I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 842 838 Looking for friends

Chapter 842 838. Looking for friends~

The main reason why Xu Xin didn't go directly to Xi'an this time was Xu Jian.

Always meet to see if an investment can be made.

After resting at home for a night, he went straight to the gym early the next morning, feeling a bit tired from jet lag.

During this period, his weight loss results were quite obvious, and his belly became noticeably smaller. However, the outline of the abdominal muscles is still not shown.

It still takes some time to practice.

When he arrived, coach Gu Youming was already waiting there.

After changing clothes and going to warm up, Xu Xin asked:

"Are my two brothers coming here frequently recently?"

"They are quite diligent, but the amount of training is not that heavy. The two of them also reflected on the working environment of Deyun Club with the coach and found that it is indeed difficult for them to ensure their taboos, and because of their careers, late night snacks are more difficult. So the coaching staff made some adjustments After following a fitness plan, I started to gradually gain muscle. The effect was quite obvious, but the weight loss in a short period of time will be in a step-like manner, and it will be done in stages..."

"Yeah, that's fine."

Xu Xin nodded and got on the treadmill.

After pulling for five kilometers first, I started making equipment.

It's almost 9 o'clock and almost 10 o'clock, and there are more and more people in the gym.

Xu Xin, who was doing the recommendation, heard two voices:

"Brother Xu."

He turned his head and glanced, and Gu Youming quickly gave him help.

Seeing Shaobing and Guo Qilin, Xu Xin nodded happily:

"Not bad, he looks more energetic."

"You just came back?"

"That's right. I just came back yesterday... Okay, let's go practice quickly. I still have two sets of movements before it's over."

Hearing this, Shaobing nodded:


Seeing the two people's obviously high spirits, Xu Xinxin said that the money was not wasted after all.

Then, after rowing the last two sets of boats under the guidance of the coach, his morning training ended. Stretch with the trainer.

And just as Coach Gu was helping him press his legs, he suddenly heard a voice:

"Gu~ let me warm up first... ah? Xu... Director Xu?"

Xu Xinxin asked, could it be another acquaintance?

The lying head turned.

This time I was really stunned.

Deng Dynasty.

Deng Chao, whom I haven’t seen for several years.

Such a coincidence?

He was a little surprised and said hello:

"Teacher Deng, hello."


Deng Chao looked at his coach and then at Xu Xin, with a look of surprise on his face.

Obviously, he was surprised that the two were the same coach.

But while Xu Xin was surprised, he had a higher opinion of Gu Youming.

Although he didn't ask the other party who this expensive coaching student was, but...from Deng Chao's perspective, he did not expose the information of other clients, which was relatively professional.

So he laughed and said:

"What a coincidence, we have the same coach."

"Uh... ha, no. I didn't expect Director Xu to be working out here too~"

"close to home."

"Haha, my home is not far away either..."

After the two joked for a while, Deng Chao took the initiative and said:

"Director Xu, I'm going to warm up first."

"Yeah, Teacher Deng is busy first."


Deng Chao left politely.

"Coach, you've done a good job keeping things confidential."

After hearing what Xu Xin said, Gu Youming, who was helping him continue to press his legs, smiled and said:

"Customer privacy must be protected."


After stretching, Xu Xin took a shower and changed clothes, and happened to see that aerobic biscuits and Guo Qilin had been finished over there.

"elder brother."

"Well, you two practice, I'm going back."

Xu Xin waved to the two of them, and then walked towards Deng Chao who was running.

You have to say hello.

After Guo Qilin, who was lifting dumbbells, saw Xu Xin and Deng Chao chatting, he asked Shaobing another... somewhat "inexplicable" question:

"Brother Pancake, do you think it's easy to be an actor?"

"You should tell the truth about cross talk. Without you in the family, who will take over in the future?"

Shaobing said casually.


Guo Qilin said nothing.

He just pursed his lips and watched Xu Xin leave after chatting with Deng Chao for a while.

After chatting casually with Deng Chao, Xu Xin drove to Wang Sicongfa's location alone.

Only then did I realize that it was a restaurant serving Chaozhou cuisine.

He said in his heart that if there were Lao Wang and Qi Ge in the box soon, he would kill Lao Wang and make the other party a widow.

But fortunately, it’s just Wang Sicong himself.

Brackets: crooked neck version.

"What are you looking at!"

Seeing his stiff-necked expression of "I don't agree with him", Xu Xin made a very standard mockery.

Unfortunately, Lao Wang was resisted.

This guy doesn't tolerate ridicule.

"I have a stiff neck, what do you think I'm looking at! I really want to look at you... Ouch..."

"Hahahaha, yes!"

Xu Xin let out a laugh and asked:

"Why do you have a stiff neck? Can't you just find someone to massage it?"

