I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 815 Chapter 812

Chapter 815: 812. Walking Alone

"Bad luck! Bah! Garbage game!"


Amidst Wang Sicong's wild laughter, Xu Xin threw away the handle as if in a fit of anger, shook the empty bottle in his hand, got up and went upstairs directly.

"Hey, don't be too lazy. This is only one round! After this round, there are still three rounds to go!"

"I feel bad today, I'm going to smoke, what's your dog's name!"

The cursing Xu Xin walked to the second floor without looking back.

And Jay Chou took over the handle without hesitation:

"Come, come, let you experience the horror of the Thunder Third Young Master!"

In the hands of Wang Sicong, the invincible Miami Heat once again ushered in the challenge of a strong enemy.

The three of Yang Mi didn't care, and even ignored that the two children were watching TV...

It's a vacation, it's okay to watch TV once in a while.

Three people are sorting out the equipment for skiing tomorrow.

As for Xu Xin, after going upstairs, he came directly to the small balcony on the second floor.

Although it's silly to sit on the balcony in the cold, I have to admit that it's quite interesting to look at the snow-capped mountains in the distance in this small town in a foreign country.

Even after smoking a cigarette, he didn't go down.

Instead, he took out his mobile phone and chatted with Ren Changzhen, Yan Dazhong and others in the group called "A Bite of Heaven".

"Director Xu, the copywriting has been sorted out, shall I send it to you now?"

"Okay, send it. What about the soundtrack sample?"

"Not yet, it will take two days."

"Well, people can audition in these two days. When the time comes, Director Ren remember to send me the demo, and we will have an online meeting to discuss it. After finalizing the copywriting, we will start editing."


Now the work of "Bite of Tongue" has come to an end.

All the shots that should be shot in the later stage are also over.

All that's left is the editing, dubbing, and score.

Xu Xin had already confirmed the lens before, and there was basically no problem.

Don't worry about editing, this time it was CCTV who took the shot, and he also gave editing ideas.

Next, is the lengthy post-production.

It is estimated that... no matter what, I will have to be busy until March or April next year.

It's okay, no delay.

It's just that recently, there are obviously more links that need him to control.

Not even on vacation.

While discussing follow-up matters with the people in the team, the balcony door was opened.

Wang Sicong and Jay Chou came over.

"Isn't it cold?"

"It's okay. The scenery is good and the air is good~"

Xu Xin responded casually.

The two also sat down on the chair.

Wang Sicong also lit a cigarette, looked at the distant scenery, and let out a long sigh of relief:

"Huh... hey, shall we have a meeting too?"

Jay Chou, who was holding a wine bottle, glanced at him:

"Nervous? Come on vacation, what kind of meeting are you having?"

"I have to talk about it...Old Xu, I have already asked about the special effects company, but this matter can't be rushed, I have to wait for an opportunity. I will wait until someone else is willing to raise money, or it is clear that this company has potential and is still short of money. Take the shot. You just wait for my news?"


Xu Xin, who was typing away on the phone, responded casually:

"no problem."

During this period of time, he accompanied his wife to act in a movie in Toronto. After he gradually became familiar with the working mode of Hollywood, he also understood that this kind of thing cannot be done overnight.

It is a very long process.

Don't be in a hurry, but be steady and steady.

After Wang Sicong finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone and rummaged through it, and handed it to Jay Chou.

Jay Chou said he was on vacation, but his body was honest.

After taking a look at the phone, he asked:

"Is this the two variety shows you mentioned?"

"Yes. You can just ignore the variety show "RUNNING MAN". This show... To be honest, I bought it and regretted it. Why did I go for the cheap, 1.5 million, which is so cheap that it can't be cheaper. ... But the problem is, the ratings of this show are still half-dead. If it doesn't change... I'm afraid my 7.5 million will die..."

"Wow, you bought it for five years at a time?"

Jay Chou's eyes were full of shock.

