I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 847 843 Fly, like a bird

Chapter 847 843. Fly like a bird

Director-Xu Xin:

"Invested by CCTV, with outstanding young director Xu Xin as the chief director, and a team of more than 100 directors working hard and taking more than two years of filming, the large-scale food documentary "A Bite of Heaven" will be held on May 14, 2012 at 21:00 p.m. 00 premiered on CCTV1's "Charming Record" column. We strive to present a warm documentary to everyone. Please watch it."




Director-Xu Xin:

"For me, this documentary was inspired by a flash of inspiration, and I wanted to present to you a "root-seeking" documentary that, rather than teaching others how to cook, can show the warmth of humanity and explore our own food culture.

I want to show you the different flavors of clouds, sea, wind, forest, etc.

I hope it can be recognized and liked by everyone. "

On April 16, with the approval of CCTV, he released 9 high-definition photos of the tip of his tongue on Weibo, as well as promotional Weibo.

Like a stone suddenly thrown into the calm lake.

In an instant, the storm surged.

At the end of March, Weibo launched a “hot search list” function.

Let everyone see the list of the most popular topics.

It is very practical and very popular among Weibo users.

You can see the hot search list updated in real time and see what hot topics other users are searching for.

And when his Weibo post was posted, in less than 2 hours, it instantly reached the top 10 of the Weibo hot search list with 17 million views.

"?Xu Gou is holding back his work in a muffled voice? Where did this documentary come from?"

Director-Xu Xin: "I'm not just holding back on the big work. I've been busy with this for the past two years. Please pay more attention to it when the time comes. I hope it will satisfy everyone."

"Do you have time to make a documentary?"

Director-Xu Xin: "To be honest, there is no such thing. There are many different forms of documentary shooting. I am the chief director of this film, as well as the project initiator and creative person. There are different episode directors in the team, and we all work together. The result is not the result of my own efforts. But you can rest assured that I personally controlled and selected every shot. Several directors are also experienced and the documentary is extremely complete. Thank you to the team for their dedication and hard work. You are great. .”

"Haha, Xu Gou is so humble? It's rare."

Director-Xu Xin: "Not modesty, but truthful. Each episode of the documentary is directed by an episode director alone. You can see different styles, aesthetics, and different stories. Please pay more attention to "Bite of the Tongue""

"Xu Gou, tell the truth, have you encountered any difficulties? All the friends you commented on are embarrassed to call you a dog. You are usually quite aloof."

Director-Xu Xin: "This documentary took the hard work of many people in the team. I am the chief director and I am responsible for the fruits of everyone's labor. After all, documentary promotion is different from movie promotion. Please pay more attention to "The Tip of the Tongue""

"Xu Gou is so humble, and I'm suddenly not used to it."

"Xu Gou, are you the one who made peace with Zhao Zhen? If you answer this question, I will definitely watch this documentary. You bastard is lying!"

"Yes, was it you who said peace? The gossip media in Xiangjiang say it was you who mediated."

"Tsk tsk, our dog Xu has grown up to be a big boss."

Zhang Songwen: “I believe Director Xu’s documentary will be very exciting!”

Director-Xu Xin: "Thank you, Teacher Zhang. Please support me."

"The bees are here! I heard that Xu Gou picked up another flower?"

"If nothing else, the title of the documentary is very artistic."

Actor-Yang Mi:

"[Watermelon] [Watermelon] Near the Water Tower comes on a first-come-first-served basis. I have finished watching it. I can only say that the film is great and I can't stop it. My deepest feeling is that our country is vast and rich in resources, and the wonders of different food cultures are related to the history of our ancestors. Hard work and wisdom passed down from generation to generation. Director Xu is right, this is indeed a journey to find our roots. This film is really great! I promise everyone!"

Director-Xu Xin: "Director Xu?"

"What? Xu Gou? Do you still want her to call you husband? I'll sting you to death!"

"Do you want a dog to run wild here? Brothers! Come on!"

"The hatred for taking my wife is irreconcilable!"

"Cavalry company! Charge me!!!"

Liu Zhishi: Quote: Actor-Xu Xin: "Invested by CCTV" I want to watch it too!

Liu Yifei: Looking forward to the premiere.

angelbaby: Looking at those photos makes me hungry. It must be a great documentary!

Wang Sicong: It’s really good-looking, and you won’t be disappointed. We have talked about Lao Xu’s film many times from the idea to creativity to the core of the film. It is not in the traditional sense of asking a famous chef to come over and introduce how to make a certain dish, or like a food competition. It would not be wrong to sum it up as a journey of “finding one’s roots”. This film, in my opinion, is unique in the world right now. Everyone will understand after reading it.

