I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 818 815 It’s a matter of course

Chapter 818 815. Things will fall into place

After Xu Xin finished speaking, Chen Ting was the first to react.

After taking a look at the bottom of his and her husband's glasses, she estimated that they were almost done. She stood up and said:

"I'll go make some noodles for you two."

After saying that, he stood up and left the table.

In a blink of an eye, there were only two people left on the square table.

Zhang Yimou held the cup in his hand, shook the remaining wine at the bottom of the cup, and suddenly said with a smile:

"Now everyone on the Internet is guessing whether "Er Zhang" has split up. After all, the promotion before and after this movie are completely different things. They can't find Zhang Weiping at all... Everyone is guessing."

Seeing that he didn't answer directly, Xu Xin followed his words and continued talking:

"Is anyone asking privately?"

"There are quite a few. However, there are only a few people who know about this matter, and everyone is tight-lipped. So asking around is all nonsense."


Xu Xin said nothing.

Stay tuned for more.

But Zhang Yimou stopped talking.

He just raised his head and drank the drink that was swaying in his hand for a few times.

Then there was a sigh:

"Sigh... Actually, now that I think about it, all the people I have met in my life are really good people. I met Xiao Wei when I was young, and I succeeded in my middle age, and my life has been smooth sailing. Although people have been impetuous in the past few years, and my friends have become strangers... But moving forward Fifteen years... During these fifteen years, I have to admit that I have been taken care of by him a lot."

This was the first time that Xu Xin saw an... indescribable aura from this elder he respected.

It's like a hero is dying, and he's like a bad person...

This feels weird.


When Xu Xin had nothing to do, he went to drink at Brother Qian'er's racecourse.

After thirty years of drinking, they were just tipsy. When the two of them drank jasmine from an enamel jar, they occasionally talked about Deyun Society.

When talking about Deyun Society, it is impossible to avoid Guo Degang.

Xu Xin had a chat with Brother Qianer.

Said that he likes Teacher Guo's cross talk, but doesn't like Teacher Guo's chat very much.

Because this person always likes to use excuses to kidnap others.

As if not agreeing with his point of view is a treasonous sinner.

He feels that everything in the world can be seen through dialectical relationships.

For example, the old man and Zhang Weiping.

Perhaps to others, Zhang Weiping is a bad person.

But just like what the old man said now, once upon a time, the two of them were close brothers, confidants, and comrades-in-arms.

The relationship of more than ten years has paralyzed the old man and the other party.

Let this kind of closeness, which is not like a real brother, a life and death brother, confuse and blur some bottom lines. That's what led to today's result.

In all fairness, it may not be inevitable.

And for the two of them to reach this point, the old man was right.

If he had a tougher back and a louder temper, Zhang Weiping might not become more and more unscrupulous.

All I can say is that this is how it is meant to be.

Life is not meant to be like this.

To Xu Xin, Zhang Weiping was just a stone.

The reason why I moved him was because he was blocking my way.

But for the old man, this sigh was a sign that more than ten years of his life were wasted.

This is how it sounds to others.

What's more, now that I'm drinking and feeling sad, how can I not feel sad in my heart?

"And I feel the most sorry for you."

Just when Xu Xin was still savoring the emotions in the old man's heart, he suddenly heard this sentence.

He was stunned.

Then he saw the old man looking at him and saying:

"This year we will go back to Wuxi for the last Spring Festival, and next year we will all move to Yanjing. Wait until next year, Yijiao will also register for elementary school here... When we were discussing which school to go to two days ago, Chen Ting Still saying, thank you, if it had been anyone else... the three children might still be in trouble..."

At this point, when he saw that Xu Xin was about to speak, he waved his hand to signal him not to speak and then continued:

"If it weren't for you, I might still be worried now... This favor is too great."


"Just hear me out."

Zhang Yimou continued to shake his head:

"I know what you mean. You want me to come to your place, whether it's Mimi's company, Yun Tu, or Ni Feng... But Chen Ting and I are also talking. People can't push themselves too far, right? I know you If I have money, just like you said, the movie I want to make does not involve investment, profit, or script... But the question is, do you think I can do this? In a big way, the director becomes willful , which is a dereliction of duty to investors. To put it bluntly, I am old enough to spend a child's money... I should make a profit, but what if I lose it? Then what do I look like in the eyes of others? Already?"

"You're wrong to say that."

At this time, Xu Xin really couldn't stand it any longer.

"If you really want to talk about kindness, we have to push things forward... What was I doing before I met you?"

