I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 811 808 Some things must be done by someone

Chapter 811 808. Some things must be done by someone

Xu Xin felt that he had opened the door to a new world.

This was the idea that came to his mind while he was sitting next to the trash can outside the studio, smoking.

Very strange.

The birth was inexplicable.

But it's so real.

In a real sense, he saw for the first time the industrial power represented by the name Hollywood. After seeing it, apart from fear, the only thing left in my mind was yearning.

The strange thing is that the despair he felt when he looked at the bird's eye view just now does not exist in his heart at all.

It seemed that all despair was dispelled by his wife's words, "We still have a long way to go."

To be honest, the Chinese film industry system is not even remotely different from Hollywood today.

Even with this kind of gap, if you have weak knees, you may have to kneel on the ground and look up to measure how different everyone is.


For no reason, a fire suddenly came into his heart.

It’s not the naive idea of ​​“I want to make a movie that’s comparable to Hollywood”.

But... bigger!

Bigger, broader, but tougher ideas.

He wanted to... give it a try.

Integrate yourself into this industrial technology industry to learn, imitate, and catch up.

Even though he knows nothing about CGI technology.

But he still wanted to try.

After he came up with this idea, he couldn't help but smile.

What an irony.

When he walked this way in the morning, he was still complaining about Guillermo Toro's choice. But now I can't wait to join the special effects production industry.

What is this?

Resist Guillermo Toro.

Enter Guillermo Toro.

Finally becoming Guillermo Toro?

And with this thought in mind, when he tried to think about what to do next...he found that his mind was blank.

He didn't even know where to start.

Set up a company? Build a team?

Forming a CGI special effects department? Forming a physical effects department?

Buying a computer?

Buy software?

What can you do after it is established? I don’t have any movie list in my hand... What’s more, I don’t know what the skills of these people are...

It was like a basin of cold water that poured over him all at once.

Indeed, he is a director, and he is also a director with some status in the Chinese film industry.

If a special effects company is really formed, then... not to mention making a lot of money in terms of orders, but there shouldn't be any problem in keeping the company running.

But things are not that simple.

If he really wanted to make money, he could make more movies, which would make more money than setting up a special effects company.

The reason why he wanted to do special effects was essentially because... just now, he saw the desperate industrial capabilities of Hollywood.

If I don't chase... I'm afraid it will be too late.

To put it bluntly, even if you want to build an atomic bomb, at least there must be someone who understands it.

What's more, there are no special effects companies in China now.

Someone is doing it.

But...it can only be said to be a small fight.

At present, domestic films with a slightly larger investment usually have their special effects produced in the United States, New Zealand, or Canada.

Domestic companies can only pick up some leftover materials, or ordinary special effects that do not require so high technical requirements.

Not competitive at all.

And this is precisely one of the shortcomings of the industrialization of Chinese-language films.

Xu Xin knew about it before, but didn't pay much attention to it.

Because there are specialties in the art industry, he doesn't understand it and can't comment on it, let alone "development".

But now, after seeing the capabilities of Hollywood, the fire in his heart really couldn't be suppressed.

Whether this can be considered a great achievement and benefiting the world...Xu Xin himself doesn't know.

However, he only has one idea in his mind now.

Find a way.

Give it a try.

So, the first person he thought of was...

"Old Wang, are you here?"

As soon as this WeChat message was sent, Wang Sicong sent a photo. Tin foil, bamboo skewers, barbecue, and two wine glasses.

Then came a complaint:

“The barbecue in Xiangjiang is really terrible.”

"...Have you and Brother Seven arrived in Xiangjiang?"

"Yeah, I just arrived today. I'm auditioning for "Journey to the West" the day after tomorrow. What's going on?"

"In terms of special effects, do you know anyone? If we set up a company, would it cost a lot?"


Xu Xin could feel his doubts through the screen.

