I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 846 842 Poverty limits imagination

Chapter 846 842. Poverty limits imagination

The news of "Zhang Yimou's Dream of Oscar Broken" did not cause much sensation in the entertainment industry.

To put it bluntly, not winning the award is in line with everyone’s perception.

This is not a matter of worshiping foreigners, but a fact.

Hollywood is indeed a noble and unattainable existence in the eyes of many people. Not to mention the Oscar~

Every year so many movies want to win Oscars, how could it be your turn?

Although some people still sighed...but we still have to get by. In addition to sighing, I have to continue to do whatever I have to do.

The same goes for Xu Xin.

The paper has been published and the documentary has been reviewed.

Next, he began to concentrate on preparing for his graduate defense.

According to Teacher Yu, his paper "The Possibility of Hollywood Implosion" is a bit weak in viewpoints. Although it has a certain reference value, more favorable speculations must be made academically.

However, when the wind blows, there comes the rain.

In mid-March, at an internal industry forum held in Hollywood, famous directors Spielberg and Lucas criticized this phenomenon: If this continues, the industry will "implode."

Yang Mi happened to see the news in the United States and downloaded the video for him.

The importance of these two directors in Hollywood goes without saying.

The content of their speeches is essentially the same.

"The blind pursuit of high investment and large production will not bring positive returns to the film industry. Excessive investment will invisibly increase the cost of the entire film production. Effective cost control combined with output is the future. "

The words of the two people in the video are almost exactly the same as Xu Xin’s thesis.

To put it bluntly, too much money is given, and the profit is too easy to take.

It will arouse greed in too many people.

If this continues, implosion will happen sooner or later.

Xu Xin is not very good at judging the cutting-edge nature of his paper.


If large-cost investments in Hollywood slowly decrease from this year onwards, and eventually tend to a stable curve, then this paper of mine will have certain reference value.

So these days, he also asked some of his friends from the crew, including Jody.

Please ask them to help you inquire about the cost status of some projects that have been launched one after another since the beginning of the year.

Especially Jody's side.

As a special effects company, they have a more intuitive judgment on the cost.

And through Jody's feedback, it's clear... that it's not just me, or Spielberg, who has noticed that Hollywood's production costs are getting higher and higher.

Warner's big companies have also noticed this.

Funding for the projects started this year has generally remained stable and sustainable. Even Jodi’s boss complained several times about why everyone was unwilling to spend money this year.

This also proves the forward-looking nature of his paper.

Used for defense, combined with his works and honors from previous years.

As long as you pay a little more attention, you should be able to pinch it with your hands.

April 12th.

The old man came back from the United States.

Xu Xin went to find him immediately.

It's okay, the old man's condition doesn't seem to be affected.

When Xu Xin arrived, Zhou Xiaofeng was also there.

The two of them were laughing and talking about something.

There is also a book in his hand.

After seeing Xu Xin, Zhang Yimou waved:

"You just happened to be here. Come and recommend a book to you."

Seeing that he didn't look haggard, but rather full of energy, Xu Xin felt completely at ease.

Nodding, after taking it, I saw the name of the book:

""How does a land prisoner know""

"What are you talking about?"

Xu Xin sat on the sofa and looked at the author.

I found out it was still Yan Geling.

"Is it Teacher Yan's novel again?"

"Yes. This story is very good. You will know after reading it."

After hearing Zhang Yimou's words, Xu Xin asked speechlessly:

"right now?"

"You can take it home and read it, I still have one."

As he said that, he looked at Zhou Xiaofeng:

"Have you told Ge Ling?"

Zhou Xiaofeng nodded slightly:

"She is just worried about the age sensitivity of this subject. But she has complete trust in you. And..."

Speaking of this, she glanced at Xu Xin and then said:

"I told her a little bit about you, and she said she was looking forward to seeing your works that she was most familiar with."


Zhang Yimou chuckled lightly.

Didn't answer the question.

Instead, he pointed at Xu Xin:

"Then we have to see how our investors evaluate this story."

Xu Xinxin said that I had just arrived and didn’t know anything, so why did you include me?

But he still smiled and shook his head:

"I can do either. Just tell me the amount and I'll make the payment now."

Zhang Yimou glared at him speechlessly:

"You have more money."

"Hey hey hey..."

Amidst Xu Xin's laughter, the outspoken Zhou Xiaofeng took the initiative to ask:

"Xiao Xu...then what are you going to do next?"

Xu Xin naturally understood that she was not asking about his next plan.

After temporarily putting the book aside, he looked at Zhang Yimou and said:

"It's up to you. Do you want to make a statement? Or hold a press conference or something..."

"Just make a simple statement. I don't have any shares in New Picture. I have written a resignation letter and will submit it in the next two days. Momo has gone to register a personal studio. I have just contacted Xu Zhi and the others. Waiting for the studio Once it’s done, I’ll open a Weibo and talk about this matter... I won’t respond to other ups and downs. There’s no need to respond. That’s it~”

He looked particularly calm at this moment.

More than ten years seem to have just passed by with the snap of a finger.

Zhou Xiaofeng breathed a sigh of relief.

After Xu Xin glanced at him twice, he nodded:

"Yeah. Then I'll do as you say."

