I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 817 Chapter 814 Seeing the dagger in the picture

Chapter 817 814. The picture shows the dagger

"I have already thought of the names of our seven episodes. We will continue according to the main line of the plan. The first episode is called "Nature's Gift", the second episode is "The Story of Staple Food", and the third episode is "Inspiration for Transformation" 》……”

Xu Xin is talking, others are taking notes.

Although we haven't seen each other for half a year, during this period everyone was busy filming the stories they were responsible for, but it didn't mean that Xu Xin was also idle.

This is true even if he made a movie in the middle.

Documentary is a huge and complicated project. Everyone is like a precise gear, responsible for their own position. In the end, the chief director connects everyone together.

In this short half-year, everyone's situation will be communicated and implemented separately with Xu Xin, and finally he will integrate everything together.

This meeting lasted all morning.

After the more than 3-hour meeting, everyone had another meal together at noon.

While eating, we talked about work.

In the afternoon, everyone returned to CCTV, led by Xu Xin, to find the editing team and began to sort and extract the story content of each episode.

The editor will be responsible for the editing of these contents. After he conveys the editing ideas, the directors of each episode will follow and complete it.

Finally, I took the finished product to Xu Xin to look at it again.

After the chief director confirms that there is no problem, the post-production process such as scoring, dubbing, and proofreading begins.

The documentary has seven episodes in total, and each episode is limited to 50 minutes.

The total amount of filmable material lasts about an hour and 15 minutes on average. Many people have to weigh this carefully.

But...Xu Xin estimated that the editing part would be finished before the end of the year.

The dubbing and soundtrack will be completed after this year and should be available in the first half of the year.

It just so happens that you can also choose for the 23rd Starlight Award.

It starts collecting works on April 20th.

Everything was timed just right.

Perfect cannot be more perfect.

Coming out of the old CCTV building, he turned around and glanced at this building, which seemed very outdated today.

CCTV's new building is just over the East Third Ring Road, and the facade has been completed.

I just chatted with Luo Ming and said that it will be delivered in May next year.

Xu Xin observed that building carefully when he passed by...it was indeed not bad.

Maybe when "The Tip of the Tongue" is broadcast next year, the signal will go from there...

With some things in mind, he got in the car and walked towards the old man's house.

It was after 6 o'clock, when it was already dark, that the Volvo drove to the west area of ​​Shanshui Wenyuan. Because his car had been entered into the old man's garage, he didn't need to notify him at all. He went directly to the basement, parked the car, and Xu Xin rang the doorbell.

Soon, a childish voice came from the intercom:

"Who is it~~~"

Listening to this voice, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Jiaojiao, it's me."

"who are you?"

"You can't even recognize my voice?"

"I can't tell, who are you..."

While teasing the children, Chen Ting's voice sounded over there:

"You're leaving soon...You don't even recognize brother Xu Xin anymore?"

With a "click", the basement door opened.

"Xiao Xu, come up quickly."

"Hey, okay."

Xu Xin responded, opened the door and walked in.

All the way upstairs, when he appeared at Zhang Yimou's home, the three children who had received the news quickly gathered around and started shouting "Brother is older and brother is younger".

Xu Xin pinched the children's cheeks one by one, and then hugged Yijiao, who was talking to him just now.

Then he smiled at Chen Ting and said:



Chen Ting, who was dressed very formally today, nodded with a smile and said in greeting:

"Is it cold?"

"It's okay, it's not cold. It's much colder in Switzerland than here."

"Well...Lao Zhang, Lao Zhang~"

As she shouted, Zhang Yimou walked down the stairs holding the phone.

After seeing Xu Xin, he nodded casually, pointed at the phone and made a mouth shape to Xu Xin:


Xu Xin nodded knowingly and sat on the sofa with Yijiao in his arms.

"Brother, look at the new photos I took~"

Just like a "ceremony" that would be performed every time he met Xu Xin, the eldest boy Yinan brought over two more large picture albums.

After Xu Xin opened the album, while looking at some photos he took with a man, he heard Zhang Yimou say:

"The movie will be released in China tomorrow, and I believe you will not be disappointed. This movie is a very serious subject, and the so-called news about flattering foreigners is seriously untrue."

Xu Xin's ears twitched.

Just listen to Zhang Yimou continue to say:

"Since the casting stage of "Thirteen Hairpins", this kind of false news has never stopped. There are also fabricated stories about Zhao Yumo and John having a sex scene in the movie... I believe everyone will read these news after watching the movie. , you will understand whether it is true or not.”

"Of course this is not our hype. I said, this is a serious movie. I can promote it and hope more people will watch it, but any method that uses national sentiments as a gimmick or selling point is playing with fire. We are Won’t do it.”

"Well...that's right. Thank you everyone for supporting me."

"Um, okay... um, thank you. Goodbye."

Zhang Yimou then hung up the phone.

Looking at Xu Xin said:

"Media phone interviews."

"Hmm...that's a tricky question?"

"It's the same things."