Then a voice message came over:

"Brother, you are asking the right person. You are a film director, and you want to ask me, a layman, if he knows about special effects technology? Haha, come on, come on, move the bench, and little Sunflower's mother will teach you a lesson."

Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Just as he was about to type to explain what he meant, Wang Sicong sent another message:

"This thing is simple to say. To elaborate, let's talk about the XEON E5 CPU that Intel will release next year. This server CPU can be said to have appeared specifically for rendering technology. Sixteen threads are more powerful than explosive ones. It’s amazing! If you want to do special effects, you must at least have dual E5 CPUs, right? This is still the lowest level. Then a 64G memory, a Z-series server motherboard... a computer costs at least 40,000 to 50,000 yuan, right?"

When Xu Xin heard that he really understood, he deleted the words he wanted to type and continued to wait for his voice.

Soon, there was another one:

"Then there is the software. MAYA for animation. The genuine software costs 10,000 yuan a year. The rendering software RENDERMAN costs more than 3,000 yuan a year, and then it will cost nearly 2,000 yuan a year for maintenance.

Not to mention other PS, 3Dmax and Houdini.

With this set, the cost of a computer alone is 70,000 to 80,000 yuan no matter how cheap it is.

But the problem is that if you rely on a computer to render a picture for one second, it is simply impossible. Hollywood's highly sophisticated special effects require a computer to render one frame for dozens of hours.

Do the math...how many frames is one second? 22? 24? Therefore, we must continue to expand the number of computers. Just according to the standard of 100,000 yuan, you can pile it up.

Ten units are one million, one hundred units are ten million, and one thousand units are one hundred million.

And that’s not even counting employees. Domestic special effects artists... I guess how can they not earn more than 10,000 yuan a month? Didn’t you do movie special effects yourself? You should have an idea of ​​how much it will cost, right? ...by the way, what's wrong with you? What stimulated you? "

Obviously, regarding computers, Wang Sicong knew much more than Xu Xin, who restarted his computer whenever there was a problem.

As an "outsider", he knows how expensive computer special effects are.

Under his explanation, Xu Xin gradually understood a general idea.

In a nutshell...

Special effects = money burning.


If he was just burning money, he would feel at ease.

After thinking for a while, he replied:

"You said you wanted to set up a special effects company, have you got a head start?"

Hong Kong.

After seeing this sentence, Wang Sicong, who had just had a glass of wine with Brother Qi, made a move.

As soon as the wine was put to his mouth, he took it down again and frowned.

"Where are you raising fish? Hurry."

Putting down the wine cup, Gai Wei, whose cheeks were slightly red, sneered.

Somewhat unhappy.

I asked you to drink beer with me, why are you still cheating on me?

"No... Lao Xu wants to set up a special effects company."


Si Wei was stunned.

Wang Sicong made the voice call directly.

"Dingling bell... hello."

"What's going on?"

After Wang Sicong asked, he raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass, then gave the bottom of the glass back to his girlfriend to look at.

With a smile, Di Wei picked up a peanut for him and fed it to his mouth.

Then I heard a sigh coming from the hands-free phone:


She glanced at her boyfriend subconsciously.

After seeing his brows furrowed, he remained silent.

He picked up the Guyue Longshan next to him and poured himself another glass.

She is actually more proud of drinking rice wine than white wine.

After filling herself up, she thought for a moment and brought the fried crab from the typhoon shelter next to her in front of her.

Brother Cong belongs to the "crunching school" when it comes to eating crabs.

Eating very rough.

If I find this thing troublesome, I just chew it and spit it out.

Weird waste.

But she is very patient. The crab today tastes very good and she likes to eat it.

"What's going on?"

"I told you that I was greatly stimulated. Do you believe it?"

"For example?"

"I'm in Toronto now. Do you know about Pinewood Studios?"

"I know, it's a British film studio. I even visited it when I was in school."

"Well... I'm in this factory in Toronto. Do you know how big its largest studio is? It's 4,500 square meters!"