Wang Sicong ignored him first, but said to the waiter who followed him:

"Get some Eastern Pancake, and then some of that... Chaozhou local mixed fish from your store. And that lion head goose, home-style onion and ginger crab, and some lobster porridge. And some stir-fried vegetables."

Without even looking at the menu, after directly stating the name of the dish, the waiter nodded and left.

Then he said with a painful look on his face:

"Don't mention it. It's already my second day. I slept at Brother Qi's house the day before yesterday... I'm really impressed by the pillow at her house. I have a stiff neck every time I sleep on it, and every time I ask for a new pillow, but I forget it again. Already..."


Xu Xinxin said, how could he trick me into killing me?


"Seventh brother's house? Are you two living together?"

"Probably... that's right. Anyway, when we were together, we stayed at my place. She went to Shanghai to shoot a commercial, and I was originally going to be with her, but your matter stopped me. By the way, this MOREVFX , I also checked the information, I used to specialize in advertising special effects, the scale was not large, it was very ordinary, how did it fall into your eyes? "

"The special effects are good, and the people are also nice."

After briefly talking about the "Golden Robbery", Wang Sicong nodded slightly:

"Well, that's okay. He's a character."

"Then do you plan to merge? Or..."

"Let's see how we can chat in the afternoon."

"You come and I come?"

"We'll see what happens then~"

The two chatted for a while, and then the food began to be served.

Xu Xin was still wondering why he came here to eat today, but Lao Wang's words of concern made him burst into tears:

"Aren't you trying to lose weight?"

Take a look.

Big warm man.

While eating and chatting, the matter of Yin Xiaotian suddenly came up.

"I really didn't expect you to stand up and speak. Originally, I wanted to criticize that group of people for this matter. A woman acts like a shrew, is that acting? The crew is also very weird. I really thought this was the case. Can they control the heat? They are so stupid..."

"Then why didn't you speak?"

"Brother Qi stopped me."

Upon hearing this, Xu Xin immediately felt relieved.

"It's okay. Finally, you have someone who can hold you down when your brain gets hot."

"Yes, after I calmed down I realized that there was really no need to interfere. Although this was a bit inappropriate, from our point of view, it's too late to be happy. I really didn't expect you to interfere, but Later I figured it out, it’s to gain goodwill, right? You won the hearts of the people. Tsk tsk tsk, thanks to Chief of Staff Xu, this thing was done beautifully!"


Xu Xin shook his head speechlessly and told the truth directly without hiding anything from him.

After listening, it was Wang Sicong's turn to be speechless:

"That's it?"

"That's it. I have no idea of ​​winning the hearts of the people... This thing is a double-edged sword, do you understand? As a public figure, every time you push yourself to the moral high ground, then this moral high ground is your next step. The starting point of one time. You can only go all the way up, but if you look down, you will be a hypocrite. So in the future, you can avoid getting involved in this kind of thing, and try not to get involved. Once everyone develops a habit, If you don’t come out, you are all guilty.”

"Tsk, that's quite scary."

"That's not the case... So, if you can bite people in the future, it's better not to bark. If you do well, everyone will take it for granted. If you don't do well, they may scold you more harshly than others. That's why Seventh Brother won't let you speak. Yes, if you are picked up by someone, it will be really uncomfortable."

"My baby is awesome!"


Now, Xu Xin felt more or less that the East Star Spot on the table was dying with a sigh of relief.

Being eaten into the stomach by this kind of dog...

How many sins did you commit in your previous life?

While chatting, Wang Sicong suddenly said:

"By the way, do you plan to come forward with this matter between Zhao Wenzhuo and Zhen Zidan?"

"No, I'm not familiar with these two people."

"...? Aren't you familiar with Jing? She calls you brother."


Xu Xin was stunned:

"What do you mean?"

"You don't know? The heroine of the movie they made is Jing Tian."


This time, Xu Xin was really shocked.

But the second reaction was to realize that I had to ask.

So I took out my phone and sent a message to Jing Tian:

"Are you there? I just found out that you were in the drama between Zhen Zidan and Zhao Wenzhuo? Did you encounter any trouble?"

Jing Tian’s reply was also very quick:

"I'm eating, brother."

"No, it has nothing to do with me. I'm just acting as a vase, and I'm too lazy to get involved in their affairs."

Seeing Jing Tian's reply, Xu Xin took a look at Lao Wang's phone.

Wang Sicong asked curiously:

"Then what is the truth about this matter? Ask her."

Xu Xin nodded and sent a message:

"Then what's the real situation? I see there's a huge uproar. I'm afraid this movie won't be filmed, right? What are you going to do?"

