I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 816 End of 813

Chapter 816 813. End of the Year

Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling came back just before dinner.

When Lao Yang came back, he looked happy.

When I meet a few children, I will say an authentic Beijing movie:

"Hey, man, go quickly! This water is~ authentic~"

"Yes, yes, it's true~ Stop showing off and change your clothes quickly. Let's go out to eat."

The leaky little cotton-padded jacket urged dad into the house.

Nuannuan and Yangyang didn't see their grandpa and grandma all afternoon, so they followed them in.

Everyone packed up and headed straight into the town.

In fact, European food is really unappetizing, at least in Xu Xin's opinion.

Especially something so outrageous...

Xu Xin saw that the staple foods on the menu were all bread and the like, and there was nothing he wanted to eat, so he ordered a bowl of noodles.

Not to mention, the noodles in this restaurant are handmade and taste quite good. He and his wife applied for it, and they both ordered a head of garlic.

As a result, when I was checking out, I discovered that Garlic also charged money.

I received one Swiss franc...

Young Master Xu was very unhappy about spending this money.

While eating, I also saw a table of compatriots from China.

It seemed that they were also traveling here. After confirming that these people were real people, they hurried over to ask for autographs and photos... One of the little girls innocently asked if Wang Sicong and Di Wei were really together.

Lao Wang replied in a classic way:

"you guess."

Then she happily held Di Wei's hand and walked out of the restaurant.

Can't hide it?

Then don’t hide it.

Love as much as you like.

I returned home in the evening. Since it was the first day here, everyone had no plans.

What to do?



When Di Wei heard about playing mahjong, her eyes turned blue.

Kun Ling doesn't know how to fight.

It doesn't matter.

Yang Mi knows it, and so does Yang Dalin and his wife.

Although the family plays Yanjing Mahjong, the rules of Sichuan Mahjong are laid out there, making it easy to get started.

A table of people immediately set up a stall.

This is very painful for Xu Xin.

The old and young all went to play mahjong, so he could only take his two children with him, looking longingly at the three of them playing football, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, and even Mario Kart.

Kun Ling is like a little maid.

Pour some water here, and get a bottle of wine over there.

It wasn't until she vaguely learned the rules of mahjong that she replaced Yang Chunling.

When Yang Chunling left the table to take care of her children, she generously transferred the money she lost to her husband.

Lao Yang's eyes turned red.

My own daughter kept shouting "There is no big or small card table" while lighting cannons.

He shouted angrily, "I've raised you for nothing for so many years."

He has a loud voice, and it's even louder on the TV side.

"Die to me!"


"What are you barking at? You can only punch forward and backward, so what are you barking at?"

"Please invite the next loser to appear!"


The whole house is like a vegetable market.

Noisy and noisy.

Then the sister and brother were in silence for a whole day... I don't know where Yangyang offended his sister, and he was beaten by her sister again.

He started crying.

Grandma coaxed him, and Nuan Nuan started to cry when she saw that grandma didn't coax him.

This floor is like blowing up a temple.

Fortunately, he has no one around him, so he owns every house, otherwise he would have to be complained.

And the King of Fighters master played KOF all night long, and his tenosynovitis, which was fine after applying plaster, happened again...

If the art world knew that a pianist was not doing his job properly and suffered from a recurrence of tenosynovitis because of playing games, this group of people would probably be exterminated.

And the final outcome of the night was at the poker table, where Yang Dalin lost six hundred Swiss francs of his personal money...

Yang Mi won three hundred, Ge Wei won one hundred and sixty, and the ignorant Kun Ling won eighty with novice luck.

Only the old father's injured world is reached.

The good mood that the man had in taking a bath was gone.

It is estimated that when Lao Yang sleeps tonight, his dreams will be filled with the words of his own daughter, "Fire the fire! Fire the fire! Old Yang! Fire the fire!"

On Xu Xin's side, none of the three people could capture Lao Lang's Yashen Temple, which was compared to a child.

The King of Fighters, he is indeed one of a kind.

The Three Stooges are really unbeatable.

Finally, the excitement lasted until around 10 o'clock, after the children went to bed, and the game was finally disbanded.

The three "girls" found a movie to watch.

I plan to completely mess it up.

I chose the stinky and long "Titanic", prepared a lot of snacks, and occupied the living room tonight to fight Jack and Rouss to the end.

Swiss F4 went upstairs.

