I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 812 809 New World

While chatting with Wang Sicong, Yang Mi seemed to have finished putting on makeup.

Send Xu Xin a WeChat message and ask him to come over and take a look.

Seeing this, Xu Xin got up and walked directly into the studio. As soon as he entered, he saw a group of crew members gathered in the direction of the three cabins.

He looked around and found that he didn't see his wife, so he walked over.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the partition, he saw his wife standing above the cabin.

She and the leading actor Charlie Hunnam were wearing a...how should I put it, a bit similar to the costume in "RoboCop" he watched when he was a child. There was a visor on his head, and he was standing there. above the cabin.

There is a mechanical arm behind the two people, and several staff members are busy around the two people, as if they are fixing the two people to it.

To be honest, this visor is very pleasing to the eye. The transparent mask is embedded with LED lights, which not only looks full of technology, but also acts as a lighting effect, allowing people to clearly see the expressions of the actors inside.

Just like Iron Man.

After seeing it clearly, Xu Xin's first reaction was to smash it and smack his lips...

My wife’s body...

Very sexy~

The second reaction was that there was something wrong with the bust design of the dress.

It is estimated that my wife will not be very comfortable wearing it.

Obviously smaller.

As for the third reaction, it was belated curiosity.

Although he had just seen how the three mecha cabins worked, he couldn't imagine what the actors were like standing on them.

He simply stood in the corner and watched with interest.

Soon, the staff "embedded" the two protagonists into the cabin.

After the mechanical arms behind the two men were installed, several pipelines that should be used to express things such as "life support" were installed on the necks, backs and other places of the combat uniforms.

After the installation was completed, a voice came from the staff’s walkie-talkie:

"Lighting effects on."


The lights in all cabins, including the protagonist's mask, etc., are all turned on.

All of a sudden, the sci-fi feeling hit me.

Then, Xu Xin heard a word that took him a while to understand what it meant:

"0 gravity system, start."

While he was dazed, he suddenly realized that... his wife felt like she had stepped on a ball of cotton.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, she seemed to be "lifted" by the mechanical arm, and her whole body had a "floating" feeling without any force, as if there was no real object under her feet.

She wasn't used to it at first, but Guillermo Toro's voice sounded from the intercom:

"Yang, don't resist it. Give the center of gravity to the robotic arm at the back, and the feedback will give me the feeling that you stepped on the air, but you can freely control your limbs."

Yang Mi was stunned, nodded slightly, and made a relaxed state.

The feeling of being completely hung on the rear mechanical arm came over me.

Unconsciously, Xu Xin stepped on the radiation-dangerous oil drum in front of him.

After climbing up and looking into the distance, he discovered that at the foot of the cabin... was an area... similar to the accelerator pedal of a car.

These "gas pedals" are straight up into the sky, making an up-and-down motion.

At this moment, my wife's legs are following its ripple-like rhythm.

The whole person feels like he is floating.


He thought for a moment and looked around.

Then after getting off the oil drum, he moved a few steps among the crowd.

"Hey, BUDDY~"

Hearing this sound, several people around him turned their heads.

When the guy from the construction company who just gave Xu Xin the answer about the cabin installation saw that it was him, he nodded:


"Let me ask, what are those things under their feet? It looks like a gas pedal."

"have no idea."

The guy shook his head.

Xu Xin was stunned:

"Aren't you an installer?"

"Yeah, but do you think someone from the props team will tell me how this thing works?"


Xu Xin didn't know what to say now.

But then I suddenly heard a voice:

"That's a zero-gravity feedback system."

When he turned around, he saw a very young man saying.

Seeing him turn his head, the guy shrugged:

"Of course, we can't afford a real zero-gravity feedback system. So I used 100 brand-new Bugatti Veyron car pedals to connect to the hydraulic system and designed a rhythm program. You are Yang's assistant. I just met After you, right?"


Xu Xin nodded with twitching corners of his mouth.

Are you talking about Bugatti?

BYD is pretty much the same.

"Hello, Xu."


This guy shook hands with him:

"Jordi Tarrio."

"Hello, Jody...you said you designed those programs?"


This guy nodded:

"how are you feeling?"


Hearing Xu Xin's words, Jodi seemed quite happy and continued:

"My design inspiration comes from your Olympic Games. The show where the blocks keep spreading, you know what I'm talking about, right?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

Asked subconsciously:

"Text? Chinese characters?"