"Since the show is so bad, why do you still buy so much?"

"At the beginning, it was just trying to be cheap. Old Xu said that Lin Gou and Liu Yifei liked to watch it... I thought about it and learned from Dami. Don't care if it's useful or not, buy it first and then talk about it."

"...Okay. I'll go back and watch the show and see if I can give you some advice. Want me to join?"

"You don't want to participate."

Xu Xin said something without looking up.

Jay Chou was taken aback:

"You don't need me?"

"Kunling can do it, but you don't need it. You are the king of Asia, you can participate once in a while, and be a resident guest. I'm afraid you'll ruin the brand. Just concentrate on playing your music."

While typing, Xu Xin expressed his point of view.

Obviously, even if he has two purposes, there is no problem.

And Wang Sicong also responded after hearing this:

"Yes, Kunling can come. The premise is that if you want her to come out..."

"It doesn't matter~ She has her own life."

Jay Chou had just finished speaking in the tone of a "comer", when Xu Xin, who was typing away, said another sentence:

"I learned it from Patty."


The corner of Jay Chou's mouth twitched, he looked around, and suddenly stood up.

Wang Sicong was still wondering what he was going to do, when he saw this brother grab a handful of snow.

As soon as he turned his eyes, he immediately understood what was going on.

Suppressing a smile, he watched the other party approach behind Xu Xin little by little.

"Go to hell, Pujiezi!"

"Ah!!! I'm stupid!!!!"

Suddenly, Xu Xin, who had a pile of snow poured into his neck, stood up and started jumping around, cursing and looking at Jay Chou:

"Your uncle!!!! I'm going to kill you!!!"

As he spoke, he grabbed a handful of snow, formed a snowball, and hurled it towards the opponent's head.

That strength...

Steady and ruthless.

But Wang Sicong is already used to it.

He is also from the Northeast.

Snowball fights in the Northeast are more brutal than this.

Dipping snow balls with water is considered a kind way to treat girls.

If the two classes fight, it's really not enough to wrap two ice skates in the snow.

The two of them kept arguing until the snow on the fence of the small terrace was completely destroyed, and then it was considered to have stopped.

Panting and sitting back on the chair, Xu Xin lit a cigarette with his red hands. Reach out to Wang Sicong:

"Let me see."

Lao Wang, who had been drinking all the time and ignored the two of them at all, handed over the phone.

After Xu Xin looked at it, he said doubtfully:

"I remember... the singers come in rotation, right?"



Looking at the guest list on the phone, he saw the double quotation marks on the names of "Yu Quan" and "Zhou Xiaoou", so he asked:

"What's going on with Yuquan and Zhou Xiaoou?"

"It depends on where you want to put the show."

Wang Sicong shrugged:

"If it is put in Shantai, I will cross out the names of these two people. If nothing else is mentioned, Yuquan will definitely not come. Chen Yufan and his wife are not Baizhen. In order to avoid suspicion, they will not come. Zhou Xiaoou After Zero Point disbanded, he has been hanging around in the film industry, whether he has made a name for himself or not, he must be from the Beijing circle...

I asked Teacher Han Hong, she liked this program very much and agreed to participate. But next year she wasn't sure she would come, but she agreed. She also promised that whoever I want to find, she will help me find whoever... She has a lot of face, so it is no problem to find someone. So I've temporarily added all of these people. If you want to put it in Hunan, then I can handle it better. "


Xu Xin hesitated subconsciously.

And Jay Chou asked puzzledly:

"Don't invite me?"

"What are you doing please?"

Wang Sicong rolled his eyes at him:

"It's a stage for some ... past singers. It's similar to the King of Masked Singers, but the nature is more competitive. Are you going? Is there any suspense if you go? Are you idle?"


The corner of Jay Chou's mouth twitched.

For a moment, he couldn't tell whether he was scolding himself or praising himself.