He tilted his head and asked:

"Throughout the first half of my freshman year, I knew that there was a stupid rich second generation who drove a Ferrari and stood in front of the school every day to burn buns. He never listened to the lectures in class, slept every day, and went to the bar to spend the night... In the eyes of the teacher, I was that one The worst student. In the eyes of other classmates, I am a rich second generation who exudes a rustic smell but has no real meaning.

But it was by chance that you recruited me into the directing team of the Olympic Games... Actually, I didn't think much about it at the time. But now think about it, there are so many talented people from all walks of life in our directing team, and the people who do odd jobs must be the disciples of these talented people... Everyone knows that if the Olympic Games are successfully completed, then life will be smooth... Countless people would like to come in for this kind of opportunity, but you attracted me because of a few paintings.

And it was only after I entered that I realized...it turns out there is such a wonderful side to this world.

It can be said that if it were not for the Olympic Games, and if it were not for you, then I might still be the rich second generation who is just waiting to die. Maybe after graduating from college, I will wander into the film and television industry, my face will be bloody after being cheated, and I will sadly retreat to the small place of Shenmu. In the end, my father randomly arranged to work in a state-owned enterprise, and I became an idle employee who drank tea and read newspapers every day...

Maybe this is my truest life, right?

You just say you appreciate my love, but do you know what my dad said? My dad said that you are a lifelong noble of our family. Without you, God knows how much trouble his willful second son would cause him... Not to mention, I would be able to honor my ancestors. "

Speaking of this, Xu Xin's tone was particularly determined:

"So, you want to compare our relationship to who is kind to whom, who has to be grateful to whom... This is really boring. I won't mention how many things you taught me in the movie, just say Change the trajectory of your life...

Without you, Yang Mi might not be able to like me because of her cleverness. If we were not together, I would not have a son and a daughter now. As for the so-called status in the circle and the responsibilities on my shoulders, I don't even bother to count them.

Let’s be serious, from the moment you picked up those paintings of mine, the gears of our destiny have been aligned.

Not to mention...the few paintings I made were all drawn piece by piece based on your ideas. Without your inspiration, I wouldn't be able to come up with these things myself. "

Recalling those early days, Xu Xin couldn't help but feel a hint of sadness in his eyes.

Come to think of it, it's really...

It's really just a few random paintings, and the trajectory of my life is completely different.

Married the woman he loved and gave birth to two such lovely children.

I made a few close friends and found my own meaning in life at the same time...

all of these……

"Compared with these, money is the least important thing to me. To tell you the truth, my family will make seven or eight billion this winter, and this is just a coal mine. The benefits of Qiangji Real Estate this year are also Well, house prices across the country have been rising in the past few years. Although my family doesn’t play the empty-handed thing and chooses to play it safe and steady, there is no problem in getting two to three billion this year. All this money can be spent Half as bad as me. You really don’t know the troubles of rich people..."


Zhang Yimou, who was still sighing, twitched the corner of his mouth...

I heard Xu Xin say in a tone of "Oh, that's so annoying":

"The biggest fear is that money is useless in the bank. Every day this president invites you to dinner and wants to get you to save some money. That president gives you gifts and wants you to save more money, but he has to kowtow to you... You Don't worry about getting the child's money... In this case, I'll ask my dad to come out of the head office? Tell him what movie you want to make... I'm not threatening you, but I have to tell you in advance, He is not as easy to talk to as me. If you say the movie needs 100 million, he will give you 100 million. With his temper, if you say 100 million, he will give you at least 1.5... He is afraid that you will not have enough money..."


Chen Ting's eyes began to twitch as she walked out of the kitchen with two bowls of noodles.

Obviously, Xu Xin's words also had an impact on her worldview.

In the past, I only knew that this kid's family had money...

But this style of spending money...

It cannot be said that it is unheard of, at least it can be said that it is better to see it than to hear it a hundred times.

But what Xu Xin said came from the bottom of his heart.

He really believed that the turning point in his destiny would be joining the Olympics.

At the Olympics, he saw a lot of people.

Many people who are willing to sacrifice and burn everything for this country until the end of their lives.

Perhaps for many people, the 2008 Olympics was just the highlight of that night.

But for Xu Xin, from the moment his drawing was seen by the old man...

His destiny has already changed.

He didn't know whether he and the old man were mutually successful.

But the other person is definitely the noble person in his life, there is no doubt about this.

"I understand what you want to say, but please don't be polite to me. There is no need for our relationship to be like this. After this movie is over, just come and do it in a down-to-earth manner. You have so many scripts that you want to adapt, You can shoot whatever you want. What's more... your movie will lose money? I don't believe it. Not to mention the loss of more money and less money. Is that okay? You are already this age...fame and fortune, box office, making money... …Actually, I think it’s all insignificant.”

He said this very firmly, but Zhang Yimou was happy.