More than a minute later, Jing Tian sent a 60-second voice message:

"Actually, it's similar to what Zhao Wenzhuo said. I guess Zhen Zaidan was afraid that Zhao Wenzhuo would outshine him here, and I don't know what he thought, so he changed the scene every three days. My play was also changed two or three times.

He is indeed difficult to deal with on the set, but he doesn't dare to offend me. There's nothing wrong with me.

But Zhao Wenzhuo did suffer a lot. Everyone here is from Donnie Yen, who is also the producer, so they must have the same heart... Sigh, I had a headache filming this scene. But you wouldn't be lying if you said there were some things going on with Donnie Yen. Zhao Wenzhuo did seem to have stopped acting in the later stages.

There's nothing I can do about it, the script has been changed in such a mess that I don't want to act in it anymore.

Anyway, I'm just waiting to see what happens now, and let them resolve their matter. Don't worry, Brother Xu, it's okay with me. But you'd better not get involved in their affairs. I think they have started to form cliques in the past two days. They each find their own friends to come to the stage, which is quite crazy.

I think this matter will be settled in the end. It's not like Yin Xiaotian's matter. A surveillance camera can tell the story. The crew members are all members of Donnie Yen, and both sides hold different opinions. Unless someone with enough weight in the crew comes forward to tell the whole story, nothing will be clear about the matter.

I wasn't going to say it, I didn't think it was appropriate. I think a lot of Xiangjiang actors support Donnie Yen, and some of our people here also support Zhao Wenzhuo. This might lead to people saying there is no unity. My brother and the others asked me to keep my mouth shut. It’s not easy to get involved in this matter, so don’t get involved either.

Don't be the one who stands out, it's pointless. Zhen Zaidan did change his acting, and Zhao Wenzhuo also delayed starting work and asked for a higher salary to express his dissatisfaction. Both sides have fifty-fifty opinions, so there's no way to say right or wrong. "

A sixty-second message ends.

After understanding what Jing Tian meant, Xu Xin shrugged at Wang Sicong:

"Is my girl smart?"

Wang Sicong nodded first and then said:

"Don't mention it. I also noticed when I was eating melon this morning that many people supported Zhen Zaidan and some supported Zhao Wenzhuo... I guess they all "inherited" this nonsense from Yin Xiaotian. What the hell. Sorry, this is really a bit disunity."

Regarding this matter, Xu Xin didn't take much notice.

And to be honest, he really didn't care much.

Because this matter does not involve the Northwest Circle, and it has nothing to do with Yindu.

Just a few days ago, he had spoken out about Yin Xiaotian's matter. If he spoke about it again, it would be easy for someone to take advantage of him and label him as a "hype".

Then the gain outweighs the loss.

In the northwest circle, Xiying Studio is the undisputed leader.

Will people in state-owned enterprises end up fighting with others?

It would be too disgraceful for this matter to spread.

Can be one, not two or three.

What's more, Jing Tian is right.

If someone says it affects unity...then Xu Xin's life plans may end here.

No need.

Isn't it...it's almost time to change?

This is the biggest change this year.

It might not matter to others, but not to him.

Zhang Weiping's matter is related to a major crux of the entire entertainment industry.

At this juncture, it is impossible to be unstable.

"Okay, let's eat quickly. After eating, go meet people."



Xu Xin and Wang Sicong arrived at the teahouse where they agreed to meet.

When I entered the private room, I found that someone had already arrived.

A tall and thin man wearing black-rimmed glasses stood up first:

"Director Xu...Mr. Wang, hello, I'm Xu Jian. These are the other two founders of MOREVFX, Wei Ming, who is responsible for the artistic quality of the work, and Cai Meng, the special effects producer."

He introduced the two men next to him respectively.

"Hello, Director Xu, hello Mr. Wang."

Everyone got to know each other.

After Xu Xin shook hands with them, he and Wang Sicong went straight to the person making tea.

"Okay, leave it to us, you can go out."

Wang Sicong waved to the tea sommelier.

Obviously, what happened next was not convenient for this beauty to hear.

After the tea master left, he sat on the main seat, and Xu Xin sat next to him.

"Just arrived?"

"Yes, just in time, let's go back and forth... I'm sorry, Director Xu, for missing the appointment for so long."

From this sentence, both Xu Xin and Wang Sicong understood that Xu Jian should be the person mainly responsible for the conversation today.

It's right to think about it. With an art director and a producer, he is probably the pioneer of the company.

Xu Xin smiled and waved his hand:

"It's okay. Don't be afraid of being late after a good meal... That's it. I like to get straight to the point when I talk. I guess the three of you are actually muttering in their hearts about the purpose of me looking for you. Then I will tell you directly."

Under the tacit agreement of the three people, Xu Xin said directly:

"I first watched the special effects of "The Golden Heist" and felt that the level of our team was very good. It just so happened that I myself had always wanted to do a career in special effects.

