I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 833 829 Weight Loss and Seedling Breeding

"The story of a special forces soldier."

If we sum up the content of the script from Wu Jing's mouth, this sentence is actually enough.

The protagonist's name is Leng Feng. He is a very powerful soldier. At first he killed a drug dealer, and then joined the special forces as a soldier, but the drug dealer's brother took revenge on him...

To be honest, this script is a bit... how should I put it?

Not very logical.

"Drug dealers? Are you sure? Drug dealers, are you provoking regular troops, or a company of special forces? Are you sure?"

Xu Xin asked "Are you sure" twice in a row to express his point of view.

Wu Jing actually heard what Xu Xin meant.

But he still nodded:

"He is the brother of a drug dealer. He is equivalent to a small warlord abroad."

"Little warlord, are you provoking the regular army or the special forces? Are you sure?"

There was still a bit of absurdity in Xu Xin's eyes.

Although movies can be artistically processed, Hollywood has begun to criticize aliens, and it is not uncommon for anything to be filmed in movies. But...it's a military theme.

When it comes to military themes, Xu Xin doesn't know how others will react.

But for him, the first requirement is "realism".

Moreover, this is not a foreign film, but a film about Chinese soldiers.

Here comes a small warlord who dares to provoke the PLA...


Is the ancestral grave of this little warlord's family made of Adamantium alloy?

More Wolverine than Wolverine?

Not to mention whether they can withstand the atomic bomb, even a battalion can fire a burst of 60-meter fire on his house, and his ashes will be scattered.

It's also too... YY-like.

This is what Xu Xin feels in his heart.

Wu Jing listened to his rhetorical question, and after looking at his eyes, a hint of disappointment gradually appeared on his face.

"Then... forget it."

He thought Xu Xin thought the story was nonsense.

When Xu Xin heard this, he didn't say "goodbye" or anything like that. Instead, he asked curiously:

"Did you write this script?"

"No, Director Xu, have you ever heard of Dancing Enchantress?"

"No, from which sect? It sounds so enchanting."

"He is an online writer. He specializes in writing military-themed online novels."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, thinking that this would make sense.

Online novels are different from physical publications in that their style is quite obvious.

I especially remember that he had read an online novel. I can’t remember the specific name, but I just remember... that the protagonist traveled to a different world and turned out to be a great magician. Someone asked him if he had eaten any holy fruit. The hero didn't know what the person was talking about. But when the person brought over a small piece of the holy fruit, he discovered that there was a high-level mage in this other world after taking a bite. The holy fruit of strength turned out to be the sweet potato in the original world...

Xu Xin's overall style of painting was not good at that time.

I wonder what kind of imagination it takes to imagine this evil thing...

But I have to admit that when I watched it for the first time, I felt very happy.

And if it is a script written by an online writer, then the logic of the whole story focusing on passion and sexual desire rather than realism will make sense.

"Actually... it's like this, Director Xu. In 2008... when I went to Sichuan, I got the inspiration for this story. Didn't I go to the front line for disaster relief..."

"Well, I've seen the news."

"I have never been a soldier. To be honest, before I went to Sichuan, most of my images of soldiers were from what I saw on TV. But when I went there, I found that those soldiers were about the same age as me, or even younger than me. Soldiers, I looked at their passion, sense of responsibility, and responsibility... I really understood the content of the text "Who is the cutest person" that I learned when I was a child. I just thought, our There are so many classic images in film and television dramas, but when it comes to military themes... I asked ten people who impressed me the most, and nine of them told me it was the silly Xu Sanduo..."

Speaking of this, he was stunned

As if aware of the gaffe, he quickly said:

"Of course, I'm not saying that I don't like Xu Sanduo, but... that's just an example. Most of the soldiers, especially the ones I came into contact with in Sichuan and in the drama "Special Forces", they are sunny, passionate, and sincere. , Blazing...each one is good! So I made this script..."

After hearing the cause and effect, Xu Xin thought about it and said:

"Then let your script go to the factory. I will go back to the factory next week to see how the story goes and review it then. If there are no problems, it is not over the line, or it does not involve some sensitive areas, you can give it a try …Are you going to be a director?”


Wu Jing looked overjoyed with some hindsight.

But after reacting immediately, he asked:

"The factory...does it have any requirements for who should be the director?"

