I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 810 The Tip of the Iceberg at the Peak of 807 Industry

Chapter 810 807. The tip of the iceberg at the pinnacle of industry

Xu Xin is used to the double standards of netizens.

In fact, most of the time, everyone calling him "Xu Gou" is not malicious, but more like a joke.

As for renting a house and being "boasted" by others, he didn't feel much trouble.

Whether it is a director or an actor, they are all public figures. To be a public figure, one must have the awareness to accept the high moral standards of the public.

In all fairness, is Sister Bingbing's house good?

Sure. Living in this rented house is much more comfortable.

But if something happened that skipped orders, it would be fine if no one found out. If someone found out, although it would not ruin his reputation, at least damage to his reputation would be inevitable.

Of course he can get away with it.

After all, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it. I don’t like your house. My friend has a better one. I come to live in it. It’s not that I skip you and sign a contract with someone else or skip orders, but live in a friend’s house directly. .

This also makes sense.

But... no need.

Why bother?

Yang Mi actually wanted to live in Sister Bingbing's house, but he still spent less than 100,000 Canadian dollars to rent this villa for half a year.

Maybe it's a matter of habit.

Since he was a child, he has been guided by his father's concept of "I'd rather spend more money than make mistakes, and mistakes will kill me!", and he naturally developed the habit of nipping all crises in the bud.

As the saying goes, reputation can be exchanged for money, but money cannot be exchanged for reputation.

For things that can be solved with money, it's better not to leave anyone with any excuses.

Anyway, those three melons and two dates are not bad, why bother to bury yourself?

Look, isn't that great.

Do it casually, pick out three melons and two dates, and gain a good reputation in the country.

Even if it's not overwhelming praise, but little adds up.

On the first night of living in the villa, he and Yang Mi were lying on the bed, watching domestic Weibo, and chatting about these things.

But from the second day on, Yang Mi quickly got busy.

The filming location is in Toronto, but most of the shooting will be done in the studio.

Xu Xin's task during his wife's filming was actually very simple, that is, to take care of his two children, but in fact, his task was quite easy.

With the help of his father-in-law and mother-in-law, he only needs to stay with his wife or children most of the time, instead of being a full-time daddy with the two children all the time.

As for Hollywood sci-fi films, to be honest, he has always wanted to really experience them.

When Yang Mi got the shooting plan, to be honest, his first reaction was a little disappointed...

He can understand that science fiction films are shot in a studio.

But...most of them are shot in the studio instead of real shots...

He really couldn't imagine how good it would be.

Indeed, CG technology is very advanced nowadays.

But... the studio is so big, and your close-up computer special effects are okay, but the long-range shots are not as natural as real shots, right?

What's more, this drama is a mech drama.

A small studio, isn't it a bit...too petty?

In the early morning of the 16th, when he was going to the agreed film studio with Yang Mi as an assistant, in the car, he looked at the increasingly "desolate" side of the road, and was still muttering to Yang Mi:

"Look, the scenery here is pretty good, and it's completely possible to take a real shot of the distant view..."

"Oh, don't talk about it."

Yang Mi couldn't laugh or cry:

"Brother, there is no green screen, no motion capture, and real shooting? Do you think you are Ultraman? A shoddy urban model?"

"I didn't mean that, I meant..."

After thinking about it, he said with emotion:

"I always feel that it loses the flavor of the movie. Do you understand what I mean? Although computer special effects technology can indeed make up for many things... But if you rely too much on CG, the real beauty in nature may not be presented to the audience... Some At that moment, it may happen that that ray of light hits the actor's face, and the scene becomes..."

"Don't think about it, learn."

Yang Mi shook her head:

"In a big way, we are learning from Hollywood's advanced technology experience. In a small way... the current blockbusters in China are definitely not up to this level. We are just two elementary school students here. You can learn from others and learn from others. Control barbarians."

"That's true... let's learn and see how they do it."


Xu Xin's words were actually proof of his mood.

He is not the fanatical fan of DOGMA...

In filming, it is even necessary to abide by the same rules as the decree, such as requiring "real scene shooting" and "not adding additional sound effects and soundtracks to the image", that is too crazy.