After Xu Xin thought about it, he asked:

"What about RUNNINGMAN, where do you want to put it?"

"I do not know either."

Wang Sicong shook his head:

"I'm afraid that this show won't be competitive, and it will ruin Tianlai's brand..."

"It doesn't matter whether the signboard is smashed or not. It is impossible for anyone to launch a variety show and become popular... Compared with this, we should care more about the quality of the program. For example, this year's "The Voice", the audience did not see it in the Tencent video audition. The few people among them were turned around by the instructor, didn't they still question the shady..."

What Xu Xin was talking about was the live audition live broadcast in cooperation with Tencent Video this year. There were some well-known singers on the Internet... These singers were not from orthodox music majors, but more or less, they all had their own masterpieces of cover songs. For example, the girl whose internet name is "Feng Xiaozheng"...

She is very popular, it is said that singing on YY is very popular, many rich people will wait for her to sing and give gifts like crazy.


The Internet is one thing, and reality is another.

Although Xu Xin doesn't know much about this aspect, according to Wang Sicong, "A set of equipment for the sound card God of War is only 10,000 to 20,000 at most, and a set of equipment for my f*ck audition is nearly 700,000"...

The implication is that the gap is quite large.

And these highly popular people, considering the popularity of the show, were all promoted.

But at the moment of promotion, they were actually classified as cannon fodder.

It doesn't matter whether it is fair or not, if it is a normal audition, then it must be a fair competition. However, in order to promote Tencent Video, they found "The Voice" to cooperate, and both parties had to think more about it.

For your popularity, we can recruit some popular singers on the Internet to help you increase your popularity.

But for the final blind pick...


There is no need to talk about anything that damages the fairness and justice of "The Voice".

In this regard, Wang Sicong was very stuck.

But this kind of thing can't be explained clearly, so after the few popular singers on the Internet didn't see it in the blind selection stage, they began to question the shady scene.

Tian Lai didn't explain either.

Because it's not necessary.

In the end, it was Han Hong who stood up and spoke.

"I said, if there is a shady scene in "The Voice", then I will quit. This stage is a stage for strength competition, and everyone competes for strength rather than who is popular."

A Weibo post, and the good word-of-mouth of the two seasons can be regarded as suppressing this matter.

But Wang Sicong has already decided.

In the next season, there will be no webcasting.

Although the result of this is that at least 100 million less advertising fees will be charged...

But rather than sacrificing the life of the program, he is more willing to let "The Voice" go steadily.

100 million, if four people divide it, it will be less than 20 million if one person gets it.

Enough for what?

No, love whatever.

I want to make our four fathers bow down in terms of money...

You are practicing for two years.

"In the final analysis, the program still needs to be attentive. Whether it is competitive or not, it will always have its audience. We will be this part of the audience and let them become fans. As for how to expand more audiences... this matter will wait for the program to develop. Talk about it after you wake up. If you sacrifice the quality of the program in order to let more people watch it from the beginning... This is putting the cart before the horse."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Wang Sicong nodded:

"That's what I thought too. So... where are you going to put it?"


Xu Xin fell silent.

After Jay Chou thought about it, he said:

""RUNNINGMAN"... put it in Shantai. "I Am a Singer" put it in Hunan~"



Hearing this, both of them were taken aback.

Wang Sicong subconsciously said:

Wang Sicong subconsciously said:

"I also said that "Singer" will be released in Shaanxi..."

"Too bloated."

Jay Chou explained:

"The Voice, The Masked Singer, and The Singer? It's too bloated, and it's easy to cause fatigue. What we're going to do now is actually the Sunday file, right? We're going to do it It's very interesting. Friday, Saturday, Sunday... These three days are actually fine. Two days of singing, one day of this kind of...interesting variety show. Isn't it enough for three days. As for "Singer", It would be more appropriate to put it in Hunan~”

The two looked at each other...

Xu Xin nodded:

"It sounds so reasonable."