He smiled, looked at Xu Xin and asked curiously:

"What? You don't have confidence in me?"

"That's not true."

Xu Xin shook his head firmly:

"It's not that I don't have confidence in you... but I must say that the fifth generation is actually gradually declining.

I'm talking about the box office~

Every generation of directors has their own mission. If we say that the mission of the fifth generation of directors is to find the philosophy of the origin of our country and our nation.

It’s a kind of… journey to find your roots.

So, at the moment, that is, our generation, we are responsible for raising the Chinese film industry to its economic peak.

Compared with the box office, I guess it will be harder for fifth-generation directors to compete with us as time goes by. There is no dispute about this.

But it is necessary for the fifth generation to continue on its own path and let everyone embark on this fast lane with a bright future and a strong box office, but the essence of Chinese-language movies cannot be changed.

We have to keep our roots!

And now that many fifth-generation directors have made great achievements in commercial films, their judgment on the market is actually a blurred gamble. Not good at generating box office, but forced by the situation, he still has to keep up with the box office.

I think this is the biggest dilemma of the fifth generation~

To put it bluntly, the standard for blockbusters is set by the fifth generation of directors, or you and a few directors. However, with the development of the times, individuals like "directors" can already be used as industrial production lines. It is concluded that it is a drag on productivity.

What the film industry needs now is for the fifth generation of directors to sit firmly in the middle and continue to produce artistic, literary, and independent-thinking works of art that they are good at, rather than to improve the level of the film industry due to increased productivity. Whether it’s special effects or big scenes...

To give the simplest example, the big scenes in "Golden Armor" are still supported by people, but now the big scenes are all special effects and technology...

Every generation of directors has a mission, and as a successful person, I hope that you, Yu Gong, can act as the brakes for this high-speed train that is about to set off, so that people can stay awake and have an independent understanding of art.

Yu privately... You have a bad stomach and are getting older. If nothing else, lunch breaks are compulsory for you now, right?

...So just be more willful and do what you like, freely...what you really love...that's it. What do you think? "

Xu Xin's words made Zhang Yimou raise his eyebrows in surprise.

He seemed to want to say something.


As he chewed this sentence over and over again, his brows slowly wrinkled.

This was his habit of falling into thinking.

And Xu Xin didn't bother.

Just smash it and smash your mouth...

Wine, I don’t want to drink it.

Instead, I wanted to smoke.

However, the three children were having fun there...

It is destined to be held back.

After Zhang Yimou appreciated Xu Xin's words, he asked in surprise:

"You've... grown a lot in Hollywood recently. You have a lot of viewpoints and are very forward-thinking."

"Then look~"

Xu Xin raised his head proudly:

"This is one of my three papers. But it's the best thing to use for the Ph.D. Even Teacher Yu said it was good after reading it!"


Zhang Yimou was surprised again.

Then he agreed and said:

"It's good to take the Ph.D. exam. After taking the Ph.D. exam, you can stay in school, and many people will come here. And you can pass on your knowledge and understanding of movies. This is good~"

"Hmm...then what do you mean?"

Zhang Yimou naturally understood what he was talking about.

After being quiet for a while, he sighed:


There were all kinds of complicated emotions in this sigh.

It was like facing my past and understanding my life that was no longer young.

Serve as the youngest?

Not convinced?

Maybe... both.

At this moment, he thought a lot.

But facing the expectant eyes of this child, there were thousands of words to say, but when he spoke them out, there was only one sentence left:

"Then let's put it that way."


The moment I got this answer.

Xu Xin was suddenly speechless.

The dust had clearly settled...but at this moment, his heart felt calm for no reason.


The dust has settled.

The lake of heart is clear.

It seems to have come naturally.

Natural...can't be more natural.

"How about I sleep here tonight."

"I can't sleep. I have to go back and see my house. I'll also make a quick documentary. Don't worry about me. I'm leaving... I'm driving for you, right? This way."

Amidst the surprise on the driver's face, Xu Xin waved to Zhang Yimou and Chen Ting who were standing at the door of the basement unit:

"I'm leaving."

"Well, give me a call when I get home."


Xu Xin agreed, handed the key to the driver, and got into the passenger seat.

Then he waved to the couple, and the Volvo drove smoothly out of the basement.

After walking out of the basement, Xu Xin saw the lights of thousands of houses in Yanjing.

But the mood is still calm.

Logically speaking, he should tell his wife about such a good thing. It's about 10 o'clock in the evening now, and it's about six o'clock in the morning in Los Angeles. Even if the wife is asleep, she will definitely be happy when she hears such a good thing.

But he couldn't muster the energy.

It may also be because the driver is driving and is inconvenient to hear these things.

