I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 814 811 New Stage

Chapter 814 811. New stage


Inside the carriage of the Glacier Express, known as the most beautiful train route in the world.

Si Wei looked at the picture album in her hand. After turning to a page, she pointed at the content and said to Wang Sicong, who was sitting opposite her:

"Brother Cong, I like this picture."

Wang Sicong, wearing sunglasses, stretched his head and took a look, then nodded:

“The scenery in Graubünden is really nice.”

After hearing this, Di Wei looked down at the oil paintings in the album and continued:

"Just looking at these oil paintings, you can feel how beautiful the scenery over there is...the paintings are so good~"

"Then our first stop when we arrive in Davos is to go to the Kissena Museum of Fine Arts?"

"Goodbye, let's wait until Jie Lun and the others arrive, and let's go together. Don't he like these oil paintings the most... I just look at them and don't know how to appreciate them. But... hehe."

Although he started to grow his hair long, he still looked very dashing because he had not grown it long yet. He smiled sweetly at his boyfriend opposite:

"I like this album very much."

As she spoke, she covered her mouth with her hands and whispered to Wang Sicong:

"Love you~~~"

I am so happy to have a boyfriend who is as knowledgeable as a tour guide.

Although it was my first time to come to Switzerland, I didn’t even know there was such a place as “Davos” in the world before this. But along the way, she has learned a lot about Davos.

These are all tips made by my boyfriend.

Including the "Kishina Painting Collection" in my hand...

At first she had no idea who Kissina was. Her boyfriend told her that this is the most popular painter among the people of Davos.

He is a German who has lived in Davos for 20 years.

The landscape oil paintings he painted for Davos became famous throughout the West.

And Di Wei had to admit... the scenery this man painted was really beautiful. Just by looking at it, a "Davos" seems to have appeared in my mind.

Her boyfriend's delicacy was like the sweet honey, blocking all the cracks in her heart.

Making her even more infatuated.

And Wang Sicong was also a little confused by her sudden confession.

Grinning in amusement.

Si Wei was in a good mood all the way, so good that even the food she was not used to eating became delicious.

After a sweet little interaction, she finished reading the painting album prepared by her boyfriend and then casually opened another album. It was also prepared by my boyfriend, and inside it was a Davos brochure I got from somewhere.

As soon as she opened it, she was stunned.

"Davos Forum……?"

Looking at the photos of familiar figures such as Ma Yun and Obama, Wei Wei asked in confusion:

"Is there a forum here?"

"Well, it's pretty famous. It's held in Davos every January... Do you want to go?"

Hearing this, Di Wei was stunned again.

Then he pointed at Obama’s face on the brochure with a dumbfounded expression:

"Shall I sit at the same table as Obama?"

"That's fine. What's the problem?"

Wang Sicong looked casual.


Si Wei was stunned.

He looked at the second bottle of red wine the two of them drank along the way.

"This little drink won't stop you from talking nonsense, baby."

"It's really not nonsense."

Wang Sicong said while looking at the scenery outside:

"This forum is also called the World Economic Forum. Every year, dignitaries and leaders from all over the world come here. Doesn't it sound very high-end?"


"But you can go, even... sit at the same table with Obama is a bit exaggerated, but it is not difficult for you to hold a conference with them."


Seeing his girlfriend's confused look, he shrugged:

"The founder of this forum is a man named Schwab. He built a conference center in Davos. As for the history of its development, let's not mention it. The purpose of this conference forum actually hopes to broaden its concept to become a forum for resolving international disputes. platform. Use the Davos Forum as a neutral platform to resolve their differences. It is a membership system. You only need to pay a membership fee every year to go. After paying the money, you will receive a badge. The lowest level one It’s tens of thousands of dollars a year, and the highest level, which means you can sit in the same room with those big guys for meetings, is two to three hundred thousand dollars. Do you need to expand your influence in this area? If necessary, let’s go there. Let’s open the highest level. , and not much money..."


Si Wei refused without even thinking about it.

Forget about two or three hundred thousand...

That's two hundred thousand dollars, that's over one million.

More than a million a year, just to sit in a room with these big guys?

It would be a serious illness if I agreed.

So, she quickly turned over the page introducing the Davos Forum. Then the eyes lit up~


Ski resort~~~

Looks great! ! ! !

This year's Langlang Day didn't have as professional an online game session as last year.

The house was found by Wang Sicong. His classmate had a house in Davos specially used for vacation.

Originally, Lang Lang said he wanted to find a resort with a dignitary level, but everyone thought it was unnecessary. January is the day of the Davos Forum. It’s hard to predict how strong the security will be in a resort like this. In addition, the location must be a bit remote, so it may not be convenient to live there.

In the end, Wang Sicong directly called his classmates and confirmed that they were going to the beach for vacation this year and planned to borrow it.