Wang Sicong thought about it, and directly added this decision to the schedule on his mobile phone, intending to discuss it with the people in the company in China.

"Then let's decide for now. But Hunan's advertising revenue is quite high... This is the truth. Let's see how much money "Singer" can make..."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes speechlessly:

"Three melons and two jujubes can be done as a job. If you get the tax, it's nothing more than thousands of dollars. Are you still serious?"

"That's right, then it doesn't matter. Focus on quality... I plan to recruit a group of program writers at the beginning of the year. Make a good job of the process of "RUNNINGMAN". Let me tell you, the core competition of this program is actually not bad. That It's really interesting to tear off famous brands. The key is to have a good process...you need to worry about this aspect."


Xu Xin responded and looked down at his watch.

It's almost 5 o'clock.

"The old wolf should be coming soon, right?"

"Come on. What shall we have for dinner?"

"Let's find a restaurant in the town to eat..."

The three chatted for a while.

Xu Xin's mouth seemed to be opened, and he saw a black Volvo walking this way from a distance.

"Yo, here we come."

Seeing Volvo, he knew that the driver who should have been arranged by Volvo to pick up Lang Lang had returned.

Not to mention...he really realized the benefits of signing the Volvo contract.

No matter where you go, you don't have to worry about travel.

I really complied with the saying that there must be a road for a car to go to the mountain, and there is a Volvo if there is a road...

Even Wang Sicong unconsciously said after seeing the Volvo:

"Don't tell me...it's really comfortable to have a car endorsement. It's so convenient...Old Xu, why don't you just sign a contract of sale, so that my buddies will rub your car wherever they go..."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes and pointed at Jay Chou:

"Didn't he also have an endorsement for a car?"

"Hahaha, if you are willing to ride Emma, ​​I have no problem~"

"Ride on my beloved little motorcycle~it will never~traffic jam~"


Although they didn't know where this song came from, both of them laughed out loud.

Amidst the laughter, Volvo came to the door of the house and stopped the car.

The blond driver got out of the car and walked directly towards the rear door.

After politely helping to open the car door, he went to the trunk to pick up the luggage.

"Why are you so slow?"

Looking down at Lang Lang who got out of the car, Wang Sicong complained.

Lang Lang raised his head, and when he saw the three of them, he showed a smiling face:

"Slow? Isn't it right? Don't delay eating."

With that said, he closed the car door casually.

Wang Sicong was taken aback:

"Where is MIUMIU?"

"She... has something to do and she's back home. She won't come this time."




After hearing this, the three pairs of eyes showed doubts at the same time.

But Lang Lang didn't explain much, because Yang Mi heard the movement and opened the door.

"Here we come...Huh? Where's MIUMIU?"

Listening to his wife's words, Xu Xin said:

"Let's go down."


Wang Sicong took the lead and walked forward, opened the door and entered the house, then quietly whispered to the two buddies:

"It's not a breakup, is it?"

"You look forward to some old wolf, okay?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes angrily.

Then he turned his head and looked at Jay Chou:

"What do you think?"

Jay Chou was taken aback...

Then I was speechless:

"How do I see? I stand and watch!"

"Then go, take a good look~"



When the three of them went downstairs, Lang Lang had already entered the house.

Seeing him rubbing his hands after taking off his gloves, Yang Mi asked in bewilderment:

"There was a show last night?"

"Yes, there was one in Berlin."

"Have you got the pain reliever plaster?"

"No... planning to go to the pharmacy to buy it later."

"I'll get it for you."

Hearing this, Lang Lang felt nothing.

On the contrary, Kunling was a little puzzled:

"Sister Mi, what's wrong with you?"

"No, I prepared it for him. These gentlemen would starve to death without me."

As Yang Mi said, she passed her husband and walked upstairs.

Wang Sicong pouted.

Obviously, he was very dissatisfied.

But Xu Xin looked indifferent.

I'm trash, what's wrong?

