I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 845 841 A separation

Chapter 845 841. A separation

April 4th.


Early in the morning, on the hillside of Erdaoliang in Xujiawan, the air blown by bursts of green smoke was full of longing and sadness.

Xu Xin held in his hand a copy of "Journal of Beijing Film Academy" that Su Meng had brought back from Yanjing overnight. He turned to a certain page, tore it off, and put it into the blazing flames in front of him.

On the page of the book, the paper titled "Judging the Future Industry Market Development Change Rules and Possibilities from the Increase of Actor Practitioners" quickly turned black and curled in the flames, and finally, together with the words "Author: Xu Xin", was burned by the flames. Swallowed, stamped, given wings, and flew into the hands of the person Xu Xin missed the most.

Xu Muchen was still too young, so his sister-in-law took care of him, and Xu Daqiang didn't want his grandson to come over.

I'm afraid that if any of the ancestors sees this child as a stranger and follows him home, it will still be the child who suffers.

Yang Mi's theory is actually similar.

So this year, only three people, father and son, came back to visit the grave.

However, these gold bars and gold ingots were all folded by Yang Mi and her sister-in-law.

Filial piety is also fulfilled.

Xu Xin held the journal of Beiying Film in his hand and watched everything in the fire slowly turn into ashes.

Rarely, my heart felt calm at this moment.

Neither sad nor happy.

At some point, when he came to his mother's grave, he seemed to have forgotten the emotion called "sadness".

Very peaceful.

But it's not the kind of peace without any ripples, but more like... the kind of peace that comes after you grow up and "reconcile" with many things.

I can't describe the specific state.

I don’t know if I have grown up with this mentality.

It's just very inexplicable.

At this moment, neither father nor son spoke, just waiting quietly for all the paper money and ingots to be burned.

Finally Xu Daqiang said:

"Okay, kowtow to your mother, then go kowtow to your grandparents, and then go home."


The two brothers nodded, knelt in front of the grave and kowtowed three times respectfully.

Xu Xin whispered:

"Mom, I'll see you again on July 15th."

Just as he stood up and was about to leave... his footsteps paused again.

He turned around and continued:

"My paper was published in the best C journal in China, and most people can't get into it. If you come back in July, you'll have a PhD!"

As he said that, he glanced at Xu Miao and deliberately raised his voice:

"I have a doctorate. Xu Miao is a bachelor. I am much better than him."


Xu Miao paused.

He turned to look at his brother, his face full of dissatisfaction.

I mean, it’s hard to tell in front of my mother.

Let's continue reading. We can't decide who is laughing at who.

You don’t know how much money your dad paid to imitate me?

Just luck.

What humanity!

Xu Xin looked at his brother and just shrugged:


Can you still hit me?

Small sample.

I'll pick out the shrimp threads for you.

After visiting the graves, they returned home with the tributes given by their ancestors.

After hearing the news, Zhang Qian walked out of the house softly.

When Xu Xin saw this, he knew that the little guy Xu Muchen probably hadn't woken up yet.

Okay, this little guy can probably sleep.

"You two go take a shower."

Xu Daqiang gave an order.

Obviously he was afraid that the child would not adapt after returning from the ancestral grave.


After the brothers took a quick shower, Xu Daqiang was already busy in the kitchen.

After these tributes are recovered, they will definitely have to eat some.

The temperature in northern Shaanxi is still a bit cool in April, but the sun is very comfortable today.

Xu Xin was wearing a coat and leaning against the wall to keep warm.

The window behind him was the kitchen, and he could still hear the collision of his father's spatulas while cooking inside, as well as the sounds of Xu Miao doing this and that.

In a daze, he felt like he was back when he was a child.

He is the younger son.

He is the most favored.

Xu Miao, that unlucky guy, has to help his father with work every day. He doesn't have to do anything but just play.

On Saturdays and Sundays when I didn't have school, I got up to watch "The Windmill" on the children's channel, and then while waiting for breakfast, I stayed in the yard... At that time, my family even had two Tibetan mastiffs.

Put your feet on them, they will be warmed by the sun.

But the dog is too dirty, and is extremely vigilant. It likes to bark when people come over. Moreover, when someone comes to the house, the dog has to be locked up in advance.

After raising him for less than a year, his father sent him to the mine.


It's still better than when I was a kid.


While he was basking in the warmth, there was a voice outside the door:

"Take some warmth?"

When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Xu Yang.

Xu Xin didn't even get up. He looked at him who walked in through the door and asked:

"Have you taken a shower?"


"Go take a shower first, the child is at home."

"Ah? My siblings are here?"

