I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 801 798 After the reception

"Hey, Joe."

After Kobe nodded in greeting, he looked at Xu Xin and reached out his hand:

"NIHAO, yes, Kobe. Giandoni~I'm very happy~"


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then smiled and held his hand:

"Hello, Kobe...if you don't mind me calling you that."

As Kobe smiled slightly, Xu Xin held his hand and continued:

"You are really my favorite star. I have been imitating your moves since junior high school. It is an honor for me to have you here."

There was no hint of hypocrisy in what he said.

As the famous "Xu Ke", if it weren't for the first meeting and he didn't want to be thought of as crazy, he would even shout out the famous saying of the emperor.

"I protect the ball like Henry."

What a coincidence.

Our old Xu shoots like Kobe.

Not just like, I'm tougher than him.

It is obvious from Kobe's side that throughout his career, it has become commonplace for people from all walks of life to be his fans. Handled very appropriately.

Then, Xu Xin let go of Kobe’s hand and politely greeted Vanessa:

"Hello, Mrs. Bryant...can I call you Vanessa? That's what everyone calls you in our place."


Vanessa smiled and nodded:

"Hello, Xu, nice to meet you."

To be honest, Vanessa is pretty.


Xu Xin didn't know if he was delusional. He always felt that Vanessa's smile was not sincere... nor was it right. It should be said that she is "acting".

She "acted" her smile.

And this acting skill... is not presented with care.

In other words, she was not smiling in her heart.

Xu Xin even saw a stiffness in her smile.

It's like...she's in a bad mood.

This made him a little confused.

I wonder if this is because I don’t like myself? Or... are you in a bad mood?

But he didn't say anything.

After everyone said hello to each other, Xu Xin introduced others to them. And when Lang Lang was introduced, Vanessa finally had a look of genuine surprise on her face.

Apparently, she was surprised that Lang Lang and the new neighbor were friends.

Xu Xin smiled and said hello to the five or six-year-old girl, Kobe's second daughter GIGI, who was always by her mother's side:

"Hello, my name is Xu Xin, can you tell me your name?"

"Gianna, Gianna Bryant."

The little girl smiled shyly, but seemed to realize something and covered her mouth again.

She was missing two front teeth.

It's obviously in the teething stage.

Xu Xin nodded with a smile:

"Hello, beautiful Miss Gianna..."

"You can call me GIGI~"

"Ha~ Hello, GIGI. Welcome~"

Perhaps it was the friendly smile on Xu Xin's face that made her like it, and unconsciously, she smiled again.

But he immediately covered his mouth again.

After seeing her daughter's actions, Vanessa explained to Xu Xin with a much more natural smile than before:

"She just had one of her front teeth replaced yesterday, so she could only use this action to hide it..."

"Haha, I understand, I understand."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded, pointing to a corner of the living room where the two siblings had no interest in the adults' social interactions:

"Those are my children, NUNU and SUNNY~are just two years old."

After finishing speaking, GIGI asked:

"Mommy, can I go there to play?"

Without Vanessa needing to answer, Xu Xin said:

"Of course, there are a lot of toys over there. How about helping me take care of my brother and sister?"


The little girl over five years old ran over with a smile.

At this time, the servant brought over a champagne tray. After Kobe and Vanessa each took a glass, they all gathered in front of the sofa.

Kobe sat down first, sitting on the long sofa.

In fact, he is not much taller than Xu Xin, so he doesn't seem very oppressive.

A normal sized couch wouldn't be too crowded for him either.

And after he sat down, he also reserved a seat next to Vanessa.

But Vanessa was minding her own business, holding her own glass of wine and sitting on a single sofa.

Kobe was obviously stunned.

Xu Xin, who saw everything in his eyes, quietly glanced at his wife.

Neither of them said a word.

There weren't many people there at the moment, and there were enough sofas to sit on.

They all found a place to sit down.

Georgia Kekendis then spoke:

"It's a beautiful house, Xu, do you plan to follow Jade's design?"

Jed was the one who sold the house.

