I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 832 828 Racecourse

Chapter 832 828. Racecourse

Xu Xin's first words after washing his hair earned him a merciless kick from his wife.

"Hey, do you think I look like little Xu Xin?"

"I'll kick you to death!!"

The slippers flew off Xu Xin's ears.

Seeing his wife arrogant and arrogant, he quickly ran away.

And this time, it slipped to March 1st.

On the first day of school.

He followed Teacher Yu to the school to meet his doctoral supervisor, Hou Kexuan, the vice president of the Beijing Film Academy Academic Committee.

With his reputation, the other party would certainly welcome him to take the exam.

Especially after reading those three papers.

It can be said that from the moment he nodded, Xu Xin had already stepped into the door of becoming a doctor.

Then you only need to wait for the graduate defense and doctoral interviews at the end of May and early June.

At the same time, he also submitted the "Approval Form for the Postgraduate Teaching Assistant Position of Beijing Film Academy" to the school.

He is not yet a Ph.D., so he can only start as a graduate student.

But it doesn’t matter, just wait until the second year to update it.

Noon on the 3rd.

Xu Xin woke up a little late last night because he was adjusting to the time difference and chatting about "Telephone Ringing" through an online conference with Philip and Jasmine.

After getting up, he scratched his belly and walked out of the bedroom, finding that his mother-in-law was the only one left at home.

"Good morning, Mom, we are one day closer to the end of the world."


Yang Chunling, who was learning Tai Chi while watching the TV, twitched the corners of her mouth...

"Xiao Xu..."


"Mom wants to discuss something with you... When we say hello from now on, you can just say the first three words. Don't mention the last words, okay?"


Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"I'm not kidding you. Where is Yang Mi?"

"Go to the company. By the way, she asked you to call her after you wake up."

"Um...where's Dad?"

"I took Nuannuan and Yangyang to the horse farm. Niu Niu gave birth to another litter, but they don't eat much. Teacher Yu can't feed them, so your dad has to come."

"gave birth?"

Xu Xin's eyes lit up:

"How many?"

"Four, one male and three females."

"Well...then I have to go take a look."

Niuniu and Zaizai are exactly five years old this year.

In the prime of life.

Moreover, he has a good reputation as a top dog in the German Shepherd circle in Yanjing.

There is no other reason, just one word: pure.

Wang Sicong got it from his classmate, who is a descendant of a British aristocrat. His family has a manor and specializes in raising aristocratic dogs. Although these two German shepherds were born in the UK, they are the ones with the purest bloodline.

A dog pen.

Bloodline theory.

This is quite debatable.

Although they did not participate in the competition, many people who played German Shepherd brought dogs with competition certificates to compare, but they were not as good as the two of them.

Moreover, these two dogs are considered to be the only dogs that can walk in the streets and alleys of Yanjing openly.

Because after Wang Sicong brought it over, Zhang Wu trained it for a while with the Armed Forces Department and got a certificate for retired military dogs.

When the city management came, they didn't say anything when they saw the nameplate hanging around their necks.

But the two dogs in the front didn't call at all.

Maybe it's because of their upbringing that the two dogs don't call each other and are not worthy of each other.

Since last year, the first litter has been produced with the help of brother Qian'er.

Three were born in the first litter, two died, and Xu Xin gave the remaining one directly to brother Qian'er. It can be regarded as helping him gain a firm foothold in the "German Shepherd World".

And this year, 4 were born.

Then he has to stay no matter what.

Let Lao Wang go to England to get a male and a female with pure blood. Wouldn't this be a big family?

Xu Xin, who was thinking that he had to go and see everything for a while, dialed his wife's phone number while thinking about it.

"Dudu... hello."

"Are you awake?"

"Well, where are you?"

"Company. Will you come over for lunch?"

"Niuniu has given birth, and I'm going to go to Brother Qian'er's place to see me. I might eat there for lunch~"


Yang Mi was a little surprised:

"Didn't our dad pass by?"

"Then I have to go too. What? Are you okay?"

"...In the afternoon, I was thinking about us going to "Happy Twist". This week and next week, Xiao Di and others from the Magic City branch will come to Yanjing to perform. Isn't this the beginning of school? We didn't come back this year. According to them, this girl is now a small pillar in Shanghai. She has accumulated a large number of fans and is very popular on Weibo. She has to grab all the tickets for the performance in Yanjing in the past two weeks. I thought we should go and have a look. , if possible, we will gradually arrange roles for her this year."