In short, he was very silent along the way.

He looked at everything in this city in silence, his mind empty.

All the way back to Shijia Hutong, after the driver parked the car in the garage, he paid the fee and sent the driver away.

Looking at the dark yard, he took out his mobile phone belatedly.

I originally wanted to call...but after thinking about it, I simply sent a message:

"Director Zhang agreed to come."

After sending it, put the phone in your pocket.

He came to his fish pond.

When digging the fish pond, Yang Mi buried heating pipes underground.

So even in winter, the water does not freeze.

Bought from Japan, it is said that a big, fat koi carp valued at 10,000 to 20,000 yuan was swimming back and forth in alertness after noticing someone on the shore at night.

Under the night light, these koi fish with beautiful skin patterns look like strange dragons one after another.

Unconsciously, an idea popped into his mind.

If I had known... I should have installed a "gantry" in the fish pond at home.

How did that sentence come about...

The golden lin is originally a thing in the pond,

A dragon changes into a dragon when encountering a storm.

The old man and I...who has whose golden scales?

Who is whose situation?

He stood by the fish pond and thought for a long time, then finally turned and left.

do not care.


When I woke up, it was already 9 o'clock in the morning.

The after effects of jet lag are starting to show.

But luckily, he's used to it. I just walked out of the bedroom and felt a little uncomfortable looking at the empty home.

But today is the last day of 2011, so there should be some sense of ceremony both emotionally and rationally.

So, when he cooked instant noodles for himself, he added an extra egg.

I also saw a message from my wife on my phone:


"Where is Director Zhang going?"

"Cloud Atlas? Or headwind? Or the factory?"

"I think Cloud Atlas is more suitable. Director Zhang doesn't care about resources, the main thing is the freedom of creation."

"If you put it in Cloud Atlas, he only needs to handle the scripts and movies by himself. All other resources are most convenient to get from Cloud Atlas!"

"what do you think?"

"Remember to call me when you wake up."

"Oh, yes, if it's cold at home, under the cabinet at the entrance to the main hall of our house is the regulating valve for the floor heating. Remember to turn it up to avoid catching a cold."

"Love you, thank you for your hard work."

Seeing his wife's WeChat replies ranging from rational to affectionate, he felt that the bowl of noodles in his hand was much sweeter.

But there was no rush to return.

Based on his understanding, if he told her that he was awake, the minimum would be a cross-country phone call... However, it was more likely to be a video call.

That way she could see herself eating instant noodles.

Unable to protect her, she was so distressed that she took Mengmeng out of her home.

No need.

I'm not a waste...it's not like I'm not satisfied with instant noodles.

I haven’t eaten it in a long time, let alone...it tastes pretty good.

So, after eating a bucket of instant noodles with eggs, he looked at the remaining third of the noodle soup and threw it into the trash can with the soup and water.

After making sure it was correct, he rubbed his nose that felt dry for some reason before sending the message to his wife.

Soon, Yang Mi's video call came over.

After the two saw each other on their mobile phones, Yang Mi's first words were:

"Have you had breakfast?"

"have eaten."

"What to eat?"

"I went out and drank some tofu."

"Oh, that's fine...what did Director Zhang say?"

Yang Mi, who was relieved, asked curiously:

"What were you talking about last night?"

Xu Xin gave an overview of what happened last night.

While talking, the other side was not idle either. He took a bag of information from "The Tip of the Tongue" and walked out towards his studio.

And when Xu Xin was talking endlessly about how he used the ideas in his paper to "beat up" the old man and stimulate the other party's subjective initiative...

Suddenly, the screen freezes.

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, and then the screen turned into an incoming call interface.

Caller: Wang Sicong.

He thought it was so early in the morning. If Lao Wang called at this time, wouldn't he ask him to see Okamoto off?

While thinking about it, he answered the phone:

"Hey. What's up?"

"Hey, Lao Xu, when do you plan to go to the United States? Will you come with me to Xiangjiang after New Year's Day?"

Wang Sicong came straight to the point.

Xu Xin was stunned:

"Why go to Xiangjiang?"

"I found a special effects company that was... pretty suitable."


Xu Xin's eyes lit up:

"Found it? What's your name?"

"PO Chaoting. Nicholas Tse's company..."


Xu Xin was stunned:


"Xie Tingfeng! The master of internal suffering..."


Lao Wang's words made the corner of his mouth twitch quickly...

Not to mention anything else...

Brother, what can’t you tell me about Nicholas Tse?

"Sad 1999", movies, smashing guitars...even Wang Fei...

What can't you introduce?

You have to use the word "sufferer" to describe it?

Should I say it or not...

You will still be offended if you offend others.

True 6.

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