Regarding this point, Yang Mi naturally has her own thoughts:

"We'll live like this for the time being. I'm already looking for a designer to redesign it. I don't plan to change the layout, but some decorations may need to be replaced. But it may not start until next year. I'm waiting for my movie next year. Let’s talk about it after filming.”

Georgia Kaykendis became interested when she heard this:

"Is it the Legendary Pictures movie?"

"Yes, it will be put up for auction in November. It was also because of this that I bought a house here."

After Yang Mi answered, Georgia Kaykendis was obviously stunned.

As the president of the homeowners association, he naturally knows some news about this house.

Jade's business went from bad to worse after the financial crisis, and he had to start selling properties this year.

As an old neighbor in the Bolton Street community, he had already received news when the house was for sale.

Jade's listing price is $28 million.

The buyer paid full price for the property.

And according to his words, they are "generous Asians who give money happily."

28 million is not a small number.

After learning about the buyer and seeing that he was a colleague, as an executive of Paramount, it was not easy for him to inquire about some things in the industry.

What's more, Xu Xin and he also met at the cocktail party at the Venice Film Festival.

He has a very clear impression of this young best director...but as a winner of the Venice Silver Lion, it is not difficult to remember his name.

Immediately afterwards, Legendary Pictures spent 180 million to 200 million to produce a monster mecha movie that was said to be an original script. After the project was approved, news that an Asian heroine was selected was also circulated in the industry. opened.

After getting the news, Georgia Kaykendis's first impression was that the couple planned to come to Hollywood.

But now it sounds like...that's not the case.

Although I don’t know how much the other party’s salary for this movie will be... but no matter how much the salary is, you won’t spend 28 million to buy a luxury house, right?

The most important thing is the full payment.

It shows that people have no shortage of money at all.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Then do you and Xu plan to live here permanently?"


Yang Mi glanced at Xu Xin and saw that her husband had no intention of answering, so she continued:

"Basically not planning on it. Maybe we will return to China after filming the movie~~ Our careers are also in China, and we may come here every winter to stay for a while. After all, the climate in Los Angeles is very good."

As soon as she finished speaking, she heard Xu Xin say with a smile:

"And there's the Christmas fight."

Kobe smiled and raised his glass:

"Contact me anytime if you need tickets."

"Haha, this is what I've been waiting for. Then I won't be polite when the time comes~"

Just then, the doorbell rang again.

No need to ask, it must be a neighbor coming over again.

Xu Xin and Yang Mi stood up at the same time and walked towards the door.

At this time, a piano sound sounded.

Lang Lang raised his head subconsciously and found that Kobe and Vanessa's daughter was sitting in front of the piano, playing in a decent manner.

He became interested, and when Xu Xin was greeting the guests, his eyes were locked on GIGI.

Vanessa also saw her daughter playing the piano, and after seeing that Lang Lang, a world-class piano artist, was paying attention, she took the initiative and said:

"GIGI has only been playing piano for less than a year. She is not very proficient yet~"

"Yeah, I can tell."

Lang Lang smiled and nodded, stood up with a champagne glass and walked over.

Seeing this, Vanessa also stood up and followed.

On Xu Xin's side, two middle-aged couples came over at once, also neighbors on Bolton Street.

And they were familiar with Georgia and Kobe, so they also stood up to greet them.

Suddenly, the whole room became lively.

Even Nuannuan and Yangyang's attention was attracted.

However, Yangyang's attention was on the "newcomer" at the door.

Nuan Nuan discovered that the young lady she had just played with was actually playing the piano at the moment.

So he came over.

Ignoring her godfather and the strange aunt, she climbed onto the piano chair and squeezed in together with GIGI.

the reason is simple.

She knows this song.


Lang Lang believes that it is the most suitable "etude" to arouse children's interest and stimulate children's interest in learning through the pleasant sound.

Of course, Xu Xin, who also had Lang Lang give him guidance to see if he was a martial arts prodigy, felt that... what he called etudes might be some misunderstanding about etudes.