"...Who is Xiao Di?"

Xu Xin really didn't remember that he knew such a person.


"Why are you still a foreigner...oh~~~~"

After suddenly remembering this name that had a close relationship with him, he suddenly realized.

I looked at the time...

It's almost 11 o'clock.

"What time does the show start?"

"Two thirty. In the Geological Auditorium."

"...It's so far away. It's fifty or sixty kilometers away from Brother Qian'er."

"Yeah...what should you do?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"I'll go over there first. Take a look at Zaizai Niuniu and have a meal. I'll go over there at about one o'clock, okay?"

"That's okay. Then cook some chicken and bring it to Niu Niu..."

"Brother Qian'er must be stewing big bones... Don't worry about it, hang up."

After hanging up the phone, he said to Yang Chunling:

"Mom, I'm going out."

"Well, go ahead. Don't you call me Mengmeng?"

"Need not."

While waving his hand, he, who was wearing a sports suit, picked up the long down jacket hanging on the hanger at the door and went out.

The weather is... not cold.

I don’t know if it was caused by El Niño or Bruno. Anyway, in this early spring, there is no sign of the cold spring in Yanjing.

He rushed all the way to Lixian.

There was no traffic jam along the way. After driving for about 40 minutes, we arrived at the entrance of Yu Xuan's racecourse.

As soon as the gatekeeper saw the Volvo, he immediately knew who was coming and opened the door to let him through.

After Xu Xin went in, he saw his father-in-law's Prado.

There were several other cars at the same time.

He wasn't surprised. Brother Qian'er's racecourse itself was an open venue similar to an equestrian club.

But if you want to come in and play, you must either be a friend or a paid member.

After he parked the car, he walked towards the row of bungalows.

As soon as I walked around the front of the bungalow, I saw a group of people chatting around a large earthen stove set up in the yard. Yu Xuan stood bent over the pot, frying something spoon by spoon.

And right next to a few people, there was a large stainless steel basin. Inside the basin was a skeleton that seemed to be cooked.

Xu Xin took a look and estimated that it was either from a cow or a donkey.

Sheep and pigs don't have such big bones.

"Brother Qian'er."

When he heard someone calling him, Yu Xuan and several people surrounding him turned their heads.

When they saw the person, several people were stunned for a moment.

Xu Xin was also stunned.

The reason why he was stunned was simple.

Wu Jing, Zhou Xiaoou, Fatty Sun Yue, Little Fatty... seem to be Guo Degang's son Guo Qilin.

And like Zheng Xiaolong, Ma Modu was one of the leading brothers in the Beijing circle.

I didn’t see my father-in-law.

"Haha~ Brother, come on, come on!"

Seeing Xu Xin's arrival, Yu Xuan's face instantly burst into a smile.

He straightened up and said:

"You should say something in advance so that I can pick you up."

"No, why are you so polite~"

Xu Xin said as he walked over.

"Director Xu."

"Hey, Teacher Wu."

Wu Jing was the first to say hello.

Then after a second's pause, he raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Zhou Xiaoou:

"I'm young, Zhou Xiaoou...this is Xu Xin, Director Xu."

"Hello, Teacher Zhou, I have long admired your name."

Xu Xin smiled politely and said hello.

"Uh... hello, Director Xu."

"You're welcome. I grew up listening to your songs."

Seeing Zhou Xiaoou use "you", Xu Xin quickly said politely.

And he didn't lie either.

Zhou Xiaoou...or rather the song "Love Me or Not" by Lingdian Band, is one of his must-have songs in KTV.

Moreover, when I sang with a few friends, we all had a tacit understanding.

Lao Xu doesn't sing well.

Especially singing Jay Chou's songs...

But this song, the feeling of howling with his voice, is quite rock roll.

Every time he sings the phrase "Do you love me or not?", there must be Wang Sicong next to him to harmonize: "Do you love me or not~~"

As for why it was him...

Who made him look so unlucky?

At most, add a little licking dog Yang Mi.

With these two unlucky guys helping Director Xu, the others can calm down for a while.

Ahem, that’s too far off topic.

In short, if someone was polite to him, Wu Jing would be shocked, so he would naturally have to be polite too.

After saying hello to Zhou Xiaoou, he shouted to Sun Yue very familiarly:

"Brother Sun."


Sun Yue responded with a smile.

