I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 843 839 Second half of March

Chapter 843 839. The second half of March

"What do you think?"

Inside Xu Jiankai's CRV, after hearing his words, Cai Meng and Wei Ming looked at each other...

Wei Ming, who had long hair and looked like an artist, smoothed his hair and muttered:

"Wang Sicong is different from what I thought. He is very kind when he speaks and so on. But I always feel that he has a condescending look, and he always tilts his head when looking at people... This person's face and words don't match."

"Is there a possibility that he has a stiff neck?"

Cai Meng answered:

"I have seen photos of him, and his shoulders are not high or low. But today he has always had a stiff neck, and his shoulders are high on one side and low on the other, just like when I had cervical spondylosis."

Xu Jian was speechless for a while:

"I asked you two to comment on today's matter. Who asked you two to talk about whether someone has cervical spondylosis?"


After the two looked at each other, Cai Meng thought for a moment and said:

"I have a question now. Are they really...that stupid? Knowing that they may lose money, they still continue to do it? They are not cheating us, are they? A PO Chaoting is not small, and he still wants to invest in us ? This is not how you spend money~ I have some doubts about the authenticity of what they said."

Xu Jian nodded slightly:

"I have some, too, but I'm still thinking, why do they need to lie to us? What does our company have? Nothing. Now there are only 15 people left, including the front desk and the cleaning lady. After deducting the three of us, there are only ten people in the company... Our equipment is not the best... What reason do they have to find us? There are still many companies larger than ours. "



These words made the two of them silent for a while.

Then, Wei Mingcai asked:

"Then what if it's true? Let's not consider other reasons first. If what they say is true, do you plan to accept investment? Or as they said, acquisition, together with PO Chaoting, give us shares .”



No one said anything again.

Obviously, this matter is not a particularly easy choice.

"Actually, the choice is ours. If we accept the investment, we will do the business development ourselves... But in the future we will definitely have to compete with PO Chaoting for orders... And the best way to deal with this outcome is for us to become each other. Outsourcing. The other party subcontracted some work to us. Once PO Chaoting, who has received their funds for development, becomes famous, our living space will become smaller and smaller. In the end, it may really be in name only... This is a drawback . But again, the advantage is... it’s still the three of us, and we also have the opportunity to grow.”

"But in the final analysis, it is not considered a direct force."

"Hmm... And if it's an acquisition, it means that we and PO Chao Ting are all together. At that time, I guess it will just be a group to take over the business... As long as Director Xu and Wang Sicong don't lie, I believe that with their resources, they can get the film and television special effects There will be no shortage of production lists. Let's combine our strengths... As far as our country's current special effects technology is concerned, it will definitely be able to reach a higher level. We are really doing something, and we can write our names into history. What's more... I value Director Xu's words even more."

"Which sentence?"

"We are not only doing special effects, but we will also start to undertake animation film production."

"Yes, yes, I heard it too. Our domestic animation companies are also insignificant. This area is indeed a blue ocean. Not to mention anything else, the poor 3D modeling effect of "Qin Shi Mingyue" is so bad. There are so many people pursuing... our novels, fairy tales, etc. This is a big IP. I didn't expect that he would focus on this. But it does sound exciting... China's own industry Light and Magic and Pixar...if they can really get to this point, that would be amazing!"

"But again, I'm really afraid that they will lie to me... It's not like we haven't met this kind of investor before. They talk about it as glamorous, but in fact..."



After a while.

Xu Jian said:

"Let's think about it in the long term. Didn't Director Xu say that we can give him a reply before May? Let's think about it... think about our future!"



In the CRV, the three people were full of thoughts, and the vehicle drove into the busy traffic.

"Are you really planning to enter the animation field?"

In Volvo, Wang Sicong asked Xu Xin also curiously.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Yeah, but the focus will not shift, it can only be said to be a sideline. We can't let it keep losing money like this, right? I just thought that now that I have a production team, I will set up an animation investment department. Don't forget , Shanghai Film Studio started out by making cartoons, and there are no leading figures in this field right now, so give it a try, otherwise your money will just sit idle in the bank."