"Xu Muchen."


Xu Yang nodded:

"Okay...Uncle, make an extra bowl of noodles."

Xu Daqiang's voice sounded inside the window:


Xu Yang turned around and walked back.

Xu Xin continued to squint his eyes to keep warm.


"Haha, why don't you warm yourself up? Three golds."

When I opened my eyes, Xu Zhi was here.

"Xu Yang just left."

"I saw it. He said he went home to take a shower. He took a shower."

Pointing to his wet hair, Xu Zhi walked in, moved the ponytail and sat next to him.

The two of them had exactly the same posture, with their backs against the wall and their heads raised, letting the warm sunshine shine on their faces.

His eyes were narrowed, as if he was enjoying the favor.

This is an action that several of my friends have loved since childhood. Countless times when they were young, they crowded under the wall of a certain house, either eating noodles or sharing snacks such as watermelon and cantaloupe.

What is familiar can no longer be familiar.

"Oh, it's so hard to see you."

Hearing Xu Zhi's words, Xu Xin responded without even raising his eyelids:

"Well, I've been a little busy since last winter. Mainly because Yang Mi is filming a movie, and she has to take care of the baby... What, is there something wrong?"

"No matter what, everything is safe. I miss you."


Xu Xin handed over a cigarette.

After Xu Zhi clicked on it, he said:

"I just saw Xiaolin and the others."

"Have all the people from Gecundi come back too?"

"I'm sure. We're going to have a drink at noon, are you going?"

"If we can't go, we will go to Dongsheng after dinner and fly back to Xi'an. The movie is still finished."

"... Darling, why are you so busy? I'm so idle every day in Yuntu."

"How is Yang Ying doing lately?"

"Her? It is said that she is about to get engaged, right? She was kept cold for half a year last year, and Huang Xiaoming has been taking her with her. She has appeared in two dramas, and now she is taking advantage of Huang Xiaoming's resources and is open and above board."

"We can't just let Huang Xiaoming do it. We still have to give her the work that should be given. The more stable she is, the better it will be for us."

After hearing this, Xu Zhi thought for a while and said:

"No matter... there is something happening. Xu Ke's "Di Renjie" is going to be filmed for the second part. This is the news from Xiangjiang. But the film seems to be picked up by Huayi's people. Try hard? Let her Give Huang Xiaoming a break? The investment in that drama is not small."

"Blow it. She is a business card now. People have to see it. Artists from Yuntu can cross circles. As long as others accept it, we will fully support it."

"Okay. Then I have been in touch with Huang Xiaoming recently."

"Hmm... By the way, how was Xu Zheng's film?"

"Filming has already started. We've all gone to Thailand. The script looks good and interesting."

Xu Xin nodded again and then asked:

"Has Wen Zhang contacted you recently?"

"Him? Tsk~"

Xu Zhi sneered:

"If you use people, you should face the front, if you don't need people, you should face the back. But that's okay... Hey, let me show you something."

He took his cell phone and rummaged through it.

Passed it to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin glanced at it and frowned.

In the photo, Yao Di was chatting happily with a man wearing a mask and a cap.

However, because the shooting time was at night, the picture was not very clear.

"This is……"

"Look behind you."

Xu Xin started sliding directly.

There are three photos in total.

The second picture shows Yao Di holding this man's arm.

The third photo shows the two of them getting into a commercial vehicle together.

"...Wen Zhang? Where did this photo come from?"

"This was sent by a friend of Xu Yangdi. Xu Yang is very popular now, and the media takes all the photos. People will ask him if they take photos of Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming. He is now responsible for public relations. This was taken in Hangzhou and costs 20,000 yuan per photo. Once I got it in my hand, I just kept it there."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Okay, let's cover it first. It will come in handy."

"That's right. Some people get along with each other out of friendship, while others get along with each other out of interests. If there is no interest, we will turn against each other and stop recognizing each other."

Xu Zhi chuckled:

"He'd better be smart, otherwise, if you kill him, you'll never be able to stand up again."

Xu Xin sighed:


With full of emotion, he complained:

"The magical entertainment circle..."

"No, I should say it's normal in the entertainment industry."

Patting Xu Xin's shoulder, Xu Zhi said:

"Back then, you said the entertainment industry was dirty, but I still didn't believe it... Well, in the past few years, I've seen everything... Mu Shi, Sanjin, just go ahead and let me tell you everything about what happens next. Wow."

Xu Xin smiled slightly:


Soon, Xu Yang came home after taking a shower.

After everyone had a meal together, there was no need for Xu Miao or Li Hao to send them off. They took Xu Xin and sent them to Dongsheng.