Lang Lang: Now that I think about it, it feels great to eat while watching this movie. If nothing else, take it with your meal and eat at least two more bowls! And from the dubbing to the music to the texture, it's the best documentary I've seen in recent years. You won't be disappointed.

From the time Xu Xin posted on Weibo, in just a few hours, the topic # 天朝 on the tip of my tongue # directly topped the Weibo hot search list.

Countless celebrity platforms spontaneously forwarded it and gave publicity.

The name "Tongue Tip" was immediately known to everyone.

Although this film won't be released to everyone until May, the momentum is already blowing like a strong wind.

The search terms for "Bite of the Tongue" on various engines began to surge.

In less than a day, the anticipation for this documentary was built up by the influence of these stars.

The publicity was so high that it stayed on the hot search list for a whole day.

It didn't slowly come down until the next day.


Every other line is like a mountain.

The film's response to the film and television industry was not that great.

Many people in the industry have the simplest and simplest reaction in their minds.

It's a documentary.

It won’t be released in theaters.

As long as you don't come over to compete with us at the box office, then you can say anything.

This idea is very realistic, but it is also true.

But, isn’t this coming soon?

At 18:00 on April 23, Ning Hao's new film "The Golden Heist" will be released in theaters nationwide.

Xu Xin is not the producer of this film and has no name. However, he still went to the Wanda Cinema, which was the premiere venue, alone.

Finished watching this movie with the audience.

In fact, to be honest, this film belongs to Ning Hao, but not Ning Hao.

The reason why I say this is because although his film still has the previous style of threading threads and ending with continuous reversals, it has become much more restrained, and he has begun to focus on the connection of the film's images, colors, and camera sense.

This is very disturbing to Ning Hao.

But it’s Xu Xin’s specialty.

However, judging from the applause from the audience when Ning Hao led the crew on stage after the premiere, they quite liked the film.

Putting aside the box office performance, he took the initiative to explore new areas while maintaining his ability to tell stories, proving that he was not standing still, and he also handed in a satisfactory answer.

Everyone who came on stage had a smile on their face.

At today's premiere, many guests came to the stage.

When the host asked questions and talked about his feelings about the movie, Xu Xin was naturally the one who couldn't be avoided.

"Director Xu, can you share with us your feelings about this film?"

Following the host's words, Xu Xin took the microphone and stood up from his seat.


"Xu Gou~"

Among the cheers, I don’t know which buddy shouted loudly, which attracted a lot of side glances.

as well as……

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Amidst the roar of laughter, Xu Xin said in a dumbfounded voice:

"You are brave enough..."

Then he coughed twice and said:

"Actually, what I want to say has been discussed a lot by the previous teachers. I won't repeat it here... emmm... I want to share something with you."

He pointed at the dimmed screen:

"Although it is difficult to distinguish this movie, it actually used more than 600 special effects shots. Of course, you can try to recall how many scenes can be recognized as special effects shots when watching the movie. I think there shouldn’t be too many, and even the most professional technicians may only be able to distinguish dozens of them.”

Looking at some viewers who were lost in memories, Xu Xin continued with a smile:

"This is what I want to share. The special effects of this movie were made by our country's own special effects production team. They were completely produced by ourselves and contributed excellent digital special effects technology to this movie. They and others Like everyone who worked hard behind the scenes, under the leadership of director Ning Hao, we all worked together to complete this excellent work. This is what I want to share with you."

As he spoke, he turned and looked at the crew in front of the stage:

"Finally, I want to say to you all: thank you for your hard work. Thank you for bringing us this wonderful movie, thank you."

"Hua la la la la la..."

Ning Hao took the lead and started applauding.

Xu Xin also bowed politely and handed the microphone back.

At the same time, he also started clapping.

Ning Hao dedicated the applause to himself, and he also dedicated the applause to the other party.

And in 2011, the first of the three plans that Xi Film Studio launched was finally on the ground.

0:00 on April 24th.

Although it was only released for 6 hours, everyone breathed a sigh of relief after the box office results of "Golden Heist" came out.

10.37 million.

With an investment of 40 million along with publicity, the result was a 6-hour opening and a box office of over 10 million.

Moreover, the rating has also reached 6.5.

In fact, this score must be determined according to Xu Xin's standards, and it will definitely be unqualified. But for ordinary commercial films, it is already an excellent result.