There was no expression of boredom or resistance on Zhang Yimou's face. He sat on the sofa and continued to say to Xu Xin:

"The previous casting, the time when the book was released, and some random news... Isn't it released in North America on January 13th? Some people just made wild guesses. Combined with the previous news, they thought my movie was crooked. Like, he doesn’t care about anything for Oscar...sigh."

After sighing, he took the initiative to change the topic:

"How's your movie going?"

"The rough cut has just ended, but I haven't had time to go back and look at it. I'm thinking of going back after New Year's Day to finalize the final cut..."

Hearing this, Zhang Yimou was stunned:

"Have you come this far?...Which film festival are you planning to apply for?"


"……next year?"

He asked after realizing that according to the lunar calendar, this year's Berlin Film Festival would be too late.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Well... in my movie, the leading roles are average, but they are particularly outstanding. When it comes to awards in this area, Berlin is more lenient than Cannes and Venice. I want to give it a try."

Hearing this, he inevitably became curious.


"When the movie is finished, bring it over and let me take a look. Let's see what kind of dish you made~"

Before Xu Xin agreed, Chen Ting, who was busy in the kitchen, walked out:

"Then let's see how my pot of food goes~ Xiao Xu, come and try it."

"Hey, okay."

Xu Xin stood up with a smile.

As soon as I looked over, I saw what looked like a pot of lamb chops.

Suddenly the glutton in my stomach couldn't be quenched.

Seeing this, Zhang Yimou looked around and realized...

"Where's Mengmeng?"

"I've been given a holiday. I've been with you for a year. Yang Mi's movie is still being filmed this year, so she might not be able to come back for the Spring Festival. I'll put it directly from the 21st to after New Year's Day. If there's no holiday during the New Year, I won't be allowed to go." She is back and celebrating the New Year in the United States."

"Can I find you a driver later?"

Hearing this, he understood that the old man who didn't like drinking very much wanted to have a drink with him.

So he smiled and nodded:

"I have wine in the car..."

"No, let's drink this today."

Zhang Yimou went to the wine cabinet next to the dining table and took out a glass jar.

The slightly yellowish wine rippled in the glass jar, but what attracted more attention was the ginseng inside.


Xu Xin raised his eyebrows:

"This is……"

"When I went to Harbin to promote, a friend who I had a good relationship with gave it to me as a gift. He opened his own winery and brewed a small roast. You may not think much of this ginseng, but the wild ginseng from Changbai Mountain is serious. , not the one grown in the ginseng garden. Let's try it. I don't usually drink. You can take this wine back later."


Xu Xin was not polite to him, walked to the dining table, and even looked inside.


He actually doesn't know how to distinguish ginseng.

However, there are still quite a lot of ginseng in this ginseng.

He doesn't usually drink medicinal wine, and he doesn't even understand its specific effects.

But this thing is definitely good for your health if you drink it.

And in the kitchen, there was a "crash" sound again.

"Come, let's eat first."

Zhang Yimou pointed to a few cold dishes on the table.

"Aunt Ting, just stir-fry a hot dish. I won't be able to finish this pot of lamb chops."

"Don't worry, you two can just drink. There are still a few dishes left."

"This... okay, one man, one Ding, and one Jiao, come and have dinner~"

Seeing that the three children couldn't come over, he shouted.

Zhang Yimou waved his hand:

"No need to call them. I didn't eat well at noon. I didn't say I was hungry at 4 o'clock in the afternoon and wanted to eat KFC. I asked Momo to buy it now ~ I just finished eating."

"Where's Sister Mo?"

"The theater chain in the United States asked her to provide something...she went directly to the studio to get it. We were supposed to eat together, but I guess...she won't be able to come tonight. It's okay, let's eat ours."


Xu Xin took the wine glass. After filling the two glasses of wine, he smelled it...

In fact, although he doesn't hate the taste of Northeastern braised food, he can't say he likes it.

This kind of wine has the same character as the Northeastern people, it is very strong and straight.

Drinking alcohol and eating meat will bring strong sensory stimulation.

But after drinking Maotai with his old man for so many years, he loves the slow-cooking of the rich sauce flavor.

But it’s good to change it once in a while, not to mention there’s ginseng in it.

"Come on, let me respect you. I wish your movie will be a hit and win an Oscar!"


Zhang Yimou chuckled and the two glasses touched together.

One bite... I don't know if it's an illusion.

This wine has a bitter fragrance.

Maybe this is what ginseng tastes like?

While he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard Zhang Yimou ask:

"Where's your documentary? How's it going?"

"I just came back from CCTV in the afternoon. The editing period has begun. It is conservatively estimated that the editing will be completed before the year, and the soundtrack is also being designed. It is estimated that it will be released in the first half of the year, and it will not delay participating in the Starlight Awards... Are you going to North America? When Let’s go? Let me copy it and bring it to you to take a look at?”

"Let's talk about it after the movie is over."

After picking up a peanut, a faint red bloodshot appeared in the eyes of the fifth-generation cauldron bearer.