He can also accept new things.

But I also firmly believe that in terms of movies, the beauty of nature is definitely greater than the beauty of technology.

But for Guillermo Toro's shooting plan of "95% of the content is completed in the studio", I still feel a little ridiculous.

Good guy... Do you want to be so insane?

He was full of puzzles.

However, when the car arrived at the factory called "Pinewood Film Studio" on the outskirts of Toronto...

After getting off the car in the parking lot, Xu Xin, who had just randomly glanced at the sign to see where he was going, was completely dumbfounded when he saw the top view of the two square buildings on the sign in front of him.

"Let's go."

Seeing that he didn't move, Yang Mi, who didn't understand what he meant, urged him.

It's cold enough this early in the morning.

But when Xu Xin heard this, he turned to Yang Mi and asked, as if he had seen something terrifying:

"Forty-eight thousand five hundred...FT is short for square feet, right?"

"Yes. What's the matter?"

Yang Mi was a little puzzled.

Then I saw my husband pointed to the sign and said, as if he had seen a ghost:

"Come and see."


With doubts, Yang Mi turned back, took a look, and was also dumbfounded.

From the top view, large and small blocks are distributed throughout the Pinewood Studios.

Those look like studios. And there are quite a few of them.

But if it’s just these things, it won’t surprise Yang Mi, because Pine Forest Film Studio is very famous in the history of world film. Every student of Beijing Film Academy will know this name as long as the subject of world film history is not too bad. .

It is a British film studio founded in 1934 and is one of the only remaining ancient film studios in the world.

And the Toronto branch of an established film studio, relying on Toronto's tax incentives for film shooting, there is nothing wrong with buying more studios.

What really made her dumbfounded... were the two big squares that were extremely inconsistent with the surrounding small squares.

To make a metaphor, if those small squares are equivalent to a one-inch photo. These two big squares...the big one is as big as a Polaroid.

Although it is exaggerated...but it is really that exaggerated!

Moreover, on this signboard, each small square also has the number "XXX.FT".

That's the size of those studios.

And the numbers on the two big squares that are the same as Polaroid are: 48500.FT and 48000.FT.

Yang Mi used her meager math conversion ability to do the math, and stammered to Xu Xin:

"1 to 10.7... 4,500 flat?"


Two studios of 4,500 square meters "appeared" in front of the two of them.

And this size is two-thirds the size of a standard football field.

Of course, at first glance, this metaphor does not seem to be very big... Even a random shopping mall in China occupies more than this small area.

But you know, this is a studio.

A studio used for filming.

Studio No. 1 of Xiying Film Studio is the largest studio in the entire factory area, covering an area of ​​990 square meters.

The largest studio in Hengdian, and even the country, is located in the studio industrial park in Hengdian Film and Television City, with an area of ​​1,600 square meters.

On the other side of Hollywood, the most famous No. 7 studio is only less than 1300 square meters.

But now, looking at the numbers on the two big squares, the two of them were shocked and didn't know what to say...

Xu Xin was thinking unconsciously... how would he use the 4,500-square-meter studio?

In other words, what kind of movie should he make in order to "make the best use of everything"?

Since the birth of this question, the answer has been "none".

Because he couldn't think of it.

The same cannot be said.

It should be said that no matter the script he is currently holding or his future prospects, at present, he is not up to his "qualification" to open a studio of 4,500 square meters.

After not getting an answer, what was replaced was a sense of despair.

Leaving aside all the artistry of the film, let’s just talk about the technical aspect... The moment the 4,500-square-meter studio was designed, it must have represented potential customers, and customers needed to use it, so it was designed .

And movies that can use this medium-sized studio...

From investment, to staffing, to the industrial system represented behind it...

A Chinese movie that can't even beat a Transformers...

At this time, he heard his wife's words:

"elder brother……"


"We...have a long way to go!"


Xu Xin was taken aback.

All kinds of emotions in the eyes began to recede.

That is, a few seconds.

He fumbled in his pocket and took out his cell phone.