Although in his words:

"No, why are your hands as stupid as cotton crotches? Then "pluck" a note, D~A~B~F # ~G~D~G~A~ What can't you do? Look! Look, look! Take a good look! It’s just these eight buttons, can’t you just press them?... Why are you trembling! Just press them!”

Anyway, after fortunately not blasting him, Xu Xin knew...

I...should not be good at practicing piano.

"Canon" Variations, for Xu Xin, is as difficult as a math problem.

But I have to admit that sometimes fate is quite unfair.

He can't learn it, but Nuan Nuan can.

Although I don’t know fingering yet, I can only use one hand to press the keys on the piano.

But she knew how to press it, knew the position, and even knew how to divide the voices.

Just like now.

As a beginner, GIGI played only the low and middle parts of "Canon".

Nuannuan climbed directly onto the chair and sat on her right.

Just as GIGI was playing the Canon 8th scale in the alto part, Nuan Nuan's delicate fingers had already moved to the high range.

"Ding ding ding ding..."

It was like a little move that her godfather used to prepare to join in the performance when he was playing with her.

She first pressed the keys in the high range several times in succession, which was abrupt but did not affect the overall rhythm of the whole song. The little girl used the kind of "pay attention, I want to join in" reminder taught by her godfather, and then moved her fingers one by one. started playing the same 8 notes.

Vanessa's eyes immediately widened.

Although...it doesn't sound very good.

After all, my daughter played very slowly, but this little girl played high notes, which sounded a bit discordant...


A 2-year-old child!

A 2-year-old child is playing the piano...

And the most important thing is... Nuannuan is too familiar with her godfather Steinway.

After keeping up with the rhythm of the music and getting into playing, she turned to look at Lang Lang while playing:



It means asking her godfather to play with her.

Maybe he also dislikes GIGI’s bad playing.

This made Lang Lang happy. He nodded immediately, put the champagne glass on the piano, and put one hand on the alto between the two girls.

GIGI was stunned.

She didn't respond to Nuan Nuan's arrival, seemingly because she was very tolerant of children younger than herself.

Even if the children are "making trouble"...

But when she reached out her hand, her music was cut off.

"Keep going."

Lang Lang said quickly.

GIGI was stunned for a moment, then glanced at her mother, and seeing that her mother didn't stop her, she continued to play "Canon" clumsily.

Later, Lang Lang played Parker Bell's immortal masterpiece, "Canon Variations" with one hand.

GIGI replaced his left hand, and his right hand completed the rhythm connection and connected the warm notes.

All of a sudden, the sweet piano sound rang out in the entire living room.

Attracted everyone's attention.

Kobe, Georgia, Xu Xin, and even the two pairs of neighbors who had just arrived all looked over.

"Xu, is that... Lang Lang?"

"Yes, Lawrence. My friend Lang Lang~AKA a conspicuous bag."


Yang Mi laughed out loud, and patted her husband on the shoulder under the "???" expressions of the four foreigners.

"Speak well~"

"Haha~...Anyway, welcome, please come in, please come in~"

After welcoming the guests in, everyone did not sit down, but just watched Lang Lang and his two children "performing" there.

Kobe didn't know when he had walked up to Vanessa, holding his mobile phone in his hand, watching his daughter and Lang Lang playing the piano together with a smile on his face, and recorded the video.

Until Nuannuan may feel bored.

After playing around, he climbed off the stool and looked around at the strangers. Then he returned to the "castle" in the corner, snatched the unicorn toy from his brother's hand and held it in his arms. inside.

Yangyang looked at the unicorn in her sister's arms stupidly...

I quietly went to play with the building blocks next to me.

I have no choice, I can't grab it, I can't beat it, what can I do?

got used to.

Until GIGI stopped playing and Lang Lang also stopped.

After the music stopped, applause broke out.

GIGI seemed a little shy and hid in her mother's arms.

"You're awesome, baby."

Kissing her daughter's forehead, Vanessa couldn't help but ask Lang Lang:

"LANG, GIGI, does she... have any talent?"

"Of course."

