I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 850 846 Tip of the tongue! Tip of the tongue!

Chapter 850 846. Tip of the tongue! Tip of the tongue!

In fact, Guo Qilin is really like a mirror.

Xu Xin saw a lot... As a family of four grows together, everyone needs to pay attention to some "grooming".

Maybe the kid doesn't feel anything.

But Xu Xin was very grateful to him.

In fact, the two Weibo posts of Guo Qilin and Guo Degang are not bad... people who don't care about Deyunshe will basically not care, and fans of Deyunshe only know that Guo Qilin did not perform well in one of his performances. Everyone is giving them thanks in this regard. His tolerance is much higher than that of Guo Degang.

Of course, many people praise Guo Degang's role as a strict father very well...

There are different opinions.

As for Xu Xin, his wife's return means that the family's life rhythm has completely returned to normal.

No more interruptions from anyone.

In the afternoon of May 14th, Xu Xin posted another Weibo message, telling everyone that tonight is the premiere of "The Tip of the Tongue". Please support it.

In fact, netizens are quite outrageous.

"This is the first time I've watched Xu Gou's movie without spending money."

This comment speaks to the sentiments of many people.

In the past, when I watched Xu Gou's movies, I either went to the cinema or found resources online. As a result, all resources on the Internet have begun to be included in the membership system, which costs ten yuan a month.

You can actually watch this for free... Even though it was a joke, I was actually happy.

Unexpectedly, Xu Xin also replied to this comment:

"9 o'clock in the evening, please support us."

When it was still three or four minutes before nine o'clock in the evening, Xu Xin's TV was already locked to CCTV1.

Xu Xin, who had just finished smoking and went to the bathroom to wash his hands, dusted his hands. With this action, wet water droplets flew onto the floor that had just been mopped this afternoon.

When I came to the living room, I happened to see the picture on the TV commercial that said "What you are going to watch next is: "A Bite of Heaven" program.

"It's about to begin."

He said something.

Yang Mi, who has watched it many times but still insists on contributing a rating today, nodded:

"Um...are you nervous?"

"What are you nervous about?"

Xu Xin had an expression on his face that said, "You're so weird."

"I've attended countless premieres and press conferences over the years, and I have over 10 billion in box office. It's just a documentary, so are you nervous?"

"Ah, yes, yes."

Yang Mixin said why don’t you fly.

Returned a box office of over 10 billion.

This will drive you crazy.

But Yang Dalin, who was sitting next to him soaking his feet, said with a smile:

"TV shows depend on their ratings. I feel like it can't be lower! At least...it breaks 2!"

"Haha, dad, I want to lend you some good words. But..."

Xu Xin laughed and shook his head:

"It's difficult. Thank God if the first broadcast can break 1."

Yang Chunling, who also put her feet into the foot bath bucket, was a little puzzled:

"Is it so low?"

"It's not low."

Yang Mi said:

"This is a documentary, not a TV series. Besides, today is Monday, and the ratings are weak. Documentaries are not popular here. There is a Discovery Channel in other countries, but we don't have anything here... By the way, the ratings record is What's it about? It's a documentary."

""Talk about the Yangtze River" was released in 1985 and achieved a national ratings of 44%."

Xu Xin, who is extremely solid in professional courses, especially film history, gave the answer almost without thinking.


Yang Mi was a little surprised:

"I thought it was from the animal world."


Rarely, when Xu Xin heard this, he rolled his eyes at his wife with disgust and said:

"What you said is quite right. Documentaries have always been unpopular in our country. When I had a meeting at CCTV, we all talked about it. Although Luo Ming did not give me specific figures, in the past 8 years, there have been no CCTV documentaries. The best result was "Hexi Corridor" in 2004, which had the highest ratings of 0.75."

"So low? I remember that the ratings of your Olympic documentary were quite high."


Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"That's already very high. If you don't mention anything else, if you watch "Hexi Corridor", its Douban score is now 9.7, with almost 0 negative reviews. As for documentaries... the ratings are not important. What is important is what you record through the camera. , and what I understand. To put it bluntly, documentary is "truth". In its superficial sense, record is greater than anything else. As for the deeper meaning, it is a matter of opinion. So there is no need to look at the ratings, it is meaningless. This There is no charge for the film, and after it has been broadcast for seven consecutive days, it will appear on the Internet. Just like textbook knowledge, we should pay attention to the far-reaching impact it will have, rather than some achievements."


Tell the truth.

For a moment, Yang Mi felt like she was listening to a class at school.

It's as if my husband has become an old professor on the stage, giving lectures to me, a college student, instilling knowledge bit by bit...

very strange.

Normally, she would probably complain, "Well, if the ratings go down, you will have an excuse." But now seeing how serious her husband was, she was speechless for a moment.

Don't dare.