Old Wolf brought a box of Cuban cigars, and Xu Xin originally suggested that everyone bring a gas stove and go to the terrace to boil water and make tea, smoke cigars, and watch the aurora... As soon as he said this, three people came to him. of contempt.

"The place where you can see the aurora is Sweden, not Switzerland. You idiot!"

“Norway is fine too~”

"Old Xu, you don't even know what the aurora is, do you? The screens I wore three dozen times today exposed a lot of light~"

Xu Xin was so angry at these words that he lifted up the altar and tied up paper with the altar in order to kill the three of them.



Although you can’t see the aurora, just look at the stars.

The four of them were wrapped like rice dumplings and finally came outside.

The cold wind was howling, but the pot of hot tea on the gas stove on the table seemed to give everyone the whole world.

Xu Xin, who was leaning on a chair and sharing a thick blanket with Jay Chou next to him, put his feet up on the table, looked up at the stars, held a tea cup and sighed:

"It's so beautiful..."

"Yes. The Milky Way here is super clear~"

Jay Chou nodded unconsciously.

Without a blanket, Wang Sicong, who didn't look cold at all, blew out a puff of smoke into the sky:

"Huh~ Look carefully, maybe there's fragrant milk tea on it."


This joke made Lang Lang, who was wrapped alone in a blanket, burst into laughter.

no way.

When these four people come together, they have something to say.

Xu Xin looked at the starry sky and hummed a song unconsciously:

"Hand in hand, one step, two steps, three steps, four steps, look at the sky...see the stars one, two, three and four connected in a line..."

"Make a wish silently back to back ~ Look at the stars in the distance ~ Can you hear them ~ It will definitely come true... Hey, let me go get the guitar and play a song?"

Lang Lang finished singing along and spoke with great interest.

Then I heard Jay Chou asking in confusion:

"Hey, whose song is this? It's very nice~"



Under the speechless gazes of Wang Sicong and Lang Lang, Xu Xin, who was still staring at the galaxy, said plainly:

"It's from Sun Yanzi. I heard she won the Best Newcomer Award for this song."



Amid the laughter of his friends, Jay Chou shook his head helplessly.

I should have known better than to take advantage of this.

If you are greedy for petty gains, you will suffer big losses~

Wang Sicong smiled and looked at Lang Lang:

"Why won't MIUMIU come this time..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the speechless looks of Xu Xin and Jay Chou.

"Why are you so annoying?"

"Yes, yes, it's really stunning."

After hearing what the two of them said, the eldest young master rolled his eyes:

"Don't do this, aren't you two curious?"

As soon as he finished speaking, in Lang Lang's eyes, the eyes of the three people fell on him.


He shook his head speechlessly, holding a cigar between his fingers and said:

"Actually, it's nothing... She said she doesn't want to come, so she won't come. She has been busy recently, and we have less communication."

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone could more or less hear the undertones.

But this time, even Wang Sicong didn't ask.

The atmosphere became quiet.

The four gentlemen began to look up at the stars again.

After watching for a while, Wang Sicong was the first to start.

After watching for a while, Wang Sicong was the first to start.



"Have you thought about something?"


"Kun Ling was just born when you were in the third grade of junior high school."




The eyes of the three people became strange.

Xu Xin said again:

"Are you really out of your mind right now? ... Such a beautiful Milky Way, is this what you are thinking about?"

Wang Sicong asked:

"Then what are you thinking about?"

“I’m wondering if I’m going to skate or ski tomorrow.”

Hearing Xu Xin's words, he turned to look at Lang Lang again:

"And you?"

"I'm wondering if I want to challenge a difficult track tomorrow..."

"Forget it now. Just play with the beginners~"

Wang Sicong said and looked at Jay Chou, whose eyes were still weird:

"What about you? What were you thinking about just now?"

"Before you asked this, I was wondering if there was any melody to go with this beautiful scenery...but now I want to kill you."

I saw the eldest young master spreading his hands:

"Hey, we all have a bright future."




At night, Yang Mi, who had stayed up a long night, yawned and got into her husband's arms.

"I'm so sleepy...I haven't gone to bed past 12 o'clock in a long time."

She was like a little reptile, humming and grunting at the same time.


Xu Xin turned off the light smoothly.

The room fell into darkness.

Then I heard my wife ask:

"Did Lao Lang tell me why MIUMIU didn't come?"

"Old Wang mentioned it and said it was busy over there, so he didn't come over..."

"Do you feel like he told the truth?"

"Whether it's the truth or a lie, it actually doesn't matter. Lao Lang is not some inexperienced young man. This is someone's own life, and we can't interfere too much."