Wang Sicong lit a cigarette with some emotion, and the smoke he exhaled was full of memories of youth:

"Back then, when I was working as a compression and proofreader for the subtitle team, I often chatted with the people in the subtitle team in TS. Sometimes when I saw a drama that I particularly liked, we would study together how to translate it... tsk tsk."

"...Can you do something legal?"

Xu Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and then said:

"Do you still have the seeds? I'll do some research~"

"I'll send it to you soon. They're all classics!"

"Okay~ I will come and observe with the mentality of studying and learning the techniques of storyboarding, picture rendering, etc.!"

"Fuck, I almost believe it."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

After meeting Xu Jian, it meant that Xu Xin's affairs in Yanjing were over.

After having a drink with Lao Wang in the evening, he set off directly to Xi'an.

After arriving at the factory that morning with the edited version of "The Heart of the Burning Sun", Tian Shuanghe, Qi Lei, and a group of powerful figures from Xi Film Studio, who had already heard the news, arrived at the small screening room.

Early 12 noon.

When the movie is over.

Tian Shuanghe sat on his seat, looking at the scrolling list of employees, and sighed as if talking to himself:

"It's really... I haven't seen such a transparent movie in a long time. Xiao Xu, it's really good!"

His words are the voice of everyone.

Although this movie is only a semi-finished product at present, but... the quality is really not at all impressive.

Everything that should be there is there.

Everything that should be there is there.

They can't even find faults.

That kind of extreme control over the weather, pictures, plot, and characters, including the final twist of the magic touch...

Everyone who watched it felt anxious in their hearts, but they were also completely enlightened.

It’s so exciting!

But after hearing this, Xu Xin just smiled and said:

"You have to keep working hard!"

"Well... don't rush in the later stage. Work on it bit by bit and be precise. If you encounter any difficulties, tell the factory and I promise to solve it for you! This film... is absolutely amazing!"

"Hey, okay."

The leaders have already spoken, so what are you waiting for?

It must not be embarrassing.

Therefore, Xu Xin directly issued a call for actors.

The stage of dubbing and sound effects correction has begun.

After receiving the order, Zhang Yi, Liu Zhishi, Duan Yihong and others also began to adjust their time and put the later stages of the film on their agenda.

Then, Xu Xin cut off contact with the outside world.

Stay in Xi'an and start working on film matters wholeheartedly.

He is deaf to what is happening outside the window.

But...he was in seclusion, but the wind outside did not stop because of his or someone's "disappearance".

The first is to revisit an old story.

The Yin Xiaotian and Bian Xiaoxiao incidents, which had been settled in March, have made waves again.

This time it wasn't because of the two of them.

But because of the brand Heilan Home.

I especially remember that Yang Mi and Xu Xin also talked about the fact that Yin Xiaotian's endorsement with Hailan House expired this month, but there was no news about whether the contract would be renewed.

As a result, on March 20, Heilan House issued an announcement.

Since 2012, the endorsement cooperation between Heilan House and Yin Xiaotian has been completely ended, and it has been replaced by the new spokesperson Du Chun.

As soon as the news came out, public opinion immediately exploded.

In fact, the Heilan House brand does not have the power to stir up public opinion. What really plays a decisive role is Du Chun's role in the Yin Xiaotian incident.

He was good friends with Yin Xiaotian before, but in this incident, he blindly chose to side with Bian Xiaoxiao.

The post and attitude are completely devoid of kindness. In the name of admonishing friends, they are actually adding insult to injury.

Many people don't even understand why he did it.

But when Heilan House confirmed that he would become the spokesperson, all of a sudden... everyone seemed to understand the reason.

It’s been a long time, but it’s still business?

Yin Xiaotian's career resources are highly overlapped with yours, and he is even more popular than you.

So you want him to disappear so that you can grab the resources from him?

Take a look, isn’t that what Hailan House is like?

As a result, netizens were furious.

Fire directly at Du Chun and Hailan House.

However, Heilan House seems to have already had countermeasures, and immediately posted on Weibo to explain that they decided to end the contract with Yin Xiaotian last year, and signed an agreement with Du Chun in August last year.