With a "click", the overhead view in front of him was photographed.

Then he nodded to his wife:

"Yes, there is a long way to go!"

After speaking, he added another sentence:

"But... I believe that we can catch up!"

Just now, his wife's words were like sunshine, dispelling all the shadows in his heart.

Countless predecessors have helped those who are behind to complete the most difficult start from 0 to 1.

He can be shocked by the scale in front of him, but he must not despair!

Sorry ancestors!

Looking at the photos on the phone, he nodded more and more firmly:

"Sooner or later!"


"Hey, here is your work permit. With it, you can enter and exit the studios No. 1, No. 5, and No. 6. However, please abide by the rules of the crew and the studio, and don't cause trouble for the actors."

"Of course, thank you."

Xu Xin thanked politely, and hung the work permits representing the staff of "Pacific Rim" on his chest.

This is what Yang Mi asked for.

Although the crew did not use the two super studios No. 10 and No. 15 this time, the scale of the three studios No. 1, No. 5, and No. 6 is also not small.

The smallest is No. 5, which is only 1,100 square meters. However, this stage five is an underwater stage.

And No. 1 is 2,700 square meters, which is used to shoot mecha clips.

But it hasn't been turned on yet, and Xu Xin can't see it yet.

At this moment, Yang Mi has been dragged by the stylist to design styles and try on clothes. As her assistant, Xu Xin started wandering around the studio with a badge on.

He didn't take out his phone because it was forbidden to take pictures.

Instead, through the naked eye, we observe the studio, which is summarized as the "living area", little by little.

The first is the surrounding green screen background wall.

By dividing different areas, Xu Xin can roughly see which ones are simulated outdoors and which ones are indoors.

Then there are some very steampunk living areas.

He came to a concrete pillar that looked "solid" and touched it with his hand.

I was taken aback.

It turned out to be a bubble?

He knocked subconsciously.

The soft touch of the foam immediately returned from the hand.

"Hey! You! Don't touch me!"

A staff member noticed his trouble and scolded him.

"Ah, sorry."

He apologized quickly, then took a step back.

And the buddy saw that he had an Asian face, so he probably guessed that he should be a staff member next to the heroine, so after seeing him step back, he said:

"You can only look at all the sets here, don't touch them, otherwise you may lose your job if you break them!"

"Um, ok, sorry."

Xu Xin apologized again and took another step back.

That buddy just left.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, observed the concrete pillar that looked like it was poured with cement. After observing it for a while, he continued to walk inside.

There is a wall of green screen over there, so he has to walk around the green cloth to see what is inside the wall.

And after he walked in, he was immediately attracted by the big guys in front of him.

There are many workers working here.

The objects of construction are three..."cabins" that look a bit like motorcycle helmets.

Each has to be four or five meters high.

Below are rows of hydraulic units.

It looks very technological!

He thought to himself, could this be the mech cockpit?

Looking at the cockpit full of sci-fi style, he is still thinking hard to distinguish how these cockpits should work when shooting. But immediately heard a voice:

"Okay, the security personnel are in place, and everyone leaves the "helmet" range. Prepare for the first stage of testing."

Hearing this, Xu Xin quickly found a corner, fearing that other staff members would find out and kick him out.

After coming to a few oil barrels, he began to stare at the three half-open helmet-like cockpits.

As the security guards in orange vests took their positions, the area surrounded by green screens quickly fell silent.

Soon, Xu Xin heard footsteps coming from the entrance.

Turning around, Guillermo Toro, who is not tall but very fat, and some foreigners came over.

Everyone gave way and let the director come to the front.

Xu Xin couldn't hear what they were communicating.

After waiting a short while, he heard a voice on the intercom of the other personnel:

"Cherno Alpha, Test One begins."


He heard the sound of some kind of motor running, followed by the sound of steam blowing from the air pump.

And with this sound, the cabin named "Cherno Alpha" began to shake regularly.

"Buzz buzz buzz~ Chi~~~"


"Buzz buzz~~~~~~~"

The whole cabin seems to come alive, with the operation of the bottom platform, different up and down, left and right shaking.