Yang Mi responded, kissed him in the dark and said:

"Go to sleep and go skiing tomorrow."


The room grew quiet.

It is said that the ski resort in Davos used to be reserved for the royal family...Xu Xin didn't know why there were so many "exclusively for the royal family" in Europe.

But I have to admit, it's quite fun to play.

Perhaps because Christmas is approaching, there are not many people here.

I asked the local guide and he said that there will be more people after Christmas.

There are few people, and there are no queues for the ropeway and so on. Regardless of the elderly or children, everyone has a great time.

Especially Nuan Nuan, she showed quite good motor skills. After practicing with the female coach for less than an hour, she could already glide up a gentle slope while maintaining fixed movements.

After a whole morning's work, at the last moment, she was able to skate with Lang Lang.

As for Lang Lang...

There was no way, he was destined to never do any strenuous exercise in his life, and even skiing could only be done on gentle slopes at low levels. He wanted to play snowboarding, or a track like Xu Xin's... in his next life.

After playing all day, when we came down the mountain, the two children were already asleep in the arms of their father and mother.

No matter how much you shout, you can't wake up.

The most I can do is open my eyes and look, then tilt my head and continue to sleep.

When they returned home, Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling, who had soaked in the hot springs yesterday, stayed at home.

Others went to the hot springs to relieve their fatigue.

Not to mention the men's bathing area, in the women's bathing area, Di Wei was sitting in a hot spring pool made of volcanic stones, with a towel on her head.

A "comfortable..." means everything.

In the next few days, everyone left countless laughter and laughter in the ancient town of Davos.

On Christmas day, everyone is ready to give their gifts.

Perfume, hairpins, toys... and a few watches prepared by a certain grudge.

Other people's gifts are actually not expensive, but they are more thoughtful than others.

Only one big grudge.

Millions of things were given away in one Christmas...

The back molars were shattered.

It’s all my fault that I had to wear a Richard Mille to show off.

It's better now... I must have received my retribution.

But, just give it away.

This kind of thing is tit for tat.

Next Christmas, if these bastards don't give me something satisfying...



To be on the safe side, choose a place with a river bottom villa in Langlang next year.

Not satisfied with the gift?

Come on, sink the three young masters into the river!

Sacrifice the fat-headed fish!

A whole week of sunny days finally ended on the 29th.

Xu Xin, who had been decadent for seven days and gained at least three pounds, did not return to Toronto with his family. Instead, he took Wang Sicong's plane and flew back to China.

Another year has come to an end.

Chinese people do not have a strong sense of New Year's Day.

But he had to take advantage of this New Year's Day to arrange the last bit of work for "The Tip of the Tongue" and check it out as well.

This New Year's Day, he is destined to stay in Shuangwei's rest room.

On the morning of the 30th, he returned to Yanjing, where he had been away for three months. After sleeping on the plane, he rushed to the Shuangwei headquarters without stopping.

Ren Changzhen and others were waiting for him and brought a lot of later work.

The holiday will only start on the 31st. During this day and a half, Xu Xin will go through all the subsequent shots and leave the editing plan he made. At the same time, during the New Year's Day, he will also confirm the copywriting and various Things like sound effects and soundtrack.

I estimate it will take a busy week.

And he had just entered the company, and before he had time to say hello to Ren Changzhen and the others, the phone suddenly rang.

He lowered his head and glanced at the caller on his mobile phone. He was stunned and waved to everyone:

"Sorry, wait a minute."

Then walked out.

"Hey, tell me."

The caller was none other than Zhang Yimou.

"Have you arrived in Yanjing?"

"I just got off the plane and now I'm coming to the company."

"Okay, shall we come home for dinner tonight?"

"The publicity over there is also over?"

"Jinling" is scheduled to be released on New Year's Day, 2012.

That is, the day after tomorrow.

During this time, the old man was running propaganda.

Upon hearing this, Zhang Yimou responded:

"Well, the early promotion is over. But there will be promotion after the movie is released... Let's talk about it when we get home tonight. Come over early today and prepare some delicious food for you."

"Haha, okay. Just in time. I'll bring you some samples of the documentary to take a look at."

"Okay. That's it, hang up."


No pleasantries.

The relationship between the two people does not require this.

After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin opened the office door again and walked in:

"Sorry for the long wait, everyone."

The door of the conference room slowly closed.

The time for "The Tip of the Tongue" has begun.

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