Du Chun also cooperated and came up with a cooperation agreement with Heilan House.

Electronic version, without official seal.

Netizens say you are fooling fools? Can something like this that can be easily edited be used as evidence? So Heilan House and Du Chun were asked to provide photos of the original contract with the official seal, and provide tax invoices from the Industrial and Commercial Bureau.

As a result, this request fell into vain.

People just ignore you.

Anyway, the announcement has been made, believe it or not.

Netizens naturally disagreed, but their weakness was also reflected at this time.

As long as people ignore you, there's nothing you can do about it.

And all they can do is shout slogans to boycott Heilan House and boycott Du Chun.

The handling methods of Du Chun and Hailan House were to ignore it.

Cold treatment, when invisible.

Just like countless breaking news have been buried in the long river over time.

As time goes by, you will naturally forget it.

However, netizens are not just for nothing.

This time around Yin Xiaotian, a user from Tianya posted a picture and named it "The Sword Sword Cult".

Du Chun became the leader of the Sword Cult, along with Yang Zi, the left protector, Jia Yuliang, the right protector, and so on. And Yin Xiaotian is the "innocent person stabbed".

A picture was posted and instantly became popular all over the Internet.

"Teach me a lesson by inserting a knife" has become a hot word on the Internet.

Every one of the people who played a role in aiding the evildoers in this incident did not escape.

Then, here comes the funniest part.

Xu Xin was not included in the first edition of Sword Sword Cult.

But netizens may have felt it was inappropriate, so they posted another picture.

P's picture is a screenshot of Zhang Sanfeng rescuing Zhang Cuishan, his wife and Zhang Wuji from the hands of the two elders Xuan Ming at the beginning of the movie "The Legend of Heaven and Dragon Slayer: The Leader of the Demon Sect".

In it, Zhang Sanfeng, played by Sammo Hung, grabbed Xuan Ming's face, pointed at him and cursed:

"You bastard, I didn't want to fight or talk dirty on my 100th birthday this year, but you bastard forced me to break the rules!"

In the hands of netizens, Zhang Sanfeng's head turned into that of a husky, while the person held by the husky remained unchanged. There was an arrow next to it that read "→ Sword Sword Cult".

Swearing words also became:

"You turtle bastards! Force me to take action, right?"

As soon as this picture came out, the popularity suddenly started again.

The name "Xu Gou" once again resounded throughout the sky.

All of a sudden, the "Knife-inserting Cult" became popular.

People including the leader Du Chun, the leader's wife Bian Xiaoxiao, the male guardian and the female guardian quickly showed signs of ruin.

At this time, everyone who noticed something was wrong finally deleted the Weibo about Yin Xiaotian.

In the words of netizens: I lowered my noble head.

Moreover, even Baidu Encyclopedia did not know who added the "Sword Sword Cult" encyclopedia, and recorded all the ins and outs of the incident in the encyclopedia.

From this point of view, it can be regarded as "famous in history".

As for what kind of trouble these people will have in the future because of this incident, it is unknown.

Because the new generation of Jiangshan replaces the old.

The popularity of Sword Sword Cult can only be regarded as an embers, and there is still a bigger rhythm in the entertainment industry for everyone to enjoy.

And this rhythm is the Zhao Zhen scolding battle that now has a proper name.

In fact, as Jing Tian said, this matter is destined to be a dead end.

Both sides have the confidence to stand firm.

Xu Xin agrees with Jing Tian's point of view that getting involved in such things can easily be said to be detrimental to unity.

But the problems he is aware of do not mean that others are aware of them.

Zhao Zhen's scolding war has now reached the point of forming cliques and calling friends to come to the platform.

The first man to charge and die in battle appeared.

Shu Qi.

"Zai Dan is an extremely dedicated person who takes everything seriously. He just wants to present every scene perfectly in front of the audience and make a good movie with his role. Even if the weather is so cold that he shivers and his body hurts to the point of cramping, When I heard ACTION, I endured the pain, gritted my teeth, and moved my muscles, which were cold and injured all over my body, without any complaints. I am a good brother, a good actor, and a good man."