It seems to be experiencing a kind of tumbling in the body, and there is a kind of rhythmic beauty that I don't know how to describe in words.

Soon, the test is over.

Guillermo Toro seems to have said something.

After communicating for a while, the voice came again from the intercom:

"Spark test preparation. Three, two, one... start."

"Ka Ka Ka Ka..."

A firework of sparks and lightning lit up the cabin.

It lasted about ten seconds and then ended.

Immediately, a security officer wearing a helmet and goggles went to confirm the gunpowder residue, gave a thumbs up to everyone below to indicate safety, and then walked down.

"Water entry experiment, the first stage of the test of plan No. 1 begins. Three, two, one..."

"Clah la la la..."

Xu Xin looked at the top of his head.

There are densely packed nozzles, and countless "raindrops" are sprinkled.

Unconsciously, he stood on tiptoe, wanting to see how these devices drain water.

Unfortunately, he could only see the water flowing down the platform, but he couldn't see where it went.


"Plan No. 1 wave test begins."

Then, Xu Xin heard a sound... like a wind cannon being pressurized.

About half a minute later, several water pipes in the direction of the wall sprayed out a lot of water amidst the manic wind.

Xu Xin keenly noticed that one water pipe was dedicated to spraying water, and the other water spraying also produced wind. And the third water pipe sprayed out raindrops like raindrops...

All of a sudden, the feeling of facing the turbulent waves appeared in his mind.

He subconsciously smashed his mouth.

I really want to smoke a cigarette right now...

After the wave test is over, it is the light test.

The total test time was about half an hour. After the test of the cabin named "Cherno Alpha" was completed, the wave test restarted soon.

Several workers came to the water pipe.

It was only then that Xu Xin discovered... It turned out that there was a nozzle in the water pipe that sprayed out the raindrops just now.

That sprinkler head was removed and replaced with another one.

Soon after the test restarted, the raindrops turned into a spiral of water like a top spray shower.

The effect Guillermo Toro seems to be satisfied with.

And the test came to the last item.

Overall test after adjustments are made.

"Cherno Alpha Overall Test Preparation."

Motor buzzing, mechanical pressurization, fan noise...

With the end of the countdown, all test items will work together.

In Xu Xin's eyes, Cherno Alpha seemed to be traveling in a storm, the cockpit was shaking left and right, and waves would splash over from time to time. And its cabin should be seriously damaged, with various sparks and lightning, and finally in the flashing emergency lights... the whole test is completely over.




Everyone, including Xu Xin, didn't speak.

At this time, he observed several onlookers nearby.

I found that everyone's faces were very calm...not expressionless, but if you want to find some kind of "we did it" kind of ecstasy, you can't find a single one.

It was replaced by a "comfortable" long cry.

Unconsciously, Xu Xin was thinking...

They should be happy because the director is satisfied with their work performance, not because they have completed an amazing prop design...

Thinking of this, he looked again at the other two cabins to be tested.

If it is placed in China, it will definitely be amazing enough, and it can even be used as a prop for publicity... Put it here, it seems to be just a common job.


After thinking for a while, he suddenly walked to the side of a staff member.

"Hey, hello."

The bearded staff member was taken aback for a moment, then nodded instinctively:

"What's the matter?"

"This thing looks really heavy. What's its mass?"

Hearing this, the buddy glanced at Xu Xin's badge, and then said:

"The total weight is about 20 tons. Are you the heroine's assistant?"


Xu Xin nodded.

asked again:

"Are you a designer?"

"No, I'm a construction worker."

"These three things...I'm afraid it will take a few months to construct, right? It seems that the difficulty is not small."

Hearing this, this buddy glanced at Xu Xin like a fool:

"It's just a few hydraulic devices. It did take a while to wait for the model to be assembled, but the assembly is only a week at most. A few months? Then my job may be gone."


Now, Xu Xin was speechless.

Because, from what he learned...

We have seen the tip of the iceberg.

The huge productivity of a top film industry factory named "Hollywood" is shocking...

tip of the iceberg.

Push a book, CEE seedlings

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