Wang Sicong was stunned and said:

"Old Xu. Don't be surprised if my brother tells you something."

"Seventh brother is pregnant?"


Si Wei's mouth twitched...

"Go away, I'm talking to you seriously."

Wang Sicong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but his heart felt warm when he heard these words.

It's a pity... The two of them talked privately that even if they got married, it would take another three to five years.

This is the condition.

The reward is at least two starts.

Okamoto will have to wear it for a few years.

"Wanda has a project in Shandong next year called Oriental Film City. I don't know the details in detail, but as far as I know... there will be at least two studios of 10,000 square meters to start with. Others like 2,000 to 3,000 square meters are not Mention, four to five thousand is considered medium at best. So in this regard...you don’t have to be so surprised."


The moment he heard his friend's words, something came to Xu Xin's mind.

You really deserve to die!

Two hours ago, I was still shocked by a 4,500-square-meter studio.

Now you tell me that there will soon be a studio with tens of thousands of square meters?

"Oh, yes, there is also a pure water studio with an area of ​​about 6,000 to 7,000 square meters. It is the kind where shooting is integrated. All future underwater scenes can be handled there."


My first reaction was to kill his little grandson~

But the second reaction immediately was...

"Is this project already under construction?"

"No, it should be under design at the moment. Next year at the earliest, or the year after that later. It will probably take three to five years to be fully completed."


Second reaction: I laughed.

Five years?

Do you know how I spent these five years?

After understanding the principle that this project cannot quench local thirst, Xu Xin continued:

"I won't mention the studio... I'm on Yang Mi's set now. Just now..."

After telling what he saw and heard, he still hadn't summarized it, but Wang Sicong understood it.


"Are you stimulated?"


Xu Xin responded:

"That's right...some things, if you haven't seen them with your own eyes, you really wouldn't think much of them before. But after seeing them...you just want to do something. Otherwise, once the fire in your heart ignites, you won't be able to suppress it."

At this time, Wang Sicong was speechless.

At this time, a crab leg appeared in front of him.

Brackets: unpacked version.

Di Wei used scissors to separate the entire shell of the crab legs, and dipped some golden garlic residue on the snow-white crab meat.

His first reaction was to look up at his girlfriend.

Then he pushed the crab legs back.

Meaning: You eat first.

But Di Wei shook her head firmly and insisted on feeding it to him.

So, Wang Sicong opened his mouth and took a bite of the crab meat. Looking at his girlfriend's happy look, he muttered:

"Is it enough to eat? If it's not enough, I'll go down and buy more for you."

"That's enough. You two chat, and I'll do it for you."

Xu Xin also heard what his friend said, but at the moment he didn't think about the show of affection between the two.

After Wang Sicong was silent for a while, he said:

"The simplest way is to acquire a small special effects company, invest and inject capital, and then slowly help them grow and develop. If you want to start from scratch, it is a bit unrealistic.

In terms of technology and talent, it took at least a year and a half to prepare.

The most important thing is that without experience, all business channels must be re-expanded.

It's not necessary... Instead of doing this, it's better to acquire a company. Or do a round of angel investment or something like that, and let professional people do professional things. We can just provide material support.

As for the gap between Hollywood and China... I tell you, there is definitely a gap, and there is definitely a technological blockade. But essentially everyone is doing it based on these software and hardware.

As long as you have enough experience, there should be no problem if you don't catch up but don't fall too far behind.

What's more... at worst it will be more difficult. Our country also started from the foundry step by step. If you really want to build up this kind of special effects technology industry chain for the country, then follow suit. It’s cheap and efficient, and you can do OEM work for others first, and then slowly develop it yourself... I think this is a relatively good way. "

Hearing this, Xu Xin was stunned:

"You are interested in?"

"To be honest, no. You know what my father said about me? He said that I was on the road to "not doing my job properly" and was going further and further... If I didn't do a good business at home, I would just go out and get those three melons and two dates every day... …”

Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

The corners of Si Wei's mouth also twitched...