Obviously, running publicity is quite tiring.

Xu Xin took another sip of wine.

He knew the old man's drinking capacity. If he clinked glasses continuously, he would probably get drunk very quickly.

So the most suitable thing is for each of you to drink your own drink.

Not to mention, this wine... has an indescribable fragrance.

Although it is more bitter than ordinary wine, it tastes very good.

At this time, he heard Zhang Yimou say:

"I always feel like I can't hide it anymore."

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment before realizing what he was talking about.

"Zhang Weiping fell ill and went abroad to recuperate"

This is it.

how to say……

Xu Xin can only say that this excuse is quite bad.

After all, in the eyes of insiders, Zhang Weiping is a very high-profile person.

Even if he got sick and went abroad to recuperate, he would never show even a single face in the movie he spent "600 million" on.

But the fact is, he didn't even show a single face.

Although this is nonsense, if you refer to Zhang Weiping's previous style during the film promotion period, it is obvious that this is abnormal for everyone.

As for why he didn't show up, Xu Xin naturally knew the real situation.

And outsiders have no way of knowing, in fact, it is because the investigation of the case has not been completed... At least for now, that is the case.

When the truth comes out, briefings such as how much, how much, and the ins and outs will be made public.

But that doesn't mean it's okay.

For example, the meaning behind Zhang Yimou's words...

After filming in Jinling, in order to maintain the popularity of the film, Zhang Weiping was active in commercial operations for the film, at least before he was arrested.

Therefore, he released news such as "investing 600 million yuan", "building a large movie theater just for this movie", "the movie is completely Oscar-level", "Shisanchai's training is very hard", etc. .

He made all kinds of bold words before he was caught, but suddenly "everyone was gone" and the entire company was leaderless.

But fortunately, the old man is still there as the Dinghai Shenzhen.

He also changed such a high-profile publicity method according to his own ideas, and also deleted all scenes with embedded advertisements.

But the problem is...

Zhang Weiping has already blown away the bullshit before.

Therefore, the trend of the entire movie promotion period, in addition to... which can be regarded as the first of its kind, the Weibo created for "Jinling" is really promoting the movie in front of and behind the scenes, and the entire other offline promotion links, Even if the old man tries hard to make the movie return to purity...

But in front of these "600 million", "Oscar" and other cowhide, it has little effect.

In Xu Xin's opinion, today's movie promotion is just a hodgepodge.

The old man was not used to Zhang Weiping's propaganda methods.

The things that the old man wanted to promote were all messed up in front of Zhang Weiping's publicity plan.

Therefore, the promotion method of this movie is actually a bit anticlimactic.

In front is Zhang Weiping's tiger fart.

But later, the old man ran these promotions, giving people the feeling of an old scalper.

We know clearly that this is Zhang Yimou's movie...but when it comes to promotion, everyone always feels that it's "too close".

From this point of view, it can also be said that Zhang Weiping has made the audience understand the CPU in recent years...

After understanding his difficulties, Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"It will be released the day after tomorrow, so you don't have to hide it. There is another set of rules of the game in North America, so just follow the rules..."

Speaking of this, Xu Xin paused.

He seemed to want to say something else.


He glanced at the old man's wine glass.

Just went down a shallow level.

So he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Not urgent.

It's not time yet.

At least wait until he has had two ounces of wine.

It was obvious from this family dinner that Chen Ting came according to Xu Xin's preferences, rather than the usual Wuxi cuisine.

Lamb chops, fried pork with chili pepper, cold dishes, and hot dishes total 8 pieces.

It was not as rich as in Wuxi, but it was the most enjoyable meal Xu Xin had ever had.

Especially when he learned that Aunt Ting had actually kneaded the dough and was going to give him a bowl of hand-made noodles, he finally understood why the fried pork with chili had to be such a big bowl.

We've been fussing for a long time, what about some noodles?

That's so beautiful.

While the three of them were eating and chatting, Zhang Yimou also drank two taels of wine.

The blush started to appear on his face.

Xu Xin took another half of the cup for him, and when he saw that it was almost done, he said:

“After the release of Jinling, do you have any plans?”

As he spoke, he was afraid that the old man would not understand what he meant, so he added another sentence:

"The new pictures are definitely not here anymore, right? Never mind what Zhang Weiping's final review result is, his differences with you have turned into a kind of taint and harm to art."


Looking at Zhang Yimou who pursed his lips, he finally asked:

"Why don't you come to my place?"

With his invitation exit.

The atmosphere at the dinner table became quiet.

Xu Xin looked at him.

Chen Ting was also looking at him.

Both of them...were waiting for his answer.

There is a smell of "the picture is poor and the dagger is visible"...

It became thicker.

I wrote less than 10,000 words yesterday. I started writing at around 7 am and continued until 10 pm. During this period, apart from eating, my mind was filled with thoughts of renewal.

Today comes retribution. I can't feel energetic, my waist still hurts, I'm really drunk...

This is the first chapter, and there should be another chapter tonight...I'll try my best.

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