There is no sadness at parting.

With a wave of their hands, the two brothers patted their butts and left.

Xu Xin also walked directly towards the security check.

When he returned to Xi'an again, Duan Yihong was already waiting for him.

Although it was Qingming Festival, he was free these few days, so he quickly worked overtime to complete the post-production of Iguchun, and the dubbing stage was almost over.

In one afternoon, he cut out all the sound editing clips.

Lao Duan, who was busy returning to the set, seemed to be teleporting. After making sure that there was nothing wrong with the director, he jogged all the way to catch the plane.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, watched the movie carefully again in the factory. After making sure that there is nothing missing in the audio, then the next step is to wait for the soundtrack.

His mission in Xi'an was temporarily completed.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Mengmeng, prepare the route. Let's return to Yanjing tonight."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

The two of them returned home and started packing their things.

Wang Sicong hasn't left yet, and a group of people happened to come for trial training during the Qingming Festival holiday.

He was going to say hello.

Xinbu came to IG's League of Legends branch. When he walked in, he saw a group of people playing a game inside. Wang Sicong, HOT and others were gathered in front of two computers.

"Old Wang."

Xu Xin shouted and moved closer.

Wang Sicong stared at the screen and asked:


"I'll go back to Yanjing tonight."

He came to Wang Sicong's side and looked at the screen as he spoke.


Seeing that Lao Wang was looking seriously, Xu Xin also focused his attention on the screen.

An ID with the ID of "Kuai Xiaoyu" was making a hero named Vayne in the League of Legends chase three people.


Seeing Vayne dodge the blind monk with a flexible Q skill, it can be said that it was a close Q skill. After killing the opponent with two arrows, Xu Xin said:

"This guy is quite fierce."

"Um...what did you just say?"

With the death of the blind monk, Vayne saw that the other two could not catch up, so she gave up the pursuit and turned around to clear the troops. Only then did Wang Sicong have free brain to respond to Xu Xin's question.

"I said I would go back and say hello to you."

"Where to go?"

"Go back to Yanjing. There is a documentary waiting for me there."

"Okay, I'll see you off?"

"No, let's go directly..."

As he said that, Xu Xin saw these people gathered around Wang Sicong, all busy with trial training, so he said no more and patted him on the shoulder:

"Let's go."



After saying hello to his friends, Xu Xin took Su Meng all the way on the plane back east.

At nearly 12 o'clock in the evening, we finally arrived home.

"Go back and rest. You will have a rest tomorrow."

"Okay, Brother Xu."

After the two separated, Xu Xin crept into the house.

"Yo? Why did you come back by yourself?"

He looked at Zai Zai's head-shaking behavior and patted his head twice.

"Where are your wife and children?"


Zaizai couldn't speak either, so naturally he couldn't answer him.

Seeing this, Xu Xin chuckled:

"Then you stay, I'm going to see my wife and child."


When she opened the bedroom door, she saw Yang Mi just coming out of the bathroom.

"Hurry up and take a shower, the water is ready for you."

"You knew I was coming back?"

"Nonsense, haven't you seen the newly installed surveillance camera in our yard? It is connected to WIFI and is transmitted to the mobile phone screen in real time. You can see it. I heard the movement of the car and knew you were back. Hurry and take a shower~"


Three plus five divided two took off all his clothes, and when he walked out of the bathroom again, he buried his head into his wife's bed without any further questions.

Long time no see.

My wife smells good.

Seeing that the war was about to break out, Yang Mi said:

"You are very good at timing. Your relatives have just left~"

Xu Xin smiled proudly:

"Then look~"

"Hehe... Oh yes, I forgot to tell you, I'm going to the United States tomorrow. I won't be taking the kids with me this time. I'll probably be there for about a week."


He responded, turned off the light, and covered himself with the blanket.

"Hey hey hey, good sister~"

The next day.


Clear and thin sun.

Maybe it was because he hadn't used this word for a long time. Xu Xin was in a good mood since early in the morning.

After breakfast, we rushed all the way to CCTV.

He also got good news in Luo Minna.

"Bite of the Tongue" has been reviewed and will premiere on CCTV1's "Charm Record" column at 21:00 on May 14, 2012.

Xu Xin has been busy working on the project for more than two years and is finally going to meet the audience.

However... there is some bad news that is not bad.

That is, from the moment the filming of this film is completed, the copyright does not belong to him.

What happens next has nothing to do with him.

Although he had known about this since he received CCTV's 5 million filming fee, this was the first time that Xu Xin felt a sense of loss that "his child was going to be adopted by someone else."