Afraid that the teacher will punish me...


Suddenly her mind was opened.



Tonight, I, a bad student... deserve to be punished corporally by the teacher!

Thinking of this, she smiled happily.

Seeing this, Xu Xin felt a little scared.

What's going on?

But soon, there was a sound of "thum, thum~thum! Thumb~thum~~~". For the family, the familiar BGM appeared on the TV together with the opening scene that was not there when they saw it before. , attracting everyone's attention.

Producer: Hu Zhanfan

Director: Luo Ming

Producer: Zhang Ning...

"Why did your name come out so late?"

Yang Mi was speechless.

Xu Xin shrugged:

"Every movie has to have a production company first, and then a director. Why are you so anxious?"

Amidst the conversation between the two people, along with various food-related clips on the screen, finally, a line of words slowly emerged:

"Chief Director: Xu Xin"

This picture was not only seen by one family, but also by many people watching in front of the TV.

Saw it.

It was confirmed that it was Xu Gou who took the photo.

Next time...

With a little curiosity, I waited quietly for the end of the BGM title that sounded extremely comfortable.

They were eager to see... what kind of documentary Xu Gou had produced.


Accompanied by the last shot, which is as smooth as a dragon's whiskers under the light and the flour is scattered like snowflakes, it heralds the end of the theme of the next episode, "Staple Food", and the entire film is shown.

Although she had read it many times, Yang Mi still pursed her lips with unfinished content.

Then he couldn't wait to pick up the phone.

In the Internet age, the timeliness of information is extremely developed. In the past, when everyone had thoughts about certain movies, TV series, or programs, they could only tell the people around them or write letters to TV stations to express their opinions.

But now it is no longer needed.

Various chat tools and groups are sufficient for everyone to express their opinions in the first place.

The software Weibo is obviously the most important part.

After logging into Weibo, she originally wanted to search for the topic directly.

But after hesitating, he clicked on the hot search list.

Then his eyes widened instantly.

# Chinese Dynasty on the Tip of the Tongue # The topic is ranked ninth on the hot search list!

The topic has 26 million views!

Oh, this...

Ok, Ok!

She was immediately satisfied, and then her fingers subconsciously slid down. Suddenly her eyes were even bigger than before.

4.37 million views.

# Nordeng Ham #


She blinked, and after making sure she saw it correctly, she immediately raised her head:

"elder brother!"


Xu Xin, who was about to go out to smoke a cigarette, asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Two hot searches! No. 9 on the tongue! No. 20 Nuodeng Ham!"


Xu Xin was a little surprised:

"Why is it so popular?"


Yang Mi was speechless again:

"Why do you act like it's none of your business?"

"No, I'm just surprised. Didn't the news spread a little too fast?...Okay, I'll see for myself."

With that said, he walked out of the house directly, came to the fish pond, sat on the horse and lit a cigarette.

Turning on the phone, I first came to the Weibo post I posted in the afternoon.

16:41 pm: "Tonight is the premiere of the first episode of "Bite of the Tongue". Please support me."

When Xu Xin read this Weibo before 9 o'clock, it had 13,000 likes and 1,100 comments.

The current results are 70,000+ likes and 1.1W comments.

Directly doubled many times.

Xu Xin's first reaction was shock, but after clicking it and taking a quick glance, he felt relieved.

"I just finished watching! That's it? That's it? No more?"

"Where's the second episode? Ahhh! The second episode will be aired tomorrow! I can't wait!"


"It's completely different from the food documentaries I imagined. It feels like I'm not watching food... but like traveling!"

"Xu Gou's documentary is amazing! It's so awesome!"

"I agree with what the previous person said. This is not a documentary in the traditional sense. It is more like Xu Gou using a camera to lead us through all the corners of our vast country and experience different customs and customs! Especially! It’s the next episode! Ahhh! I’m in Lanzhou!!!”

"One word: absolute."

“I’m so hungry for Nuodeng ham that my soul is going to fly.”

"Wow, I searched Taobao and found that Nuodeng ham is only 28 per pound! Much cheaper than Jinhua ham! Enter with your eyes closed!"

Looking at these comments, Xu Xin took a puff of cigarette happily.

He flicked the cigarette ashes into the fish pond... Then he suddenly remembered something and quickly looked back.

Fortunately, my wife is not here.

He used the light in the yard to take a look at what he thought was the food he was feeding, and quickly came over to it. However, the koi carps dispersed and heaved a sigh of relief.

I clicked on the hot search topic # Tip of the Tongue # again.

"Ahhh! As a Hubei native working in the northwest, I am really hungry. Especially in winter, the steaming lotus root soup..."

"I'll go! Director Xu actually knows about Nuodeng Ham?"

"It's so beautiful! How did you manage to make this documentary so addictive and beautiful!"