Although the two have been together for a long time.

But every time she heard such words that subverted her view of money, she still felt uncomfortable.

Earning hundreds of millions a year is not doing your job properly...

So what exactly is "proper industry"?

"But, you are an antique → shareholder of Price Capital. What is investment but investment? You can't just let the hundreds of millions on the book lie in the bank and earn interest, right?

What's more... Hollywood has it, why can't we have it?

Aren't you afraid that if you don't do it now, you'll be completely unable to catch up in the future? Then do it...

I guess it won't cost much. Invest one or two billion, acquire one, add more computers or something, and start outsourcing to people to gain experience. Not to mention too much, in five or ten years, you can at least touch the heels of Hollywood, right?

Let me tell you, don’t be too mythical about Hollywood. I see that you are in this mountain, lost in the depths of the clouds.

They are essentially a capital market. I worked as an unjust coolie in the capital market for three years. The same job cost the Americans one hundred dollars, so I wanted twenty. Just let me eat. They had to carry the film on the train and run to our house overnight.

I will be your apprentice and learn slowly. Didn’t all the masters from ancient times to the present do this step by step? Our buddy is not short of money. Spend money and time to be friends~”

After saying this, Xu Xin couldn't think of mentioning it.

Di Wei looked down at the crab claws in her hand...

The meat is plump and fragrant.

She originally planned to take a sip of rice wine and sip it hard.


"Baby, here~"

How can Brother Cong's arrogant words not be worth a crab claw?

Reward you~

My baby is awesome~

"You eat your..."

"Oh, hurry up~"

After watching Wang Sicong take the meat from the crab claws into his mouth, she happily picked up the wine glass.

Take a sip.


Drink with a mouthful of masculine boldness.

This sip is much more comfortable than the previous drink.

In the end, the two of them came to the conclusion that they should search for a relatively good special effects production company with potential on the market. See whether it is an acquisition or an investment...

Try to develop it.

Of course, before doing this, the other two shareholders of the company must be notified.

Xu Xin will do this.

After Wang Sicong hung up the phone, he exited the chat box between the two of them and directly clicked on the small group of the four of them.

There are no forest dogs or others in this group.

The name of the group is: Price Capital Black Heart Entrepreneur Conference Room

Wang Sicong named it himself.

At this time, Di Wei asked:

"Director Xu seems to be very stimulated..."


Wang Sicong nodded slightly, held the wine glass, and clinked another glass with his girlfriend, while saying:

"It's normal. After all, Dami is acting in a science fiction film this time, with mechas and monsters. I checked and found out that Dami's salary is one million US dollars, and the male lead's salary is three million US dollars.

The investment in this drama is 200 million US dollars... I estimate... at least 150 million US dollars were spent on special effects. 1 billion, think about it, a movie uses 1 billion to produce special effects...

Even in Hollywood, it would be above average. .

How does it compare with domestically? The budgets of the top domestic movies are at most one-fifth or one-sixth of others... With such a gap, no matter how old Xu knows how to make movies, what he faces is the pinnacle of the film industry.

It's perfectly normal to be irritated.

If you really want to compare... Although it is a bit inappropriate, Lao Xu at this moment actually looks a bit like Li Hongzhang. "

Si Wei was a little puzzled:

"Why him?"

"Li Hongzhang's visit to the United States, do you know about this?"

"Uh... I don't know. Book?"

"There are articles about this matter on the Internet. You will know if you go and read it... Lao Xu's current state is actually quite similar to Li Hongzhang. Of course, it is not entirely true. It can only be said that the industrial system has always been our film The industry is weak, but what he sees is what Hollywood does best.”

While he was talking, he saw on his phone that the ID "Black-hearted Entrepreneur-Xu Xin" had posted a message in the group:

"Wheel, Old Wolf, are you here?"

"It's actually quite unfair, right?... Director Xu isn't bad either."