Jody pointed in the direction of the cabin:

"It's just that when you perform, the performers wear square boxes. But I use computer-simulated geometric image movement trajectories. In this way, when they step on it, the entire pedal under their feet is in a regular movement. When they step on it, After being fixed on the robot arm, it will look like it does now. Also, that's not a gas pedal. You don't seem to understand my humor. It's just a simple metal square welded together with a support rod. However, I It uses oil pump hydraulic pressure, and its sound is very small and hidden..."


Xu Xin understood the working principle.

It became clearer that this person should be the designer of the crew's props.

However, this guy probably didn’t know that the person in front of him was the “designer” who inspired him.

So, he immediately abandoned the construction team guy and continued to ask:

"Jody, how long have you been designing this cabin?"

"Probably less than half a month. What's wrong?"

"...the parts are all specially made?"

"Sure, they look great, right?"

"Well, great!"

Xu Xin nodded sincerely.

After hearing this, Jodi seemed to be inspired to show off, and he shook his head modestly:

"This is just the tip of the iceberg, man. What's in Studio One is going to blow your mind. You know, it's just the cockpit, the inside of the base. There's the factory in Studio One, the entire base, including Neighborhoods, urban ruins, etc. That’s a big project!”


Xu Xin was speechless for a moment.


Because I haven't seen it.

So imagination is lacking.

Of course, it's not that he hasn't seen any big projects.

Just kidding...it's really "big". All the facilities for the Olympic Games are just a few blocks away from here.

But the situation is somewhat different.

In the film industry, he really hasn't seen many "big" projects.

What's more, he would rather summarize the Olympics as a "miracle of human power" than a major technological project.

As a witness, no one knows better than him how many people worked on the front lines behind the scenes of the opening ceremony, like pieces of dust in a puzzle, and finally put together the greatest work.

The Olympics are not technology.

Or "limited technology" but more "artificial".

In the film industry, the biggest project he has ever seen was just the palace fighting scene in "The Golden Armor".

That is also made up of "people".

The film industry in front of us is composed of props, scenery, and technology...

He really couldn't imagine it.

I really can't think of it.

Today is not the official start of filming, it is just used to make final preparations for various projects in the crew.

After Yang Mi got off the mecha, she immediately continued back to the dressing room without stopping.

She wants a haircut.

In Gilmore's design, MAKO should be an extremely chic image with short hair.

Does she cut it?

It must be cut.

The makeup artist on the set provided her with 7 looks and 12 hair templates, and she had to experiment little by little.

The couple had been in the same place all morning, but they hadn't said a word.

It was customary to have dinner together at noon.

But at this time, Hollywood taught him another lesson.

Because it was not an outdoor location, everyone chose Songlin's own restaurant for lunch...or the canteen.

After Yang Mi decided on her look in the morning, she followed Guillermo Toro and several actors and left in a golf cart.

Sun Ting followed.

And Xu Xin didn't want to snatch it at all.

He is just one of the heroine's "assistants".

You can't look at Guillermo Toro's virtue of occupying two places for one person, walk up to him, slap him on the back of the head, and tell him: "Fat, make some room for me." Right?

So, seeing several golf carts with actors, producers, directors and other "boss" on them, he thought about following them and waiting to be picked up from behind.

Then, he looked around and saw Jodi, who was playing with his mobile phone with his head down.

"Hey, Jody."

Jodi looked up at him and nodded:

"Hey, Xu."

The two of them followed the big guy and got into a bar car.

Only then did Xu Xin notice that he had been playing the famous "Angry Birds" game.

He didn't talk to me either.

Jody plays and he watches.

After arriving at the cafeteria, he saw Yang Mi sitting at a long table with Guillermo Toro and others.

His wife had also been looking for him. When she saw him coming in, she asked with her eyes.

Needless to say, there is no need to mention the tacit understanding between husband and wife.

Xu Xin shook his head slightly, meaning that he would not eat at the same table with her.

Only then did Yang Mi retract her gaze.

After he and Jodi took some lunch in a self-service manner, Xu Xin asked, holding the tray:

"Where to sit?"

Jody was stunned.

He glanced at him and then glanced in another direction.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Find a place."

So he led Xu Xin and the two of them came to a table.

Xu Xin didn't think much about it at first, but as soon as he sat down, someone called Jody over there:


"Hey, Paul."

"There's room for you here."

"No, I'll sit here and eat."

After Jodi rejected the other party, Xu Xin asked curiously:

"Which department are those people from?"

"Our props department...Xu, have you just come to the United States?"

"Yes. I came here with Yang."


Jody thought for a moment and whispered:

"Maybe, there are quite a lot of unwritten and unspoken rules in Hollywood."