There are many people this year.

The brothers all have girlfriends, and Lao Xu also has a baby and Uncle Yang and Aunt Yang there. The place is small and he is worried that he will not be able to live there.

The Glacier Express takes 6 hours to reach Voss.

At almost 3 o'clock in the afternoon, we finally arrived in Davos.

Si Wei's cheeks turned red after drinking. After getting out of the car and taking in her first breath of cold air, before she could express her feelings of "Snow, you are so white", her boyfriend grabbed her around her neck. scarf.

Gentle concern rang in my ears:

"Put on the scarf and don't catch a cold."

Upon hearing these words, the pride in the woman's heart turned into tender love.

Contrary to the usual shyness before, I stood on tiptoes and hooked my boyfriend's neck. On this exotic white snow station, passing by countless travelers carrying skis and luggage, I met my boyfriend. Kissed together.

Wang Sicong was stunned at first.

Then he closed his eyes.

A couple hugged each other on the platform as if no one else was watching.

It quickly attracted the attention of many people.

However, foreigners are more accepting of this kind of thing.

Although looking at the two of them, they don’t seem to be very shallow...

But I didn't think it was anything.

Isn't it just a bit sticky?

When it's cold, it's normal to kiss each other to keep warm.


Who said Orientals are reserved?

"Come on, you two explain to me...what is this?!"

Yang Mi was speechless.

Sitting next to her, Jay Chou, holding Yangyang in his arms, looked gloating.

Xu Xin remained silent, squatting in front of the fireplace and continuing to stir in the firepit.



Si Wei and Wang Sicong looked embarrassed.

On the IPAD in front of the two of them was the Weibo interface of a gossip magazine.

There is a Weibo post that was just posted 10 minutes ago.

"[Exposed!!!] Wang Sicong and Di Wei kissed each other like no one on the Swiss train platform!!! OMG! The pure love god of war has finally stepped out of the shadow of his ex-girlfriend!!!"

No matter how you look at it, this news seems to have been compiled at random.

But... this news has only been posted for ten minutes, and it has already received more than 700 retweets, more than 1,300 likes, and 500+ comments...

"Brother Cong, Brother 7, drink tea~"

Kun Ling, the youngest, brought two cups of hot tea to the two of them who had just entered the house less than 10 minutes ago.

After taking a look at the content on Weibo, he walked to the sofa nearby with a strange expression.

Nuannuan, who was sitting on the sofa playing with the Rubik's Cube, saw her aunt coming and quickly moved her buttocks. The two of them just squeezed into the same sofa.

Following Yang Mi's words, Jay Chou said with a smile:

"I thought I was the first one to be on the news. Oops, Lao Wang, that's good~"

"Get out of here, you!"

Wang Sicong spat at him angrily, picked up his iPad, and clicked on the comment.

"Oh no! I was actually touched! Our God of Pure Love still believes in love!!"

"Wang Sicong and Di Wei? How did these two get together?"

"In the play: Wei Yiran teaches Huang Xiaoxian how to behave. Outside the play: Wei Yiran and Huang Xiaoxian become lovers!"

"Upstairs, I think it would be better to change the last sentence to Wei Yiran and Huang Xiaoxian creating humans."


"Hahahaha, I unexpectedly discovered that these two are so sweet hahahahaha"

"Davos? Didn't Xu Gou and Mimi also go to Switzerland? Could it be that this group of people..."

"It should be the legendary Langlang."

"What's the meaning of Langlangri?"

"Looking at the interview, Lang Lang said that a few of them always set aside one week for the festival every year."

"It's great to have money..."

Comments were mixed.

Wang Sicong clicked on the photo again.

In the photo, he without sunglasses and Brother Qi, who had sunglasses stuck on his head, were kissing in front of the train station. The two of them were clearly photographed.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

He glanced at his girlfriend subconsciously and asked:

"Shall we make it public?"


Si Wei was speechless.

Subconsciously he looked at Yang Mi.

She...has no experience in this area.

The first reaction is whether the company will object after it is made public.

The second reaction was to look at Yang Mi:

"Sister Mi, what should we do?"

She completely forgot that Yang Mi was actually two years younger than her.

But Yang Mi is indeed more experienced in this kind of thing.

After noticing Brother Qi's eyes, he asked:

"Have you told the company? Are you two together?"


Si Wei shook her head:

"This is my own business, and I will definitely not tell them... Do I want to tell them now?"


Yang Mi didn't say a word, but fell into thinking.

At this time, Xu Xin, who had been stabbing the fire pit with a stove hook, said casually:

"How easy it is to deal with this matter, Lao Wang, take a photo of Wheel and Hannah together, take it now, and then post it on Weibo to expose the two of them. Doesn't it suppress your popularity? Shoot now... Oh yes, remember to code Nuannuan and Yangyang, just say that they have children together."