Lang Lang smiled and nodded:

"She is learning very well, and the enlightenment teacher has done a good job in helping her complete her enlightenment. If she really likes piano, she can continue her studies."

Whether this is true or not.

Waves of heartfelt smiles broke out on Vanessa's face.

He picked up his daughter.

At this time, Xu Xin discovered that the "bad mood" temperament she had when she first walked in had disappeared without a trace.

There were about ten people in the house.

There are people from all walks of life.

For example, Kobe Bryant, Georgia, or the CEO of a drug company like Lawrence.

People who can live in Beverly are either rich or noble. A welcome reception to welcome new neighbors also broadens one's network resources.

Everyone is happy.

What's more, Yang Mi's food is delicious.

At least GIGI enjoyed her meal.

Especially the bowl of tomato braised noodles.

In her words, this bowl of noodles is like her grandmother’s pasta.


After the dinner, Lang Lang took out the gift he gave Lao Xu as a housewarming gift.

A box of cigars.

On July 4th, the American Independence Day, the White House dinner invited him to perform and presented him with a box of cigars.

Red wine, cigars, the men went outside the manor to chat while looking at the beautiful night view of Los Angeles.

The women were chatting about their own topics in the room.

Vanessa and Yang Mi talked about many things. It was mainly about children. When she heard that Lang Lang would stay at home for many days, she tentatively asked her if she could bring her daughter over again tomorrow.

Yang Mi could also tell that she seemed to want her daughter to get some guidance from the old wolf.

Although it was a bit "overstepping", she still happily agreed.

My husband’s idol.

The relationship can get closer, maybe the two of them can enjoy Los Angeles at 4 o'clock in the morning together.

In the end, the party ended completely when Nuannuan rubbed her eyes and told her mother that she was sleepy.


Yang Mi waved to GIGI with a smile. After bidding farewell to Vanessa and Kobe, she waited until the guests could no longer be seen before walking back.

Seeing that the two servants had started to clean up the house, she said thoughtfully:

"You can also clean up tomorrow morning. It's too late. Everyone has had a hard day. Let's go to bed early."

"Thank you, ma'am."

"Well, good night."

And Margot Robbie, who had changed her clothes over there, said excitedly:

"Yang, Mr. Georgia said that Paramount is going to start auditioning for a movie recently, and he thinks I can give it a try!"

"Then go."

Yang Mi smiled and said:

"A movie that can come out of Georgia's mouth would be great to make. Margot, maybe this is your chance to skyrocket!"


Margot Robbie nodded vigorously:

"Yang, thank you!"

"Haha, you're welcome~"

Looking at her husband who had already started a game of FIFA with Lang Lang, she smiled and said:

"Sleep here tonight?"

"No, I have a fitness class tomorrow morning."

"Okay, then I won't keep you~ I'll ask Brother Hu to send you off?"

"No, I can just take a taxi and go. Yang~Molly, I'm leaving~"

She hugged Yang Mi, held her bag, waved to Liu Momo, opened the door and left.

The last "guest" in the family also left.

"I'll take the child to bed first."

she shouted.

"Oh, go ahead."

Xu Xin waved his hand and controlled the arrogant Messi to pass the ball, assisting Iniesta to score Lang Lang's goal.

"nice shot!"

He laughed and lit a cigarette happily.


Lang Lang silently pressed the handle twice, and Liu Momo on the side yawned:

"I really don't know what the point of this game is... Oh yes, Xu Xin, are you busy tomorrow?"

"No, what's wrong?"

Xu Xin said while manipulating the handle.

"Ai Qing's cousin, Derek Kostad, made an appointment with me tomorrow and told me that he has a new story. Are you coming with me?"


Xu Xin responded.

Then he quickly operated the handle...

"Hahahaha! Red card!! Red card!!! Hahahaha, GOOD BYE, Messi! Hahahahaha..."

He obviously has a good relationship with Messi, but Lang Lang, who was commanding the Real Madrid Galaxy Battleship in front of him, laughed wildly when he watched Xu Xin control Messi to shovel, and was sent off with a red card.


This time it was Xu Xin's turn to curse.

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