"It's not bad. That's why I said that what he saw was... the United States... It's not right either. It can be said to be the pinnacle of industry in the history of human film today. This kind of gap may make some people desperate, just like me back then. When we were studying abroad, one of our international students stayed in the UK after graduation. At the party, people asked him if he would not go back to China? He told us: Not going back. God knows when China will catch up. We don’t want to put our limited All your time is wasted chasing after you.”

Di Wei's brows furrowed.

Obviously, I don't like this argument.

Wang Sicong shrugged:

"Everyone has his own ambitions, and you can't force yourself to do it. As for Lao Xu, he is like another group of people... I see the shortcomings, and I may be desperate in my heart. But... I need to know more that if I don't do this, Then maybe we will always be far behind others. After all...if you fall behind, you will be beaten. So if he wants to do this, maybe he...including us will fall halfway. But at least we are moving forward. It's a long way. Others step on our corpses and continue to move forward, which makes the journey much smoother."

While talking, several messages were sent to the group.

After Wang Sicong took a look, he pushed the phone in front of his girlfriend.

Di Wei took it and took a look.

Black-hearted Entrepreneur-Xu Xin: Wheel, Old Wolf, are you here?

Bad White Lotus-Lang Lang: What are you doing?

Soft Heart Weekly Skin-JAY: What are you doing?

Black-hearted Entrepreneur-Xu Xin: Lao Wang and I plan to make one or two billion to build a film CG technology company in China. Puth funded.

Bad White Lotus-Lang Lang: Oh, just vote. Is there enough money on the books? How much do I pay?

Ruixin Zhou Papi-JAY: Kun Ling and I are drinking tea. You guys can chat. If you need money, just call me. BYE~

Bad White Lotus-Lang Lang: Gan! You're dating a minor again!

Roaning Heart Weekly Skin-JAY: [Picture]

The picture shows a selfie of him and Kun Ling cheek-by-jowl, with Jay Chou holding a teacup... The background seems to be on the balcony of a high-rise building.

Jay Chou is smiling and his eyes are full of pride.

Black-hearted Entrepreneur-Xu Xin: That’s okay, as long as you two know about this. Say it first, you may not make money or even lose money. But...it shouldn't be much compensation. I can bring business to the company... Lao Wang and I will discuss the details together, and we will discuss it after I return to China.

Bad White Lotus-Lang Lang: OK, you guys do it. Hey, where are you two?

Black-hearted Entrepreneur-Xu Xin: Toronto, what?

Bad White Lotus-Lang Lang: When will you come back? We have to go to Switzerland for Christmas. Then you think about it and go to Chinatown to buy some sauerkraut and take it there. I want to eat big bones stewed with sauerkraut. Remember to tell Dami.

Black-hearted Entrepreneur-Xu Xin: Tell her yourself, my buddy is now fighting for the industrial foundation of the Chinese film industry!

Ruixinzhou Papi-JAY: I’m still in China. I’ll buy it and take it to Switzerland. Is it still the Black Forest brand that I ate last time?

Bad White Lotus-Lang Lang: Yes. Buy a few more packs, the quantity is small. The pickled cabbage and big bones need to be stewed in a big pot to make them fragrant!

Si Wei couldn't help but twitch the corners of her mouth...

This group of people...

It's obviously an investment of several hundred million, but take a look... the investment in a few words and the big bones of sauerkraut swipe the screen.

Please, can you be more serious?

Shouldn't everyone talk about GDP, BKB, DKP, USB and the like in this high-end investment?

Why did it become a pot of pickled vegetables and bones?

I’m not convinced by the Sichuan hoof rice!


"What's your name in this group?"

Wang Sicong's expression immediately became strange.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Just type it and see."

Upon hearing this, Di Wei typed "." and sent it to the group.

Then I also saw my boyfriend’s ID.

The playboy rich second generation - Mr. Wang.



Despicable man!

I gave you the crab legs for nothing!

she spat.

(Two Yangs. I want to die.)

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