At noon, Chen Ting cooked and entertained Xu Xin and Zhou Xiaofeng.

After eating a meal, Zhang Yimou yawned.

Seeing that he still hadn't adjusted to the jet lag, the two of them stopped disturbing him.

"Xiao Xu, did you drive here?"


"Then I'll take your car and go. You can give me a ride. My car's number is limited today."


Xu Xin’s car actually has a limited number today.

However, his car license plate has been the one used for the Olympics for so many years, and those license plates are like being left in the "garbage heap" of history.

Belongs to the special approval level.

If the traffic police stops you, issue a ticket and pay as normal. But if it’s an electronic eye, it doesn’t matter how many times it’s photographed.

This can be regarded as some small benefits for the hard work of the directing team.

Zhou Xiaofeng is not a member of the directing team, so naturally he is not qualified.

After getting into Xu Xin's car, as soon as the two of them drove out of the basement of Shanshui Wenyuan, he heard Zhou Xiaofeng say:

"Xiao Xu, I... have something to say, I don't know whether I should tell you or not."

"Tell me, Teacher Zhou, why are we still so heretical?"

Hearing this, Zhou Xiaofeng nodded... but seemed to find it difficult to say anything.

After a few seconds of silence, he said:

"Logically speaking, I am not qualified to say this. What's more... you are a great director..."

"Please don't."

Xu Xin quickly shook his head:

"What kind of great director am I? How long have I been laughing at this old man? You are the elder, I am the junior... you can just say whatever you want, I will listen."

"...Then I really said it?"

"Just tell me."

"I...actually it's a bit unpleasant to say what I said. I know it's a bit funny, but I'm really scared..."

"Are you afraid that I will become the second Zhang Weiping?"

Xu Xin simply said what she wanted to say in advance.


Zhou Xiaofeng looked a little embarrassed, but still nodded:

"Yes. Actually, I know this is wrong. If nothing else, you are the director yourself, and each of the movies you make has higher box office. But... you should also be able to see that Director Zhang actually has no independent opinions in life. People. They have soft ears and accept the situation..."

"Yeah, I understand."

Xu Xin deeply agreed with her summary of the old man.

"But I still want to say, Teacher Zhou, as you said yourself, I am also a director, and I can also make money. And... although my family is not rich, money is important to me. Not big. I don’t know if you will think I’m pretending when I tell you the next sentence. But the fact is...at this stage of my life, there is actually no difference between money and paper. "

"I...can understand, but I can't accept it."

Zhou Xiaofeng smiled bitterly:

"Because I can't imagine it. I heard Director Zhang say that your greatest advantage in life is that you will not compromise with money. But equally, your greatest flaw is that you are born with less desire than others. . This makes you successful, and it may also limit you. It’s just like you have no interest in commercial films now... But your family background and life are too far away for me. I can’t imagine this kind of thing. What is life really like? And... your life is not like... what I can imagine."

Xu Xin became curious now and asked:

"What do you imagine?"

"To put it crudely, the toilets are made of gold."


Under Xu Xin's twitching mouth, Zhou Xiaofeng smiled bitterly:

"I'm giving an example, but you can also hear how poor it is. And to be honest, the feeling you give me is at most... rich enough to drink soy milk, drink a bowl, and pour a bowl. Extending forward, for example, many people like to collect to show off their taste, or some other... ways to show off their wealth, I can't see it here. It's precisely because I can't see it that I can't see it clearly... …”

"Are you okay? What are you doing with the soy milk..."

Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry.

"Add some sugar to the soy milk, drink one bowl, and then another bowl. Why should I pour it? It's not like I can't drink it."

"...My wife is from Tianjin, and our family drinks soy milk with salt."

"Stop it! Let's not talk about this topic. This is a partisan dispute. If we continue to talk about it, it will make my sweet party have no spine. You are a class enemy~"


The atmosphere that was originally a little uneasy suddenly became lively.

Then Xu Xin said:

"Just rest assured. I definitely won't do it... As you said, the old man is the director, and I am also the director. We all know what the director dislikes the most. To put it bluntly, , something that I don’t even accept myself, but the old man is my guide, my dearest relative and friend... don’t you think so?"

"...Hey, just pretend I didn't say anything."

"It's okay, why don't you just have a chat? I can understand what you mean. Just be at ease~ From now on, you will be responsible for recommending more good works to the old man. After all, after working together for such a long time, you know very well that he likes story. I’ll leave it to you.”

"Well, don't worry, I will!"

"Hey, it's okay to intercede~"


After chatting with Zhou Xiaofeng, Xu Xin received a book list on WeChat.

It is not recommended to his work, but to two children.

Zhou Xiaofeng has worked as a children's literature editor for eight years, and he knows very well what kind of books are important in guiding children's enlightenment.

As if Xu Xin had found a treasure, he directly transferred the book list to Su Meng.

A death order was given: not one book should be missing.

If one book is missing, 500 will be deducted.

Resting at home, Su Meng, who was watching "No One Less" and was about to cry, quickly turned off the TV.


This movie is toxic.

It wants to deduct my money!


(That’s all for today. A little cavernous.)

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