What's more, it can be seen in this film that Ning Hao is seeking transformation.

And still maintained his own style.

The factory also gave a perfect answer.

In the words of the media:

"Xiying Studio has handed over another answer sheet with a score of more than 90 points."

By the way, Lei Jiayin became popular.

that's the truth.

But the pace of the factory did not stop.

April 25th.

The 2nd Silk Road Film Festival announced the list of judges and announced that it will begin collecting works from the 26th.

Main competition unit:

Jury Chairman: Xie Fei

Jury: Jia Zhangke, Xu Xin, Liang Binning, Mo Yan, Chen Kexin, Li Xiaotian, Xi Meijuan, Zhao Xiaoding

The jury chairman of the Silk Road section is Xue Haifeng, but the jury has begun to become unfamiliar to ordinary audiences. However, for those in the industry, almost at a glance, you will find that these people are well-known figures in the ranks of producers.

When the list was announced, according to the netizen with the most likes in the comments below this Weibo post:

"The gold content of this session is no less than that of the first session. Director Zhang Yimou's royal photographer Zhao Xiaoding, teacher Xi Meijuan who is the master of Shanghai Drama Theater, Xiangjiang's golden generation soundtrack master Li Xiaotian, avant-garde literary genre tycoon writer Mo Yan... ...This kind of lineup reminds me of a line in "Let the Bullets Fly": Fair, fair, or fucking fair!"

This comment has the highest number of likes.

The half-science and half-exclamation message not only let netizens know the value of this year's judges, but also directly boosted the popularity of the Silk Road Film Festival.

In fact, strictly speaking, the "Silk Road Film Festival" has not yet penetrated deeply into everyone's hearts.

Its fame, at this stage, is greater than its gold content.

Although this is an obvious "happy trouble".

But he had to work hard to equalize strength and fame.

No way, it's really famous.

Last year, it directly stimulated Xi'an's tourism CPU during the summer vacation, making the city's tourism resources an instant hit. For this year's film festival, the city has issued an order to carry out a round of activities to create a civilized city starting from May Day. Focus on rectifying random parking on the roadside, traffic congestion caused by subway construction, and various traffic violations.

We will welcome tourists this summer with an even better, more down-to-earth and excellent appearance than last year.

And some advantages and disadvantages have also been adjusted in time this year, especially the supporting facilities of the scenic spot, which are even more delicate.

At the same time, in the entertainment industry, Zhang Ziyi, who was almost in a state of being banned, was "boldly" given the title of Queen, and Zhang Ziyi also took this opportunity to slowly and low-key return to the public's field of vision...

And the most important thing is that as all the films from the first Silk Road Film Festival are introduced to the audience one after another, those audiences who did not attend the film festival will find out after seeing these films... Every film at the first Silk Road Film Festival An award is rarely controversial.


It's really fair.

But despite this, for such a fair award, reputation is still greater than strength.

It can be known to everyone, and it is a fire created by various news heats.

However, the Silk Road Film Festival is not satisfied with just promoting a city's tourism resources, or the so-called "fairness and justice".

What everyone really wants is to be recognized by the public, recognized by the film and television industry, and have awards with influence and credibility.

In this regard, they have a long way to go.

Therefore, the road ahead is long, and everyone must continue to forge ahead.

However, despite saying this, the popularity of the Silk Road Film Festival began to expand directly. In just one day, the number of participants who pre-purchased film festival passes exceeded 80,000.

Although I don’t know how many of these 80,000 people will actually pay for tickets...

But at least it already has a fertile soil.

And the more surprising thing is yet to come.

This time, application forms from investors and film producers participating in the venture capital conference flew like snowflakes into the mailbox of the film festival.

In just one day, there were already more than 80 applications.

You know, this does not include the large film and television investment companies directly invited by Xiying Film Studio, as well as some investors within the northwest circle, etc.

Seeing this result, everyone including Xu Xin felt at ease.

In the WeChat group, someone asked a very interesting question:

"How much can our transaction volume exceed this year?"

There was silence in the group.

No one answered.


The total transaction volume of venture capital last year was 136 million.

This 136 million investment will incubate a number of works in the past two years, some of which will be released in theaters, and some of which will appear on the Internet and TV through various channels.

On this first day of this year, more than 80 investors applied to join.

What will be the total transaction volume this year?


300 million?

Or... higher?

Even Xu Xin couldn't answer this sentence.

He just looked at his phone, lost in thought.

This gold ribbon…

How far will it fly?

Will it be like a bird?

Fly high into the sky.

One day...kill that eagle.

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