Don't let it be scrapped?

And Nuan Nuan has already stretched out her hand, meaning to let her godfather hug her.

Although the car was full of heaters along the way, he took it all the way from getting out of the car to entering the door... But he took off his coat before grabbing Nuannuan.

Glancing at the paused game interface on the TV, he said:

"Who is the champion?"



Both Xu Xin and Jay Chou's complexions became less beautiful.

On the contrary, Wang Sicong smiled triumphantly:

"What? You want to challenge me too?"

"Change to FIFA, and I won't abuse you for a while."


Xu Xin, who was blocked once out of thin air, heard that the two were going to play FIFA, and started to find fault:

"Can you take your luggage to your room first?"

Hearing this, Lang Lang didn't answer directly, but stretched out his two hands directly:

"Come on, tell Xiaozuo and Xiaoyou."

"...you are pure trash."

Xu Xin turned his head angrily:

"You, go and help the artist carry the bag."

Jay Chou can't laugh or cry:

"Why? Hey, he plays the piano, and I play the piano too. Are my hands not hands?"

"...Old Wang, you go, I will have a plate with him first."

"Have you ever talked to the challenger like this?"


Xu Xin, who was completely helpless now, carried Lang Lang's suitcase and walked upstairs with the two girls holding back their laughter.

The house is a three-story structure. There are four rooms on each floor, which are quite large.

A few brothers are more than enough.

Lao Lang's room was on the second floor. After he put his luggage in the room, he went straight to the third floor and found his wife who was rummaging through boxes and cabinets looking for plaster.

"Did you find it?"

"I found it. Fortunately, I took it. You said you didn't need it at the time..."

Yang Mi held up the white medicine sticker in her hand.

And Xu Xin said in a low voice:

"What's going on with MIUMIU and him?"

"……you ask me?"

Yang Mi shrugged directly:

"Who doesn't know that the four of you wear a pair of trousers... Oh, what a pity. When I came here, I asked Tingting to buy me a pair of hemp..."

"...You brought mahjong? Why didn't I know?"

Xu Xin was surprised for a while.

"Where did you put it?"

"Put it in my dad's box. That thing is dead dead~"

Xu Xin was stunned, and hugged his wife:

"It's my wife after all, awesome! MUA~"

"Okay, I'm sorry for you. You send him the plaster, and I'll call our dad. It's been an afternoon... It's not a bathhouse, why isn't it enough to take a hot spring..."

Yang Mi urged and pushed him downstairs.

And the old wolf and Wang Sicong have already fought.

Jay Chou watched with relish.

Seeing this, he casually threw the plaster in front of the three of them, and went outside the window sill to get a bottle of beer.


"Oh... at room temperature?"


"Give me another iced one, I can't eat too cold things in my stomach these two days."


Xu Xin came to the open kitchen and took another bottle of beer from the refrigerator.

And after seeing everything from the conversation between the two to Xu Xin's actions...the corners of Xie Wei's eyes began to twitch wildly.

What is taken out of the ice and snow is called normal temperature?

Is it iced out of the refrigerator?


You Northeast people, do you have any misunderstandings about these two words?

She shook her head helplessly, picked up the wine on the table and took a sip.


The taste of this wine at room temperature is really good~

She narrowed her eyes comfortably.

Unconsciously, he turned his head and looked around.

On the left, a bonfire is burning brightly in the fireplace.

In front, four men are fighting around a TV, and they are giving advice.

On the right, a young girl is taking a selfie with Yangyang with her mobile phone.

Surroundings... the decoration full of Nordic log style brings people a new feeling all the time.

And when I think...the place where I am, is the paradise town in those famous paintings of Kissina...

After being busy for a whole year, she unconsciously stretched her limbs and put her feet on the table casually.

Half lying and half leaning, she yawned.


It's so comfortable.

long day...


Do your best at night. After Eryang, code words are a very painful thing, I'm sorry everyone

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