"It's really beautiful. It's different from what I imagined, but it's really beautiful. The only drawback is that there are too few and I can't see enough."

"Brother, I beg you to update another episode..."

The reviews were overwhelmingly positive throughout.

Obviously, "Tip of the Tongue" succeeded in seeking resonance from others.

Just as he was about to continue checking to see if there were any negative reviews and see if they had any suggestions for modification, Xu Xin's cell phone suddenly received a message from Luo Ming:

"Ratings: opening 0.45, highest 0.81, average 0.77."

"The results are great, congratulations, thank you for your hard work, Director Xu."

Xu Xin quickly replied:

"Yes, keep up the good work and strive to break 1 as soon as possible."


After the two briefly communicated, Xu Xin had no intention of continuing to read Weibo.

Tell the truth.

He felt a little bit uncomfortable.

Because of the "hard work" in Luo Ming's second sentence.

In his eyes, this is not gratitude and politeness, but more like a "boundary".

For better or worse, "Tongue" is already a child stepping out on its own.

Of course, he also understood that he was filming with other people's money from the beginning. Moreover, he mainly went for the Starlight Award.


I still feel a little reluctant.

It always feels like a piece of flesh has fallen off of me.

He knew he was being pretentious.

But...I still can't bear it.


A sigh floated in the evening wind.

He didn't even want to listen to everyone's praise.

After smoking a cigarette, he threw it into the trash can that his wife had prepared to prevent him from throwing cigarette butts into the fish pond. She repeatedly ordered her to chop him into pieces and feed them to the fish if she found a cigarette butt in the fish pond.

There was a sizzling sound.

He got up and went into the house.

"Go to bed early, Xiao Xu."

Yang Dalin held the teacup, said something to his son-in-law and then entered the house.

"Good night, Dad."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, he turned off the lights in the living room and returned to the bedroom.

As soon as I entered, I saw the light in the bathroom turned on and the sound of water coming from inside.

He didn't pay much attention until he saw the JK set on the bed...


With some doubts, he opened the bathroom door and looked at his wife who was taking a shower:

"What are those clothes on the bed for?"

"Oh, teacher, how could you break into the women's bathhouse! You...get out quickly! I'm going to sue the principal if you do this!"


This moment.

The silent Xu Xin's eyes changed from doubt, to confusion, to speechlessness, and finally to understanding...

He nodded slightly and figured out his role instantly:

"Well, classmate, I just want to see who is taking a bath in the women's bathhouse in the middle of the night... Okay, take a good wash. It will be nice and soft."

With that said, he closed the door directly.

A smile appeared on his face.

What a bad student...

This... it's a sunny day!

Xu Xin was lying on the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze.

Yang Mi turned her back to him and continued to fiddle with her phone.

"Haha, I knew someone must say that snail noodles are smelly! Hahaha..."

Hearing this, he came back to his senses and muttered:

"Still not sleeping?"

"I can't sleep. I want to see more how they praise you... Yeah, right?"

"What's wrong?"


She handed the phone to her husband.

Xu Xin found a screenshot of the chat history.

He narrowed his eyes because the words were a little small.


"Are you there?"

customer service:

"Hello, dear, I'm here."

"I want to buy Nuodeng ham. Where is the part you use for fried rice in "Bip of the Tongue"? Give me a link and I'll buy it."

"Fried rice parts? Okay, dear."


"Dear, this is the analysis diagram of the edible parts of our ham. It distinguishes different parts, and the taste of different parts will be different. You can choose and buy it yourself."

"Okay, thank you, I'll take a look."

"Hello, one pound each for the top, middle and bottom."






"Are you there? Are you off work?"

"Sorry, honey, there's no more ham."

"...? But it shows that I still have more than 200 items in stock."

"Please refresh and take a look."


"Yes, dear, I'm sorry for causing you trouble. I don't know why, but suddenly many customers came to buy. Our production of Nuodeng ham is small, and they were all sold out at once."

"...Do they also claim to have come here after watching "Bite of the Tongue"?"

"Yes, kiss...what is the tip of the tongue?"

"It was...a murder caused by a dog."


This is the full version of the chat history.

After Xu Xin finished reading, he habitually exited the preview of this picture, and happened to see the content of this message:

"/Cry, you crazy people give back my Nuodeng ham!!!"

And his reply is also very interesting:

"You don't understand the principle of quick hands and slow hands?"

"[Picture] La la la la, top, middle and bottom, one pound each. I bought it!"

"Keep the key points in mind, students, stir-fry diced ham in oil, rice should be freshly steamed, stir-fry in the pan until it's oily, sprinkle with chopped green onion, and finally assemble it with your hands to eat! It's best to use a clay oven! -—— from Nuodeng A kind reminder from people.”