Xu Xin was stunned and asked:

"for example?"

"For example, people in the same department sit at the same table. You are an assistant. Normally, you should sit at the table of an assistant you are familiar with."


Xu Xin blinked and realized why someone called him just now.

But interest soon came:

"What's the point of this?"

"I don't know either."

Jody shrugged:

"You can understand it as...culture? Or habit? Of course, more often than not, it is a behavior of not getting yourself into trouble. Your profession determines that you are a member of a certain group. In a group, You can talk about your stuff. But if you sit as an assistant...for example, at my table, we may not want you to listen to what we talk about. This will make us uncomfortable, and you will be ostracized by us..."


Looking at Xu Xin's stunned look, Jodi smiled and continued:

"After all, there are a lot of people in the crew. If there is some trouble, without collective protection, others may bully you."


For a moment, Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

But I still appreciate the other person’s kind reminder.

At this moment, a man also passed by with a dinner plate. After seeing Jodi, he sat directly at this table.

"Look who this is...my little birdie Jody."

“F @CK YOU, Boris.”

Jodi responded to him without curiosity.

"You better not be talking nonsense."

Hearing this, the buddy named Boris laughed and nodded slightly as a greeting to Xu Xin:


Then he turned to Jodi and said:

"The boss said that the props you designed have been pulled down at the entrance of Warehouse No. 1. After you finish eating, remember to find someone to unload them."

Jodi was stunned:


"Yes, just arrived. You'd better move quickly. The first thing the director does in the afternoon is to check your place."

"Damn...why didn't you tell me earlier? I didn't arrange for anyone to unload the car at all."

"That's your problem. Look~"

Boris took out his mobile phone.

"11:55, I just received the news. Little bird, this trouble is yours."


Jody was speechless for a while.

But then Xu Xin asked:

"Need help?"

Before Jody could speak, Boris, who was dipping a piece of bread into meatball soup, shrugged:

"Ha~ It seems like finding six more people will be enough."


Only then did Xu Xin, whose brain circuits slowed down for a moment, realized that what he meant was "count yourself among them."

And Jody said to him:

"Thank you for your help, Xu."

"It doesn't matter, we are friends, we help each other."

"...Hell, where can I find anyone else?"

Jody complained as he ate.

Xu Xin didn't have a clue.

Eat silently.

Don't tell me, it tastes pretty good.

After the meal was over, as he and Jody poured the food from their plates into the trash can, they asked:

"Now looking for help from other people who haven't eaten?"

"That's not their job. Unless it's for extra money, others won't care about you. I'll go figure it out...Xu, let's go and go to Studio No. 1 to take a look first."


Xu Xin followed him out of the canteen.

In the cold wind, Jody led him on foot in one direction.

As he walked, he complained:

"These film companies are obviously so rich, why can't they provide some bicycles to the staff who come to shoot in the factory? Even skateboards will do!"


Xu Xin was speechless for a moment.

I turned around and looked at the golf carts parked in front of the restaurant...


Quite fresh.

Because he used to be the one sitting in the car, he rarely considered the thoughts of the lower-level crew members.

And now this angle... seemed to have opened the door to a whole new world for him.

At this time, Jody asked:

"Xu, how long have you been an assistant?"

"Uh... less than two months."

"How does it feel to get along with actors day and night? Do you often meet some big stars and the like?"


"That's cool. So who's the most famous actor you've ever met?"

"Well...does Keanu Reeves count?"

"Of course, who else?"

"There are many, Leonardo, Nicolas Cage, Spielberg..."


Jody paused in his steps and turned to look at him with a surprised look on his face:

"so many people?"

"Yeah. I've also been to Keanu Reeves' house."


Jodi subconsciously widened his eyes:

"Yang and Keanu? So exciting?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

"OMG...this is big news!"

"No, no, no, Jody, what are you thinking? I met Keanu on my own, Yang... uh..."

For no reason, he felt as if he had dug a hole to bury himself.

"Yang, she is already married. Keanu is not her type either, I guarantee that."


Jody finally extinguished the flames of gossip.

The two of them chatted about the big stars Xu Xin had met along the way, and finally came to a large factory building with a truck parked.

Xu Xin was still surprised at the size of this factory and asked subconsciously:

"How big is it in here?"

"It's like over thirty thousand feet... Hey there."

Looking at the truck driver who opened the door and got out, Jody said hello.

When the fat driver saw the two of them, he just nodded, then walked around to the back and opened the door of the rear compartment.