In fact, it is unclear whether the two sides suddenly started to separate the platforms, whether they were imitating the Sword Cult, or whether they were instructed by someone else.

However, as Zhao Wenzhuo returned to the mainland, he accepted interviews from some reporters, held a press conference, and provided script paragraphs before and after modification, allowing everyone to confirm that his role has changed from the number one villain in "Special Identity" to After becoming a dispensable character, he has already gained support from netizens.

As for how they got to the platform, it was clear that the body of the Sword Sword Cult was still hanging on the crooked neck tree in the back mountain. It had been flopping around a few times in the past two days... How these people dared to stand on the platform was unclear for a while. .

But if someone stands up and wants to share this piece of hot cake, then naturally they have to be prepared to bear the price.

After Shu Qi took the lead in charging with iron head, Zhao Wenzhuo did not respond.

On the contrary, netizens got excited.

They found out that Shu Qi won two awards for Best Supporting Actress and Best Newcomer at the Hong Kong Film Awards when she was filming "The Lovers" in her early years. Screenshots of her crying with joy on the podium and saying, "I want to put on the clothes I took off before, one by one," as well as screenshots of her explicit scenes in the film, were posted under this Weibo post 's comment section:

"What you mean by dressing back is to continue to hype yourself up?"

""*Futon" is so beautiful."

"You wear too many clothes, I can't see your conscience."

"You're talking nonsense with your eyes open, right? Has your reputation changed? Have you put on your clothes? Are you just standing here as a bad person?"

"Are you a good big brother or a good brother? You are so funny. Do you also want to be a protector?"

"So many facts are in front of you. Are you really blind? Are you pretending not to be able to see? What's the difference between you and the people who teach you? You still wear clothes... In the words of Guo Degang: Some people no matter how many high-end sprays they spray I can smell the smell of scum even in the perfume.”

"If you want to be popular in the entertainment industry, you either have to take off your clothes or learn to ignore your conscience. You have done both, so no wonder you are so popular."

I have to admit, the words of netizens are quite heartbreaking.

Obviously, they don't buy Zhang Shuqi's platform.

Because more and more evidence, as well as Zhen Zidan's evasive response when interviewed by the media, prove that Zhao Wenzhuo is innocent in this matter.

For example, the notice list posted by Zhao Wenzhuo shows the start and end times of work every day, which is completely opposite to the so-called "showing big names" and "not working."

Another example is the original script before and after the revision.

Another example is that the so-called "seven assistants" are his wife, children, and children, and there are only two assistants. He asked the crew for clarification, and the crew agreed, but there has been no response so far.

All the evidence is on the table, and the reason for Zhen Zaidan's non-response is clear at a glance.

But now you choose to talk nonsense with your eyes open?

Do you really think that we are easy to fool you about the things that Shang Dao teaches?

Faced with the siege from netizens, Shu Qi's only choice was to delete all the bad comments about her one by one.

At the same time, the social accounts were closed.

And announced his withdrawal from Weibo.

The day after she deleted her blog, Hong Kong media took a photo of her squatting on the ground in a park in Hong Kong and crying.

But after the photo was released, no one bought it.

Everyone thought that she was starting to sell out for publicity.

But that's when...

Some people can't sit still.

A heavyweight guest stood up.

"Shu Qi closed Weibo because she couldn't bear the insult. She is a friend I respect. Her most valuable quality is kindness. I can't accept that some people use such cruel language to insult her. Can I curse people? Some people must say: No Yes. Because you are a public figure. You are wrong. I will never be kidnapped by this status. I want to say to those who insult her that calling you beasts is an insult. Shu Qi, don’t forget, you still have a The name is Xiaoxiao.”

Feng Xiaogang suddenly stood up and started to support Shu Qi.


Here comes the fun part.

Are you talking about coincidence?

The Knife Sect originally had nothing to do with Xu Xin, but Xu Xin stood up and spoke out.

As soon as Xu Xin came out and spoke out, he gained a lot of favorability. Yang Mi’s number of fans soared to over 100,000.

But this matter is essentially an internal matter within the Beijing circle.