Moreover, even for publicity matters, the only approval Xu Xin received was to send a trailer on Weibo.

Xu Xin’s promotion methods such as “opening a Weibo account” were also rejected.

CCTV’s propaganda is still the same.

From "Charm Records", one day, 4-minute promotional video.

Each promotional video is 15 seconds long and will be played on a rolling basis when commercials are inserted into the documentary currently being played on "Charm Records".

Just... quite outrageous.

But Xu Xin could only force himself to accept and understand this backward propaganda method.

I really can’t understand it and there’s nothing I can do about it.

The copyright is not your own.

This actually made him feel a little stuck.


He did everything he had to do.


In the words of "The Tip of the Tongue":

"Leave everything to time."

April 9th.

on Monday.

8:00 am.

"Dad, I want to see the excavator~"

Yangyang sat in Xu Xin's arms and whispered his plea.

If it were normal, Xu Xin would definitely let his children watch it. Yang Mi bought a set of educational cartoons about using an excavator to dig soil and water bodies of different colors to teach children colors, ball games, types of cars, etc.

The kind that is bilingual in Chinese and English.

Nuannuan has no interest.

Recently, she prefers to go to brother Qian'er's horse farm to watch dogs and ride ponies.

But Yangyang showed an extraordinary love for those colorful things.

Unfortunately, Xu Xin rejected him this time:

"Good son, daddy wants to watch a show. How about you wait until dad finishes watching and then watch Excavator at noon?"

"But...I want to see the excavator..."

Yangyang is still insisting.

Upon hearing this, Yang Dalin said:

"Yangyang, good boy, let's not look at the excavator. Grandpa will take you to drive the excavator, okay? Come on, let's go to the racecourse with my sister and play with the excavator."

As he spoke, he said to his son-in-law:

"Look, I'll take them away."

"Hey, okay."

Xu Xin nodded and continued to watch the CCTV6 movie channel, waiting for the 84th Oscar Awards Ceremony to begin.

Because of the time difference, the Sunday night ceremony in the United States happened to be around 8 a.m. in China.

The old man's "The Autumn" is also nominated for the best foreign language film at this Oscar.

Today he will also attend this Hollywood awards banquet.


According to Sister Mo, the film "Old Man" had no connection with foreign language films from the beginning.

Regardless of her statement, in terms of works in foreign language films this year, the old man actually has little chance.

Because among the works that were also nominated for "The Autumn", there was "Nard and Westminster: A Separation" which won the gold and silver bears and stunned the entire Berlin Film Festival.

This film won a total of five trophies from the Readers’ Jury, Silver Bear for Best Actor, Best Actress, Catholic Humanity, and Golden Bear at the Berlin Film Festival in 2011. The Best Actor and Best Actress+ won them together. Five Silver Bear trophies. Director Asghar Farhadi won 4 trophies alone.

It can almost be said that it has pierced through all the awards of all sizes throughout the year.

If it weren't for the fact that each film can only participate in one category in the A-category film festival, Xu Xin estimates that it would not be difficult for this film to pass through the three major film festivals.

Aside from being a native of China, I don’t have to mention my special feelings towards the subject of "Jinling".

Just based on the subject matter.

This film uses the joys and sorrows of an Iranian family to reflect the current situation of the entire real society, vividly showing the entanglement between family affection and ethics, morality and law, tradition and modernity.

From this point of view alone, the work itself has been elevated to another level.


"Jinling" basically has no chance.

But to be honest, Xu Xin still had some expectations in his heart.

After all, the two companies the old man found are also very professional in dealing with Oscars, and their public relations content is very high.

What if...

What if the old man realizes his dream?


The illusion of luck that he had in his heart turned into powder after more than an hour.

The winner of the 84th Best Foreign Language Film was "Nard and Westminster: A Separation" without any suspense.

On TV.

The old man in Mao suit was smiling and clapped and blessed the moment the results came out.

In China, like Xu Xin, there are countless people who sigh unconsciously when their expectations fail.


With a sigh, he picked up his phone, thought about it, and sent the old man a WeChat message:

"It's okay, we have another movie."

But after editing this message, when he was about to send it... he thought about it and deleted it again.

Think before and after.

Finally, he locked the phone screen.

never mind.

Comfort at this time means nothing.

The old man doesn't need this either.

If you can't get it, you can't get it.

There’s also the next movie.

I thought that after the old man returns to China, he will officially announce his departure from New Picture, set up his own personal studio, focus on his favorite themes, and make more and freer movies...

Xu Xin narrowed his eyes while watching the Oscar ceremony on the TV screen.

I always feel that this future is even more exciting.

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