We have had several drinks together and are no strangers to each other.

Finally, he looked at Ma Modu, whom he had met for the first time in so many years, although he knew from Yu Xuan that the two were good friends.

"Hello, Mr. Ma, I am Xu Xin."

"Hey, Director Xu, hello, hello."

Ma Mo smiled politely.

The title "Master Ma" is actually an honorific, but it doesn't count.

Because Yu Xuan called him "Master Ma". And the word "ye" at the back follows Yan Jing's way of saying it, and is called very softly.

This kind of title is somewhere between friend and respect.

As for Ma Modu's appearance, he was always friendly, especially when he smiled, he looked like a kind and cheerful old man. Looks old, but not annoying.

This was one of the serious leaders in Beijing circles.

At first, I was in the same circle as Wang Shuo and others.

But now... Jiangshan has changed, and dynasties have changed.

The big brother who took the lead back then has now faded out of the entertainment industry, and instead won the title of "Porcelain King" in the antiques industry.

Ma Modu has basically severed his interest ties with the Beijing circle, but in the final analysis, he is still a member of the circle.

Xu Xin's attitude towards him was actually similar to his attitude towards Xu Xin.

There is no grudge between the two sides.

You can also get close.

But the difficulty lies in digging into the heart.

That is basically impossible for a lifetime.

Finally, Guo Qilin shouted:



The corners of Xu Xin's mouth twitched... and he sighed helplessly:

"Da Lin, Shaobing asked me to call me brother."

In fact, he only met Guo Qilin once in the past two years.

At that time, the child had just become a teacher and was still a child.

In the blink of an eye... I entered puberty and grew so tall.

After hearing his words, Yu Xuan was happy:

"It's okay, let's talk about our own things. I asked Brother Yang whether he should call me brother. Hey, you are here today. Cow and scorpion. They were just killed from the slaughterhouse this morning. I used a pressure cooker to stuff the ox tail directly. , the meat was so pulpy! As soon as it came out of the pot, Brother Yang hurriedly delivered it to Niu Niu. The chicken I cooked in the morning was raised by myself..."

Obviously, Yu Xuan knew why he came.

Just like the name of the dish, he also mentioned the "confinement meal" prepared for Niu Niu.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"This food is so good. Then I'll go to the kennel and have a look~"

"You go, but you have to hurry up, the meat won't taste good when it's cold."


He nodded to the people around him and walked quickly towards the kennel.

All the way to the kennel, a few calves guarding Caucasus, Jingba, and Pomeranian saw him and started barking in the cage.

Xu Xin didn't care, looked at Yang Dalin who was sitting at the door of the dog cage, and shouted:


"Well, here we come."

Yang Dalin smiled and waved, pointing to the inside of the cage:

"She's breastfeeding."

Xu Xin walked over quickly, first passing by Zaizina, who was also imprisoned. He ignored the coquettish cries of this heartless man who had killed a thousand swords, and hurriedly came to Niu Niu's cage.

Seeing him coming, Niu Niu, who was lying on her side and breastfeeding, started to wag her tail, and then she poked her head forward.

Xu Xin quickly reached out his hand and rubbed Niu Niu's head for a while. While rubbing it, he said:

"Good girl, suffer, suffer, suffer..."


Niuniu couldn't speak and could only respond with whimpering.

Then Xu Xin looked at the little guys lying on it and sucking milk, and picked one up casually.

The puppy is just born, the size of a palm, and its eyes haven’t opened yet.

After being forcibly interrupted from eating, he immediately started to struggle in Xu Xin's hands, making whimpering sounds.

Xu Xin quickly put it back.

"Have you eaten?"

"Whether Qian'er feeds him or not, I feed him and he eats it. No, I tore off all the beef and fed it little by little. Eat some meat first... You peel the eggs, mash them up, and use This beef soup is mixed with millet porridge to drink."


Xu Xin squatted in front of the dog cage and began to peel the eggs.

Yang Dalin began to mix millet porridge and beef soup into the dog's basin.

Soon, a pot of confinement dinner was ready, and Xu Xin pushed it to Niu Niu’s mouth:

"Good girl, eat."

Niuniu didn't seem to have much appetite, so she just tilted her head and licked a few mouthfuls.

Seeing this, Yang Dalin took a handful of beef and handed it to its mouth, and then it ate some.

At this time, Xu Xin heard his father-in-law say:

"I see Ma Mo is here too...are you okay?"

