicked.

"Can't you?"


Lang Lang opened his mouth.

Recalling the time when this naughty kid saw Miss Margot, he hugged her thigh and beat her...

He said with a hint of insincerity:

"It shouldn't be the case. The child is still young and doesn't understand anything."


Margot Robbie on the side looked curious.

What are these two people talking about?

Why does his face change so easily?

According to the rules in the United States, the hostess usually cooks and entertains the guests at this kind of dinner party.

Some people will also bring in a chef.

But Yang Mi doesn’t need it.

She didn't think about it either.

When in a country, do as the Romans do. Others entertain guests personally, so I am certainly not exempt from the customs.

Therefore, unlike the small gathering among friends in the morning, she became busy in the afternoon.

I bought a bunch of ingredients in Chinatown in advance. Today, Chef Yang is going to show his skills in a foreign country.

Authentic hometown flavor.

Although the old beauty may not be used to eating, she estimates that these rich people may have eaten delicacies from all over the world. It is estimated that it will be difficult to satisfy everyone.

But if tasting the authentic Chinese taste is a novel experience, it should be quite simple.

There are no dark dishes such as preserved eggs, chicken feet, and offal.

Braised pork.

Braised noodles with tomatoes and eggs.

Tiger dish.

Garlic crawfish.

Sweet and sour pork ribs.

Beef stew soup.

Wasabi shrimp balls.

Boiled cabbage heart.

Tiger skin elbow.

Dumplings stuffed with three kinds of fresh food.

10 dishes, two servants helped her.

She took the spoon herself and was busy all afternoon.

It smelled so good that the two makeup artists waiting to put her makeup on were drooling on her face.

He kept glancing into the pot.

I wondered in my heart what magic material package the Chinese people had thrown into the pot.

Why does it taste so fragrant...


The first guests of the new home arrive.

"Hello, Xu Yang, I am Georgia Kay Kendis. The president of the community homeowners association and a producer of Paramount Pictures. Nice to meet you."

Looking at the man in front of him who was about 50 years old, with his hair neatly done, and holding a bottle of champagne tied with a gold ribbon in his hand. He looked elegant and full of "old money" style, Xu Xin smiled and talked to him He held his hand up.

"Hello, Mr. Kekendis, I am Goethe Schuh."

"Just call me Georgia. Xu, we actually met in Venice. At the guest reception at the Venice Film Festival last year."

After finishing these words, the old-money Georgia Kekendis looked at Xu Xin’s surprised look and continued with a smile:

"Of course, when we meet this time, as the president of the Bolton Street Owners Association, I officially welcome you to this big family. So it is also an opportunity to get acquainted with you again."

Xu Xin was not given any "Why don't I remember" embarrassment.

After he took the initiative to help Xu Xin resolve the embarrassment of not remembering the incident, he handed the wine to Yang Mi:

"Hope you like it."

"Of course, thanks, Georgia."

Yang Mi smiled and nodded, taking the bottle.

I didn't ask for details, but looking at the age of the label, I knew this drink must be old.

After reacting, Xu Xin also turned around and introduced with a smile:

"Mr. Georgia..."


"Haha, sorry, Georgia, this is Lang Lang, my friend."

Georgia Kaykendis actually saw Lang Lang.

And recognized him.

But he didn't say anything, but waited for Xu Xin to introduce him before extending his hand:

"Mr. Lang Lang, this is my honor."

"That's very kind of you. Nice to meet you, Mr. Georgia."

Regardless of his status, this community owner president with an old-money style has won the favor of everyone with his gentlemanly conversation and cultivation.

After shaking hands with Lang Lang, Xu Xin introduced:

"Molly Liu. Head of the North American division of Headwind Pictures."

"Hello, ma'am. It seems we are competitors."

Hearing his funny words, Liu Momo smiled slightly:

"Hello, Georgia. We can be friends, right?"

"haha of course……"

As he spoke, he looked at the last person.

"Margot Robbie."

This time, without Georgia reaching out, Margot Robbie stretched out her hand nervously:

"Hello, Mr. Kekendis. We have met before. I auditioned for the role of "Rachel 2" in "Shutter Island" and I had the pleasure of meeting you in the audition hall."

Georgia Kekendis was stunned.

After looking at Margot Robbie, she looked suddenly enlightened:

"Oh~ I remember. Miss Margot Robbie from Australia. Right?"

"Uh... you still remember me?"

Margot Robbie looked surprised.

"Of course, your acting skills are very good, but you are not suitable for the role of Rachel 2. I am very happy to see you again."

After he smiled and shook Margot Robbie's hand, he added:

"The performance in Volvo's advertisements is equally amazing. I hope we have the opportunity to cooperate in the future~"

Have to admit.

As the president of the Bolton Street Home Owners Association, this "old money" man is indeed very charming.

Although there is no female companion, there is a very magical magic about him.

Let everyone have a good impression of him.

While everyone was chatting, the doorbell rang again.

Xu Xin came directly to the door and opened it.

Then he was stunned...

The person coming is...

"Haha, Mr. Bryant, Ms. Vanessa. And GIGI, long time no see~"

With the words of Georgia Kaykendis.

Black Mamba Kobe arrives with his wife Vanessa and five-year-old second daughter GIGI.

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