Xu Xin's words to clarify Yin Xiaotian's words seemed a bit like "capitalizing the enemy". After all, if Yin Xiaotian loses, it will at least mean there are fewer enemies competing for the same resources in the northwest circle.

But this person stood up, just to say something fair.

What are you, Feng Xiaogang, doing?

This matter is a Hong Kong matter and has nothing to do with you.

Are you coming out to speak out?


Are your words really fair?

Xu Xin is on the right side.

And you?

Why was Shu Qi attacked by us? Because she is pretending to be blind.

She pretends to be blind, distorts the facts, and tells lies with her eyes open. Who are we to scold her if we don't scold her?

As a result, when it comes to you, we become worse than animals?

And her name is Xiaoxiao... Why don't you say her name is Fanji?

Fire the map cannon, right?

"Learn from Xu Xin and come out to seek justice? Are you worthy of it?"

"Tsk, it's no wonder that Xu Xinzheng, the most dignified brother in the Beijing circle, was educated backhand. With this kind of ideological consciousness... tsk tsk."

"Xu Xin: I am speaking out because I don't want to see good people being framed. You: I am speaking out to tell you that she is a good person. You don't believe it? If you don't believe it, you are an animal."

"I'll screw you, sir. Do you really think you're a person?"

"Guo Degang: The audience is our food and clothing parents. Feng Xiaogang: The audience are all beasts."

"I'm just wondering, where did you get the courage to say these things? Her name is Xiaoxiao? I call you daddy."

"Tsk. The director I raised with movie tickets turned around and called me a beast."

Netizens naturally did not buy Feng Xiaogang's words, after all, he had risen to the level of a personal attack.

An overwhelming amount of abuse appeared under his Weibo.


Feng Xiaogang is quite strong. Most people will immediately delete Weibo and run away if they notice that what he said is wrong.

But he doesn't.

His countermeasure is also very simple, just follow it first and then comment.

It means that if you want to scold me, you must first become my fan.

Then, I turned on delayed comments on Weibo.

Just to disgust you.

But the more he behaves like this, the louder the audience's resistance becomes.

Almost everyone on Weibo began to denounce him, Shu Qi, and Zhen Zidan.

From a neutral perspective, what was good has become bad.

But it's not over yet.

Feng Xiaogang's Weibo was posted at around 1 pm. At around 3 pm, the media photographed Shu Qi, who was originally breaking down and crying, talking and laughing while shopping.

Doesn't he look like he's having an emotional breakdown?

Suddenly, even the last bit of sympathy was gone.

Shu Qi closed her Weibo account and couldn't find anyone.

Feng Xiaogang became the direct target.

A nickname was slapped on his head by netizens:

"Feng Xiaogang, are you so protective of Shu Qi? I think you should stop calling me Feng Xiaogang, call me Hu Shubao."

The nickname "Hu Shu Bao" spread like wildfire.

At the same time, because of his resignation, a group of young actors who don't know where they came from, such as Wang Xizhi, Wang Yuanyuan, Wang Jiangyue, Chen Fala, etc., began to support Zhen Zaidan.

But this time, people who stood by Zhao Wenzhuo also sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

Qin Lan, Yuan Qi, Yuan Hua, Mao Jie, Chen Yixun and so on.

A rhythm more ferocious than that of the Sword Sword Cult has spread all over the Internet.

It lasted for several days.

The wave continued so violently that Xu Xin, who had been busy with the movie, temporarily escaped. Listening to Qi Lei's retelling of the turbulent rhythm of the past few days, he frowned slightly.

"Brother Qi, how about we try to persuade you about this matter..."

Qi Lei was stunned:



Xu Xin nodded and pointed above:

"Don't forget, what day is next month... It's time for peace in the world. Although I also know that if this continues, the harder they fight, the more fun we will have. But... when it's time to show off, I feel You still have to set a certain example, what do you think?"

In an instant, Qi Lei understood what he meant.

With a roll of eyes...

"It makes sense. Indeed, a mediator is needed at this time. Then... let's try our best?"

Xu Xin nodded:

"Well, let's work hard."

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