"It's alright."

Xu Xin shrugged casually:

"He is similar to Director Zheng. They both belong to the group of people who have passed away. There is no conflict of interest between us."

"...That's fine. Do you want to drink at noon? If you want to drink, I won't."

"Just drink, I'll be your driver."

"Yeah. Do you want to give this kid away?"

"I think I will leave one female for Brother Qian'er, and we can raise the others by ourselves. Whether we raise them here or at home, by the way, ask Director Zhang if he wants one. If he likes it, give him one... …”


While the two were chatting, Yang Dalin fed Niu Niu in small bites.

At this time, Guo Qilin walked in:

"Uncle, it's time to eat."

Xu Xin chuckled:

"Ha~ Which uncle are you calling?"


Under the embarrassment of the little fat man, Yang Dalin pushed his son-in-law angrily:

"Let's go. There's nothing formal~"


While Xu Xin agreed, he looked at Niuniu who no longer wanted to feed the puppy. She threw the child away and began to eat the porridge in the basin. The two of them stood up.

"I'll see you later, good girl, eat~"

Xu Xin said and closed the door of the dog cage.

The two of them walked outside the kennel.

When passing Zaizai's cage, Xu Xin glared at him:

"Look at the good stuff you've done!"

Zai Zai:?

"Come on, come on, I'm just waiting for you two."

Seeing Xu Xin and Yang Dalin walking into the restaurant, Yu Xuan quickly greeted them.

Xu Xin saw that his glass was filled with wine and quickly shook his head:

"I can't drink. I have something to do in the afternoon."

"That's not possible, the wine has been poured for you."

Yu Xuan started his signature drinking skill again.

"It's okay, just drink less, just this one glass."

"With your drinking capacity, you won't delay your work if you don't drink too much."

"Drink as much as you like."

"Just this one cup."

"Don't be afraid if you don't have an assistant with you. Dalin'er, call and ask where Xiaomeng and Xiaobing are and if there is a performance in the afternoon. If so, find someone else. If there is no performance, just call them over. Tell Xiaoping that they are allowed. Brother is here."

Sentence after sentence.

at last……

"Come on, let's go."

Beef and scorpions in a big pot, stir-fried vegetables, cold dishes, peanuts...

Everyone's cups touched together.

Xu Xin never had any baggage when drinking at Brother Qian'er's house.

The big brother is talkative and chatting about all kinds of things. As he talks and laughs, he becomes drunk without even realizing it after a meal of wine.

But today, the first topic at the dinner table was raised by Ma Modu.

"Director Xu..."

"You can just call me Xiao Xu. This title, Director Xu, is too awkward~"

After hearing what Xu Xin said, Yu Xuan also said something:

"That's right, call me Xiao Xu, brother. It's too awkward to shout. You're right, brother."

Yang Dalin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and casually put his arm on Xu Xin's shoulders:

"From now on, when we go out, we'll talk about buddies."


Amid laughter, Ma Mo nodded:

"Okay, Xiao Xu, I saw the news a while ago that you were going to make a movie in the United States. When do you plan to make it?"

"It's early, probably in the first half of next year."

Hearing this, Ma Mo was stunned...

Revealed a...

How to put it, it's a smile that's similar to "understanding" or "I don't want to say forget it".

Obviously, he didn't believe it.

Yu Xuan glanced at him, turned to Xu Xin and asked:

"Why is it so late? Didn't it finish filming last year...you mean next year, right? 2013?"


Although he also saw Ma Modu's expression, Xu Xin did not lie.

Seeing Brother Qian'er helping to give him a step, he simply didn't hide anything and said directly:

"The movie ended in October. What can I say about this movie? It's an ensemble drama. Several characters are outstanding. It must be sent to Europe. Cannes is not good. It's too old-fashioned. Not to mention other things, just the fact that there are many best actor nominations. It's impossible. Venice just took it. So I plan to send it to Berlin.

Berlin has a relatively relaxed attitude towards award quotas. Last year... no, if you look at it according to the lunar calendar, it would have been the year before last. In the Iranian movie "Nader and Simin: A Separation" the year before last, the four male protagonists directly won the best actor trophy, and the two female protagonists won the best actress... …That movie is really good, I have to admit. The award for Best Picture is also well deserved.

So I thought about sending it directly to Berlin. Teacher Wu should have listened to Lao Duan, right? "

Wu Jing nodded seriously:

"As I said, he did a great job in "Heart of the Burning Sun"."