"That's not true. But it has its own set of review procedures. The script is reviewed first. If there is no problem with the script, a director will be found just like a tender. The director will have to make a plan, such as how you plan to shoot, how much to invest, personal style... things like this. I’ll recommend a WeChat contact for you. This person’s name is Guo Fan. He is the director of last year’s film “To Our Dying Youth” in the studio. The three scripts in the studio last year will be released one after another in the next two years. That is also It is the first time that the Art Creation Center has used this method to select stories since its establishment. His plan is quite beautiful, and you can learn from him..."

While talking, he took out his mobile phone and pushed Guo Fan's WeChat business card to him.

Then in front of Wu Jing, he sent a voice message to Guo Fan saying:

"Director Guo, I passed your business card to the actor Wu Jing in our factory. Please add it. I'll contact you if I need anything. Also, if nothing else happens, I will visit your crew when I return to the factory next week. Check out the shooting progress. We will contact you then."

After saying hello to Guo Fan, he put his phone on the table and took the initiative to pick up the cup:

"Come on, brothers...and Dad. Let's go one by one~ Dad, I'll respect you first."

Yang Dalin smiled and nodded.

After everyone touched the glasses together and took a sip, Yu Xuan put down the glass and wiped his mouth:

"When I talk about this, I remember Jing'er drinking with his old father-in-law. They were father and son at the table. Halfway through the drink, Xie Nan's father put his arm around Jing'er's shoulders and called him brother..."


There were bursts of laughter at the dinner table.

Ma Modu lit a cigarette and said:

"And that sentence: Brother, you have wronged you by marrying my daughter..."


Xu Xin also laughed, shook his head with a smile, and quickly brought another one to Yang Dalin.

"Dad, I'm not wronged, I'm really not wronged~"

Yang Dalin shook his head with a smile on his face:

"You kid... no matter how big or small you are, call me big brother!"

"Hey~ the seniority at our table is getting more and more chaotic~"


In fact, Xu Xin didn't finish the drink at noon.

It’s past 12 o’clock for dinner.

At half past one, having drunk less than half a catty of wine, he took the initiative to resign as soon as the sesame cakes arrived.

He also punished himself.

Take the initiative to plead guilty.

I didn't let anyone else deliver it and left directly with the sesame seeds.

Before leaving, Nuannuan and Yangyang, who had been playing with Yu Siyang, remembered that they had such a father and held their thighs to prevent them from leaving.

In the end, I was pulled down by my grandpa in his arms...

"Small cake."

"Hey, brother, tell me."


Xu Xin didn't say anything.

He just looked at him up and down and asked:

"How much?"

As soon as Xu Xin opened his mouth, Shaobing knew what he was talking about.

He scratched his round head and laughed innocently:



Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

"Still not losing weight?"

"Brother, you haven't lost weight either."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with absurdity:

"What are you talking about?"


Shaobing was filled with doubts on his forehead:

"What's wrong?"

"……I am fat?"

He pointed at his face and looked at the biscuits as if they were aliens.

Then I saw the doubt on my brother's face:

"You haven't realized it yet?"


Seeing that Xu Xin really didn’t understand, he was so happy with the sesame cake:

"Brother, when you were sitting on the table with no clothes on and drinking, your belly was also round... Of course, it's definitely not as round as mine. You have a beer belly from drinking."


Xu Xin sobered up instantly.

The first reaction was to unbutton his down jacket.

In fact, he was not in a hurry when he left today.

After waking up, I washed my face and brushed my teeth and left directly.

He was wearing short sleeves underneath.

Normally I don't think anything is wrong, but today I opened my coat and looked down...

Maybe it's because you ate too much just now? Now you can clearly see the outline of your belly on the T-shirt.

Not exactly chubby, but within the "round" range.


After suddenly noticing the change in himself, Xu Xin's first reaction was to ask Shaobing uncertainly:

"Am I really fat?"

"Brother, how long has it been since you stepped on the scale?"

"...Basically not."

"Huh? Don't you have one at home?"

"Yes, but I basically don't weigh it. Your sister does weigh it every day, but the problem is that I don't dare to ask. I asked and she beat me..."


Shaobing immediately looked disgusted:

"My sister almost dotes on you. The new pond of koi in your house was made by me when I went out for my sister and took photos and sent it to you. Do you think I don't know that you are so proud of your family? What about the explosion?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched again.

No, why do you tell others everything?

Your husband, I don’t want to lose face?

The koi carp in the pond at home died tragically... although my wife later asked her to take care of the matter. But when he got busy, he forgot about it.

Then one day... the koi suddenly "resurrected" again in the pond at home.

When he saw that his wife's anger had subsided, he stopped taking care of her.