After the two of them walked over and looked at the entire carload of props, large and small, Xu Xin subconsciously said:

"Jody, it's time for you to find someone..."

"I know...Xu."

Jodi was speechless:

"But the question is, where should I find it?"

The most distressing thing was the truck driver who heard the two talking.

The other party looked at his watch:

"You still have one and a half hours, gentlemen. After that, the company stipulates that a delay fee of 10% of the toll will be charged."

Jodi became angry when he heard it:

"Hey, you can't do this! We have an agreement that you have to call and notify at least 2 hours in advance! You sent the message at about 11 noon today, and the unloading time does not start until 1:55! It will not be until 3:55 in the afternoon. That’s right!”

"Sorry, this clause is not included in the transportation contract I received."

"This is impossible!"

"Do you want to see my contract?"

After just one or two words, the two of them started to choke.

Xu Xing was about to persuade him, but suddenly he saw a familiar person...

After thinking about it, he walked over directly.

"I'm going to call and complain to your company! You are not complying with the transportation agreement!"

"It's up to you. If it exceeds an hour and a half, I will tell the company that you have exceeded the time limit..."


Jody and the truck driver were still choking, but just then...

"Hey, Jody."

Jodi turned his head subconsciously and saw Xu Xin walking over with a bearded man.

While he was still wondering, the bearded man who had talked with Xu Xin about the installation of the three cabins in the morning took a look at the things inside the carriage and said:

"Six people, one hour."


Jody was stunned.

But I heard Xu Xin say:

"10 people, 40 minutes, move to the designated location."

"make a deal."

The bearded man nodded, took the walkie-talkie and said:

"Hoffman, call 10 brothers and come to Studio No. 1, now, right away!"


Jody was even more confused.

But then there was a burst of ecstasy in my heart.

Is this person willing to help me?

But as soon as this idea came to him, he heard this man ask Xu Xin:

"how to pay?"

"I'll give it to you now."

With that said, Xu Xin took out his wallet.

Wait... payment?

Before Jodi could react, Xu Xin's wallet opened...

At least twenty or thirty thick one-hundred-dollar bills were taken out by him.

"Swish, swish, swish, swish."

He took out five bills and handed them to the other party's hand.

"Sorry, I'm used to carrying full cash when I go out."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, the man smiled and nodded:

"Of course no problem, BOSS."


Looking at Jodi's confused look, Xu Xin shrugged:

"Look, Jody. Anything that can be solved with money is not a problem. Right?"

As he spoke, he pointed toward Studio No. 1:

"Take Court to see where you want to unload these things, right? We'll talk about the rest later. We have to hurry up."


Jody was speechless for a while.

He looked at the construction worker named Court, then at Xu Xin, and nodded:

"Okay, we'll talk about it later. Follow me~"

He quickly came to the small door of the studio and led the two of them inside.

There is also a person on duty inside.

He went directly to communicate.

And Court followed him.

But Xu Xin didn't move.

He just looked at everything under the green screen in front of him and subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

This is a steel factory.

Numerous very thick steel columns, launch silos, and all kinds of... A steel factory that is full of a wasteland sci-fi feel, but gives people a full sense of oppression, comes into view.

Unconsciously, he was thinking.

How are these pure steel columns driven into concrete?

This is real? Or a prop?

If it was a prop, how could it be so realistic?

And if it is a real I-beam column... How long will it take to complete such a large project?

Don't mention anything else...the steel structures of those silos are no small job...

This scale seems to be almost the same as the raw coal bunker in my own mine...

How did you do it?

Questions popped up in my mind.

The studio is very big.

The steel factory set didn't fill the entire soundstage.

But it was so...seeing the scene where they even built the launch silo, he still didn't know what to say.

At this moment, there was a "buzz" sound, and the two main doors of the electronically controlled studio for feeding materials slowly opened.

The two doors are large and wide.

It can't compare to the scale of the steel factory in front of you.

The studio is very high and deep.

Not even a steel factory can fill it.

As the door opens, the natural light outside expands and expands little by little through the opened door...

Xu Xin stood under the light and shadow, looking up at everything in front of him...

In my heart, it was like a new world had been opened up again.

The fever has gone down to around 37.8 and I slept all day yesterday. I woke up at 6 o'clock this morning and have been writing until now. .

If I have enough energy at night, I will try to write about 4,000 words.

But I guess there is a high probability that it is gone.

This time it was not as uncomfortable as the first time, and the fever subsided quickly. But the whole person's spirit is very poor.

Please understand.

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