Everyone in the room was speechless when they heard this.

Jay Chou turned to look at him and said in a dumbfounded voice:

"Hey, it's not a human thing, but you are more inhuman when you do it~"

But Kun Ling simply hugged Nuan Nuan and put it in front of her face.

It was as if someone was actually filming her.

In fact, this accident was not a big deal in a strict sense.

Wang Sicong doesn't care.

Si Wei's company is not bound by the terms of the relationship, not to mention... who is Wang Sicong?

Wanda's heir.

Falling in love with him would be of great significance to Di Wei's company.

Not to mention anything else...if the company recommends other actors or artists in the future...with this kind of relationship, wouldn't it be too simple?

So she will definitely not be harshly criticized.

Just kidding...who dares?


"You have to be prepared for this in the future."

Yang Mi said:

"The first change is... although you two are not married yet, in essence, Lao Wang's identity lies there. In the future, you will encounter many... curious eyes about your private life. And in these In the eyes, everything you say and do will be magnified. For example, if Lao Wang goes to a friend's party again, he may just pass by a girl. After being photographed, as long as the angle is wrong, or it can be extended to something If you go up there, it will have a great impact on the mutual trust between the two of you."

After she said this, Jay Chou nodded slightly, subconsciously wanting to say something.

At this time...


Xu Xin suddenly coughed twice.

Jay Chou could have seen it.

Because of the angle, Kun Ling had to turn her head if she wanted to see Xu Xin, but Jay Chou could see him directly.

After seeing A Xin staring at him and shaking his head slightly, he seemed to understand something and chose to shut up.

Only then did Xu Xin say:

"This is indeed very important. Especially Lao Wang, you still have many friends, so you have to pay attention to it in the future... But this kind of thing is actually inevitable. She and I..."

Pointing at his wife, he said:

"The way we deal with it is that every time before I go somewhere, I will tell her in advance. For example, I have a business meeting today, who will I have dinner with, and some beautiful women will come over to keep me company? I will tell her."

Yang Mi also nodded:

"Trust is mutual. What's more, Lao Wang, you are not actually a public figure, and your business bureau will have more. So this aspect is a difficulty that you two have to face."

"That's okay."

At this time, Di Wei spoke:

"That's what we have been doing. He would tell me that it is indispensable for men to socialize. Just go with me to have dinner with some producers or something, and I would tell him."

"Well, that's good. Then there's the second point... Brother Qi, you have to be mentally prepared."

Yang Mi looked at Di Wei and continued:

"You have to do a good job. No matter how hard you try, to others, you are just "borrowing your boyfriend to get ahead."

This is actually quite shocking.

This was the case when Xu Xingang and I were together. After we were exposed, he was the Olympic torch designer at that time, a disciple of Director Zhang, the best new director at Cannes, and he also made a very popular movie...

After our love history was revealed, including how I became a girl, why I was the heroine of "The Wind", Sister Bingbing had to be my voice actor, etc... Everything you have will be taken away by others. Come and review.

If you do well, it's because others are looking up to you under the influence of your boyfriend's halo.

If you do poorly, that means your virtue is not up to par... This is actually quite shocking.

Because your own efforts have been directly ignored... Don't think about anything at this time: I have to rely on my own strength to work hard... That's too stupid.

Lao Wang often said that you two are rushing to get married. If this is the case, you must understand a truth. That is... no matter who succeeds, you are working hard for your two families. Whether you struggle on your own or rely on others, it actually doesn't matter.

The important thing is that you two trust each other and rely on each other no matter what happens... As long as you do this well and your mentality is not unbalanced, it really doesn't mean much whether it is exposed or not, or how others evaluate you... …At least that’s the case for both of us. "


Si Wei glanced at her boyfriend.

She found her boyfriend looking at her too.


She nodded:

"Okay, Sister Mi, I remember your words!"

Kun Ling, on the other side, also fell into a thoughtful look.

Seeing this, Jay Chou spoke:

"Actually, we are the same~"

He said this to Di Wei:

"Mimi and I have talked about these things before. She and Axin are ahead of us, so... just copy them. The important thing is that we are together and don't pay attention to the paparazzi from the outside world. Comments La. Those people can do bad things sometimes..."


Xu Xin coughed again.

But this time he didn't speak.

Instead, he continued to stir the fire.

But Jay Chou's tone changed instantly:

"That's it. The most important thing is that we two live a good life. The more you care about external comments, the more harm you will do to yourself... If you don't believe it, look at Mimi and Axin. Axin is still called Dog..."

"What are you barking at?"

Xu Xin was speechless.