So I have been paying attention to some trends in this industry. Then I made an appointment with Director Ning Hao to ask about the special effects. I learned that our company, in order to produce the special effects part of this movie, had no experience and limited funds, so we gritted our teeth and completed this movie with high quality. The works are presented...

Even now the company has just carried out large-scale layoffs to save costs... I admire it very much.

I want to see if there are any opportunities for cooperation between the two of us. For example, investing or acquiring some shares to help MOREVFX develop and grow... This is what I mean by meeting with the three of you today. "

After he said these words, none of the three people showed any surprise.

After all, WeChat has already been communicated before.

After such a long time, the three people must have discussed this matter.

So after Xu Xin finished speaking, Xu Jian nodded and asked:

"Director Xu... I would like to take the liberty to ask, when did you first have the idea of ​​doing special effects?"

"After accompanying my wife to the United States for filming, I saw the movie she made...or in other words, I saw Hollywood's industrial system, technology, and the current status of our country's special effects industry."

There was nothing to hide, so Xu Xin simply told the truth.

But after Xu Jian heard it, he said again:

"Well... I'm actually a fan of yours, and I especially like to watch your movies. I also follow you on Weibo. Actually, I've... seen you and Mr. Wang go to dinner with Nicholas Tse before. You know Does he actually have a special effects company? It's called PO Chaoting, and it's quite a large scale. In terms of the current special effects field in our country, although it's not one of the best, it's at least among the top five."

The eyes of Xu Xin and Wang Sicong became strange.

The two looked at each other...

With just a glance, the meaning has actually been exchanged.

Wang Sicong spoke directly:

"Let's not hide it from the three of us. We are already negotiating the acquisition. If nothing else happens, there will be clues about this matter in the first half of the year. It is a wholly-owned acquisition, and then we will continue to inject capital for development. However, this news is kept confidential for the time being, and the three I also want to tell the three of you that our determination is quite strong."




The moment they heard the news, the three people looked surprised in unison.

Cai Meng, who looked a little fat on the side, couldn't help but ask:

"Already making acquisitions?"

Wang Sicong nodded:

"Yeah. That's right."


They looked at each other, and Xu Jian asked again:

"Then why are Director Xu and Mr. Wang looking for us? Our scale is far inferior to PO Chaoting."

Xu Xingang was about to speak.

Just listen to Wang Sicong say:

"There are two reasons. On the one hand, after hearing the current situation of MOREVFX from Director Ning, we both admire the determination and business ethics of the three of us. We can lay off more than 70 people to only 15 people, and we must persevere. We admire the fact that the product is made with grit and the quality is so good.

On the other hand, in the special effects industry, our industry chain actually has many problems. For example, in terms of talent supply, the artistic level of visual effects managers, and even the entire film industry chain, there are actually many problems in the special effects field.

To be honest, when we acquire PO Chaoting, we will fully acquire 85% of Nicholas Tse's shares, and the remaining 15% will be the dividends held by Yang Wenjie, who is responsible for technology, and the company's employees. I have paid them all. reserve. But... Yang Wenjie alone is not enough. We hope to attract a group of management talents who understand the company well, have high artistic level, and have business capabilities to help develop our country’s own special effects industry chain.

I know that in the special effects industry, PO Chaoting is actually a big company, but given the current size of MOREVFX, it is actually very small. It can be said to be a studio. However, for us, there is actually no difference between PO Chaoting and MOREVFX.

This does not mean that we don’t care because we have money, but that for the entire industry chain, investment money is far less important than technical talent. What we value, on the one hand, is Mr. Xu’s integrity in business. I think this is the rarest charisma in a leader. On the other hand, it is MOREVFX’s high production standards on “Golden Heist”.

Therefore, whether to invest in MOREVFX is actually not important to us. Just like when we acquired PO Chaoting, we didn't do it for its brand. What we want to do is to create a blank space for Chinese films. We want to develop and catch up with Hollywood, so as not to let this industry chain become our shortcoming.

And when doing this, talents are what we need most. Not the hardware.

I can buy hardware with money, but if I can buy three talents like this with money, I count myself lucky. "




Under the expression of "I'm embarrassed to say such praise" on the faces of the three people, Wang Sicong shrugged:

"So this is the purpose of the two of us coming today. We want to do something for the Chinese film market, but we are alone and need a group of like-minded partners. Rather than saying that we are here to talk about investment and cooperation, it is better to say that we are looking for Partners, looking for friends. So you three should understand why we are interested in MOREVFX, right?"

The three people were speechless.

Xu Xin was also speechless.

He just lit a cigarette to himself.

At the same time, he complained in his heart:

"Grandma, no wonder Seventh Brother cares so much about your mouth... You sang "Looking for Friends" beautifully."

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