"What do you mean? Go to Taobao and take a look. Nuodeng Ham itself is not famous. Those Taobao stores are all small shops and they are basically out of stock."

"I have a hunch that the price of Nuodeng ham is going to increase."

Looking at these messages, Xu Xin couldn't help laughing:

"Sold out?"

"Well... everyone seems to like the way this episode was shot. They approve of these foods that may have never been heard of before... Haha, the price of Nuodeng ham is going to increase."

Xu Xin was speechless.

Just smiling.

This is only the first episode.

On the morning of May 15th, Xu Xin's "Tiangue" group was bustling with hundreds of messages.

Although in terms of ratings alone, "Bite of the Tongue" actually didn't even break 1 in ratings, which is quite average. But its reputation is very good.

Even if the Douban score has not been unlocked yet.

But just from the comments of the viewers on Weibo, we can actually tell that they like this show very much.

For the production team, the audience's love actually trumps everything else.


Yang Mi’s prophet is real.

On the morning of the 15th, the search index on Taobao for Liuzhou Sour Bamboo Shoots, Jiayu Rice Noodles and Lotus Roots, or Nuodeng Ham began to rise sharply.

The price of Nuodeng ham has changed from 28.9 yesterday to 35 today.

But it was still sold out after being put on the shelves...

The only thing that suffered was the fish in Chagan Lake.

This winter has just passed... They want to buy but they don't have anywhere to buy them.

But no matter what, the documentary "The Tip of the Tongue" has received the simplest, but the highest praise for everyone on the Internet:


22:40 on the evening of the 15th.

After premiering at 9 o'clock on Monday, the second episode of "The Tip of the Tongue" "The Story of Staple Food" was screened at the evil time of 22:40.

Does it have a good reputation?


A "large number" of viewers began to criticize CCTV: Why do you show this kind of film at this kind of time! ?

What's your "scale"!

Where is your "conscience"?

Doesn’t it really hurt?

Do you know how uncomfortable it is when you have nothing to eat in the middle of the night, so you can only cook instant noodles and watch your show, and eat some home-cooked eggs, leftovers, or dried steamed buns as yellow steamed buns? ?

With this kind of "criticism", "Bite of the Tongue", which was broadcast at 22:40, had the highest ratings of 0.94.

This news made the entire "Charm Record" column team excited.

Two episodes!


Breaking 1...is not far away! ?

No. 16.

Episode 3, "Inspiration for Transformation".

Highest ratings: 1.07

After 9 years, after the SARS documentary in 2003, finally, the second CCTV documentary with a ratings of over 1 was born.

But "Tip of the Tongue" is more than that.

It's more like a fad.

A team of more than 130 people, headed by chief director Xu Xin, has used their sincerity for more than two years to bring a new "non-mainstream" food documentary trend to the audience!

Nuodeng ham, northern Shaanxi yellow steamed buns, Lanzhou beef noodles, Jianshui tofu, and Anhui hairy tofu are all foods that appear in the documentary one by one. They are like microcosms, allowing people to truly understand these foods that are commonplace to the locals. From the food, I learned about the meaning of the word "eat" to the entire Chinese nation.

But what impressed Xu Xin the most was actually the breakfast shop in front of his home.

Over the years, due to the location of Shijia Hutong, not many people have actually lived there.

The breakfast shop in front of my house often has breakfast at nine or ten o'clock in the morning.

A bowl of tofu curd and a piece of sugar pancake are quite comfortable to eat.

But... After the episode of "Inspiration for Transformation" was finished, Yang Dalin came back early in the morning, stroking his head with doubts in his eyes.

"It's strange, the tofu puffs are sold out today. There's a queue..."

While looking at the ratings of Douban's "Tongue Tip" which was just unlocked 72 hours later, Yang Mi who commented casually said:

"Perhaps it's all caused by "The Tip of the Tongue"?"

"I don't know. Anyway, I didn't buy tofu bread today, so I bought some porridge...Xiao Xu, can you drink porridge?"

Xu Xin did not answer, but held the phone and gave a thumbs up to his father-in-law.

Meaning: OK.

Seeing this, Yang Dalin asked curiously:

"Who to call?"

"CCTV, midday news."

Yang Mi said casually:

"I want to interview him."

After the words fell, I heard Xu Xin say:

"No problem, this afternoon, right? Okay, I'll be there on time... Do you need me to prepare any manuscripts or something?... Well, okay. Okay, Director Luo, I understand... Okay, bye."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi asked:

"What did you say?"

Xu Xin touched the newly cut hair on his head and said with a smile:

"There will be an exclusive interview in the afternoon, and then... if nothing else happens, your husband and I may have to go on the news broadcast for the second time."


I saw someone in the comments saying that two chapters should be revised and posted together, so they would have to post it early in the morning. What are your opinions?

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