Jay Chou smiled proudly, spread his hands and shrugged:

"That's how it is anyway. Brother Qi, you have to protect yourself and you all. So does Lao Wang~"


Hearing everyone say this, Di Wei understood that this might be... the most important thing for her and Brother Cong to start a new stage of their relationship.

Although she doesn't have a particularly intuitive concept of these things.

after all……

In the past, let alone falling in love or getting married, she might not have made any waves in this circle.

Just a nobody.

But now...

She knew that these two points must be the most important things.

So after remembering it hard in my mind, I asked:

"Then what happens next..."

"I think it's better to deal with it coldly. Don't admit it, don't deny it."

After Yang Mi finished speaking, Xu Xin said:

"It's not good to be too high-profile emotionally."

"Then ignore it."

Wang Sicong asked his girlfriend tentatively.


Di Wei responded.

Then he said, dumbfounded:

"What the hell is this?"

"Okay, don't worry about it. You should think about how to deal with the company~"

After Yang Mi comforted her, Xu Xin stopped poking at the fire pit.

Instead, he stood up and said:

"Old Wang, do you want to drink?"

"What wine?"


As he spoke, he came to the window of the living room on the first floor.

Opening the window, a cold breeze blew in.

Kun Ling subconsciously hugged Nuan Nuan tightly.

Yang Mi was unhappy:

"What are you doing!"

Then I saw my husband taking out bottles of beer from the snow on the windowsill.




Jay Chou was stunned:

"Eh...what a genius idea!"

“This is the wisdom of the Northeast people~!”

Xu Xin didn't take any credit and walked over with a few bottles of beer.

Passed it to several people.

Even Yang Mi was not spared.

Then he asked Wang Sicong:

"Have you taken care of everything you asked me to take care of?"

"Bring it!"

Wang Sicong, who still didn't know where to open his room, pushed the box down and opened it while saying:

"When are you going to go to the hot springs? Where is Uncle Yang? Are you all ready with your snowboards? Are you taking Brother Qi and me?"

"Bring it."

Yang Mi drank a cold beer and responded:

"I bought it in Toronto...it's quite expensive. Expensive is good."

"Tsk, your tone is a bit like Lao Xu's... Fake a book~~"


An old joke that has endured among a few friends is circulating again.

Kun Ling, who was holding Nuannuan, was a little curious:

"What do you mean?"

Jay Chou shrugged and explained the 2B years of his brothers.

Kun Ling was also happy.



A PS3 covered with stickers was taken out of the box by Wang Sicong.

Yang Mi's mouth twitched...

She looked dumbfounded at her husband who had already started to move the TV:

"It's been five years since this crap started in 2006, brother! Haven't you had enough of it?"

"There's still a game between us that's still undecided!"

Xu Xin sneered.

Yang Mi was even more speechless:

"This is Switzerland, brother! There are hot springs and ski resorts! ... and the three of us... Lao Lang and MIUMIU will come soon. If you four gentlemen dare to stay at home and play video games for a week, I will bury you in the snowy mountains. Believe it or not!”

"Wow, Ah Xin, please take care of this talkative woman! How could she say such horrible things..."

"A woman who talks too much? Good, good, good!"

As soon as the wine bottle was put on the table, she walked around behind Jay Chou without saying a word, and locked Jay Chou with a quick crossbar.

"Deadly scissor kicks!!! I'll blow your head off!!!"

"Cough cough cough cough... Hey, you don't care?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin, who is a dead Taoist friend but not a poor Taoist, shrugged casually:

"Are you kidding? She will even hit me when she gets anxious... You should be locked up by her for a while, Lao Wang. I learned two tricks from Kobe in the United States during this time..."

"Stop bragging. Kobe?"

Wang Sicong smiled sarcastically:

"Jordan is here, and he has to kneel here today! The Heat are invincible!"


Ignoring Jay Chou who had more air coming out and less air coming in, the two quickly assembled the PS3 and picked up the handle.

One person can lock the Heat in seconds, and one person can lock the Lakers in seconds.

This year’s Christmas war, 23V24, begins!


The corners of Si Wei's eyes twitched...

I glanced at the man who said he was taking me to an art museum a second ago, and turned into a heartless man in this second...

Speechlessly ignoring Jay Chou's hands asking for help.

Holding the wine bottle, he said to Kun Ling:

"Where are Uncle Yang and the others?"

"I'm going to the hot springs. I said I wanted to experience it for us~"

"Huh? It's over...I forgot to bring my swimsuit..."

"I've got an extra piece, Brother Qi, do you want to try it on for size?"

"It'll be a while. I just drank wine and I'm feeling angry...Hey, your boyfriend is about to die, don't you care?"

Hearing this, Kun Ling turned to look at Jay Chou...

Some shyly gave two thumbs up:

"Come on~"

Still six thousand. I tried my best at night, but still lacked energy and felt very tired...

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