"Yeah, but I finished shooting in October last year and I couldn't finish the finished product in two months, so I decided to put it to this year and submit it for review in October this year... I hope I can be shortlisted."

He explained in great detail.

Yu Xuan nodded while listening, and then asked:

"Then you have no works this year?"

"Yes. A new script is already being prepared."


Wu Jing subconsciously looked up.

Zhou Xiaoou also looked at him.

But he immediately glanced at Ma Modu again.

Xu Xin could also see the look in their eyes. After all, everyone at the Eight Immortals Table was next to each other.

So, he smiled and said:

"But this movie is not a domestic one. Over in Italy, we have a script. If we want to shoot it, we have to go to Rome to shoot it. It is already in preparation. If it is shot, it will probably be in the second half of the year. There are many things in the first half of the year, and I have been abroad for a few days. Months, a lot of things have been gathered together.”

"...Italian movies?"

Wu Jing looked confused.

"Will an Italian act?"

"Yes. A few of us also saved up the script from the dinner party, which is quite interesting. And there is an actor friend who is particularly interested, so I decided to collaborate."

After all the words were said, Xu Xin didn't hide anything.

But there's actually nothing of value.

No mention of what the story is, how much investment, what type, etc.

But except for the "movie" aspect, everything else is completely revealed.

But here’s the cleverness of what he said.

Everything he said was true.

But the gift is very full.

Having said that, it would be inappropriate for anyone to ask, "What is the plot? How much are you planning to invest?"

But if you don't ask, except that Xu Xin is going to film a movie abroad, there is no other news.


Although it was not carefully planned, his words were actually like a weather vane.

If both Ma Mo and Yu Xuan continue to ask and get to the bottom of things, it means that... at least, Ma Mo who asked this question came with the intention of "inquiring" rather than just chatting on the wine table. .

If you don't ask, you are bound to get nothing of value.

Just pure conversation over the wine table.

Xu Xin didn't mean it either.

All I can say is...he is used to this kind of tightness.

After Ma Modu heard this, he really had no intention of continuing to ask. He just held the wine glass and said:

"Oh, then this is not easy. The most difficult part is actually the lines. They speak Italian, we speak Chinese...Xiao Xu, do you know Italian?"

"I don't understand. This aspect is really difficult."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"It depends. Lines are important, but I may have to read the Italian, English, and Chinese versions to compare back and forth with how they convey facial emotions through certain lines. It will be a little more cumbersome... but it's not a problem. big."

"That's okay..."

Yu Xuan picked up the wine glass:

"Well, there's nothing we can do to help, and no one understands Italian, so we can only drink. Come on, take a second sip, and then go..."


The cups touched each other again.

After the second sip of wine, Xu Xin was picking out a few peanuts to eat when he suddenly heard Wu Jing saying next to him:

"Director Xu, speaking of which... does our factory's art creation center have any restrictions on the subject matter of scripts?"


Xu Xin glanced at him and shook his head:

"That's not true. As long as the script is good...what?"

Wu Jing smiled a little embarrassed:

"I... have a script in hand, but the subject matter... is a bit... not in line with the market."

"What subject matter?"

Xu Xin was a little puzzled.

Then I heard two words:


As soon as he opened his mouth, no one except Yang Dalin and Xu Xin showed any doubts.

Apparently, they already knew about the script.

Yang Dalin's doubts were about why the military was not in line with the market.

In the past two years, he could often see "Soldier Assault", "DA Division", "My Commander My Regiment" and "Bright Sword" on TV.

Not to mention "The Story of the Cooking Class".

At this moment, Xu Xin shook his head:

"I won't say it anymore. The factory has no requirements for scripts. As long as the script is good, it can be cast and filmed. The "non-compliance" you mentioned is for the private market and is determined based on the box office. We As a state-owned company, box office profits are important, but as a script creator, project initiator, director, and actor, the most important criterion for measuring a work is artistry and values. The tendencies and paths of the two are quite different. Different. Tell me, what story did you tell?"




The words came out.

Wu Jing's eyes immediately burst out with a...light of joy.

He nodded quickly:

"The story goes like this..."

He began to tell the outline of the story.

At this time, Ma Modu picked up the wine glass on his own.

Sighed slightly.


Sun Yue, who heard the noise, glanced at Master Ma.

Some doubts.

what happened?

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