"It took you a long time to lure the Japs to the village!?"

"What do you think? As soon as my sister told me, I went to the flower, bird and fish market. Brother, didn't I say... we can't have some snacks? Who is a good person who is on a business trip to turn on the switch?"

"Get out!"

Xu Xin, who was unable to get off the stage, blushed.

Pretending to kick.

But not kicking.

Shaobing took the car keys and ran to the driver's seat.

Xu Xin got in the car and asked:

"Am I really fat?"

"Definitely, it's more obvious sitting like this."

Following his words, Xu Xin lowered his head and looked...


The beer belly is indeed more obvious.

His good mood disappeared in an instant.

"I need to lose weight...will you come with me?"

"I can't keep up. I have performances every day."

"Where are you performing every day now?"

“Going back and forth to Guangde Tower, Tianyuan Garden, and Huguang.”

"How many games a day?"

"Sometimes one game, sometimes two games, Monday and Tuesday are off... Brother, I am too far away from you. You can lose weight by yourself, don't hold me back..."


Xu Xinxin said, can I still spare you, kid?

I am not here to recover the blow I received from you?

"Dashilan is not far from Shijia Hutong..."

"Five or six kilometers, you call this not far?"

"Hey, you kid... you've grown up and you dare to talk back, right? Wait!"

Seeing him pick up the phone, Shaobing asked quickly:

"What are you doing?...My sister can't even persuade me to lose weight. Please save it, it's useless~"

"I'll let your uncle persuade you!... Hey, brother, I want to lose weight with sesame cakes, and the naughty kid talks back to me, what should I do?... Come on, tell him."

The corner of Shaobing's mouth kept twitching. He looked at the number of "Brother Qian'er" on the phone and was completely helpless:

"Hey, uncle..."


"Brother...I'm so busy..."

"Are you busy with me?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Okay, don't get the advantage and be good. After Teacher Guo moved to the Rose Garden, didn't you all rent a house here? Just follow me to my gym to practice..."

"Don't...brother, I'm poor..."

"Your sister just upgraded our card to a family card this year. There is a quota for four people. From now on, we will make an appointment to go to the gym every day. Hmm... you can drive this car from now on, and I will get a new model later. .Is this okay? It’s not far away now, right?”

"I don't want it. It's too troublesome to park a car at Dashilar... I'd rather ride an electric bike."

"That's okay too."

Xu Xin pinched his belly as he spoke:

"Master, it's time to lose weight. How can I find a girlfriend in the future?"

"My sister said she would introduce me to..."

"Please tell her to stop doing evil..."

I watched the boy grow up. In a few years, he went from the freckle-faced boy to the young man he is today.

The relationship between the two is naturally inseparable.

After complaining about Yang Mi all the way, when they arrived at the Geological Museum, Shaobing also got out of the car.

He didn't have a performance in the afternoon, he only had one in the evening.

My sister is here again, please come and stay for a while.

"Brother, these are sketches, right?"

"You can understand it that way, but it would be better to summarize it with a stage play or a play."

"Anyway, they have been very popular since last year. We can all receive news ~ it is said that the venues are also full..."

"Deyunshe and them are not direct competitors. Besides, your business performances are much more successful than theirs. There is nothing to compare... just do what you are good at."


The two of them were walking and chatting. It was already around 2:30.

The performance has started, the audience has already entered the venue, and there are no people around.

But there was still someone waiting for him at the door.

After seeing Xu Xin, he carefully identified him and then walked over quickly after confirming that it was him:

"Hello, Director Xu, I am Xiao Chen from the Geological Museum Theater. Sister Mi asked me to come out to greet you..."

"Hey, hello, hello. Is there a place reserved for us?"

"Stay here, right in the front row."

"Okay, let's go."

Under the leadership of the other party, Xu Xin took the sesame cakes all the way into the theater.

"What's the show today?"

""The Count of Wulong Mountain"."

"oh oh……"

As soon as he entered, not to mention the stage, Xu Xin looked around and found a dark mass of heads, and nodded slightly.

Just like Shaobing said.

After "Happy Twist" received financing from Shuangwei and had a platform, its popularity has indeed increased.

I especially remember that the last time I was at the Haidian Theater, it wasn’t so lively...

I walked forward in the dark, brought the sesame seed cakes to the first row, and saw the only two empty seats.

"Okay, let's go there by ourselves."

He hunched over and walked quickly to his wife, who was wearing a peaked cap.

The smell of wine instantly hit Yang Mi.

"How much did you drink?"

She asked quietly, and at the same time handed the thermos cup in her hand to Xu Xin, and gave Shaobing a bottle of mineral water.

"Just half a catty, it's okay."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly, looked up, and asked:

"Which one is Xiao Di?"


Yang Mi wears a red clown hat on one finger, looking like a GAY actor:

"he is the one."


Xu Xin was shocked:

"Why does this girl look like a man?"


Yang Mi slapped her husband's leg angrily.

Although she knew he was joking, she still explained:

"Her role today is Sister K. In a while, the plot will reveal that Sister K went to South Korea to undergo plastic surgery and transformed from a man into a shemale. She will play the role after the plastic surgery."

Xu Xin nodded:

"It's Ma Li's role."


"That will have to wait a while."

"The Count of Wulongshan" is two hours in total.

He had seen the samples of Shen Teng and Ma Li's version before.

know the story.

It will be more than half an hour before Ma Li appears.

"Ha... um."

Yawning lazily and letting out another breath of alcohol, he asked in a low voice again:

"What about the others? Are there any actors you are paying attention to?"

"Yes, they have an internal competition now. This group of actors is the most popular lineup in the Magic City Theater. I have to see them~"

"You want me to watch?"

As soon as he said these words, Yang Mi knew that he was either drunk and confused, or he was sleepy.

So he shook his head slightly:

"Please squint for a while. I'll call you when Xiao Di comes out."


Xu Xin nodded, arched in his seat, put his head on her shoulder and began to yawn.

At the same time, don’t forget to remind:

"If I snore, remember to push me."


So he was silent again.

Now "Happy Twist" has become a very important "youth training base" for Shuangwei.

Most of these actors are open to recruitment and come in through assessment.

There are students like Dilraba who are still studying acting, and there are also actors who have never had any job opportunities.

Stage plays have always been the best place to train actors.

Lines, tone, body movements...these basic skills will be best exercised here.

If you perform well, the company's scouts will evaluate and contact you.

Of course, none of this will be done openly, otherwise Shuangwei may not recruit many talents, and the good atmosphere within "Happy Twist" will be destroyed by this utilitarianism.

So everything was done quietly.

And the time also starts this year.

This is a long-term, continuous process of incorporating new ideas.

Although there may be a shortage of actors in the future, at present, Shuangwei still pays more attention to the exploration of some potential actors.

After drinking, my eyelids become heavy.

Xu Xin was drowsily leaning on his wife's shoulder. He didn't know how much time had passed. Suddenly, a burst of cheers rose to the sky.


This time, he didn't need his wife to remind him, and he opened his eyes blankly.

What happened?

He looked around...

Then I heard my wife say:

"Here, the popular little princess appears."

He subconsciously raised his eyes and at the same time, a burst of music sounded.

The two curtains that appeared on the stage at an unknown moment were pulled open instantly. Under the reddish and somewhat psychedelic lights, she was wearing... what should be a reddish dress. She was tall and had long, slightly curly hair. , the girl who seemed to instantly catch everyone's attention in terms of both her figure and temperament, walked out of the curtain step by step with graceful steps.


Xu Xin subconsciously exclaimed:

"This girl has changed a lot."


Yang Mi's eyes also showed a light of satisfaction and said:

"The reason why the Magic City Theater is doing so well, especially on Saturdays and Sundays when every venue is full, has a lot to do with her. A girl who has never debuted at all and is still in school, relying solely on her performances in small theaters, has gained a lot of success in I can accumulate nearly 200,000 fans on Weibo, and these fans even have their own names. Male fans are called Edison, and female fans are called Alice... This alone is enough to prove that my vision is correct. "

She must be boasting.

But after Xu Xin heard this, he looked at the girl's graceful appearance, thought for a moment, and suddenly said:

"Then you have to polish her well. It's easiest to become popular with your face, but it's hardest to stay popular with your face. Especially girls of this age are the easiest to be spoiled. Once spoiled, the seedling will grow crooked. , if you want to save her... it will be even more difficult."

Yang Mi was stunned...

His eyes unconsciously looked at the beautiful... girl on the stage who could be said to be breathtaking.

There was a touch of caution and thought in the joy in his eyes.

"...Well, I understand what you mean."


This is a good seedling.

Now it seems that it is about to reach the groundbreaking stage.

You really need to...think about it.

Stacked Armor: Weight loss is not a useless plot. There are plans for the follow-up. You will know at a glance.

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